Damage to scissors. Why dream of scissors (in hands, large and manicure, broken)? Why dream of finding scissors

There are many signs associated with household items. There are also those who explain what happens if the scissors suddenly fall or they break in the hands.

What is the mystic of scissors

In many rituals tied to magical actions, scissors are used. They can separate parts from each other. With this tool, elements are cut out that will later be used in witchcraft rites. They are able to cross something out of something.

For any sharp object in everyday life, the ability to cut off success and good luck was prescribed. There are signs about scissors.

Sharp ends are a symbol of inflicting a spiritual wound on a person through ritual magic. Scissors can cut what is not needed:

  • get rid of trouble
  • to protect from communication with an unnecessary person,
  • cut off diseases
  • free the path from obstacles for subsequent material and spiritual well-being.

The tool is different, and experts in witchcraft rites use it for its intended purpose.

Manicure are designed for money, magicians turn to them to open money channels. Gardeners know how to cut off everything unnecessary. The main condition for the signs to work is that the product must be metal.

What are the signs with scissors

Among the most popular signs associated with metal product, first of all, we can distinguish a ban on its donation. Scissors are a bad gift, because like a knife, with their edge, they bring misfortune and quarrels. If they must certainly act as a present, it is very important that their future owner “bought” this item, giving a coin for a gift.

Another well-known sign with scissors is the prohibition to give them with a tip away from you towards a person. Such a transfer of an object can lead to a quarrel and disagreement. In the family, this promises scandals between spouses. Pass them on with a smile, and then quarrels can be avoided.

Carelessly thrown scissors bring trouble to the family.

Scissors do not scatter, that is, they do not throw them with force. Such a dismissive attitude with a sharp object promises trouble. Most The best way treatment - put them carefully.

Tailors have a special sign: they do not use tools in everyday life, which were previously used to cut fabric for sewing clothes for the deceased. Such a tool is more than used for sewing shrouds anywhere. When the work of the scissors is over, they are "buried" in the ground.

Finding scissors on the road is a bad omen. The best way out of this situation is to protium on the street by, without picking them up. This is explained by the fact that black magic often uses a tool to induce damage. Raised aliens can reshape fate.

However, this metal object can bring good luck and happiness if hung on a hook with closed ends.

When the scissors fall

One of the signs known to the people is the one that explains what will happen if the scissors fall to the floor. First of all, it is not recommended for a person who has dropped a tool to pick it up from the floor on their own, they say, unfortunately. Most best way out out of position - ask for help from an outsider.

There is no one to ask to pick up the scissors that have fallen to the floor - step on them with your right foot, and then boldly pick them up. Wipe the instrument in your hands until it becomes warm, then we can assume that troubles will not come to you.

Fallen on the floor, they promise the arrival of guests, therefore, often in the absence of a desire to see anyone at home, the owners often knock with fallen scissors, saying: "Stay at home."

Scissors falling on the floor from the tailor's hands warn the master that it is possible that he will soon have to sew mourning things.

The most unpleasant sign is the one that promises a quick death surrounded by households or neighbors. According to this sign, the scissors fall and must be stuck with a point. The fallen tool did not stick, but left a mark on the floor or on the table - expect illness.

When scissors break

If the tool breaks, this is bad news, meaning loss. Broken scissors are harbingers of impending losses. Precisely in order not to attract misfortune to themselves, connoisseurs handle the instrument as carefully as possible, so as not to damage them and not invite trouble. A bad omen is the breakage of the object directly in the hands. This event leads to disappointment and sadness, and in the near future, and usually this concerns some kind of domestic affairs.

Among the inhabitants of Africa, it is forbidden to use scissors during wedding rituals. It is believed that if someone at the wedding opens the instrument, the groom will lose his masculine power.

About simple scissors - You need to know this!

scissor magic

When the fallen scissors fall apart into halves, they also promise grief. In this case, you should not have hopes for the fulfillment of desires. The sign explains the same when the blade cracks on the tool.

A widely accepted saying is that you should not pick up the scissors that you have dropped yourself: let someone else do it for you, or, in extreme cases, step on them first.

If there is no one to wait for help, you can rub the scissors on your palm until they heat up, and only then use them again for their intended purpose.

There are several explanations for this superstition. According to one of them, it is believed that scissors do not just fall to the floor: they are knocked out of your hands by something invisible to the human eye. devilry, which immediately moves into a metal object and begins to annoy you in every possible way. It is necessary to heat the fallen scissors in order to expel demons from them, since they endure heat with great difficulty.

"Special properties are attributed to scissors ancient tradition who claimed that iron was sacred and that any sharp object could cut off luck. »

“If the scissors fell so that they stuck one end into the ground, this portends death

"Some joker may ask: What awaits me if the scissors, falling, hang in the air? And there is an answer to this: in this case, you either have delirium tremens, or you sleep in someone else's bed, and you dream of your mistress's enraged husband, your own wife and other devilry. »

Especially bad omen it is considered to drop scissors at dressmakers, for this is a sign that a lot of work will soon appear, and most likely it will be an order for mourning clothes for the deceased and his living relatives.

“It is still considered undesirable to receive scissors as a gift from a friend. If this happened, you must definitely pay for them, even a few kopecks, otherwise the friendship will soon be cut. They are just as reluctant to accept scissors from strangers.

Scissors should not be thrown loudly on the table, they should be put in place silently and carefully, otherwise a quarrel in the family cannot be avoided.

If suddenly on the road scissors come across with a point against your path, in no case should you lift them - inflict death on yourself. And in general: it is not recommended to pick up ownerless knives and scissors on the street, no matter where they are pointing.

Like many other iron objects, scissors used to be used in divination against evil forces.

If open scissors in the form of a cross are placed on the threshold or closed doors are stuck in the lintel, they will not allow witches and sorcerers to enter the house.

But if, nevertheless, you did not do this, and a witch or a person suspected of witchcraft came to your house or apartment, you can protect yourself from it with the help of hidden behind sofa cushion or under the mat of closed scissors. Then the witch can be safely let into the dwelling, but she will feel uncomfortable all the time and will soon leave without having time to do you any harm.

“Sometimes, when in a certain situation there is nothing to occupy your hands with, and you take scissors and start clicking them, you, without even knowing it, are driving good luck away from yourself. No wonder the old Russian proverb says: Do not click with scissors unnecessarily - you will be a beggar! »

Another superstition is associated with scissors, which is still common throughout North Africa today. It consists in the following: if at the marriage ceremony the groom's ill-wisher, holding open scissors in his hands, stands behind him when he is sitting in the saddle, and, clicking the scissors, calls out to him by name, and the groom responds, then the groom must inevitably lose the ability to perform in bed, marital duty, that is, it will simply become impotent.

Metal objects are excellent conductors negative energy. They also keep it for some time, which is why magicians often resort to using needles and nails during damage.

Damage to scissors is done with the aim of:

  • discord in the relations of the enemy;
  • for surgery;
  • for "cutting" life paths person.

In general, two scabbards are considered halves of one whole, like a husband and wife. But this does not mean that damage is done to this metal object only to break off relations. Most often, manicure or ordinary household scissors are used to commit occult attacks.

Plots on scissors

Jealous persons who want to cool the feelings between the former couple often resort to the use of spoilage "scissors". This spoiler works great, but is also easily removed. In this case, there is no need to steal an item from a loved one's house. You can buy regular manicure supplies in the store.

After the first induction of this kind of damage and its removal, a person becomes susceptible to any intervention of dark forces. After removing the negative impact, be sure to put protection. It can be done independently or with the help of a magician. To make a talisman, you can use salt, earth, pins and twigs from trees. Salt amulet can be made by yourself. Buy salt on Thursday and speak it. Put a few pinches in a cloth bag and hang around your neck.

With the help of scissors, you can not only cause harm, but also bring prosperity to the family. Since the metal stores energy for a long time, it is used to protect against enemies. To do this, before Easter, you need to put the object away from you and read the conspiracy to cut off negative energy. Charmed manicure accessories are a kind of amulet. They need to be hung on a tree near the house.

We remove damage to scissors

To do this, in the evening, collect a full bucket of soil, you can not buy land. In the middle of the night, put a bucket of earth in front of you and stick the scissors into it three times. While doing so, say:

“With an honest prayer I will find help, with God's grace I will not allow hatred and evil to myself, I will find shelter from a curse. Get the hell out of me. Now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

Now the contents of the bucket must be poured into a stream or carried away from home.

If damage was directed only at scissors, there is no need to contact healers. Usually it is enough to perform a self-cleansing ritual and read a few prayers. But magicians, along with this metal object, use a needle. This type of damage cannot be removed independently.