Scary stories call spirits. Scary stories and mystical stories

As trite as it may sound, but: the story is real. About a month and a half ago, namely 07/09/12, it all started. After reading stories about summoning spirits, I decided to "summon" someone, namely, something like Bloody Mary. I knew, in general, about her for a long time, but I became interested just the other day. Here you will not read about how I spoke a spell with my girlfriends by candlelight, because everything was fast.
We went for a walk with a friend. Despite the fact that in Lviv it is usually foggy, rainy, like in London, not to lie, that day it was about +32 in the shade and +40 in the sun. Truth. We decided to go to hell for Easter cakes at Arsen (maybe someone doesn’t know, this is a store in Lvov), but the heat was exhausting, and Vika (a friend) suggested that we stop by for a drink on the way to her house. As she poured water, my gaze fell on the mirror in her bathroom. I remember how she told me about how scared she was to walk past the bathroom when there was no light. No mysticism, I just read, probably, horror films. So I look and say, something like: “Let me call Bloody Mary?”. Do not think, I did not hope that she would be afraid, and boasted that she was fearless. It was just that then it was a very sunny and joyful day, and during the day I, one might say, am not afraid of anything and I have a lack of “adrenaline” (only in the evening I remember everything and tremble until 2 am)). Vika, superstitious, said that she did not want Mary to come out of her mirror later, when evening came. I reassured her that Mary only comes to those who called her. And at the same time she reassured herself, by the fact that she only kills those who had previously deprived someone of their life (“Supernatural” I revised). So, the first time I said "Bloody Mary" three times while looking in the mirror, but at the same time, without crossing the threshold into the bathroom. The fact is that the bathroom door opens directly to the kitchen and, if you stand in the kitchen, facing the bathroom, you can immediately see a mirror in front of you. Deciding that this was not enough, I, full of courage, crossed the threshold and said it again, having previously drawn the necessary crap on the mirror with a sample of red lipstick, which amused my friend a little. As I expected, nothing happened, not even the light flickered.
Nothing happened for the rest of the day. But in the evening, as I already wrote, I began to see all sorts of shadows. I can’t vouch that this is something otherworldly, as before and now, I think it’s all auto-suggestion, but I think that you, dear readers of the site, will be interested in it, who knows what it really was! So, I went to bed, tormented by fear. Don't expect bloody scenes or creepy mirror faces. I myself read the stories of such sites and already know what usually happens in such “real stories”. But I want to say that the fewer scenes filled with unrealistic horror films, the more likely it was to be real. After all, you must admit, it is unlikely that a person who has experienced all these fictional horrors will write about it so calmly. Something I got off topic. That night, I had nightmares all the time. As if I get out of bed, look at the clock (which I don't really have) and see - 3.15. And I go to the bathroom. As soon as I crossed the threshold, I stumbled, my slippers flew off, I fell into blackness and woke up. I woke up in a cold sweat, looked at my watch - half past six in the morning, but it was already light. In short, I never fell asleep. I go to the bathroom to wash up and see my slipper in front of the threshold (no matter how fun it sounds now, but then I was really scared of such a combination of circumstances). Deciding that my cat was playing pranks and chasing around the house at night (she loves this business), I calmed down a bit. The day was again incredibly hot. We went for a walk with Vika again. I told her about what had happened, I thought that she would not believe me. But no matter how. Throughout my story, she looked at me with square eyes. And then she said that she could not sleep all night because of the wild rattle from the bathroom. But it sounded very muffled, as if from a closed box, sort of. Naturally, we immediately began to think that these were all self-hypnosis, because Vika, firstly, is very timid, secondly, she has a wild imagination, thirdly, it could well be the sound of repairs or something wrong with the pipes so. In the evening I again, all in "horror", went to bed. This time I dreamed that I was still able to get out of that blackness and went to the mirror. Oh my God! I still don’t understand how I didn’t die of fear there! Probably, this state is special in a dream, a state of rest. There was a terrible, blue muzzle in the mirror, covering the entire surface. It was something not human, I mean that the outlines were not like normal! Rather, it was something like a creepy and highly distorted mask. With stupidly open eyes and a HUGE mouth. And again I say, with a very distorted muzzle! Fu, how again I imagine becoming uncomfortable. Oh, yes, and also a smile, if you can call it a smile, dumb. I looked at her like a TV, and not like a mirror, because it did not reflect anything. I quickly turned around and woke up. And glory to the saints! Otherwise, I don’t know how I would have survived what I would have seen behind my back! The sound of a bell woke me up. I already went to the kitchen to look through the peephole, but my parents were ahead of me. It was my brother