How to earn passive income. How to create passive income from scratch

Many have always dreamed of having a passive income on the Internet without investments with the withdrawal of money. Today, thanks to a global network, there are many more opportunities to realize such a dream. The main thing is not to rely on free money. To get passive income without investments with daily payments, you must meet the following requirements:

  • the presence of primary investments, that is, start-up capital;
  • continuous self-education and study of trends in the chosen field;
  • independent work at the first stages of investment.

How to have passive income and where to start?

Passive income on a computer is a constant profit on "autopilot" without your participation and active actions. In the classical sense, "liability" is income from existing bank deposits, shares and investments.

I note that making money on the Internet is very controversial. Many who are burned on a similar topic argue that it is impossible to receive passive income on the Internet. But most of them simply fell for advertising companies that promise foreign interest dividends without serious investment. This is usually done by scammers who lure a certain amount of money into intoxicated customers. In fact, without serious investments in proven industries and a commercial streak, it is almost impossible to get a "passive". How to organize passive income?

Watch the passive income video from millionaire Robert Kiyosaki:

What are the types of passive income?

Today, the following methods can be distinguished passive income in the Internet:

  • Invest a large amount money in the chosen business area and receive income through automation, earning money by proxy.
  • Creating passive income from scratch on your own without large investments, but this method requires a lot of effort. At the same time, few are able to give everything to the fullest and stop working until the first profit is received.

What are the options for passive income? How to invest money wisely? Types of passive income in Russia on the Internet will delight you with their diversity. I will talk about the most popular and proven methods.

Passive income ranking top 10

I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the top 10 ready-made examples of passive income, from which you can identify the most promising options for yourself.

Create a blog

This type of earnings does not require large financial investments, but it requires investments of free time. At the same time, creating a blog is not possible without creative resourcefulness. In order not to invest in your own website, you can start a blog on third-party specialized resources. Earnings in this case, you will receive from advertising posted blog. If you have a sufficient amount of free time, then you can purchase a ready-made blog that brings a stable income. To do this, there are special resources on which sellers post their blogs.

You can also purchase a ready-made online store with automated work. Very often, such stores act as intermediaries between the seller and the buyer. Therefore, there is no need to pre-purchase the goods.

YouTube channel

Video blogging on YouTube is a new type of passive income that is gaining more and more popularity. You can earn income from official advertising from Google, affiliate programs, cooperation with famous brands, media networks.

Earnings on subscribers in social networks

When promoting a public on Vkontakte, Instagram, Odnoklassniki and collecting a large number of subscribers, they can be easily monetized using advertising, CPA networks, affiliate programs.

Earning income from intellectual property

This type of income also requires a large investment of money or time. If you are a creative person with free time, you can try to create an intellectual product yourself.

If you have sufficient capital, it is possible to acquire copyrights for intellectual property. Then, by advertising it, we receive passive income from its use by third parties.

Where to invest money for passive income?

Examples of investment portfolios

There are many investment opportunities online. Many of them are fraudulent. Therefore, the choice of investment object must be taken seriously. You can invest in stocks, government bonds or cryptocurrencies. Investments in cryptocurrency are the most promising for experienced investors. If you don't have time to study current trends, you can invest in a trusted trader who will take your assets into circulation.

Internet business

On the website, you can buy a ready-made Internet business with passive income from 1000 rubles. up to 2 million rubles.

There are a lot of options for business projects on the Internet. At the same time, such a business does not always require the intervention of an investor; modern algorithms for automating Internet business allow you to receive passive income by hiring managers. Creating a business from scratch is risky, but you have a great opportunity to buy a finished project on the site exchange. Here you can find online magazines, online stores, blogs that already bring a steady income.

Startup projects

Investing in startups is a great opportunity to support young geniuses and share the income from their creative business ideas with them. Despite the existing share of risk, if successful, the investor will be able to recoup his investment with interest and receive a stable passive income without putting any effort into it. You can find passive income investment projects on the startup exchanges Here you can filter proposals by the size of investments, the payback period of investments and the conditions for paying out profits, and familiarize yourself with the proposed business plan.

Partnership programs

The essence of the affiliate program is to attract customers to advertisers. This happens with the help of a referral link, which can be placed on your website, blog or on third-party resources using advertising.

mutual funds

Mutual funds are a promising and highly liquid tool for obtaining liabilities for those who have their own savings. Mutual funds allow you to receive income from 10 to 50% per annum and enter the stock market without having much experience in trading. When you buy a share, you entrust your savings to competent portfolio managers who, with the help of their knowledge, multiply the capital entrusted to them.

Internet traffic trading

Selling traffic is a great way to make money without special efforts. The essence of this income is that you buy cheap traffic and resell it at a higher price on the exchange or redirect it to selling pages, affiliate programs, CPA networks, receiving payment for clicks, registrations, sales. You can get cheap traffic using SEO, teaser networks, context, targeted advertising in social networks.

Types of passive income - those in which the presence of stable financial income does not depend on daily work activities. Any of us have heard of people living off such income - those who do not have to go to work. They are called "rentiers", that is, living at the expense of rent.

Rent is the income that the owner receives from fixed capital placed in real estate, deposits, securities, etc. "From the same opera" - sources of passive income associated with copyright. By the way, the last option is not ordered to anyone these days. Everything is simple here: having created something once and having fixed the copyright for your own offspring, you will have such deductions for each next sale.

