How do you feel the effect of the acid. In modern world

Today's youth often abuse various drugs, among which the most common is LSD. This substance was created as an analgesic component used to study the development and course of schizophrenic illness. Soon after the start of the research work, it became clear that nothing connected LSD and schizophrenia, and the substance itself provokes addiction and unpredictably affects the human psycho-emotional environment.

The dangerous drug LSD

LSD or lysergic acid diethylamide in our country is classified as a narcotic substance, because it has a psychoactive effect. In general, LSD is a psychoactive semi-synthetic tryptamine substance. Synthesize this drug from lysergic acid, which is obtained from microscopic fungi - ergot. The drug has many names: acid, brand, blotter, trip, etc.

In fact, LSD is a hallucinogen, a psychedelic or psychomimetic substance of the serotonergic group. This drug has an effect on the state of consciousness, causing a loss of connection with real events and hallucinations, and this is the reason why LSD is considered a terrible drug.

For many drug addicts, the use of LSD causes a state of psychosis, which can partially remain even after the end of the effect of the substance, which lasts up to half a day.

The danger of taking LSD is that people who use it can periodically fall into deep depressive states that resemble schizophrenia. This drug is able to accumulate in the body, which is why the threshold of sensitivity to it gradually increases. That is why people who constantly use LSD are forced to constantly increase the dosage in order to get the necessary sensations.
Documentary about the drug LSD:


LSD is considered, perhaps. To taste, the substance is slightly bitter, colorless and does not smell of anything. It is difficult to say unequivocally what effect such a drug will have. The final effect will depend on the dosage, the person's mood and the environment.

For some, the condition rises, while others, on the contrary, experience terrible hallucinations and paranoid outbursts:

  • Changes in the state begin in about half an hour or an hour and a half after using the drug.
  • At the same time, the pupils greatly expand, the pulse, temperature and pressure can critically fall or rise.
  • Hyper sweating and goose bumps appear, tremors and insomnia bother, the addict refuses food and is very thirsty.
  • Under the influence of LSD, there are sudden changes in mood, such as indescribable bliss or unbearable horror. At the same time, the addict himself does not understand what is real from what is happening, and what is a consequence of the effects of LSD.

Gradually, the LSD user moves away from everyday life, but to achieve bliss, he has to increase the dosage. Some, when using such a drug, begin to experience feelings of fear, they are afraid of dying or losing their minds, which drives them into terrible despair.

This condition lasts up to half a day and for many it never completely disappears. Under the influence of LSD, hallucinogenic visions arise, the image of visible objects is distorted. Such a person will be able to calmly go out through the window or stand in the middle of a busy street to admire the sky.

Development of addiction

Usually, the impetus for the first intake of a narcotic substance is a craving for new, previously unknown sensations. This happens, as a rule, in the company of friends, but after 5-8 uses, the patient develops a mentally conditioned dependence on LSD. Usually the use of LSD "sin" young people from dysfunctional families or too liberally brought up. In order to somehow compensate for the dissatisfaction with their personal lives, they begin to try drugs and quickly become addicted.

With each dose, the dosage of the drug increases, otherwise it is impossible to achieve the former pleasure. Then the drug dependence on LSD is developed. If a person uses LSD from time to time, then he does not develop dependence, although a distant complication such as psychosis, etc., may develop.

LSD tolerance is achieved in the shortest possible time. If the addict uses the same dose the next day, then he gets a smaller effect. Such tolerance passes in 4-7 days. If the patient continues to increase the dosage, then the likelihood of falling into a psychiatric clinic is high. And this is only in best case. At worst, under the influence of the drug, the patient may even commit suicide.
In the video, former drug addicts about the effects of the drug LSD:

Signs and symptoms of use

Every LSD abuser has different signs and reactions to the drug. Some may experience reactions such as:

  • sleep problems;
  • Changes in myocardial rhythm;
  • Hyper sweating;
  • elevated temperature;
  • Nausea-vomiting syndrome;
  • Spasms of muscle tissue;
  • feeling of chills;
  • Pupils dilate, etc.

