How to write a short story. Fairy tales written by schoolchildren

Mosya and squirrels

There was a cat. His name was Mosya. He was a house cat and therefore stayed at home, but he wanted to see the world. When people were taking out the trash, the door was open and Mosya ran away. The elevator door was also open. Mosya ran into the elevator, but did not reach the button. The elevator went down. When the elevator stopped, the cat got out. There was a boy Vanya in the entrance. He opened the door and Mosya ran out into the street. He ran to the school. There was a break at school and the cat saw a familiar boy there - Marik. Mosya did not stop, he ran on, because he was afraid that Marik would notice him and bring him home. At six o'clock in the evening the cat ran to kindergarten. In the courtyard kindergarten he saw a cage with squirrels. Moses felt sorry for the squirrels, because they were in a cage. He gnawed through the lock and freed the squirrels. They kept running and running and rejoicing in their freedom. The squirrels thanked Mosya. Mosya invited them to go on a journey with him. Mosya and the squirrels went to the forest. A bear lived in the forest. The bear was sleeping in his lair, but the squirrels were noisy and woke him up. The bear woke up, became angry and attacked them. Mosya was saved by a squirrel: he bit the bear on the nose. Squirrels and Mosya ran away, the bear did not catch them and again fell asleep in the den. Mosya said that it was dangerous to stay in the forest, and they went to travel around different countries. Friends were in China and Europe, but then Mosia missed home and they returned to Moscow. The cat came to his

the owners, they were very happy and let him go home. Mosya no longer ran away from home, and the owners allowed him to walk with the squirrels.

How the dog got a friend

There was a dog. She was lonely. The dog walked the streets in order to meet someone. One day she went to Rainbow Street and met a horse there. The horse was small and beautiful, with a long thick mane. The horse asked the dog: "Who are you?" The dog replied: "I am a dog." The dog didn't have a name because she was homeless and there was no one to call her by her first name. The dog asked the horse: “what is your name?” "Igo-go" - the horse answered. Igo-go offered the dog to be friends. The dog was very happy and asked if the horse had food. Igo-go knew what dogs were eating, so she approached the hostess girl and asked her for food. The girl's name was Olya. "Can I have a piece of meat?" - asked the horse. "Why do you need meat?" Olya was surprised. The horse told the owner that she had a friend - a dog that had no name and said that the dog wanted to eat. Igo-go also asked for water for her new friend. The girl went along with Igo-go. She wanted to meet the dog. When she saw the dog, she liked it very much because it was still little puppy. The girl fed the puppy and invited him to stay with her and the horse. The girl and the horse came up with a name for the puppy. They named him Mitya. Mitya, Olya and Igo-go lived together and always helped each other.

Collective essay 7 gr

Horse and dog

There was a horse. One winter she went for a walk in the woods and saw small house. When the horse was walking past the house, it stumbled over a branch. The thread crunched. The horse screamed "Oh!" and a puppy jumped out of the house. The puppy began to scold the horse: “Why did you wake me up? I slept there." The horse replied, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up." That's how they met. The horse's name was Rosa, and the puppy's name was Dozor. They became friends and started visiting each other.

Once Rosa was visiting the Watch. At this time, Santa Claus was driving past the Dozor house on a sleigh and carrying a large bag with gifts. Suddenly, a toy bunny fell out of the bag. Santa Claus did not notice this. The bunny was left alone in the forest. Rosa and the Watch ran past. They noticed the bunny, but did not immediately understand where it came from. And then the Watch saw the tracks of the sleigh on the road, and Rosa guessed that it was Santa Claus who was driving. The watch ran after the sleigh and returned the bunny to Santa Claus. Grandfather Frost was very happy, said “Thank you very much” and gave them gifts. He gave Rosa a doll, and gave a car to the Watch, and gave a bunny to a little girl.