If you are a professional (no matter what area) - you have a real opportunity to monetize your own knowledge. Just record the training course on video or audio and release it to the market.

Why are we not a rentier

Today we will consider options for passive income and its possible sources. Its huge advantage is the release of personal time, which can be spent on favorite activities, family, vacation, household chores, or somewhere else. Anyone who works hard all day at work is almost completely deprived of such a wonderful opportunity.

Managing personal time at your own discretion does not mean spending your life in entertainment establishments, or lying on a warm beach - many people would be happy to do charity work, help the sick and homeless, or create works of art. To start making all these dreams come true, you need the most stable passive income.

Everyone has heard the expression "money to money". What does it mean? Nowadays, a situation is not uncommon when, having a generally good salary, a person "eats" it completely, buys things on credit and borrows money from relatives and friends from payday to payday. This goes on for years and decades.

But why is this happening? I think the main problem such people that the idea of ​​passive income does not even occur to them. They are not able to engage in the creation of an asset that will continue to work for their well-being. Everything that they earn, these people immediately spend, and thus deprive themselves of the only chance to ever escape from the captivity of financial slavery.

Do you recognize yourself?

Some of these consumers can be classified as "financial zombies". These are those whose asset has long been a negative value. That is, their expenses are greater than their income. Debts accompany them throughout their lives. Having given one loan, they immediately take the next one and so on.

Another category is a little more prosperous (but this does not make it any easier) - it tries to somehow correlate its expenses with the amount of earnings. They sometimes have a set of necessary goods - housing, a car, etc. Most of this was purchased on credit, which puts the owners in a dangerous and unstable position. After all, if any unforeseen financial circumstance happens, their well-being will crumble like a house of cards.

There is progress...

In contrast to the above categories, there are those whose asset can be considered positive. That is, their income is higher than their expenses. Most ordinary citizens from this group prefer not to have debts or minimize them and even have some savings, but such saved finances do not play a fundamental role, since they accumulate extremely slowly and are located either under the mattress, or (in best case) on the passbook.

The most advanced of fellow citizens are those who are haunted by the idea of ​​passive income. Such people try to seize every opportunity to invest free funds and create their own additional financial source.

Let's go to the authorities

Many people know such a name as Robert Kiyosaki. This investor and businessman has written a number of popular books on the basics of financial literacy, which will not be superfluous for anyone to read. For example, one of the interesting and the most effective advice this author is as follows: the mistake of almost every one of us is that, having earned a certain amount, we try to distribute these funds to anyone, but not to ourselves. We pay rent and utilities, but we keep nothing for ourselves. You should start just with yourself by creating your own monetary asset. Subsequently, it will become the basis for investing in a business or other source of permanent income.

Another "pro" in financial matters by the name of Rockefeller once uttered a phrase that a person working full day, there is absolutely no time to earn money. For all the paradoxical nature of this saying, its wisdom lies on the surface - indeed, working in the office or in production, each of us is able to earn for himself personally only for current expenses to maintain everyday existence. For actions leading to wealth and well-being, there is neither strength nor free time left.

The conclusion is this: the main resource is time, which is well known to any of the wealthy people. The idea of ​​passive income is based on the correct distribution of this invaluable asset. And only having achieved this, you can start moving towards financial success. Everyone knows that all those who have achieved wealth initially had a specific list of goals. Well, the third, most important component for creating passive income is active, purposeful work over a number of months or even years.

The result should be a legitimate opportunity to quit a job you hate and start living on the dividends.

Passive income: examples and options

Now let's talk about the ways in which passive income is created. All its sources can be attributed to four varieties - investment (or financial), intellectual, marketing or legal (that is, one that is required by law). Passive income in Russia is no different from that in any other country in the world.

We will receive passive income of a financial or investment nature if we invest in a certain financial instrument, which will bring us a certain percentage of profit. Sources of such investment may be in the form of real estate, securities, bank deposits, our own business (if acquired) or equipment owned by us that can be rented out.

The second of the listed options, called intellectual, arises, as mentioned above, through the creation and implementation of any product of mental labor. The information business that is widespread today on the Internet is based on this principle. Many professionals in various fields develop and design their own training courses, then release them for sale an unlimited number of times.

"Partnerships" - an interesting topic

In the same way, it is possible to buy rights to resell a similar product, which can bring no less income. This type of income is called affiliate marketing. Other sources related to this item may be royalties, patents for perfect inventions or developed technologies.

Making money on affiliate programs is a great way out for those who do not hope too much to create their own intellectual product - because it saves time and mental resources. You just need to join such a program or acquire the right to resell (resale) the selected book, video or audio course.

Other income without investments

Marketing passive income is one in which you organize your own marketing system or several of them. An example of such a structure could be your own website on the Internet or a personal brand, the right to use which you can also sell. A combination of several of the above strategies is also possible.

What is meant by the concept of a personal brand? This is a commercial use of a famous name. An example is shooting in commercials for movie, television and sports stars. Becoming the "face" of a particular brand, they get good money.

The fourth variety - the legal income of a passive nature - includes all cases when people, in addition to a certain (sometimes not too high) remuneration for their work, receive certain bonuses from the state. This may be, for example, an early retirement with a guaranteed receipt, which is typical for the military, etc.