with mom and dad. I live with my mother and grandmother. Sometimes Mariana and Oleg bring Stas to me so that I can sit with him (he is 9 years old). So, my grandmother went to her friend's dacha two days ago. And my mother was supposed to go today with her sister and her sister's husband to the wedding of some relative. They didn't take us because we are "small". Come back tomorrow, closer to dinner. I have to watch my little brother, put him to bed at 11:00 sharp. By the way, Stas already had a plan, and we agreed that we would hardly sleep, but would watch Supernatural. Relatives immediately left, and I called Vika to come to me, because I won’t be able to walk, I would tell her about the dream, and for one and my brother. By the way, my brother is very smart and loves all sorts of horror stories. And so I told them everything. They, oddly enough, believed ...
The third evening of my all-consuming fear was approaching. At 23.30 hours. Reader, believe me, words cannot describe my fear or paranoia. I fell asleep quickly. But somewhere at 3.12, judging by the phone, I woke up from the rattle from the bathroom, such as Vika described. How scared I was! I felt some sticky liquid on my face. Yes, my nose was bleeding. My eyes darkened and it was as if my brain had switched off. Further, my story may seem vague, but this is due to my well-being at that moment. I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom to wash off the blood. Everything was there as usual, except that the light shone very brightly. I was like in a trance. Suddenly I heard some sobbing from the bedroom where my brother was sleeping. When I turned around, I threw a few jars off the shelf near the mirror and broke it. From this noise, I turned around and saw blood on the mirror, it looked like they wanted to smear it all over the mirror. It felt like I was dying: white light, blurry vision, dizziness. But still I managed not to fall, and I ran to my brother. Having risen to the second floor (we have a two-story apartment), I saw how he was sitting on the bed like a zombie. Seeing me, he quickly began to ask: “What was that?!”. Stas told me that he heard screams, my screams. We hid upstairs and sat like this until the morning ...
In the morning, I went downstairs, the sun was still shining brightly. I was very tired, so I immediately fell on the sofa in the living room. Slept until 12 o'clock. Just arrived relatives from the wedding. Through a dream, I said hello, heard something like: “Hello to you too. How much can you sleep? Oh, if only they knew... And then I remembered that the mess in the bathroom would not please my mother much. Strangely, she went in but didn't say anything. I thought about running and seeing how it was, but as soon as I tried to get up, I was already thrown up. I wanted to stupidly run, jump. I went into the bathroom, I look - everything is clean. There is no blood, only the shelf is cracked and the shampoo jar is upside down. But! There was a trace of blood on her. Realizing that I could not stand such a night again, I decided to tell my grandmother everything. After all, she is a very religious person. An hour after I woke up, she arrived. I told everything! In anticipation of curses for imprudence, or simply that she would not believe me, I did not notice the anxiety in her eyes. She walked quickly to the bathroom. After examining a jar of shampoo with blood, the grandmother began to whisper some spells. After that, she told me to go to church, and she retired to her room. Without hesitation, I referred to the fact that I was going for a walk, went to the church of St. Arch. Michael. I went to confession and communion. After the service, I decided to talk to the priest. I didn’t tell everything, only that I have a feeling of something otherworldly, and in this spirit. He looked at me with an X-ray look. And he said the words that stuck in my memory and, probably, for a long time:
“Sister, we are all likeness of God. And every day we must strive for the best, for the Creator. Everything that happens is either self-hypnosis or testing. There is no third. It happens that the Evil One tempts and even frightens us with self-hypnosis. As you can see, this case includes both the first and the second. Your task is to understand why. Perhaps you made a mistake somewhere. Perhaps doubted. I see you understand me.
All the way to the house I thought about these words. Most likely, this is due to the fact that I contacted the dark forces. No, well, it's loudly said, the meaning is that I "played with fire." With this story, I want to warn everyone, both atheists and confessors of other faiths, that one should not get involved with what one does not know about. I've already paid for this. I do not rule out that all this could have been invented, self-suggested. But the fear that I experienced is a sufficient argument for me. Fear is defined as the expectation of evil (Aristotle). In search of fear, adrenaline, we are looking for a way to get closer to evil. Some may think that this is just a fictional story. No. I just had time to think about what I wish you.
Arriving home, I immediately went to my grandmother and told her that I went to church. She didn't talk about the conversation with the priest. She told me, only that everything had already passed. And added that I myself solved my problem. Whatever it means, the next night of July 10-11, I slept peacefully. However, as it is today.
Living in constant fear, even during his lifetime he dies many deaths (I don’t remember who said). Thanks for reading. Good luck to all.

