How to make fried seeds. How to cook delicious seeds at home

Why not need to buy seeds in industrial packaging !!! Seeds to the packaging process are treated with preservatives that allow them not to shoot and maintain their "amazing" taste. Although if seeds in the shell is still nothing, then seeds (or nuts), which are sold already purified, contain a substantial doghood of the drug from the barn.

How to fry seeds in a frying pan

This method suggested to me uncle, who trades seeds on the market. He looked into my eyes and said:

- You need to drink wormwood, you have a liver junk ...

I looked at him and I was surprised. The liver does not have a jar of the liver, but Botkin in childhood I was sick seriously ... although he can say it to everyone))) But the recipe for frying seeds from this grandfather from the market, turned out to be really very very successful.

In fact, we have seeds - it is almost national food, it is easier to call them seeds. So everyone knows everything in this fry, but not everyone can fry tasty. What is important - of course the seeds are good. Here, of course, you need to find a good seller who trades good seeds.

  1. So, the seeds are necessarily mine. It is important, all seeds are treated in one degree or another, plus transportation, plus on them feet like ...
  2. Then heat the frying pan well. Here Rule number 2 - a frying pan must be with the most thick bottom. Ideal - cast iron.
  3. Wet seeds pour into the frying pan and cover the lid. So they are evaporated 1-2 minutes at the maximum fire. Many seeds just do not pour out, may not evenly spare. In a shallow layer!
  4. Now remove the lid, reduce the fire and fry constantly stirring.

Semes are perfect!

How to fry seeds in the oven

In the oven seeds you need to put on a baking sheet in one layer.

The temperature at which seeds are hot - 180 degrees.

And of course an important point - they need to be periodically (quite often) stirring. On average seeds in the oven are roasting (more precisely dry) in 20 minutes. To taste, they differ from fried in a pan. Of course, they are not so much so much as dried. But taste and color - no comrade!

How to fry seeds with salt

With salt of seeds, you can fry in a frying pan.

Of course the easiest option is to escape just seeds and fry. But there is an option of unevenness and difficult to guess. If you still decide on this accelerated way, then salt must be taken fine - salt extra.

But the 2nd method is more reliable. At that moment, when you put the seeds in the pan, pour 100 ml salty in the pan (very salty if you like salty) water and cover the lid. Minutes 3-4 Give seeds to pass in salted water, of course, periodically stirring. Then everything is as usual. We make the fire medium (before that it was the maximum) and dearly stirring before readiness.

Seeds fried in microwave

And you thought that seeds were much more profitable to buy and fry on our own, than to buy ready-made in packs. The price of favorite delicacy falls at times! I propose a simple recipe for frying seeds in the microwave.

So, take about one third of the kilograms of bought seeds, fall asleep them in a colander (you can in a sieve) and rinse them well in warm water. Of course, you can seeds and do not flush before, but still it is better to do that, especially since it does not take much time. Next, you need to wait until all excess water stalks.

  • now laying seeds into non-metallic dishes and send them to the microwave stove. I have the maximum power -750W. And it is at such power that I cook.
  • i exhibit 2 minutes, then I mix the seeds after time.
  • then I put it again for 2 minutes and so in total, it turns out four times.

Of course, it all depends on the size of the seeds themselves, so during their process it is necessary to try again from time to time.

Useful they are incredible

Pumpkin seeds benefit both for the cardiovascular system, since a large amount of iron contained in them allows to improve blood quality. We advise them to consume both men, as the risk of prostate disease is reduced. For people with acne, dumping and drop-down hair, pumpkin seeds are also helpful because they increase the zinc content in the body. It is enough to eat just a hassle of this product. To fill the lack of zinc in the body.

Despite the obvious benefit of pumpkin seeds, in no case should be abused, since the salicylic acid contained in them can provoke gastritis or stomach ulcers. The permissible norm is 45-50 grains per day.

Fried and salted pumpkin seeds doctors are generally not recommended to eat, as they create an excess salts in the tissues of the human body. These salts are practically not derived from the body, which affects the mobility of the joints. In principle, it can even be said that in fried seeds almost no useful substances and therefore they are considered useless for use.

If you still decided to try fried pumpkin seeds, then let you give you some tips.

Pumpkin seeds can not only buy in the store, but also prepare them yourself.

How to collect seeds from pumpkins themselves

This follows:

  • pumpkin cut in half and horrid from it all the middle. It is most convenient to do this with a tablespoon;
  • then you need to choose from pumpkin fibers of seeds;
  • selected seeds need to be rinsed under running water;
  • then you need to put them on the paper towel and get into the top with another paper towel;
  • finally, seeds should still dry for 3-4 days.

Seeds are ready for frying and for storage. You need to store in a dry place.

How to fry pumpkin seeds

In principle, the method of roasting pumpkin seeds from sunflower does not differ. All the same rules:

  1. not the maximum temperature (about 80 degrees);
  2. constant stirring;
  3. ideally cast iron pan or just with a thick bottom.

