Simple device to open screw covers. Homemade screw caps opening tools for removing covers with glass cans

Hi to all lovers of homemade!

I must say that this article has caused great interest among readers. Someone liked this method, someone wrote in the comments, which has long been using this way, and someone, on the contrary, did not like this method.

But the main thing is, this topic caused almost a whole discussion. At the same time, many readers shared in the comments and other people's ways, with which you can open jars with screw lids, for which I am very grateful. It should be honest to note that I did not know about some such methods at all.

Nevertheless, since this topic almost never loses relevance, today I want to continue it, a description of the manufacture of a very simple opener for screw caps.

This idea arose with me almost by chance, when I got on my eyes. Here is such a long bolt M12 with a nut and wide washers.

From him, I decided to make a simple opening, and it took it literally a couple of minutes.

Materials and tools

So, for the manufacture of this opener, I needed:

Materials and fasteners

  • M12 bolt with a length of 160 mm, with a nut and two wide washers.
  • A small piece of dense and thick rubber.
  • Isol or suitable heat shrink tube.
  • Powerful scissors (you can use scissors for metal).
  • Stationery knife or scissors (optional).

Manufacturing opening

In fact, we already have almost everything necessary for the manufacture of the opener. The only thing we miss, these are two rubber washers, so as not to damage the lid when opening, as well as that the adhesion of the cover with the opening is better and more reliable.

Therefore, we will produce two rubber washers.
First, I cut out of rubber two squares suitable for the size of the washers.

Then in the center of each square, scissors cut the holes under the bolt.

And these holes, it is completely optional to do smooth. The main thing is that in the holes of rubber piles, the bolt loose freely, and the holes themselves may be uneven and cryvised.

Now it remains only to crop rubber washers on the diameter of steel washers, making them more or less round.

Well, now, you can finally collect our opening, putting the pucks on the bolt and then wielding a nut on it.

In order to when opening the covers, the tip of the bolt, which will serve us with the handle did not cut the hands, you can wind through its tape.

And here is our opener ready!

Testing openers

Now check our opening in the case.

First, open the jar with a screw lid of a small diameter. To do this, we assign our opening on top to the lid and crimp it with washers, tightly spinning the nut.

After that, applying some effort to the handle of our opener, turn the lid and remove it.

In this case, the lid is easily removed and remains sandwiched between the washers of the opener.

By the way, it should be noted here that when clamping the lid before opening it, the washers on the bolt, slightly flush, but it does not affect the result.

Similarly, I opened the covers of a larger diameter on two other banks. The covers also opened without any problems.

Disadvantages of the opener and how to fix them

In general, this opener turned out to be quite workable, but in the process of testing, two small drawbacks were revealed, which could be easily corrected.

Little hand

First, the handle in this opener turned out to be too short, which is especially affected by opening the lids of large diameter.

But this flaw will be easy to fixb if you take a bolt is authentic or generally use the segment of the threaded stud, about 200 mm long.

Use the desired nut

Secondly, when clamping the cover before opening it, it is enough to use a hex nut, since the force of the clamp created by the fingers is clearly not enough.

This disadvantage is also very easy to correct if instead of a hex nut to use a barish nut. I simply did not turn out to be at hand, although it can be easily bought in a shopping store (and you can try to make homemade).

Well, in general, it is quite possible to use this openwall. Her great dignity is that it can be very easily and quickly done. In addition, if this opener becomes not needed, it can be quickly disassembled, and use a bolt with nut and washers to use for another purpose (in other homemade or in construction work in an apartment or in the country).

Well, on this I have everything! So far and good luck in the manufacture of homemade!

Each house has at least some glass cans with screw caps. They appear in the most different way. Most often we bring them from the store, buying different products. It can be: pickled cucumbers and tomatoes, various jams and jams, green peas and much more. Also many of us make blanks at home. Preparing home juice, cook jam, make salts from vegetables, various salads. All this we, of course, lay out on banks and tightly close the lid, so as not to deteriorate.

Eternal question: how to open the bank without much difficulty?

Each hostess, and anyone, at least once in his life, came across the problem of opening cans. It happens that I really want to try salt cucumbers made with your own hands and with love, and bank so tightly closedthat is very difficult to open. As a rule, if a woman collided with this problem, she appeals for help to a man. And if there is no one from the male at home, or the child or an elderly man turned out to be in this situation, what to do? Naturally immediately, the opening method comes to the mind with a kitchen towel or other fabric. Many, sometimes with the help of a knife, are trying to open. But these methods have long been outdated and are not effective, and the situation with a knife can generally lead to the fact that you are drunk or break the knife or cover on the bank. There are still various old iron openers. Not only are they are not safe, so also some of them are very cumbersome.

With a set of opening for covers, you can open cans with different diameters of the covers, and this is very convenient. We live in the modern 21st century where modern methods of opening cans. One of these methods includes the method opening with special opening For covers. There is nothing complicated in their application. You need to simply bring one of the opening to the required lid and fasten it on it, squeeze the handles and turn. And the entire cover you need is easy to remove. Also, you can use the dialing settings not only for opening the covers, but also in order to close them tightly during the blanks of canned products for the winter, or after you have discovered the jar with juice or preservation and did not fully utilize its contents. Such openers are so easy to use that absolutely everything will be cope with them: ranging from children by ending with the elderly. You do not need to spend extra money and the time for the purchase of a large number of openers, just two openers of the included in the set will replace you with all the fixtures for removing covers with cans of different diameters.

The main advantages of a set of opening:

  1. Opens bankswith different diameters of the lid, namely - 66mm, 82mm, 89mm and 100mm;
  2. The set includes one opener;
  3. Does not require special efforts to use;
  4. They can also use children, and adults;
  5. Does not take up much space in the kitchen;
  6. You can not only open, but also reliably close the covers;
  7. Durable.

Open easily and just

How many screw covers were me repaid! He opened up as he could, if the husband was not at home, until he bought me a special opening. Now there are no problems with the opening of cans, and the covers use for re-conservation.

Yulia Titova

My opener

Constantly arise problems to open banks without male strong hands. Constantly had to spoil the covers. And because of this, banks remained uncommon. And thanks to this, the device is now a weak wounded woman as I easily reveal any banks. I tearing the covers even those who stood on banks for 5 years

Volckov Katerina

Comfortable opener!

We had a lot of different openers at home, but when the lid is opened, it was always deformed, bent. We saw an unusual opening on the Internet and decided to purchase. The diameter of the can is not even important, as it opens any covers, and they do not spoil. You can even repeat the lids. Recommended!

Alexandra Ignatievna

Open banks without difficulty

With the acquisition of the opener, I can now easily and simply open banks, different sizes. The opener is very convenient and original design. Very pleased !!

Alina Alekseevna

Constantly encounter with the fact that open the lid of the cans is difficult? Wasine covers bring you out of themselves? Made delicious twists for the winter, but at the required moment, the lid, as always stuck? Looking for a device that would help solve this problem? Our online store is glad to present you a new, unique device! Automatic canon opener! The opener for cans with spinning lids is made according to unique technology. From safe, and most importantly durable materials. Which is not quickly extended and will give you pleasure, during the entire period of operation.

The automatic opener for screw covers is made in the form of a small robot, or a spider. Its unique, durable design, with ease cope with most types of covers that are unscrewed. If you have a question: "How to open a jar of opening?". That actually everything is very simple! The electric opener for cans was designed just so that ordinary girls could easily cope with her. Its main task is to help in the opening of the pillable covers.

All you need to do is consolidate, glass cans on top of the jar. After that, click on the device activation button. Opener for cans with a screw cap will be captured, reliably fixed. Then, click on the second button, so that the device touches the lid. After these manipulations, the cover will be open.

You can buy an electric opener for cans in our online store, on a very reasonable price. The cost of this automatic opener is simply not comparable to how much nerves and strength will save you. After all, you will no longer need to ask for the help of a familiar bodybuilder. Just use this device and any bank will be open, without extra help!

Food in canned food is very popular in our country. This is especially true of differentties. Their modern packaging is designed for greater convenience, but it does not always work. Probably, many, having bought a tomato paste or other products in a glass container, tried to unscrew the shut-off cover, it is not always so simple. Sometimes it is required to make a fairly great effort. And all because of the special lid - twist-off. Sealing banks are carried out with just one turning movement. It is much easier for those conservation procedures that used before.

In order for you in the future, you did not have difficulty when opening cans with a twist-off cover, you can make a very simple, but effective device.

Necessary materials

All we need is quite easy to find:

  • Wooden lump of small size (section 20 × 30mm);
  • An empty water bottle (3 or 5 liters);
  • Several wood screws with a big hat (press washer);
  • The usual wand from ice cream (for example - Eskimo).

Required tools

The minimum set of tools will be required:

  • A hammer;
  • Hoven for metal;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Curly screwdriver;
  • Scissors.

Work process

Since, the main element of our future device is a wooden bar, then from it and let's start work. For greater convenience, it is recommended to use joiner's visits.

From Brous, you need to measure the segment in 12 cm and sprinkle it. It will be the handle of our device. Now you need to cut one edge of the blank at an angle of 45 °. Propyl locations, handle emery paper or file. On our future handle, on the back, perpendicular to the top corner of the cut, you need to do it up to the middle of the bar.

Insert the strip from the bottle into the cutting on the bar so that we have a loop (in terms of the size of the cover) and crush the ice cream wand. Extra sticking parts cut off with scissors. The edges of the strip are fastened on both sides of the cut by screws. It is recommended to pre-drill holes with a drill in 3mm.

Now our device to facilitate opening twist-off covers is ready. You can conduct tests.

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