There are changes in the mental area, accompanied by such symptoms: problems with perception, emotional sphere, thinking. Often, LSD users are tormented by emotional swings. They can go from relaxed and euphoric to panic attacks and terrifying fear in a matter of seconds. These sensations are superimposed, as it were, making up a hodgepodge of emotions.

Addiction treatment

It is possible to cure LSD addiction, but this is a very lengthy procedure that requires the conditions of a specialized rehabilitation center and the intervention of qualified narcologists. After giving up such a drug, withdrawal does not occur, which makes it possible to immediately cancel LSD. Mentally conditioned dependence is eliminated through individual psychotherapeutic sessions.

If you start on time and approach it comprehensively, then the prognosis for a cure is very positive and the consequences can be removed.

Consequences of use

As a result of the use of such drugs, patients experience very dangerous consequences:

  • Chromosomal disorders;
  • Mental insanity;
  • Tendency to violence;
  • The appearance of children with pathologies of a hereditary nature;
  • Suicidal tendencies, etc.

When taking LSD, psychological and mental changes occur that provoke an antisocial behavior, as well as forcing the patient to harm his personality and health, up to death.

The drug LSD looks like a liquid substance that adsorbs well on various surfaces. In the 60s, d-lysergic acid diethylamide was applied to pieces of sugar, small pieces of paper or cardboard. Now popular appearance LSD in the form of stamps with various designs. About what other forms of release of this drug are, and what effect it has on the body, we will describe further.

Best video:

What does the drug LSD look like, its appearance

LSD has many names: trip, report, acid, green dragon, pink elephant, acid, microdot, cartoons, brand, etc. This drug also has several forms of release. The most popular is paper. LSD stamps are paper with children's drawings, soaked in the substance and cut into small squares.

In addition to stamps, there are also gelatin pyramids, which, after solidification, are also cut into small pieces. More rarely, d-lysergic acid diethylamide is found in the form of microdot capsules or tablets.

What is the effect of LSD brands

The most famous narcotic psychedelic is a heavy potent substance, this explains the form of release. To achieve a narcotic effect, it is enough to buy one small brand of LSD.

The physiological effects of LSD are individual, scientists have not yet found at least one that would match in all cases of taking the drug. A person may show any of these symptoms while taking LSD:
increase in body temperature;
increased blood sugar levels;
uterine contractions;
gnashing of teeth;
strong pupil dilation;
increased sweating;
muscle spasms;
numbness and goosebumps;
violation of reflexes;
emotional euphoria;
tissue insensitivity;

Trip is the name given to the brands of LSD 25 and the psychedelic effect they produce. The effect of LSD always depends not only on the dose, but also on the state of mind of a particular person and his psychedelic experience. The external environment also plays an important role.
LSD trip can cause lingering emotional experiences, and in some people cause irreversible changes in the psyche and personality structure.

The effect of the hard drug LSD on the human body

Basically, the effect of LSD lasts 6-12 hours, depending on 4 indicators.
1. Dose of substance.
2. Body weight.
3. Age.
4. Individual tolerance of the drug.

However, sometimes psychedelic deviations in perception can last for several days.

Scientists have found out what harm the drug brand LSD does and the result will surprise you. It turns out that this most powerful psychedelic does not have a negative effect on human tissues and organs. That is, in fact, there is no physical effect of LSD on the human body.

However, for the adventurers who think that since this stuff doesn't affect the body, it's okay to try, we have bad news. LSD 25 able to reveal latent mental problems such as schizophrenia or epilepsy. Moreover, a person can get a psychedelic flashback after weeks, months, or even years of use.

And although on this moment there is no documented evidence of deaths from an overdose of LSD, it is still a deadly drug. Under its action, a person can accidentally get under a car or get out of the window.
Not a single drug use goes without consequences, and mental deviations are sometimes much worse than physical ones, since they irreversibly change the personality.

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LSD (LSD)- a semi-synthetic substance (lysergic acid diethylamide), which has a pronounced psychoactive property. When used, it is able to change the processes of perception of reality, to distort the consciousness of people. Human effects are difficult to predict. This is one of the unusual properties of LSD that distinguishes it from other psychedelic drugs. It is thanks to this feature that this substance is often used by adherents of transcendental sects practicing meditation.

