What denotes Yin. Yin Yang Philosophy

The Yin-Yan symbol is known to everyone. You can see his image anywhere: it is applied to clothes, used in the decor, the Amulet Yin-Yang is worn as an ornament and talisman, give Amulet Yin-Yan for two lovers. The value of this ancient Chinese symbol to the owners of these things and jewelry may not even know. Let's learn today, which means Amulet Yin-Yan and what is his meaning as a talisman.

A bit of history

Translated by S. chinese Language Yin-Yan means light and darkness. It is possible why it is believed that these words initially symbolized the two slopes of the mountain - lit and in the shadows, light and darkness. After all differently The illuminated parties still remain a single whole - the mountain. Since the lighting process is not static, but changing depending on the position of the Earth, then these opposites - light and darkness interact and transfers one to another.

The Chinese "Book of Change" interpreted Yin and Yan as a symbol of unity and the struggle of opposites. This is a symbol of a single whole, in which opposite parts interact with each other, as if exchanged by their energies to make as a result of the most powerful "Qi" energy.

The value of the Yin-Yan symbol

The circle into which the components of this symbol are concluded means infinity of the entire existing on Earth. This circle is separated by a wavy line into two absolutely equal parts. Wavy, and not the straight line creates the effect of penetration of one half to another. Both parts affect each other, because by increasing one part would have to reduce the second. At the same time, in each half there is a small toliary of the opposite color - point. Summing up one can say that Yin-Yang is a symbol of the whole world, opposites that, in combination and in the interaction, create a single whole.

Over time and with the development of various philosophical flows, people endowed this symbol large quantity values. So, it is believed that Yin-Yan is a male and feminine start, sky and earth, good and evil. But the meaning of them remains one - this is duality, opposite.

Yin-Yang as a talisman

Such a talisman can serve not only the decoration, but also a wonderful assistant for a person who will wear it. The Yin-Yan Talisman will help restore the lost harmony and equilibrium, will help balance the opposite sides of the nature and will lead to their balance.

If you have such an amulet or talisman - do not rush to wear it right away. Do you want him to work for full power? Then, first clean your mascot, he is someone else's energy, holding it into salt or under running water.

After that, charge it with your elements. So, with watermarks (fish, crayms, scorpions), you need to hide the mascot in the water seven times, the signs of fire (Aries, the Sagittarius and Leo) must have to carry out their charm seven times through the flame of the candle, air signs (Aquarius, Weighs, Gemini) - It is worth freezing incense and focus against the charm. Earth signs (Tales, Virgin, Capricorn) must pour the Mascale of Earth and leave for a few minutes.

Now your talisman is charged and ready to help you. You can in our store.

The whole universe consists of two energies, male and female. So considered the ancient Chinese. They believed that these forces constantly interact, complement each other, manifest themselves to a greater or lesser extent. Their symbols were "Yin" and "Yang", depicted in a pair, as a sign of harmony of two opposites.

Female Energy

The feminine and male origin is in every living being. One of them always dominates and displaces the opponent, so it is important for a person to learn to balancing between two poles living inside. Female Energy - This is intuition, our inner "I". It affects the perception of the world, creative skills, emotions, sensations. This beginning helps to contact with a source of higher wisdom. It is always passive, often trying to fill the emptiness, breaking as water, the labyrinths of the essence.

The symbol of female energy is the "yin" - the dark side. The initial chaos that prevailed to the emergence of space, time and matter was embodied. This is the force trying to squeeze into a single black hole, it absorbs energy without giving her to revive. Like all in this world, "Yin" stretches to the opposite - "Janu". Male and women's start are compared as a positive and negative, heat and cold, heaven and earth, sun and moon, day and night, light and darkness.

Male Energy

Unlike feminine, it is active, even aggressive. It is inherent in action: the embodiment of "Yin" into reality, its materialization. Male energy is not internal feelings, fantasies and dreams. She is responsible for thinking, intelligence, speech, logic. Helps us to act in the surrounding world, adapt to society and habitat.

