Digit six door lock. Samuil Marshak - Merry Score lyrics and translation into Russian

Holiday script for children younger age"New Year's Gingerbread Man"

Target: Create conditions for a festive mood.
To consolidate the concept of a holiday “ New Year»
Teach children to dance in a round dance and in pairs.
To acquaint with the living characters of a folk tale.
Elicit a positive emotional response.
The party is held with a small number of adult participants. Father Frost, Kolobok, he is also Grandma and the third teacher plays the Grandfather and all the animals. The experience will come in handy for the musical directors of the preschool educational institution, educators.
Event progress:
The clown comes to the children in the group and invites them to the holiday.
Telegram! Telegram!
I walk straight out of the forest.
Santa Claus sent me
Invite to the carnival
And girls and boys
Bears, squirrels, hares.
It will be fun at the ball
Get ready soon.
Santa Claus at the Christmas tree in the hall
All guests are expected!
The children, following the presenter to the music "New Year's Train Engine", enter the hall, Santa Claus meets them.
Father Frost:

Hello my dear ones,
Small and large.
Happy New Year,
I wish you happiness, joy
I invite everyone to dance.
Dance "New Year's Polka"
Father Frost:
(Draws attention to the tree)
Look: the tree is a miracle!
And everything around is so beautiful!
We must start the holiday
We must congratulate the children.
Only our Christmas tree
Something isn't burning
Without magic lights
The Christmas tree is sad.
Let's say together: “One, two, three!
Miracle herringbone, burn! "
Lights come on on the tree.
Become a round dance
We will celebrate the New Year with songs.
Round dance "Like our Christmas tree"
Like our Christmas tree
The needles are green.
Herringbone, herringbone.
Festive Christmas tree.

Everything sparkles with ice
White snowflakes.
Herringbone, herringbone.
Festive Christmas tree.

Santa Claus on New Year's Eve
Together with the tree will come to us.
Herringbone, herringbone.
Festive Christmas tree.

Children sit on high chairs.
Father Frost - Children on New Year's Eve all sorts of miracles happen. You believe?
Then it's time to conjure. Look in my hands a book, not simple, but magical. These are Russian folk tales. Different heroes live here. Today they will come to our holiday. You just need to close your eyes and clap your hands hard.

Children close their eyes, clap. The blanket is removed from big book standing near the Christmas tree.
Father Frost: Open your eyes, see how big the book has grown.
Let's see what kind of fairy tale lives in it.
Opens the door, Grandma and Grandfather come out of the book.

Grandma - Look, Grandfather, where are we? How many children are small, and there are even more adults. Hello to you! Happy New Year!
Grandfather - Yes we are, however, in Kindergarten hit. Children are all the same. Hello grandchildren! (To grandma) Grandma, New Year is outside, but there are no treats on the table. Run to the barn, mark the bottom of the barrel, bake a New Year's bun for us with the guys.
Grandma - Yes, it’s time to treat the dear guests, I ran to knead the dough and mold the bun. (Leaves)
Grandfather - And I, guys, will guess riddles for you.
He's furry, he's big
He sleeps in a den in winter.
Chews berries in summer
It takes wild honey from bees.
May roar menacingly
Club-footed beast….
Gray, scary and toothy
Made a commotion.
All the animals fled.
Scared those animals ...
Cowardly Jumper:
Shorty tail
Eyes with a braid,
Ears along the back,
Clothes in two colors -
For the winter, for the summer.
This redhead cheat
Chicken steals very cleverly
Rak up the crust from the infusion,
Climbs into the burrow after the mice.
And on a holiday in the New Year
To have fun will come to us
Loves miracles very much
This cunning ...

Well done, you guessed all the riddles. I’ll run and see how Grandma’s Kolobok doesn’t get burnt. Don't be bored here, wait for us. (Leaves)
Father Frost: Children, what kind of fairy tale lives in the book?
Children: Fairy tale "Kolobok".
Father Frost - While the bun is baking, we will have fun in a round dance.

