How to quickly earn units in No Man's Sky NEXT? Tips on how to earn Units in No Man's Sky.

Recent Next update for No Man's Sky introduced numerous changes to the game, but one thing remained unchanged: we are talking about the need to obtain game currency and resources.

So how do you make money in No Man's Sky Next?

Guardians - best sources to earn nanites

You will find small amounts of nanites when exploring various buildings and completing missions received at space stations. But The best way quick earnings of this currency - the destruction of the Guardians, from which it falls.

Guardians- security robots that will attack you if they notice that you are destroying local flora and fauna in an attempt to get useful resources. The first wave will spawn a small flying drone. If you destroy it, then you will be attacked by two combat drones. If you destroy them too, then two new drones will come with a four-legged Guardian, reminiscent of mechanical dog with laser weapons.

After the robops, two more drones and a huge walker appear. After defeating these opponents, get ready for the start of the final wave, in which two drones, two robops and two walkers will appear. The last wave will repeat an infinite number of times.

If you are going to have a good fight with robots and want to earn as many nanites as possible, then try to create as much ammo as possible. Use the arrow launcher and scatter blaster.

Fortunately, all cartridges are cheap to make and can be produced by the thousands. They are made from ferrite dust, which you get from ordinary stones scattered around. Be sure to collect as much dust as possible, as it will be very difficult to collect it when the Guardians start attacking in large numbers.

The best way to farm nanites- search for an outpost with a landing pad and a galactic trade terminal inside. The landing site is especially important. Dogs attack exclusively in melee, dealing huge damage, but they cannot climb onto the platform. You can stand on it and attack opponents with little to no worries. Also, often they will hit the fence of the site, trying to shoot at you with lasers. Therefore, here you need to experiment and find the most suitable location.

While in an outpost, you can go inside for a few seconds to restore your shields and suit after taking damage. It will be enough to wait about 20 seconds for a full recharge to occur.

This greatly simplifies the battles against the Guardians in the last waves. You can destroy the drones and dogs, go into the building to restore the shields, and then return with full force and take down the walkers. Drones and dogs are relatively easy to kill: shoot them until they die. Be sure to kill the drones first, otherwise they will start repairing dogs in the heat of battle.

Dealing with a walker isn't much, but it's more difficult. At first, he will attack you with his laser, which deals huge damage, so try to avoid direct hits of the beam.

Walker Destruction

Walkers have armor covering the upper and lower parts of the legs, the chassis. The weak point is located on the front of the enemy, where the lasers are installed. When there is no armor, then switch from the arrow gun to the blaster, since it is much easier to aim with this weapon.

Walker can switch from lasers to machine guns, and this happens when the armor disappears. Projectiles are unpredictable, they fly slowly, so it is enough to dodge them. Try moving back and forth under the walker rather than running around it. Thanks to this, the enemy will hit you quite rarely, because of which the shields will recharge quite quickly.

Guardians drop the element Pugnius, from robops - an item called " spatial matrix', walkers - eponymous brain. These resources can be used, but since the inventory capacity is limited, it is advisable to exchange items for units. If they are needed in the future, then you can always kill more guards.

This strategy is albeit imperfect, but good option for farming units.

Scanner upgrade to S-tier and galactic trading

Even though most upgrades are purchased with nanites, units are still important. You will be able to buy ships, better multi-tools and freights. These things can cost from a couple to several hundred million units.

Fortunately there is the right way getting them quickly. Even at the first release of the game, it was revealed that when selling resources combined into more expensive materials, the profit is much greater than in the case of their separate sale. Two years later, the idea remains the same.

cryo pump

You need to find a drawing to create a cryo pump. You can find it inside the production facilities located on the surfaces of various planets. You can also find the right direction at space stations and trading posts, or use the navigation data that is sold from outpost merchants. Look for "Secure Signals" to access the production facility.

When you have a blueprint for a cryo-pump on hand, you will need to buy it from merchants necessary components, spending about half a million units. Build and sell a pump to approximately quadruple your profits.

Sell ​​several hundred pumps to become the admiral of a powerful space fleet after a while. It really is that simple!