History of LSD

In 1938, the Swiss scientist A. Hoffmann conducted experiments to create a medicine from ergot, as a result of which he obtained new drug. Having studied the properties of the new substance, it was literally immediately considered unpromising and further research was stopped. Hoffman returned to new experiments only in 1943. During one of these experiments, the scientist accidentally took a small dose of the drug and experienced a powerful mental experience. This was the discovery of LSD as .

Noting the similarity of the symptoms of the schizophrenic syndrome with the manifestations of the effects of LSD, scientists began research to understand the nature. However, experiments involving animals and humans have proven fruitless. Somewhat later (in the 1950s and 1960s), attempts were made to treat mental illness with the help of LSD, but again to no avail.

In 1951, the CIA became interested in the drug, and volunteers, mostly university students, began to be involved in the study of the properties of LSD. In 1960, another undergraduate psychedelic research project opened at Harvard University. These experiments, which introduced young people to a powerful new drug, led to the fact that LSD mania literally overwhelmed the younger generation. Especially often it was resorted to by representatives of various subcultures ( New Age, hippies, etc.), sects.

The widespread popularity of this psychotropic substancecaused numerous international scandals, which led not to a ban on the use of LSD and a veto on Scientific research this substance. In Russia, the “peak” of psychedelic popularity came in the 80s.

Today, the Albert Hofmann Foundation and international organizations such as MAPS (Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies) and the Beckley Foundation (Beckley Foundation) continue research in this direction.

Properties and forms of release of LSD

The production of the main drug was established in a network of illegal laboratories.

LSDissued as:

  • drops for application on sugar, paper strips, powders in capsule form;
  • gelatin pyramids;
  • tablets (with a dose of 20 to 500 mcg);
  • paper and cardboard squares pre-impregnated with the product (stamps);
  • other artisanal forms.

Pharmacological mechanism of action

The average duration of the narcotic effects of LSD on a person can be up to 12 hours.. The first signs of action develop after 30 minutes. According to the stories of some drug addicts, they observed psychedelic phenomena within a few days after taking. Scientific facts indicate that the peak of LSD action occurs 1-2 hours after ingestion. Over the next 3-5 hours, the person is in the "plateau" stage, after which there is a gradual decline in the narcotic effect.

The mechanism of action on the brain is under study. Scientists have put forward several hypotheses on this subject, according to which LSD is an analogue of serotonin (a neurotransmitter of the nervous system). Incorporating into the process of impulse transmission, replacing serotonin, the narcotic substance changes the structure of physiological and psychological processes in the brain. There is evidence of drug stimulation of the synthesis of glutamic acid in the brain tissue, which leads to effects similar to the action of nicotine and other drugs.

Narcotic effect of LSD

The action of this drug provides a very diverse sensations. The clinic of mental changes may differ depending on the dose received by the patient, on the characteristics of character, temperament, mood, environment. Of no small importance is the previous experience of anesthesia, age, and options for physical condition.

Some people experience no change at all when taking high doses of LSD.. ATamong consumers of this drug, its action is called "trip».

The emotional direction of the effects depends on the environment. With a favorable “climate”, the person who has taken the drug is in the grip of positive experiences, and, conversely, under the influence of a negative environment, negatively colored effects occur.

A feature of the LSD trip is its long-term effect, after the drug has been completely eliminated from the body. This phenomenon is most clearly observed in emotional effects. A person who takes a drug may change the structure of his personality, fundamental and established attitudes towards events, other people.

The most common forms of psychoactive LSD:

  • thickening and over-enhancement color schemes the surrounding world;
  • external objects and objects begin to “come to life” (breathe, shimmer, slowly move and distort in proportions, blur in spectacular patterns);
  • visions continue after eyes are closed;
  • the sense of time often slows down;
  • a person is depersonalized, ceases to treat himself as his own personality, the effect of “seeing oneself from the outside”, experiencing one’s own metamorphoses (rebirth) appears;
  • there is a feeling of dissolution of the body and soul in the outside world;
  • memory impairment, inadequate understanding of the past, present and self-identification develop;
  • some people begin to feel completely different from who they really are.

These effects are directly used by adherents of religious cults and sects, especially those of a destructive nature.

