About "insect killer from india, insect kills children." Water bug is an exotic creature of our planet A new insect similar to a hedgehog has appeared

APPEARANCE: autumn 2016 a, Mexico

Apparently it became boring for the citizens of our vast Motherland and some decided out of boredom to scare the population and their loved ones and distant ones with a new misfortune and dragged VKontakte last year's fake, which somehow, apparently, did not receive strong distribution (let's give the group admins their due - at the time of this writing, these things already removed):

We look - where and when it went:

In a standard manner "tell everyone, all the media are silent, almost everyone has already died around the world and in our village" a message began to spread on Russian social networks " Attention! a particularly dangerous insect, unknown until recently, entered Russia from India! Do not try to kill him with your hands - as soon as you touch him, you will instantly be struck by a terrible virus for which there is no vaccine yet! Spread this message, take care of the children! "

Panic notes are accompanied by eerie, unbearable pictures:

It seemed to us especially funny that in Mexico, in a number of cases, the RUSSIA TODAY channel was indicated as a source of information, and specifically its broadcasting to South America:

As you can see from the above picture, the comment is unambiguous - "Fake Deadly Insects in Mexico: Unsettling News of Deadly Insects in Mexico Spreads Through the Web and Numerous Sites".

The photo on the right, which can easily go beyond a frame from any horror movie or the imagination of a Photoshop user, has nothing to do with this article. This is the image that uses trypophobia, dislike for agglomerates of round objects, which we will discuss below.

The RT logo is also false, not a single material, article, video with such a name in the Spanish-language direction of work can not be found on the RT website.

The "new insect" is not new at all, but well known to everyone - a male bug of the family Belostomatidae. The water bug, which is one of the largest insects, grows up to 10 centimeters long. In this family, eggs laid by females stick to the body of the male for protection. These bugs do not suck blood as described in the article, however, they can sting when they sense danger. That is, this photo has nothing to do with the panic article at all, and appears to have been used to reinforce the fear caused by the similarity in the image of the holes in the hand and the accumulation of eggs on the male's back. Of course, everyone brought up on the knowledge that aliens are striving to get into a person and lay eggs there immediately triggered unconscious and conscious fears and disgust, which in some cases led to a nervous accidental clicking on the "repost" button.

How this and in whose head it "came to India" is no longer clear. It is strange that it has not yet spread in the spring from Kazakhstan, where fakes for some reason prefer to spread via WansUp:

Apparently, there was a classic phenomenon - a kind of MICROSCOPIC insect (do you see a "microscopic insect" in the picture? It seems like the experts recognized it as a bug, which, as written above, can reach 10 centimeters) was indeed found in India. Then someone stuck an illustration to him that has nothing to do with the situation.

Let's compare the two texts and once again learn to highlight manipulative emotional generalized phrases:

possible primary text of the message, in which there is no scientific controversy

emotionally charged text with distortions that should raise questions from critically minded people (highlighted in red)

Scientists have discovered a new species of poisonous insects that can kill humans.

Researchers have discovered a new species of poisonous insects in India. The small beetle has an unusual property, on contact it releases poison, which contains deadly components. The poison quickly penetrates human skin and can be fatal.

Scientists note that the insect is very small, so it can be accidentally hit or even crushed. The consequences of such contact can be dire. In case of poisoning, death occurs in just a few hours.

While this terrible insect has been seen only in India, however no one knows where it suddenly came from here, and therefore, it is possible that this is another offspring of our "valiant scientists" in their terrible laboratories. And if so, then this "monster" can be found anywhere.

This little bug kills all living things, including a person, and much more insidious than all poisonous spiders, scorpions and so on... It is enough for its "poison" to get on the skin, as it almost instantly seeps into the body and begins its destructive work there.

it not even quite poison, but some kind of deadly virus that literally destroys the human body in a few minutes... In India, the alarm is already sounding, because the insect brings real horror to the inhabitants of this country: after all, it is small and almost invisible, it is easy to step on it barefoot, slap it out of habit with a bare hand. And this is enough to soon ... die in terrible agony.

So everyone who is used to crushing insects with their bare hands and who loves to walk barefoot can be advised (so far only in India, but who knows how everything will turn out?) To reconsider their attitude to poisonous insects: on our blue planet life is getting worse and worse... And in this, Mother Nature herself is not to blame for anything.

But what do we have in the scary pictures?

and here's what:

What is it?