Alternatively, upgrade your scanner to get multipliers to the bonuses given out for scanning flora and fauna when exploring planets. When you upgrade to S-tier, you get hundreds of thousands of units in a single scan. This is a good result, but for accumulation large amount an S-class "truck" would require a huge number of scans. Obviously, the cryo pump strategy is much better.

Copper can be crafted into chromatic metal, which can be used for a variety of things, including a warp booster. The same goes for cobalt, another rare material needed to create a teleporter and repair pods.

The take-off booster, thanks to which the starship gains the ability to rise from the surface of any planet, is made from blue dihydrogen crystals and metal firmware, which is created from ferrite dust. The accelerator stacks up to 20 pieces in a cell, so you can always have a stack of such items on hand.

Almost every point of interest has a cluster of blue crystals, but there are not many of them, so collect them when the opportunity presents itself, otherwise you will have to go looking for them at the moment when you really need them.

Of course, there is always something to do, as in old version games. You can explore new planets, extract resources and upgrade everything and everything indefinitely, which, in fact, many people like this toy. However, everything needs money, that is, units ...

But most gamers begin to think seriously about this only when they first come across a very rare and very intelligent ship.

By this point, the player, as a rule, no longer flies on a non-stock boat, and may even manage to acquire his own much more solid (and profitable) " “but in No Man’s Sky you always want a cooler ship. And unique devices with decent performance characteristics are not only rare, but they are always very EXPENSIVE, especially if it is an Alien ship.

So, yes, there are never too many units in this game.

However, earning them is not so difficult. But to earn them more and faster, and even so as not to spoil relations immediately and with everyone, and so that at least some Reputation remains is a completely different matter. Therefore, further - a little about ...

how to farm units faster in no man's Sky NEXT

You have probably already noticed that many of your actions in the game are accompanied by a notification that you have been transferred a certain amount in galactic units. Sometimes less, sometimes more, but in the vast majority of cases without sensations. And gradually, you begin to develop a desire to try to somehow increase the pace of making money and spend your time in the game more financially.

This is fine. Moreover, No Man’s Sky NEXT, like any other toy, has its own absolutely legal methods and techniques that can significantly speed up and simplify the process of accumulating game currency on a personal account. In general, to get rich faster, if possible, do the following:

  • we go through missions, they always pay well for them, even if the tasks are completely nonsense and do not take much time;
  • be sure to upgrade the scanner (units in the game are given to you, including for studying the flora and fauna on the planets). We read about how to competently pump the scanner in the post - ““;
  • we develop the habit of turning on the scanner when landing on each new planet(they pay a lot for discovering planets) and then don't forget to check the Discoveries menu;
  • from the very start of the game, we begin to build a base and farms, without wasting time on unnecessary “excursions”;
  • we collect the blueprints for the trusses first, and then we focus on collecting the blueprints needed to create the " Stasis devices “They are always bought and fantastically expensive (maybe in the near future we will write a separate guide on them);
  • it is much more profitable to sell high value-added products than ordinary raw materials (because A) for the sale of Kraftim " "(10 iron + 10 plutonium), this product is always in demand; and B) do not forget that Emeril is the most valuable of the resources, and not just valuable, it is very expensive, moreover, it is obtained quite simply);
  • pay special attention (deposits of nuggets are clearly visible even from a ship, and you can look for them right in flight), as well as emeril;
  • and the more spacious they are, the better (the more the ship carries, the more time you can spend on collecting everything useful, and less on flights);
  • in different different systems prices for materials can differ significantly, therefore, if you see that some resource is much cheaper in one system and it can be sold with a good profit in another, then we immediately buy and fly to sell.

And the “golden planets” in the game are probably somewhere, since they definitely were:

A small guide from personal experience

It is difficult to buy a ship with 40+ slots, it costs about 100KK, so we are looking for broken ones and repairing:
You can only find ships that are 1-2 slots larger than yours, so for searching it is easier to buy a ship for at least 30 slots - about 10KK, better for 35 - 16KK.

