Siberia 3 where to put the torch. Siberia (Syberia) - a complete walkthrough of the game on Android, iPhone and computer with pictures

Clinic of Dr. Zamyatin

After watching the intro video, Kate Walker wakes up in Dr. Zamyatin's clinic. Chat about everything with Kurk - a young yukol tied to a chair nearby. It turns out that he is the leader of the tribe in the sacred passage. The guy is waiting for a prosthetic leg to be delivered so he can leave the clinic.

Look around the room and go to the door on the left. Click on the red button, but nothing will happen. Examine this button, namely the box on which it is installed. There is a diagram on the side - examine it as well. To set up the device, you need to open the box. Go to the soup table in the center of the room and take knife. Use this knife on the screw on the box to open it. Connect the green wire to the hole, then slide down the mechanism itself, from which two wires come out. Close the lid and press the red button. So you go outside!

Walk towards the bottom of the screen, towards the opposite wall, to find the doctor's office. Talk to him and prove that you are ready to leave the clinic. After the conversation, he will give you special key and you can (and should) take things from a tall chest of drawers in the corner of the doctor's office. Having done this, go out into the hall and run to the elevator. Use the key on the hole and move the petals so that they match the slots on the elevator door. To rotate the petals, you need to hold down the LMB and rotate the mouse around the table clockwise or counterclockwise. A separate dot in the middle of the key is responsible for each petal.

Eventually, when the key matches all the slots, Kate will come to the conclusion that nothing happened. Examine the key in inventory. Be sure to click on the hole in the middle of its handle. Kate should say that something was pulled out of here. After her words, run back to the doctor and talk to him. He will say that you are not yet ready to leave the clinic.

Move to the doctor's office and inspect his desk. Take it out of the drawer brochure Red. In inventory, examine it and be sure to find a page with a diagram of the same key. Examine the key and the image in the brochure. Missing part found! But now to make it or take it away from the doctor

Go back to Kurk and talk to the guy. Tell me about the situation with the key. Be sure to show the brochure (not the key). He will say that you can take the key and the pamphlet to the yukol camp, to the blacksmith, who will quickly make it for you. To do this, go to the balcony on the right and click on the window. On the tower in the distance you will see an owl. Try to lure her, but nothing will come of it.

Return to Kurk and tell about the failure. The boy will say that you must find bait.

Exit to the hall and go to the opposite corner, to the right of the elevator. There will be a green grid with open door. Go through it to see a man sleeping on a bench. If you have been here before, then this man played chess with his friend. Steal from a man's neck key, and then go to the elevator. Here you need to go to a well-hidden place - from the elevator, go deep into the screen, to the window, and then turn left to find a cage with automata birds. Open the cage using the stolen key and take one bird.

Hidden passage.

Together with the mechanical bird, return to the balcony and click on the window again. Use the bird on the stand at the bottom of the frame and see what happens. The owl must fly to Kate, who will pass the key and brochure through her.

Watch the cut-scene and chat with Dr. Efimova. Reassure her that you agree with everything. After going outside, wait for Efimova to leave Kurk's room. Run to Kurk and find that he is sleeping. Soon you will receive key with missing part.

Dr. Olga Efimova.

After taking the key, activate the elevator and go down.

On the first floor of the hospital, you can ask the administrator where the offices of Zamyatin and Efimova are located. Go to the corridor behind the admin station and turn left. Enter the only door next to which the orderlies stand. Chat with Dr. Zamyatin and take from him book. Open it in your inventory by going to the documents section with the J key, and examine it. This way you will learn more about the history of the yukols.

Go out into the corridor and go to the right, in the other direction, to find Efimova's office behind the ajar door. Watch the cut-scene, after which you will need to understand where Olga has gone.

Approach the wall on the right and inspect the shield with colored stones. You can rotate these stones to red, green or blue. But what is the right combination? To the right is a statue of a knight holding a sword. Examine the sword hilt to reveal a puzzle. Turning three separate parts, make up a solid pattern. Understanding which part should be on the bottom is quite simple - on desired element at the bottom, the pattern breaks off, not reaching the edge. The same thing happens with top element(only for the top).

