How to make a pig from a plastic bottle. Making piglets from plastic bottles for the garden

Cute pink pig out plastic bottle will decorate your garden or yard, and on the eve will take pride of place on a brightly decorated Christmas tree.

And since making a pig from a plastic bottle will not be difficult even for a child, it will be possible to take part with him in the traditional winter competition of New Year's tree decorations.

With your imagination, you can turn the pig into a fashionista-pig or an elegant, stylish boar. Everything will depend on what details will be used to create the image.

So how do you make a pig out of a plastic bottle?

First, you need to arm yourself:

  • scissors
  • brush
  • black marker
  • white and pink acrylic paint (you can take a spray bottle)
  • white and pink cardboard

We cover the entire surface of the bottle with pink paint.

We leave the bottle to dry, in the meantime, draw ears with a long base on the cardboard, which will help us attach them to the bottle base.

Carefully cut out the ears.

And we insert them into the narrow slots in the bottle. The easiest way to make such slots is with a sharp clerical or even an ordinary table knife.

Cut out cute oval eyes from white cardboard or foamiran, draw pupils on them with a black marker.

We glue the eyes to the bottle. We glue two black circles on the cork - we get a patch.

Now we cut out four rectangles from pink cardboard, twist them into tubes, fix with a stapler.

We get four legs for a pig.

One caveat: for a piglet that will live in the garden, it is better to make its legs not from cardboard, but from bottle caps. The same applies to the ears and the eye - it is better to cut them out of bottle plastic, and cover the finished figurine with decorative varnish to protect the paint from moisture. You can use special paints designed for outdoor finishing work.

Ready! A pig made out of your own hands! If you plan to use it in the future, you can immediately attach a loop of wire or strong thread to the back. If the pig will decorate the house or garden, you can leave it as it is.

You can make a pig from a bottle, using a slightly different technique. In this embodiment, the plastic bottle is not painted, but wrapped in pink paper.

We bring to your attention an article in which we will tell. Everyone has a few plastic bottles in their home. Most of them are simply thrown away or used for domestic needs. But few people know that they can be applied in a more unusual way. Products made from plastic bottles will be a great addition to decorating a garden or will entertain kids on the playground. Next, one of the options for making a pig from a plastic bottle is proposed. Its production does not take much time, and the result will look very unusual and beautiful. They can decorate the lawn, and then you get a unique flower bed for vegetation.

What you need to create piglets from plastic bottles

To complete, you need to prepare:

  1. Plastic bottle with a volume of 5-6 liters
  2. A plastic bottle with a volume of a liter, one and a half, if not, then you can also two liters.
  3. 4 plastic boxes or 500 ml plastic bottles
  4. Black marker
  5. Scissors
  6. Paper knife
  7. Glue "Moment"

Step by step execution:

  1. We take a bottle with a volume of 6 liters and remove the stickers and everything else from it. Take a marker and mark the hole for the flower bed. The CD marker is perfect for this. We cut it out with ordinary scissors, but it is important to pre-cut with a paper knife to make the work easier. The preliminary blank has been completed.
  2. Let's start cutting out the rest of the details. Draw an eyelet on the body of a two-liter bottle, then mark about a centimeter to fix it. Cut out carefully. Then we take and circle the eyelet so that the second one turns out to be the same size. Cut out. Next, we cut out the tail, cut the strip with scissors. To make the tail more natural, you need to curl it, take a regular hair elastic, roll it into a ring and secure with an elastic band.
  3. For painting animals, it is best to take paint for outdoor work. Paint the small details separately, and the legs on the pig itself. When everything is painted, wait a while until the parts dry.
  4. It is not necessary to make the legs of the pig; you can use wooden supports for this. If the legs are necessary, then mark their location in advance. We glue the legs using Moment glue and wait for complete drying. To make the legs, you can use the necks from half-liter bottles.
  5. As soon as the legs of the pig are stuck, you need to put it and mark the places where the ears will be located. To do this, you need to attach them vertically and draw a line for the cut. Carefully make a slit and insert an eyelet into it. The plastic should hold the eyelet perfectly, so no additional fixation is needed. We also fix the tail on the back of the back in the same way.
  6. Next comes the most crucial moment - painting the parts. It is good if you have a can or spray paint available. If not, use a simple brush. To begin with, it is better to paint the bottom of the leg, and only then move on to the top. At the same time, it is very convenient to hold the pig by the nose, so you should not screw the piglet in advance. Now it remains to wait for the product to dry. Ideal if left untouched for about 8-10 hours.
  7. As soon as the set time has passed, you can start decorating the pig. We fix the patch, and then use a marker to draw the nostrils. Eyes can either be painted or glued on in advance, they can be purchased at any handicraft store. Draw the cilia and mouth and you're done. You can continue to decorate the products at your discretion. Add a bow to the ponytail or glue some fake flowers.
  8. Next, we make a functional item from a cool animal for garden plot... In the bottom of the pig, a small number of holes are pierced. It is easier to do this by heating a screwdriver or other metal object over a fire. Then we fill in the drainage, and we begin to plant vegetation on the upper part. The piglet for the garden is ready.

