Passive income of the stock. Passive earnings in Russia: myth or reality

Passive income is such income that does not depend on the regular activity of a person. The simplest example would be a bank deposit: it consistently brings interest to its owner. Regardless of the age of the depositor, the presence of illness or the desire to go to work, interest will be accrued to him.

Active income is completely dependent on the actions of a person. To receive it, you need to engage in any activity: produce goods, sell them, provide services, extract minerals, and much more.

Revealing the concept of stable passive income, do not forget about the risks. On the example of a deposit, the following risks for depositors can be distinguished:

  • currency depreciation;
  • bank failure;
  • force majeure circumstances.

There are also a number of inconveniences: interest is accrued after the end of a certain period of time (for example, once a month), and the invested money cannot be used until the end of the deposit period.

Therefore, before creating a passive source of income, it is necessary to take into account all possible risks of activity.

Proven Ways to Generate Passive Income

Before you create passive income from scratch, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with existing ways such passive income. This will help you see all the advantages and disadvantages of the main options for passive sources of income. The article will consider effective and proven sources of passive income. They can be used as the basis for building your business.

It should be borne in mind that, having a certain amount of funds, it is somewhat easier to build a source of stable passive income. Having no money to realize your dreams, you will have to spend your own time and effort.

Registration of business and delegation of authority

This is the most effective way to earn passive income. It has few disadvantages competent organization affairs. To create it, you will need the following:

  • organization of the enterprise;
  • business development;
  • access to a stable income level;
  • selection of a candidate for the position of manager;
  • making a profit with minimal time spent on control of key documents and making important decisions.

Of course, there are risks here as well. Among them, the main one stands out: the responsibility and decency of the manager. The further success of the company or organization will depend on his daily decisions. To select a suitable candidate, they most often resort to proven personnel who worked at the enterprise. long time.

It is not easy to create and develop a business. This requires a lot of time, money and skills. However, there are many situations when a skillfully chosen niche for doing business allows you to quickly develop it.

What you need to start your own business:

  • business plan;
  • start-up capital (in most cases);
  • official registration;
  • rental of premises;
  • hiring employees (if required).

Any enterprise bears risks for the entrepreneur. No one can be sure that the activity will generally generate income, and not losses. Therefore, you need to weigh everything correctly before creating your business. If everything is done correctly, the entrepreneur will have success and the opportunity to receive passive income.

Selling your intellectual property

This option is suitable for those who have knowledge and skills in certain sciences or specialties. How to create passive income from scratch, being able to create in-demand information products? They need to be implemented.

What can be classified as intellectual property:

  • artistic, literary and scientific works;
  • created unique industrial designs;
  • developed software;
  • invented objects or technologies in all branches of life.

As can be seen from the list, intellectual property can be in any field of human activity. Both a written book and a unique invention that helps to increase the productivity of equipment, for example, can bring passive profit. In order for the property to be individual, it must be documented. For this, patents are issued and copyrights are assigned. Owning them, you can make a profit from the sale of your goods / services.

The simplest example for considering a profit option would be a written book. The author of the book will sell copies of books on his own or through an agreement with a publishing company. The owner of the rights will receive a profit from each book sold. If it is in demand, it makes a profit. If it is in demand for a long time, it brings profit for a long time.

This doesn't just apply to books. Increasingly, they resort to creating various programs on PCs or mobile devices. One completed project can generate passive income until another, cheaper or more useful, comes on sale.

Accordingly, in order to create such a source of income, a person needs:

  • invent / create something unique and in demand for society;
  • confirm their rights to the invention;
  • realize the product of their activity.

Disadvantages: it takes a lot of work to create unique works/equipment/technologies; the property may be unclaimed and will not bring tangible profits.

Building your own trading network

Such a network is able to provide its owner with a constant passive income. All actions will be performed by network members, and its creator will receive ever-increasing profits. For this you need the following:

  • create your own unique products (services are less often provided);
  • formalize the enterprise for the production and sale or cooperate with the manufacturer;
  • to interest those wishing to become members of the network;
  • sell them to other network members;
  • form the price of the goods in such a way that part of the profit goes to the owner of the network, and part - to the seller of the goods.

Anyone who wants to earn money in such a network should sell these goods. The more he sells, the more he earns. The main key to success is high-quality and sought-after products at competitive prices. It can be anything from cosmetics to food, medical products or unique services.

The main difference from most network marketing companies should be the following:

  • providing guarantees to all network participants;
  • use only safe products;
  • availability of contacts for communication with the management and all comprehensive information about the activities of the organization.

These factors will increase sales and employee engagement.

Many dream of passive income and ask: “How to create passive income from scratch? Where can I find proven passive income ideas? But not many people know that today this type of income has become available to everyone. And largely thanks to His Majesty the Internet! In this article, I will reveal the concept of "passive income" (residual income), talk about the sources of this type of income and describe several ideas for its creation, which I use myself.

If you are already thinking about the possibility of creating passive income and are striving for a life that passive income provides, then this article will be useful for you!

- This is a type of income characterized by stable cash receipts, regardless of daily activities. Chances are you've come across (or heard of) people living off passive income. These people usually don't go to work. Such people are called rentiers.

A rentier is a person who lives off rent - the income received from the capital that he has placed in a business, deposits, profitable real estate, securities, as well as income from copyrights.

For example, you are an expert in a particular field. So, you can “sell” your knowledge by recording a training course (audio or video, it doesn’t matter). You made a quality course once, and it will always bring you income when someone buys it (this can take more than one year).

With the concept of passive income, we have decided. Now answer the question for yourself:

Why do you need passive income?

Many are attracted by a luxurious life - chic beaches and houses, cars and yachts. And someone treats such a life calmly and is satisfied with what he has. I am one of those people because I understand that a luxurious life is only the tip of the iceberg.

I think the main advantage of building a passive income is that you can free up your precious time for the things you love that you can't do right now because you're "working at work". I know people who would like to devote themselves to serving other people - the homeless, children in orphanages.

With the help of passive income, you can start making your dreams come true.

2. "Money goes to money"?

The expression "money - to money" quite often justifies itself. Today it so happened that people with an average income spend all the money they earn without a trace, buy goods on credit and borrow from friends and acquaintances up to a salary or an advance.

Why does it happen that people in their 30s and 40s cannot make money on good life? Now I will answer this question.