Finally, let's tell you that pumpkin seeds should be used in reasonable limits and then the benefits of them will be apparent.

Seed eating is a cult psychological pleasure comparable to tea drinking and meditation. There is an opinion that consuming seeds is harmful, mainly, but not supported by the doctors-nutritionists. On the contrary, the moderate use of well-cooked sunflower seeds helps strengthen the vessels and improves the work of the nervous system, brain and digestion. The most useful raw seeds extracted from husks directly in the process of use. The recommended daily amount should not exceed 100 grams.

Recently (peeled and in husks, fried and unjeited) are sold packaged in the range. We, however, does not always suit the taste of these finished products, they can deterue due to violation of the conditions and storage terms. In addition, we do not know how they are cooked, do not contain any non-offective additives.

We will tell you how to fry seeds in a pan at home.


  • sunflower raw seeds - 1-2 glasses;
  • salt is large (optional).


We rinse seeds to free them from dust and small particles of the plant and learn on the sieve, and then lay out freely on the clean napkin.

Well heated dry frying pan, cast-iron or aluminum (without coatings). We fall asleep seeds, distribute them evenly on the plane of the pan. First, on medium-high heat, we dry, stirring with a wooden blade, until the couples will stop climbing. Then we reduce the fire to a minimum and continuing to stir, fry to the desired readiness (it is necessary to assume that the time of frying will be no more than 10 minutes). If seeds started crackling, it's right to turn off the fire. It is possible in the process of final frying to add 1-2 chipping of a cooking salt in the pan. Roasted seeds are pouring, evenly distributing, on a clean dry napkin or wooden board.

Some love to fry seeds, making them more salty, as you understand, it is not useful. In any case, the amount of salt should not exceed 1 teaspoon without top of 1 cup of seeds. Moreover, the oil does not need to be added to the pan, maybe someone and tastier, but carcinogens, with such a roasting, is formed significantly more.

Well, the main thing: I want to advise the brief seeds not to the teeth, but manually - this style of use will be the best. And there are pumpkin seeds that are an excellent tool to clean the body from possible harmful microorganisms. Optimize water-salt exchanging, strengthen vessels and contribute to male strength.

How to fry pumpkin seeds?

Pumpkin seeds extracted out of the husks in the process of absorption, excellent taste without fruting, and if they are raw and wet (only that extracted from the fetus), they are enough to dry on a dry pan or on the ovens in the oven. If you still want to slightly fry them, act just as when frying sunflower seeds (see above). Salt at the same time is absolutely not needed. Eat pumpkin seeds, removing the nucleolines with your fingers, it is not difficult, moreover, develops small motility, which is especially good for children from 4 years.

How to fry purified seeds?

Peeled seeds are frying the same way, as not liberated from husks, in this case they must first pour hot water, and then rinse the water and then rinse again to remove the possible residues of the released oil (it may be unpleasant to patter). Next, slightly weakened the seeds on the napkin, or simply eat them, or slightly dried, roasting on a dry pan, stirring with a wooden blade. We are approximately the same as when frying seeds in the husk (see above).

  • Preparation

  • - Try to choose panic and large seeds.
  • - Rinse in colander under running water.
  • - You can pour seeds with water in the tank if they have garbage. Empty seeds and garbage will pop up.
  • - The number of seeds is how comfortable to interfere. It is possible for a complete frying pan.
  • Frying seeds

  • We put on a strong fire in the pan (preferably with thick sides and bottom) and wait, when the frying pan warms well.
  • On the hot frying pan, we pour the floor-teaspoon of sunflower oil so that the bottom was lubricated. This is one of the secrets of delicious seeds.
  • Wrapped on the colander of seeds pour into the pan. Cooking a solution of salt water. Approximately grams 40-50 water and a teaspoon of salt.
  • Pour immediately in seeds. While the water is evaporated, seeds will disappear, they will be satisfied inside and most importantly, they will easily "click", the peel will easily move away from the kernel.
  • Fire strong, continue to fry stirring.
  • As soon as you see that the water all gone and seeds will begin to crackle moving out of the fire and continue to stir. You can make it immediately after that the fire is less, but it is better to do it gradually. For three such clocks to a minimum. The minimum fire will not let you guess the moment of reroach. Strong fire at the beginning will give the opportunity to roast the seeds.
  • It is advisable to constantly try seeds already at minimal fire. Some professionals can determine the readiness for rumor. ;)
  • At the very end, span the seeds with 1 tablespoon of sweet water (in a tablespoon of water to stir 1/2 h. Sugar spoons). Sugar caramelized and will be very tasty.
  • As soon as the seeds are ready to ride into the clay or glass container and cover minutes on a 5 pure napkin. Seeds should "get away."
  • Bon Appetit!
  • Fry with pleasure!
  • Total cooking time: 19 min.
  • Category:

How to fry seeds in a frying pan correctly - recipes from Olga Sologub.

For frying seeds, I use a thick-nosed frying pan. Fortunately, I got from the grandmother the Sovdeopovsky cast iron frying pan. So, fervent sunflower seeds only in it.

If fry on Teflon, then reduce the fire and mix more often. Thin-walled frying pan are heated faster. It is best to shoot them from the fire earlier than the seeds will be shuffled. Put them in a plate, and they will reach the condication.

Traditional way of frying sunflower seeds

In the pan, pour wet seeds and cover it with a lid. Immediately I want to clarify that it burns in a few goals. Many seeds do not pour it out: so they are frying evenly. So, I put the dishes on the middle fire for 1-2 minutes (during this time the moisture evaporates). Then I remove the cover from the frying pan and slow down the fire (I make it a little less than average).

I have the whole process of frying illegal seeds takes from 10 to 15 minutes. If fervently peeled nuclei, the time is reduced to 5 minutes. To be honest, I did not bother how much seeds in the pan in the pan. I focus on the appearance of the product and his taste.

I will reveal to you the mystery: The secret of success consists in constant stirring. It is more convenient for me to make a wooden spoon. If you have no such, you can use a shovel or a simple spoon. When seeds begin to crack, I remove the sample. If they are ready, we clean the frying pan from the stove. And the seeds are pouring on a plate with a smooth layer and covering a cotton towel from above. After 10 minutes you can eat.

How to fry seeds in a frying pan with salt

It will take: 0.5 kg of seeds, 3 tbsp. Salt salt, 0.5 tbsp. vegetable oil, water.

Washed seeds shifting into a pan. Pour them with water (they must be fully covered) and fall asleep 2 tbsp. Salt. I put the dishes on strong fire and cook the product for 60-70 seconds. During this time, salt must completely dissolve and absorb nuclei. Then I recline them on a colander and merge unnecessary water. After again, I spend everything in the pan. I add the remaining salt and put the dishes on the middle fire. Next it is important to stir constantly, otherwise everything burns.

When the product gets dry, I slow down a little more and continue to fry. A couple of minutes before readiness I add oil. Then I remove the pan from the plate, swaying the seeds on a flat plate and give them to cool.

Seeds, frightened on this recipe with salt and with butter, are just awesome!

Seeds with soy sauce

Who walked in the fridge soy sauce, this recipe for you. Take 150 grams of cleaned seeds and 30 ml (2 tbsp. Spoons) of soy sauce. See the composition of the sauce. It should have soy, and not wheat.

Oils in this recipe will not need. At dry frying pan, pour purified seeds and start frying. Heat on medium or high level, constantly mixing the contents. As soon as they start brown, remove the pan from the fire. Add soy sauce, mix and return the frying pan on the stove. Constantly stir the spatula until the sauce evaporates from the surface. Sill seed on a plate and let cool.

How to fry pumpkin seeds in a frying pan

Pumpkin seeds are very useful, so it is from time to water and their. The cooking technology is not particularly different from the frying of sunflower seeds. I use the same cast-iron frying pan. I wash in front of the hot product.

I am preparing them on medium fire and constantly stirring. But the cooking time depends on the size of the seed. Small fry to 10 minutes, large - about 20 minutes.

Options of frying seeds in the microwave

How to fry seeds with salt, I taught Vova - a big connoisseur of this case. I tried to cook them on his recipe and I got the most delicious seeds in the world.

You will need:

raw seeds - 500 g.

3 tablespoons salt

0.5 tablespoon of olive oil (you can also use sunflower or corn).

Cooking method

My seeds under running water and shift them into a deep frying pan. Fill with water so that it completely covers seeds, and add 2 tablespoons of salt into the water.

I bring to a boil on a strong fire and cook 1 minute. The challenge is that salt dissolved and impregnated seeds. We learn them in a colander, we again shift in the pan and add a spoonful of salt in the pan. From this point on, seeds must be constantly mixed - otherwise some of them burn. On the walls, the sickels will appear to appear a salt flaw - it should be.

When seeds begin to push, the fire we reduce. If they have a thin skin, it will start to burst as it frying.

Seeds must be constantly trying. When they are dried, add olive oil - it is completely absorbed. It is necessary to remove the frying pan from the fire in a minute before readiness - this is a subtle moment and it should be adopted here.

Singing seeds on a wide flat plate and let me cool - this is a mandatory moment! Seeds must, first, to reach ready from their own heat, and secondly, harden - that is, their peel should become breaking and crunchy.

If it turns out that the seeds are not born, they can be pouring them again into a dry pan and two or three minutes to hold on the fire, constantly stirring.

As a result, you should have seeds with a stralytish golden nucleolus and a shell, which is easy to crush with your fingers.