Beautiful cozy house. Cozy apartment with your own hands (photo)

Science has proven that even an ancient woman tried to create comfort in a cave, let alone modern housewives, whose primary task was to provide households comfortable conditions stay at home. Every woman wants all family members to return to their home with pleasure, where it is clean, nice and such an atmosphere is created that one does not want to leave. Today on the site "Dream House" there is an interesting topic about how to create comfort in the house and surround home order and well-being.

Before we start creating comfort in the house, let's decide on the main directions that we will follow in the process of remodeling. You need to understand that even the most fashionable renovation and expensive furniture will not give the apartment expressiveness and individuality. It would probably be wrong to say that little things create comfort in the house, but in some cases this is exactly the case - home-made trinkets, embroidered paintings and panels, hand-sewn towels give the room the very zest, without which the apartment seems faceless. So we have deduced the basic formula of comfort - this is the presence of the "soul" in the living space. And now let's see how to make the house cozier.

We use textiles to create home comfort

Having caught fire with the idea of ​​​​renovating an apartment, every hostess immediately remembers textiles. It is with its help that you can give the living room a certain mood without cardinal alterations and long-term repairs. Start with curtains. It's a wonderful way to breathe into a room. new life and make it more comfortable. Curtains with ruffles, flounces and pleats look cute. An excellent option that will allow the room to give an arranged look can be considered use. And in general, soft drapery is the best way to add coziness to a room.

On sofas and armchairs - this is another way to bring a little comfort into the living room. Delicate and pleasant to the touch fabrics that will cover upholstered furniture will do their job and give the room peace. The main thing is to choose not too bright colors of the fabric, which “cuts” the eye and brings a bit of aggressiveness into the room. On the contrary, the atmosphere should relax the residents and guests of the house and tune in a lyrical mood.

But what is allowed to be bright is this. Scattered on the sofa, they will not only become bright accent in cozy interior at home, but also due to its softness will add comfort to it. And in general, everything that can be soft, from a fluffy carpet to a teddy bear, brings calm and comfort to the house.

Since we are talking about carpets, we need to dwell in more detail on this “point” of our peculiar rating of gizmos that are cute to the eye. Even if you already have a chic carpet on the floor, add some more bright rugs to the interior, for example, in front of the entrance to the living room or kitchen, in the hallway or in the bathroom. Firstly, it is pleasant to walk on such rugs with bare feet, and secondly, they dilute a homogeneous interior and help it gain individuality.

Cosiness and comfort in the house

And one more cozy idea for the home concerns the renovation of furniture, namely the use of textile covers for chairs. They can be sewn with your own hands or purchased ready-made, the main thing is to choose the right color and texture of the fabric in order to fit the updated furniture into the room as accurately as possible. Even a strict one will come to life if you put beautiful covers on the chairs with a chic bow at the back, and capes on burlap chairs embroidered with multi-colored ornaments will make the country style even more homely.

How to create comfort in the house: more light and oxygen

An easy way to transform a room is to use several types of lighting in the room. Cozy lamps, sconces and with soft and warm light will add beauty to the house and transform it for the better. By the way, a dark room is quite difficult to make comfortable, but with the help of or wall sconces you can "revive" even the darkest corridor.

You must have noticed how easy it is to breathe in greenhouses and parks? Here is something similar we recommend you arrange in your apartment. A beautiful green corner on the shelves and with leaves of different sizes and formats will refresh any interior and make it calmer. Undoubtedly, houseplants will bring joy only to those owners who love to care for them. Otherwise, it is better not to implement this idea at all and replace them with cut flowers in vases.

Cozy cute little things "domesticate" the interior

Probably the most home interior obtained when decorating a room in rustic style. And this style, as you know, is determined by accessories. Everything that is made by hand or at least remotely resembles man-made things will come in handy here. These are all kinds of baskets, knitted blankets, tiles near the fireplace or in the kitchen, embroidered or crocheted napkins, bunches of dry grass hung on the walls, homespun paths, faience and earthenware on the shelves, as well as all kinds of figurines, vases, caskets, decorative candles . True, with a large number of decorative elements on display on the shelves, it is quite difficult to keep order in the house, but this task is quite feasible for modern housewives.

Creating comfort in the house

How to make your home more comfortable

Framed photographs will also enliven the interior, especially since joyful and beloved faces will look at you from the photo. It does not matter whether you make frames with your own hands or buy ready-made ones, it is important that they are made in the same style, if, for example, is chosen, then let them be decorated with pebbles and made in blue and white.

Creating comfort in the house with your own hands is much more pleasant than buying a finished floorboard or a painted tray, but not everyone knows how to craft, sew and embroider. Therefore, in some cases, it is much easier to purchase a finished souvenir than to suffer, trying to reproduce a masterpiece.

And the next idea will decorate even a small cozy house in a minimalist style. Transparent round vases can be filled with decorative stones. They can be plain, multi-colored and even have an inscription. Such vases are usually arranged on shelves and coffee tables, the main thing here is to harmoniously combine the shade of decorative elements with colors premises.

Very cozy in a house with a fireplace. Even if this is a small apartment, the room will be given a sweet charm not by a real one, but by an electric one. And if logs crackle in it, then on quiet winter evenings such a living room will surely gather all the household over a cup of tea.

1. Get rid of unnecessary things

Your home is not a warehouse or a lost and found office, so it's time to finally sort out the cabinets and throw away all the accumulated rubbish in the name of comfort.

Sort out the clothes: hopelessly damaged and frankly old things have a place in the trash can, and those that seem to look decent, but just don’t like it, you can try to sell at online flea markets. Tidy up drawers with cosmetics and household chemicals. All spoiled down, use this is not worth it.