By solving the riddle, you will force the knight to raise his sword. At the bottom is a hint for correct location colored stones. To be more precise, this direct solution shield puzzle.

Hint for solving the puzzle with colored stones on the shield.

Expose the stones, and then go down the corridor to another elevator.

At the bottom, go forward and watch the cut-scene with the participation of both doctors. Turn left to find the box empty canister. After taking it, run to the other side and immediately after the bridge find a blue barrel with hydrochloric acid. Fill an empty canister with it, and then go all the way to the right, where the boat is located. Use the hydrochloric acid canister on the chain holding the boat, and then watch the cutscene.

Yukol camp: dam (water purification)

Once in the camp, you will immediately be subjected to pressure from numerous yukols. The nomads ask you to help with the ostriches. Approach the ostrich on the right and chat with the man holding it. You will find out that the water is polluted and the ostriches are thirsty. If they do, they will die. Thus, you must purify the water.

Go right until you reach the dam (not a short path). There are four valves here that you can turn. Hanging on the wall to the right measuring device- you need to make sure that the arrow is in the green zone. Next to this panel is a sign saying that the water in the upper and lower layers is contaminated, so the upper and lower valves must be closed.

Climb up the stairs and start solving the puzzle. Valves turned counterclockwise as far as they will go are closed. These should be the top and bottom valves. Open the second one from the bottom up to the full, turning it all the way clockwise. Turn the second valve from top to bottom clockwise, but stop one division to the stop (however, this will happen automatically if the other valves are configured). As soon as the combination is correct and the arrow is in the green zone, you will see a cut-scene.

Where to find a pass in the Yukolov camp

Run back to the yukol tent and talk about everything with the shaman Aiyavaska. Enter the camp and go to its far left to find a passage leading to the Ayahuasca hut. Talk to the Yukolov shaman about everything. She will tell you that you will need a pass to enter Valsembor.

Ayahuasca shaman of the Yukol tribe.

On the right side of the market, closer to the first entrance, find a man (not a yukola) with black beard and a hat selling vegetables and fruits. Talk to him about everything. Tell them you need a pass. He will go to the meeting and give pass his wife. But there are some nuances in this - there is no Valsembor stamp on the pass, which makes it invalid.

Run towards the Ayahuasca hut, but turn to the exit from the tent on the right. You will be in another part. Go to the right to find a dead cuttlefish on the river bank - it is known to be a source of ink. Remember this and go back to the entrance to the tent, but follow the other direction. Approach the border to chat with the customs officer. He will say that he will let you through only if you have a pass.

Sign in wooden house on right. On the table on the right is a printing press. With its help, stamps are put on passes. Study it carefully. Pick up from the stand on the left dry sponge. Move both fasteners from below and take away stand for printing(burgundy color). It depicts the seal of Valsembor - you will need it to make a seal (item).

Go outside and go to the shore on the right side to use the sponge on the dead cuttlefish. Ink you have! Enter the tent (Yukol Bazaar) and go left towards the Ayahuasca hut, but turn down the screen. Here you will find a Yukolov blacksmith. Talk to him about everything and ask him to make a seal. Give the blacksmith a printing stand (with a sample). Next, he needs wax. Inside the tent, there is a single ostrich-mounted yurt that you can climb a ladder into. It is located between the blacksmith and the right exit leading to the border. Climb inside and search the box, inside of which you will find candles.

Return to the blacksmith and give him the candles, which contain a lot of wax. After a while you will receive seal. Run in wooden house and go to the printing press. To begin, place the print pad in place. Put an invalid pass on top of it. On the stand on the left, put the sponge with ink (from there you took it earlier). Place the seal in the sleeve and clamp it with a small lever. Get out of the zoom, but don't move away from the machine. Raise the large lever all the way up. Inspect the machine again and move the stand with the ink sponge under the sleeve with the print. Use the large lever to lower the stamp into the sponge to ink it. Raise the seal with the large lever, move the sponge stand, and then lower the same lever all the way down to place the seal and get valid pass Valsembora.

American detective.

A cut-scene will start. Convince the American detective that you agree to cooperate. When he leaves, then go to the cabinet in the background and knock it over so that the bottle falls out. Drop on the bottle table lamp from the table, and then cut the rope with fragments. Watch the cut-scene.