Round dance "Merry Santa Claus was walking"

1 verse
A cheerful Santa Claus was walking,
Santa Claus, Santa Claus.
Importantly raised the red nose,
Red nose ... So!

Verse 2
And along the forest path,
In the forest, in the forest
The naughty hare stomped
Mischievous ... So!

Verse 3
The bear was catching up with the bunny,
Catching up, catching up,
He walked waddly,
He walked ... So!

Verse 4
And smart, good,
Good, good
The fox walked slowly,
Slowly ... So!

Verse 5
Santa Claus came
He came to us, he came to us,
He went to a merry dance,
He went ... So!
A Kolobok runs out of the book.

Gingerbread man -
Hi kids,
Boys and girls!
I'm a funny gingerbread man
I have a ruddy side.
I left my grandfather
And he left his grandmother.
I don't wanna get in their mouth
I want to celebrate the New Year.

Father Frost -
Guys, let's play with Kolobok?
The game "Catch-up"
Quiet we walk
Behind the ruddy Kolobok.
Gingerbread man, don't yawn
Catch up with the kids.
After the game, the children sit down. A hare jumps out of the book.

Hare - Gingerbread man, gingerbread man, I'll eat you.
The gingerbread man is hiding behind Santa Claus.
Father Frost - What are you doing, a scythe hare, a gingerbread man visiting the guys, today is the New Year.
Hare - I really want to eat.
Father Frost -
You jump dexterously
I'll give you a carrot.
The hare is jumping, Santa Claus gives him a big carrot.
Father Frost -
Sit on a tree stump and eat.
Yes, listen to the rhyme.
1 verse

The hare thanks Santa Claus and runs away.
Father Frost - Gingerbread man, sing a New Year's song with our children

Winter song
Snow wool mountains
We stood outside the window
We take shovels
We clean everything around.

One, two, don't yawn
Shovel more snow.
One, two, we are glad
Winter holiday.

White snow sparkles
And the ice sparkles
Titmouse on a pine tree
Sings songs.


Snowman funny
Comes to visit us.
And with a new whisk
White snow is sweeping.

Gingerbread man - How much snow has piled up, it's time to play snowballs.
Pours snowballs from the basket.
"Snowball game"

The Wolf jumps out of the book.

Wolf - What is this noise for the whole forest. Is that you, Gingerbread Man? I'll eat you now!
Father Frost - Guys, who is this? Don't eat it grey Wolf, Gingerbread man amuses children. And for the New Year, Santa Claus has a gift for you - a big bone. (Hands over the bone)
Sit on a tree stump
Yes, listen to the rhyme.
2 verse

The wolf thanks Santa Claus, wishes everyone a Happy New Year and runs away.
Father Frost- Gingerbread man, you see how many animals are here, everyone can dance. I think that you cannot resist aside either.
"Dance of the Animals"
Gingerbread man - (pulls out a box of musical instruments)
What are these boxes?
He has no arms or legs.
How many toys are there in it:
Tambourines, pipes, rattles.
Let's play fun
We will entertain adults.
Orchestra "Cheerful Musician"
The Bear appears from the book.

Bear -
I'm looking for a deck in the forest,
I want to taste honey.
Or a piece of bread ... (Catches Kolobok)
Jump into my mouth, Kolobok!

Father Frost -

What are you, Mishka, don't joke,
Let go of the Kolobok.
He's at the guys' Christmas tree
Entertains everyone.
You are lost asleep,
Here, hold a barrel of honey. (Takes a barrel out of the bag, gives it to the bear)
Yes, sit on a tree stump
And listen to the rhyme.
Verse 3

The bear thanks Santa Claus and leaves.
Father Frost:
For many, many years in a row
The Christmas tree makes the guys happy.
Your moms, your dads,
They also had a round dance
Near the Christmas tree on New Year's

Dance with parents "Invitation"

Gingerbread man -
Katya, Mashenki, Egorki,
Are we going to ride down the hill?
Come quickly
Go for a ride without a sled.
The game "Skiing from the mountain"

Lisa comes out of the book.