For those who will try and make a few more piglets from plastic bottles, the lawn will turn out to be very picturesque and funny. Products can be painted in different color shades, so they become even more interesting. That's all it takes to making a pig from a plastic bottle... Read our website

Plastic bottles are an invention of civilization. The invention is convenient, but at the same time - these bottles accumulate a lot and quickly. Craftsmen learned to make various interesting things out of them, useful and beautiful. For example, five- and six-liter bottles have taken the lead as a material for garden decor. They create real masterpieces of them, they even build gazebos and utility rooms, as well as various animals that will decorate any site. So this master class will tell you how to turn an unnecessary six-liter bottle into a pretty pig.

In addition, our pig will not only be a decoration, but also a mini-flower bed or a flower pot.

To make a piglet you will need:

- five- or six-liter plastic bottle;
- liter, one and a half or two liter plastic bottle;
- 4 plastic boxes or half-liter plastic bottles;
- paint for street work;
- black marker;
- scissors;
- paper knife;
- glue "Moment" or any similar.

So, let's get started.
1. Take a six-liter bottle and remove the stickers and holder.

Now - cut out. Scissors are great for cutting plastic, but first make a cut with a paper knife to make the job easier. Here the preparation for the pig is ready.

2. The next step is to cut out additional details. Draw an ear on the body of a two-liter bottle, then mark a centimeter somewhere to fix it.

We cut it out. Then - we circle the finished ear on the bottle with a marker so that the second one turns out to be the same. We cut it out too.

The ears are ready. Cut out a strip - this will be the tail. To make it look twisted - fold it into a ring and fix it with an elastic band, and leave it for a while.

3. You can paint the ears, tail and patch separately, or on the product itself. Based on experience, it is better to paint small parts separately, but the legs are on the product. If your pig will "live" on the street, then it is better to use paint for street work. I used the enamel that was used to paint the swing on the playground. Small parts painted. We leave them to dry.

4. In principle, the legs of the pig may not be done, but in the flowerbed, put it on wooden supports. If you decide to attach hooves to the pig, then first outline the place where they will be located.

In this case, I used unnecessary jars of gouache paints instead of legs. We glue them on the Moment glue, press them down, leave them to dry.

Legs can also be made from the necks of half-liter plastic bottles, simply by cutting them off with a margin, and cutting about a centimeter into a fringe so that it sticks better. Tall plastic lids, like fabric softener or liquid detergent, will also work.

5. When the legs are glued, we put the pig on them and mark the places where the ears will be. To do this, we put the ear vertically and draw the incision line.

We cut it neatly, insert the ear into the slot. The plastic will hold the workpiece tightly, so no additional fixation is required.

In the same way, we attach the tail on the back of the pig.

6. One of the most crucial stages is painting. If you have a paint can or spray, use that. If not, the plastic can be painted well with a regular brush. It is better to paint the bottom and legs first, and then the top. It is very convenient to hold the pig by the nose, so it is better not to screw the piglet ahead of time. Now the pink pig is ready to go to dry.

7. When our pig is dry, it's time to start decorating. We screw on the "patch", and then draw nostrils on it with a marker. Eyes can also be drawn, or you can glue on ready-made ones, which are sold in any craft store. We finish drawing the eyelashes and mouth - our pig is ready.