Arrival in Valsembor

In Valsembor, the first thing you will see is the stern of the huge ferry "Crystal". Walk along the ferry on the right to meet Captain Obo, the local drunkard. After talking with him, go a little further and near the man sleeping on the bench, find the entrance to the tavern. Look inside and talk to the waitress - Sarah Steiner, the granddaughter of the same master who was supposed to make a prosthetic leg for Kurk. After chatting, you will find out where Steiner's workshop is located.

Sara Steiner.

Exit and go right. Turn left at the crossroads. After a few turns, a little further than the cart, near which the man is wandering, you will see steps. After climbing 4-5 steps, enter Steiner's workshop from the side.

Help Steiner (medication)

Talk about everything with a man until he eventually becomes ill. You must find a cure for the heart. If you go down to the basement, you can examine the prosthetic leg. As you do this, you will see a note in the background saying that the master must take the medicine 3 hours before dinner.

Climb up and behind the seated Steiner, to the right of the stairs leading down, find the cuckoo clock. Remember this place and go back to the stairs. To the left of it is a long wall and a cabinet with a clock. Find on the shelf empty cup. Return to the cuckoo clock to the right of the stairs and place the cup on the stand below. Start the clock by setting it to 05:00. The cup will be filled with medicine, thus you will help Steiner. Use the medicine cup on the watchmaker.

After talking with him, go back to the basement and take out cardboard box to the right of the stairs is a bobbin about Baranur. Insert the reel into the projector next to the man and view the recording of the radioactive city.

Persuading Captain Obo

Next, you can talk to Sarah. Go to the tavern and talk to Captain Obo sitting at the table (in the far part). Try to convince him, but nothing will come of it. Approach the owner of the tavern at the bar and ask for a sobering drink. Return to Obo and wait for him to sober up. Convince him that he should help you with the crossing of the yukols to the other side. After a while, the man will agree.

Preparing to sail: coal

Now you need to visit the Crystal ferry and meet Obo already on it. Remember the place where the captain was seen drunk? Go there and on the left find the wooden scaffolding leading to the ship. Go to it and enter the room through any door. Climb the stairs to the very top and talk to the captain about everything.

Captain Obo.

The first thing to do before departure is to load the coal into the hold. You will also find out the password, which will be useful to you in the future - 0509. It is not necessary to remember, since you have a leaf with it saved in your inventory.

Come out on deck, out into the open air. On the right side of the ship, near the exit, you can find a white hold lid and see a valve that you need to turn. Do this and then leave the ship.

Approach the large gate on the right. A panel hangs to the left of them - enter the code "0509" on it and go inside. Ahead, find an ajar cage and pick it up from the floor gutter. To the left of it, find metal pipe . Use this pipe to knock on all green coal pipelines to find out which one has coal inside. And the coal will be in the second pipe on the right, if you count from the end of the room. Find the cart in the opposite part and move it so that it is located on the side of the desired pipe. Connect the pipe and cart with a chute, and then press the button on the side to start loading coal.

Kate will not be able to manually move the loaded trolley. Before you do anything else, go back to where you found the cart and switch the arrow so the rails lead out of the building. At the far end is a tractor. Sit down for him. To start, use the knife on the green button at the top left. Having dug it out, insert it into the hole on the right and press. Drag the trolley to the street, until it stops.

Now go to the tap and enter the password "0509" on the panel on the side. Climb up the descended stairs and start loading.

To begin with, let's try to figure out the controls - the buttons under the monitor allow you to change the picture in order to see how to turn the crane correctly. The lever that you can rotate in a circle moves the crane arm. The lever has 4 positions - top, bottom, left and right - exactly the same for the crane. There shouldn't be any management issues.

On the right side there is a lever. When activated, you rotate the rotating platforms 90 degrees. And there are only two such platforms, and you can notice them. Finally, another lever moves the crane back and forth. He cannot move sideways. If you need to change direction, then, as you understand, you will first have to turn the crane itself using rotating platforms.