Her symbol is "Yang." Indicates hot energy, which breaks out from the inside and strives for the sky. It has the qualities of the "male" air elements and fire, while "yin" - water and land. The feminine and male start are always diametrically different. If the second narrows, the first is always striving for expansion, soaring everything alive on Earth. "Yin" - Space Energy, without interaction with "Yang", its embodiment and materialization in the world would be impossible. This process is called creativity, whose deposits live in every person. Harmony of male and female began - a chance to show their talents and develop the ability.


The harmonization of the male and female began is a logical process, because people have long been long ago said that two opposites invariably stretch to each other. How does this manifest themselves in our everyday life? The best example - Analysis of the stages of creativity.

It all starts with momentum, fantasy, intuitive vision. For example, the artist mentally represents the image of a future picture, he knows that it will always be a landscape. What is this: "yang" or "yin"? Women's or male start? Of course, this is the dark energy of Mother Earth, which fills itself with everything imagination and pushes to action.

The master reacts to the information received and transfers it to canvas - this is already a male start. It helps to detail images, determine their location, shape, color and angle. Without interaction "Yin" and "Yang" would not ready Product In the form of a picture. Suppression of male energy leads to the fact that the idea remains only in our head and cannot materialize. If the feminine start is not developed enough, a person has a lack of fantasy, a useless search for muses.


Based on the above described above, their distribution is clear to us. Women's energy is a guide to action, male - the act itself and its result. At the same time, the absence of one halves makes life defective, one-sided. The feminine and male start is inseparable. Their merger, the distribution of their roles 50 to 50 is the ideal formula to which everyone should strive to strive.

Man is a creature of same-sex. We are born in women or men, trying to fully follow the criteria imposed by society and stereotypes. That is, if you are a girl, then must be a fusive, sensitive and gentle. When you guy, your debt is to have courage, hardness, purposefulness, analytical logic. Of course, our sexuality affects the nature and way of life: in the middle, what is laid out of nature. Our task is to maximize the second, "someone else's" half and try to integrate its possibilities in our everyday life.

Male and Women Start: Symbol

It is depicted in the form of a closed circle. This means that everything is infinite on Earth. Two halves, divided into equal parts, painted into black and such a contrast emphasizes their opposite and equality simultaneously. The circle is not broken by a solid feature, and the wavy, which creates the illusion of penetration into each other female and male. Looking at the symbol, you understand that the two elements affect each other and interact. This is shown with the help of the eye: the black female began, he is white, in a light male - dark. It turns out that "Yang" looks at the world by the eyes of "yin" and vice versa.

The inextricable relationship of opposites, its cyclicity, which does not have a face - is carried through the centuries, the male and women's start. The symbol is a sign that everything in the universe is created from two different halves, which only together constitute a single integer. Depending on what state they are - peace or struggle, a person lives in harmony or in conflict with its inner world.

History of the symbol

It is assumed that initially the image "Yin" and "Yang" imitated the view of the mountain, which on the one hand is lit, the other half is in the shade. This state of affairs cannot continue forever: the sun moves along the trajectory - respectively, the two sides of the mountain change their paints. It was understood that everything was cyclically in the world.

Ancient Chinese borrowed an image from Buddhists. The exact date is unknown, but historians say it happened in the I-III centuries of our era. It was then, in the teachings, Taoism arose the concept of "mandala" - female and male beginnings. Pictures depicting their interaction, first were drawn in the form of fish.

Interestingly, but over time, other meanings have been assigned in the consecration sign: for example, the struggle of evil and goodness, the ratio of harmful and useful - everything that is on the diametrically opposite poles. Although the researchers argue that the symbol demonstrates precisely natural opposites, and not moral or moral.


There are only five of them. The merge of the male and female began "creates" fire, water, air, earth and metal. These are five phases of existence and its transformation. The data first occur, then develop, reach and die, do not disappear without a trace, but just reborn into another element. This happens indefinitely. This is a hint of the existence of reincarnation: it can come to this world in the form of an animal, plants or other person. In rebirth, the Chinese did not believe. But since they lent the Buddhist's sign, the teaching about the reincarnation gradually twisted from India to the Middle Kingdom.