Of course, at this stage, the decor can not be stopped, but for example, attach a funny bow to the pig, draw her ruddy cheeks, and spots or flowers on the sides. Here you can give free rein to imagination.

7. Now we turn the fun toy into a functional piece of garden decor. In the bottom - we pierce several holes. It is very convenient to do this with a screwdriver heated over a fire or other hot metal object. Now we pour drainage at the bottom, earth on top - and plant the plants. The flowerbed pig is ready.

The final view of the craft. Photo 1.

The final view of the craft. Photo 2.

The final view of the craft. Photo 3.

While she will live on the balcony, and over time, she will move to the dacha for permanent residence.

We hope that the master class will help you easily get such a nice resident on your site.

After all, we all know well that the most The best way learning and development of the child takes place in a playful way. Educational toys help us in shaping thinking, developing speech, fine motor skills etc.
Toys are very good at developing hand motor skills, coordination of movements, etc. Today we will make a cute pig from a plastic bottle, the author of this work is Irina. Irina sheathed a plastic bottle with a pink cloth, made ears, legs and a tail. She also painted the heels in pink color and drew two points. Your kids will definitely like this piglet and they will be happy to play with it. Take the beans and have the child feed the pig.

Another pig from a plastic bottle:

To make a pig you will need:
* Plastic bottle, as round as possible 1 liter.
* 5 one-color plastic bottle caps.
* Pink foamiran.
* 2 buttons (for making eyes.
* a piece of electrical tape or scotch tape.
* Thermal gun.

Pig production method:
We take a plastic bottle and pink foamiran, the bottle must first be washed and dried. We wrap the bottle with foamiran and glue it with a thermal gun or "Moment" If you are gluing with a thermal gun, then make sure that the plastic does not deform from hot glue. It is best if the glue is not very hot. We cut out the ears from pink foamiran, you can use this template here.

We glue them in the right place. This is how it should turn out.

We make a ponytail, cut a strip out of pink foamiran and twist it in half. We glue it in the right place.

We take the same four caps from plastic bottles and glue them to the abdomen of the pig. This is our legs.

It remains to make the eyes and nose. We take ready-made eyes or identical buttons and glue them on the pig's head. Wrap the nose with red tape or tape. Firstly, this is necessary in order to clearly see the target ("where to feed"), and secondly, to seal the thread - so that when the nose-mouth is closed with a lid-snout, it would be difficult to screw it on yourself and get to the contents without adult supervision.

That's it, a piglet from plastic bottles is ready, your child can already feed him.

Do not leave children under 3 years old to play without adult supervision, especially when playing with small objects! We thank the author for his work and interesting material.

In conclusion, I want to show you a video of master classes on making a piglet from a plastic bottle.


Empty plastic bottles do not have to be thrown away ... They can be put to good use. For example, do all sorts of products from plastic bottles.

And just below you will find information (a master class with a photo) on how to easily and quickly make a beautiful pig from this popular material for making various DIY crafts ... Plastic piglets can fit perfectly into landscape design your garden or vegetable garden, as well as decorate flower beds.

To make piglets and other crafts, you only need your unlimited imagination and the required number of plastic bottles , which is always available at home, as well as some tools and materials.

Plastic bottles different sizes and forms can be used both in everyday life and in nature. Here are some ways to use them:

large size plastic bottles can make a wonderful palm tree for your garden ;
table lamp or candlestick;
insulating wall, greenhouse, house;
container for liquids and cereals;
plastic scoop for bulk materials and products;
if you cut off part of the bottle, it can become a mug, plate, food container, vase, or serve as a universal container;
a raft from a huge number of bottles;