Fox - I am a fox - the beauty of the whole world. I walk, I smell fresh bread. Eat your Kolobok!
Gingerbread man - No, Lisa, don't eat it. Today is New Year's holiday. Santa Claus gives gifts.
Father Frost - Here's a present for you, a bag of fish. Say thank you. (Gives the fox a bag of fish)
Blow on your palms, and dance with the guys.
Dance "Squat"

Scenario new year holiday for middle-aged children

"Gingerbread man for the New Year"


  • to involve children and parents in active participation in the preparation of the holiday;
  • develop a desire to take an active part in the holiday;
  • encourage children to sing and dance creativity.

Ved: Any of us, of course, is waiting for the Merry New Year!

But more than anyone else in the world, children are waiting for this holiday!

May you be warm today, may joy warm your hearts.

Children invite you to the bright New Year holiday!

To cheerful music, children run into the hall in pairs, dance.

Reb: Open wider than the doorWe invite all guests here

Decorated Christmas tree is waiting for us in the morning.

Reb: Today we have fun. We celebrate the New Year

And everyone who came to us nowCongratulations.

Reb: Like a living rainbow Snow round dance winds

Blooming in bright colors Comes to us

Everyone: New Year!

Reb: The Christmas tree is a beauty to the delight of everyone,

She smiles at us, everything shines with lights.

Reb: We are having fun today and everyone is very happy,

That the green Christmas tree came to us in kindergarten.

Reb: The beautiful herringbone will sing with us,

Every New Year begins with a song!

The song "Top, top boot"

Ved: A winter fairy tale is coming to us from the forest in the new year

The snow is spinning, the lights are out(the light goes out) The magic hour has come

Dance of snowflakes

Ved: I lived and was in one good fairy tale Gingerbread man ruddy side.

Sounds the muses runs out the gingerbread man

Kolobok: I am a cheerful Kolobok, Kolobok is a ruddy side,

I'm mixed on sour cream, I'm chilled on the window,

And today to the garden for the Christmas tree, I was invited to the guys

Dance "Kolobok"

Everyone sits down, Gingerbread man runs around the tree

Ved: He was rolling along the path, hurrying to the tree in the garden.

Suddenly, at the old tree, I met the Wolf.

The muses sound, the Wolf comes out

Wolf: Hello, glorious gingerbread man! Where are you running my friend.

Wolf: I haven't eaten at all since the morning, so I'll eat you now!

Kolob: What are you, gray, do not rush! Kids are waiting for us.

Wolf: Well, thanks, very glad, I'll come to the garden today.

The wolf and the Kolobok leave behind the tree in different directions.

Ved: Kolobok rolled along the road again, and towards Kolobok Bear from the den

The muses sound, the Bear comes out

Medv: Hello, glorious gingerbread man! Where are you running my friend.

Kolob: I'm in a hurry to go to kindergarten, now the children have a Christmas tree.

Medv: I haven't eaten at all since morning, so I'll eat you now!

Kolob: What are you, Mishka, do not rush! Kids are waiting for us.

Come to the children today, we will celebrate the New Year together!

Mishka: I will definitely come and bring Mishutka.

Medv waves to Kolobok, disperse

He sees - white hares jumping in the forest

Hares come out

Zaya 1: Hello, dear Kolobok, where are you in a hurry, friend?

Kolob: I'm in a hurry to go to kindergarten, now the children have a Christmas tree.

Come to the children today, we will celebrate the New Year together!

Zaya 2: Hurray! We were not forgotten by the bunnies!

We were invited to the Christmas tree!

Dance bunnies

The Fox girl comes out

Fox: I'll catch you all now! I’ll break your bones!

Oh, what hares are here, can I eat any?

All the beasts come out

Medv: Fox, let go of the Hare, we must go to visit him.