Interestingly, "Yin" and "Yang" are used even in medicine. The basis of Chinese, Tibetan and Japanese sciences is a balance in the human body. His violation can lead to disease and death, mental suffering and mental disorders. Special diet and meditation will help restore equilibrium. The female and male origin at the same time is balanced, and this leads to healing. Eastern Medicine There are not physical symptoms, but spiritual foci of the occurrence of the disease.


Since the male and women's origin is present in each of us in different proportions, then initially we are looking for what we lack. If "Yin" dominates, we stretch to a partner with a strong "yang", and vice versa. While a person does not balance his two halves, only people of a certain type of character, a way of life and even appearance will be paid to him. Look at your partner and you will see what you personally do not have enough.

If a representative of the beautiful half of mankind made friends with the "woman" within himself, then she becomes wiser. The girl understands that he will give up - not recognize defeat, and eternal resistance is not a victory. A man, putting contact with his "yang," is convinced: the source of courage is not in violence, but in the open expression of feelings. Awakening of soft qualities in representatives of strong sex and solid in their lanes is the key to harmonious relations, eternal love and affection. When the feminine start and male starts, we change in places, we better understand the opposite sex.


It is very important in the life of every person. People should understand that it is impossible only to receive and not give anything in return. Even if another freebie fell on the head, remember that it was sooner or later to pay. Often the most expensive and important for you. If the principle of energy exchange is broken, the person becomes the consumer, loses respect, friendship and success.

Unfortunately, there are more such people than the creators who, on the contrary, are divided with the world around the world that they have without requiring nothing in return. And it is also bad. Because only balanced the principle of "I Give", we gain ourselves. Signs of the male and female start, "yin" and "yang", coming to us that only by installing the connection between the halves of the energies, we achieve equilibrium. In everyday life, it manifests itself in such qualities of character, as self-confidence, optimism, the desire to develop and improve, know the world and people around themselves. Such a person is truly happy and successful.

Philosophical concept

In the "Book of Change" ("and Jing") jan. and yin served to express light and dark, solid and soft, male and female began in nature. In the process of the development of Chinese philosophy jan. and yin Extreme opposites symbolized: Lights and darkness, day and nights, sun and moon, sky and land, heat and cold, positive and negative, even and odd, etc. Extremely abstract importance of Yin-Yang got in speculative schemes of neoconfucify Especially in the teaching of "Lee" (Kit. 禮) - Absolute Law. Concept for the interaction of polar forces yin YangReviewed by both the basic space forces of movement, as root causes of constant variability in nature, constitute the main content of most dialectic schemes of Chinese philosophers. Dualism doctrine yin Yang - an indispensable element of dialectical constructions in Chinese philosophy. In -III centuries BC e. In ancient China, the Yin Yang Jia Philosophical School existed. Representations of obl yin Yang Found also a variety of use in developing theoretical foundations Chinese medicine, chemistry, music, etc.

Outdoor in China several millennia back, this principle was originally based on physical thinking. However, as it has been developed, it has become a more metaphysical concept. In the Japanese philosophy, a physical approach has been preserved, so the division of objects for Yin and Yang properties from the Chinese and the Japanese vary. In the Novoyapon religion, Oomoto-ko is the concepts of Divine Izu (fire, e.) and MIDSU (water, iN.).

Unified initial Matter Tai Chi gives rise to two opposite substances - jan. and yinwho are united and indivisible. Initially, the "yin" meant "Northern, Shadova", and "Yang" - "South, Sunny Mountain Slope". Later yin perceived as negative, cold, dark and female, and jan. - As a positive, bright, warm and male start.

In the treatise "Neu-Jing" about this says:

Net substance Yang is implemented in the sky; The muddy substance yin is implemented in the ground ... the sky is the substance of Yang, and the Earth is the substance of Yin. The sun is a substance Yang, and the moon is a substance of Yin ... the substance of Yin is peace, and Yang substance is mobility. Substance Jan gives birth, and Yin's substance is growing. The Yang substance transforms breathing-qi, and the substance of Yin forms a bodily shape.