life jacket or buoy;
shout, if you cut off the bottom of a plastic bottle and glue the handle;
hot water heater;
sprinkler or sprinkler, if holes are made in the bottle. Such a sprinkler is very convenient for use outdoors when barbecues are fried on the grill;
if you put stones in a small plastic bottle ... It can be hung on a rope stretched along the perimeter in a protected area;
electrical insulator;
trap for crayfish, small fish and rodents;
made of plastic can be used if it becomes necessary to spend the night on cold soil;
incredible use - you can boil water in it over a fire;
plastic footwear from large containers;
a pot for seedlings or flowers, if the neck is cut;
fishing net float;
purification and disinfection of water in plastic bottles;
translucent windows;
as a target that does not leave fragments - for shooting arrows, stones and other means of destruction;
small dumbbells, if the bottles are filled with small nuts, bolts or wet sand;
a rolling pin for dough, if you pour water into a bottle;
washstand in country or field conditions;
safety goggles or face mask from insects, flying particles and dust;
thermos - insert plastic bottles of different capacities into one another, and lay cloth, newspapers or polystyrene between them;
small greenhouses for the rooting of various plants, as well as to maintain good moisture in the seedlings;
a container for storing matches, which is waterproof, as well as for carrying dry fuel;
a feeder for animals and birds;
a watering can, if you cut off the bottom of a plastic bottle;
oiler by inserting a small tube into the bottle cap. She will become an assistant to cope with refueling the containers that are in hard-to-reach places, for example, transmission or gearbox elements;
homemade weapon silencer;
toys and crafts for children of different ages.

Be sure to remember that when creating all kinds of compositions from plastic bottles , it is necessary to melt all the cuts and edges. Use this good property plastic which, when heated, can become susceptible to deformation. So one can do beautiful flowers different shapes.

They are very popular now in personal plots piglets from plastic bottles which can be made quite quickly and easily, as well as plastic flowers of various sizes and shapes for the garden.

Master class with practical photos making a craft pig for the garden from a used plastic bottle in the form decorative flower beds:

take a five-liter bottle of ordinary water;
cut out neatly with scissors an oval or square of your choice. The resulting bottle with a hole will serve as the body of the future pig, and we will make future ears from the square;
draw and cut out an ear pattern first from paper. You can choose any shape of the ear at your discretion;
now it is necessary to cut out two ears from which the decorative pig bed itself will be made, that is, from plastic;
then, carefully, so as not to cut yourself, make cuts with a knife in the places where you think the ears should be located;
try on first, and then insert the cut out ears of piglets from plastic bottles;
if the ears are spray-painted, they can be left in place. If you paint your pig's craft from a plastic bottle with a brush, then the body and ears are covered with paint separately, and then, after drying, the ears are inserted into the place of your choice in the body;
you can paint with pink paint right away, but it is possible and quite suitable option mixing white and red paint;
after painting the pig, let the paint dry thoroughly;
now draw the piglet and the eyes of your pig, or you can depict flirty tassels on the ears;
at the final stage, you need to fill the ground inside the body, and then plant beautiful flowers.
mini flower bed from a plastic bottle ready. Even at first glance, one cannot understand what such beauty can be made of. For complete reliability, you can even attach paws to the pig.

Another master class with detailed photos for the manufacture of a plastic pig-flower bed:

for the manufacture you will need one one and a half liter bottle and one five liter bottle, small and large scissors, white enamel, used for plastic, table and stationery knives, brush, marker, glue, ruler and pieces of self-adhesive vinyl oracle tape;
cut out paper stencils in advance of the painted parts of the pig - the tail, ears and eyes;
cut off the handle from a large plastic bottle and cut a 12 by 15 centimeters rectangle from the side;
for the pig's ears, cut off the central part from the brown plastic bottle. Pay attention to the characteristic curve of the ears. This will not prevent the plastic pig from looking more natural;
paper stencils are now used to make the tail, eyes and ears. The central part of a brown plastic bottle will go for two ears, and a tail should be cut out of the remains in a circle. The eyes are made from three layers of oracle ribbon - black, white and green with small triangles cut out;
a marker is useful to mark the lines for the holes;
heat the knife and make two holes for the ears and one for the tail;
make small incisions in the lower parts of the tail and ears, and bend them like antennae;
insert the tail and ears into the holes made in this way. Bend the antennae from the inside now;
paint the prepared blank in two layers in pink. Let each layer dry thoroughly;
remove from ready eyes protective film and glue from the nose at the same distance;
cut out small circles from the oracle and make a patch.
The piglet is ready for use in the garden. You can put such a decorative bed at home, on the balcony. If such a pig will serve as a flowerpot in the garden, it is necessary to cover the bottom 1/4 with expanded clay to absorb excess moisture. Now add fertile land and plant your favorite flowers in it.