Note: Along with the psychedelic picture, a person taking LSD develops physiological and pathophysiological reactions.

The most frequently identified are:

  • fluctuations in body temperature;
  • cramping;
  • with "goose skin";
  • different types ;
  • gnashing of teeth ();
  • increased sweating and salivation (hyperhidrosis, hypersalivation);
  • on examination, dilated pupils (mydriasis) are noticed;
  • seizures and;
  • spasms and convulsive twitches;
  • sleep and appetite disturbances;
  • increased tendon reflexes;
  • sensory disturbances (feeling of insects crawling on the skin, tingling, numbness, etc.).

Consequences of taking LSD

Physical dependence on this drug does not develop. But this does not mean that you can safely use it for pleasure.. Let's try to understand the negative effects of LSD anesthesia.

After several "sessions" of taking the drug, a person has a desire to repeat the sensations received against the background of "intoxication". Gradually, a pronounced mental dependence is formed. And developing against the background of the absence of the drug and other "troubles", patients begin to remove other drugs. The meaning of life is increasingly seen in the search for the next dose of LSD.

Abstinence for 4-5 days leads to a pronounced desire to plunge into the world of dreams again. Over time, frightening visions appear more and more often in the picture of the effects of LSD. Patients become afraid of them, but addiction makes them resort to the drug again and again. Some patients experience fear and try to get away from LSD by taking alcohol or other drugs. Polydrug addiction is being formed ().

The most pronounced are:

  • Loss of understanding of the surrounding reality, depersonalization that lasts with small "light" intervals.
  • The progress of "hidden" mental disorders. Some people have schizophrenic syndromes, epileptic seizures; psychoses develop.
  • Manifestations of "flashbacks" that is, sudden returns of the mental and pathophysiological manifestations of the action of LSD, after long periods of time, already against the background of the drug excreted from the body. These effects are due to a profound change in the mental functions of the brain, although they can in no way be associated with anatomical damage to nerve cells. Flashbacks can provoke strong feelings, acute illnesses of any origin.

Important: LSD does not cause damage to organs and tissues. All the negative effect of this compound affects only mental changes.

The substance does not have a pronounced toxicity. That's why the overdoseLSD is a rarity in medicine. In statistical documents, not a single death from taking an excessive dose of the drug has been recorded.

Interactions with drug groups

Little scientific work has been done in this area. Most researchers write about a decrease in the manifestations of the action of LSD while taking it.

The exception is inhibitors. MAO. These medications are able to change and intensify the pattern of manifestation of the psychic effects of LSD.

Potentiating action occurs in combination with neuroleptics. But sometimes the opposite effect is also observed.

Treatment and rehabilitation of patients suffering from dependence on LSD

Getting rid of the mental dependence of people who take LSD drugs for a long time is carried out in drug treatment clinics, hospitals, rehabilitation centers. Detoxification therapy in this case is not needed, since physical dependence on this substance does not occur. Consequently, there is no withdrawal syndrome - "withdrawal".

Specialists have to direct their efforts to combat psychic cravings. As we have already seen, all the sensations from taking LSD are in the realm of the psyche. That is why the deviations that this type of dependence gives are most effectively amenable to correction by psychotherapy.

At the very beginning of treatment, it is important to provide the drug addict with motivation to live without the use of any drugs that can produce psychotic changes.

Note: Attitude towards a healthy lifestyle is extremely necessary, because without it, many patients who have long-term addiction to LSD, after a while, return to addiction again. Often they switch to the use of more "heavy" drugs of opium and other groups.

Psychotherapy in the treatment of LSD addiction includes:

  • motivational conversations and persuasion methods, both individual and group;
  • suggestion, which is carried out at a conscious level at the moment of wakefulness and when using hypnosis;
  • teaching methods of self-control, management of one's mental and physiological reactions with the help of auto-training;
  • author's developments of psychotherapeutic influence, coding.

Treatment for LSD addiction is very effective in rehabilitation centers, where along with narcologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, psychologists, rehabilitation specialists and sociologists, patients themselves are directly involved in the recovery period. positive example recovering people who are nearby, provides powerful support in the desire to get rid of addiction.