How to earn fast:

Such money can really be collected on the grind of vortex cubes, which are massively scattered in caves on many planets. This is probably a bug that will be fixed soon.
For more profit, it is reasonable to fully upgrade inventory - 48 cells. Then you can export cubes for 500K at a time, and if you find a buyer with + 100% price, then for a million. And this is in 5-10 minutes.
You can still farm spheres, there are also a lot of them, but you will have to constantly fight off drones.
If the inventory is not pumped and you are too lazy to fly, you can speculate directly on the base in space: We buy expensive goods from pilots with a price of -XXX% - next to them we sell to other pilots who have this goods +100%, such stupid aliens. Profit.

How to search for a ship:

We choose a "bald" planet, without vegetation with a flat relief. Thus, crash sites are not difficult to see visually at low level flight. Searching for radio towers and deciphering codes is a chore, and you may be given a crash point on the other side of the panet.
There should be a lot of heridium on the planet, iron and plutonium are everywhere. It will take some zinc, "bald" planets have no vegetation and no zinc. But it can always be bought from merchants on the planet, it only takes 20 zinc to repair.
We find the ship, move in, repair the starter and engine if they are broken. The shield can not be repaired, but then it will blink and squeak. Nothing more needs to be done. Harness and fly to look for the next ship. Repeat until desired result. If ships often come across worse than yours, fly into space and return, it helps.

* You can immediately find a large ship, but the chance is minimal.
* You can quickly upgrade your inventory by looking for capsules at low level flight.
* A ship cell contains 2 times more material than a suit cell.
* The maximum capacity of the ship and suit is 48 cells.
* The size and type of the ship does not depend on the number of cells.
* You can "try on" any ship and fly by taking the ship and immediately loading the previous save. Changes will disappear after restarting the game.
* You can also earn money by robbing ships, but this requires a large ship.

Why do all this? There is still nothing in the center of the galaxy, so all that remains is pumping and contemplating the generation of "everything in a row."

Haters: No Man's Sky is a game for people who are able to fantasize, find something to do, create "their own game" based on what the developers have offered us. Many people are simply not capable of this, but these are their problems. So do not download these problems the rest.

Fortunately, there are quite a few different ways. Money - in the game they are called units - can be earned by extracting useful resources, trading, and even piracy. On the this moment there is a lot of confusing and conflicting advice on how best to get rich in No Man's Sky, especially when it comes to ways to make money as quickly or efficiently as possible.

In this guide, we will try to clarify all these points for you and tell you about, in our opinion, the fastest way to get money in No Man’s Sky is with the help of Whispering Eggs. We believe that this method allows you to earn units as quickly as possible. In addition, we will talk about other gaming methods that will help make you more successful and richer.

The fastest way to make money with buzzing eggs

The best way to make money is to collect Larval Cores from buzzing eggs. Yes, these are the same buzzing eggs that, when you touch them, cause waves of biological horrors to appear (Biological Horrors). But don't be scared, now we will tell you how to collect them quickly and safely! So, for this we perform the following sequence of actions:

1. Scan the surface of the planet for abandoned buildings- These are the ones with the terminal inside, and purple buzzing eggs scattered outside. You can do this by building a Signal Booster or by running a scan from your ship while it is in the planet's atmosphere. Or even just by scanning the planet from space. In addition, if you follow the storyline, you will be sent to one of these abandoned structures quite early.

3. Build wooden walls around the perimeter of the place where the buzzing eggs are- this stage is very simple to complete: first, place the base computer near the main abandoned building, then build walls. Make sure all four sides of your wooden structure connected correctly (they should snap neatly and tightly together).

4. Collect an egg outside your fenced area- this will cause biological horrors to appear, but they will be on the side from which you collected the egg, and not inside your little structure from wooden walls, so you can collect them safely there.

5. Use the jetpack to move beyond wooden fencing and collect buzzing eggs- make sure you pick them up one at a time and get the grub cores as fast as possible because they disappear very quickly.

6. Repeat the procedure- for your own safety, use the roof of the building (horrors can't climb walls or jump) and don't forget to pick up wooden walls so you can use them somewhere else later.

7. Go to the space station and sell loot!– the cores of the larvae cost a lot of money. According to our calculations, you can consistently get more than 3 million units from each abandoned building.

To wrap up this method, it's worth noting that you can apparently do the same thing, and with the same efficiency, just by standing on top of the buzzing eggs. This will protect you from biological horrors, but, in our opinion, this is still a bit of cheating, because it is more likely due to shortcomings in the game's program code and is slightly "out of the rules". Therefore, with a high degree of probability, this bug will be fixed in future updates of the game.

