Peak lady. Is the queen of spades coming

Everyone knows from childhood horror stories about the Queen of Spades and many are wondering who she is? History of the Queen of Spades? How to summon the Queen of Spades? The legend of the Queen of Spades - who is she: a mystical spirit or a figment of a person's imagination? In this article we will try to answer many questions that interest you.

So, who is the Queen of Spades? There are many different sources and people who talk about different things. But the bottom line is that the legend of the Queen of Spades came from a deck of cards, the Lady of Spades was identified as bringing bad luck, compared with a witch. Thus, the lady was gaining mystery and mysticism. There were also people who began to believe in its materiality. Legends and stories spread about the Queen of Spades as the spirit of a woman living in the looking glass. The stories of people dispersed around the world, gaining unfavorable energy weight from hundreds of terrible stories about her. Thus, the Queen of Spades became not only an image on playing card, but also the image of a bad, evil spirit.

If you believe in the materiality of thought, can a legend endowed with so many negative energy, to become something real, a reality not from our world, the embodiment of what we believe in? Most likely yes.

How to summon the Queen of Spades? And why? Someone talks about the fulfillment of desires, someone that the challenge is just child's play for fun. There are many various descriptions call, so, we will try to describe in detail the most popular methods. But remember that summoning a creature not from our world is not safe entertainment. And it’s not a fact that the called entity will turn out to be a lady, and not a spirit who wants to take revenge for the fact that you disturbed his peace.

Method 1
With red lipstick at midnight, a staircase with a door on top is drawn on the mirror. The light is extinguished and the candle is lit. Three times the words are pronounced: "Queen of Spades, come." If you hear footsteps, laughter, the sound of heels, or see an image moving inside a mirror, the staircase is immediately erased.

Method 2
You need to perfume yourself with perfume, go outside and stand in front of high-rise building. Look into the dark windows of the third floor and repeat three times: "Queen of Spades come / show / appear" ...

There are many descriptions of calling a lady and finding their various variations is not difficult. But ask yourself the question: do you need it? Do you want to attract evil spirits to you? After all, many people indulged in her call, and then suffered misfortunes in their lives, and some scary stories ended in death. Depending on the person's faith, everyone will be able to find an answer for themselves in this story: is it imagination or a vengeful spirit...


Many believe that the night from the thirty-first of October to the first of November is unusual. The line between this world and the other world is thinning. As a result, various entities, both good and evil, can pass through it and appear to people. Of course, this is fraught with certain consequences, which modern filmmakers love to make horror films about.

However, lovers thrill it never stopped. On the night when it is customary to celebrate, many are taken to seances and conduct various rituals with which you can or, for example, The Queen of Spades.

Queen of Spades: myth or reality?

It's no secret that the Queen of Spades is one of the card figures. It is generally accepted that it is associated with Evil. Fortune tellers usually say that this card means the presence of an ill-wisher or even an enemy. It is traditionally associated with malice and other troubles. When they perform dark rites and cause damage, witches turn to her for help. And relying on this figure in good deeds is not worth it.

Many children and even adults sincerely believe in the Queen of Spades. There are many about her mystical stories which are breathtaking. They are loved to tell each other by kids and teenagers, sitting near fires or in dark rooms while camping. Sometimes the guys even try to summon the Queen of Spades, using the most unexpected ways.

From time immemorial, it was believed that even an entity that does not exist in nature can be created by a collective consciousness. You just need to believe very strongly. Based on this belief, it can be assumed that now the Queen of Spades is absolutely real and really capable of responding to the call. Especially if her name will be someone who initially has psychic abilities, or children who, by definition, have strong energy and are capable of literally working miracles if they sincerely want it.

Thus, it is possible to call the Queen of Spades, for which there is a lot of evidence. Question: is it necessary?

How did the Queen of Spades come about? Legend of the Four Kingdoms

According to legend, there is a kind of fabulous card kingdom located in Through the Looking Glass. It consists of four great states. In the distant past, they lived in peace and harmony, traded and had strong diplomatic ties. At Tambourine, Clubs, Hearts and Peak had their own customs and traditions. And everything seemed to be going just fine, except for one circumstance.

The inhabitants of the Red Country and the inhabitants of the Peak State hated each other with every fiber of their soul. And although the kings tried to remain neutral and even called each other friends, the nobles and the common people weaved intrigues and plotted against those whom they called their enemies. And the reason for this hostility was that Hearts from time immemorial were considered the personification of Good. And it was they who believed that the Peaks were Evil in its purest form.

The Queen of Spades was not bad and had no evil thoughts. At least that's how it was in the beginning. But, like all her predecessors, she had to become the wife of the jack of her suit. The trouble is that her heart belonged to the handsome Heart, who was obliged to marry the Red Lady. Perhaps the girl could deal with it. But her betrothed, pursuing his own goals, advised her to kill her rival and find happiness.

After listening to words that sounded too convincing, and with all her heart striving for love, the Queen of Spades made a fatal mistake. She snuck into the palace where her rival lived and tried to commit murder. But the Jack of Spades betrayed his betrothed. He himself did not want to tie the knot with her, but dreamed of marrying a charmer living at the Court of Good. The failed murderer was captured and severely punished. How the Queen of Spades was killed is unknown. But, according to legend, in the morning they found the dead bodies of the Queen of Hearts and her Jack. They were both suffocated. This was the impetus for the start of the war, which broke out in all four countries.

So a young and beautiful girl who only wanted to love and be loved turned into a dark entity that cannot find peace until the end of time. Appearing at the call of a person from our world, she immediately sees her former enemies in the young men and women who dared to perform the ritual. Of course she wants to kill them. After all, it seems to the rushing spirit that this is the path to the desired and long-awaited peace.

What will happen if you call the Queen of Spades, and what are the consequences of the ritual?

Calling the Queen of Spades is quite simple, especially if there is someone with pronounced psychic abilities in the company of children or teenagers. It's not hard to send it back. It is much more difficult to respond adequately to any surprises, not to take the ritual too far and not fall into a stupor. If, along with the dark essence that was called, a couple of others appear, you need to remember that having banished to other world Her, you automatically get rid of her companions. To avoid the invasion of evil spirits, it is wiser to use a rite that does not use a mirror. True, there are few of them. After all, it is reflective surfaces that help to thin the edges and provide a passage between the worlds.

You can't let the Queen of Spades get close to you. She seeks to suffocate anyone who gets in her way. She must not be allowed to descend the stairs drawn in advance. We must not forget that sending evil spirits home may not work if you give them enough time to roam. In this case, they can stay in the house forever and cause a lot of trouble in the future.

And yet, the most common consequence of summoning the Queen of Spades is nightmares. They dream of almost all participants in the action, and this is completely normal.

How to call the Queen of Spades in your apartment?

Calling the Queen of Spades in your apartment is quite simple. Like most summoning rituals, this one should be performed when the clock strikes midnight. Everything you need to prepare should be in advance. You will need a mirror, lipstick (necessarily red), a napkin, a candle made from natural wax without additives, and a deck of cards that was recently bought and has not had time to visit the game.

When the cherished hour comes, you need to turn off the light, draw on the mirror with lipstick a staircase of thirteen steps and a door with a handle, and then light a candle. After that, the one who conducts the ceremony should ask the Lady of Spades to come. The next few minutes will be waiting.

After that, the light will fade, the mirror will become darker, the candle will begin to smoke and crackle loudly, there will be a rustle of steps and sounds resembling laughter. And in the reflective surface will appear the silhouette of a woman who will try to go down the stairs.

She will be in a hurry. The medium must not allow the guest to cross the stairs. Therefore, if the goal is to ask something from the otherworldly entity, this must be done quickly. The question must be formulated in advance. It must be remembered that there can only be one.

After the Queen of Spades is returned to her world, which requires erasing the pattern on the mirror with a napkin, the card will have to be torn. You don't need to throw it away right away. First of all, you should go outside and burn it. And then you can get rid of the ashes.

Calling the Queen of Spades using the Corridor of Mirrors

Another way to call the Queen of Spades at home is called a corridor of mirrors. It is considered more reliable. But you need to be aware that it is much more dangerous. It is not necessary to perform this ritual at midnight. Here the main condition is complete darkness. If there are thick curtains on the windows, they will have to be moved. The light must be off.

The medium takes two mirrors and places them opposite each other. This creates a corridor. A lit candle is placed between reflective surfaces.

To carry out the call, you will have to repeat the same phrase six times. She sounds like this: Queen of Spades, the one in mirror world lives, come to the dim light of my candle. Then several minutes must pass before the shadows thicken, the mirror darkens, there is a rustle and laughter, and then She appears.

To end the session, one of the mirrors must simply be moved. But it will have to be done quickly.

Is it possible to call the Queen of Spades at school?

Most of the time the guys spend within the walls of their Alma mater. Therefore, the question often arises of how to summon the dark essence of the Queen of Spades to school. After all, it is more interesting to do this in good company, and not in splendid isolation.

There are a number of problems that will have to be solved if you call the spirit in educational institution almost in broad daylight. However, it is still possible to call the Queen of Spades in this case. For the ceremony, a toilet in which a mirror hangs is suitable. It is here that you need to deliver everything you need in advance.

The main difficulty is that you have to wait until dusk. And this means that you can carry out the ritual in the fall or winter on an after-school or in a break between additional classes. You need to figure out a way to close the window with something and find where the light turns off. Otherwise, the spirit will be frightened and will not come to the call.

If too many people gather for the ritual, one of the teachers or just people who are not involved in the process suddenly appears, the Queen of Spades will get angry and will definitely punish the violators. In addition, in the turmoil it is easy to miss the moment when the drawing on the mirror needs to be erased. As a result, in the school, in addition to not always good-natured teachers, an evil entity will appear, which will certainly begin to mischief everyone.

Summon the dark essence of the Queen of Spades on the street

V Lately more and more attempts were made to call the Queen of Spades on the street. To carry out the venture, you need to choose any tall house that has more than three floors. We'll have to wait until dark, but it's better to start the ritual at midnight. Beforehand, you should strongly perfume yourself so that the smell is persistent and can attract attention.

The medium must look out a dark window on the third floor. Ideally, no one should live in the apartment. In the worst case, you need to choose someone else's house. And you certainly should never stare at your own windows, even if they are very well located.

* * *

Regardless of where and under what conditions the Queen of Spades is invoked, care must be taken. This spirit rarely causes great trouble, but all sorts of misunderstandings can arise. Besides, jokes with otherworldly powers are always bad. Therefore, it is better to heed the advice of sorceresses and not resort to seances for the sake of fun or thrills.

Note! This article is not a guide to action: the material is purely for informational purposes.

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The Queen of Spades on December 19, 2012, forced a teenager to go to a construction site in the middle of the night, climb to the very top of a crane with a rope, and commit suicide, or the guy became a victim of serious mental disorders. In the small town of Kostomuksha, which is located in the northern part of Karelia. Local newspapers, without any details, reported that a 15-year-old teenager had passed away, and expressed their condolences to family and friends.

A few days before his death, the guy performed the ritual of calling the Queen of Spades, which his friends and acquaintances laughed at. In certain circles, even memoirs began to circulate - the guy is playing with demons and is going to. No one seriously thought about the words of the boy. Everyone thought he was just joking about the nightmares.

V last days of his life, Nikita complained about a woman in black who came to him every night, not giving him peace and sleep. Nikita said it started right after calling the Queen of Spades on the bathroom mirror on Wednesday 12th December. The guy heard her voice right in his head, the queen of spades said terrible things and took possession of the body for short periods of time: Nikita understood what he was doing, but could not resist the infused spirit. The image of the Queen of Spades madly wished for his death. When Nikita took control of his own body, he was on the verge of death, standing on the edge of the roof of a nine-story building, or holding a straight razor in his hands.

The Queen of Spades or Nikita's imagination seemed to really drive him crazy. Often, the boy told fictional stories, with a pronounced and embellished plot, so no one listened to his words at the right and vital moment for him. Friends and relatives of Nikita got used to fictional horror stories and only grinned, listening to another story in black robes with bloody streaks from their eye sockets.

Waking up on the morning of December 19, Nikita's parents found that he was not at home and started calling friends, deciding that their son had gone to visit. However, soon, the police received a message about the discovered corpse, with a noose around its neck, immediately after which the parents were notified about the accident.

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to find out the details of what happened. Was this really the result of calling the Queen of Spades, or did the deceased Nikita lose his mind and lose control of his own mind for some other reason not related to the Queen of Spades? that initially the Queen of Spades is a positive character, a fair warrior queen. What are your thoughts on what happened?

Since time immemorial, there have been numerous beliefs and traditions among the people; someone considers them just myths, someone gives them a serious sacred meaning, most people do not have a definite opinion on this issue.

On the one hand, modern science completely denies the existence of the "subtle world", and on the other hand, the brightest luminaries of the same science (take Albert Einstein, for example) are keenly interested in spiritualism and various mystical teachings. It is unlikely that the world is as simple and unambiguous as school physics textbooks claim.

For this reason, the Queen of Hearts is essentially associated with motherhood. In the series, Lori becomes pregnant and chooses this life without even knowing what and how she will give light. Her fate, or rather the direction she gave her, was very clear. And she'll know that if she looked out for a moment and stepped forward.

In that moment of darkness, she was not allowed to simply give birth. She had her stomach torn open by the sharp blade of a knife, and her daughter was pulled out from the inside, only dying and dying in blood. His last words were love for his children. Her last wish was that the family was still alive, even without her.

There is always room for the miraculous and the inexplicable in life, whether or not most people believe it.

"The Queen of Spades means secret malevolence."

This epigraph begins the world-famous story of the great Russian poet and writer Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. In the finale of this work, the Queen of Spades plays a fatal role in the fate of the protagonist.

"Carl, if this sounds wrong, don't!" This was one of his last pieces of advice to his son. And the question remains: she was talking about herself, in the sense that in last moments she evaluates her life in the prism of repentance; or did she really believe that everything she did seemed right? All shared the same desire: to return home.

They followed the waters, which Laurie soothingly implied, without realizing it, that she needed to be driven ashore before she drowned in such love. If in a dream you were a queen, you know that you need to help those in need, this will be in your favor. When you talk to the Queen in your dream, you are announcing your social ascent through your studies. Seeing or manipulating a playing card whose symbol is a queen warns that your love life needs attention.

Popular beliefs - bizarre and diverse - agree on one thing: the Queen of Spades is. Nevertheless, it is believed that contact with her can be successfully used in some types of divination.

From the depths of the Middle Ages, a mystical belief has come down to us that the Queen of Spades is not only a card from the deck, but also a certain demonic female entity, which, however, is directly associated with a playing card.

The costumes lead to interpretations: the queen of clubs - it's time not to associate with two, to be reasonable; queen of diamonds good news, increase in wealth; the queen of hearts is a cape for love; spade queen - be careful, your confidence will be betrayed.

The meaning of the dream: the majority dreamed about today: Dream about the Snake, Dream about the tooth and dream about the mouse. Dreaming with a queen can be quite impressive for some and surreal for others. This powerful figure was well feared in the past, and today she is more of a figure than a truly superior being, worshiped by the subjects and their collaborators.

The Queen of Spades has the characteristic appearance of a young witch or fortune teller. It is customary to portray her as a pale brunette beauty with a detached face. Actually, many of those who, according to them, managed to summon the Queen of Spades describe her slightly differently.

Specialists in parapsychology explain this by the fact that the image of the Queen of Spades is transformed by consciousness and personal experience every person who comes into contact with her. People say that she can appear in various guises, but it is always easy to recognize her. Official science denies the existence of the Queen of Spades.

Each queen is often seen as a woman who has almost no feelings and emotions, or at least who is in complete control of them. Perhaps your dream with the queen shows that you are becoming that kind of person, with great ability to control your feelings and contain yourself. Remember that everything has its right measure, even self-control, so use this dream as leverage to take the first steps towards your maturity cycle.

Generally speaking, there are several meanings to the dream of a queen, especially when it comes to queens in a tutu, as each costume brings its own revelation. Thus, dreaming with the queen presents us with fundamental moments about ourselves and which are sometimes invisible to the naked eye, we must delve deeper into the question itself.

One of the cards of the playing deck, namely the Queen of Spades, with long time ago associated with the witch and witchcraft, she was credited with the fatal property of bringing bad luck and breaking human destinies.

Over time, this vivid image began to be exploited in literature, and eerie legends began to circulate among the people about the Queen of Spades as the spirit of a woman coming from behind the looking glass. Gradually, the legend took on more and more concrete form, more and more people claimed to have personally met the Queen of Spades.

Dream with queen, meanings and navigation. The dream of seeing the queen is closely related to the image of the mother or mother that you have had or have had in your life. For those who no longer have a mother's presence in their lives, you should know that in your heart you still carry the love and power over you that she has been exercising. In this case, attention should be focused on taking advantage of the great lessons your mother left behind and applying them to your life, which will greatly help your walk, make things easier, make questions easier, and make your days safer and easier, for example on my mother's lap.

Some believe that over time this belief gained such an energy charge that it turned into the so-called egregor - the embodiment of the emotions and thoughts of a large number of people.

Do egregors really exist? modern science does not provide a definitive answer to this question. From the occult point of view, everything that we are able to see, even in our imagination, somehow exists in some mysterious dimension - the so-called "subtle world".

In the case of people who still live by their mother, she dreams of seeing the queen draw attention to her intuition, which, like the advice of a good mother, should be heard and respected. In case you actually follow it, the result of intuition is your personal growth, increased influence and persuasion. Those who follow their mother's advice turn out to be a humble and well-loved person who recognizes their treasure in the family and uses this coexistence with wisdom.

Dreaming that you are talking to the queen indicates that a cycle of wisdom as well as social ascension is slowly coming into your life through your explorations. During this cycle, you will feel a strong tendency to mature, whether in relation to research itself or in relation to your own life.

To call the Queen of Spades, a few minutes before midnight, a staircase with a door at the top is drawn on the mirror with scarlet lipstick (you need to have a wet towel on hand to right moment erase stairs). After that, the light is put out and a candle is lit in front of the mirror, there should be complete silence in the house at this time.

Exactly at midnight, peering intently, you need to say loudly and distinctly three times: “Queen of Spades, come!” After that, you can hear the sound of high heels or women's laughter, while a moving female figure appears in the mirror, descending the painted staircase.

As soon as this happens, you must immediately erase the painted staircase, depriving the Queen of Spades of the opportunity to penetrate our world, and it is very important that she does not have time to go down to the bottom step.

Dreaming that talking to the queen indicates that many doors will open for you, take this chance to develop skills and a sense of maturity that are still missing in you. You have great chances of growth at your disposal, it is enough that you sharpen your perception in order to identify them and use them to your advantage. Trust me, you have prepared for this new phase that is about to begin, take her teeth and nail and your future will be dazzling.

Dreaming that she is a queen has two different meanings, when a woman dreams that she is a queen, dreams of what is desire have status and power in the professional environment. To do this, you must strive to earn that prestige that will only come from the recognition of a whole group of people in the company or sector in which you work.

Remember that even such a precaution does not give solid guarantees: very little is known about the inhabitants of the subtle world, living in the depths of the looking glass or the human subconscious. To avoid unnecessary risks, it is better not to make such experiments.

There is a belief that the mystical power of the Queen of Spades can be used in divination. There are several ways of divination involving the Queen of Spades. Below are two of the most popular and easily implemented methods.

For men, dreaming that you are a queen happens on occasions when a warning needs to be given, so pay attention: pay more attention to others and don't stand on a pedestal as if you were the master's cause, even queens should know to listen to their allies. People who are part of your circle of friendliness do not want their evil, on the contrary, to gladly accept their help and leave pride aside.

Dream of a queen in a deck has different meanings, because there are four different costumes in the deck, that is, for each costume we have a meaning. The queen of hearts shows that you have had a few smug and arrogant looks, and they will not lead anyone to you, they will not carry you, they will not let you go, and they will not carry you.

Method one.

In the dead of night, we put the queen of spades from the deck of cards in front of the mirror, we light candles on both sides of her: black to the left and red to the right of the card. Looking closely in the mirror, we say three times: “Queen of Spades, come, look at your card.” If successful, a vague image of a woman will appear in the mirror.

While the Queen of Spades is distracted by her image on the map, she can be asked questions, but if she looks directly at you or if you feel uncontrollable fear, stop the session by changing the candles. Then extinguish the candles and turn the card face down.

But the queen of clubs means that you need to learn how to unravel your relationship with your love, try to be more reasonable and understanding. In the case of the queen of diamonds, we see good news coming into her life, especially those relating to material possessions. And finally, the queen of spades announces a phase that is very favorable for feelings, especially for love.

Being a king in a dream is a sign that you will have fame, success and great authority. If in a dream you saw or spoke with the king, expect better days for the future. In order to see or manipulate a playing card whose symbol is a king, his professional life must be reworked. Claims will lead to interpretations: the king of clubs - rely on the help of a friend; the king of diamonds - an increase in real estate; the king of hearts is good for love; king of spades - professional rivalry.

Method two.

An hour before midnight, we put a glass of cognac in front of the mirror and put three chocolate candies. Before leaving the room, we say in a whisper: “Queen of Spades, come, take a treat.” After that, we turn off the light and leave the room, closing the door tightly.

Returning exactly at midnight, we light a wax candle in front of the mirror and say loudly: “Queen of Spades, I call you! Taste the treat, accept the invitation!”

You need to look in the mirror so as not to see your own reflection in it, but to see only a glass, sweets and a candle. If you notice movement in the mirror, you can ask questions. To end the session, cross the mirror with a burning candle, then extinguish the candle by pressing the wick against the mirror.

There are many games in Battle, Rummy or Belote that require cards. Easy to use, the card game is a good way to have a good time with your family or take care of you on a rainy day. Before explaining the numbers of card games, remember the origin of the 52 card game. It is difficult to know when these cards appeared. They would have been modified to adapt to the country of destination.

The sum of all game points plus the joker is 365 days or a year. The classic game comes with 2 wilds, for a total of 366 days in a leap year. The cards are made up like a war game. The numbers at the head of their soldiers: card numbers from one to ten. The kings, ladies and valets of the traditional card game represent famous people from French history, the Bible and mythology. Let's start in order, kings!

Attention! Even if you do not believe in the existence of otherworldly forces, be extremely careful when calling the Queen of Spades. Both mystics and psychologists unanimously claim that divination and spiritualism can lead to unpredictable consequences.

According to the character in Russian, the primary source is known for certain - this is Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. He used the image of a mystical entity that punishes human vices, characteristic of German literature of the era of romanticism. Coming from light hand genius, the Queen of Spades began its march through folklore as a spectacular pseudonym for some diabolical power capable of granting wishes in exchange for a vow or oath - a paraphrase of the plot about the sale or pledge of the soul. Most likely, while traveling through fortune-telling practice, spiritists' salons and peasant women's lamps of the 19th century, the image of the Queen of Spades turned into a "stub" for a whole set of demons and entities from autochthonous folklore available to call through the mirror. However, true popularity was not yet destined for him then. Around the same time, the emergence of resistant to change legends about a restless soul stuck in a mirror dates back - this old story was successfully played up in mystical literature almost before the Second World War. The second life was breathed into the image of the Queen of Spades by children's folklore of the middle of the 20th century, when the children began to read Alexander Sergeevich en masse. The traditional Baba Yaga and brownies turned out to be very useful here, superimposed on the echoes of peasant legends, rituals and fortune-telling. All this was mixed with school education and childish craving for the unknown. A separate contribution was made by pioneer camps and village companies, where the card game flourished. In the rituals of summoning, memories of the war were intensively manifested, for example, a glass of water with an offering in the form of a crust of bread, as a reflection of a symbolic military gesture in memory of a dead comrade. As a result, the Queen of Spades turned into a synthetic character, a kind of watchman through the looking glass, showing certain traits depending on the specific story. She lived in such a demonic form until the mid-1980s, after which she began to change intensively under the influence of foreign literature. Stories appeared with the abduction of souls, with the locking of the mind of the careless caller in a mirror, doll, object, plots with the ghosts of mothers who kill children, the Lady's demonstratively cruel revenge for unfulfilled oaths, etc. At the same time, the Lady is becoming an increasingly highly developed and technological being. Modern Japanese horror films have already endowed her with the ability to live in a dead cell phone screen, and even in a selfie, as a post-mirror image. Instead of the unknown Through the Looking-Glass, she is already able to drag the soul of an unlucky fortuneteller into an otherworldly network, or lock her forever in a mirrored corridor in the form of an endless staircase. However, the ancient plot with the pledge of the soul in exchange for the fulfillment of desires has not disappeared anywhere. The Queen of Spades remains the guardian of mystical justice, reminding of the need to make efforts to achieve the goal. And for children, it is a source of social "controlled extreme" that trains stress resistance. And just a great way to tickle the nerves, deceiving the imaginary danger.

The King of Hearts represents Charlemagne. His only desire was to increase his kingdom. The king of diamonds is represented by Julius Caesar. It is important to note that he is the only king to be drawn in profile, as he is often represented at the time.

The King of Spades represents David. His exploits were told in the Bible. The harp next to it is part of the biblical attributes. This legendary hero becomes popular due to his victory over Goliath, the most powerful warrior of the Philistine clan and the hereditary enemy of the tribes of Israel, who became the King of the Jews, one of the most respected Jews.

"The Queen of Spades"

The Bronze Horseman, which, as we can see, is based on St. Petersburg traditions and legends, was written in 1833. The following year, in 1834, in aristocratic and literary salons, they talked about The Queen of Spades, a story deeply Petersburg not only in spirit, but also in urban folklore - he not only preceded her birth, but also accompanied her after a noisy appearance in print.

The literary news excited St. Petersburg society, which was already prone to big intrigues and small “family” scandals. The image of an ugly ancient old woman, the happy owner of the mystical secret of three cards, evoked very specific, unambiguous associations, and the enigmatic epigraph, prefaced by Pushkin to the story: “The Queen of Spades means secret malevolence”, and even with reference to the “Newest Divinatory Book”, fueled heated curiosity .

Who, then, was hiding behind the image of the Pushkin countess, or, as Pushkin himself allegedly often makes a suspicious reservation, the princess? There were no two opinions on this matter in the then society. This is confirmed by the author of the sensational story. On April 7, 1834, he makes a short entry in his diary: “At the court, they found a similarity between the old countess and Princess Natalya Petrovna.”

Since then, in St. Petersburg, Princess Natalya Petrovna Golitsyna has not been called otherwise than the “Queen of Spades”.

Princess Golitsyna came from a family of so-called new people who appeared in abundance at the beginning of the 18th century in the circle of Peter the Great. According to official documents, she was the daughter of the eldest son of the batman of Peter I, Peter Chernyshev, who in fact, if, of course, one little-known legend is to be believed, was known as the son of the autocrat himself. Thus, according to urban folklore, Natalya Petrovna was the granddaughter of the first Russian emperor and founder of Petersburg. In any case, in her manner of holding herself in front of the powerful of this world, in the style of her despotic and at the same time independent behavior in everyday life, much spoke in favor of this statement, and she herself more than once tried to subtly hint at her legendary origin. So, when the emperor or any other members of the royal family visited her, dinner was served on silver, allegedly presented by Peter I to one of her ancestors.

N. P. Golitsyna

Many considered it an honor to attend her dinners, and her son, the famous Moscow governor-general V. D. Golitsyn, did not even dare to sit in the presence of his mother without her permission. The proud and independent character of the princess manifested itself in everything. One day they decided to introduce her to the Minister of War, Count Chernyshev, who headed the commission of inquiry into the case of the Decembrists. He was a favorite of Nicholas I, and everyone fawned over him. “I only know that Chernyshev who was exiled to Siberia,” the princess unexpectedly rudely interrupted the performance. It was about the namesake of the count - the Decembrist Zakhar Grigorievich Chernyshev, sentenced to life exile.

Golitsyna's father served as a diplomat, and in her youth Natalya Petrovna lived abroad. She was gladly received in many royal houses. But they also knew her because she was a passionate fan of playing cards. In France, she was the regular card partner of Queen Marie Antoinette. She retained her passion for cards to a ripe old age and played even when she did not see anything. On the recommendation of the Orphanage, the card factory even produced large-format cards especially for her.

In her youth, Natalya Petrovna was known as a beauty, although, according to many, she did not differ in particular beauty, and with age she generally acquired a mustache and beard, for which in St. Mustache ”(from the French mustache - mustache). It was this image of a dilapidated old woman, who had a repulsive, unattractive appearance, combined with a sharp mind and regal arrogance, that arose in the imagination of the first readers of The Queen of Spades.

The plot outline of Pushkin's story, in fact, did not represent anything unusual for high Petersburg society. gambling card games were at that time perhaps the most fashionable and widespread entertainment of the capital's "golden youth". As we already know, Pushkin himself and many of his close friends were passionate and unbridled gamblers. According to the legends, the epigraph to the first chapter of the story: “And on rainy days they often gathered” Pushkin composed while playing cards and wrote it down right on the sleeve of his acquaintance, the famous gambler, grandson of Natalya Petrovna, Sergei Grigorievich, nicknamed “Firs” . Before the eyes of the poet, the most incredible stories, each of them could become a plot literary work. Due to unexpected losses, people lost huge fortunes, shot themselves and went crazy.

And here the notorious Count Saint-Germain, one of the most mysterious personalities of France of the 18th century, literally breaks into our story. Let us briefly recall his biography. The high-society adventurer, mystic, inventor of the life elixir and the philosopher's stone, Count Saint-Germain, according to some assumptions, was Portuguese and, as he himself claimed, bore the real name Joseph Rakoczi, Prince of Transylvania. At the same time, over the years, he willingly pretended to be Count Tsarosh, then the Marquis of Montfert, then Count Bellamore, Count Saltykof and many others.

There are many biographies of Saint Germain, each one incredibly superior to the other. According to some of them, he lived in the 16th century, during the time of the French King Francis I. According to others, later, he worked with the famous Russian writer Helena Blavatsky, who, by the way, was born only three years before the events we are describing, in 1831. Saint Germain himself claimed that he was two thousand years old, and told the details of the wedding in Cana of Galilee, where he almost gave advice to Jesus Christ himself.

Count Saint-Germain died allegedly in London, where he fled after the French Revolution of 1783. According to some sources, he lived for 75 years, according to others - 88, according to others - 93. But even 30 years after his death, "there were people who swore that they had just seen Saint-Germain and talked to him."