Fox: Forgive me, friends, here it is, Zainka, take it!

Gingerbread man: And now, friends, go ahead! The Christmas tree is waiting for us all!

Veda: who will help you find the way to the kindergarten?

Gnomes: We'll help! We will help!

Ved: Who are you?

Gnome1: We are funny gnomes, you won't find any funnier.

Gnome2: We will always come to the rescue, as soon as you call!

Ved: To make the road faster, let's dance more fun together!

Dance of the Dwarfs

Ved: Thank you, gnomes, for bringing the animals to us! How glad we are that you all came to our Christmas tree! Yes, everything is assembled, but the DM is still there and no

Let's call him ?!

Children name DM, DM enters

DM: Happy new year! Happy New Year! With a song, with a dance, with a round dance!

I congratulate you, children, I wish you all the best!

So that your laughter always rings. Congratulations to everyone, everyone, everyone!

My beard is gray, frost on my eyelashes, If I came here - we will have fun!

I see your tree is all glittering with toys, stars, firecrackers! But something is missing on it. Ah .. does not burn with lights!

This grief is not a problem.Let's say together, the kids:

One, two, three - burn the Christmas tree!

Children say the tree doesn't light up

D.M. Means, someone did not shout Means, someone kept silent!

let's say together: 1,2,3 - shine the Christmas tree!

The tree is lit up.

DM: Now I see everything is as it should be, And the children are so happy about the holiday.

The lights on the tree are shining, the needles are trembling with joy!

Elegant toys, balls, flashlights, firecrackers shine!

Come on, guys, go ahead - dance, merry round dance!

The song "There was a merry Santa Claus"

Game "Mitten"

DM: Oh, I guys will sit! I, guys, will rest!

Ved: DM, rebels prepared for this holiday and wanted to surprise you! Here, listen to the poems.


Ved: DM, And the guys from will play musical instruments for you


JM: how talented you are! Well, tell me, who wants to play with Santa Claus? Who wants to overtake Santa Claus ?!

Game "Who sits on the chair faster"

DM: Yes, you can sing, joke, play all the songs. Well, who wants to dance with me?

Dance game with Santa Claus

Ved: Grandpa, the children danced like that, the children played like that

And they read beautiful poetry for you.

The time has come to give gifts, but something is not visible -

Have you decided to joke?

Jm: Come on, where is my magic mitten?

He takes a spare mitten, goes behind the tree, saying: Snow, snow, ice, ice, miracles for the new year! Mitten, surprise, you bring gifts! Comes out with a big mitten, gifts for the cat

Distribution of gifts

DM: Here's the New Year's holiday, it's time for us to finish

I wish you a lot of happiness today, kids!

So that you grow up big, so that you do not know worries.

Well, and I'll come to you exactly in a year! (DM leaves)

Natalia Lisina
New Year's fairy tale for dramatization with children senior group... "New Year's gingerbread man on new way»

New Year's gingerbread man in a new way

VED: Near the tree today

The holiday continues

Near our Christmas tree

The fairy tale begins!

Children SING:

By a tooth, by a tooth, by a tooth

We know fairy tale« Gingerbread man» !

« Gingerbread man» on new way ...

I rolled into kindergarten ...

Ded's exit under the river. n. music

Oh, tired! Tired!

I got up early today

I did a lot of things

And I didn't have time to eat.

Grandma, is lunch soon?

Babka (fervently):

And he, grandpa, no!

Scrape the bottom of the barrel.

Bake me a gingerbread man!

The holiday is coming soon - New Year!

Santa Claus will come to us!

Grandma (kneads dough)

Children sing:

Tili-tili-tili-dough -

You have a place in the tub!

Come up quickly

To make it more fun!


I do not want sit in a tub -

I do not want to be Kolobok!

I'm bored here, I'm stuffy here!

I crawl out - and run!


Ah ah ah! Where to? Where to?

What a misfortune! What a problem!