The same story with household appliances. A constantly overheating mixer, an iron with a frayed cord rewound with electrical tape - it seems to be trifles, but with frequent use, even small flaws begin to annoy.

At this stage, your goal is to get rid of everything that bothers you or gets on your nerves. Home is a place where we rest from anxieties and worries, so at least let nothing infuriate here.

2. Add unusual details to the interior

A sterile clean apartment, where everything lies literally on a ruler, is not for life. To get rid of the feeling that you are in a hotel room, small details will help.

Photographs, paintings, an unusual tapestry or a napkin knitted by your hands - these little things add individuality. Your home is a reflection of your interests and tastes, so feel free to express yourself.

The only thing to keep in mind is functionality above all else. For example, a long pile rug may look nice next to the sofa, but you will regret buying it a thousand times when you clean it. The same story with the abundance of figurines on the shelves - first you need to remove them, then wipe the dust, then put everything in its place ... Try to find a reasonable compromise in the choice between beauty and convenience.

3. Keep clean

In order not to kill the entire weekend for cleaning, break it into stages - it's easier than trying to cope with what has accumulated over the week in a day.

Here is a sample daily to-do list. You can add other tasks and change the order of their execution. The point is that keeping clean is an ongoing process, not a biweekly feat.

  • Monday: Clean up the bathroom and do laundry.
  • Tuesday: Iron your laundry.
  • Wednesday: wipe the dust.
  • Thursday: Vacuum the floor.
  • Friday: Wash the stove and get rid of the food in the refrigerator.

That's it, by the end of the week your house is clean. All that's left is the little things like changing the sheets and washing the clothes you plan to wear next week. It is better to wash clothes on Saturday so that on Sunday they can be ironed and hung in the closet. Change bed linen on Sunday, just start washing on Monday.

4. Make cleaning as easy as possible

The less effort required to clean up the mess, the better. Stock up on the right equipment: with it, even general cleaning will not be a burden.

Dusting with microfiber cloths is much faster and more effective than with old T-shirts or a piece of a duvet cover that has served its purpose. If you wash the floor with water with the addition of a special agent, wipe off the dirt without special efforts it will work the first time.

Hate sweeping floors? Buy a good vacuum cleaner and be done with it.

Upright Vacuum Cleaner Scarlett SC-VC80H10

The conditions are simple:

Comfort is defined as the quality of the environment. It's true, but too dry. To create comfort at home means to breathe soul into it. It's vague, but true. After all, no one ever says or writes: to make comfort or to build comfort. Souls are different, and similar souls express themselves materially, in things and objects, they also desire differently, otherwise they would not be souls, but programs. In this article, we will see how to create comfort with soul and for the soul.

At the beginning it was...

… by design. Comfort in the interior is created according to the principle: carefully, perhaps for a long time, we think through everything to the end, and we embody it in things slowly, piece by piece. Comfort is created not only for yourself. If you do everything that was planned at once, the family and guests will have something like a culture shock, and they will never feel really comfortable like this - they will not perceive it as a subcortex.

With reflection within yourself, you need to be even more careful and as concise as possible. Imagine that comfort is developed by a computer program. There is one thing that creates comfort, it needs another one that is in harmony with the first. The third thing must be entered into the ensemble three times so as not to disturb the interaction of the first two. The fourth must be coordinated already 6 times: it must not only be in harmony with the first 3 separately, but also not destroy the coordination of 3 pairs: 1-2, 1-3 and 2-3. As the material expression of the idea expands, the number of necessary approvals grows so rapidly that no analytical abilities and computational tools are enough to bring the idea even to a sketch. Therefore, the comfort in the apartment is considered intuitively, and this takes a lot of time, trial and error, thinking and rethinking. Finally, just the right mood and physical condition: best ideas creations of comfort come in a dream.

Note: at one time, D. I. Mendeleev found himself in a similar situation. Chemists of the century tried to find some order in the world chemical elements and were completely desperate. Dmitry Ivanovich also racked his brains over this, for a long time and without success. And then suddenly the periodic system of elements, in which a successful schoolboy is now freely oriented, Mendeleev ... just dreamed, it remains only to jump up and write it down.

The comfort of the whole house is also thought out stepwise. They start with the living room or the most significant room, it can even be a kitchen. For an intellectual bachelor, this will most likely be an office, for an artist a studio, and for a woman leading a free lifestyle, it is most natural to start creating general comfort from a boudoir or bedroom. When the comfort in a room, so to speak, of the first rank, is embodied in things and properly appreciated by home or visitors, they begin to think over the next most important room, and so on. In general, the work will be enough for years, but the occupation is rewarding, and beneficial influence on health, psyche and appearance, there are few competitors for him. The results of such an approach, coming out of diligent minds and hands, are simply amazing, see the figure, it doesn’t matter whether a professional or an amateur worked.

Note: in a odnushka or studio apartment, comfort is created gradually by zones, as in a house by rooms.

What not to

In a complex business, it is difficult to avoid mistakes, and creating comfort is no exception. The first thing to follow when thinking about how to create comfort in a room is not to grind or flicker. And after all, potatoes are bought by weight, and how many potatoes there will be, that’s how it will be.

Here, for example, on the left in Fig. - the most typical, even under glass and in a museum, interior in a fashionable shabby chic style. Formally, from the point of view of how designers are taught, everything is correct. And the room is not small. But even the owners here need to walk carefully, so as not to catch something and not to fall down. What kind of comfort can be in cramped circumstances? It's like the freedom of a bankrupt. And most importantly - everything clutters up each other. In order for there to be comfort in the house, some idea, a super-task, a connecting rod is needed. In the author's thoughts, something like this, if it existed, was lost in things. Do not forget: comfort is a material expression of the movements of the soul, and things have their own properties and things require appropriate treatment with them.