IMPORTANT! The thing is, people don't know how to focus on asset creation. capable of solving material problems. It turns out that people drive themselves into financial slavery, which is flourishing today.

In the educational cartoon, which you will find at the end of the article, the basics of personal finance are presented in simple language and the classification of people is given depending on the ability to manage them (which category do you belong to?):

1. Zombies (financial). Their expenses exceed their income, their assets are negative. Those. they live paycheck to paycheck and are always in debt. Almost all of their money goes to pay off their debts.

2. Kamikaze (financial). Their p a incomes are approximately equal to their incomes, assets are negative. They often look wealthy: they have an apartment, a car… However, this is all on credit. They walk on a razor's edge, and in case of unforeseen circumstances they easily fall into the ranks of financial zombies!

3. Maniacs (financial). Their income is equal to expenses or slightly exceeds them, assets are equal to zero. They usually have no debts, but also savings. They are at the mercy of the consumerism syndrome: they never have extra money, because they will always find something to spend it on right away.

4. Turtles (financial). Their income exceeds expenses, assets are positive. They have no debts or they are minimal, they have savings. But like turtles, they accumulate slowly because they prefer to keep their savings under the mattress, and the most advanced turtles in the bank.

5. Wise men (financial). Their income exceeds their expenses, assets are positive. They differ from turtles in the level of investment. Net asset investments generate passive income for them.

Did you recognize yourself from the description? For example, I see that since I started thinking about personal finance and studying books on financial literacy, I gradually began to move towards the 5th category.

In order to learn how to create assets, I strongly advise you to read books on financial literacy by the famous businessman and investor Robert Kiyosaki. And make sure to read these books to your children. Start with books Rich dad, poor dad and Cash flow quadrant. If you prefer books in "paper" form, you can purchase them, for example, on Ozone (they have free delivery) - Rich dad, poor dad , Cash flow quadrant.

I like Kiyosaki's simple but very effective advice to create your own asset. As soon as you receive some income, you begin to distribute it to others - you pay for an apartment, for a school, for a hairdresser, for a concierge at the entrance. You are giving away your money to everyone, but not to yourself! This is a fatal mistake for everyone who has not yet built a passive income.

You must first of all “give” money to yourself, and therefore to everyone else! Thus, you will begin to create your asset and then you can increase it by investing in your business or in some other way (which we will discuss below).

Here is a simple exercise. You can easily become a millionaire if you save only $1 a day! Don't believe. Then open any deposit calculator on the Internet, for example, this one. And you will see that if you refuse one cup of coffee a day for 30 years (figuratively speaking), you can become a “hryvnia” or “ruble” millionaire.

Can't believe?! Look at the screenshot: a deposit at 12% with monthly top-ups of only $30 ($1 per day) with a monthly capitalization will turn into 2.7 million hryvnias or 7 million rubles ($108,000). And it's only $1 a day.

TIP #2. UNDERSTAND that the one who works all day has no time to make money!

John Rockefeller said: "He who works all day has no time to earn money!" Consider his words.

Indeed, working at an enterprise, in production, in an office, no matter where, people earn on “current” expenses. And you can become a millionaire only in your free time from your main job.

It follows that TIME IS OUR MAIN WEALTH. Remember: "Time is money" - this is what wealthy people use.

Consider the day of an ordinary person: in the morning he goes to work, in the afternoon he works all day, in the evening he goes home. On the way home, he may go to shops, cafes, and at home - dinner and TV. Naturally, such monotony does not set you up for progress in the future, especially if you take into account that many earn money by doing what they don’t really like to do.

Naturally, the creation of passive income is preceded by active work for a certain time (it can be several months or several years). But then you can leave your “unloved job” and enjoy life.

TIP #3. GET knowledge in the field of personal finance.

The well-known financial literacy specialist Robert Kiyosaki, whom I mentioned above, DETERMINED WEALTH BY THE LONG TIME during which, while continuing to live comfortably, a person can not work.

"Cash flow"- this is the name of the world-famous game by Robert Kiyosaki, which can help you figure out how to “turn time into money” by creating a permanent passive income.

There are several versions of the Cashflow game - 101, 202, 303 and 404. Each of them teaches the skills of investing, building your own business and competent handling of personal finances. Don't think it's just child's play. The game "Cashflow" will be interesting and challenging for all adults - not only for an office worker, but also for the owner of his own big business.

You can buy a game in a bookstore, but it will cost 30 or even 50% more than in an online store. You can order the game on a trusted site (online store) with free shipping. Here's the link Board game Cash flow 101 (2016 edition).

If you want to learn more about the CASHFLOW game, I recommend this interesting and useful with a detailed description.

IMPORTANT! I think you have already understood that in order to build a passive income, the first thing you need to do is learn financial literacy. Neither parents, nor schools, nor universities give us this knowledge. Even if you work as an accountant in a large enterprise or a financial analyst in a bank, this does not always mean that you have knowledge in the field of personal finance.

3. Types and sources of passive income

We answered the question, what is passive income? I think it's time to satisfy your curiosity by revealing the "secrets" of ways to create and sources of passive income. Further we will talk about this. You just have to choose the method that suits you.

Many are not satisfied with the fact that they have to wait (months, years). But we need to get out of this psychological trap. Think about it, the working age lasts 25-40 years, ending with the retirement age and receiving a pension, which can hardly be called “deserved and worthy”.

It turns out that we can work for several decades, doing what you don’t really like, but securing financial independence for ourselves is “beyond our strength.” But you will have the opportunity to retire much earlier than the period set by the state (not at 55 or 60, but at 35-45).

Are you sure you want to create passive income to have more free time at your disposal? Then begin TODAY to act decisively in this direction. Decide and act!

So, more about the types and methods of creating passive income

There are 4 types of passive income:

  • investment (financial),
  • intellectual,
  • marketing,
  • legal (relying on the law).

Agree, not very much. The types of passive income in Russia are the same as in other countries in the world. Now let's figure out how you can provide passive income.

1st view. Investment (financial) passive income

It is created in case of investment (investment) of funds in certain financial instruments, objects. From the investment, we receive a certain amount in the form of interest or profit.

Sources of income can be:

  • the property;
  • Bank deposit;
  • securities;
  • our business (if we buy it);
  • equipment (if rented).