Five elements as a blowout Yin and Yang

Interaction and struggle of these began five elements (primary elements) - u-Sin: water, fire, wood, metal and land, of which there is a variety of material world - "Ten thousand things" - wan U., including a person. Five elements are in constant motion and harmony, mutual generation (water generates a tree, wood - fire, fire - earth, ground - metal, and metal - water) and mutual overcoming (water exhaust fire, fire melts metal, metal destroys wood, wood - Earth, and the earth falls asleep water).

Similar concepts in other exercises

  • Purusha and Pracriti are the fundamental concepts of Hinduism. Male and female start.
  • Anima and animus - Terms introduced into the psychology of Jung. Male and female start.
  • OR and Kli (light and vessel) in Kabbalah - two sides of one action, the root of which is the interaction of the Creator and Creation.

see also



  • Martynenko N. P. Prerequisites for the emergence of the concept of "Yin-Yang" in chinese culture // Arbor Mundi. World wood. International magazine on the theory and history of world culture. M., 2006. Issue 12. P.46-69.
  • Markov L. System of the Dual Opposites Yin - Yang in comparative light. / / East. M., 2003. No. 5. P. 17-31.
  • Dyubin R. N. School Yin Yang // Culture in dialogue. Vol. 1. - Ekaterinburg, 1992. P. 209-221.ISBN 5-7525-0162-8
  • Zinin S. A. Five elements and the concept of Yin Yang // Quantitative methods in the study of the history of the countries of the East. M., 1986. P.12-17.


  • China's philosophy
  • Symbols
  • Izzin
  • The concepts of Taoisma
  • Analytical psychology
  • Chinese mythology
  • Philosophy of Taoism
  • Dualism

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    - (Kit., letters. - Dark and light) - one of the pairs of fundamental categories of Chinese philosophy, expressing the idea of \u200b\u200buniversal dualization of the world and concretized in an unlimited number of oppositions: passive and active, soft and solid, ... ... Philosophical encyclopedia

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The concepts of Yin-Yan came to us from China - that is, from the east. After all, and the western, and eastern civilization of the impact of the century in contact, complementing a friend. But, unfortunately, not everyone understands what the Chinese Yin-Yan symbol means. And, moreover, many do not know how to use the doctrine of the symbol in their lives.

"Qi" energy and determining its development parameters

In order to understand what the Yin Yan sign may know, you should contact the famous "Book of Changes" - the ancient Chinese treatise "I-Jing". Cosmogonic meaning, that is, relating to the universe, undergoes the signs of Yin and Yan. Understanding the meaning of this ancient symbol is an understanding of the chief law of unity and the struggle of the opposite.

It was this law that was the key to dialectical materialism, which was studied by Soviet students not so long ago! It means that it was not open at all in our time, but a lot before - somewhere in the 7th century BC of our era by Chinese philosophers.

The Ancient Chinese wise men interpreted the yin-yang as a symbol of unity of the whole, as opposite parts of it, interacting with each other, interconnecting each other, constituting together the general, strongest energy "qi". This inseparable connection of parts determine the development of "qi" energy.

What does a famous chinese symbol look like

What, after all, does Yin-Yan sign mean? Each, considering this symbol, highlights its main features characteristic features:

  1. The components of the symbol, yin and yang are concluded in a closed circle, which means infinity of all things on earth.
  2. Equal separation of a circle into two halves, painted in opposite colors (white and black) emphasize the essentialness of Yin and Yan, their opposite.
  3. The separation of the circle is not a straight line, but a wavy, creates as if penetrating one opposite to another, their mutual influence of one sign on another. After all, to increase one sign - another will undoubtedly be reduced.
  4. The influence of one sign on the other is emphasized by the symmetric location of the points - "Eye" - the opposite color, that is, the colors of the opponent. This means that the Yin sign "looks at the world through the eyes" sign Yan, and the sign of Yan perceives the life of the "Eyes" sign Yin.

That is, the world is created from the opposites, which in combination can be a single integer. In the unity of Lee, friendship and harmony, there are these principles, in the struggle whether they find a consensus - only the inseparable interaction is caused by their development.