Count Saint-Germain left a more or less noticeable mark on St. Petersburg folklore. According to one legend, on the eve of the so-called "revolution of 1762" under the name of Count Saltykof, he secretly came to Russia, met with the conspirators and "provided them some help" in overthrowing the emperor Peter III and accession to the throne of Catherine II.

According to one of the legends, Count Saint-Germain was directly related to the plot of Pushkin's story "The Queen of Spades". According to legend, the grandson of Natalya Petrovna Golitsyna, who had completely lost at cards, rushed to his grandmother in desperation with a plea for help. Golitsyna at that time was in Paris. She turned to her French friend, the Count of Saint-Germain, for advice. The count quickly responded to the request for help and told Natalya Petrovna the secret of three cards - a three, a seven and an ace. If folklore is to be believed, her grandson immediately retaliated.

Soon all this adventurous story reached St. Petersburg and, of course, became known to Pushkin, who took advantage of it in a timely and successful manner. He himself hints at this in the first chapter of The Queen of Spades. Do you remember how Tomsky talks about his grandmother, "Moscow Venus", who "went to Paris sixty years ago and was in great fashion there"? True, according to Pushkin, the old woman herself played cards, without betraying to anyone the secret of the three cards told to her by Saint-Germain. But this is a work of art, and the author is free to change the plot of the story he heard. We remind readers that in the second chapter of the story, Pushkin, already from his own, that is, the author’s person, reports that it was just “an anecdote (highlighted by us - N.S.) about three cards ", which" had a strong effect on him (Hermann - N.S.) imagination.

However, according to another version, Pushkin, when working on The Queen of Spades, did not need to turn his author's gaze so far. He had his own, his own, personal biographical legend about the appearance of the idea of ​​the story. And even if we assume that this legend had no actual confirmation, that is, it arose from scratch, then it is still impossible to exclude it from the life of the poet, because this was slandered from morning to evening in the circles of numerous Moscow and St. Petersburg Golitsyns. The legend has survived to this day and is carefully preserved in the family stories of modern descendants of an old family.

According to this legend, Pushkin was once invited to stay at the house of Natalya Petrovna. For several days he lived with the princess and, having an ardent African temperament, could not deny himself the pleasure of following all the young inhabitants of the hospitable house. For some time the princess tried to turn a blind eye to the tactless antics of the young rake, but finally she could not stand it and, outraged by the unceremonious and defiant behavior of the guest, kicked him out of the house in disgrace. Holding a grudge, Pushkin allegedly vowed to someday take revenge on the evil old woman, and supposedly only for this reason he came up with the whole story.

It is difficult to say whether the "terrible revenge" succeeded. The princess, at her more than advanced age, apparently was deeply indifferent to all this. However, Pushkin managed to glorify Natalya Petrovna forever. In the year the story was written, Golitsyna turned 94 years old. She died at the age of 97 in December 1837, having briefly outlived the poet who immortalized her. And the house number 10 on Malaya Morskaya Street, where she lived, in the history of the city has forever remained the “House of the Queen of Spades”.

In fairness, it must be said that two houses are widely known in St. Petersburg, which urban folklore traditionally associates with the heroine of the famous story by A. S. Pushkin. The second, claiming the title of "The House of Spades Queen", is located on Liteiny Prospekt, No. 42. This is the famous mansion of Zinaida Yusupova. According to some legends, it was Princess Yusupova, nicknamed "Moscow Venus" in her youth for her extraordinary beauty, who in her old age became the prototype of the heroine of Pushkin's story. Incorrigible dreamers even assure that if you peer long and carefully into the windows of the second, master's floor of the mansion on Liteiny, you can see a slender old woman against the background of old window casings, she will certainly meet your eyes, and threaten those who do not believe in her existence. bony finger. And they believed. In any case, the St. Petersburg poet Nikolai Agnivtsev, the author of "Brilliant St. Petersburg", dreamed in exile:

On Liteiny, straight, straight,

Near the third corner

Where the Queen of Spades

She lived according to legend!

At the same time, it is known that the mansion of Princess Zinaida Ivanovna Yusupova, nee Sumarokova-Elston on Liteiny Prospekt, was built by the architect L. L. Bonshtedt only in 1858, more than 20 years after Pushkin's death. The princess spent most of her life abroad, and the mansion was mostly empty. In 1908, the well-known theater of satire and parody "Crooked Mirror" rented its premises. During the First World War, the building housed a military hospital, then, in the 1930s, there was the House of Political Education, on the basis of which the Central Lecture Hall of the Knowledge Society was opened in 1949, its lectures and concerts were a success in Leningrad.