Used plastic bottles can solve many problems ... Very interesting and varied crafts can be made of them. The very creative process of making products from plastic bottles can bring a huge amount of positive emotions auto RU. Especially, plastic bottles and you don't have to look too much. They are found in every home in sufficient quantities. Considering that they can be of various capacities, shapes and colors, all kinds of crafts can be made from them.

Do it yourself from plastic bottles easy enough to make interior decorations personal plot and vegetable gardens, beautiful flowers, interesting toys, various animals, various devices, furniture.

Plastic bottles are excellent source material, and most importantly accessible, for boundless fantasy to create all kinds of crafts of any complexity, for every taste and in any direction. With certain skills that are recommended to be obtained with the help of a master class, plastic bottles can be turned into malleable material and feel like real sculptors and creative people.

Plastic is perfectly cut, painted and stitched. It is quite durable, and with it your crafts will delight your eye for a long time. Perhaps the only drawback of plastic bottles is their lightness. So, a sudden wind can easily scatter them all over the garden. But this is also not a problem - pour earth or sand inside the made plastic craft, thereby strengthening and making the structure of the product heavier.

The plastic bottle allows you to embody the most different ideas in life, for example, you can with my own hands make a variety of figurines. An example is frog from plastic bottles.

To create cute figurines we will conduct a master class for frogs. Everyone knows that frogs are able to attract money into the house and bring good luck.

Frog from plastic bottles (master class):

take two plastic bottles with a capacity of two liters, one liter plastic bottle, wire and paint;

cut two bottoms from large plastic bottles and insert them into each other;

cut out the legs from one plastic bottle for the future frog princess and attach them to the body with an awl and wire;

then cut off the bottom of a liter plastic frog bottle. Carve out a beautiful crown with rays;

the cut out crown must be immediately attached with a neck using an awl and wire;

at the end of the manufacturing process, it is necessary to paint and paint the craft in order to completely confuse everyone, what this funny princess is made of. This is best done with acrylic paints. They fit perfectly on plastic. You can also use spray paint. Torso plastic frog it is painted, of course, in green, and the crown - in a golden or yellowish tint. Draw the final details carefully - eyes, mouth, and so on. Try to give what the frog princess is made of plastic, a cheerful and smiling mood.

Such plastic crafts look best on stones, and not in the grass, with which the frog princess will simply merge and get lost. Ideal option it would be to put it near a small pond or in another conspicuous place.

Another way to make a plastic frog:

take two bottles of two liters and one half-liter bottle;

prepare a small coil of copper wire;

you will need yellow and green paint for the plastic in order to give beautiful shade frog. Better to use spray paint;

to create a cute frog face, buy a thin brush and acrylic paints in black and yellow;

in the first stage, a frog body is created. To do this, cut off the bottom of two-liter bottles. The width of the workpiece will be five centimeters for one, and four centimeters for the other;
first you need to draw a line with a marker to make an even cut;

now be careful - on the remaining bottle you need to draw two frog paws (find a stencil on the Internet if you cannot do this yourself), paint over the resulting details with green paint and let it dry well;

now we need to shape the body of the frog. The large workpiece will become the body, and the smaller one will become the head. Pierce large workpiece with an awl from the sides and attach with the wire of the tabs. Insert one piece into the other tightly;

draw a beautiful face for the frog princess. Delight your children by showing your creativity and adding more fabulousness to your character;

the small bottle will serve as the crown and the cork will serve as the base. Paint the cut out crown with yellow paint and try to wire it to the head.
The frog princess is now ready to take pride of place in your favorite garden.

Such a figure can be made by others, more simple method... In this case, it will serve not only as a decoration for the garden, but also act as a small functional box in which spare keys or other important little things can be stored.

To create such a craft you need to take two green bottles so that they do not have to be painted later. Also prepare an awl, scotch tape, thread, zipper, and felt-tip pens.

Due to the fact that we will need the lower parts of the bottles, we will wrap them at the required height with adhesive tape. Let's make a cut along the top edge of the tape. As you understand, here the tape acts as a line drawn by a marker.

