A plan for self-development and self-improvement for a girl: where to start and what books are needed for this? How to engage in self-development - the stages of working on yourself.

There is no doubt about what is inside of us

contained incredible energy, capable of achieving

everything you've ever dreamed of.

The very fact that you are interested in this topic sets you apart from most people and shows that you have the determination to become the winner and master of your mind, body and character.

The first thing that prompted me to understand myself was the birth of my beautiful, temperamental son;). I began to ask questions: how can I realize myself? be an example for your son? how can I become myself best mom, wife, etc.

And you know after that, I got into my hands a book by Robin Sharma "Who will cry when you die." This book had a significant impact on me, my thoughts began to change, everything became somehow different.

Where to start your self-development?

I give specific advice on where to start your self-development:

Read the biographies of great people, at least once a week, well, or a day, as you like. I advise you to become a "mirror image" of someone who has made significant progress in your area of ​​interest.

After examining the lives of great leaders, businessmen and other miracle workers, you will very quickly become convinced that their results greatness are achieved through clearly formulated goals. For example, on our self-development portal you can learn about the secrets of success famous people and even about the exploits of people with disabilities.

- Sit at the TV, computer, phones less. They are time consuming. By the way, I want to note the TV is one of the weapons of politics. I highly recommend everyone to watch the documentary, banned from showing "Prosperity", here is the link to watch it says a lot about the political system, the education system, why the world is arranged this way, and so on.

- Listen to motivating music while you are driving to work, cleaning the house, going somewhere.

- Daily exercise is the most effective means for personal excellence, set aside at least 15 minutes. Go swimming, jogging, cross-country skiing, cycling, just breathe fresh air etc. Physical perfection precedes spiritual perfection.

- Relaxation of body and mind. It is very important to take time each day to relax and calm the mind for at least 10 minutes. It can be stretching, yoga, meditation, qigong, contact with nature, self-massage. Make this practice a habit.

- Think positively. Your level of success is determined by how you think every second of every minute of every day. Your thoughts shape your world. Develop a positive focusing habit.

"A person should not let the clock and calendar blind him and forget that every moment of life is a miracle and a sacrament." H.G. Wells

- Discipline and willpower. Read about the life of Mother Teresa, Helen Keller, Mahatma Gandhi, Bruce Lee, Coco Chanel and you will understand what willpower in action means.

- Be sure to plan your day. Create a notebook, write down your action plan for a week, a month, and even a year.

- Get up early in the morning. Take a morning run, start jogging once a week for a start, then start alternating every other day. Morning run, warm-up, yoga, no matter what, but it gives such a boost of energy for the whole day! Get yourself a partner with a similar goal to achieve physical perfection.

In order to develop the habit of getting up early, you must first of all remember that it is the quality of sleep, and not its duration, that plays a primary role.

- Believe in yourself! “Don't be afraid of life. Believe that it is worth living and that faith will help make it a fact. " William james

Use the self-hypnosis method (repeating the idea aloud) throughout the day.

- Find like-minded people. Attend self-development courses, go to the counter clubs where you can exchange information, motivate yourself in any way!

- Laugh more. Everyday laughter lifts our spirits, fosters creativity and energizes us.

- Use different pictures to develop yourself, what you would like to achieve. It could be some kind of sport, a car, a happy family, house, etc. Stick them around the house and just stare at them.

- Use imagination and visualization techniques to imagine yourself as you want to be. It is advisable to do it in the morning and before bed for 10 minutes.

- Always be grateful. Give thanks when you wake up, thank when you eat, thank when someone wants to help you.

How long do you need to develop yourself?

I think from the information received you have found for yourself something close and useful. For further, continuous development, you need "Kaizen" in Japanese means constant, unceasing improvement. As Confucius said “ Good people are constantly improving themselves. "

Therefore, we can say that the problem, in fact, is not at all to start developing oneself intellectually, physically, spiritually or emotionally, but to not lose this craving for constant self-development and to feel the need for this as early as possible. ...

Make the decision today that you need to change your lifestyle, program yourself for absolute success and self-confidence. Write down on paper what you need to work on, give yourself your word that you will follow it!


Learn to plan your day the night before. It is not necessary to schedule the upcoming day up to the minute. Just make a list of important things to do and necessary actions... Prepare clothes and other things that you may need in the morning to prepare in the evening. This will keep you focused and able to achieve more.