Also, you won't be able to jump off the egg to collect the grub core that rolls away from you, but of course it's much faster than building and dragging wooden walls, so the final choice is up to you.

Alternative ways to make money

As we mentioned above, there are many ways to earn money in the game. Therefore, if you do not really want to meet with biological horror, we are ready to offer you several alternative options:

  • Resource mining- The most obvious way to earn money is to mine rare resources. Gold can be found in relatively large quantities on asteroids. We managed to earn 100,000 units this way in just a couple of minutes, which is pretty good (but not even close to the method of earning on the maggot cores we described above). Instead of waiting for your weapons to cool down, choose between missiles and your starship's regular laser. Then simply position yourself in the middle of the asteroid area and start shooting. Down on the planets, a good source of income is vortex cubes (Vortex Cubes). They are small black objects that seem to grow near small deposits of cobalt (Cobalt). They can not be found on every planet, but from each of the cubes you can get about 25,000 and they often come across 5 pieces side by side, and there may be several such groups nearby. If you find a good planet, you can earn a decent amount;
  • Piracy- in other words, a decent income for shooting at cargo ships and seizing the treasures stored inside. However, this method has two problems: the loot from cargo ships is pretty random, so you can get stuck with a completely unnecessary item and run into a natural lottery when trying to sell it for a good price or not. In addition, you will attract a lot of unnecessary attention to yourself when you try to attack the ship. If you still decide to attack, then first study the enemy, disable his turrets and focus all your efforts on robbing the cargo and transferring it to the space station, where you can remove unnecessary suspicions from yourself and get rid of the aggression of others. We've found that our advanced mining beam can take out a cargo ship's storage much faster than a conventional plasma weapon;

  • Trade- everything is simple and clear here. But as you progress through the game, you can equip your ship with an Economy Scanner, which will show the prices of goods in other star systems on your galactic map. With this information, you can buy a certain commodity cheaply on one planet and sell it dearly on another, pocketing the difference. How more money you will have, the faster you can earn even more (after all, capitalism thrives);
  • Cryopump method- if you have enough money, you can get fabulously rich on this way of earning. First of all, get the blueprint for the Cryo-Pump, which can be found in abandoned structures on the surface of planets. They are easily identified by the lack of landing pads and the presence of reinforced locked doors that you will have to open by force. Then on space station Get Hot Ice and Thermic Condensate from one of the landed ships. Use these ingredients to build a cryopump. Sell ​​it there for about 2 million units (which is much more than the cost of its constituent parts), buy again necessary materials and repeat the procedure!

    And finally, we come to the remaining few small points that are worth mentioning for a faster and easier achievement of our goal of eternal happiness and good luck in the game:

  • The items sold at the space station correspond to the resources that can be obtained in this system - thus, you can check the resources available for purchase in the new system through the terminal star system and understand what materials can be mined or found on local planets;
  • Every space station in any system always buys and sells items at the same price- in other words, you can rename the system depending on what materials it sells or buys at a favorable price for you, because the price for them in this system will never change, no matter how many times you visit it;
  • It's worth investing in a big ship and some exosuit upgrades before you start making money hard - no matter which of the above methods you choose to make money in No Man's Sky, a large selection of tools will always affect the speed and the efficiency with which you will earn. Therefore, do not forget to check out our guide to improving the capacity of your own ship, exosuit and multitool to replenish useful information your baggage of gaming knowledge.

    Skillfully using all these tips and tricks, you can easily and for a short time you can become one of the most respected figures in No Man's Sky. Just try not to spend all your savings at once!

In No Man's Sky, the player is given an entire galaxy in which he can do almost anything he wants. However, any actions, as a rule, are limited by human capabilities. Without good engine, for example, you will not be able to get into the star system you are interested in, and a bad space suit will not allow you to explore a planet with aggressive fauna. Naturally, to buy more advanced equipment and equipment, you will need money, and a lot of it. In this guide, we will give you some tips to help you get rich quick.