Properly organized step-by-step treatment process, a person's mood for a healthy lifestyle, help from relatives and relatives, psychoprophylaxis, lifestyle changes, allow achieving good remission and gradual getting rid of drug addiction.

LSD is a drug that is banned in most countries of the world. It acts as a hallucinogen (a person feels the effect of euphoria), but at the same time causes severe harm to human health. An overdose of LSD has a destructive effect on the body and psyche, the consequences of which can be deplorable - if there is no death, then the patient will have a long period of addiction treatment.

What is LSD

LSD is the most famous psychedelic drug in existence today. The raw material for its production is lysergic acid, obtained from ergot. At its core, it is a hallucinogenic drug that was previously used in medical research and in various non-traditional practices to "expand consciousness." The drug is different in that it does not cause physical dependence, but it causes mental dependence - it is very difficult to give up colorful illusions and return to harsh reality.

A small amount of LSD produces a quick effect, everything around takes on bright colors. The drug does not have a pronounced taste and smell, but is slightly bitter. The most popular acid (as it is sometimes called) is in the form of stamps (small pieces of paper soaked in LSD) - they are easy to hide, and one piece is enough for several people. They look like small pieces of paper with cartoon characters drawn on them. But there are other forms:

  • tablet;
  • capsule;
  • gelatin;
  • liquid LSD (drops).

The drug has an effect on the body for about 12 hours. This happens because of the active substance - lysergic acid, which causes a feeling of unreality, happiness and beauty, while causing irreparable harm to the body.

The effect of LSD on the human body

The properties of LSD were originally used in medicine to treat schizophrenia. Over time, numerous studies have shown that acid does not positively affect brain activity in any use and dosage.

The effect obtained from LSD makes the person turn to it again and again because of the feeling of full presence and awakening. All objects and images acquire new colors. People who have taken the drug may stare at the surface texture for several minutes, admiring its beauty.

A love for life and the world appears, which ends with the action of the drug. There is a "smell and sound of color", judging from the description of the subjects.

A depressed person, who is inclined to see everything in black colors, may experience the opposite of the expected effect - he becomes withdrawn, upset, everything seems so bad that the drug can lead to suicide.

Signs of an overdose

Severe overdose of LSD is uncommon, but requires emergency care doctor as soon as possible. The person begins to resemble a driven animal, his pupils are dilated and his hands are shaking. All patients experience almost the same symptoms:

  • animal fear;
  • pain in the chest in the region of the heart;
  • dilated pupils;
  • temperature rise;
  • spasm of smooth muscles;
  • strong thirst;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • euphoria;
  • increased heart rate, pulse and blood pressure;
  • headache;
  • quickening of breathing.

In severe cases, there is separation of foam from the mouth and severe vomiting. Such a state after taking the drug requires immediate help, even if the dose of LSD was small, since the consequences can be sad. This is due to the fact that everyone has different organisms, and for a pathological effect, each needs a different dosage.

Lethal dose

The harm caused to the body depends on the state of health and its strength, as well as on the height and weight of the human body. On average, the lethal dose is 0.2 mg per kilogram of body weight. If a lower dosage from a lethal one caused side effects in a person, and help was not provided on time, a fatal outcome is also possible.

Drinking with alcohol

If the intake of alcoholic beverages occurs after drinking acid, the effect of alcohol ceases to be felt. With the abuse of cocktails after the drug, it is possible to increase side effects in the form of nausea, vomiting, increased heart rate, general deterioration.

When addiction sets in

LSD addiction develops gradually. After the first reception, a person plunges into a "trip" - the so-called journey through reality. It helps to distract from sad thoughts, relieves negativity and depression. After a while, the effects of LSD wear off and life returns to normal.

Some individuals, whose weekdays for some reason do not suit them, want to repeat this bright event again. After a certain number of "trips", the acid ceases to fully act, and you have to take a large dosage. Then the opposite effect occurs, aggravating the severe psycho emotional condition person.

At risk of addiction are teenagers and middle-aged people, from 15 to 35 years old. This period accounts for the greatest number of experiences and psycho-emotional disorders.

The feeling of stability and happiness after a single use of the drug makes them return to it again and again. The harm from the influence of LSD on the body is ignored in this case.