The example in the center in Fig. - a case when there was no single basis for the interior in my thoughts. A living illustration of the saying: they wanted the best, but it turned out as always. They wanted comfort - it turned out a bunch of trash. The example on the right in Fig. - the approach was the opposite, too purposeful and tied to one subject, fixated on it. Specifically, on the coffee table. The table is excellent, but it clearly does not fit into this interior. And just something - because of too light varnishing and inclined legs. And everything else is correct (see below): light, a contrasting spot, knick-knacks, pillows, elements of chaos, even a wicker pouffe.

How to

But what and how should you do to create comfort with your own hands? An inveterate idealist will not deny that the soul needs not only a material container, but also a material basis for existence outside of it. So comfort is created primarily on the basis of weighty, rough, visible primary material factors, and only then the decor is thought out and embodied in things that directly create comfort; this, so to speak, is materialism of the highest order.


The primary foundations of comfort are simple:

  • natural light.
  • Fresh air.
  • Hygiene.

Why is clear. If the house is damp, stuffy, cold or hot, dusty to the point of sneezing, then no cute little things will create a comfortable living environment. Ideas for creating coziness are appropriate after proper physical comfort has been achieved and is consistently maintained, including regular cleaning and maintenance of furniture. And also for cute little things, remember this, thinking about their number and figuring out the properties.

Natural light is especially important, it kills germs. Pathogenic bacteria in the dark survive an average of 1.6 hours; in scattered sunlight for 15 minutes, and in direct sunlight, for the most part, they die instantly. The average, again, for many types of diseases, the time of infection is 35 minutes. No explanation required.

Temperature and humidity are of particular importance. The atmosphere of comfort is not a metaphor: excessively dry or parky air in the house exacerbates the effect of all other harmful factors on people and simply spoils things that create comfort. It is quite simple to increase the humidity of the air, for example, by trays with water on radiators. But reducing it is much more difficult. If the dampness is small and occurs periodically, you need to introduce more wooden things into the interior (MDF is also good) and / or clad the walls at least partially with soft natural stone: limestone, dolomite, sandstone, slate. All these materials will act as accumulators of water vapor, absorbing their excess and releasing it when there is a lack of moisture in the air. If the house is very damp, then complex and expensive technical measures may be required: drainage of the site, a warm basement, supply and exhaust ventilation.

Note: there are an order of magnitude fewer problems with air humidity in houses with furnace heating and fireplaces. Consider this, especially since the fireplace itself is a powerful means of creating comfort.


The basis of the interior decor, the very core on which the comfort of home rests, is the style of decorating the room. Most interior styles are animated without problems, but there are also difficult ones: if the designer or you yourself initially missed, it will not be easy to breathe soul into them with material additives.

The first of these are shabby chic, Provence, haberdashery and Russian bourgeois styles. They express the commitment of the owners to a simple ordinary life without any high uplifting there. The daily routine is boring and it is impossible to cope with boredom with feigned gaiety or a far-fetched hobby. However, creating a feeling of coziness in the interior of a “mundane” style is actually simple: an open bookcase or shelving, several works of art, semantic photographs or paintings - and that’s it, there is comfort, poses. 1 in fig. Yes, I (we, mine, mine) like it that way, but we are not that ordinary.

Just do not overdo it either quantitatively or qualitatively, especially with books: with "petty" styles it is easy to get into flickering, and monumentality spoils them. For example, an encyclopedia and The World History in dark calico bindings should be kept in a library or a closed cabinet. "Library of World Literature" in light dust jackets, but 190 volumes in this case is too much. "Animal Life" and "Plant Life" in light bright dust jackets, there are few volumes here and there, but these are special monographs. But 5 volumes of Vasari's "Biographies" in solid light covers with patterns will only add respect to the owners: anyone can read them, plus interesting illustrations.

It is more difficult to create coziness in an Art Deco interior: this style is designed to emphasize the ambitions of the owners. You can assert your reputation not in a snobbish way and without puffing up with arrogance in a boyar way with objects that create comfort and cause admiration in themselves: an expensive fireplace (pos. 2), a round sculpture, antiques. It’s easier if Art Deco is of a “closed” variety: they say, this is my cave, otherwise I’m a normal guy. In such an interior, comfort is created quite simply by the usual methods (see below): contrasting spots (a colored panel and a light sofa in pos. 3), elements of controlled disorder (a zebra rug in the same place).

High-tech style is also difficult to animate: it expresses the desire for a Spartan lifestyle and disdain for all sorts of trinkets. The usual, “normal” high-tech will revive one fairly tall, but slender, not sprawling and not dense indoor tree (pos. 4). In a “good”, plain-light, hi-tech, the main plant can be thicker and more magnificent, and in addition to it, 1-2 more; the element of chaos below is not forbidden, for example. rug contrasting with the overall tone irregular shape(pos. 5). But one, and only one, animating plant in the "evil" high-tech, with glossy sparkling planes and colored illumination (pos. 6) should be selected by an experienced designer at the interior design stage. However, for those who can afford the evil high-tech, and with the payment of the designer high class there are no problems.

Note: see below for more on using plants to create coziness.

General color

A good way to achieve comfort simply and inexpensively is to completely abandon the design style as such, but organize the interior according to the rules of general color. There are many different ones; it will be easier for the amateur to begin with the seasons. For example, in the middle lane and to the south, the autumn interior will be pleasant, on the left in fig. Autumn time is the charm of the eyes, the time of abundance and preparation for winter holidays. The highlight here is not only in the general range, but also in the pillows (see also below): on the sofa they imitate dense leaf fall, and those in the chairs - small fallen leaves on the ground. There is an original contrast.

Interiors “Seasons”

The spring interior (in the center) will please the eye and pacify in places to the north. Green curtains, suddenly for some reason will be out of place, you can push them apart. But the “summer” interior (on the right) will create comfort in housing beyond the Arctic Circle: artificial trees also look appropriate in it with round-the-clock artificial lighting. The principle of construction: everything is in moderately bright warm colors, on which the green crowns of trees stand out.

Ideas and things

Ways of the material embodiment of the ideas of creating comfort include not only things as such, but also other material manifestations of nature and spirituality:

  1. light and color, light and color contrasts;
  2. flame heaters;
  3. functional elements of the interior - everyday items;
  4. furniture;
  5. elements of organized chaos;
  6. intellectual means - information carriers;
  7. trinkets;
  8. living sources of comfort;
  9. antiques and vintage.

At pos. 1 fig. below are almost all of these tools, except for a stove or a fireplace, you can see how they animate a very strict and laconic interior. Heating appliances with a live flame or a rather skillful imitation of it are an extremely effective means of enlivening a room; the first, with a natural flame from burning fuel, also stabilize the microclimate of the house within the optimal limits. But enough has been written about stoves, fireplaces and fireplace stoves in other sources, so this vast fascinating topic here, unfortunately, will have to be bypassed.

Note: pay attention to the clock. Little is written about their role in animating the interior, but the clock is also a very effective and versatile means of creating comfort. In addition, it is incomparably cheaper and relocatable.

Colored and light

At pos. 1, the role of pillows as mobile carriers of color spots is also clearly visible, and a spot is both a color and a contrast, and an element of chaos, without which a living soul is poorly visible, see below. Pillows are easy and / or inexpensive to sew, they can be shifted as you like, replaced with new ones. An embroidered pillow can be with an image, i.e. become already an intellectual expression of the soul, pos. 2. In addition, the pillow can be a carrier of colored spots: in the form of seats and backs of wicker furniture, such a solution is enough to make a cozy and large empty room, pos. 3. The pillow also copes well with the role of an element of disorder (see below), so it is not for nothing that it is considered the most accessible means add coziness and comfort to any interior.

In petty (in good sense, i.e. detailed) in interiors of soft light colors, the role of the spot from the pillow passes to a bouquet of flowers (perhaps good artificial ones) and wall panels, pos. 4. But in the interiors of coldish and darkish tones, the role of the main organizer of comfort passes from color spots to light spots. The easiest way to do this is to arrange directional local lighting, however, if you can use natural lighting, you can achieve amazing results in terms of depth.

Take a look at pos. 5. A 10-minute contemplation at sunset, after a day's troubles and fuss, of a light spot slowly creeping across the sofa, is equivalent in terms of the mentally cleansing effect of a 2-hour meditation according to the yoga system or 40-minute relaxation using auto-training methods. The secret here is in the interaction of colors with light: the walls are monochrome, cold tones. Sofa - lighter, warmer in tone, motley. Pillows on it are even lighter and warmer again in plain colors. This is the so-called. contrast flow rule. In full force it operates under illumination from a slowly moving source.

A spot of light can be tricky too. You see that in pos. 6? Blinding glare of polarized light literally kills comfort. And all that was needed was to put a matte laminate or cover the flooring with a matte varnish. And it would be more comfortable to walk, not so slippery. It's actually harder to clean up.

Things you need on your own

Functional, i.e. necessary regardless of comfort, interior items are most often used to create color contrast as such. Contrast is both a stain and an element of chaos. Floor and Wall lights, in addition, give light spots. Indeed, immovable.


Furniture brings a room to life with its shape, color and texture. The latter, in turn, is determined by upholstery textiles. The role of fabrics in creating coziness is well known, and we will linger a little on wooden furniture cases.

Wicker furniture is the focus of orderly chaos and. accordingly, inhales the soul into the room with a powerful stream. Depending on the type of weaving, wicker furniture fits into any interior, see fig., but it is expensive. Viennese furniture made of curved wood is more accessible, but it does not fit everywhere and “breathes with the soul” is weaker.

Recently, furniture made of rods bent in layers has appeared on sale (bottom right in the figure). It is just as soulful and fit everywhere as wicker. On sale, such furniture is not cheaper than wickerwork, but home craftsmen should keep in mind: furniture made from rods bent in layers turns out to be beautiful and strong, being made not only from expensive walnut or rattan, but also from calibrated willow or alder rods.

Came to chaos

One fairly well-known interior designer, having drunk in his circle, put it this way: “Comfort is a piece of landfill in the barracks.” The fact is that absolute order is tantamount to complete chaos. Both have nowhere to develop further, and the lack of the possibility of movement is death, soullessness. Therefore, an element of organized disorder is a universal means of creating coziness in any interior.

Note: organized disorder means deliberately arranged, clean and easily eliminated.

The simplest ways to bring a piece of chaos into the interior are shown in pos. Figures 1-3: Scattered pillows, a colorful warm-colored bedspread on a blue armchair, a black leather rug and an umbrella on the door handle in white rooms. Often the element of chaos is distinguished not only by form, but also by color: a color spot, contrast and form as a particle of chaos complement each other and harmonize with each other.

A kind of controlled chaos is separating dissonance. In this way, even a corner in a rented apartment can be turned into a cozy one. The dissonant surface should then be larger (for example, a screen) and, highly desirable, artistically designed, i.e. semantic, informative. The separating dissonance needs a spot of light (pos. 5): remember Hemingway's story "A bright cozy place"?

The whole interior design can be built on apparently chaotic dissonances. This is the so-called. boho style; some consider it not a style, but a way. The essence of boho is in dissonant couples that neutralize their negativity so that comfort remains, just as poisonous chlorine and sodium give useful table salt. At pos. 6, at least 7 such pairs can be distinguished both in color and in shape. Let's give you a hint: leopard-print upholstery and a pillow against gray-bluish walls. A colorful carpet against a lesbian pink sofa. The armchair is either Empire or Baroque - against the classic rack. A soft sofa with rounded corners - against a hard glass table. For the rest, if you want, exercise yourself.

Intellect and soul

Reason is a clearly formed movement of the soul. Works of art and literature are the fruit of the joint work of the intellect and the spirit, therefore they are capable and must create comfort. Those who claim that books are worthless dust collectors are simply subjects with a pathologically destructively deformed psyche. Personal library of 3-5 thousand volumes in a properly arranged bookcase or on the rack requires maintenance no more than 2-3 times a year. But in this chapter we will deal only with images and books as sources of comfort: the animating effect of round sculpture, stucco and artistic plasticity is the same as knick-knacks, see below.


Classic and not at all strict interiors you can animate without any both easel painting and photographs, but not printed reproductions of paintings on paper, this is already bad taste. The location is arbitrary. Grouping either by plot or simply by size (item 1 in the figure), it doesn't matter.

In futuristic-technologically laconic interiors, abstract painting or photography is most often used to create coziness in intellectual ways. There are no problems with abstraction in general, hang it as you like. Abstract painting is meaningful and expressive no less realistic, only for mediocrity to imitate abstraction in the eyes of amateurs is easier.

With photographs, as well as engravings, etchings, watercolors, gouache, collections of butterflies, beetles, sea shells, etc. in a clear modern interior is more difficult. Photos will make the room more comfortable if you hang them in the form of rectangular panels of a symmetrical overall composition, pos. 2 and 3. Pictures must be in the same frame.

Note: try to find on pos. 2 element of chaos. Look to the left by the window.

It is better to place heterogeneous images in heterogeneous frames and scatter quasi-chaotically interspersed with functional things, pos. 4. The heterogeneity of the frame should be clearly visible and contrasting (we will immediately organize a piece of chaos), otherwise it will just turn out to be an uncomfortable mess, as in pos. 5.


Books are able to animate and make any interior cozy even without stains, contrasts and pieces of chaos. To do this, they need interaction with furniture, and the designer needs to match the bindings: solid volumes in dark calico - into a monumental interior with solid wardrobes; into the lungs modern interiors- shelving with books in light or colored covers, see fig.


Small items of purely decorative purpose are specially designed to create comfort; they can breathe soul into any room, see fig., up to a removable corner or a student hostel. The film “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” shows how women decorated the barracks with trinkets from whatever they got. Homemade trinkets work the most - they contain a particle of your soul. Therefore, with homemade knick-knacks it is impossible to overdo it to the point of flickering, as with purchased ones.

Note: according to the method of manufacture and the nature of creating comfort, applications on the walls also belong to knick-knacks, on the right in fig. But wall painting in terms of comfort is already painting.


Many plants will animate any classic and traditional interior (rustic, country, colonial), pos. 1 and 2 in fig. Also, a large number of plants are appropriate in “naked” styles, such as constructivist minimalism, poses. 3. In modern laconic interiors, in general, the rule applies: the darker the overall range, the plants need fewer, but larger, poses. 4 and 5. If the visible basis of comfort is achieved by spots, contrast and small chaos (zebra pillows and an armchair dissonant in shape in position 6), then one large plant is enough for complete spiritual comfort. In an interior with little contrast, it is better to put a plant with bluish (pos. 7), or striped leaves, it will become a piece of confusion.


The bad thing about plants as sources of comfort is that they tie their owners to the house. If the interior is colorful, playful, then 1-2 small unpretentious perennials can complete the creation of comfort in it, at the top left in fig. At the time of departure, they can be entrusted to friends.

Bonsai have a powerful inspiring effect in any interior, especially since some of the plants from which they are formed bloom profusely and beautifully. Bonsai need daily care, but there are specialized companies that provide such services to absent owners; bonsai can be transferred to them for the duration of the vacation. It is not cheap, but bonsai is generally a pleasure for the wealthy or very patient: growing from seed and forming bonsai takes many years and decades.


Succulents (juicy, in Russian) include cacti, aloe, crassula, stone plants (aizoon), haworthia, echeveria, etc. living rooms, especially with children and pets, you should not start euphorbias (succulent euphorbias), they are overflowing with caustic poisonous juice. At the end of the first film, The Gods Must Be Crazy, there is an episode where a dangerous armed terrorist was neutralized with drops of euphorbia juice.

Succulents do without care and watering for months at all and are good as sources of comfort: a small collection of them on a bare windowsill is already pretty, see fig. But these are not all their advantages. Succulents are native to hot, dry places. During the day, you can’t live there to the fullest, the Sun will burn, so their photosynthesis is not quite the same as that of other plants: succulents release oxygen at night. Just when it is not enough in the air of the apartment. It is this, and not the mythical absorption of radiation, that explains the beneficial effect of succulents on the home atmosphere in the literal and figurative sense. About the culture of succulents at home, see the video:

Video: growing succulents - plants for comfort

The best freshener of the home atmosphere is the agave, which has long taken root in the rooms, aloe arborescens, in the center in fig. The record holder for medicinal qualities of aloe vera is inferior to him in this respect. Aloe arborescens grows big lush bush and fits almost any interior. In an extremely laconic room, it can be replaced by a "pike tail", a sansevier, on the right in fig.

Note: sometimes they try to make the air in the room cozy with the help of interior perfumes or scented candles. In the first case, one should not be like the French courtiers of the time of Madame Pompadour, who doused themselves with cologne to beat off the smell of unclean linen: the key to a cozy atmosphere in an apartment is cleanliness in it .. And in the second, you need to remember that the main thing for fresh air is oxygen. Candles consume it, and in a ventilated room, aromas do not hold.

Not only plants

An unsurpassed means of creating comfort in any conditions is an aquarium with live plants and fish. The aquarium is able to turn a bare wall into a cozy corner, see fig. In front of a well-established aquarium, a bitter drunkard freezes, wandering into a visit in the hope of getting drunk on freebies, forgetting that his “pipes are on fire”.

Unfortunately, the aquarium binds to the house more tightly than the apartment greenhouse: it needs regular diligent care. Many pet store workers work part-time looking after the aquariums of their owners when they are away; There are also companies that specialize in this. However, such services are not much cheaper than the temporary maintenance of bonsai, and outsiders will have to be given access to the house: the live aquarium does not budge.

old good

Antiques and vintage (simply - old things) convey the spirit of the times, particles of the soul of the masters, and thus create comfort. The Russian samovar is undeservedly half-forgotten in this regard, but it will perfectly enliven almost any interior, see fig. Perhaps, in general, anyone: there are samovars on sale that are compatible in design with evil high-tech.

It is not necessary to take a flammable wood-burning samovar, an electric one will do. Tea from a samovar is especially tasty because the teapot is smoothly and evenly heated from all sides to the optimum temperature for brewing by hot steam flowing around it. And sincere tea drinking is already comfort.

Why is there no true comfort in a house that was refurbished at an unimaginably large sum? And in a small small apartment, where the furniture has long been worth replacing and making overhaul everything seems so cozy and cute?

Many young housewives ask how to make the house cozy, but they want specific advice, but is it possible to answer such a difficult question so simply?

The comfort and warmth of your home depends on you, on your taste and desire to create your own unique style, where every little thing will be in its place and will delight all family members.

Family comfort in every home

Comfort in the house can not be bought. You can invite a professional to create a unique interior, you can buy a lot of attractive things for the house, but for some reason, all the same, the residents in it will not live happily.

You will get a lot of the same type of interiors, where individuality will not be felt.

Under the lifestyle of the family, under the habits of all family members, one should always strive to create a cozy home. Kindness, warmth, tranquility, convenience, comfort - this is what should be in him, and these qualities will be present only in the house where true love reigns.

What is meant by "comfort"? In all dictionaries, this concept is interpreted as a pleasant arrangement of life, environment. Real comfort in your home can only be created by the owners themselves. Who, no matter how they themselves know best what they need in order to want to get home as soon as possible after work.

Let them say that with a sweet one, paradise is possible even in a hut. This is so if your hut will always have:

  • individuality reigns;
  • to dominate cleanliness and order;
  • a lot of light and space;
  • to please at least one indoor plant;
  • always a fresh scent.

How to create comfort in the house? We start with general cleaning

For some reason, many women believe that in order to create a pleasant stay, it is necessary to make repairs. Of course, even a simple inexpensive redecorating will refresh your apartment, fill it with light and add visual space, if all Decoration Materials use only light.

But how unpleasant it will be if, after a few months after the repair work, the door around the handle becomes covered with greasy stains, solid parquet becomes like the floor in a barn, and new windows begin to let in sunlight poorly due to dirty glass.

There must always be order, and comfort in the house will follow. If the hostess always strives to keep the house clean, then even a poor environment will not be evident. What could be easier than maintaining exemplary cleanliness in the house? If a woman does not work, then this is so.

And how to be modern girls and women who spend most of the day at work, they do not even have enough time to cook dinner, and not just to sweep the dust and vacuum the rooms every day.

Create a schedule where one day every two weeks is dedicated to general cleaning. It is clear that it will be a day off and better - Sunday. On Saturday, you relax after a working week, communicate with friends and relatives, but the next day, with full strength, you can begin to restore order.

You cannot deceive yourself. If you remove dust, then let not a single corner be left without your attention. If things are laid out in cabinets after ironing, then put them in such a way that it is convenient to take them later.

Keep summer clothes separate from winter clothes. If the window is being washed, then do not forget to remove the cobwebs in the corners of the window opening. Cleanliness should be induced everywhere, and not just where it is visible. Spend a couple of hours (provided that all family members help you: the husband, for example, washes the floor, the children fold books and toys) and the house has already been transformed.

AT clean house less likely to create a mess. Children who participate to the best of their ability in general cleaning litter less. All family members strive to maintain coziness and comfort in the house. You can advise for each day of the week in the evening to plan some activities to maintain cleanliness. Minor cleaning, which does not take much time in one evening, will turn out to be laborious if all the items on the list are done in one day.

Here is an example of how the work of one mistress is painted. She does not come home from work until seven in the evening, but she always strives to do everything that was planned earlier:

  • Monday - cleaning the toilet and bath;
  • Tuesday - cleaning the stove;
  • Wednesday - washing floors in the kitchen and in the corridor;
  • Thursday - ironing things;
  • Friday - Vacuum the rooms.

Cozy home with your own hands: no bad smells

Another component of a cozy home: it should smell good. No one calls for constantly baking pies so that the aroma of muffin spreads even to landing. By pleasant smells, we primarily mean a fresh smell.