Many of us like to tickle our nerves and sometimes decide to call the spirits.
I will give some examples.
Such as: Queen of Spades, Bloody Mary, Sweet Tooth, Mermaid, etc...

Peak Lady.
This is a "celebrity" among teenagers, everyone knows her.
Probably everyone called her, or at least tried.
There are many legends about her.
Well, here are a few ways for you.

1. To call the Queen of Spades, we need: red lipstick, mirror, Queen of Spades card. We draw on the mirror, a house with a door, a dot on the door and a ladder. At night, turn off all the lights in the house, you can light a candle. Pick up a mirror and say three times: "Queen of Spades, come!". And you start waiting. If you see any figure on the mirror, hear a knock or some other suspicious sound, then know that it has come! You need to quickly erase the steps and break the map, otherwise it will come out of the mirror and kill you!

2. Pull a white sheet over the wall. Attach a black square of paper or fabric to it. Turn off the lights and start calling the Queen of Spades. Say three times: "Queen of Spades, come and fulfill our desires!". The lady should appear inside the square and walk towards you. While she is walking, you need to tell her your desire. When she comes close to the square, you need to say: "Queen of Spades, go away!". If you do not have time to do this, she will strangle you.

In addition to the Queen of Spades, there is also a Bloody Mary.
But few people know about her.
Bloody Mary can kill, gouge eyes, drive you crazy, drag you into a mirror.
Personally, I did not call it, but here's a way.

Here's what to do
Wait for the night.
Go to the room with the mirror.
Close the door, light a candle.
Look directly into the mirror and say three times: "Bloody Mary, come to me!" When you say these words for the third time, you will see Mary behind your left shoulder. Remember, when you notice it, it's too late to do anything.

If you did as expected, and Bloody Mary did not come, do not rush to make a claim: perhaps she will look at you later. Really, think how many people are standing at this very time at the mirror and trying to call Mary! There are many of you, but she is one. But be warned, Bloody Mary has you on her list. Wait...

But we all know that in addition to evil spirits, there are those who fulfill desires.
For example, Sweet Tooth.
It can be used to make sweets.
Call him after midnight.

1. Take some candy and hang it on a string in the bathroom, preferably on the sink faucet. Don't forget to bring a flashlight with you. Turn off the lights and whisper "Sweet Tooth, Come to Me" a few times. After a while, you will hear the rustling of candy foil. Don't move and don't make noise, you can scare away the sweet tooth.

If suddenly you feel that the sweet tooth touched you, immediately turn on the flashlight, because the sweet tooth can smell sweets from you and casually bite. When you turn on the flashlight, the sweet tooth will dissolve and instead of itself will leave twice as many sweets as it was at the beginning. Do not forget to say "thank you" to the sweet tooth before eating sweets.

2. Draw a house on the floor (preferably with gouache), and put a candy in the middle of this drawing. Turn off the light. Call the sweet tooth, say these words: "Sweet tooth, come to me." After a while, you will hear the rustle of a candy wrapper. After you hear the rustling, say these words: "Sweet tooth, go to the house" - and he will leave, leaving sweet treats in his place.