Christmas tree

The puppy was walking down the street and saw a deer there. They met, became friends and went for a walk together. Friends went into the forest, choose a Christmas tree for New Year. There the deer and the puppy saw a cat. The cat and the puppy weren't friends. The cat asked the puppy: “What are you doing here? This is my territory." "And who are you?" - asked the puppy. “I am Murka” - “And who are you?” . The puppy replied: "My name is Tuzik." The cat also came to the forest to choose a Christmas tree. They dispersed through the forest to find a suitable Christmas tree.

After some time, Tuzik called everyone and said: "I found the most suitable Christmas tree for us, let's celebrate the New Year together." The cat and deer agreed. Murka said: "Let's put a Christmas tree in my house." Tuzik asked: "Why to you, and not to the deer." The deer said, “Why are you arguing? We are friends. Let's leave the Christmas tree in the forest, and go get the toys ourselves." The dog brought elegant glass balls of different colors from home. The deer brought golden balloons with a picture of Santa Claus. The cat brought cookies with tangerines and bags with portraits of a deer and Tuzik. So the puppy and the cat became friends with the deer and began to live amicably and cheerfully.


One fairyland there lived a little girl, and she was very fond of riding through the clouds on her magic horse and collecting different flowers. The sun warmed, the clouds were like paths. The girl was always glad that there was such a wonderful horse in the world, beautiful flowers and the sun. Everything that was around seemed very kind and good to her. One evening, a car drove past a girl and her horse. Soot was coming from the car, and the flowers next to it withered, the clouds turned black, and the sun stopped being yellow, it wrapped itself in clothes and turned green. A boy was sitting in the car, and the girl shouted to him to stop the car. The car stopped, the boy got out and saw that where he had passed, the grass had drooped and the flowers withered. Then, he said that he would no longer drive a car, that he had to walk. And they, along with the girl, went on foot. The children brought water from the river and watered the flowers. Then the flowers came to life and different animals came out to meet the children: an elephant that collected grass and a lion that fluffed its mane. The animals thanked the boy and the girl for taking care of nature.

Cucumber Journey

There lived a cheerful cucumber in the garden. It was an unusual cucumber: he had small hands, he could speak and loved to take pictures. Cucumber was bored sitting in the garden with other vegetables, because they could not speak. He dreamed of becoming a traveler and finding a magic crystal that grants wishes. Once the cucumber went on a trip, and, of course, took his favorite camera with him. He went to the forest. In the forest, the cucumber met the Hedgehog.

The hedgehog carried apples and pears with him.

Hello, Hedgehog - said the cucumber.

Hello, cucumber - answered the hedgehog.

Let's be friends.

Where are you going? - asked the Hedgehog.

I'm looking for a magic crystal that grants wishes - Cucumber answered - let's go together.

Hello, frog - said the cucumber.

Hello, Cucumber and Hedgehog - answered the frog. - Where are you going?

We are looking for a magical crystal that grants wishes.

The cucumber called the bear:

Clubfoot, come with us to look for the crystal!

And the bear went with them. And then the travelers saw the mountain. Cucumber knew that the crystal was in a cave in the mountains. They went into the deepest cave in the rock and saw a crystal. Everyone made a wish

Cucumber missed home and wished to meet his family.

The hedgehog dreamed of growing up big and strong.

The frog wanted to see a beautiful pond.

The bear wanted to eat honey and go to sleep in a den.

The crystal sparkled. Friends blinked. When they opened their eyes, they saw that a large cucumber came out to them. It was the father of a little cucumber. And the whole family of cucumbers followed dad: mom, grandma and grandpa. The animals also remembered their parents and got bored. And then the parents of the animals came out. Everyone was very happy. Cucumber took a picture of them all together as a keepsake.

When everyone left the cave, the Hedgehog noticed that he grew up, became stronger and could help his mother, carry the bag. The frog went straight along the path and went out to big pond. The bear ate a jar of honey and went to sleep in a den.

And when our heroes grew up, they met their love, created families and had children. Cucumber gave everyone a photograph. And friends always remembered each other.

Good day, dear readers!

Fairy tales I have always loved, and not only to listen, but also to compose. Why did I decide to write about how to come up with a fairy tale myself? Firstly, as I said, I have been doing this for a long time, and I absolutely love it! Why do I give advice? I did not send many fairy tales to the light, so to speak, but at least two of them resonated in the hearts of not only readers, but also an impartial jury. The first of them was written in a difficult period of my life, when my eldest son was very ill. It was a fairy tale "", for which the Nestle company, which organized the fairy tale competition, presented me with a washing machine for taking 1st place. Thanks to them to this day! At that time it was very, very important to me!

And today I invite you visit a fairy tale, a fairy tale invented by you!

So, what is a FAIRY TALE?

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.

A fairy tale is a fictional story in which anything can happen that is unthinkable in real life, and which, as a rule, ends well and safely!

And they lived happily ever after!

A fairy tale is a good helper in raising a child and oneself! With the help of a fairy tale, one can not only believe, but also embody magic and miracles in reality ...

A fairy tale can become a cherished magic wand in the hands, oh, sorry, in the mouth of a caring mother. After all, she is the main tablet in. What is fairy tale therapy? This is a fairy tale cure. What diseases are treated with a fairy tale? A fairy tale treats severe and mild forms of Aprisites, Nekhochuhits and Leniites. And besides, a fairy tale is the most pleasant medicine in all medicine, which will appeal to everyone!

Every mother, by virtue of her nature, is capable of fairy tale therapy from birth. After all, the mother intuitively knows how and in what form to present this or that to the baby. life lesson. Well why not mother's tale: persuading the baby not to take off his hat on the street, to say that the ears must be hidden, otherwise the prankster wind will take and take away the ears for a while ... And what will we do without the ears? After all, in order to return them, you will have to drink bitter medicines and lie in bed all day ...

Every mom at heart (she may not know it) is real and the best in the world storyteller.

Although, in principle, ANY PERSON CAN WRITE YOUR OWN STORY!

In order for your own fairy tale to be born, you need a little imagination, desire and time! Well, what shall we try?

Wake up your imagination.

Imagination, like talent, dormant in each of us. True, for some it is dormant, while for others it sleeps soundly. But we'll fix it. The main thing is to believe in your creative vein and push it a little, and then, if you wish, it will slowly move along the rails of fabulous ideas, gradually accelerating its course.

Imagination- this is the ability to see the unusual in the ordinary, the creation of images and plots, the revival of the inanimate and unreal. Imagination works on a certain raw material, during the processing of which a fairy tale is born. The raw material for the imagination can be found everywhere. These can be life situations (failures and problems, successes and achievements). Paintings of artists, classical and modern music, images from the world of cinema and actually already known fairy tales can serve as a source of inspiration. Solitude with nature can awaken ideas even in the head that is “tired” of worldly worries.

Communication with a child can help stir up the imagination. Leading questions, the kid himself will answer what and how should happen in a fairy tale. Write a story with the kids- fun and educational. After all, they have the most interesting and lively imagination!

Unleash your imagination and revive the inanimate. Let the door speak, the bed begin to play before going to bed, or the road run away from under the feet ...

Dream about yourself, depicting a dream in the form of a fairy tale. But! Attention! This method is able to bring the MIRACLE from unreality to reality and fulfill your dream. So be positive!

And also awaken inspiration can be done through meditation. Meditation is the relaxation of the body in order to "release" and control one's thoughts and emotions. During and after meditations, kind and gentle stories are born.

A magic mantra for inspiration will help you feel the state of flying and soaring. Fill your soul with energy, strength and inspiration.

Think of a main character

The main character of the story- the core around which events and miracles revolve. The main character can be your child, or a boy or girl, whose behavior is very reminiscent of your baby. The main character can be a favorite toy, a cartoon character, an animal or a bird, a car, an ordinary bump, dishes, a table, a computer, a phone. Anything!