Let's get to action. Rotate the arrow so that the claw is located above the cart, then press the top black key. Grab the coal cart and move the crane onto the rotating platform. Rotate this platform, and then move the crane to another rotating one, next to the ferry. Rotate the platform again to move the crane one position to the right, closer to the bow of the boat. Now turn the arrow towards the ferry and press the lower black button to unload the coal. If set up incorrectly, then Kate will simply refuse to do it.

Zamyatin Hospital

How to get out of the hospital room?

After the introductory video, chat with the guy in the hospital chair. Now you need to leave the room. There is no point in going to the right, to the balcony, so immediately go to the door on the left side of the screen. To move, use the W, S, A, D keys. To inspect the invisible parts of the room, move the mouse cursor to the edge of the screen. Examine the door and then the red button to the right of it. The call is not working.

While in zoom mode, move the mouse cursor to the right side of the screen to see what is on the side. This is a schema.

But without opening the box, the bell cannot be repaired. Need a tool.

Go to the table in the center of the room that has a bowl of soup on it. Examine it and take the knife lying here. Return to the call and open inventory. Select the knife instead of Oscar's heart, and then click on the bolt. Move the mouse by holding the left mouse button in a circular motion counterclockwise. After opening the box, inspect the contents.

Pick up the green wire and, without releasing the LMB, move it to the hole in the upper right part.

Next, pick up a cylindrical object, from which red and green wires come out, and, without releasing the LMB, lower it down. Close the lid, interact with that part of it into which the cylindrical object is immersed. Click on the red button to leave the room.

How to find a doctor?

Take a look around. You need to the opposite side common hall to find the door leading to the doctor. Open it and watch the cut-scene. Answer the doctor's questions. If you want to get “ticks” everywhere, then in the first two, select the truth, in the third - half-truth (do not tell everything about Siberia and your trip, in the fourth - the truth. When you can remain silent, if you do this, the doctor will bite you (“cross In the end, you will convince the doctor that there is no point in keeping Kate.

Now you need to take your things and leave the floor using the unusual key that the doctor gave you.

How to leave the hospital?

After the interrogation, go to the metal locker, standing in the corner near the window, and take Kate Walker's belongings from one of the drawers.

Follow the grated elevator and use the key from inventory on the hole on the side. You need to solve a puzzle. Everything is quite simple: move the mouse cursor over each point in the center in turn, hold down the LMB and move the mouse by turning one of the petals of the key. It is necessary to make sure that the petals of the key coincide with the slots.

Unfortunately, the key will not help you. Return to the doctor and talk to him. He will say that you are not yet healthy enough to leave the clinic. Examine the key in inventory and click on the hole on the handle to understand that something is missing.

Go to the doctor's office and interact with the chair to open drawer. Move the books and other items to the left side to get to the red and white brochure. Scroll through the brochure until you find a page with the same key. Examine it to see what detail is missing.

Run to your room where Kurk is. Talk to him. He will offer to send the key to the Yukol camp, to the blacksmith, who will complete the necessary part. During the conversation, you will need to apply a brochure from inventory to Kurk. Having done this, exit to the balcony (to the right of the Kurk) and interact with the only active point on the window bars. In the distance you will see a tower with an owl on its roof.

Try to lure the owl just by interacting with it. Nothing will come of it. Go back and tell Kurk about it. After talking with him, go out into the corridor and follow to the opposite corner, where the blue grate is located. Follow her. Previously, if you looked around this area, there were two men playing chess. Now there is only one man - Anton, and he fell asleep. Steal the key from his chest.

Follow the elevator and go to the left of it, deep into the screen. Approaching the window, turn left again. Plants make this passage difficult to spot. Use the key on the door to get inside the cage and pick up one of the mechanical birds. Run back to the room, exit to the balcony and interact with the window. Use the mechanical bird on the stand by the grate. By doing this, Kate will be able to give the key to the yukols.

Watch the video and chat with Dr. Olga Efimova. After the conversation, when control returns to you, take the key from the owl and, finally, activate the elevator. Get down to the first floor.