In modern homes where plastic windows, natural ventilation is disturbed: in winter, condensation appears on the windows, the corners become damp. Try to ventilate your home as often as possible.

If cleanliness is observed, then bad odors are less likely to appear . They arise from dusty curtains, damp floorcloths in the bathroom, from undried shoes in the hallway, from the cat litter box. Do not leave dirty laundry in the washing machine, this causes bad smell from washing machine, which is then very difficult to remove.

Store food properly. There is nothing worse when the refrigerator is opened, and the stench of rotten vegetables spreads from it throughout the house - cleaning the refrigerator, revision of everything in it should be regular.

The fresh smell of the house is good, it can be supplemented with air fresheners, but the main thing here is not to overdo it, no one likes a pungent chemical aroma. Let there be things for comfort in the house: sachets with fragrant dried herbs, essential oils, fragrant candles.

Citrus aroma, the smell of vanilla, cinnamon, bergamot - your sense of smell from such gentle notes will not be irritated, but rather set to calm the nervous system.

The house of warmth and comfort begins with the kitchen. Put a good hood so that the soot and the smell of rancid oil do not walk throughout the apartment. The presence of such a quality kitchen appliances gives a guarantee that greasy plaque will not settle on the walls of the kitchen and all the furniture in it.

Creating comfort in the house with the help of indoor plants

Incredibly simple, but always in the "top ten" ideas for comfort in the house - indoor plants. A harmonious combination of upholstery of upholstered furniture with pots or any other textile in color with a plant will always make it possible to look stylish.

Any style implies that there will be at least a small number of plants in the house. AT one-room apartment you won’t be able to place a lot, but at least a couple of pots with useful indoor plants can always be put on the windowsill.

In the style of minimalism, when everything is extremely light, indoor plants will become an accent - a bright living spot. Tall flowers located on the floor in a separate composition will look beautiful. Home plants are purchased not only to create comfort in the house, but also to saturate the house with oxygen. Do not forget that they absorb it at night, so bedrooms, especially small ones, should not have many plants.

Many live plants prefer artificial ones. They look good, they are minimally maintained, but they are a real dust trap, which cannot always be removed from them efficiently.

Buy a live flower and he:

  • create comfort in your home;
  • will become a real healer for you;
  • purify the air;
  • improve the energy of the house;
  • can become a talisman;
  • help you work more efficiently.

It's so easy to start a young family to create comfort in the house with your own hands and you do not need to spend large sums of money for this. Do not forget that your home should express your individuality, should be for you a place where you want to return to live and relax in comfort and coziness. Everyone wants to live in an ideal house, but it is impossible to get it without creating comfort in it.

The woman has always remained the keeper of home comfort and hearth. This was also facilitated by the fact that the beautiful half of humanity, as a rule, has all the necessary qualities that make it possible to combine furniture, lighting with various things in maximum harmony.

Of course, the creation of proper comfort in new apartment, house or just a room is difficult and in many ways creative task. Interior design work requires maximum patience and a lot of imagination from the owner of the home. In addition, it is important to be able to translate your own ideas and ideas into reality.

So what should be considered in order to create a favorable atmosphere and comfort in the house with your own hands? In any dwelling pleasant and comfortable design acts as the main sign and even a guarantee not only of family well-being, but also of happiness and a harmonious home environment.

Remembering the story, you can also make sure that a woman at all times tried to give even the most unsightly house the most comfortable and cozy look. Today, every housewife, in most cases, uses her own female tricks and tricks in order to give the apartment a more sunny, warm and pleasant look.

It is important to realize that even the most luxurious and stylish design it is far from always able to allocate warmth and comfort as needed in a home environment due to the absence of any element in the interior.

Expert advice! You can give the room a comfortable and warm look, without the need for a full renovation, by adding small elements.

Before engaging in the creation of comfort in the house, it is recommended to initially decide on the possible directions in the design. As already noted, not always expensive finishing materials, furniture accessories and accessories can highlight the very individuality and expressiveness of the interior. It can also be beyond the power of luxurious finishing materials.

Sometimes you can emphasize the "life and soul" in the house with the help of a unique charm and zest by using, at first glance, some small little thing. These usually include:

  • Pillows and towels;
  • Photos decorated with beautiful frames;
  • DIY decor elements and toys, whether they are kitchen potholders, rugs, blankets, etc.;

Ways to create comfort in the apartment

When talking about a pleasant and comfortable home atmosphere, many usually mean the relaxing positive experience that they get from staying in such a room, and it does not matter whether you equip just a room, or Vacation home! However, when designing the interior space of any home, it is equally important to consider characteristics and features of the equipped interior. For example, for someone it is preferable to observe order and cleanliness, while someone chooses creative mess. Here the choice is yours!

But, despite the individual approach to each specific case, comfort in the general sense is always associated with well-being and comfort of living. Each new space should ideally offer residents and guests new design interior, their smells, furnishings, style and color scheme.

If you want to equip a clean and bright room, it should be borne in mind that the main criterion in this case is absolutely clean surfaces. Moreover, this rule affects both floors and walls, as well as pieces of furniture, whether it be facades, shelves, tables and even corner floor lamps. There can be no talk of any dust and dirt!

Some minor items in the interior of the house can significantly transform the appearance of the home, emphasizing the favorable atmosphere and comfort. If you want to endow a modern apartment with warmth, comfort and convenience, you can quickly and inexpensively, so that in the subsequent home you will only be pleased with a good mood and joy during your stay. There would be a wish...