Going online

Creation of a website for making money on the Internet (or a blog). Nowadays, this does not require a lot of complex technical knowledge and skills. You can make an acceptable site with your own hands by mastering the minimum information that can be easily and free of charge found on the Web. There are many step-by-step instructions and video courses.

Of course, your own blog or website will bring you a monetary return far from immediately. It will take at least six months, and most likely a year or two, to promote it and bring it to an acceptable level. All this time you have to work on your own project on a regular basis, optimize it and bring it to perfection. This work will take several hours daily. However, you can count on the first small revenues in a few months from the start.

Having created and promoted a site, you can sell it, and for a very good amount. It is quite possible for a person who has mastered this technology to organize his own business for the "production" and further sale of profitable Internet pages.

How do they earn money? The most popular ways include generating income by placing contextual advertising blocks and similar articles on resource pages, of course, not for free. Affiliate links are placed on the sites and advertising space is sold, they also actively offer training courses to buyers, both their own and partners.

In a word, there are a lot of ways to use such a valuable resource as a blog or website on the Internet, and there is always the opportunity to choose something that suits you.

For those who are not deprived of intelligence

Creating a product that has the status of intellectual (such as books, educational videos, new technologies, etc.) implies the presence of a certain talent, as well as a high level of professionalism in any of the areas.

If you are an inventor or developer of an industrial design that has become fundamentally new, then your products of labor can be safely attributed to intangible assets. This term refers to those derivatives of our intellect that generate income in the absence of a material form. Examples are trademarks, brands, or patented inventions.

Let's get down to earth

Income from renting an apartment (or other real estate - if available) is a well-known and very common option. But there are others like it: it is possible to "lease" not only buildings or retail space, but also equipment related to a variety of industries - trade, construction or manufacturing.

Yes, and other expensive items (for example, vehicles) will bring you good dividends. Sometimes it is more profitable to dispose of equipment than real estate. In particular, by purchasing tools and equipment for construction, you really organize a good and quite profitable business based on their rental. The payback of such activities is very high and in time it significantly exceeds the similar indicator for rented real estate.

Do you want to become a shareholder?

Investing in securities (or other financial instruments, which include a huge number of banks, PAMM accounts, mutual funds) is a widely accepted practice these days. Such activity is considered one of the varieties of business.

Replenishing the number of professional investors is not an easy task. This activity quite complex and requires a competent approach, as well as quite serious training. Possession of financial instruments is impossible without a more or less acceptable education in this area, the ability to compare various information flows, take into account risks and predict the situation.

Investments in securities have certain advantages compared to, for example, bank deposits, in the form of a higher rate of return, but at the same time, the high risk of losing invested funds sometimes crosses out all the advantages. When you decide to dive into the world of stocks, mutual funds and PAMM accounts, remember that with the exception of long-term bonds, stable income is not so easy to achieve here, and the risk of incurring significant losses is always quite high.

Everything can be sold!

A relatively simple and, perhaps, generally available option for creating a source of passive income is considered to be participation in network marketing. The amount of initial investment, if any, is not too large and rarely exceeds a hundred dollars.

A necessary condition for those who are trying to succeed in this field is sociability, readiness for contact with big amount of people. In the future, these people - your team - are able to bring money without your participation by organizing their own network, a percentage of the income from which you will receive.

Do you need a lot of money?

The classic and perhaps the best way was and remains the creation of your own business. If this action takes place in virtual reality, that is, on the Internet, global financial investments at the initial stage, as a rule, are not required. That is, such an option is available to people with very limited material resources.

Even earnings without investments are quite real, or you can earn money on the accumulation of a small initial capital right here, on the Internet.

There are a huge number of options for starting and promoting your own business, both online and in real reality itself. In "life", of course, this requires large expenditures and overcoming many difficulties of an organizational and legal nature. In addition, the competition here is very, very high. But still, looking around carefully, you can look after your own niche, not yet occupied by rivals.

What's in real life?

For example, very promising business with passive income in our time - the purchase and placement in large hypermarkets and other crowded places of machines for various purposes - from payment terminals to units for the sale of coffee and pies. Such a business is called vending. A person purchases and installs machines at his own expense, which then bring him a constant and stable income.

In a small article, we do not have the opportunity to consider all types of passive income - there are very, very many of them. Its options are offered to us today by the mass media, and the Internet has been and remains their indispensable source. We want to end our material with important tips.

A few parting words

  1. At all costs, try to regularly carve out the time left from the main work, which you will spend on creating your future asset. Think constantly about how you can best use it. Your goal is to ensure that earnings from your main place of work do not remain the only source of money for you. You must find sources of passive income that allow you to make a profit more than once or twice.
  2. Do not limit yourself to creating a single such source. There can and should be several options for passive income, and the more, the better. After all, there is always a risk of losing one or most of them. In this case, losses will be compensated through parallel channels. You can see the importance of this postulate by reading about multiple sources of income by Robert Allen.
  3. Don't forget self-education. Knowledge is an asset that won't hurt anyone. To understand the world of finance, to understand how money is made, where it comes from and where it goes, is no less important than coming up with an interesting idea for investing or successfully being in the right place on time.

The principles of creating passive income do not carry any special secrets. If you are determined to succeed, have the necessary minimum knowledge and a certain amount of free time, the result will most likely please you sooner or later.

Alexey Zenkov

When someone is looking for an opportunity to earn extra money, most often they are advised to find a temporary part-time job. But what if you don't have the time or energy to do so? In this case, you need to find ways to generate passive income - making money with little investment of time and effort on your part.