You can go outside through the main door, but you will not be able to leave the territory of the blade. In addition, in accordance with the current assignment, you need to talk with Dr. Zamyakin, the head of this clinic. Surprisingly, the elderly man will be a good man. To find him, go to the corridor opposite front door and turn left where two women are standing. Sign in open office using the nearest door. Talk to Zamyakin. After opening the inventory, go to the documents section (J) and examine the book that tells the history of the yukols.

The first part of this game was released back in 2002, and it was a definite success. She set a new bar for the genre, which at that time was in stagnation. Many people liked an interesting quest about a young lawyer who, by the will of fate, is drawn into a journey to a mythical island where live mammoths have been preserved. The continuation of the project was not long in coming, after 2 years a sequel comes out, which turned out to be somewhat worse than the original. And now, after thirteen long years, the third part comes out. In Siberia 3 review of the game, we immediately note that part of the series turned out to be rather ambiguous.


Let's start the review of Siberia 3 with the plot. The history of the third part of the game cannot be considered in isolation from the previous two, as it is a direct continuation of them. So let's remember what happened in the game universe before the events of Syberia 3. The main character named Kate Walker comes from New York to a fictional (like everything else in the game world) town in the Alps for work. She is an employee of a law office who has arrived to complete a purchase agreement for a local mechanical toy business. A seemingly ordinary deal turns out to be the beginning of a large-scale, long-range and fateful journey. Together with the sentient, human-like "automaton" Oscar, Kate goes in search of the real owner of the factory - Hans Voralberg. This eccentric and brilliant hereditary inventor devoted his life to one great cause - the search for the legendary northern island of Siberia. On the way to Hans, Kate is involved in a variety of adventures in pseudo-German, and later on pseudo-Russian lands, also visiting other interesting places. Let's not "spoiler" too much, in the Siberia 3 review we will simply report that in the end Kate met both Voralberg and those same mammoths.

The third part begins with the fact that the main character was left alone in the middle of the tundra. She is saved from death by nomadic yukols - a tribe of short people with a dense physique. The aborigines were just performing a ritual migration on harnessed snow ostriches (huge fictional animals, designed to partially replace mammoths). Kate regains consciousness in one of the hospital beds in the town of Valsembor. She immediately faces the need to unravel a large tangle of problems, the main of which is some villains who, for some reason, decided at all costs not to let the yukols come to the right place. The unscrupulous activities of the one-eyed army colonel and the even more disgusting doctor Olga are also directed at Kate. Naturally, the main character without hesitation begins to help her new friends who saved her life.


Let's continue Siberia 3 review with gameplay analysis. A good plot and atmosphere are present in the game, but not everything turned out so well with the gameplay. Firstly, the point-and-click system that was present in the previous parts of the series, and which was later added to the game with an update, disappeared. Secondly, the project chose not a very good goal - to please beginners who are not familiar with the previous parts in every possible way, which is expressed in a bunch of little things to simplify gameplay and orientation on the console. Thirdly, flaws and bugs, of which there are a fair amount in the game. With the update, there are fewer of them, but the crooked animation can no longer be cured by any patches.

It should be noted in the review of Siberia 3 that during the game the character of the main character is not revealed in any way, which confirms the version that the main developer of Syberia 3, Benoit Sokal, made the game mainly for non-fans of the original. This includes the addition of fashionable dialogue variability (with a completely linear plot) and the ability of the main character to talk to many NPCs.

The in-game world has revived a little, it should be noted in the review of Siberia 3, the characters for the most part depict violent activity, walking around the neighborhood and pestering others who are just as active. This made the story more dynamic. In general, the third part became more cheerful to play than the previous two.

As for the quests, in the review of Siberia 3 it should be mentioned that Sokal tried to make the puzzles more friendly, since the previous parts were difficult to pass due to the mass of non-obvious decisions of the developers. And he partially succeeded, to the delight of not only newcomers, but also old fans. But the game still has its share of difficult tasks that can discourage a considerable number of players.

Outcome Siberia 3 reviews

Despite the technical flaws revealed in the review of Siberia 3, we came to the conclusion that the game is quite tolerable, although it does not reach the level of a dilogy in terms of plot and concept. Those who are ready to forgive a lot just for the sake of another meeting with Kate Walker and a bizarre gaming universe will certainly enjoy the game. Benoit Sokal eventually committed Good work: kept the atmosphere of the original, gave us interesting story and supplemented it all with wonderful music from Inon Zur. Siberia 3 review is over.

Kate Walker fully prepared the ferry "Crystal" for sailing, but it turned out that Mayor Bulyakin ordered the exit from the harbor to be closed, and not a single ship could leave Valsembor. We go to the city hall building, where the rally against the Yukols is taking place, and after talking with the participants (not necessary, but desirable, gives an additional argument in a difficult conversation with the mayor), we rise to the stern official. Using all her charm and good manners, Kate gets permission to open the gate, but she will have to do it herself, Bulyakin only gives a diagram of the lock mechanism.

We return to Captain Obo, he can open a warehouse with diving equipment for us, located at the lighthouse. In the warehouse, we remove the diving suit from the hanger, take the helmet from the table, take the cylinders at the entrance.

How to fill balloons with air?

  • Be sure to consider the cylinders in the inventory and remember the indicated pressure - 180,
  • we put the cylinders in the apparatus and lower the upper damper,
  • set the arrow to 180, press the green button,
  • open the taps above the cylinders.

We send Kate to the locker room and watch how, having changed clothes, she goes down into the water. We go along the wall to a large round hole with a mechanism. Around him you need to pick up 4 items: a gear, a square key and (in the approximation) two more gears. In the center we insert a stepped gear into the mechanism, two ordinary ones on the sides. The connecting chain is missing. We go further along the wall to the second of the same mechanism. We insert the square key and twist the red handle for a long time until a characteristic click. After that, we lower the lever on the left, one gate of the gate opened. We go outside and near the remains of the ship we find a chain. We return to the first mechanism, insert the chain, turn the red handle until it clicks and press the lever on the right. The gates are open.

After talking with the captain, we set off for the yukols, and inform Ayahuasca that everything is ready to sail. Unfortunately, Semyon Steiner did not bring Kurk from the hospital, and did not return himself, Kate will have to go there for them. We go to the funicular, which is located up the stairs from the square where the city hall is located. The station is closed, the funicular is raised to get to the hospital, you have to find a way to get into the station building and lower it. Before entering the station fence there is a staircase down, we go down it and go to the cart behind the bars. We knock out two large wedges from under the wheels and select a small one next to it. We return to the door of the station and look at the threshold (it is necessary to lower the camera).

How to open the station door and start the funicular?

  • We insert a small wedge in the place indicated by the penultimate active point (from left to right),
  • to the right, insert the first large wedge,
  • take out a small wedge and insert it in the place indicated by the first active point (on the left, at the beginning of the door),
  • to the right we insert the second large wedge,
  • take out the small wedge and insert it over the first large wedge.

We go into the room, it is very dark in it. At the entrance there is a shield on which you need to use a knife. We open the shield and lower the knife switch, Kate turned on the electricity supply. We activate the lever on the control panel and lower the funicular. It remains only to go to the trailer and hit the road.

Arriving at the hospital, Kate sees a helicopter that needs to be examined. Inside we find a box with essentials and pick up the radio. In the lobby of the hospital, we use the walkie-talkie on the colonel. In order for the military to leave, it can be said that on the top floor, the patients rioted. We pass into the office of Olga Efimova (on the way, Dr. Zamyatin will call Kate and show the wounded Steiner) and we see an unconscious Kurk, chained to a chair.

How to save Kurk from the hospital?

(the location of all interaction objects is described when Kate is facing the trigger)

  • we examine the notes attached to the chair on the left, and pick up the paper clip,
  • on the back of the chair at the back, open the panel and insert a paper clip,
  • examine the large syringe on the right, open it lower part so that the liquid flows out, and close it back,
  • open the upper part of the syringe and pour the potion from the flask of Ayahuasca into it, close and activate the lever,
  • we examine the handcuffs on the chair on the left, Kurk will tell you that you need to enter the code on the right on the chair,
  • from the table of Efimova we take a note with a torn off code and a heavy figurine,
  • use the figurine on the code panel on the right on the chair and run away from the hospital (cut-scene of flight and departure on the ferry)

While sailing, the ferry encounters an obstacle in the form solid ice, and it is required to turn on the icebreakers at the bottom , in the engine room .