2nd view. Intelligent passive income

Sources of income can be:

  • Author's fee;
  • Patent for an invention (technology)

If you don't like the idea self-creation information product, you can earn income from the promotion of other people's information products through affiliate programs. I myself receive income from this online business. I consider Evgeny Vergus the main expert in making money on affiliate programs. You can immediately start earning in the process of studying his course "WORKSHOP OF PARTNER SALES". You can easily reimburse the cost of the course by studying the course and earning at the same time by advertising affiliate information products. *

3rd view. Marketing passive income

This type of income is possible if you create a marketing system(s). For example, your website on the Internet or a personal brand that is rented out (rented). One or more options are possible.

Personal branding involves using your name for commercial purposes.

For example, screen and sports stars are often involved in the filming of commercials, thus becoming the "face" of a certain trademark or companies. For using their name, they receive decent fees.

In this case, the sources of passive income can be:

  • own developed network marketing structure;
  • commercial structures using your personal brand;
  • your website;
  • a business that generates profit from the operation of a marketing system (for example, an information business).

All these sources of passive income will provide you with passive income on the Internet without investment.

4th view. Legal passive income

I think there is no special need to dwell on this species. I will only note that these are payments that are due to you “under the Law”. By the way, there are people who rely on this type of passive income. For example, civilians work under contract in military units for low pay. But then they retire earlier and are guaranteed to receive a “military” pension.

4. Ideas for creating passive income

You have already learned about the types and sources of passive income. It's time to get acquainted with the options for its creation.

I propose to consider the most common and relevant ideas. Perhaps one of them will suit you to ensure a regular cash flow.

1. Information site or blog

If you know how or want to learn how to create and launch websites, know the basic principles of marketing, then you can organize passive income, practically from scratch. It is not for nothing that the organization of passive income using the Internet is becoming more and more popular.

For example, the blog you are currently on also generates passive income.

In addition to the above skills, you will need free time, as well as a desire to learn. You you can make your website even if you don't have special technical skills. Especially for those who decide to make money with their blog or information site, I have prepared a series of articles with step-by-step instructions, videos and screenshots. In less than a week you will make your site ready for filling. Here's the link .

To organize a passive income using your website, of course, you will need a certain amount of time (from six months to two years). This time will be required for regular work on your project (several hours a day) in order to improve and optimize it.

Make no mistake that by creating a website, you have done everything necessary to generate passive income, and now you can “sit back”. Not! To turn the site into a full-fledged "money machine" you will have to work on it for 1-2 years. But you will start receiving the first money within a few months after the start of the project.

After you turn the site into a "money machine", it can be sold ( ready business!). Moreover, the proceeds from the sale of the amount may exceed the amount of monthly passive income by 20 times.

For example, my colleague bought a 3-year working site for 1,500,000 rubles.

The arithmetic is simple: If your site brings in 10 thousand rubles a month, then you can sell it for 200 thousand rubles. and more expensive.

Therefore, you can make money by creating websites that generate income and organize your business in this way.

Ways to make money on your site:
  • placement of contextual advertising;
  • placement of paid advertising articles;
  • sale of advertising spaces;
  • placement of affiliate links;
  • sale of own training courses.

2. Intelligent product

Possessing a certain talent, it is possible to create your own intellectual product (book, technology, training video, etc.). This product can become a source of your passive income if you start replicating or renting it out.

Consider an example of passive income, when an intellectual product (a book) made the author a millionaire. Today, perhaps, it is difficult to find a person who does not know the name of JK Rowling. But it was the Harry Potter books that brought her a multi-million dollar fortune.

An invention, a fundamentally new industrial design or technology can also become a source of passive income. They will be your intangible asset.

An intangible asset is a product of intellectual labor, which, without a material form, is capable of generating income. For example, a patent for an invention, trademark or brand.

3. Property rental

Of course, the most common way is to rent out real estate. But let's look at other options for passive income. For example, construction, commercial or industrial equipment and other expensive items. Especially since passive income from real estate is often lower than from equipment.

For example, when purchasing construction equipment and tools, you can rent them out, thus organizing your business. If a drill or hammer drill costs, for example, 20 thousand rubles, then you can rent a tool for 100 - 500 rubles per day. The tool will pay off in a fairly short period of time (less than a month).

4. Securities, pamm-accounts, banks, mutual funds

One common way to create passive income is to invest in financial instruments.

Investing, in a way, can be seen as a business. But to become a professional investor, you must first learn this complex topic. You can learn more about financial instruments on this useful website. Club of private investors "Where to invest money - ways of investing".

Of course, there are advantages in investments (higher income compared to a bank deposit), but they also have disadvantages, namely: high risks.

Pamm accounts, mutual funds and securities are not able to provide a stable income (excluding bonds). The risk of losses is great. Learn it!

5. Network Marketing

Network marketing is considered one of the most affordable ways to create passive income. Perhaps because the first investment usually does not exceed $100.

The condition under which you can organize this kind of passive income can be called sociability. Because in this case, you will need to be able to communicate with people, win them over, ensuring the friendly nature of communication. The main thing is that you do not fall into the financial pyramid!

To protect yourself from this risk, check out this helpful article. "What is a financial pyramid?" .

6. Own business

Organization of an entrepreneurial project, perhaps, The best way creating passive income.

Internet business is suitable for people with any financial situation at the moment. Even if you don't have big enough finances, the network can provide start-up opportunities with little to no investment. Thus, your income will gradually turn from "active" to "passive".

by the most difficult step to your business is the banal adoption of a final and irrevocable decision. Best to start with simple business without investment. With organization ideas business without investment for beginners entrepreneurs read . The information in this article will help you organize your business and create passive income from scratch.

Let me give you an example of passive income. I built my own vending business - I bought several payment terminals (invested my capital), installed terminals in supermarkets under a lease agreement. The terminals are collected by a third-party organization under a maintenance contract. I receive income that can be called passive, although I participate in it (I make settlements with my counterparties). It takes quite a bit of time for this business - 1-2 days a month.

I highly recommend investing in a vending business, where vending machines work for you, and you receive income. The potential of this business, based on statistics, is huge!

5. Recommendations and tips for gaining financial independence

You have already got acquainted with the concept of "passive income" and learned about its types and methods of organization, about the ideas of passive income. You know enough to get started. Once you make up your mind and start taking action, you will have the opportunity to gain financial independence, leave your “unloved” job, start traveling and do what you have been dreaming of all your life, such as charity.

1) Take the time to build assets.

Don't limit yourself to income from your main job. Think about what you can do to make it 1 time, get money many times - replicate your efforts!