Designers highlight a lot of options for home improvement in a pleasant and cozy nest with their own hands, where in the future you will begin to enjoy blissful and warm atmosphere in the evenings. It is far from always that large expenses are required to transform a home; you can also use more budgetary, but not ineffective, solutions:

  • Bring in the design of the room the element that you like the most. Thus, you will not only give the room a unique warmth, but also make a cozy and harmonious atmosphere. An ordinary blanket or carpet can act as such an addition.
  • Keep your home clean and tidy, as an untidy appearance indicates an unsightly design, which in turn will not contribute to great comfort.

  • Huge importance in the design of the home is given to the wall cladding, as well as their color finish.

An unusual design inside the house can be created with your own hands due to soft bedspreads that will cover and decorate armchairs and a sofa. The best choice in this case will be velor and velvety fabrics, which will not only give the room peace and tranquility, but also set the owners of the house in a romantic mood.

When arranging the interior, it is important to focus on calm pastel colors- only they are able to emphasize in a favorable light a peaceful and relaxing homely atmosphere. To diversify the "boring" color palette will turn out due to pillows with bright and juicy colors. They will act as a kind of highlight, at the same time decorating the sofa and giving more comfort due to their softness.

Important point! All soft elements, whether it be a small teddy bear or a fluffy carpet, will add a certain touch of comfort and tranquility to the atmosphere of the house. Remember this.

It is possible to significantly increase the rating of various items that emphasize comfort in the house, not only due to one beautiful floor carpet, but a couple of small rugs placed near the threshold of the room can also cope with the same task. With the help of them, you can bring the appearance of the room to greater uniformity, making the room more cute and attractive. In addition, it will always be pleasant to walk barefoot on such a surface.

Most often, residents decide to transform their home interior by updating the upholstery of armchairs and chairs with new textured covers. In this case, well-chosen color and texture of surfaces can highlight the harmonious combination of existing items with the interior of the home.

Having equipped a house or an apartment in a rustic style, you can get a truly "home" comfort. For this purpose, various accessories are used, most often made by hand.

In this case, preference should be given to the following items:

  • Decorative candles, caskets, vases;
  • wicker baskets;
  • Faience dishes;
  • Tablecloths and napkins embroidered by hand;
  • Knitted blankets.

This kind of decorative components must be used in the interior of the room as reasonably and carefully as possible! Otherwise, you can get clutter and bad taste in the house. It is important to feel the measure!

Do not forget! A large number of small bright elements and accessories will not be able to combine well with each other, giving the room an unattractive and sometimes even vulgar look.

Small photos and paintings, decorated with attractive frames, will significantly enliven the design of the room, not only embellishing, but also emphasizing coziness and comfort in the home. Look no less attractive in the house and decorative vases with flowers. For greater well-being, it is worth choosing warm colors and shades for them.

flowers indoors

Sometimes, when decorating a cozy living room, you can’t do without the use of flowers, and it doesn’t matter whether they are decorative or real. Created with them beautiful bouquet or simply by placing them inside an attractive vase, you will already give the room a lot of warmth.

The vegetation in the house can not only emphasize the beauty of the room in a favorable light, but also bring maximum bliss to it. In addition, it will become much easier to breathe and live inside.

The design of any home can change significantly after placing flowers inside. For this, as a rule, hanging shelves, window sills, coffee tables or even the floor are used. Good mood, calmness, comfort and joy - all this is achieved through indoor plants.

Lighting in the house

Well-lit and bright rooms will provide not only lightness and simplicity, but also due to this, visual magnification interior space, thanks to which even a small room will begin to seem more attractive and comfortable. Based on this, the choice of lighting fixtures should be approached with due attention!

Lamps and floor lamps on the walls and table will bring both additional quality lighting and comfort and elegance to the room.

In order to create maximum comfort and the atmosphere in the house is recommended to choose stylish high quality lamps.

Another little secret is the mirrors located opposite the windows. In this case, they will reflect the light well, bringing a certain charm to the home.

Naturally, the kitchen after the repair work will look clean and fresh for a long time. However, even after careful repair and decoration, there may be a feeling that something is missing in the interior. As you know, design magazines usually do not provide budget solutions for finishing, although tips that will help save a lot on repairs are present there in abundance.

For housewives who prefer needlework and do everything with their own hands, such recommendations will come in handy the most! Love to knit then great solution decorating the kitchen with various exclusive and unique items, for example, home curtains, embroidered towels, stylish and bright potholders from leftover fabric, knitted napkins, etc. will be for you.

Such elements will bring the appropriate energy and comfort to the interior of the kitchen, making the room more organic and homely.

Do not hide supplies in lockers or behind . Alternatively, you can put jars filled with pasta, beans or other cereals in a prominent place. If possible, leave some foods as part of the design of the room, for example, place multi-colored beans and pasta of various shapes in layers inside the same jar.

The kitchen will be transformed if you leave jars with pickles, compotes or jam in a conspicuous place. To do this, it is better to use small jars of various shapes. Lay a multi-colored fabric over the lids and tie it with ribbon. In this way, you can also bring a touch of comfort and homely atmosphere to the house. Experiment with design options, colors and contents of cans.

No less attractive will look in the interior of the kitchen and dried flowers in the form of bouquets. Make a panel on the surface of the wall or place flowers inside a ceramic vase. You can do the same with cones, which are in great abundance in any forest.

Ceramic pots and more correctly placed in kitchen cabinets or on the shelves.

Use these tips and you will see how your kitchen will transform from a boring and boring space into something new and unique right before your eyes.

Thus, you will bring comfort to the house with your own hands, without anyone's help and high costs. Make your home more beautiful, clean and comfortable without having to buy expensive furniture, redevelopment and large financial investments. Achieve this through love for family, good mood, home and care for others.

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