History of the symbol

It is assumed that the initial meaning of the Jan and Yin symbol goes back to the mountain imitation: one side is illuminated, and a friend is shaded. But it cannot continue forever: after some period, the parties will be changed illumination.

For example, there are such "decryptions":

  • earth - Sky,
  • top bottom,
  • warm - cold,
  • male - female,
  • good - evil,
  • good - bad,
  • harmful - useful,
  • light - dark,
  • active - passive

Something in these interpretations has a certain meaning. But the majority of scientists do not recommend to the symbol of ethical importance. After all, the symbol is in mind the cosmogonic natural opposites, but not moral. Therefore, you should not talk about the struggle and unity of good, kind and useful on the one hand and bad, evil and harmful - on the other.

Washer with the Chinese symbol Yin-Yang

Alers and amulets help people, energetically fueling them, protecting against all the evil. One of the strongest amulets is considered the one in which the Yin-Yan symbol is present. But important condition Aid of any charm is such a fact: the keeper (in this case amulet, the mascot or charm) must be "configured" on who enjoys them. Otherwise, such an overag may pose a threat to the equivalent of the expected help.

The sign of the Chinese symbol Yin-Yang carries universal, continuously and ever passing into each other in each other.It also means active principles, whose sign Yan corresponds to a tree and fire, and the sign of Yin is metal and water. The Earth is in this teaching neutral.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that yan sign Carries the importance of light, active, male, dominant. BUT sign Yin Contains the meaning of dark, secret, female, calm. However, remembering the unity of opposites, even one, specifically taken, the person cannot be counted for one category or another. Each of us is present both the power of Yin and the Forces of Yan. And than in greater equilibrium there are these forces, the more successful personality.

It was a faith with the Yin-Yan symbol that helps to balance the two opposite energies, suppressing the dominant and reinforcing weak.

Amulet gives the carrier energy equilibrium, helps to find a soul mate, achieve success and harmony. After all, the Yin-Yang symbol carries the importance of not only the struggle and unity, incessant movement and active energy, but also harmony, beauty.

Forces Yin and Yan in ordinary life

By big account, there is a struggle and unity Yin and Yan. Who is not clear what this statement means, you should think. Here is our food. It consists of warm food and cold, sweet and bitter, protein and vegetable. And any diets that limit the person, for example, only raw products or only vegetarian dishes, violate the balance, closes the path of development of the "Qi" energy.

Speaking about Yin and Yang, note that the meaning of the symbol in the smooth transition of one sign to another. Therefore, both directions should be smoothly crossing one to another in the human dwelling. Otherwise, the mental state of the individual is exposed to a strong tension, which does not at all contribute to the achievement of its goals and success in life, nor the improvement of its health. The exception is the institutions - the beginning of Yin or Yan in its pure form dominates. In the dwelling, which should help gain energy, relax, have fun and enjoy harmony, the presence of both began.

Probably there is not a single person who would not hear about Chinese symbols in Yang: feminine and male origin, bright and dark side of life. But the deep concept of Yin Yan has never been fixed behind couples of opposites, it is far beyond the simplified ideas about the benomes of hot-cold, day-night. This is a whole philosophy.

But they are interested practical side Concepts. Why can't we only be good or only bad? How to reconcile opposites in yourself? How to gain long-awaited harmony? In the magic space in Yang, no phenomenon is permanent. Everything changes, flows, generates new forms. This is a state and you should learn how to catch.

What is Yin and Yan

Yin Yang is the concept of two diametrically opposite and complementary started, perfect tool, generating everything in our world (phenomenon, matter, strength). These starts or energy are inside each of us, in life, family, peace, space. Extreme states are a state of restriction, a certain "final stop". True development occurs only with constant interaction opposite forces, their harmonious interaction.

The most figurative description of Yin Yan is a comparison with alternating current. Energia Jan. - This is a positive charge. It is full of unbridled energy, which at any time can lead to an explosion. Energy Yin - Cold negative charge capable of freeze everything around. So far the power of charges is the same, the system rules the spirit of equilibrium. But equilibrium achieved - not a static value. Having reached a peak, one of the energy goes to the decline, the other is growing. Like I. alternating current, Yin-Yan movement does not happen simultaneously, but waving. At some moments, one and forces exceed the other, but in the end they are again balanced.

For a person it is important to learn to take it in yourself, do not fight with internal energies, and follow them. So, white Day Kiphenaya energy Yan is enhanced: the digestion, brain and physical activity improves. When the energy beats over the edge, you can safely go into battle, solve problems. With the onset of night The first place is the energy of calm yin. The body temperature slightly decreases, the digestion is almost slowed down, the brain falls asleep from fatigue. No need to resist, it is better to calm down, give yourself a rest. But it concerns the larks. Ov's peaks are coming to other hours. And in this again manifests the opposites.

Unproved history of the concept of In and Yan

Although the researchers argue that the concept was borrowed from Buddhism, the description of the concept of Yin Yan was one of the most ancient cosmological symbols in Chinese culture. The concept was primarily described as periodic change of chaos and order. But the phenomenon cannot be considered exclusively Chinese. In the religions of many countries, at the stage of birth, a dual system of combating goodness with evil was described. Familiar to us graphic image appeared much later.

What is Yin Yan for the first time described in the traditional Chinese teaching of Taoism, including elements of religion and philosophy. As the religious and philosophical flow, Taoism arose somewhere in the VI-V century BC. The creator of the teachings consider the philosopher Lao Dzi, who wrote the book "Dae De Jing". But the life of this thinker is not known for certain. It is believed that the authorship of the book belongs not to one person, but a whole group of philosophers.

In the theory of Taoism, Yin and Yan are described so: The central place occupies the Tao as the essence of being. In itself, the concept of Tao is considered as a dual and controversial essence (lonely and comprehensive, lackless and active). Dao is a spirit that generates a substance of qi. It is from Qi that two opposite energies are distinguished: Ying and Yang. These two energies give rise to five elements, of which everything is born on Earth. All the existence goes through the development range and returns to the non-existence of qi, and life is an infinite cycle of elements and energies. Unlike other religious exercises, where Higher power - It is struggling with evil power of good, Taoism calls for both sides to gain themselves. The "wise flexible man" says the followers of Taoism.

Yin and Yang: the value is much deeper than it appears at first glance

From modern authors of researchers, the Dao teachings are more commonly quoted, Dr. Maslova A. A. In his books, he talks about "Inyn" as a complex Chinese concept of perception of the world outside and inside itself. At the same time, the author believes that in most publications the concept is too reconditioned.

For example, the energy description is most often divided into:

The author calls such a division no more than the myth, although such a interpretation can be found even in popular Chinese literature. Deep understanding lies far beyond such a simplified description. It is at the level of the philosophical worldview of spiritual and material, good-evil. Mystical ring on the image Yin and Yang symbolizes permanent generation of opposite forceswhich can not exist separately.

So the mention of Yin and Yang as a female and male beginning does not mean a man and a separate woman. Male and feminine is present within each person: in the character, emotions, the body, actions, a relationship of personal life, career. These concepts are not mutually exclusive, but complementary. When we learn to recognize the two energies of Yin Yan at the same time, the value of this symbol becomes bulk, holistic.

Today there are many trainings, books and materials that are dilated one of the parties. In female trainings, for example, do not tell, which means Yin Yan to fully. Participants teach to seek and develop a female start, but do not say what to do with male. In seminars, they are taught positive thinking, but do not remember the benefits of negative thoughts or emotions. But after all, it is the golden middle that allows you to find the inner harmony, which is dreaming of tired inhabitants of the planet.

How to gain harmony with your own soul

It is believed that most diseases will go after the restoration of sincere equilibrium. This is true. But how to find peace of mind - Riddle. How many people are so many ways. If the extrovert is enough to "go into people" enough, chatting on the phone, then the introvert is needed good book With full solitude. But even before you need to reach yourself. After all, harmony with the world begins with harmony in his own soul.