I hope that you do not aspire to a “beggarly” existence, which, unfortunately, a pension can provide.

2) Strive to organize several sources of passive income.

In this case, you protect yourself from possible risks: the loss of one source can be compensated by another. And at some point you will support.

How important this is, he described very well in his book.

3) Improve your financial literacy

Self-education is the first thing you should do! Invest in yourself! I recommend that you carefully read books that are considered fundamental: Robert Kiyosaki "Rich dad, poor dad" and Bodo Schaeffer "Money or the ABC of Money", - they will help to better understand the principle of the functioning of money and the principle of creating passive income.

Please note that there are no special "secrets". For success, you only need the desire, time and certain knowledge.

Watch this educational cartoon about passive income so that all the puzzles fit into a clear picture and there is confidence to start moving towards creating passive income. You should start with self-education in personal finance. It is also important to pass this knowledge on to your children!

I wish you all confidence and determination!

I managed to create several sources of passive income, so you can too!

Write in the comments which category of people in terms of finances you belong to and did you manage to move to a category closer to the 5th?

Subscribe and get the most interesting blog posts - subscribe below. When you subscribe, you will receive for free the first biography of Elon Musk - one of the leaders in financial literacy at the present time.

Many do not like to go to work from 9 to 6, and how to live without hired work is not taught at school. However, the idea of ​​sustenance by interest and dividends exists in the minds of the masses. Financially literate people have heard about the sources of passive income, and real purposeful businessmen are looking for how to create passive income from scratch.

What is passive income?

The idea of ​​passive income comes from researching and studying the topic of financial independence. It is those who set out to get rich or achieve financial freedom who seek to build passive income, which is also residual income.

Passive income is a profit received by a person without the need to perform daily “active” work, to conduct a permanent professional activity. Namely: work from 9 to 6 in the office or freelance (remote work), exchanging your precious time for money. In any variant of earnings, where the employee's time is exchanged for the employer's money, one can speak of labor or "active" income.

The word “passive” hints that you don’t have to work regularly to make a profit. That is, a person lives freely at his own discretion, and money “drops” to him. However, this understanding is deceptive. As will be shown below, to create sources of passive income, you also need to sweat, however, often - one-time, or very little effort is required to maintain stable profitability.

Sources of passive income

The main sources of passive income by type of ownership are:

  • bank deposits;
  • securities and bonds;
  • the property;
  • copyright.

Additional sources of passive income:

  • raw materials;
  • business operating "on its own";
  • franchise;
  • investments in third-party business systems.

For an employee, the possibility of having more than one source of income, a salary, is new and unfamiliar, and therefore often suspicious. However, if you look at it, having more than one source of income is exactly the way to improve your own well-being and increase capital.

Those who are looking for how to create passive income do not always understand the possibility of creating multiple sources of personal income. This means you don't have to leave your job to earn passive income. You can build these incomes in parallel. Moreover, the options for passive income are numerous, and one person can have as many types of this income as desired and manage to build.

Types of passive income

If all residual income is divided by type of profit, then the following types of passive income can be distinguished:

  • dividends- from investments in securities;
  • interest- from bank deposits and other investment organizations, from bonds (government securities);
  • royalties– for created objects of intellectual property or received a patent;
  • rental income- from the lease of real estate;
  • royalty- for the sale of the franchise.

And several types of profit without special names. These are the following categories:

  • operating business income- (also called dividends in the West) profits from a business for which the founder or board of directors does not need to work personally;
  • profit from venture investments- income from investments in business systems built by other people; Here, the investor invests in a startup or a nascent business project, and after its promotion receives a return of funds with interest and / or regular profit from the activities of the new company.
  • percentage of sales- a separate category of income that freelancers and businessmen may have. We are talking about additional profit from the volume of goods sold without the participation of the recipient of income. For example, a copywriter who writes a sales text is paid a fee in the form of a percentage of the sales profit from each use of this text by the customer during the year or other agreed period.

Passive income without investment

Is it possible to create passive income from scratch? From the considered types of passive income, it becomes obvious that some sources are built without investing money, others do not allow it.

4 ways to create passive income without investments:

  1. create an object of copyright;
  2. create a business system that does not require the participation of the founder;
  3. create a business and sell a franchise;
  4. accumulate capital to obtain residual income in other ways.

Creating a copyright object

This way to create passive income from scratch is suitable for creative people: composers, songwriters, writers, as well as inventors.

Having once created a beautiful musical composition, song, or written a novel, the author receives a reward for using his work or its elements. The list of what belongs to the objects of copyright is in the relevant law of the Russian Federation.

The patent also allows inventors to receive remuneration for the use of the result of their intellectual work.

This method is good because you need to make an effort once, and then receive a fee. However, it is clear that to create worthwhile work art is not for everyone, and copyright enforcement will have to be monitored.

Creation of a business system without the constant participation of the founder

This method is a passive income business. Creating a company that benefits people, and the owner and founder - income, is real, although not easy. The vast majority of small businesses belong to the type of enterprises where the owners are employees in the positions of directors and managers.

Being the head of your own company is not bad and even prestigious, but it does not bring you closer to the goal of creating passive income from scratch. After all, what is passive income? This is the profit from a one-time invested effort, which a person receives consistently over many months or years. And if the founder works in his organization, he receives a salary. Therefore, this method will “play” only if the business is built as a complete system with all the necessary employees, including third-party CEO. Then the founder will rightfully be able to say that he has created passive income.

Starting a Business and Selling a Franchise

Income in the form of royalties from the sale of a franchise will become available only after the creation of a franchise, and for this you need to either already have a ready-made and well-established business, or build such a business.

The idea is implemented from scratch, but the result does not fully fall under passive income without investments, because you will have to invest a lot of time and effort to create your own company. From the point of view of the fact that you can get by only with time and effort, without financial investments - yes, this is possible, even if you have to attract third-party investors for the purpose of financing new organization.

Capital accumulation: money makes money

One of the most popular passive income ideas to get rich and financially independent is the idea, “Money makes money.” It describes the simple fact that it is not necessary to invest man-hours in order to earn more, even passively.

However, in order to invest money, and they began to bring more profit, it is necessary to raise start-up capital. It won't work otherwise.

Therefore, technically it will be passive income from scratch, because you need to start somewhere, but in fact you will have to save and save. You can start with 10% of each receipt of labor income, that is, wages, or any other income that is available. Thus, a sufficient amount will gradually be collected for investments in bank deposits, the purchase of securities or bonds.

You can combine capital with someone close to you and invest a larger amount in rental real estate or venture capital investments. It is important to have a detailed understanding of the subject of investment.

Top 10 Passive Income Ideas

Let's dwell on the most popular ways to create additional income without a constant investment of time.

1. Bank deposit

With the most modest percentages and additional profits, this type of passive income remains and will remain very popular for a long time to come. There are several good reasons for this: firstly, the banking system is growing and strengthening, the population is accustomed to trusting banks, their activities are in most cases understandable to citizens.

Secondly, banks provide guarantees - although this sounds especially doubtful in Russian realities, the invested capital is still protected from loss or theft. With the development of insurance companies, each deposit is either insured by default or can be insured at the request of the depositor.

The choice among banks is wide, deposit options are diverse, so passive income is real even with investments of 3,000 rubles or more. There are special deposits with a higher percentage for pensioners.

2. Securities (mutual funds)

Usually passive income, the ideas of which are taken from Western popular science publications, includes profit from securities. Provide access to them and make such investments convenient for the population Mutual investment funds - mutual funds.

Although the method was especially popular before the crisis of 2008-2010, one cannot count on quick profits, because investing in shares is arranged in such a way that such income becomes tangible after a long time. Therefore, if a couple of millions in US currency are not available, then investments will have to be held for several years or decades.

3. Renting out housing or offices

You can earn a steady income from rental property. This will be precisely the residual income, since one-time efforts are required to find a tenant and repair the premises, otherwise maintaining a good condition of residential or non-residential property will require a minimum of time.

This is perhaps one of the most popular ways of obtaining additional unearned income for the population, since it does not require special education, and the amount of income can be very significant.

4. Opening your own business

In order to create passive income without investing money, many former employees are retraining as businessmen and entrepreneurs. Indeed, if you create a business that works autonomously, with its own manager and hired labor, then you can get a good income.

5. Venture investments

Passive business income is one of the most highly profitable types of investments. At the same time, the risks are great, because any company can close or suffer losses. Moreover, not every person is a born entrepreneur.

For those who are interested in how to create a passive income with high interest on invested capital, but do not think of themselves as an entrepreneur, the way out is to invest in other people's companies. If you understand who to invest in, then the passive income of the investment will be very high.

6. Create a work of art

By writing a book, by composing a song or music, by making an invention, you can create passive income from scratch. After all, the royalties for the subject of intellectual property will come automatically, without requiring new creative research.

7. Investments in high-risk companies

These include Forex brokers, "HYIPs" and other companies that take citizens' money and promise high interest rates. The money will go to trading on the stock exchange, which can give a high increase, but is very risky, which the firms themselves do not like to report. If you make such investments, passive income will be 18-70% per annum and even more.

8. Site creation

Your own website can be used as a source of passive income. There are plenty of web resource development scenarios here. For example, spin informational portal and make it a platform in the form of an advertising platform. Advertising revenue is passive income.

What are the ways of passive income? Many people have heard of the concept of passive income. Many people imagine this as something magical, when you don’t have to do anything, and the money will fly into your pocket on its own. Others do not believe in the existence of passive income at all. In their understanding, there is no place for the fact that you can earn money without doing anything. Today we will analyze in detail whether there are ways to passive income, and if so, how you can get it.

How To Create Passive Income That's Right For You!

First you need to understand the very concept passive income. At its core, this is a long-term receipt of dividends from previous work or investments. At its core, it turns out that passive income is not so passive. To make a good profit, you will need to do a lot of quality work, spending a lot of time and effort in doing so. The second option is to make large monetary investments, in which case the money will work for you.

The amount of profit will depend entirely on the amount of money invested. But if you approach this process wisely and create several sources of passive income, and gradually increase the most profitable and successful ways of them, then in one beautiful moment it will be possible to completely abandon active earnings. If you want to switch immediately to passive income, then you need to operate with very large amounts.

passive income methods. Top 15 ideas for quick money!

Today we will consider a fairly large number of ways to receive passive income that will suit all categories of people. Everyone will be able to choose several ways of the most interesting and suitable specifically for him.



REIT investment. Money work for you!

REITfunds are a type of mutual funds. The main direction of such organizations is work with foreign real estate. The principle of operation is quite simple:

  • - Management Company creates a common fund and attracts investors to it.
  • - In the future, commercially attractive real estate is acquired.
  • - Income from the sale of real estate and renting it out is divided among all participants in the investment fund.

The simplicity and transparency of the work of such REIT funds ensures their efficient operation.

Traditionally, real estate is considered one of the most reliable assets, which not only does not lose value, but over time the price only grows. All this ensures the attractiveness and reliability of such investment methods.

If we talk about passive income, then a lot depends on the specific fund and its conditions. If we take the largest Russian fund REITINVEST as an example, then we will see the following conditions:

  • - Deposits are made in British pounds.
  • - Payments are 5-7%, depending on the amount of the deposit.
  • - Payments are also made in British pounds.
  • - Shareholders of the fund, whose investments amount to more than 10,000 pounds, are given the opportunity to use the resort facilities of the fund.
  • - All fund participants are exempt from real estate taxes.

The offer is interesting enough for anyone who wants to receive a high, stable income in a reliable foreign currency. For more details, you can follow the link

Minimum costs! Create your own blog

The previous method requires you to make a financial investment. But what if you simply physically have no way to tear off part of the funds from the budget? You can try to create your own blog and lead him.

At first, the costs will be minimal and absent altogether. You can take advantage of free offers, of which there are a fairly large number on the Internet. All this is not the main thing, the main thing is what will be in your blog.

You must be able to write beautifully and interestingly. It is necessary to choose not only a relevant topic, but also to present it in such a way that it would vividly interest the reader, so that it would be interesting to him. The most striking indicator of this will be comments and discussions under your blog.

If you manage to interest readers and get a permanent audience. Then you can start monetizing your blog, there are a lot of ways. It can be both direct advertising integrations and displaying advertising banners.

If we talk about any specific amounts, then it is quite difficult to estimate the income of the most popular bloggers. But you can go in and see how much they charge for advertising or mentioning themselves in an article. The amounts there will be very large.