Treatment for LSD addiction

For addiction treatment, it is necessary to undergo a full course of rehabilitation in a hospital. Each medical center selects an individual approach to the patient, but general principle treatment is built on five stages.


Professional doctors work with the patient of the center, who help motivate him to treat and restore his former life without the use of lysergic acid diethylamide. They tell you what harm the remedy does, and explain the action plan that should be taken to get rid of the addiction.


Detoxification of the body is an important step on the path of treatment. Upon admission in a serious condition, the blood is cleansed by intravenous infusions. A person is prescribed a complex of vitamins, special medicines to get rid of intoxication. Medicines, dietary supplements or herbal medicine are taken as prescribed by the doctor.


This recovery point includes various group and individual trainings conducted by experienced psychologists, psychotherapists and other specialized doctors. Classes are aimed at normalizing the psychological state of a person, his acceptance of the problem, the desire to solve it. In addition, they can make new acquaintances that will help to cope with life's difficulties morally.

Recovery of the body

An important role is played by the normalization of lifestyle. This step will help prepare the patient for their new acid-free life. In the center, it is mandatory to comply with such medical recommendations as:

  • restoration of sleep and rest;
  • sports that will relieve psychological problems and restore the body;
  • provision of full healthy eating(enrichment of the body with vitamins from vegetables and fruits, normalization of digestion with the help of fiber, etc.);
  • physiotherapy - treatment with ultrasound, current, water, acupuncture.

After passing through a complex of procedures, a person develops a love for life, joy for his first successes. The patient is cleansed physically and spiritually. The last stage remains - understanding and acceptance by loved ones.


At this stage, understanding and acceptance of native people is very important. Any results can be crossed out in an instant at the first misunderstanding of relatives. They must support the patient after rehabilitation, give confidence that he is loved and happy to return.

Human Consequences

  1. One of the consequences after taking acid is "flashbacks". This state is characterized by the fact that a person who was once under LSD returns to a similar state in ordinary life without taking the drug. This is side effect the human psyche, which is able to restore in memory special memorable moments experienced earlier.
  2. Causes a short-term tolerance, which passes on its own after a few days. There is no data on physical dependence, but the drug can cause severe psychological illness, including schizophrenia, as well as epilepsy.
  3. LSD has an effect on the uterus, causing it to contract, so it is contraindicated in pregnancy. Negative effects on the fetus are not excluded.
  4. AT rare cases, if medical care is not provided in time, a fatal outcome is possible for a person. Some individuals, after an insufficient effect from taking the drug, switch to the use of stronger psychotropic substances.

You should not even try drugs to improve your mood once - this will save you from many health problems and drug addiction.

LSD - what is it and how does the drug affect the human body? Modern youth, using various drugs, usually do not think about such issues.

Like many similar hallucinatory and addictive drugs, LSD was created as a pain reliever. But many years of research have proven that the drug poses a serious threat to life and health, provoking the development of addiction, and has a negative impact on the mental and emotional state of a person.

The history of the creation of the drug

The narcotic substance was created in 1938 by the Swiss scientist Hofmann, who at that time was working on a drug to normalize blood circulation. But only five years later, the scientist returned to studying the properties of the drug he had created. In order to investigate the effect of the obtained remedy on the body, Albert Hofmann tested it on himself, while the chemist experienced the strongest mental experiences.

As the substance was studied, scientists noted a marked similarity between the symptoms of schizophrenia and the effects of LSD, which was not described until 1943. It is expected that research in this area will help to understand the origin and nature of the disease.

Experiments on animals and then on humans began to be carried out in psychiatric clinics as early as 1950. In the early 60s, a special program was created in the United States of America, where the effect of the drug was studied on students. According to experts, this is what gave rise to the use of LSD as a drug among young people. In 1967, the drug was completely banned for use.

No deaths have been reported from LSD overdose, according to statistics. Fatal outcomes associated with the use of a prohibited substance are observed as a result of accidents and suicides.

The lethal dose, according to studies, ranges from 1 to 5 mg per kilogram of body weight.


LSD is chemical, which, influencing the consciousness, changes the psycho-emotional state of a person. The substance is obtained from lysergic acid, which is formed on various cereals, molds and ergot. The liquid itself is odorless and tastes slightly bitter.