Find the present "I"

Since childhood, we increase the layers of ideas about yourself, so that in a conscious age I sincerely consider them our own. But is the qualities that we call personal, reflect our inner aspirations? Psychologists answer "no". A person is the sum of the behavior models and the characteristics of the character of people who surrounded him from childhood. Get used to them.

But the own "I" is so complicated, multifaceted and multilayer that adults prefer to hide him from themselves and from others. Until a certain time it works. But the long-term ignoring of his mental gusts is deprived of sleep, health, interest in the life of happiness.

How to understand that a meeting with me took place? When we act in harmony with the inner gusts, the soul begins to ring and resonate. Psychologists call this stream condition. In this state, a person constantly feels satisfaction with his work, development, achievements, result. He is breathing from life, he is happy.

The outside world is a reflection of an internal state.

It turns out that we ourselves call offense into our lives. It happens unconsciously, but regularly. Psychologists compare the newborn baby with an ideal ball. Under influence different people, upbringing, failures The ball begins to be curved, gets strong dents from the lack of love or, on the contrary, the growths from its oversupply.

But the universe is committed to harmony, so it sends people or events that help us pay attention to yourself and take an ideal form again. For example, a hypertensal person has to work with irresponsible people, impatient all the time gets into traffic jams or queues, touching constantly offend.

And stress continues until a person is aware of a simple, but understandable principle: the cause of all life dissatisfaction is he himself. And the universe in this way indicates that the harmony of life is violated. Therefore, it is useless to be offended. All the troubles are the requests of the "deformed" soul.

"Other" within us

Internal imbalance is not so harmless, as it seems. It can be compared with the included headlights in the parked machine. It would seem that some trifle, but after a while the driver sits into the car, but can not start it. Because small light bulbs pulled the entire battery charge.

Our unconscious is "another" within us, which we constantly displace and spend on this mass of energy. We hate cook, but we learn to cook borschy. We dream of a trip to the mountains, but we go with friends to the sea. But our real "I" and the quality that we recognize for themselves, constantly conflict. Similar conflicts are destructive and extremely painful for the soul.

"Other" within us is our unconscious. It manifests itself in dreams, reservations, unplanned actions, sometimes scares or even infuriates. But this is not so scary, because we are not obliged to constantly behave well. Even the negative you need to survive completely. And negative thoughts can be learned to work for good.

The power of negative thinking

Propaganda positive thinking Continues victoriously marching the world, reaching sometimes until the absurd. But those who really seek to find the internal balance are forced to learn to think negatively. Do not whine or complain about unforeseen circumstances, and learn to see the dangers in advance, meet them prepared.

For example, do not believe everything in a row learn to see dark sides relationships, other people and their own, foresee possible mistakes Or stop saving others without their desire. Yes, we learn when it hurts us. But negative thinking will allow us to be painlessly accept your present "I".

But you should not confuse negative thinking with negative repetitive thoughts. Negative thinking is, rather, common sense, the ability to critically assess the situation. But negative thoughts depress us. Refocus the brain on the search for harmony will help several effective exercises for the soul. It is worth trying a few to find something, the only thing:

  • Practice meditation or relaxation: makes it possible to focus not on bad or good, but on useful thoughts.
  • Doing your favorite sport: helps throw the accumulated negative energy, Learn to listen to the body language.
  • Find a hobby: will allow to embody dreams, concentrate on the process, and not on the result.
  • Take a pet: care about each other will help stop endless dialogues in the head.
  • Do not forget to read: this is a great way to distract, develop fantasy, replenish the vocabulary.


  • Yin Yan is not a popular theory of male and women's start, but a whole worldview, a system of concepts about good and evil.
  • The ability to identify and prevent the imbalance in any field of life is the highest ability of a person.
  • Life is multi-layered, and layers are superimposed with early years Life. The search for inner harmony will have to start with the parsing of childhood.
  • Balanting yourself, we add equilibrium to the world.
  • The world is valid and harmonious. If he sends us stress, it means that it helps to find an internal equilibrium.
  • Negative thinking is not so useless, as it seems.