To engage in self-development constantly, write down worthwhile ideas... This way you will not miss a single important thought. Record any ideas that come to your mind or will be heard. Carry a notebook of valuable information with you. It is useful for self-development to keep a diary. Write down all your victories and achievements in it. So you will follow your own development.

Develop positive personal qualities... For example, train yourself to be punctual. Do everything on time, get more organized. Punctuality is the key to success in business and in relationships with others. Watch your speech, try to express yourself correctly and accurately. Avoid swear words.

Value your own time. If you decide to engage in self-development, set a time limit for surfing the Internet. Try to learn something new every day. Learn a few foreign words daily. All these simple steps, if performed regularly, will be an excellent basis for your development.

Ruslan Dudnik

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Ask yourself the heading question a couple of months after using the 10 methods below.

Read and try to implement those that you liked and responded to in your heart. Do not think that they are too simple or, on the contrary, too complicated. Just go ahead and implement. With regular use, you will soon notice that they can literally "blow up" your life with disclosure. creativity or bringing new sources of material income into your life or helping to improve your physical condition. So to the point:

1. Create an opportunity for yourself to write down all the ideas that come to your mind during the day. Carry a notebook with a pen with you, use an electronic organizer in your smartphone or communicator, use a voice recorder in cell phone, but just be sure to capture your ideas. Choose a topic that is most relevant to you now, for example, financial situation and give the task to your subconscious mind to generate thoughts in the direction of attracting new sources of income into your life. And fix it, fix it, fix it. You have no idea how powerful your intention will become, which, together with new ideas, will give you a clear picture of what needs to be done next. The next day, try working on a different topic.

2. By the way, you can use the way to be.

3. The art of small steps - do something every day. Plan and do. Take physical fitness for example - if you write yourself out a set of 20 exercises, then very quickly abandon them. Indeed, in addition to the body getting used to new movements, your psyche must also get used to them. But with her you need to mess around longer and softer. Therefore, for the first two weeks, do only 2 exercises every other day - and. Hold out for two weeks and you will be pleased with the first results obtained and curious about what to do next.

4. When you are just learning a new skill, a new skill, a new exercise - try to behave as if you are a professional in this matter. Pretend, play, believe in this image. The brighter you believe, the faster you will master.

5. Break your day into blocks - morning, afternoon, afternoon, evening. This will make it easier to plan what type of activity to deliver at what time.

6. The most important thing that you need to start doing right away is to relate to life in such a way as to get the most out of it. Yes, that's so simple and selfish on the one hand and very practical on the other. One of the options is described. Choose any method for yourself after reading several worthwhile books on self-development and persistently change your attitude towards life.

7. Communicate with people who have a lot to learn from. Get rid of whiners and other people who drag you down from your life. If you cannot find worthy people yet ... look for and do not say that there are no such people.

8. To feel great and look normal in ANY situation, you need to confidently swim on three whales - healthy eating, exercise stress and mental self-regulation. But the details may already be different and your task is to choose for yourself exactly those methods and techniques that will work for you 100%, taking a minimum of time. You can't do it yourself, find a specialist who will train you in these topics for money, and then let you float freely. You can master everything yourself, but why would you waste time and energy making mistakes that can be avoided.

9. Keep a journal. But not a simple fixation of your life - you ate, called, slept, but a real diary of self-development. This topic is interesting and will not fit in a couple of lines, but in short, then ... find on the Internet what the "wheel of life balance" is and, based on it, break the diary into topics according to this "wheel". Find yourself convenient way planning for the day and week. At the end of the day, be sure to write down 2-3 of your successes in your journal. It's even better if you do a short debriefing in the evenings. For example, in the afternoon there was a situation in which you misbehaved. “Revisit” it in the diary from the correct angle. - Chandler, what should we do? - Joe, think, what would we do if we were smart?

10. Use the most productive 5-10 minutes before falling asleep in the evening for self-hypnosis, "recapitulation" (in Google!), Health improvement (I significantly improved my vision in 3 months) and ... much more you can do at this time.

Where to start personal self-development? With the definition of the main directions of movement. Personal growth trainings are different formats... If we consider the personality from all sides, then it is important to understand that self-development should be comprehensive and complete.

To understand the processes, let's consider them from the point of view of chronology. Evolution is the simplest example of development. Growing up is subject to the same laws. Development proceeds in stages. And at that moment when a person is born, and at that moment when already in adulthood he decides to develop for himself, he asks himself the question: “Where to start self-development?”. And he begins to do it consciously.