  1. Try index funds

Index funds allow you to receive income from investments in the stock market absolutely passively. For example, if you invest in a fund based on the S&P 500 index, your funds will be invested in the general market, and you will not have to think about how to manage your money and whether to sell or buy shares of certain companies. All these moments will be managed by the fund, which forms its investment portfolio depending on the state of a particular index.

You can also choose a fund that works with any index. There are funds involved in various business sectors - energy, precious metals, banking, emerging markets and others. You only need to decide for yourself that you want to do it, then invest and relax. From now on, your stock portfolio will run on autopilot.

  1. Make videos for YouTube

This area is developing very quickly. You can make videos of absolutely any category - music, educational, comedy, movie reviews - anything ... and then put it on YouTube. You can then connect Google AdSense to these videos and they will show automatic ads. When viewers click on this ad, you will earn money from Google AdSense.

Your main task is to create decent videos, promote them on social networks and maintain enough of them to earn income from a few clips. Shooting and editing a video is not so easy, but after that you will receive a source of completely passive income that can last for a very long time.

Not sure if you can do it on YouTube? Michelle Phan has combined her love for makeup and art with making videos, has amassed over 8 million followers, and now has her own $800 million company.

  1. Try affiliate marketing and start selling

This is a passive income technique more suitable for owners of blogs and active Internet sites. You can start promoting any products on your site and receive a fixed fee or a percentage of sales.

Making money in this way is not as difficult as you might think, because many companies are interested in selling their products in as much as possible. more places.

You can find partnership offers either by contacting manufacturers directly or on specialized sites. It is best if the advertised product or service is of interest to you or corresponds to the theme of the site.

  1. Make your photos profitable on the web

Do you love taking pictures? If so, you might be able to turn it into a source of passive income. Photobanks, such as and, can provide you with a platform for selling pictures. You will receive a percentage or a flat rate for each photo sold to a website client.

In this case, each photo represents a separate source of income that can work again and again. All you have to do is create a portfolio, upload it to one or more platforms, and that's where your action will end. All technical issues of photo sales are handled through the web platform.

  1. Buy high yield stocks

By creating a portfolio of high yield stocks, you will receive a source of regular passive income with an annual interest rate that is much higher than the interest of bank deposits.

Do not forget that high-yielding stocks are still stocks, so there is always the possibility of capital revaluation. In this case, you will receive profit from two sources - from dividends and return on invested capital. To purchase such shares and fill out the relevant forms, you will need to create a brokerage account.

  1. Write an ebook

Of course, this can be quite a laborious process, but when you write a book and place it on marketplaces, it can provide you with income for years. You can sell the book on your own site or enter into a partnership agreement with other sites that are relevant to the subject of the book.

  1. Write a real book and get royalties

As with writing e-book, first here you have to work hard. But when the work is finished and the book goes on sale, it will become completely passive source income.

This is especially true if you manage to sell the book to a publisher who will pay you royalties on sales. For each copy sold, you will receive a percentage, and if the book is popular, these percentages can result in substantial amounts. In addition, these payments can last for years.

Mike Piper of recently did this. He wrote the book Investment plain language”, which was sold only on Amazon. The first book became so profitable that he created an entire series. These books are in total.

  1. Get cashback from credit card transactions

Many credit cards provide cashback ranging from 1% to 5% of the purchase amount. You still go shopping and spend money, right?

Such bonuses allow you to provide yourself with a kind of passive “income” (in the form of reduced spending) from actions that you still perform.

  1. Sell ​​your own products online

In this area, the possibilities are endless: you can sell almost any product or service. It can be something you created and made by yourself, or it can be a digital product (software, DVDs or instructional videos)

For trading, you can use a specialized resource, if suddenly you do not have your own website or blog. In addition, you can enter into a partnership agreement by offering goods to sites of relevant subjects or using platforms like (American marketplace for the sale of digital information products - ed.).

You can learn how to sell goods on the Internet and earn quite a lot from it. It may not be completely passive income, but it is certainly more passive than a regular job that you have to go to every morning.

  1. Invest in real estate

This method falls rather into the category of semi-passive income, since investing in real estate implies at least a small level of activity. However, if you have a property that you are already renting out, the only thing left to do is to maintain its condition.

In addition, there are professional property managers who can manage your property for a fee of approximately 10% of the rent. Such professional managers help to make the process of profiting from such investments more passive, but they will take away part of it.

Another way to invest in real estate is to pay off a loan. If you take out a loan to buy a property that you will rent out, your tenants will pay off this debt a little each month. When the full amount is paid, your profits will increase dramatically, and your relatively small investment will turn into a full-fledged exit program from your main job.

  1. Buy a blog

Thousands of blogs are created every year, and many of them are abandoned after a while. If you can acquire a blog with enough visitors - and therefore with enough cash flow This can be a great source of passive income.

Most blogs use Google AdSense, which pays once a month for ads placed on the site. You can also enter into partnership agreements to provide additional income. Both of these streams of profit will be yours if you own a blog.

From a financial standpoint, blogs typically sell for 24 times the monthly income the blog can generate. So if a site can make $250 a month, chances are you can buy it for $3,000. This means that by investing $3,000, you can receive $1,500 annually.