Ways to quickly get money (units) in No Man's Sky


You can earn money in the game through the competent use of Trading Points and Space Stations, which will become the main buyers of the resources you have collected. We will discuss each of these objects separately.

space stations

They are large play structures located in open space. Stations can be located near the planets, and in the pitch void, surrounded by only asteroids. Space stations play the role of stores and local refueling points, that is, if your starship runs out of fuel, then it is in them that you can replenish it.

In space stations, you can buy ships, blueprints for improvements, upgrades and supplies. Plus, here you can sell previously mined resources. To start trading, you must first dock with the station.

It has been reported that in early versions of the game, the user could dock to the station, even fighting it and its defense ships. Thus, the player could replenish the shields and again enter the space battle with new forces. Perhaps this trick (cheat) will work in the final version of No Man's Sky.


They are shops located on planets and perform much the same functions as space stations, allowing players to sell resources to earn in-game currency.

According to players who received pre-release versions of the game, Atlas Stones will be a significant source of income, so you should pay special attention to finding them.


After repairing their Analysis Visor on the starting planet, players are able to use it to explore other worlds and reveal the following information about them: flora and fauna, weather conditions, availability of minerals, severity environment and many other information.

With the help of the Scanner, you can also highlight some of the above things so that when analyzing the planets, they are highlighted first. For obtaining any information about a particular world, as well as for each discovery of a new checkpoint on the planet, players receive credit cards, so exploring the galaxy in No Man’s Sky is not only interesting, but also profitable.

Once you feel that you have collected enough information about the planet and its inhabitants, click on the "Options" button and upload all your discoveries to the galactic database. Per download new information you will receive money.

Resource mining

On the planets, resources such as Zinc and Iron are most often found, which can be easily sold at any point of sale galaxies. However, the most valuable on the market are such gems like Omegon and Emeril.

Mining can be a great way to quickly earn credit cards early in the game, as it doesn't require a lot of investment from players. Beginning miners just need to be as careful as possible, for example, not be greedy and not suck all the resources out of the planet, otherwise you will attract the attention of the Guardians.

There are several signs that the planet has minerals. For example, expensive metals such as gold are commonly found on worlds with high radiation.

Atlas Stones

For each visit to the Atlas Station, the player is given one Atlas Stone. These stones can only be used in certain places, but they can be sold for huge amounts of money, for example, after the release of patch 1.03, users could turn in one such stone for 70 thousand units.

This is a kind of cheat in No Man's Sky that allows you to get an infinite amount of money. Therefore, rather use it until it is fixed.


If you are interested in honest types of earnings, then we advise you to invest in your future. For example, constantly upgrade your Exosuit, or rather its inventory, in order to be able to carry more valuable things with you.

The same applies to ships, that is, players need to constantly expand their inventory for transportation. more cargo. It turns out a kind of investment cycle: we increase the capacity for storing resources, collect minerals, sell them, and then expand the inventory again, collect even more resources and sell them, then again increase the carrying capacity of the ship (exosuit) and so on.

Therefore, you should not assume that the money spent on the ship or the Spacesuit was thrown to the wind. In essence, they represent an investment in your future. True, this method will not allow you to get rich quick - you will not receive profit immediately.

Farm on asteroids

This best method to make money fast. All you need to do is find a large cluster of asteroids, which are usually located near space stations. Then you need to destroy them in order to extract expensive elements.

And if you consider that you will be located near the station, then you can quickly sell the collected minerals, and then again take up the extraction of resources.

Most asteroids are composed of Thamium-9 (Thamium9), although sometimes rare metals are also found in them. This material is not very expensive on the market, but it should be noted that in one or two shots you will get about 100 units of Tamium-9, which can be sold at the station for 2000 units (local game currency). Agree, this is quite a profitable business.


Players can engage in the production of Bypass chips and sell them on the market. Such a business can bring a lot of money in a very short time. It takes 10 Iron and 10 Plutonium to make one chip. Both of these resources can be easily found on almost any planet.

If you sell these elements separately, then you won’t earn much on it. See for yourself: for 100 units of iron and plutonium you will receive only 5000 units, and for 10 bypass chips you will be paid 35000 units (one chip costs 3500 credit cards). As you can see, this is an extremely profitable business.

We also advise you not to rush to sell your goods. If at a retail outlet or space station you are offered little money for your products, then it is better to fly to another star system and look for better offers.