Hey, Grandpa, don't sit!

Help me, help me!

They catch the dough ...

Grandma puts him in the oven.

Babka: (with GRANDFATHER) take out Kolobok:

VED: Here is baked bun -

Kolobok - ruddy side!

They carried it to the window,

They themselves went to drink tea ...


Why am I hot!

Round, smooth like a ball!

I'll lie down on the window

I'll take a look at the yard.

CAT (with kittens):

Hey rosy

Come on, get off!

Our place was here!


And you pussy, don't scream!

Your place is on the stove.

I hate noise very much!

You go and I'll sleep! (yawns)


So will you sleep New Year!

The party is coming soon at the gate.


There is only a Christmas tree ...

Not a single needle ...


Christmas tree? What it is?


This is a big tree

Green, fluffy!

With needles, fragrant.


So why sit to no avail?

I'm going to get the YOLKU!


Go to the forest quickly, my friend!

Gingerbread man heading towards the forest.

Babka and grandfather: (from the house):

Oh, where are you going, Gingerbread man?

KOLOBOK waves his hand and runs away.

He left THEM in vain!

Indeed, it is DANGEROUS in the forest now!


Well, let's go look for him -

Necessary Save the gingerbread man!

CAT and kittens:

Can we come with you?

Together We will find a gingerbread man! (leave)

Gingerbread man walks to the music in the woods.


Oh, and here is the tree!

Green needles!


Who's making that noise here?

Who is talking about the tree?



I'm funny bun,

I have a ruddy side.


I came for the tree.

Found YOU cowards here!


And WE are sitting under the tree,

We are very afraid of the wolf!


I will be friends with you -

Do not be afraid of anything!

And I will protect from the Wolf

Don't worry!

The WOLF appears (goes to the hare)

Well, we have a wonderful forest!

Lunch is jumping from heaven!

Song of the Wolf. (optional)


Who called me here?

Called my name?


I'm funny KOLOBOK

And I came for the tree

Holiday is coming soon, New Year,

And at home - not a needle!


Eh ... I love New Year.

But no one invites you!

So I howl at the moon -

Very sad alone.


I invite you!

We will be friends!


You have pleased the Wolf.

I'll bring you the tree!

Hush, hush, the snow is creaking.

Someone in a fairy tale is in a hurry to us!

Appears singing a song Bear:

BEAR: (song)

And I am a hungry bear!

Now I will cry!

Who dared to wake me?

That’s what I’ll eat now!


No, don't eat me, bear,

I will sing songs to you!

(song BOX)


You, Potapych, do not be sad,

Help to carry the Christmas tree!

TO Let's go home to the gingerbread man -

We are waiting for the New Year today!


I did not meet the New Year.

After all, in the winter I have always slept.


So let's go quickly!

Santa Claus is already at the door!

FOX appears


What a ruddy - just darling!

And I am Lisa, your girlfriend!

Who are you?

Sing to me about yourself!

Song BOX


I came to the forest for a tree

Found new friends here!

We celebrate the holiday together!

Let's dance, sing songs!


Deaf, to be honest.

Sing one more time, maestro!

Come closer to me

To hear the song.

The gingerbread man moves towards the Fox, she wants to grab him ...

Grandfather, Grandma and Cat run in

You, Fox, don't joke!

Let go of the gingerbread man!



How you scared us!

Why did you run into the forest!


I found you a tree!

I met a hare, a wolf,

Teddy bear - all of them

You are invited to visit us!


And I was not invited.

Everyone forgot about Lisa.


Do you promise to become good?

Then we will invite you to visit!


Gingerbread man, I will fix it!

You will all like me still!

Just don't drive.

On Take the new year.


Well, let's forgive her, friends?

You can't quarrel today!

Oh, let's run.

New Meet the year sooner!

We need to decorate the tree.

And get gifts!

The heroes can all together perform a round dance or new year song.

That's the end of the fairy tale ...

And who listened - well done!

Announces the artists.

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