Give the hero some ordinary and unusual qualities. For example, to revive a table is already unusual in itself, but at the same time, you can still do homework on it, moreover, traveling around the world.

Sketch a plan for a future story

That is, prepare in advance. Think about what or who your story will be about. What exactly do you want to convey to the listener. Write a plan. The plan should include:

  • The beginning of the story (where? who? when?)
  • Incident (what happened? conflict, problem)
  • Overcoming difficulties (solving riddles, looking for a way out of the situation)
  • Outcome (return or other completion of the tale)

Of course, this is a very, very rough plan. Well, here's an example plan for everyone famous fairy tale"Kolobok":

  1. Grandma and Grandpa's house. Grandfather asks grandmother to bake a bun.
  2. The baked bun comes to life and runs away.
  3. Kolobok successfully escapes from danger in the form of a hare, a wolf and a bear.
  4. And there is a hole in the old woman, the fox outwitted the bun.

A very interesting and easy planning of a fairy tale can be embodied in the creation of a crumb fairy tale. Fairy tale - baby, this is a very small fairy tale, a couple of paragraphs long. A fairy tale-baby is invented literally on the go. For example: balloon fairy tale.

There lived a ball. For a very long time he lay small and deflated in big box with other similar balls, dreaming one day to see bright sunlight. And then one day, he was in the hands of a man. The man began to inflate him. The ball began to grow, to become more and more. He was no longer wrinkled and ugly. Now it was a big red balloon, ready to fly into the sky. But the man gave it little child. And the kid held the ball tightly in his hand.

He liked the ball so much that he really did not want to play with the child. And he kept trying to escape. And then a breeze blew, and the ball, taking advantage of the opportunity, twitched and escaped from the small palms. The balloon took off into the sky. And flew higher and higher. He was so happy about his freedom that he began to laugh out loud. So much so that he could not stop until he burst, and fell back to the ground ...

If you train on fairy tales-crumbs, then over time you will easily come up with voluminous and interesting fairy tales!

Remake an old fairy tale

Take any fairy tale as a basis and change something in it. Introduce a new character into the fairy tale or endow the old one with new character traits or abilities. Let, for example, Masha, getting lost in the forest, end up not in the house of neat bears, but in the house of three pigs. Or, the bun will not be appetizing and fragrant, but stale and evil, from which all the animals ran and hid, and only the fox came up with a way to save the forest inhabitants (for example, return the bun to grandparents and make crackers out of it).

Children are always interested in what happens next? For example, who did Pinocchio become when he grew up? Or, what happened to Alyonushka and her monster husband after the wedding, and what would happen if the scarlet flower dispelled the seeds and multiplied?

Or, take a number of associative words from the fairy tale and add some completely different word to them. For example, the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids". The associative series can be as follows: wolf, kids, goat, cabbage, voice and add a new word - telephone. Well, what will happen in history now?

Play word games

Words- cells of a fabulous creation. You can play with them, maybe something new will be born.

take two different words(you can ask someone to tell you the words, or randomly poke your finger into the book). And come up with a couple of stories with these words.

For example, take the words - castle and deer. Here are some stories you can think of:

1. A deer came to the castle of the princess every day at the same time and tried to reach the apple tree behind the fence.

2. In the castle of one king there lived a beautiful deer who could speak.

3. Once upon a time there was an amazing deer who wore a whole castle on his horns.

Take contradictions and make up a story. For example, fire and water, unfinished and redistributed, a beautiful and ugly princess, a microplane and an airplane, a king and a servant, summer and winter.

Write out a few headlines from magazines, newspapers and books. Mix and take three of them at random. Find common ground and write a story. Sometimes from the seemingly abracadabra itself, a brilliant work is born, for example, “Alice in Wonderland” by L. Carroll.


Find a listener and tell him a story

The storyteller definitely needs those who love fairy tales. tell a tale in simple words And simple sentences. Use vivid descriptive images and as many adjectives as possible. Actively play with intonation and voice, speaking either louder or mysteriously quieter.