LSD is a drug, a hallucinogenic substance belonging to the psychomimetic, psychedelic group. The drug has an effect on consciousness, under its influence a person loses touch with reality. It is for this reason that acid is a drug.

People who use LSD regularly experience a permanent state of psychosis, hallucinations.

The drug is sold illegally in the form of tablets, squares or capsules. It also has several names, for example, "acid", "Lucy", "Cat", "Gemini" and many others.

"Trip" is the state that a person experiences after using a substance. Continues for 12 hours.

But the drug's danger more is that people, in order to get the desired sensations, are forced to exceed the dose of LSD, and this leads to the development of a depressive state resembling schizophrenia. Over time, it accumulates in the body and the threshold of sensitivity to the substance is significantly reduced, which prompts the use of it more often and in large doses.

The effect of LSD on the body

The final effect after drinking acid depends on mood, dosage and individual features human body. For many, the mood improves significantly, and some experience terrible hallucinations, outbursts of aggression, paranoid attacks.

  1. After using the drug, changes in the body begin to occur within half an hour, in some cases after one and a half.
  2. The pupils begin to dilate, the pulse quickens. Also, blood pressure and body temperature can drop to a critical state, or increase markedly.
  3. A person shudders, insomnia worries, there is a strong thirst. The sebaceous glands begin to work in an enhanced mode, goose bumps appear.
  4. Sudden change of mood. A person may experience unreasonable bouts of joy, fun or aggression. Often, drug addicts themselves do not understand where is reality and where are hallucinations.

Over time, a person who regularly uses LSD moves away from real life. In order to achieve the desired bliss, you have to exceed the initial dosage. Drugs affect each body differently.

Some addicts begin to experience an indescribable delight, and many feel terrible fear, afraid to die or lose their mind forever. This provokes the development of despair and a depressive state, from which it is not always possible to finally get out.

Under the influence of a drug, a person can completely lose touch with reality, the vision of the real world is distorted. Such people, not realizing this, leave an open window or stand on a busy highway, thinking that they are in a different place. Drug addicts under the influence of LSD are not responsible for their actions, do not control their own body and mind. The worst thing is that a person can die without realizing last minutes what happened.


There were no physical changes after drug use. But the main harm lies in the fact that under its action a person loses touch with reality for a certain time. In a state of drug intoxication, he is able to harm not only himself, but also those around him.

So, according to statistics, cases of accidents on busy roads, aggressive behavior, which can lead to sad consequences, were established. It is especially dangerous when a drug addict is in crowded places when under the influence of LSD, for example, at work, where increased attention is needed.

Quite often addicts think they can fly and get out through balcony door or an open window. He can also get into an accident while driving a car or simply going out onto the road, believing that there are no vehicles around him.

But this is not the only harm from the use of LSD. Flashback is a state experienced by every fourth drug addict. This is an unexpected return to the state in which the person was under the influence of the drug. To date, scientists have not established how and for what reason this phenomenon.

According to assumptions, in this way the human psyche realizes the ability to restore a number of certain events that left vivid impressions and emotions in the memory. In simple words, this state is more like deja vu.

Some time after the end of drug exposure, the state of drug intoxication fully returns to the person. This is what is considered the most dangerous thing that can occur after the action of LSD, since it appears suddenly and does not depend on the place, time, what the person is doing.

But there is no physical dependence on the drug, it is only psychological. In this case, there is a desire to experience strong emotions again, to get away from everyday problems.

Is it safe to take LSD during pregnancy? It is dangerous to use the drug during pregnancy, as the acid provokes uterine contractions, which leads to premature birth or miscarriage. It also negatively affects the health of the child, having a negative impact on his psyche, nervous and cardiac - vascular system.

Many compare the effects of LSD to psilocybin mushrooms. The effect on the human body from them is more pronounced, but they act more gently, providing sedation.

Development of addiction

Young people most often start trying drugs for the first time because of curiosity and craving for new sensations. Usually this happens in the company of friends, where everyone wants to show themselves as adults, independent and fashionable. After 6-8 doses, dependence on LSD begins to develop.