This way of getting passive income is suitable for those who have something to talk about, who want to write and who have time for this. In any case, the method is very interesting and attractive and does not require any cash costs at the start.

bank deposits. Income deposits

If we talk about passive income, then it is impossible not to touch on the most popular and most affordable way - bank deposits. Almost everyone has their own bank deposit: salary cards, credit cards, savings for a rainy day. Only now Russian banks have begun to introduce such a thing as an account balance. As a rule, it fluctuates around 2-3% for ordinary debit accounts. This is an extremely small amount, let's consider whether it is possible to get higher interest from banks.

You can get them, and they are available on special profitable deposits. Yes, there are a number of restrictions on such deposits, for example, simply withdrawing your money at any time may not work, you should always remember this. Let's see what kind of passive income you can get from such bank deposits:

  • - If we talk about deposits in Russian rubles, then the average interest rate is from 7.5 to 9.5%.
  • - Deposits in more stable currencies have a lower interest rate. It ranges from 1 to 4.5% depending on the currency and bank conditions.

In general, bank deposits are a fairly reliable way to get a stable income. But when compared with REIT funds, in order to make a profit at the level of mutual funds, you need to invest much more money.

Popular Internet way! Create your own video blog

A little higher we looked at the possibilities of a text blog, but in modern internet Vlogs are no less popular. Unlike their textual variants, they require a much more serious approach:

  • - You need a good camera to shoot material for your blog. A few years ago, a good camera from a phone was enough, but in modern realities it is no longer suitable.
  • - You must pick interesting material which is sometimes more difficult than with text blogs.
  • - In addition to the fact that you should be able to write scripts for your videos well, you should also be able to speak well and beautifully.

You can choose any topic for a video blog: games, travel, health and beauty, music, movies. There are a lot of options.

If we talk about possible earnings, then here you can operate with more real numbers provided by the YouTube service. According to these data, the largest earnings of a video blogger amounted to more than 50 million dollars, if we talk about the Russian-speaking segment of the Runet, then the maximum earnings are about 10 million dollars. All these figures do not take into account direct advertising integration, which is quite often present in the video.

Highly liquid shares. Investment

Speaking of passive income, one cannot fail to mention securities, and more specifically, shares of companies. A lot of films have been made, a huge number of books have been written. And in fact, anyone can earn on highly liquid stocks.

The principle of earning is quite simple. Such companies have a high capitalization, while showing constant stable growth, thereby ensuring an increase in the price of their shares.

It is quite difficult to name any figures, since this market is influenced by a large number of various factors. It is simply impossible to predict them all. At some point in time, the shares of such companies may show fast growth, in this case, the income may be 15-20%, but after a while a sharp decline may begin and you will lose 5-10%.

In order to protect your passive income from such fluctuations, it is worth working with shares of several companies at the same time, this will secure your money. Professional investors call this risk diversification. In this case, you can count on a stable passive income of 5-10%.

Get a good shot! Earnings on photos

This may seem surprising to many, but you can really earn money from your photos by receiving passive income. It should be understood that your family photos can be very good, but no one will pay for them. First of all, we are talking about professional photographs.

There are several services that provide the opportunity to post professional photos. In the future, they can be used in various print and online publications. And you will receive the deductions due to you for this.

In order to make money in this way, you need to have high-quality photographic equipment and the talent of a photographer. In this case, you can fully realize yourself - Do what you love and earn passive income from it. There are many photographs that brought millions to their owners, just enough to catch a good shot.

Renting out real estate. From passive income to reliable investments

As mentioned above, real estate is one of the most reliable investment assets. You can earn passive income from real estate on your own. There are several options here:

  • - Rent out real estate that you own. Most often these are apartments inherited.
  • - If you have large quantity free funds and you can invest them in the construction of new real estate or purchase on the secondary market. In the future, it is also rented out, and you receive passive income.
  • - Sublease work. Here the principle is quite simple: you can rent large areas and rent them out in parts on more favorable terms. For example, renting a floor in mall and rent trade pavilions separately. In the case of residential real estate, this has a slightly different connotation. The apartment is rented for a long time, and rented by the day.

The first method can be called ideal, since you do not need any financial investments. In the second one, you will have to spend quite a serious amount, but this can be considered a long-term investment, since gradually the apartment will pay for itself and you will gradually begin to receive only net income.

If we consider the option of subleasing, then calling it a full-fledged way of passive income will not work, since you will need constant work: finding customers. This can already be considered an active business. But with a successful scenario, this whole process can be minimized.

Income at the limit of risk! Earnings on bets

Sports betting, as such, cannot be called a full-fledged passive income, it is more gambling entertainment that helps to experience the thrill and at the same time earn money. But people who approach this issue with a cool head can earn good money.

There is such a thing as betting surebets. These are bets on a match in which, regardless of the outcome, the player remains in the black. Let's look at a simple example of how this works in practice. Bookmaker 1 gives odds of 2.1 for Team A to win. Bookmaker 2 gives odds for Team B to win of 2.05. Regardless of the outcome of the match, team A or B will win, the bettor will be in plus 5 or 10%, depending on the outcome. The process is described rather crudely, but it captures the essence.

In order to consistently make money on surebets, you need to be well versed in many aspects:

  • - the rules of the sport you are going to bet on;
  • - rules for accepting bets in each bookmaker's office;
  • - rules for calculating results.

Not knowing one of these points can lead you to lose all your savings. In addition, you need to have a large enough amount to be able to safely work with betting surebets. But for a knowledgeable person, this can be a good source of passive income.

Credit funds. Loans to organizations and individuals

Another type of mutual investment companies are credit organizations. The principle of operation is similar to REIT funds, only investments will not go into real estate, but into loans to various organizations and individuals.

If we talk about the profitability of this method, then a lot depends on who the organization works with and in which country, but in general, approximately the following conditions are offered:

  • - For ruble-denominated funds, the yield is 10-12%.
  • - For funds in foreign currency, it is significantly lower from 3 to 7%, depending on the currency in which loans are issued.

The only thing to remember when working with credit companies is liquidity in such companies is below average. If you decide to leave the fund, it may take some time for you to receive your assets. Since, unlike real estate, loans are not always so easy to sell to other credit organizations. But in general, credit funds provide their shareholders with a stable passive income.

Creative flight of thoughts! write a book

Is it possible to receive passive income with the help of your creativity - definitely, yes. You don’t have to go far, just remember the author of the book “50 Shades of Grey”. I want to remind you that initially it was a fan craft based on Twilight. But over time, it grew into an independent work and received a multi-million audience. And the author has multi-million dollar royalties.