Tell your essay to your loved one, mother, girlfriend, neighbor. And best of all to the most grateful listener -! Tell me without even asking to evaluate it. You will see the assessment of your fairy tale in their eyes .... And most likely it will inspire you to new feats!

Meet my latest fairy tale ""! Maybe she will be yours Starting point to the country of Good Storytellers!

The talent of a storyteller will not be born by itself. He is like a grain in the ground, in order to grow, he needs effort and time. However, it is worth it to one day turn into a beautiful Blooming tree. A tree that does not look like anyone else and is beautiful in its own way!

Here the fairy tale ends, and whoever listened - Well done!

The fact that children love fairy tales is clear to everyone. Maybe not even fairy tales, but amazing stories about objects that surround a child every day. Children's mini fairy tales can be composed on the go, for example, to distract the child from his whims. Children always like short fairy tales-stories, because they have not heard them before and will listen carefully to what you tell them. Here are some samples - short fairy tales for children.

Even if all your dad's thoughts are occupied with a broken car, and he constantly thinks about spare parts, it will be easy even for him to compose a fairy tale about a car that cries from a breakdown. This theme will be very interesting for boys!

Mini fairy tale Lime Sun

A woman bought a large glass ball in a Christmas decoration shop. She brought it home and hung it on the Christmas tree in the most prominent place. Everything Christmas decorations began to look at him with curiosity.

"Let's get acquainted," said the ball. My name is Light Green Sun!

All the toys laughed, and the ball continued:

- I'm the most beautiful toy on the Christmas tree!

But all the other toys began to resent:

“You are the ugliest toy!”

The ball was offended, pouted and fell silent. And on New Year's Eve, when the lights were turned off, the ball lit up with light green light, just like the sun.

All the toys just gasped. They recognized the Light Green Sun as the most beautiful toy on the tree

Mini fairy tale Miracle Rainbow

There were seven pencils in the box: red Bully, orange Jolly, yellow Wise, green Cheerful, blue Dreamer, blue Dull, purple Kind.

The pencils tried to draw a picture, but they couldn't do anything, because everyone wanted to draw their own. Red painted a rose, orange an orange, yellow the sun, green the grass, blue the sky, blue the sea, purple the lilac.

But then the rain came and washed away all the drawings. The pencils got wet, got scared and hid under the same roof. And while they waited for the rain to stop, they chatted a lot and became friends.

Finally the rain stopped and the sun came out. rejoiced and set to work. Each drew a bright stripe in the sky. Got a rainbow!

Since then, after the rain, in the light of the sun, the Miracle Rainbow has been shining in the sky.

Mini fairy tale for boys Two girlfriends

A hockey stick lived in a sports shop. She was very proud of being bright yellow, tall and slender. And the stick could not understand how one could be interested in her neighbor on the shelf - a fat, clumsy, black Puck.

One day, a boy came to the store and stopped at the club stand.

- Me! Me! the yellow beauty shouted impatiently.

And, of course, the boy took it.

— But why did he take the puck. Why! He already took me! - Klyushka was indignant!

When the boy went to training, he took both the Puck and the Stick. And in training, Klyushka tried to hit the Puck more painfully. But Puck silently endured, and the boy was worried that he could not make friends between Puck and Klyushka.

And then one day the Puck quietly whispered to Klyushka:

- Let's be friends!

The stick felt ashamed of her behavior, and she answered quietly:

At the next training session, the Club did not hit the Puck, but threw it up, pushed it forward, wanting to help the Puck. And the Puck bounced and flew like an arrow, continuing the movement of the Club. They were very pleased with each other.

The boy was the most happy. When Puck and Stick became friends, he began to play hockey very well, and each time after the game he quietly thanked the two girlfriends for their coherence in the game.

And so Klyushka Puck remained best friends.

Mini fairy tale about clothes - About Sweater and T-shirt

One day Mike got into trouble. She was so upset that she almost cried. And all because she first got into the washing machine. She was twisted, twirled and tossed so that the poor thing thought that she would be torn into small pieces.

But next to it was washed, not for the first time, the old, wise Sweater. He calmed little T-shirt and said:

- Soon we will be taken from washing machine, everything will be fine. The hostess will put you on and will be very pleased with you! Be patient!

Mini fairy tale about the kitchen - Dispute

In one kitchen, knives, forks, spoons and plates once argued among themselves, which of them would be the commander. To do this, it was necessary to be the most beautiful. Knives, forks, spoons and plates were thought to be very attractive.

But one day the owners bought a new fork. It was a dazzling silver color and was packaged in a small transparent bag with a bow. Everyone envied her, because they understood that such a beauty would definitely win the argument.

It's time for lunch. They unpacked the new fork and began to eat with it. She became the same as everyone else - dirty and unattractive and lay with all the rest of the dirty dishes in the sink. Even here in the sink, knives, forks, spoons and plates did not stop arguing

Three old pans have taken to be the judges. When the two pans expressed their opinions, the disputants were dissatisfied, because one pan chose the plates and the other the spoons. Knives and forks puffed out.

And the third pan, the oldest, said:

Above us all, the commander is the one who looks after us. This is our hostess!

No one began to argue with the old and wise pan, because everyone understood that she was right. Since then, peace and harmony have reigned in the kitchen.

Such children's mini fairy tales must be in every family, they will make communication with a child surprisingly interesting!

Come up with funny and informative stories about any objects that surround you on the go. this moment. Children's mini fairy tales very soon and the baby himself will begin to compose with ease, developing his imagination and thinking.

Galina Ershova
Fairy tales made up by children. Middle group.

Dear colleagues! Our preschool operates under the Wenger "Development" program. We pay a lot of attention to modeling. I bring to your attention children's creativity!

Fairy tales invented by children of group number 5.


The children went to the forest. Between the Christmas trees lay multi-colored circles. Everyone chose one substitute circle according to their taste.

Then they sat on the chairs and told what the circle might look like: blue - rain, gray - wolf, orange - fox, etc.

Then, those who wished to come up with fairy tales with their deputy.


The circle is red (tomato).

Tale of the Pomodoro.

There lived a Tomato. She rolled, she did not know where. Met a fox along the way. The fox wanted to eat it. But Pomodorka asked not to eat it. Chanterelle released Pomodoro.

Then her Bear met. He also wanted to eat the Tomato, But she persuaded him not to eat it.

The circle is brown (bear).

Good Bear.

The Bear woke up and went to visit the Bunny. He really liked visiting, and the Bear invited the Hare to visit him. The bunny stayed overnight with the Bear. The Hare woke up at night and felt strong smell. "What is it?" - he asked. The bear replied that he was frying the fish. The bunny fell asleep again. And in the morning he got up, and the Bear fed him fish. The bunny went home happy.


The circle is blue (rain).

About the rain.

Kolobok lived. Went out for a walk. blew strong wind, and Kolobok went home. Cooked porridge at home, ate. Went to sleep. I woke up in the morning and it was foggy outside. Then the rain came. The rain was fun. Kolobok went out for a walk under an umbrella. Came to the forest. Mushrooms grew after the rain. Gathered mushrooms and cooked soup at home. The Hedgehog came to visit him. And Kolobok fed him mushroom soup. Both were glad that it had rained outside.


Circle yellow (leaf).

Leaf travel.

The tree has grown. Leaves turn yellow in autumn. And one was the most yellow. Wind started to blow. The leaf flew. It flew and fell to the ground. Chanterelle ran and picked him up. Brought it home and hung it on the wall. And at night the Chanterelle fell asleep, the door opened and the Leaf flew out. And flew far, far away. Fell on the ground. The wolf walked by. He picked up the Leaflet and brought it to his home. At night, the door was opened by the wind and Leaf flew out. He flew for a long time and did not want to dry up.


Orange circle (chanterelle).