With each new dose, a person increases the amount of drug used in order to achieve the desired result. Often, children from dysfunctional families or brought up in conditions where the child was not denied anything and he was allowed a lot begin to regularly use acid. Chronic drug use leads to rapid development dependencies.

Acid addiction and the need for new sensations rarely occur when a person does not regularly use the drug. But in some cases, a complication appears, in its symptoms resembling psychosis.

Tolerance to LSD occurs in a fairly short time. When a person uses the drug again the next day, the effect is not so bright. Within a week, such tolerance passes almost without consequences.

In medical practice, cases have been established when drug addicts end up in psychiatric clinics with psychosis and other psychological abnormalities after constantly exceeding the dose for a certain period. There are also cases of death as a result of suicide against the background of temporary insanity or loss of contact with reality.

Consequences after consumption

The drug has a negative impact not only on the psychological state of a person. Among the consequences of the use of acid, physiological and mental changes are distinguished.

1. Physiological.

  • insomnia appears;
  • pupils dilate;
  • there is dry mouth and constant strong thirst;
  • sweating increases;
  • appetite decreases;
  • body temperature rises sharply;
  • speech becomes confused, illegible;
  • there is a strong excitement;
  • there is a tremor in the limbs;
  • heartbeat becomes more frequent.

2. Mental.

  • the sense of reality is lost;
  • there are panic, terrible thoughts, which pushes to suicide;
  • there is an uncontrollable fear of death, loss of control;
  • despair arises;
  • a person begins to see hallucinations;
  • the perception of time, sound, shapes, sizes is disturbed various objects;
  • psychoses develop;
  • tactile sensations change.

In addition, a person's mood changes dramatically from joy to complete despair or unreasonable aggression. It often becomes dangerous to be near an addict during the impact of acid on his body, as he does not control his actions.

LSD - before and after

Effects of exposure in the long term

Trips and flashbacks are some of the long-term effects of drug use. Repeated attacks can occur after exposure to acid on the body. According to experts, drug addicts experience this condition for up to two years.

Seizures occur unexpectedly, at any time, no matter where the person is. This is where the danger of trips lies. According to research, it was found that the cause of seizures is the ability of the psyche to return to the moments when the most vivid emotions were experienced.

LSD poisoning

LSD poisoning is characterized by poor health, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness. Overdose can cause coma, coagulopathy or death.

The killing effect of LSD depends on the dose the person has taken. Acid affects the brain, disrupts the functioning of the heart muscle, which often leads to irreversible changes.

When using large doses of the drug, there is a loss of consciousness, convulsive seizures, foam from the mouth, and regular vomiting. All symptoms indicate that the body is trying to remove diethylamide and lysergic acid. Substances quickly penetrate the bloodstream and are transported throughout the body within half an hour.

First aid

In case of LSD poisoning, it is necessary first of all to check the patency of the respiratory tract, the consciousness of the victim. You need to talk quietly and calmly with a person, since acid can have a negative effect on nervous system.

In severe condition, intravenous glucose, cold and oxygen inhalations are necessary.

If violent behavior is established, it is necessary to give the victim a sedative drug that will reduce aggression and anxiety. With persistent vomiting or diarrhea, experts recommend giving activated charcoal. Before the arrival of an ambulance, a person should be in a state of complete rest, without physical activity.

There is no official data on death as a result of poisoning, but it must be remembered that it is a critical condition that can cause serious consequences.

Video: what is LSD?

Addiction treatment

Is it possible to get rid of addiction? To date, does not exist medicines able to get rid of addiction. Treatment involves taking sedatives. Therapy should be carried out only under the supervision of specialists in rehabilitation centers.

Treatment should be comprehensive. In the case when the fight against addiction was started on time, the doctors give a positive prognosis and the consequences will be minimal.

LSD is a psychotropic drug that affects the nervous system and the brain. Prolonged use of acid entails irreversible consequences and changes in the psycho-emotional state. A person completely loses control over his body and mind.

Dependence develops after 6-8 doses, and the consequences after treatment are often impossible to eliminate. Taking even one small dose can cause depression, apathy, and aggressive behavior. It is this condition that leads a person to suicide or an accident.