A short story about birds for children. Stories of migratory birds for kids




In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, stood magical forest... There were many trees in that forest: spiky fir trees, slender aspens, curly birches ... And many beautiful birds and nimble sparrows, and voracious pigeons, and nimble titmouses and cheerful jays and song nightingales and many, many others lived in that forest. All the birds lived merrily and amicably, flew from branch to branch, caught midges, bugs, worms and sang songs.

But then one day a sorceress appeared in the garden. She was dressed in white clothes and a cold air emanated from her. The sorceress said:

I am the sorceress Winter. I brought snow with me and will soon throw it all over the land. Snow will cover everything with a white fluffy blanket. And then my brother, Santa Claus, will come and freeze the fields, meadows and rivers.

Winter waved her sleeve and leaves flew from the trees. She waved again and white fell from the sky fluffy snow and everything - the earth, trees, bushes were covered with a white blanket. And the sun is shining, but for some reason it doesn't warm. Bugs, spiders and midges quickly hid under the bark of trees.

The birds became cold. They began to think about what to do next. Larks and nightingales invited everyone to fly away from the cold winter - in warmer climes... Sparrows and tits, on the contrary, offered to stay and fly closer to kind people... The birds argued for a long time, but they could not agree among themselves, and each bird did it in its own way. Larks and nightingales flew away to warm lands, and sparrows, titmouses and other birds moved closer to people.

Well, are the birds scared of me? - asked Winter.

No, Auntie, Winter, we are not afraid of you. We fluffed up the feathers, jumped on the branches and we are not cold at all, - the birds answered.

What will you eat? After all, all the bugs and spiders hid. Well, fly away to warm lands too.

No, we will not fly away, - the birds answered. - We will find berries and seeds.

And winter is even more frosty. The birds became quite hungry. They fly hungry, cold. What to do? There are no berries left at all, and you can't get the seeds from under the snow. The birds were sad. They fly everywhere looking for food. Their feathers were worn out, they had no strength left at all.

And Winter is happy.

Well, as I told you, there is no food here for you.

Suddenly they see birds - some kind of small wooden house hangs. The birds decided to look into this house, and there food is apparently invisible. And seeds, and bread crumbs, and even - titmouse joy - a piece of bacon. The birds were delighted, ate their fill and flew to tell their hungry friends about the unusual house. And when the birds flew back, they saw that there were so many houses hanging there. And in every house there are many delicious seeds, berries, seeds.

Winter saw it, yet stronger than frost let it go, but the birds are not afraid. Well-fed, they dismissed the feathers and do not freeze.

Winter decided to see who helps the birds. She quietly crept up to the houses and saw the children who cleared the houses of snow and poured grains and other food there. And the guys called the houses feeders.

Winter tried to frighten the children with frost, but they were not afraid of her. Dressed warmly and again came to the feeding troughs.

And the birds decided to thank the children for their help. They began to teach new bird songs by spring.

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Conversation about wintering and migratory birds

Purpose: To form a generalized idea of ​​wintering and migratory birds, to teach them to distinguish them according to an essential feature: the ability ...

Wintering and migratory birds quiz

This quiz is for kids preparatory group... Available and interesting form tasks are presented. Tasks are aimed at developing and expanding the horizons of children ...

Nadezhda Nikolaeva
The tale of wintering and migratory birds

The tale of wintering and migratory birds

Wood doctor - woodpecker said: “I have a strong beak and a long tongue - I’ll pull out bark beetles from anywhere. Trees cannot be left without my supervision, neither in winter nor in summer. "

Owl said: “I also cannot fly to warm regions. There are a lot of mice in the summer, and if they are not destroyed in winter, they will eat all the mushrooms and berries in the summer. "

Pigeon said: “I want to stay because I'm used to people. It's warm on the rooftops and there are my nests. I don’t want to leave my house ”.

Sparrow thought: “Chick-chirp, jump-jump. We are nimble sparrows, fast. People hang troughs in winter, feed us and others birds... I think we will not experience hunger.

These birds have become hibernating.

Rest birds - heron, a swan, a seagull, a crane, a duck flew away because the water freezes in rivers and lakes in winter, and they are waterfowl.

Starlings, swallows, cuckoo and others birds who ate insects, they also flew to the warm regions and became flight.

One rook thought for a long time, and when the snow covered the scattered grains in the fields, he also decided to fly away, but promised to return first.

Since then it has become the custom: alone birds flew away to warm lands, where the water does not freeze and there are a lot of fish and insects. Some birds stay and feed themselves in winter. And many birds remained in the care of people to educate kindness and sensitivity to feathered friends.

Related publications:

Conversation about wintering and migratory birds Target. To form a generalized idea of ​​wintering and migratory birds, to teach them to distinguish them according to their essential characteristics, the possibility of satisfaction.

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Summary of the GCD on the formation of ideas about wintering birds in the preparatory school group "Young Ornithologists" Topic: "Young bird watchers" Prepared by the teacher: Kargina Svetlana Leonidovna Purpose: to clarify and expand the understanding of wintering birds.

"Conversation about wintering and migratory birds." Program content: - to consolidate the concept of "wintering" birds, "migratory" birds; - to clarify knowledge.

Summary of the lesson "Visiting wintering birds" Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 1 "Alyonushka" of the urban district, the city of October Republic.

Educational activity "We meet migratory birds" Purpose: To clarify the knowledge of children about spring and migratory birds. Educational tasks: Clarify and expand children's ideas about spring, about signs.

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    Coat of arms

    Rural settlement


    Nikolay Sladkov.

    Winter debts

    Sparrow chirped on a dung heap - and jumps up! And the Hag Crow will croak in its disgusting voice:

    Why, Sparrow, rejoiced, why was he chirping?

    The wings itch, the Crow, the nose itches, - the Sparrow answers. - Passion to fight hunting! Don't croak here, don't spoil my spring mood!

    But I'll ruin it! - Raven does not lag behind. - How do I ask a question!


    And I’ll scare you. Did you peck crumbs in the trash heap in winter?

    Did you pick up the grain from the barnyard?

    Picked up.

    Did you have lunch in the poultry canteen by the school?

    Thanks guys, they fed me.

    That's it! - the Crow struggles. - With what

    do you think to pay for all this? With your chik-chirp?

    Did I use it alone? - Sparrow was confused. - And the Tit was there, and the Woodpecker, and the Magpie, and the Jackdaw. And you, Crow, were ...

    Don't confuse others! - Raven wheezes. - You answer for yourself. Borrowed - give it back! As all decent birds do.

    Decent ones, maybe they do, - Sparrow got angry. - But are you doing, Crow?

    I'll pay before everyone else! Do you hear that a tractor is plowing in the field? And I follow him from the furrow of any root-eaters and root-rodents. And Soroka and Jackdaw help me. And other birds are trying to look at us.

    You, too, do not vouch for others! - Sparrow rests. - Others, perhaps, forgot to think.

    But the Crow does not appease:

    And you fly and check!

    Sparrow flew to check. I flew into the garden, where the Tit lives in a new nest box.

    Congratulations on your new home! - Sparrow says. - To celebrate, I suppose I forgot about the debts!

    I have not forgotten, Sparrow, that you are! - Titus answers. - In winter, the guys treated me to delicious lard, and I will treat them to sweet apples in the fall. I guard the garden from moths and leaf gnaws.

    For what need, Sparrow, came to my forest?

    Yes, they demand a calculation from me, - chirps Sparrow. - And you, Woodpecker, how are you paying?

    I’m trying so hard, ”the Woodpecker replies. - I protect the forest from woodworms and bark beetles. I fight them without sparing my stomach! He even got fat ...

    Look you, - the Sparrow thought. - I thought ...

    Sparrow returned to the dung heap and said to Crow:

    Yours, hag, really! Everyone is working off their winter debts. Am I worse than others? How will I begin to feed my chicks with mosquitoes, horseflies and flies! So that these guys do not sting the bloodsuckers! I will return the debts in an instant!

    He said so and let's jump up and tweet on the dung heap again. There is still free time. Until the sparrows hatched in the nest.

    Nikolay Sladkov.

    Titmouse arithmetic

    In the spring, the barnacle titmouses sing louder than all: ringing bells. In a different way and manner. Some people just hear: "Twice two, twice two, twice two!" And others briskly whistle: "Four-four-four!"

    From morning to evening, the titmouse census the multiplication table.

    "Twice two, twice two, twice two!" - cry out some.

    "Four-four-four!" - others answer cheerfully.

    Titmouse arithmetic.

    Nikolay Sladkov.

    Vorobishkina spring

    Song under the window

    In the spring, in the forests and fields, song masters sing: nightingales, larks. People listen to them with bated breath. I know a lot of bird songs. I will hear - and immediately tell who is singing. And now I have not guessed.

    I woke up early, early. Suddenly I heard: outside the window, behind the curtain, some kind of bird was being brought in in the bushes. Then a voice, but so pleasant, as if two lenses had hit each other. And then just like a sparrow: “Chiv! Chiv! "

    A lens is a sparrow, a sparrow is a lens. Yes, everything is hot, everything is faster, everything is louder!

    I went over all the bird songs in my memory - no, I had never heard such songs.

    And the invisible bird is not appeased: with a lens - a sparrow, a sparrow - with a lens!

    You can't lie down under a warm blanket! I jumped up, drew back the curtain and saw: an ordinary sparrow was sitting on a bush! Old friend! Chiv - Plucked Back of the Head. All winter he flew to my windowsill for crumbs. But now Chiv is not alone, but with a girlfriend. The girlfriend sits quietly and cleans the feathers. And Chivu does not sit well. He chirps at the top of his lungs and jumps around his girlfriend from branch to branch - from step to step like a clockwork. Thin branches beat against each other and clink with lenses. Because they ring that rainwater froze on them with thin icicles.

    "Chiv!" - Sparrow. "Dzin!" - icicle.

    And so it comes out well and well, she-she, no worse than the honored singers - Nightingales and Larks.

    Sparrow nights

    All winter Chiv the sparrow lived in the old chimney... The terrible winter nights dragged on for a long time: frost shot, the wind shook the chimney and poured icy crumbs from above. Feet chilled, frost grew on feathers.

    great day

    Every day the sun is higher. Every night, at least on a passerine gallop, but in short.

    And then he came - the Great day: the sun rose so high that it looked to Chivu in a black pipe.

    Sosulkina water

    Icicles on the roofs. During the day, water drips from the icicles. This is a special water - icicle. Chiv loves icicle water very much. It will overtake from the cornice and deftly pick up a droplet of icicles with its beak, similar to a droplet of the sun. After drinking water, Chiv starts jumping and chirping so desperately that passers-by stop, smile and say: "Come to life, smoking room!"

    Cap! Cap!

    The bushes are covered with water. There are garlands of drops on each branch. A sparrow sits down - sparkling rain! Bend down to drink, and a drop from under the very nose - a drip! Sparrow to the other, the other - drip!

    Dap, dap sparrow, drip, droplets.

    Spring chime

    Grabbed the frost. Each wet branch was dressed in an ice case. The sparrow sat on an inclined twig - and rolled down like a hill. The titmouse also slipped - hung upside down. The crow hooted in the midst of the boughs in the summer - that made a ring!


    News every day. Insects have appeared in the air! Chiv flew up from the roof in a column, grabbed a bug on the fly and, having made a roll in the air, sank onto the pipe. Chiv ate bugs and flies, and strange things began to happen to him. He suddenly grabbed the scruff of his old friend Chirik and began to flap him like a dog to a cat. The chirik screamed, jerked his legs, beat his wings. But Chiv ruffled and ruffled him until he ripped out a tuft of feathers. And they were friends all winter. And they drank water from one icicle. And we washed ourselves in neighboring puddles. Only the water after Chirik became not black, but red. Because all winter Chirik slept in a crack in a brick pipe.

    And now everything has gone headlong.


    The drooping willow branches look like green hair. There are nodules, nodules on each hair.

    These are the kidneys.

    Raindrops roll down the branches, jumping merrily from bud to bud. So guys jump down the steps on one leg.

    The willow sparkles and smiles.

    Green butterflies

    On the poplars, the buds were strained and burst. From each bud, like a butterfly from a pupa, a green leaf hatched.

    The sparrows settled in the branches and began to peck at the sticky green butterflies... Help themselves; one peephole up - is there a hawk, the other down - is a cat climbing?


    From the icicle water and the sun, from bugs and flies, from fresh leaves, the sparrows went crazy. Fights here and there! Two people will grapple on the roof - a dozen are rushing towards them. They grab each other, flutter, shout and fall like a feathery garland from the roof onto the heads of passers-by.

    Song tree

    In the evening, all the sparrows - broken and unbeaten - flock to a special tree - the tree of songs. They see off the day in a friendly chorus. So, with a song, they see off every spring day.

    Passers-by listen to the sparrow choir with pleasure and smile.

    The commotion

    Chiv and his girlfriend Chuka put the nest in the cracks under the eaves. They lined it with feathers, hair, cotton wool, hay and rags. And Chuka brought a candy wrapper and two tram tickets: pink and blue. It turned out very cozy. Chiv remembered his chimney and regretted that he had not thought of meeting Chuka earlier.

    And suddenly - creak, creak, creak! In the cradle, a plasterer rose to the cornice. He got up and with his spatula began to close up the cracks under the cornice.

    What started here! All the sparrows are jumping to him! They gallop along the very edge of the roof, scolding the plasterer at all voices. But the plasterer does not understand the sparrow's tongue: he covers up the cracks and shrugs off the sparrows with a spatula. And he threw out Chiva and Chuki's nest. Feathers, cotton wool, hair, hay and rags flew in the wind. And the candy wrapper and the tickets fell down.

    Cradle house

    Chiv and Chuka took over the nesting box. The wind swayed the pole, and their new house swayed with the pole. Chiva was seasick and nodded. Chuka did not doze: she again carried feathers, cotton wool and dry blades of grass to the nest. And again she brought a candy wrapper and tram tickets.


    The owners of the birdhouse returned from the south - serious black starlings. Silently, busily working, they threw out of the birdhouse first Chiva and Chuka, and finally their entire nest. Again feathers, cotton wool, blades of grass, candy wrapper and tram tickets flew in the wind.

    Petal blizzard

    A blizzard whistles. White drizzle of apple petals flows through the streets. And in the dead ends there are vortices. White whirlwinds of apple petals.


    Heard Chiva. He was sitting at his old nest - on an abandoned old pipe. He sat and chirped in a voice that was not his own. Because a caterpillar stuck out in its beak, like a cigarette. And he chirped without opening his mouth, "through clenched teeth." Once!

    The sparrow spring is over. Your mouth is full of trouble!

    Vitaly Bianchi.

    "A piece of bread"

    Only the well-fed does not fly to the garbage heap in winter. But there are few well-fed in winter. Hungry bird eyes see everything. Sensitive ears hear everything. Do you think that since bird ears are invisible, they are not sensitive? No matter how it is! The door creaks softly - and the birds hear. The hostess will throw out the slops from the bucket - they will immediately see. Leaves - they are right there. They are crows, jackdaws, magpies and jays. Birds are smart, careful, cunning. They know the person and know when to be afraid of him. Most of all they love those who do not pay attention to them. But it is difficult not to pay attention to them.

    Ravens fly in, rustling with damp wings, and blink funny, flickering white eyelids. As if rolling their eyes with pleasure.
    At forty, snowflakes sparkle on black velvet backs. And the tails and wings seem to be painted with oil: they shine green, purple and yellow.
    Black jackdaws are in gray collars, their eyes are white and surprised.
    The jay is the most elegant of all: a red crest, blue on the wing - like ripples on the water. Okay, dexterous. A full mouth will fill, even the throat will swell. And rather into the woods: stuff in the corners. Dissipates and flies again. It's scary, but it flies. Fear even opens his mouth and the crest raises on end. Even mutters something under his breath. But hunger is even worse.
    Hunger drove the disabled jackdaw. Some hunter shot off the bottom half of her beak. Neither peck, nor pick, nor peel feathers.
    She sat down, strangely thin-nosed, disheveled, emaciated, with feathers-icicles on her abdomen. Whatever happens.
    She put the head on the snow and grabbed a piece sideways. A piece is a day of life. Will it be there tomorrow? Birds are visible and invisible around the dwelling.
    The door knocked: friend or foe? With a bucket or a gun? It would be better to hide, but you have to fly. Only the well-fed in winter does not fly to the garbage heap. And there are few well-fed in winter.

    Vitaly Bianchi.

    Story: Crazy Bird

    When I was ten years old, I lived a whole winter in the country.
    I ran through the forest, tracked down birds and learned various interesting details of their life. This was my favorite pastime, and I was very bored when something interfered with my walks.
    But then the February frosts hit. A severe blizzard has arisen.
    For a long time my father did not let me out of the house. Time passed terribly slowly.
    Finally, a few days later, when I woke up in the morning, I saw a clear blue sky through the window.
    I immediately asked my father to leave, got dressed and rushed out into the yard.
    It was frosty outside, but quiet. The sun shone brightly. Eyes hurt from the glitter white snow.
    There was nothing to think about getting into the forest. There were such drifts of loose snow that I sank to the waist at every step.
    I had to head along the river. From it, on the contrary, the wind swept away almost all the snow, so that in some places bluish ice was visible.
    There were no birds anywhere. Before me stretched a long white stripe rivers. To the right and to the left, on its steep banks, a forest covered with snow stood silently. Even the squeak of the tits was not audible in it.
    I thought, "That's right, the birds are not feeling well after such a long blizzard." Soon I saw in front of me in the snow black spot.
    It turned out to be a dead crow. She lay with her head buried in a snowdrift, spreading her wings blown off by the wind.
    I picked it up and examined it from all sides. She was already numb. There was not a trace of a wound or a bruise anywhere on her entire body.
    I realized that the frost killed the crow.
    I was very sorry for this big strong bird, frozen here in the middle of the snowdrifts. I consoled myself with the thought that not all birds died these days. I guess I'll be able to catch some half-dead bird even today. I will take it home, heat it, feed it and keep it until spring.
    As if in response to my thoughts, a quiet chirping was heard not far away.
    I looked up. There was a hole ahead. On the edge of it, near the water, a white-breasted bird was jumping. She pulled short tail and poured in every way merry song... “What a crazy woman! - I thought. "How can she be happy in such a frost?" The white-breasted bird did not pay any attention to me. I wanted to take a closer look at her. But as soon as I took a few steps towards her, the bird rushed headlong into the hole with a swing. For a moment I still saw how she quickly moved her wings, as if flying in water. Then she disappeared under the ice.
    I remained standing with bulging eyes and an open mouth. "She drowned herself!" - suddenly flashed through my mind a terrible thought. I rushed to the ice hole. The shallow water flowed very quickly here. The drowned woman was nowhere to be seen.
    Tears welled up in my eyes. I ran home to my father, with a dead crow in my hands and with an amazing story about a white-breasted drowned bird.
    My father told me to throw out the crow at once, and he laughed at my story for a long time. I didn’t understand what was funny, and I was very angry with my father. - Fool! - he said. - It was a dipper. She did not drown at all, but now she is jumping on the ice again and is glad that she deceived you. - Not true! - I was excited. - She lost her mind and drowned herself.

    I myself saw how she was dragged under the ice. The current is so fast there ...

    Well, that's what, - my father stopped me, - run again to the place where you saw her. She will be there. And if it is not there, then there is a second one not far from the first hole. The dipper jumped out through it, diving from you under the ice.
    I ran to the river again. My father loved and knew birds well. If he says that the dipper threw himself into the hole on purpose, then there is still hope that my white-breasted bird is alive.
    There was no dipper near the hole. But further on the river I saw a second ice-hole, went to it and suddenly noticed my drowned woman on the steep bank of the river. She was alive and well, running in the snow and singing her own quiet song, like the splash and murmur of a stream.
    I ran to her. She flew to the ice hole, swayed on thin legs, as if bowing to me, and when I approached, plumped into the water, like a frog into a swamp.
    Standing above the ice hole, I saw her rowing under the water with her wings, like a swimmer with her hands. Then she ran along the bottom, clinging with curved claws to all its irregularities. In one place she even lingered a little, in front of my eyes she turned a pebble with her beak and pulled out a water beetle from under it.
    And after half a minute she jumped out of another hole. I could hardly believe my eyes. I still wanted to take a closer look at her. Several times in a row I made her throw herself into the water.
    I was very surprised that under water it shines like a silver fish. I didn’t know even then that the dipper feathers were smeared with a thin layer of grease. When a bird plunges into water, air bubbles on its fat feathers and glistens.
    Finally she got tired of diving. She rose into the air, flew over the river straight, as if by a string, and in one minute disappeared from my eyes.
    Almost two months have passed since the day of my first meeting with the Dipper. During this time, I really fell in love with her. Weather permitting, I went to the river to watch her. She always had time to dive into the hole from me. And always at the same time she looked so cheerful, as if we were playing "cat and mouse".
    The whole village knew this funny little bird. The peasants called her the water sparrow.
    At the end of winter, frosts crackled again, even harder than February. These days my dipper didn't sing anymore.
    Now I had to search for her for a long time before I found her somewhere under the icy canopy of the coast. Here she sat ruffled. She looked sad and displeased.
    When I approached her, she silently filmed and flew away somewhere far, always in the same direction.
    And then, finally, the day came when she flew away from this place: the ice holes froze. The ice prevented the dipper from diving into the water for beetles.
    I was very worried about my white-breasted friend. "Maybe," I thought, "she is now lying somewhere in the snow, like that crow that I found on the river after a blizzard." At home, my father said to me: - Most likely, your dipper fell into the claws of some predator. Or rather, she just went to look for another place on the river, where the water does not freeze even in the coldest frosts.
    The next morning the sun came out again, and I went in search of the dipper.
    Passing the familiar ice holes, I climbed the steep bank and walked along the river.
    Soon a small river blocked my way. She quickly rushed down the hill and abruptly dropped off the bank along which I was walking, into big river.
    It was real waterfall... The river whipped from the cliff in a wide stream and froth below, spinning in a turbulent whirlpool. At this point, on a large river, there was a wide open hole.
    I've never seen a waterfall before. With delight and fear I looked at the frantic stream, ready to crush under me anyone who inadvertently approached it.
    Suddenly I noticed two birds flying straight towards the waterfall. Ahead rushed, sparkling with a white chest, my dipper. A gray hawk quickly overtook her from behind.
    Before I had time to recover, the crazy bird disappeared into the rushing stream of the waterfall.
    The hawk soared up steeply in front of the falling wall of water, hung for a moment in the air, turned and slowly flew away. The prey escaped his claws.
    The hawk did not know what had become of the dipper. But I saw how she rushed headlong through the wall of the waterfall, made a small semicircle and how. nothing had happened sat on a stone under a cliff, from which water was falling.
    Her voice was not heard through the noise of the waterfall. But from her movements, I realized that she was singing her funny song.
    I was returning home from a skipping walk. Now I was sure that my brave little friend was not afraid of either the claws of a hawk, or the cold, or the hunger of winter.
    Winter didn't have much time left to torment the birds. The day was warm like spring. The sun was hot, and the snow was crumbling around me with a light ringing. It was already the end of February. The frosts were about to end.
    With such cheerful thoughts I ran home, At a familiar ice hole it suddenly occurred to me: it would be nice to try if the water in which the dipper loves to swim is very cold.
    Without thinking twice, I ran to the ice hole and stamped my foot heavily on thin ice.
    I just wanted to break the ice so that I could taste the water with my hand later. But the thin ice that covered the hole had already melted. It easily broke under my blow, I flew into the ice-hole with a swing, first with one leg, and then, not keeping my balance, and with my whole body.
    Fortunately, the water in this place was only knee-deep.
    As if scalded, I jumped out onto the ice and, chattering my teeth from the cold, rushed headlong home. The water, in which the dipper loved to swim, turned out to be very cold.
    On the same day, I went to bed in extreme heat. I was ill for two whole months. And when I recovered, I still got it from my father because I bathed in the ice hole.
    “Only crazy people,” my father said, “deliberately climb into the water in winter.
    - And what about the dipper? I interrupted.
    My father laughed and didn't scold me again.

    N. Sladkov. And Barto.

    "Swan Mountain"

    The rook says to the rook: "Fly with the rooks to the doctor, it's time to give them vaccinations To strengthen the feather."
    -Is it true that in order to strengthen the feathers, the birds need to be vaccinated?
    To strengthen the feathers, the birds need to be given: canary seed, hard-boiled egg, eggshell, fresh cabbage leaves, as well as special preparations (sold in pet stores), which will provide the bird's body with trace elements, vitamins and other vital important substances, necessary for the growth of new plumage and the prevention of diseases during molting, will increase the mobility and activity of birds.
    Purely speaking
    KO - ko - ko - it is not easy for birds in winter.
    Orm - orm - orm - they are looking for food.
    Tsam - tsam - tsam - help the birds.
    Shki - shki - shki - hang them feeders.

    "Pick up the words signs"

    Silence - extraordinary, "dead"
    Rain - glass
    Snow is the first, pure, white
    Bullfinches - crumpled
    - Why did the bullfinches get ruffled?
    - What do you know about bullfinches?
    The bullfinch is a bird larger than a sparrow, but smaller than a starling. The size of the body is 15-17 cm with a wingspan of 22-29 cm.
    The female lays 4 to 6 eggs and incubates them for 2 weeks. At this time, the male brings her food.
    After the birth of bullfinches, both parents feed them for a little more than 2 weeks. It should be noted that Bullfinches feed on plant food, and chicks are also fed (from the goiter) seeds of trees, grasses, young shoots, and buds. Insects are rarely eaten.
    Like most passerine birds, Bullfinch ordinary has 2 clutches per year.
    By the beginning of August, fledglings molt, and males put on their bright scarlet outfit and black cap. Females also become more uniform brown color and also try on a black "headdress".

    G. Skrebitsky and V. Chaplin.

    "Who winters how"

    Look out the window. All the glass is painted with white patterns - it was the frost that painted it so. It's cold outside. Everything around is covered with snow - both the ground and the roofs of houses, even on the trees - snow.
    January is the coldest month, the middle of winter. Ponds and rivers are frozen, fields and forests are covered with snow. The nights are long. At eight o'clock in the morning it is still dark, by nine only the sun rises. And the days in winter are very short. You don't sit down on the street to go for a run, play - you look, and again it got dark.
    Take a look into the courtyard on a winter morning. Little sparrows are jumping in the snow, they have crumpled up from the cold, fluffed up, they look like balls. They jump, pick up the crumbs. Right there it is important, crows waddle around, jackdaws scurry between them - they are looking at what to profit from.
    They will bring the dog a bowl of food, just put it down, and jackdaws, crows are already right there: they jump around the dog, trying to snatch a piece from under the very nose. The dog will not stand it, he will rush after the bird, while others are already climbing into the bowl. Some will grab bread, some will take a bone - and fly away.
    In the village in winter, near the house, you can see not only these birds. Here and tits, and oatmeal, and even cautious magpies arrive. They are hungry in the winter in the forest, so they fly closer to a man's dwelling to feed themselves.
    Forest animals climbed into warm holes.
    Wolves, foxes go hunting, and the bear, from the fall, will lie in the den, and sleep until spring.
    In winter, everyone tries to hide from the frost, from the cold, icy wind, and everyone has adapted to winter in his own way.

    G. Skrebitsky and V. Chaplin.

    "What does the woodpecker feed on in winter"

    A bird lives in our forest. She herself is black with white specks, and on the back of her head she has bright, red feathers. This bird is called a woodpecker.
    In summer, the woodpecker flies through the forest all day, looking for food. It sits on a tree, but not on a branch, like other birds, but directly on the trunk and runs up along it, as if on a ladder. He runs, and he taps on the tree with his beak: knock-knock, knock-knock. It will get a larva or a bug from under the bark and eat it.
    And winter came, it became cold. All the insects hid far away. What does a woodpecker feed on in winter? Look: there are many, many pine cones lying in the snow under the tree. And what is this tree? This is an oak tree, not a pine tree. Where did the pine cones come from under it? Suddenly a woodpecker flew up to the oak; holds a cone in its beak. He stuck it into the crevice of the tree and began to hammer with his beak. I smashed it, chose the seeds and flew after another. He brought another one, inserted it into the crevice, and pushed the old lump out. That's why a whole bunch of cones are lying under the tree. This woodpecker feeds on their seeds in winter.

    N. Plavilshchikov.

    "If you have not seen it, you will not believe it"

    The trees crackle from the frost, and there is a nest on the tree, and in the nest the bird sits and warms the testicles.
    This brave bird is a crossbill.
    All birds build their nests in the spring. Crossbills have their own rules. They hatch chicks when there is a lot of food. Winter, spring, summer - they don't care. It would be satisfying.
    Crossbill food - seeds from spruce and pine cones. Cones hang from the tree all year round. There will be enough food for the crossbills in winter, there is something to feed the chicks. It's warm in the nest. Klestikha does not fly away from the nest, the male brings her food. The chicks will hatch, and then the mother sits in the nest, warms the naked chicks, and she herself warms up from them.
    Where there are many cones, there are many crossbills. Few cones - no crossbills, they have nothing to do in such a forest: there is no food.
    Crossbill noses are special - with a cross. It is very convenient to pick out seeds from cones with such a nose.
    If you want to see the crossbill, look for it in the spruce forest. Don't look at the bottom, but look at the tops of the trees. You will see - there, high, high, near the cones, birds climb the branches, near the cones, birds climb the branches, hang upside down - here they are, crossbills! And if you listen, you will hear: "glue-glue-glue". It is the crossbills that have something in common.

    G. Skrebitsky and V. Chaplin.

    "Look around"

    It's cold, hungry for the birds in winter. It is difficult to get food out of the snow. Collect bread crumbs, leftover porridge, some grains, grains from the table.
    Ask adults to attach a plate behind the window and pour food on it: bread crumbs, leftover porridge, grains.
    The little sparrows will see your treat and fly in to nibble on it. And if you attach a plank in the garden, not only sparrows, but titmouses and even a red-breasted bullfinch will be able to fly there. You can immediately recognize him from all the birds - his chest is bright red, and he is wearing a black velvet hat on his head.
    The birds will get used to being fed here on a plank - they will fly every day. And that one mind, what birds come.
    You probably see a crow and a jackdaw every day. But can you tell them apart? The crow is bigger than a jackdaw. She herself is gray, the wings and tail are black and on the chest is like a black vest.
    And the jackdaw is all black, only there are gray feathers on the neck, it seems like a kerchief is worn. And the jackdaw's eyes are bright.
    And crows and jackdaws scream in completely different ways. A crow will sit on a tree or on a fence, push it, stretch its neck and shout: "Carrr-carrr ..." And the jackdaws seem to call each other: “Jackdaw-jackdaw-jackdaw”. This is probably why they were called jackdaws.
    The snow lies white, fluffy, and each snowflake is like a small star. It is easy to see her. When it snows, go out into the yard and see what beautiful snowflakes are settling on your fur coat.

    And if you want to see how the snow keeps increasing, cut out a long stick with a sharp end and make notes on it - such that you can see it from afar; stick a stick into the ground in the yard, where no one walks, and see how the snow will cover it higher and higher. Remember what note he gets over the winter.
    And spring will come, the snow will begin to melt, down on a stick. When the snow melts, take a stick and measure how high the snow was in winter. Sometimes he is attacked so much that he will grow taller than you over the winter.

    In winter, the days are short, the sun shines a little. And the closer to spring, the higher it rises in the sky and shines longer. You can check it yourself.
    If the sun is shining in your room in the evening before sunset, notice more precisely where on the wall its last ray was reflected - the last sunbeam. And a few days will pass, mind you, then another. So you will see that each time the bunny jumps further and further along the wall, every day it goes out later and later. This means that the sun in the sky shines longer and the days are getting longer. This means that the matter is under way for spring.

    Klaus Ruge.

    "Migratory birds"

    Birds are fidgets. See how they jump from branch to branch, fly from tree to tree! But a squirrel can do that, or some other animal. But only birds and not even all birds can fly away thousands of kilometers and then return again.

    Thrushes and finches, larks and siskins, swallows and orioles, storks and cuckoos can. Therefore, they are called migratory. In the summer they live with us, build nests, breed chicks. And with the onset of cold weather they fly away for the whole winter to hot regions in order to return to their native places in the spring.

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    Rogoleva Elena Gennadevna
    The Tale of Migratory Birds "On the Lake"

    On the far lake, among the green reeds lived-were different birds. Wild geese mallard ducks and white swans swam all summer in lake, they caught flying butterflies and dragonflies with their wide beaks, dived under the water for small fish, went for a walk on the shore, nibbled on the juicy green grass.

    Long-legged herons walked along the very edge of the water, catching green frogs with their long beaks.

    They lived well, together! They made nests, laid eggs, hatched chicks. And then they taught them to swim and fly, to catch butterflies and dragonflies, to clean their feathers with a beak.

    Loved birds have their own lake, did not fly far.

    But once a cold wind blew, and fell on Lake beautiful butterflies ... Young ducks and geese screamed:

    See how many butterflies there are! Catch them!

    They began to grab the butterflies with their beak, but they turned out to be completely tasteless.

    Ha-ha-ha! - the wise old Goose cackled. - These are not butterflies, they are - yellow leaves from the trees. Autumn has come.

    It got colder every day. The insects disappeared, the fish swam deep to the bottom, the frogs hid under driftwood, the grass turned yellow and withered.

    The young were worried birds.

    What's happened? We have absolutely nothing to eat! Our paws freeze in cold water! We will die of hunger and cold!

    Ha-ha-ha! The wise old Goose cackled again. - Winter is coming soon. Water on lake freeze and turn to ice. It's time for us to get ready for a long journey!

    Ha-ha-ha! Quack-quack-quack! - young people rustled birds... - Where? Why? We do not want!

    We will fly to warm lands, because we - migratory birds ... We will spend the whole winter there, and in the spring we will return back to our own Lake, - the wise old Goose reassured everyone.

    No sooner said than done... Become birds going on a long journey. Herons flew first. They circled over lake, waved their large wings and disappeared behind the forest.

    Ducks and geese flew after the herons. Ahead is the main bird - the leader, and behind it in an even wedge the rest birds... They shouted their farewell song and disappeared into the distance.

    The white swans were the last to fly away. It became quiet on lake, cold and sad ...

    But let's not be sad! The snowy, frosty winter will pass, and migratory birds will return to the lake again, to their beloved homeland.

    Questions about fairy tale.

    Loved birds have their own lake or not? How did they live there?

    Why birds flew away from their beloved lakes?

    What is called birds that fly away to warmer climes?

    Who flew away first? Who is behind the herons ?. Who will be the last one?

    Why birds coming back?

    Name others migratory birds you know.

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