There lived a fox. Her house was big and beautiful. So Chanterelle went for a walk in the forest. And went to the Hedgehog. The hedgehog said: "Let's play." “Come on, let's play Edible-Inedible,” Chanterelle suggested. The wolf passed by. But they were not afraid of him, because he was kind. Lisa played and went home. I came home and saw that the clouds were gathering, it was starting to rain. The fox sat down by the window and began to drink tea.

If you notice, we really love to compose fairy tales, for example, recently we composed musical fairy tales about and.

I say “we” because, as a mother, I also put my efforts into this and help, correct what I come up with.

In general, it is imperative for a child to develop this writing skill, because even if he does not become a famous writer in your future, in any case it will come in handy at school in the lessons of reading, literature, history, geography, and just where necessary explain or tell something.

Let's try it with you today.

In general, a fairy tale is the same story, only all the events in it are fabulous, magical. Therefore, to compose any fairy tale, you need to use certain rules and a special plan.

The first thing to do is determine the topic, that is, what our story (tale) will be about.

The second is to formulate the main idea of ​​the future story, that is, why, for what purpose you are writing it, what it should teach listeners.

And the third is to directly build the story according to the following scheme:

  1. Exposure (who, where, when, what did)
  2. The plot of the action (how it all began)
  3. Development of action
  4. Climax (most important moments)
  5. Decline in action
  6. Decoupling (how it all ended)
  7. ending

Do not be afraid to call a preschool child such complex concepts as exposition, climax. Let him not remember them now, but he will certainly learn the principle of construction and in the future he will be able to apply it.

According to exactly the same rules, stories are compiled and essays are written at school, so this material can be safely used by schoolchildren.

So, let's now directly move on to inventing a fairy tale.

Before you is the fairy tale "The Journey of the Ball", which was composed by Seraphim when he was 5 years old. And on her example, we will see how to compose a fairy tale.

To compose a fairy tale, you can slightly expand the algorithm to make it easier for the child to navigate.

1. Beginning (for example, there once was a rain, a flower, the sun, etc.)

2. Tie (once, once he went or decided to do, etc.)

3. Development of action (met someone, for example)

  • passed the first test
  • Passed the second test

4. Climax (third test after which he or he turns into someone or something)

5. Recession of action (someone does something so that our hero finds his original form)

6. Denouement (since then or since)

7. Ending (and they began to live as before, or he did not go anywhere else, etc.)

Once upon a time, a boy Alyosha had a balloon. And one day, when Alyosha fell asleep, he decided to go for a walk.

A ball flies and flies, and a rainbow meets it.

Why are you flying here? Where is your home? You can get lost or burst!

And the ball answers her:

I want to see the world and show myself.

He flies, flies, and towards him a cloud.

— How did you end up here? There are so many dangers around!

And the ball replies:

- Do not disturb me! I want to see the world and show myself. And flew on.

He flies, flies, and the wind meets him.

- Why are you walking around here? You can burst!

But the ball again did not obey the elders. And then the wise wind decided to teach him a lesson.

— Wu-u-u-u - the wind blew.

The ball flew at high speed reverse side and caught on a branch. And his thread untied, and he hung on a branch like a rag.

And at that very time, our boy Alyosha was walking along the path. He was picking mushrooms in the forest and suddenly he sees a rag hanging on a branch. He looks, and this is his balloon. The boy was very happy, took the balloon home and blew it up again.

And the ball at home told Alyosha about his adventures and never again flew for a walk without Alyosha.

Like these ones interesting tasks, for example, gives kids a wonderful teacher, teacher of Russian language and literature, Nadezhda Ivanovna Popova, in her lessons. Huge thanks to her!!!

Having learned before school to correctly compose fairy tales, stories, retell short texts, at school he will retell, write summaries and essays without any problems. Therefore, do not be lazy and start doing this with your child before school.

Well, so that the baby sees his result, as they say, you can write down your fairy tales there, which we will do tomorrow.