You may be able to buy the site for less money if the owner really wants to get rid of this asset. Some sites host "eternal" materials that will not lose their relevance and will generate income years after publication.

Bonus Tip: If you buy such a site and then fill it with fresh content, you will be able to increase your monthly income, and you will be able to sell the site again after some time for a significantly higher price than you paid when you bought it.

Finally, instead of buying a blog, you can create your own. This is also a good way to earn money.

  1. Create a selling website

If there is a product that you know a lot about, you can start selling it on the profile site. The methodology is the same as when selling a product of your own manufacture, except that you do not have to deal with the production itself.

After a while, you may find that you can add similar products. If this happens, the site will begin to generate significant profits.

If you can find a way to deliver goods directly from the manufacturer to the customer, you won't even have to get your hands dirty. It may not be 100% passive income, but it is very close to it.

  1. Invest in Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

Let's say you decide to invest in real estate, but don't want to pay attention and time to it at all. Investment trusts can help you with this. They are something like a fund that owns various projects in the field of real estate. The funds are managed by professionals, so you don't have to interfere with them at all.

One of the main advantages of investing in REIT trusts is that they usually bring higher dividends than stocks, bonds and bank deposits. You can also sell your interest in the trust at any time, making such assets more liquid than owning real estate on your own.

  1. Become a passive business partner

Do you know a successful company that needs capital to expand its business? If so, you can become something of a short-term angel and provide that capital. But instead of giving credit to the owner of the company, ask for a share of the shares. In this case, the owner of the company will manage the work of the company, while you will be a passive partner, also taking part in the business.

Every small business needs a referral source to support sales. Make a list of entrepreneurs whose services you use regularly and whom you can recommend for cooperation. Contact them and find out if they have a payment system for referrals.

You can add accountants you know, landscape designers, electricians, plumbers, carpet cleaners, you name it. Be prepared to recommend these people to your friends, family, and colleagues. You can earn commission on every referral just by talking to people.

Do not underestimate referral programs in the professional field. If the company you work for has bonuses for recommending new employees or new clients, take advantage of it. This is very easy money.

  1. Rent out unused accommodations on Airbnb

You may ask: if there are so many applications, why should you try to create another one. Isn't there too much competition? Everything is so, but fresh creative ideas can win. If you can come up with something unique, you can capitalize on it.

Don't know how to program? No problem, you can learn. There are a lot of different courses on the Internet, including free ones. Alternatively, you can hire a developer to create an application based on your idea.

The end result is an application that will potentially generate relatively passive income.

  1. Create online courses

Every person is an expert in something. Why not create an online course about your hobby?

There are several ways to create and deliver your own online courses. One of the most simple ways is to use sites like

passive income online
interested in a large number of citizens of our country. This is not surprising, since the desire to improve one's financial situation has been held in high esteem at all times. Earnings on the Internet raises a lot of questions, not everyone will be able to get the desired profit. On the way to success there will be obstacles and difficulties. It is not so much luck that is important here, but the ability to learn and listen to the advice of professionals.

What is worth knowing about passive income on the Internet and without it?

Passive income often requires a lot of effort and time. The user has to face insurmountable obstacles, which not everyone can withstand. Because of this, there are grievances and rumors that it is impossible to make money on the Internet. Today we are ready to debunk this myth by talking about the most popular and easy ways to work passively.

Important!!! The implementation of passive income leads to an unstable financial situation, frequent reductions and reductions in wages. As long as such trends continue, users will look for new sources of income.

Our article is aimed at collecting information about all the known facts of earning money through the Internet and without it, we will consider:

  • What is passive income and how does it differ from active income?
  • What is meant by the concept of "wealth" and how it can be achieved by a poor person.
  • Sources and types of passive income.
  • Creating and receiving passive income through the Internet.

Thus, we will consider the entire financial component of successful earnings through passive sources.

Our article was created for those who want:

  1. Become independent from routine office work.
  2. Self-realization and show others their capabilities.
  3. Provide a decent life for yourself and your loved ones.
  4. Guarantee a comfortable old age.
  5. Achieve a previously insurmountable financial goal.

If at least one of the points suits our reader, the article will help answer all your questions.

What is passive income

Passive income, unlike active income, does not require constant monitoring and participation by the owner. It is created only once, while the owner receives income constantly.

Important!!! Success in undertakings largely depends on preparation. Read thematic books, publications, listen to the opinions and recommendations of professionals.
Never ignore reading additional information, it will help you determine the best sources of income, as well as find the right approach to them.

What is the difference between poor and rich

Kiyosaki believes that a rich person is primarily determined not by how much he can earn, but by how much money a person has and whether it is enough to provide for future generations. This statement is based on the inability of some people to spend money.

Instead of saving and creating savings, many spend them on entertainment and other unreasonable expenses. As a result, a person remains below the poverty line and falls into a financial abyss.

But all the extra funds could be put into a personal matter, creating a passive income.
Thus, one can single out the main difference between poor and rich people - rational thinking and restraint in spending money.
A rich person spends less than he earns. He can use the rest of the money for self-development or his own business. He also seeks to find ways to earn money that do not require constant monitoring, while bringing a stable income.
Many may say that such statements do not apply to the realities of Russian life. But, in our country there are also many rich people who were able to rise from scratch. First of all, this speaks of real opportunities that everyone can take advantage of.

Sources of passive income

Sources of passive income can be divided into four groups:

  • Passive income from intellectual property. This refers to the writing of books, paintings, musical works, the creation of inventions and other products of intellectual activity. Profit will bring their publication and registration of patents.
  • Passive income from financial investments. If you have savings, you can purchase securities, real estate or ready-made businesses, and the creation of deposits is also possible. Such earnings will help to get a stable income with a small injection of money supply.
  • Passive income from marketing activities. This type of income does not require material investments. It refers to the promotion of third-party resources or products. Vivid examples are network marketing (Oriflay, Avon) and the sale of an information product. With the right approach to business, they will bring good profits.
  • Passive income from the government. This type of income is rarely considered, but it has a right to exist. It includes some state benefits, scholarships, pensions, subsidies. You just need to find official ways to get them.

The above list is a generalized list of all possible ways of passive income. We offer to consider the most real and profitable of them.

Best Passive Income Ideas

There are many interesting ideas for passive income. Each of them deserves attention, but it is simply impossible to tell about all at once. Therefore, it is worth discussing separately the most popular options today.

TOP 7 profitable ideas for passive income

1. Development of your own website.

Requires considerable efforts and costs for the creation and further maintenance. If you have your own experience and knowledge, the owner can create a resource on their own. Otherwise, you will have to contact a specialist. It is worth saying that any costs will be justified with the right approach to business.
It is not enough to create a website, it needs to be filled with thematic articles and pictures. They should be unique, attract the attention of users and make them visit the site again and again. With the growth of their number, the income of the site owner will also grow.
You can earn on the site using:

  • Selling perpetual links.
  • Placement of advertisements from third-party companies.
  • Participation in affiliate programs.

A promoted site will be of interest to advertisers. They themselves will find a way to contact the owner to discuss the terms of advertising on the site.
Affiliate programs will help you earn money by attracting new users to the system, as well as making a profit by performing certain actions by visitors. For example, it is possible to place an advertisement for an online store, as soon as the user clicks on it and makes a purchase, the site owner will be charged a percentage of the total amount.
You can also earn on the site by selling it. The final cost, as a rule, is several times higher than the amount of the initial investment.
The owner of the site also should not forget about the need for its periodic promotion. Only this will give confidence that users will not lose interest in this site.

2. Creation of an intellectual product.

A creative person can try to get a passive income from the fruits of his intellect. As mentioned above, it can be a book, a scientific invention and other works from intellectual activity. They can be sold one-time or use a cunning marketing ploy and receive a stable income for a long time.

3. Renting out property.

The owner of an apartment, house, cottage, car, can make great money on renting them out. This will also apply to passive income, and practically does not require additional infusion of money. You can even rent out personal items (wedding or cocktail dress, suit), jewelry, furniture or Building tools. Finding customers is not difficult, just determine the price and place an ad on one of the electronic boards.

4. Receiving payments from the state treasury.

Not many people know that there are government programs to support a novice businessman. All you need to get them is to draw up a profitable business plan and present it in a favorable light. Money can be directed to the idea of ​​passive income. Also in this category can be attributed social benefits, a certificate for maternity capital, and so on. If desired, they can be postponed and later spent on the development of a passive business.

5. Financial investments.

Require free Money(savings). Financial investment implies a serious approach to work, it is desirable to have an economic education and analytical thinking.
Financial investments are always associated with risk, so the investor should soberly assess the situation. Funds can be spent on:

  • Acquisition of real estate.
  • Purchase of securities or other assets of the enterprise.
  • Acquisition of a ready-made business.

Owners of small savings should use the second option, i.e. buying securities. As a rule, shares of newly created, but promising, companies are inexpensive. In the future, they can bring good income.

6. Network marketing.

Refers to passive income without investment. It implies participation in the sale of a certain product and receiving a percentage of profit from it, it is also possible to attract new partners to the system.
Network marketing is gaining more and more popularity every year. It allows you to open your mini-business, getting an excellent source of passive income. The only thing you need to know is how to choose the right company. Here it is necessary to remember that an organization with a good reputation will never ask for an advance payment.

7. Building your own business.

There is nothing more profitable than owning your own business. It does not have to be a huge undertaking requiring large investments. You can start from scratch with a small initial capital. For example, online business has just begun to gain popularity. Today, there are still some niches that can be filled, successfully advertised and made a profit. We will talk about such ways of earning further.

Online passive income options

Considering the Internet as a subject of passive income, you should choose a goal for yourself. It can be a small profit one-time or periodically. You can achieve the first by registering in social networks and quick money sites. They offer pay for clicks, referrals, and other activities. However, the profit will be insignificant.
Second option provides for a gradual increase in income, through the development of his idea. It requires effort. Here the user must understand that a high income cannot be achieved without difficulty.

Internet earning options 2018:

  • Sale of advertising space on the site. In one of the sections of our article, we already talked about this type of earnings. It is based on paid advertising placement of third-party resources. Here you need to have a site with good traffic and reputation. Payment is either one-time or monthly. The last option is the most preferred.
  • Earnings on affiliate programs. Many online stores offer their customers to participate in an affiliate program. All you need is to go through a small registration and distribute affiliate links to the store. You can do this through social media or thematic forums. The amount of income will directly depend on the total amount of goods purchased by buyers who clicked on the affiliate link. It is enough to leave it on any site once, while the income will come on a long-term basis.
  • Investment. This includes a variety of ways to earn money. It can also be the acquisition of a site, investment in its development, the purchase of securities and other things. Most promising direction is participation in trading on currency exchanges. They do not require constant monitoring, it is enough to choose a time convenient for yourself, buy a currency, and then sell it at a favorable rate.
  • Income from social networks. Contact, Instagram, Odnoklassniki and other social networks are a good option for making money. You can earn income by creating your own group. A large number of subscribers will lead organizations wishing to advertise on a paid basis. All that the owner of the group needs is to create it, fill it with relevant information and support it in the future. At first, you may have to invest in advertising on third-party resources, this will make it possible to attract the attention of users to the public.
  • Profit from YouTube channel. Popular video bloggers earn several hundred dollars every day, sometimes this amount is thousands. Everyone can try this type of earnings, you just need to open your channel and put it in its open spaces interesting videos. With the growth of their views, the chances of making a profit will increase.
  • Creation of an online store. Own business on the Internet, unlike the real one, it does not require renting a room and investing large expenses for the purchase of goods. You can open your store as a group in social networks. The goods will be purchased for prepayment by customers. The difference between the prices stay in the store owner's pocket.
  • Distribution of information. Almost every popular site offers its visitors to subscribe to a free newsletter. It can be used as an advertisement for your services or a third party company. Many organizations are willing to pay good money for this kind of advertising.

On the list above, earnings on the Internet do not end there. It is quite wide and varied. We discussed the most beneficial of them.

Hello, dear readers and subscribers of my blog about finance. Today we will talk about what types of passive income really work in Russia, consider the original ones, and deal with the question: in a rapidly changing Russian market. Based on experience, I will say that the options extra income great multitude. Read about what passive income is in a separate thematic article. My goal is to help you make the right choice just for you way to earn passive income. I won't beat around the bush and get straight to the point.

Ways to earn passive income

First and the simplest option for solving the issue of passive income is receiving a government payment. If you consider yourself to be among the socially disoriented citizens and do not have enough means of subsistence, contact a specialized regional service and write an appropriate application. The state provides material assistance to the disabled, large families, pensioners under the article of one-time or permanent compensation payments. Why not? Many people are unaware of the possibility of receiving compensation payments. Meanwhile, a person has the right to expect to receive preferential terms when buying an apartment, pension or disability payments.

Second way of earning, bringing good extra money in addition to wages ordinary clerk - bank deposit. Keeping funds in a depository account is the most safe way increasing existing savings, which does not require any knowledge, experience, skills from the owner. In one of the previous articles, I already talked about how many banks are now operating in the territory of the Russian Federation and each puts forward interesting proposals to the consumer.

Benefits of a depository deposit:

  • simple and clear procedure for opening an account;
  • attractive conditions in the form of interest with capitalization;
  • receiving a guaranteed amount of money at the end of the term.

The question arises: how much can you really earn on a deposit? As strange and surprising as it may seem, but practically not at all. The deposit is attractive because saves, not multiplies funds placed in a bank account. Economists know exactly what I mean. Inflation- here back side contribution, which is not bad, but far from best view passive income. A deposit as a passive income for a retired person is a soft airbag and a source of money for unforeseen expenses, but not for a businessman who wants to climb the top step of the pyramid of life and stop depending on money.


Continuing to describe the types and sources of income, I will move on to the favorite option of my friends-realtors - passive income on real estate lease. Surrendering even the simplest one-room apartment for rent, my former classmates have a pretty decent salary increase. Not everyone knows that you can rent out not only housing, but also everything that has material value: a car, construction, industrial equipment, retail space and even things. In practice, investing in residential and commercial real estate in Russia brings less income than buying and renting industrial equipment.

In our country, there are activities in which entrepreneurs buy construction equipment and earn on it through rent. You will be surprised, but renting a professional construction hammer, the cost of which is 30 000 rubles, costs tenants 1000 rubles per day.
A simple mathematical calculation will help you understand how much you can receive from equipment simply by renting it out. The advantage of this line of business is quick payback, as a rule, not exceeding thirty calendar days. It is not difficult to make money on renting out real estate, but this type of business requires a high return on time and moral plan from the applicant.

Currency market

PAMM accounts- this is trading in the foreign exchange market performed by a trader; the investor invests his money in his trading account and receives % of the profits on average in a 50/50 ratio: 50% profit for the investor 50% trader. If there is a drawdown, the loss will be distributed in the same ratio.

Advantages of PAMMs- average yield of 40% / year, 4 times more than a bank deposit. Minuses: with such a return, there may be losses in the amount of an average of 15% / year. FROM mutual funds, which, the situation is approximately the same, only the ratio is 2 times less: 25% - income and 10% - the possibility of loss. No one will give you exact guaranteed figures in terms of income and loss. You need to understand the topic in order to choose worthy accounts or funds and not burn out in this matter.

As an investor, it is difficult for me to attribute this type of activity to passive income. By investing your money in this instrument, you receive speculative income, at the same time exposing yourself to risk. A PAMM account provides for the transfer of money to the management of a qualified specialist, which gives a good profit, but with enough high level risk.

Along with PAMM accounts, there are other forms of passive income associated with trust money management: less risky, medium-profit, more reliable. If you are not attracted to this type of income or you are just planning to start as a novice businessman, check out the rating of brokers and companies specializing in trust management by making proposals up to 20% per year. In my opinion, this is the best option for beginners who are interested in stable, safe earnings.

Another option for a quick but risky passive income is hand-made asset trading on a currency or stock exchange. Learn in detail about the speculative activity of a trader in the conditions of the Forex market. As an experienced investor, I note that this type of income has pros and cons, which I voiced in one of my previous articles. I do not work in the currency exchange, preferring the stock market as a highly profitable type of investment activity.

Network Marketing and MLM

This type of business is distinguished by a minimum list of requirements for those who start it. To enter the market where MLM companies operate in Russia, it is enough to have a hundred dollars and a lot of free time. An important requirement for those who plan to distribute products on the principle of network marketing is having organizational skills. If you have experience in dealing with people, you know how to negotiate, your sales skills and convincing people of what you need are at a good level, and in addition to this you have a lot of free time, a network business is what you need.

My acquaintances are the owners of a rare talent for finding common language with people unfamiliar to them - have an increase in salary in the amount of five hundred dollars. The main thing in the search and choice of the vector of network entrepreneurship is not to fall for the bait of fraudsters, the creators of a financial pyramid, carefully concealed as an enterprise engaged in network sales. I will definitely talk about this in one of the following articles. Further I propose brief digression to the point business investment, covering a fairly wide range of areas of passive entrepreneurial activity with a good income.

Business courses and specialized knowledge

Good form of passive income creating a business course on a topic in which you understand better than your friends, colleagues and acquaintances. Particularly attractive are courses on business topics in which you are not just an expert, but also have impressive practical experience with confirmation of the results. How to understand where you are an expert and where you are not? Very simple. Analyze, find out and make up the main sources of income for your family. With the money from what earnings do you buy products for the family, household appliances, essentials? You won't even notice how ready business will be before your eyes on a silver platter.

Are you into architectural design or art? Amazing! Create your own course for those who do not want to pore over thick college textbooks. Write step-by-step instructions, shoot, mount a video with a training course. Do you know about the secrets of the profession? Share them on your Youtube channel. Sell ​​yourself, your experience, information that you own perfectly. Fortunately, for this you have all the means. The only difficulty in resolving this issue is the distribution of educational materials, but this is not for me to teach you.

Internet business

Great passive income option creating your own website or blog. It may seem surprising to you, but millions of dollars are spinning on the global web. All you need is a little money to start, perseverance and a responsible attitude to work. I will briefly remind you about the options for making money on the blog.

The most promising types of income on the Internet

  • accommodation on your own website contextual advertising, banners;
  • participation in various partner programs, search and attraction of clients;
  • management of advertising projects with income from increasing the number of uniques;
  • sale of own media products, video courses, audiobooks, tutorials.

Establishing, promoting and running your own business projects is always profitable, because you are working for yourself. Open a company, agency or large enterprise today is not difficult. The law is structured in such a way that Almost anyone can become an entrepreneur.. There are a lot of options for earning money, as I said. For example, we can take the purchase / sale of individual units of goods, the provision of services in a certain area, the distribution of products according to the principle of network marketing. On your own site, you can advertise the product you are promoting, thereby killing two birds with one stone.

Passive income without investments: myth or reality

To everyone I talked to about side income, the idea of ​​starting a business with no down payment seemed crazy. Meanwhile, having small own financial sources for investment, you can start a business from scratch. In order not to confuse you with unnecessary phrases and simply dispel the myth, I will cite as an example an outstanding American entrepreneur John Stith who created the most popular and purchased drink in the world " Coca Cola».
Few people know, but the guy started with ten cents in my pocket, for which I bought a recipe for an unknown drink, consisting of twelve herbs. Today, a product called "Cola" does not need advertising and presentation. You can start earning without investment. The main thing is to have a desire, a little enterprise and a little bit of money.

Where to get money to develop a source of passive income?

This question worries every novice businessman and investor today, especially among those who do not believe in fairy tales about starting a business from scratch. If you are in solidarity with these people and think that a business from scratch is a fairy tale, listen to the following recommendations.

There are two options for solving the question:

  • increase income;
  • reduce costs.

How to increase income?

The conversation is not about finding a second job or part-time job, which is also not bad, but about creating passive income with the help of seemingly completely inappropriate tools for this. Do a general cleaning sell everything you don't need, for example, a long dusty coffee table or an old fan that the air conditioner forced out onto the balcony. Believe me, you will be surprised when you find out how much money is scattered in your apartment and just gathering dust, taking up extra space.

How to cut costs?

“Economy must be economical,” said a wise man. There are such a myriad of options for saving money that if I undertake to list them, an entire feature article would be required. It is easier to reduce expenses than to increase income, I say this with confidence, backed up by personal experience.

Participation in sales, the use of discount coupons, the wholesale purchase of food products, the replacement of all light bulbs with energy-saving counterparts - this is far from full list. Love beer and don't want to give it up? Reduce the number of bottles you drink on your day off. It's the same with smoking. Banal analysis of the system of income and expenses - real savings and the transition to new level doing business.

Instead of a conclusion

Well, that's it, dear friends. In conclusion, based on experience, I would like to recommend you complete failure, although it is difficult, bad habits: smoking, alcohol, gambling, slot machines. Sell ​​unwanted junk that has accumulated in the apartment. By lowering your expenses and increasing your income, you will move up the entrepreneurial ladder faster than you expected, and before you know it, you will find yourself at the peak of financial freedom. Good luck!

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