Now you need to pierce both blanks with an awl through the tape. This is necessary in order to subsequently sew a zipper to the plastic. Remove the tape, attach the zip fastened to the two halves and secure with tape. Sew on the zipper. Try to keep the stitches straight, nice and neat. Then remove the clips. In front of you is a beautiful button-down box. But so far it does not look like a frog at all.

Now it's up to your imagination and creativity... They must turn the craft into a real frog. The muzzle is easy enough to draw using waterproof markers. Bulging eyes can be made from old traffic jams after having painted it green

The ready-made plastic frog princess will be an excellent decoration in your garden and will delight visitors with its unusual look.


How fast and easy make a hedgehog from plastic bottles for a summer residence or a garden plot? If desired, the personal plot can be decorated with interesting, original flower beds and products from plastic bottles.

It is quite easy to make a hedgehog from plastic bottles. It is necessary to cut off the top of the bottle so that it looks like a ladle, in which the neck and lid will serve as a handle. You need to find such a bottle so that it is the most suitable in shape. You need to focus on the main thing - the muzzle of a hedgehog. It would be ideal if it was a little elongated.

Paint is also required. The best option will acrylic paint... It is very suitable for plastic and goes well with it. When painting crafts, there is one important secret. Plastic bottle must be perfectly clean. So rinse it thoroughly. warm water, remove all labels and dry thoroughly. Otherwise, if the plastic bottle remains dirty, the paint will immediately flake off along with the existing dirt and the hedgehog will turn out to be untidy.

The master class, as shown in the photo, gives the sequential steps in making a hedgehog craft from a plastic bottle. The first step, as you can see in the photo, is to cut out the part of a large plastic bottle that is intended for a decorative flower bed. This is done with a sharp knife or good scissors.

The next step in making a hedgehog is to paint the bottle in its natural color. Do the same with other parts for making a hedgehog. You can paint the lid (cork) of the craft black. This will be the hedgehog's nose. The eyes tend to paint. To do this, you need to make two circles with white paint, and paint over the pupils inside.

The photo shows that the ears of a hedgehog can also be made with your own hands from a plastic bottle. ... First, cut them out, and then insert them into the slots made with a knife. Ears can also be drawn.

The master class, as shown in the photo, ends with filling the hedgehog flower bed fertile soil... Use also different fertilizers so that the planted plants bloom better. Then seeds must be sown into the soil. lawn grass... After a while, the seeds will germinate, they will begin to give amicable shoots, these will be the hedgehog's thorns. Thus, the work on the creation of a plastic hedgehog flower bed will be completed.

The same principle allows us to make numerous other animal figurines. ... Imagine and creativity will gradually drag you into its webs.

Let's talk about another option for making a plastic hedgehog. It can be placed anywhere - on the lawn, in the garden or at home. Hedgehogs made from plastic bottles are not afraid of any weather.

To make a plastic hedgehog you will need:
plastic bottle;
two plastic bottle caps white;
ten pine cones (and more for a bulk bottle) of about the same size;
polyurethane foam or Moment glue.

The technology for making a hedgehog from plastic bottles always starts with degreasing the bottle. When doing this, use a soap and water solution. After thoroughly cleaning the plastic bottle, it must be thoroughly wiped and dried.

Using glue "Moment" or polyurethane foam glue pine cones onto a dried and prepared plastic bottle. It is better to start gluing from the central part, which will be the back of the future hedgehog. Each pinecone must be glued separately. Be sure to make sure that it holds tight and start gluing the next one. It happens that you did not notice and the pinecone peeled off. Plant it back if adjacent buds are already glued , it will be very difficult. Therefore, try to immediately fix them tightly.

After you cover the body of the hedgehog with cones-needles, feel free to start creating his nose. It can be made from a plastic bottle cap. For realism, glue the spout neatly with black plasticine.

For the peephole, you will need two prepared white covers. In the center, carefully glue circles of black plasticine, which will become the pupils of the hedgehog. We glue the eyes to the hedgehog's face using polyurethane foam or glue.