Key areas of personal growth

We were all children once. This means that we all went through the same stages in development. It all starts with physical realm development. Limit the child in movement, and he will not develop intellectually. Studies in England even show that children who play ball, jump, run (and in fact, move) between lessons, during recess, take IQ tests with higher scores than children who sit through recess. ... Immediately after physical development follows intellectual... If physical development about the feeling of your body, about movement, then intellectual - about the relationship with objects in space. The interaction through which awareness comes is the very intellectual development. At first, objects are rough and large. But with each new skill and year, the child learns to master more and more "subtle" subjects. The first year of life is rattles, cubes. A little later, a brush, scissors. And only by the age of 7-10 years it comes to using a needle and thread in everyday life. Each child in his development goes the same path that all humanity in the process of evolution. From large and coarse to small and finer. When the first ("rough") subjects are mastered (at about the age of 4-5 years), when physical and intellectual development is "started", the baby gets to know the world of emotions, learns to distinguish between mood and what it depends on, begins acquaintance with his psyche. At this stage, interaction with people comes to the fore, and not with objects. Here RELATIONSHIP becomes interesting: both with yourself and with others. He is not yet in control of himself, cannot hold back, control emotions. This is a stage of emotional and psychological development. It is very important and deep. And many adults do not fully master this area. But, if the formation of SKILLS at these three levels was successful for a high-quality reaction, then the last level of a person's relationship with the world and himself is “switched on” - spiritual.

In the formation of the personality of an adult, all the same 4 spheres can be distinguished:
  1. Physical;
  2. Intellectual;
  3. Emotional and psychological;
  4. Spiritual.

4 main areas of personal self-development

How to understand which sphere "sags" and which one needs to be tightened to the required level? Necessity is determined by the feeling of comfort inside, and not by external indicators and certainly not by the opinion of the environment.

Physical sphere:

You do not feel personal boundaries, you wake up when you have already been cornered, forced to do what you did not want. Or maybe you don’t know what you want at all. You eat food that destroys your health, you cannot get rid of bad habits(alcohol, smoking, overeating), although you understand that they are harmful to you, you sleep and do not get enough sleep, you enter into a relationship that turns your soul inside out and causes a lot of pain. You do not feel YOURSELF, therefore in life there is a lot of suffering, pain, hatred, anger, anger, jealousy, envy.

Intellectual sphere:

Here we are mainly talking about the functions and capabilities of the brain - about our skills to think, speak, manage time, listen and hear, convey our thoughts in an understandable language, trace patterns in the behavior of our husband, children, in our behavior, learn from our experience in order to reduce the number of "Bumps" on the forehead. Are there conflicts with family members, work colleagues, husband, children? So your primary task is to deal with this and learn how to RESOLVE conflicts. After all, communication is always a clash of interests, which means that a conflict is inevitable. It's not bad, it's okay. It is bad when we do not know how to get out of the current situation: we get stuck in conflicts, constantly replaying scenes and our words, or we break off relations, running away from the conflict, but not solving it. This means that a new conflict is not far off. Let it not be with this person, it will be with another.

Emotional and psychological sphere:

And in it about all the problems that we have when communicating with ourselves and with people at a more subtle level. We are not familiar with the world of emotions, we do not know how to live them ecologically, and this leads to disease. Are you sick? Then you are here. Not sick, but are your children sick? That's right, it's just that they are spiritually pure for now, that's why they read everything that you cannot live, but they can. At this level, it is no longer about talking and communicating with others, but about more subtle, emotionally dependent relationships. Most often - about relatives and loved ones. With them, everything is different, not like with colleagues and friends, when you can fight back. More subtle relationships presuppose not only awareness of the problem, not only new behavior, but also new reactions. That is, you are not just memorizing the RIGHT phrases to say at the right time. This is where you learn to feel. And the words ... They will come by themselves. And the most correct ones. Because they will be YOURS.

Now the topic of self-improvement and personal growth is especially relevant. On the Internet, on television, in magazines - everywhere they say that you need to work on yourself, develop, grow, and achieve success in life. This raises a natural question: how to start this self-development, how to find the time and incentive? Especially if you want to quickly, all at once.

First, let's define what self-development is. Development and change is a natural process for everything that exists in the world. Itself human life- this is a series of constant changes associated with birth, growing up and aging, the formation of personality, the acquisition of certain skills and life experience.