If someone wants to replenish his stock of swear words, you can call the Gnome-Swearing..
Your vocabulary will replenish ten times.

We go into a dark place, pick up a rope and scissors, and say: "Matt Dwarf, come" - 3 times.
And voila, enjoy.

The mermaid is a separate issue altogether.
I should warn you, if you call a mermaid in a pond, she will make you comb her hair until her hands are wounded, and then she will kill you.
We find a bowl of water, (or something else)
We pick up a comb and say 3 times: "Mermaid, come"
You need to call in complete darkness.
And now, if you survive, you can safely go to work as a hairdresser, you have already completed the courses.

Well, perhaps everything, you can call.
Good luck!

The story happened in 2007. My close friend fell in love with a guy, we had just entered the 1st year of college and he was our classmate. Her love turned out to be unrequited, and then an idiotic thought came into her head - to bewitch him. I believe in it, to be honest, but I dissuaded her from using such things, but a lot of tears were shed, her nerves were running out, she felt sorry for her.
We found in the ad a number with the signature "Karina, a love spell in 1 day." Although I tell her - all these charlatans in the newspapers are nonsense, but it’s too late to dissuade. They came. A friend came in, after 20-30 minutes she leaves. At home (in the hostel) she said that today she had to go to the cemetery with sweets, candles and read the plot. Sweets - in order to appease and commemorate the souls of the dead.
Naturally, she invited me along. I'm afraid of cemeteries, but friends are friends for that, to help in everything in difficult times.
At 11 o'clock we ordered a taxi, arrived at the place. It was necessary to go there at 12, at the beginning it was not at all scary, they even joked. The lanterns near the fence shone brightly.
But now it's 2-3 minutes to twelve, it's time to come in. We went about 100 meters from the entrance, where the light is no longer so bright and there are many old graves.
I silently trudge behind, a friend went a little further. She lit the candles and began mumbling something under her breath.
From the desire to sleep, fear slipped away somewhere, showing no signs. But it wasn't there.
I stand and hear a rustle behind me. A chill ran down his back. Mentally I reassure myself: it just seems that after all I’m not sitting in a movie, but a cemetery, no matter how. But no, the cold seems to run through me with "hands". I turn around slightly and see a transparent smoke .. People, at that moment my eyes almost jumped out of horror, I yelled so that I probably woke up the whole of Rostov! (By the way, for the Rostovskys, it was at the cemetery in Aleksandrovka, which is already old and is not buried there). And I look, this smoke has a clear outline of an elderly woman, whose grave is right behind. I stepped back, calling Inna (changed her name). Not a sound from her. And this smoke pulls its hands to me and I hear a whisper "you will not leave here."
She ran to the exit, ran to the road itself. I sat down there, sobbing, began to kiss the cross, pray that she would remain alive. I went to the taxi, I say where to go, only to wait 10 minutes, now my friend will come. I call Inna on the phone, she answers and is silent. I tell her - "Come here quickly, run away from there!" In response, silence.
The taxi driver says: what happened to you there? I'm not going to tell the truth, I say, my friend is coming.
It took about 15 minutes, is all in the mud. I got scared. But she left the questions home.
We sat down near the hostel (it was already 2 am). There is light near it from the lanterns (they are not allowed inside after 11). I say what's wrong with you? and she says to me in a trembling voice: my grandmother made me eat earth from the grave in order to atone for her guilt before the inhabitants of the cemetery. I look at her and say: why didn’t you run away, I called you? She: Someone was holding me.
In the morning my friend became ill. Sick of the earth, and dreams tormented. Thank God they are both alive.
I will never go to the cemetery again! Even during the day I avoid them. And I will not do any love spells and lapels either.

Mysterious stories and ancient legends about ghosts have always existed. Many people do not believe in legends, saying that they have never seen or heard a single ghost in a cemetery or any other similar place. But just because people haven't seen it doesn't mean ghosts don't exist. Even in ancient Russia, it was necessary to hold a feast for the dead, and in subsequent centuries, funeral services, seeing them off to another world and paying respect and honors, otherwise, according to legend, the spirits of the restless could return and begin to disturb people.

In 1970, a woman bought an antique, worn-out doll named Ann Doll from a thrift store. The doll was intended as a birthday present for her daughter Donna. Donna was a college student at the time and preparing to graduate as a medical professional. Lived in a tiny apartment with her roommate Angie (also a nurse). Donna was delighted with her mother's gift and placed the doll on her bed as a decoration. Later, Donna and Angie began to notice that strange things began to happen to the doll.

Vasily walked down the street in a very bad mood. He then quickened his pace, then, on the contrary, stopped abruptly, pretending that he suddenly remembered the unturned iron. Finally, his patience snapped.
“Comrade, aren’t you tired of following me yourself?” I don't know whose joke it was, but they joked and that's enough. Do you want me to laugh too? Haha. Go home already!
A tall guy with two snow-white wings, who was following him two steps from the house, turned around in surprise.
“I appeal to you,” Vasily raged, “do not pretend to be a fool!

The story is old, but I remember it like yesterday.
It was when I was 5-6 years old, then my mother and stepfather and I went to rest in Turkey. Mom's friend (fortunately she has a lot of friends and acquaintances) offered us to live in her two-story apartment, mom, of course, agreed, well, but what - you don’t need to rent a hotel, and there are a lot of rooms, your own pool.
The apartment looked like this: on the first floor there was a corridor

The other world exists, regardless of whether we believe in it or not, and not everyone can explain and understand everything! There are a lot of stories - fiction, boasting or a desire to light up, but the Queen of Spades, Bloody Mary, goblin, brownies - there are. And believe me guys, not knowing the ford, do not go where you should not! All this is very serious! And sometimes we can pay a very high price for stupidity - life or health. So many of you are teenagers, with an unformed psyche, vulnerable, easily believing! And once you call something, you can spend the rest of your life in fear or in a hospital for the mentally ill! And now my story.

It was about 15 years ago, the summer holidays came. We constantly played in the street with boys and girls. I don’t remember who suggested calling the spirits, but everyone liked the idea. It's interesting and scary. You could prove your coolness and stamina! We summoned spirits at my good friend's apartment, her parents went to the country, only her older brother and his girlfriend were at home! He didn’t give a damn about us and we did whatever we wanted! There were 10 of us, we locked ourselves in the room, put out the light, lit candles, it was creepy and funny, we fooled around, teased each other, but everyone was scared. Nothing seemed to work out for us, the Queen of Spades didn’t come, Bloody Mary didn’t come either, spiritualism didn’t work out, we laughed all the time. Having played enough, we began to disperse, but four girls remained who wanted to play more. We carefully closed all the windows and tried to call the spirit, it was very scary and quiet, we sat holding each other's hands, there were lit candles in the center, uttering regular spells, suddenly the candles went out, we screamed and jumped up! Our hearts were pounding, we were wet with sweat. After that, we quickly went home. It seems that everything is fine, but the girl with whom we dabbled in evocation of spirits complained all the time that she began to sleep badly. She said that something was choking her in a dream, we thought she was scaring us on purpose and did not believe. But in vain, until the end of the summer she became like a shadow, she was afraid of everything, rarely went out into the street, often cried for no reason at all!

Once I went to see her before September 1, she was so strange, she looked at me with a sad look, smiling slightly. After sitting with her for a while, I was not comfortable, I found an excuse to leave and began to get ready to go home. In the corridor, she looked at me again and said: we then called something, it will soon take me to itself, goodbye! And slammed the door. I stood bewildered ... Less than a month later, this girl was found dead in bed, they said that she suffocated in her sleep! But this is far from over.

The brother of that girl, when he fell asleep, was set on fire by his girlfriend, and she herself jumped out of the window. Parents were in grief, dad had a heart attack, and mom is now in a psychiatric hospital. That apartment was sold, but all the buyers either die or move out of there! Our entire region knows this story. And we - those who were present at the call of the spirits - keep quiet that we were there. Maybe this is a coincidence, but for 4 people to die during the year and one was in a psychiatric hospital, this is very strange.