How to enable icebreakers?

  • turn the round valve on the control panel all the way to the left,
  • open the transparent cover above the red button and press it,
  • move the handle to the number 1 (all subsequent actions must be performed quickly),
  • we activate the lever towards ourselves until it stops,
  • move the handle to the numbers 3, and then 2.

The ferry is attacked by a lake monster, in order to get rid of it, you need to break all the searchlights (there are 6 of them: two on each side, one on the bow of the ferry, and the last one on the stern, just next to the monster) and turn off the engines.

How to drive away the monster?

  • We take a crowbar from the box on the starboard side, lower and break all available searchlights,
  • one of the searchlights on the port side cannot be lowered, we move towards it standing next to box, climb on it and break it,
  • inside we find an active point under one of the passenger seats, inspect the box and pick up an emergency flashlight,
  • we use a flashlight on the spotlight at the stern, and in the cut-scene we see how the monster disappears under water, preparing for the next attack, but giving Kate the opportunity to break the spotlight,
  • after talking with the captain, we go down to the engine room and turn off the engines by lowering the switch on the wall to the right of the icebreaker control panel.

The screenshots show the location of the crowbar and emergency flashlight.


Captain Obo asks Kate to bring him lamp. To do this, we go to the captain's apartment (below the steering wheel, to the right of the stairs) and examine the books scattered on the floor. One of them has a recess cut out and hidden a bottle of vodka, we pick it up. In the passenger compartment next to the seats, we lift from the floor homemade matches. We go down to the engine room and on the table we connect the two parts of the lamp, fill it with vodka and set it on fire with matches. When Kate gives the lamp to the captain, we will see a cut-scene describing the rescue of the ferry.

Kate Walker takes a boat to the Yukol camp and warns them that the water is polluted and not safe to drink. But it is not enough to warn, it is necessary to clean the water. We go to the dam along the road along the lake. Kate needs to adjust the four dampers of the dam so that the needle of the water pressure sensor is in the green sector. Solution (top to bottom):

  • the first flap is closed,
  • the second flap is ajar,
  • the third damper is fully open,
  • bottom flap is closed.

Having informed the tribe about the success, we pass into the tent, inspect the market and talk with the shaman Ayavaska about the future plans of the yukols and about Kurk. It is necessary to help him get out of the hospital as soon as possible, and for this you will have to go to the city and take a ready-made leg prosthesis for the young man from the master.

Talk to the policeman at the checkpoint, he won't let Kate into town without a stamped pass. Enter the checkpoint building and inspect the stamp machine. Opening the mounts on it, you can take a leather tablet, on which the stamp we need was printed, and an ink sponge.

Return to the tent, but along the way, turn onto the road on the right, leading to the lake. On the shore, in a pool of its own blue mucus, lies a dead squid. We use a sponge on it, we get a sponge with ink. Inside the tent, at the entrance, you need to climb the ladder and take from the box wax candles. We find a blacksmith in the market, show him the stamp on a leather tablet, give him the candles, and in a minute Kate becomes the happy owner of the seal of the city of Valsembora. In the same market, talk to a local merchant, he will give Kate his wife's pass without a seal.

We return to the checkpoint and prepare the apparatus for creating a fake:

  • put a leather tablet,
  • we put a pass without printing,
  • close clamps,
  • put the sponge with ink in a special "spoon",
  • set up a print
  • lower the lever on the right
  • set the sponge over the place of printing,
  • press the main lever (above),
  • move the "spoon" with a sponge to the side (to the left),
  • press the main lever again.

A character familiar to Kate enters the building, and as a result of this meeting, she finds herself with her hands tied, she has only a couple of minutes to escape. You can cut the bonds with a piece of glass. We interact with the bottle on the shelf, but it falls and does not break. We interact with the lamp on the table, and free ourselves by selecting the fragment closest to Kate. We show the pass with a seal to the policeman, and he lets Kate through. The offender tries to catch up with the girl, but the yukols come to the rescue and interfere with him.

Congratulations, Kate managed to get to Valsembor, where new adventures await her. To be continued...