Therefore, self-development can be characterized as a complex of conscious and purposeful actions aimed at improving certain qualities, skills, and abilities of a person. Explanatory dictionary gives us such a definition: self-development is the intellectual or physical development of a person on the basis of independent studies and exercises, on their own initiative, without the assistance of any external forces. Now that we have figured out the theory, you can proceed to specific actions. So, self-development: where to start positive changes in yourself?

  1. Revision. For you need to find time and analyze your life, or rather every area of ​​your life, and honestly answer yourself the questions: what specifically does not suit me, what qualities or skills do I lack in order to be satisfied with life? Try to be objective and don't be fooled. Consider each area of ​​life separately:
    • Physical sphere, health. Perhaps you should correct the daily routine, start eating right, get rid of bad habits, lose weight, raise immunity, start playing sports;
    • Spiritual sphere. Getting rid of anger, envy, anger, irritability, developing a positive attitude towards oneself and others, various spiritual practices, meditation can help many:
    • Material sphere, finance. There is a wide field for activity, since very few people are satisfied with their financial situation. Perhaps you should change your job to a higher-paid one, or even change your profession, take courses, trainings, get a new specialty. Some people want to start their own business, but do not know how, and are afraid of failure.
    • Social sphere, relationships. Development of communication skills, overcoming conflicts, harmonious relationships in the family, at work, personal life, control over emotions.
    • Intellectual sphere, personal growth. Here it comes about the development of intellectual abilities, memory, attention, abstract and creative thinking, the ability to set goals and achieve them, increase personal efficiency, the ability to plan your time
  2. We choose one, the most important direction for self-development... Since completely harmonious, comprehensively developed people- units, for a start it is worth focusing on the most important thing for you. Think about what qualities and skills you lack the most, and start your self-development with this. If you take on everything at once, then the result will probably not be at all.
  3. We draw up a specific action plan... Consider an example: You decided to change your job to a more interesting and highly paid job. At the same time, you understand that you lack knowledge, you are scattered and do not know how to manage your time. Solution options:
    • take advanced training courses in the direction you are interested in;
    • learn to concentrate, develop perseverance (there are special exercises);
    • complete training on personal effectiveness and personal time planning;
    • write a competent resume and send it to all the companies you are interested in, and for this it is not necessary to quit your current job.

Positive attitude and targeted action

Believe it or not, your success mindset is essential.
... If thoughts are constantly spinning in my head like: "Why do I need this?" It is important to immediately set yourself up in a positive mood, believe in your success, every day in your thoughts to see positive changes in yourself and rejoice even in small successes. It will be useful to use affirmations, meditation.

Just thinking about self-development is not enough - you need to constantly carry out specific actions in order to become better every day. Many will ask: "How to find time to engage in self-development?" To begin with, it is enough to set aside 20-30 minutes a day - do not watch TV, do not surf the Internet and social networks. In a month, these 20-30 minutes will give you tangible results, the main thing is to start.

Without smart books - nowhere

Self-improvement is written in many ancient books, starting with the Bible and other sacred books, much can be learned from the Eastern teachings of Yoga, Tao and others. But these are primary sources that will not be clear to everyone. They have already been processed by scientists into a language understandable for us and are presented in books in the form of recommendations for self-development. These publications only need to be found. Among the bestsellers on this topic today are the following books:

  • Covey Stephen "7 Habits of Highly Effective People"... This work changes the outlook of people, they get rid of many complexes and begin to quickly move up the career ladder or make success in business. The book contains recommendations that really help to awaken the dormant forces in yourself and become a leader. Read it with a pen and notebook and mark the basic tenets on which you will base your path to excellence and you will succeed.
  • Sharma Robin "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari"... This is a guide to spiritual development personality, the author believes that without strengthening the strength of the spirit, nothing can be achieved in life, and you need to start self-development with spiritual improvement. This is true, the weak in spirit does not become a leader and a successful person... Therefore, it is necessary to listen to what is written in this book. It also contains tips for effective use strengths of the human character.
  • Godin Set "Yama" is a publication about how to take care of yourself in order to become the best in the area in which a person builds a career. This is a real breakthrough guide to professional success.

All these books are united by one valuable misl - self-development never ends. The desire to be the best in a person's character and this quality must be able to use.

Nice video for inspiration: