In which direction to sleep with your head in terms of traditional ideas and science. Feng Shui: where to sleep with your head

There is a fairly widespread opinion that the position that the human body takes during rest and sleep relative to the cardinal points always has great value for a complete sense of inner harmony, good health and even real family happiness. Ideal sleeping position - head to the north...

To some, all this seems stupid, without any basis. However, those who adhere to the Eastern teachings of Feng Shui will certainly want to try everything on themselves in order to agree with the point of view of yogis or refute it.

According to yogis, a person has electromagnetic field. The body is a kind of compass, in which the north is the crown, but the soles of the feet are the feet. In order to get a good night's sleep and wake up cheerful and rested in a good mood in the morning, you need to coordinate your own field with a common electromagnetic field the whole earth.

A person's head during sleep should be directed north or northeast, this is considered the most correct body position, which benefits health and improves well-being. If the bedroom cannot be redesigned to allow this, the head of the bed should be turned to the east.

This yoga theory was held by Charles Dickens, who always used a compass to set up his bed correctly, namely to keep his head pointed north, and magnetic field lines pass through his body during sleep.

Which way to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui

feng shui teaching- the art of designing living space, aimed at achieving success by those people who live in the house. Of course, if the house is just being built, then it is much easier to implement all the ideas for arranging the bedroom that this teaching recommends. But keep in mind that sometimes a slight rearrangement of furniture is enough to decorate the living space as correctly as possible from the point of view of Feng Shui.

Followers of Eastern philosophy and medicine are convinced that in addition to physical concepts and phenomena that can be heard, smelled, tasted, seen or touched, there is also an invisible flow of electromagnetic energy. In the East, this energy has various names, in China - qi, in India - prana, and in Japan - ki.

There are two methods that can change your life for the better according to Feng Shui:

  1. During sleep, a person must take such a position of the body that a powerful flow of energy, passing through the building, has a positive effect on the qi energy of the person himself. This can be achieved by properly designing those rooms in which a person spends the most time. At home, this is a bedroom or living room, if family members like to relax there in their free time. Unfortunately, it is rarely possible to equip according to this theory workplace, but it is at work that a person spends a lot of time every day.
  2. It is possible to change the path of energy flow in such a way that it meets the most important needs of the people living in the house. People have different goals and desires. The main ones, of course, are health and inner harmony. But you need to know that all cardinal directions, four main and four intermediate, produce different type qi energy, and it feeds the energy of a sleeping and resting person.

Sleep with your head to the north

The ideal sleeping position is with your head to the north, it brings stability, good well-being, promotes health and quickly heals from diseases. This position of the body gives a person sound sleep and peace of mind, in married couples it contributes to greater affection.

Sleep with your head to the east

However, for young active people this direction is too calm, it does not meet the age needs. For them, the position when the head is directed is more suitable. to the East, corresponding to the course of celestial bodies. The energy of the East gives rise to any business, gives good spirits in the morning, the desire to speed up the course of life, because the East has always been considered a spiritual beginning and the focus of freedom of the spirit and the flow of the mind.

Sleep with your head to the west

Art people sleep on the bed with headboard to the west helps further development creativity. And the direction due south is ideal for careerists. It is believed that, being in this position during sleep, you can quickly climb the career ladder and even gain fame, but for emotional people this position is not suitable.

Sleep with your head to the northwest

northwestern the direction is suitable for mature, but rather, even for older people who need a lot of time to restore vitality. The northeast is not suitable for relaxation, but it brings a fighting spirit and helps in finding a purpose in life.

Sleep with your head to the southeast

If you sleep with your head to the southeast, you can overcome complexes and get an impulse of energy to start a new business. It is believed that the position of the body during sleep with the head to the southwest helps to find harmony.
As already noted, the attitude to this theory is ambiguous. However, as they say, it's worth a try!

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese system for harmonizing the space and energy flows of a room. The Teaching is designed to improve our lives, put in order all external and interior spaces of the house And human soul, correctly direct the flows of "sha" and "qi" in order to attract well-being to the house.

How to sleep properly and choose direction for head? Chinese wise men advise to pay attention to parts of the world! But first you need to calculate Gua personal number, obtained from the combined digits of the year of birth. You will get a two-digit number, the digits of which must be added again.

After that, women need to add the number 5 to the received figure, and men, on the contrary, subtract the received figure from the number 10. For people born in the new millennium, you need to add 6 and subtract from 9. The resulting single-digit number will become your pass to the world knowledge and strength.

Let's look at an example. Let's say you were born in 1982. The sum of the last two digits is 10. Add the remaining digits again and get 1. If you're a girl, then we add 5 and get the Gua number equal to 6, and if a man, then subtract the number 1 from 10 and get the Gua equal to 9.

Pay close attention to the fact that a personal number cannot be equal to 5. If in the end you got this figure, this means that for women a personal number is 8, and for male – 2.

Ones, Threes, Fours and Nines find their happiness, if they lie with their heads towards the north or south, east and southeast.

For Twos, Sixes, Sevens and Eights, all variations with the west, as well as the northeast, are suitable.

Accordingly, opposite directions better to avoid!

How to go to bed with a compass

It's best if bedroom area or children's room will be located in the south or east. These areas are especially helpful good sleep and health improvement of the body.

If place a bed head to the south, then you can catch the vibrations of success in society, north - put in order nervous system and strengthen spiritual processes, the east - to improve health, the west - to bring prosperity to the house.

For family people who prioritize the well-being of the home, it is better to lie with your head to the northwest, southwest or east. For those who are focused on a career and earnings, it is recommended to lie down with your head to the north, south or southeast.

Creative and active people can be advised to the western and southern directions, as well as the southeast. If your goal is wellness or the acquisition of knowledge, then the northeast and east will help you.

Where do you put your head when you sleep?

The best thing go to bed with your head towards the wall. The wall is reliable protection, which will not allow energy to leave your body during sleep. It is not good to sleep with your head straight towards the window, thereby you will weaken your body.

Most good option- put headboard against the wall according to your personal Gua direction. The head or legs should not "go out" to the street. The same goes for the door.

Do not place pictures with water, aquariums, fountains and everything related to the water element at the head of the headboard. Well-being will leak through your fingers. It is also worth abandoning bedside tables with sharp corners, a valid option is a small bookcase with rounded edges. And certainly you should not hang portraits and paintings over your sofa.

In what direction should you sleep with your feet according to Feng Shui?

It's best if you will sleep with your feet towards the wall. As you have already noticed, experts advise avoiding the door-window line and strongly recommend placing the sofa between the walls. It is very good if the sofa can be approached from two sides - this contributes to the correct energy circulation.

In no case do not go to bed with your feet towards the door. This can be extremely dangerous, because in this way you “carry” yourself out of the house with your own hands.

Never go to bed in front of a mirror. Perfect option if the mirrors are located inside dressing room or closet. A valid option if the mirror is located so that you are not reflected in it. The same goes for TV and computer. Try to position them so that at night their screen does not turn into a mirror. opposite the bed.

The shape of the bed is the key to success!

So that positive energy does not flow away from you during sleep, avoid designs with slatted headboards. Beds with a large massive headboard are ideal.

To save love, choose beds with a single mattress so that no stripes separate you either in the bedroom or in life! original solution there will be a sleeping bed with a dense headboard in the shape of a heart.

Must be under the sofa free space. This will not only facilitate the cleaning process, but also allow energy flows to circulate freely.

A round sofa or, conversely, a bed with sharply sharpened corners are not the friendliest options. The circle will close your energy and will hinder decision making and prosperity, and the corners will attract negativity to you. It is best to give preference to a sofa or bed standard form but with soft rounded backs.

Auspicious colors for the bedroom

  • Green color will always cheer you up, psychologically set you up for unity with nature and will saturate you with positive energy. And green is amazing in that it attracts happiness and wealth.
  • Lovers can paint the walls in terracotta, pink, brown tones. These energies will connect you to the Earth and stake out your relationship. Also these colors if choose more bright colors, will connect you with Fire and support the flame of your love.
  • If you are used to working at home, you can stop your eyes on calm pastel colors and white.

Look for yourself, try and experiment in accordance with the energy the laws of the universe and she will definitely get back to you!

In fact better direction, where you need to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui, does not exist. You need to choose how to lie down correctly based on how your bed is set in the bedroom. After all, if you placed it incorrectly, the rest will be of poor quality, regardless of how and where you lie down. In addition, it is worth considering the energy of each of the directions.


Heading to the North is for those people who are tired of constant problems and want peace, stability and silence. This direction is also good for spouses who often swear among themselves. Since it is noticed that people who sleep with their heads to the North are more optimistic, balanced, cheerful, harmonious in relationships, healthy and focused on success. They always sleep better than anyone else.


If you are thinking where you need to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui in order to get rid of indecision, learn how to quickly and without errors make informed decisions and complete tasks, then the answer is: to the Northeast. But note that this direction is not suitable for people suffering from insomnia. It will only exacerbate the existing problem.


A person who sleeps with his head to the East is more spiritual than everyone else. He quickly gains life-giving energy and restores strength, becomes able to quickly resolve even the most challenging tasks. But the same direction greatly increases the level of personal ambition, so people suffering from increased selfishness should better avoid such an arrangement.


People who are too modest and have all sorts of complexes, it is better to lie down with their heads in the Southeast. In this case, they will be able to get rid of their inner stiffness, become more self-confident, improve their own life and, of course, fill it with positive energy.


If you want to succeed in your career and financial independence, according to Feng Shui, it is better for you to lie down with your head to the South. Of course, you won’t be able to get fabulous money thanks to this, but you will be able to correct your situation. Especially if you combine sleep in right direction and conscientious work in reality. However, remember that you can only sleep with your head to the South if you are lonely and ambitious. For spouses and those who are too suspicious and vulnerable, this direction is not suitable.


If you are looking for an answer to the question of where it is better to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui in order to gain business acumen and life wisdom, then it is this: to the Southwest. Sleeping in this direction will allow you to become more practical and down to earth people. It will help you avoid making those mistakes that you later have to regret. And, in addition, it will help strengthen relationships at home and at work.


You can sleep with your head to the West for couples and couples in love, as well as for those who want to bring a creative spark, romance and sensuality into their lives. For those who are not alone, but are eager to bring change for the better. If the spouses begin to sleep in the direction of the West, they themselves will not notice how their relationship will become more harmonious and passionate, and a powerful attraction to each other will suddenly flare up between them. But, mind you, it’s better for lonely people not to lie down with their heads to the West. Because in this position, sexual energy will begin to accumulate, with which they will not be able to cope.


Sleep in the northwest direction will be useful for those people who want to quickly climb the career ladder, but do not have leadership qualities. They will be able to feel more confident and liberated, achieve stability, get out of the “comfort zone” faster. It will also be beneficial for an elderly person to sleep with their head to the Northwest, their sleep will become longer and deeper.

What not to do

According to Feng Shui, it is strictly forbidden to sleep with your head or feet towards front door into the bedroom or to the windows, as well as place the bed under ceiling beams. Otherwise, problems with relationships, recreation and health cannot be avoided. Well, well, see for yourself where to lay your head in Feng Shui.

Mankind has been accumulating its wisdom for thousands of years, and each of us prefers to acquire our own experience and fill our own, unique bruises. Tired of stepping on a rake and reinventing the wheel, many are surprised to find that the recipes for a happy and comfortable life have long been discovered and even written down, and we can only listen carefully and obediently adhere to the recommendations. Many of them concern the simplest things and processes that surround us every day. But it is they who form the reality in which we exist and which determines our worldview.

Joy, disappointment, success and just good health are made up of little things, the neglect of which is fraught with problems of a much larger scale. Therefore, it is more correct to notice even the most subtle nuances and pay due attention to them. Rest is just one of those phenomena, the possibilities of which we tend to underestimate. Although it is during sleep that a person restores vitality, prepares for a new day and gets subconscious access to hidden and inexhaustible sources of energy.

Holidays in the traditions of Feng Shui
The ancient eastern practice of Feng Shui was created specifically for the purpose of finding and practical use of astral energies that are favorable to humans. It helps to choose a suitable place for settling and building a dwelling, to properly organize its space and predict the development of events based on existing structures. Mastering even the smallest territory, assessing its capabilities and catching the flows of life-giving qi energy - this is the task that Feng Shui masters face.

Since the Eastern culture considers passivity as important in the development of the spiritual body as active activity, it is not surprising that most of the Feng Shui theories are devoted specifically to proper arrangement at home, and specifically private quarters and bed. They expound symbolic and quite detailed recommendations about where to place, how to decorate and use your bed for any person who wants not only to spend time in a dream, but also use it to fully replenish internal energy.

The correctness of the place is determined by one of several zones that have their own functional purpose, which is highly undesirable to violate. Each zone requires an individual approach and filling with suitable items. If the rules for the design of each zone are observed, it directs energy flows to the productive realization of its purpose. And involuntarily or deliberately disturbed construction of space leads to destructive processes in the area of ​​life, subject to the unsettled housing zone.

The internal battery of the human body is quickly recharged, and forces come, and are not consumed, when the rest takes place in suitable place, at the right time and surrounded by related materials. These are elements of natural elements that have their own energy and transfer it to everything they touch. Since every person, every house and in general a point in space is unique, each one requires individual adjustment according to the laws of Feng Shui.

Organization of the bedroom according to Feng Shui
Initially, few rare premises correspond to all the numerous norms of harmonization of spatial energy. Fortunately, the practice of Feng Shui provides specific clues for correcting its characteristics. As soon as they are brought into line with the requirements, the energy will flow in the right direction and make your bedroom perfect place for sleep. To do this, you need to provide:

  1. Location of the sleeping room as far as possible from the front door and from the door to the bathroom, to prevent the circulation of energy in the wrong direction and its escape to the outside.
  2. The main colors of the interior of the bedroom according to Feng Shui should be restrained and light. Pastel shades are ideal. But the "color of passion" red is not recommended for decorating rooms in which you plan to have a good night's sleep.
  3. Bedroom lighting should not be too bright. Instead of one large chandelier on the ceiling, it is better to divide it into several small light sources located in the corners of the room.
  4. Feng Shui bedroom furniture minimum set necessary items made from natural materials. A harmonious sleeping room contains only a low bed and a wardrobe made of wood. Electrical devices and metal decorations in the bedroom interfere with the energy of sleep.
  5. The mirror in the bedroom can only be located on the inner surface of the closet door. Otherwise, it will create a destructive illusion of the duality of space.
  6. Move the aquarium, vases, any water tanks, and even the image of water in paintings and photographs from the bedroom to other rooms. Otherwise, do not be surprised at insomnia and misunderstanding between households.
Feng Shui sleep rules
After you equip the bedroom, do not forget to use it for its intended purpose, not carelessly, but subject to the following conditions:
  1. The position of the head of a sleeping person is of fundamental importance: place the bed so that the pillow is facing north.
  2. In this case, the headboard should be adjacent to the wall and in no case be directed towards the door. Try to fall asleep with your head towards the entrance to the room - most likely, you will spin restlessly and experience unsettling sensations.
  3. The window above the head of the bed is also not the best option, sleep can be restless and bring a headache.
  4. Do not be too lazy to take the book that you read before going to bed back to the shelf. Left on the bedside table or on the floor next to the bed, it will continue to radiate the energy of the plot and even its author while you sleep.
  5. Bedding, unlike walls and furniture, is better to choose dark shades- blue or dark chocolate. To maintain sexual energy, complement it with scarlet decorative pillows.
  6. Make sure that during sleep you are not directed sharp corners furniture, window sills and other items that carry concentrated negative energy.
  7. The mattress of your bed should be solid, without seams and cracks, so take the trouble to look under the sheet and, if necessary, replace it with another model.
  8. And in general, try to sleep on new furniture, mattresses and linen. Sprinkle the bedding received as an inheritance or as a gift with salt before use, and after a day, throw this salt into the toilet or bury it in the ground away from your home.
These are just the basic recommendations that the art of Feng Shui gives us. With a deeper study, it reveals much more tips and prohibitions on the organization of living space, regimen and even behavior. But even a small adjustment according to the laws of Feng Shui will be enough to attract beneficial energy and feel its influence.

Have you ever wondered how to sleep properly? Where is the best place to sleep with your head in Feng Shui? Meanwhile, many people have long known how to choose the right place and arrange the bed so that sleep is restful. Sleep takes up a significant part of life, so feng shui seriously considers options for arranging a bedroom so that the situation in it is favorable. It is believed that each interior detail has its own energy and it affects the overall energy of the room.

How to place the bed?

Bed - home furniture in the bedroom. It is here that a person sleeps and rests. And its location affects whether a person will suffer from insomnia or wake up fresh and energetic in the morning.

The most important is the direction in which the head will be located. In Western countries, everything is simple: it is impossible for the legs to be in the direction of the door. But in Eastern countries everything is much more serious. Therefore, it is also difficult to say exactly how best to sleep according to Feng Shui, this is a whole science. Directions cannot be good or bad, it should be determined what suits a particular person.

Sleep Rules

There are many rules, but there are three main ones:

  • Legs or head should not be located towards the exit from the room;
  • The bed should not stand near the wall in which there is a door;
  • The bed cannot be placed under the ceiling beam.

The shape of the bed is also important:

  • If her headboard is square, then a person’s career will constantly go up;
  • Semicircular or oval shape - ideal for businessmen and officials;
  • The wavy edge is the perfect solution for creative personalities.

Head directions

And, of course, it is important to position the head correctly, as mentioned above. Consider different directions, to whom they are more suitable.


If you have no strength at all and it seems that in the evening you cannot even raise your hand, you definitely need to know where it is better to sleep with your head in Feng Shui. In this case, it is necessary that the head lies towards the east, since that is where the sun rises. A few days are enough for the appearance of new forces, the desire to act energetically. If earlier something seemed unattainable, now it will be on the shoulder.


This direction is suitable for those who are indecisive, it is difficult to make decisions. Situations will be resolved faster, while the person will not be tormented by doubts. In addition, the solution found will not be hasty, because energy will lead to more operational work consciousness. Thus, the analysis of the situation will be faster and the calculation of the consequences too.

Important! This option is not suitable for those who suffer from insomnia.


Likewise, the location of the bed is ideal for those who want to improve their financial situation. You should not think that at the same time you will fill up with crazy millions, but after conscientious work, you will expect both career growth and an increase in income.

Important! For the increase in income to become real, you will have to sleep alone. Besides, southern position not suitable for very impressionable and vulnerable people, as well as for those who are under stress.


Such a direction would be ideal for internally clamped people suffering from various complexes. Thanks to proper sleep can deal with psychological problems, become more self-confident, increase self-esteem.


For those who sleep in this position, everything is calm and stable in life. How to sleep better according to Feng Shui for those who have unpleasant surprises and endless shakes? Only in this direction, and life will become more measured. It is useful to use such energy for their own purposes for spouses who often sort things out - they will become more united.

Important! The north direction of the head during sleep helps to get rid of diseases.


In this direction, those who are tired of the monotonous gray everyday life should sleep. Thanks to him, the days will be filled with creativity, romance and sensuality. Life will be painted with brighter colors, and the spouses will improve sexual relations.

Important! If you need practicality and suffer from not enough worldly wisdom - just turn the bed to the southwest. In addition, after this, there is an improvement in family relations.


To the northwest, people who dream of becoming leaders should sleep. It will become much easier to cope with responsibility, self-confidence will appear. In older people, sleep will become deeper and longer.


As you can see, many troubles and problems in life can be dealt with by simply changing the direction of the head during sleep. The ideal solution will round bed, since you can lie on it in any direction. In addition, you should take care of your rest: clean the room, open the window, turn off the TV.