The craft is ready. It's time to decorate it. What can you think of for this? Of course, it can be leaves, berries, apples or mushrooms on its back. All this is very easy to mold from plasticine. ... Carefully place the sculpted crafts on the hedgehog's needles. You can also mold a little hedgehog from plasticine. For such cheerful friend instead of cone needles, ordinary sunflower seeds are suitable.

Here are some fun garden crafts and ready. It's time to install them in your favorite places in the garden.


You can make a funny elephant from a used plastic bottle yourself. This will require three plastic bottles. If you make such a craft with your own hands, as shown in the photo, then it will turn out to be very cheerful. The main difficulty in making an elephant with your own hands from an ordinary plastic bottle is how to make the trunk and ears correctly. You won't regret taking yours. family evenings such an unusual and enjoyable experience.

To craft the plastic elephant shown in the photo, you will need the following materials:
plastic bottles;
paper knife;
traffic jams;
raw rice;
colored foam rubber;
thin colored paper;
plastic eyes;
drawing pin;

Technology for making an elephant from plastic bottles:
making the body and legs - it is necessary to cut off with the help of sharp scissors or a knife the lower part of two bottles, ordinary, plastic, 10 centimeters high, from which legs are obtained. A little cooked rice should be poured into this part for stability. Next, attach your legs with tape to a liter bottle;

To make a trunk, you need 6 corks from ordinary plastic bottles, from which, using a nail and a hammer, make a hole in the center of each hole. Then we string the resulting plugs onto a wire bent in the shape of a trunk. It will need to be fixed to the body. For this, a small hole is made in the lid of a liter plastic bottle;

The resulting craft must be covered with thin gray paper, on which glue must first be applied;

Now you need to add additional details to the craft. - glue foam gray ears, foam pink fingers, eyes and tusks;

Using a pushpin, you need to make a hole for the tail, and then screw in any rope with a tassel at the end.
The plastic elephant is ready.


Bees from plastic bottles look great in a garden or any other interior, giving it a special decorative effect and originality.

Such a hand-made craft, as seen in the photo, will look nice as a decoration on flower bed, as well as as a decor for a flowerpot with flowers in indoor interior... Bees from plastic bottles can be hung on a tree. You will get a funny composition consisting of a whole swarm of bees.

Master class on the use of plastic bottles for making a bee:

What a plastic bee can be made of - materials:
a plastic bottle from used mustard for the base of the bee. It must be thoroughly rinsed with good detergent warm water. Be sure to remove the existing stickers and labels from it. Wipe up and dry;
black paint or black duct tape;
the middle part of a white plastic bottle;
scissors or a sharp knife;

Making the craft of the bee shown in the photo:
first, you need to apply the strips to the bee's torso using black insulating tape. Simply wind two to three layers of duct tape to create an orange and black bee. If no tape is available, black ink can be used. The ideal option would be latex paint... It works great on plastic. Paint very carefully and carefully;

Glue the eyes and nose to the bottom of the bottle. The buttons are just useful for making them. Choose larger buttons for the eyes and smaller buttons for the nose. The eyes do not have to be made of buttons. To do this, you can use factory blanks sold for making dolls and other children's toys;

Make antennae out of the wire. Master class for making bees from plastic bottles assumes that the bee will be about the size of the bottle itself. Therefore, the length of the antennae will depend on this. The longer the bee, the larger the antennae;

Cut off the top and bottom of a white plastic bottle. Cut its middle part lengthwise. You will get a plastic concave rectangle that needs to be straightened. This can be done with a candle, and then put under a press for a while (usually heavy books can serve as a press). Even if the rectangle isn't perfect, don't be discouraged;

Cut the wings from a piece of white plastic, making a preliminary sketch with a marker;
then with an awl, heated by a candle, they make holes in the plastic - two small ones above the eyes, one - through the bottles in the center, one each - of white plastic in the center of the wings;

Insert the antennae of the plastic bee;
put on the prepared torso on the rod and attach the wings. You can fix the twig on the flower bed, you can flower pot or another location of your choice.

The plastic bee is ready. What is it made of, even no one will even guess

Similar animal-themed plastic bottle crafts cannot be exhausted. Dream about this topic together with your children ... They will also give you new ideas. Get involved in joint creativity to decorate your infield, vegetable garden or other interior. This will bring you closer to children, and the garden will acquire wonderful decorations .