But how can a novice writer make money on this? Everything is quite simple, there are a large number of sites on the Internet that will publish your works. You can earn income from reader donations or set a small fee for downloading the electronic version. You can also place your works in stores like Google Play.

The next step is to work with publishers. With successful publication on Internet resources, you yourself may be offered to publish in print, as was the case with the Metro 2033 book, but in most cases this will be an independent search for a publisher.

In any case, this way of passive income is only suitable for creative people who really love to write. For others, it may simply result in a waste of their time and effort.

Bonds. Long term passive income

Bonds are another type of securities. These are debt securities, but the main difference from stocks for us is fixed constant payments. At its core, bonds are a hybrid of securities and bank deposits.

That is, you will have securities on hand that have their own value, while you will receive a fixed interest from them. In fact, the pricing mechanism is quite complex to calculate. But before you buy bonds, you need to carefully study them, as they are of several types:

  • - Bonds that can be easily traded on the market. This is the most convenient option, since in addition to receiving interest, there is a chance to profitably sell such loans.
  • - Bonds that cannot be traded, but the borrower can redeem them at any time.
  • - Bonds that can only be redeemed at the end of their term.

Therefore, if you buy the last type of bonds for a period of 30 years, you will be able to receive your assets only at the end of the term.

Let's look at the issue of payouts when they occur. If the bonds are issued for a period of up to one year, then the interest is paid in a lump sum along with the receipt of the principal amount. If the bonds are issued for a period of more than a year, then interest payments occur twice a year.

Become a teacher in your favorite field! Create your own online courses

Every person is an expert in some area. And why not try to earn income from it. There are several services on the Internet that allow you to monetize training courses. These can be courses in cooking, programming, trading on the stock exchange, embroidery - any topic can be in demand. But there are several factors to consider:

  • - Your courses should be interesting and in demand.
  • - The information should be interesting, useful and easy for your listeners to perceive.
  • - Everything should be designed accordingly: video and image quality, competent texts, the presence of all kinds of checklists.

One well-designed training course can bring you passive income for a long time.

Currency speculation. Forex trading

Buy low, sell high is a basic principle that applies to any kind of trading. But he acquired his ultimate form in the Forex currency market. Many have heard and know very well how such a system works. But for those who don't know, let's give a more detailed explanation. Unlike banks, where the exchange rate is fixed for a day, in the Forex market all changes in rates occur in real time. During the day, one currency can manage to go a few points into plus, and then sink by the same amount. It is on this difference that the earnings of speculators are formed.

You can trade for the long term, you can constantly engage in speculation during the day. But the Forex market lives according to its own specific laws, in order to learn how to consistently trade in a plus, you need to study it for a long time. In order to make your income truly passive, you can use the services of professional traders. They will take care of your account, trading currencies for you, while receiving a pre-negotiated reward.

Speculation in securities. Price difference income

We have already considered securities as a way to receive passive income. But speculation implies a radically different approach to this issue. In this case, we are not interested in the growth in the value of securities in the long term. Speculation means making a profit on the difference in rates. Anyone who decides to make money on speculation is faced with a choice:

  • - engage in speculation yourself;
  • - entrust it to a professional broker;
  • - invest in mutual funds specializing in working with securities.

We will not consider the first option, within the framework of the topic of passive income, since independent trading involves a large amount of time. It cannot be called full-fledged passive income.

A professional broker undertakes to trade for you on the stock exchange. You won’t get a fixed income, but if you are interested in a higher income, then perhaps this method will interest you. It is worth noting that experienced brokers start working with at least $10,000 deposits.

The third method is suitable for those who like to receive a stable income. The mutual fund employs many professional brokers. The failures of some are compensated by the successful transactions of others, which provides a stable passive income.

Invest in a young business! Venture investments

This is an investment in a young business. In fact, you not only create a reserve for the future, providing yourself with a full-fledged passive income, but also become a real investor.

In modern realities, the vast majority of venture investments are startups. A group of young, entrepreneurial people have an idea that will make a profit, but they do not have the funds to finance its implementation. They start looking for investors through various platforms and find them quite often.

If you want to try yourself as an investor in a real business, then you have two options:

The first option implies the possibility of making a big profit if the project "shoots". However, independent investments involve a much higher risk.

If you really want to organize passive income, then it is worth working with venture capital companies. They will not be able to provide you with such a high income, but at the same time you will receive your 5-10% consistently.


We looked at 15 different ways to generate passive income. Some of them are very reliable, such as REIT funds or bank deposits. Others have high risks, but can bring big money. And the third is aimed at the implementation creativity. In any case, passive income at an early stage involves time or financial expenditure.

Alexey Zenkov

When someone is looking for an opportunity to earn extra money, most often they are advised to find a temporary part-time job. But what if you don't have the time or energy to do so? In this case, you need to find ways to generate passive income - making money with little investment of time and effort on your part.

  1. Try index funds

Index funds allow you to receive income from investments in the stock market absolutely passively. For example, if you invest in a fund based on the S&P 500 index, your funds will be invested in the general market, and you will not have to think about how to manage your money and whether to sell or buy shares of certain companies. All these moments will be managed by the fund, which forms its investment portfolio depending on the state of a particular index.

You can also choose a fund that works with any index. There are funds involved in various business sectors - energy, precious metals, banking, emerging markets and others. You only need to decide for yourself that you want to do it, then invest and relax. From now on, your stock portfolio will run on autopilot.

  1. Make videos for YouTube

This area is developing very quickly. You can make videos of absolutely any category - music, educational, comedy, movie reviews - anything ... and then put it on YouTube. You can then connect Google AdSense to these videos and they will show automatic ads. When viewers click on this ad, you will earn money from Google AdSense.

Your main task is to create worthy videos, promote them in social networks and maintain enough of them to secure an income from a few clips. Shooting and editing a video is not so easy, but after that you will receive a source of completely passive income that can last for a very long time.

Not sure if you can do it on YouTube? Michelle Phan has combined her love for makeup and art with making videos, has amassed over 8 million followers, and now has her own $800 million company.

  1. Try affiliate marketing and start selling

This is a passive income technique more suitable for owners of blogs and active Internet sites. You can start promoting any products on your site and receive a fixed fee or a percentage of sales.

Making money in this way is not as difficult as you might think, because many companies are interested in selling their products in as much as possible. more places.

You can find partnership offers either by contacting manufacturers directly or on specialized sites. It is best if the advertised product or service is of interest to you or corresponds to the theme of the site.

  1. Make your photos profitable on the web

Do you love taking pictures? If so, you might be able to turn it into a source of passive income. Photobanks, such as and, can provide you with a platform for selling pictures. You will receive a percentage or a flat rate for each photo sold to a website client.

In this case, each photo represents a separate source of income that can work again and again. All you have to do is create a portfolio, upload it to one or more platforms, and that's where your action will end. All technical issues of photo sales are handled through the web platform.

  1. Buy high yield stocks

By creating a portfolio of high yield stocks, you will receive a source of regular passive income with an annual interest rate that is much higher than the interest of bank deposits.

Do not forget that high-yielding stocks are still stocks, so there is always the possibility of capital revaluation. In this case, you will receive profit from two sources - from dividends and return on invested capital. To purchase such shares and fill out the relevant forms, you will need to create a brokerage account.

  1. Write an ebook

Of course, this can be quite a laborious process, but when you write a book and place it on marketplaces, it can provide you with income for years. You can sell the book on your own site or enter into a partnership agreement with other sites that are relevant to the subject of the book.

  1. Write a real book and get royalties

As with writing an e-book, this is where you have to work hard first. But when the work is finished and the book goes on sale, it will become completely passive source income.

This is especially true if you manage to sell the book to a publisher who will pay you royalties on sales. For each copy sold, you will receive a percentage, and if the book is popular, these percentages can result in substantial amounts. In addition, these payments can last for years.

Mike Piper of recently did this. He wrote the book Investment in Plain Language, which was only sold on Amazon. The first book became so profitable that he created an entire series. These books are in total.

  1. Get cashback from credit card transactions

Many credit cards provide cashback ranging from 1% to 5% of the purchase amount. You still go shopping and spend money, right?

Such bonuses allow you to provide yourself with a kind of passive “income” (in the form of reduced spending) from actions that you still perform.

  1. Sell ​​your own products online

In this area, the possibilities are endless: you can sell almost any product or service. It can be something you created and made by yourself, or it can be a digital product (software, DVDs or instructional videos)

For trading, you can use a specialized resource, if suddenly you do not have your own website or blog. In addition, you can enter into a partnership agreement by offering goods to sites of relevant subjects or using platforms like (American marketplace for the sale of digital information products - ed.).

You can learn how to sell goods on the Internet and earn quite a lot from it. It may not be completely passive income, but it is certainly more passive than a regular job that you have to go to every morning.

  1. Invest in real estate

This method falls rather into the category of semi-passive income, since investing in real estate implies at least a small level of activity. However, if you have a property that you are already renting out, the only thing left to do is to maintain its condition.

In addition, there are professional property managers who can manage your property for a fee of approximately 10% of the rent. Such professional managers help to make the process of profiting from such investments more passive, but they will take away part of it.

Another way to invest in real estate is to pay off a loan. If you take out a loan to buy a property that you will rent out, your tenants will pay off this debt a little each month. When the full amount is paid, your profits will increase dramatically, and your relatively small investment will turn into a full-fledged exit program from your main job.

  1. Buy a blog

Thousands of blogs are created every year, and many of them are abandoned after a while. If you can acquire a blog with enough visitors - and therefore with enough cash flow This can be a great source of passive income.

Most blogs use Google AdSense, which pays once a month for ads placed on the site. You can also enter into partnership agreements to provide additional income. Both of these streams of profit will be yours if you own a blog.

From a financial standpoint, blogs typically sell for 24 times the monthly income the blog can generate. So if a site can make $250 a month, chances are you can buy it for $3,000. This means that by investing $3,000, you can receive $1,500 annually.

You may be able to buy the site for less money if the owner really wants to get rid of this asset. Some sites host "eternal" materials that will not lose their relevance and will generate income years after publication.

Bonus Tip: If you buy such a site and then fill it with fresh content, you will be able to increase your monthly income, and you will be able to sell the site again after some time for a significantly higher price than you gave away when you bought it.

Finally, instead of buying a blog, you can create your own. This is also a good way to earn money.

  1. Create a selling website

If there is a product that you know a lot about, you can start selling it on the profile site. The technique is the same as when selling a product own production, apart from the fact that you do not have to deal with the production itself.

After a while, you may find that you can add similar products. If this happens, the site will begin to generate significant profits.

If you can find a way to deliver goods directly from the manufacturer to the customer, you won't even have to get your hands dirty. It may not be 100% passive income, but it is very close to it.

  1. Invest in Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

Let's say you decide to invest in real estate, but don't want to pay attention and time to it at all. Investment trusts can help you with this. They are something like a fund that owns various projects in the field of real estate. The funds are managed by professionals, so you don't have to interfere with them at all.

One of the main advantages of investing in REIT trusts is that they usually bring higher dividends than stocks, bonds and bank deposits. You can also sell your interest in the trust at any time, making such assets more liquid than owning real estate on your own.

  1. Become a passive business partner

Do you know a successful company that needs capital to expand its business? If so, you can become something of a short-term angel and provide that capital. But instead of giving credit to the owner of the company, ask for a share of the shares. In this case, the owner of the company will manage the work of the company, while you will be a passive partner, also taking part in the business.

Every small business needs a referral source to support sales. Make a list of entrepreneurs whose services you use regularly and whom you can recommend for cooperation. Contact them and find out if they have a payment system for referrals.

You can add accountants you know, landscape designers, electricians, plumbers, carpet cleaners, you name it. Be prepared to recommend these people to your friends, family, and colleagues. You can earn commission on every referral just by talking to people.

Do not underestimate referral programs in the professional field. If the company you work for has bonuses for recommending new employees or new clients, take advantage of it. This is very easy money.

  1. Rent out unused accommodations on Airbnb

You may ask: if there are so many applications, why should you try to create another one. Isn't there too much competition? Everything is so, but fresh creative ideas can win. If you can come up with something unique, you can capitalize on it.

Don't know how to program? No problem, you can learn. There are a lot of different courses on the Internet, including free ones. Alternatively, you can hire a developer to create an application based on your idea.

The end result is an application that will potentially generate relatively passive income.

  1. Create online courses

Every person is an expert in something. Why not create an online course about your hobby?

There are several ways to create and deliver your own online courses. One of the most simple ways is to use sites like