If you feel disgust and fear at the sight of a honeycomb or mushroom sponge, you have trypophobia... Although, in fact, not everything is so simple. Let's figure it out.

The term trypophobia, or cluster hole fear, comes from the Greek trypa, or hole. Fear arises in people suffering from this condition, the moment they see something covered with small holes arranged in an asymmetric order.

It is characteristic that a person suffering from a phobia feels a number of unpleasant symptoms at the sight of holes in cheese, a washcloth, enlarged pores on the face, honeycomb and even a bar of porous chocolate!

Everything objects with numerous cluster holes in their structure represent a huge discomfort for trypophobes.

Trypophobes are afraid of:

  • holes on the human body
  • holes in plants and animals
  • holes and multiple holes in food
  • holes on inanimate objects: fossils, household, hygienic.
  • cluster holes formed as a result of human and animal life (paths of earthworms)
  • graphic and digital images of multiple holes

It is noteworthy that trypophobes are not afraid of absolutely all objects with cluster holes. So, a person suffering from a phobia may be afraid of a washcloth, but quite calmly react to holes in cheese or bread.

Experts say that this feature is due to the fact that trypophobes are afraid only those things and objects from which danger is expected, which is directly related to certain causes of fear.

If at the sight of multiple holes and holes you experience the following sensations, then you belong to 10% of the planet's inhabitants suffering from trypophobia:

  • itchy skin
  • goosebumps
  • feeling of disgust
  • disgust
  • panic
  • fear that someone lives in the holes
  • increased sweating
  • allergic skin reactions
  • difficulty breathing
  • pallor
  • dizziness
  • nausea

    One of the psychology scientists named Jeff Cole he diagnosed himself with trypophobia and began to intensively study it. The scientist came to the conclusion that this fear is based on a variant of animal atavism and biological disgust - the fear that someone might live in the holes and carry a certain danger. After all, numerous holes and spotting are certainly present on the body of the most poisonous creatures on the planet and in their habitats. Our ancestors, as the scientist explains, determined the danger according to these signs, and subconscious fear stopped them from their fateful step

    Many psychologists have suggested that, as such, the fear of multiple holes every person has... According to them, some show this fear, while others may not even be aware of it.

    In addition, the accounts of many people with trypophobia lead researchers to believe that all fears come from childhood

    So, one of the respondents said that in childhood he was bitten by a bee and his skin was so swollen that he saw every time, and another told how his parents were killed with a knife, the handle of which had cluster holes

Trypophobia on the skin: hello, photoshop

Many, due to their ignorance, believe that trypophobia is a skin disease, which consists in the formation of various holes on the human body. In fact, this is a mental disorder. is not a disease and formations on the body do not appear due to the phobia.

Really, "Trypophobia in pictures" originates in 2005 ... The growth of the disease was facilitated by the rapid development of digital photography, when everyone had the opportunity to take a large photo of an orange or coral peel. Plus, the rapid development of various 3D technologies added fuel to the fire, you can learn more about which on the website. Today you don't have to be a professional photographer or an artist to quickly and easily create an image that many people have trypophobic horror.

Colorful photos of human skin covered with trypophobic patterns are especially popular among those who want to get scared. It may look something like this.

Such images cause unpleasant emotions in 30% of people. But it would be wrong to say that all these people suffer from trypophobia. After all, images are really dangerous. Imagine that you meet a person on the street who is actually covered with holes like this. Most likely he is very seriously ill and infectious. And it carries danger. And therefore, the fear caused by such hypothetical individuals in those around them is not of any painful nature.

However, 16-18% of people in trypophobic horror are no longer driven by photoshopped images of people's skin, but by normal macro images of objects of animate and inanimate nature.

So what scares us so much about the past of humanity? Here's what:

We also thought that "it would be better if we didn't see something here."

Well, citizens also comment:


At the end: “Let's be careful, forward, inform friends,” is a traditional addition to horror newsletters. The Russians regularly become addressees of such messages, forward them to each other, despite the fact that they realize that, most likely, this is a fake, they say, it’s better to keep it out. Psychologists believe that the main reason for this behavior is unwillingness to think and loneliness.

From terrorists from Syria to pills from Israel

18 suicide bombers sent to Russian cities, a massive action by the Blue Whale suicide group, during which five thousand children were to commit suicide, poisoned tangerines from Turkey, paracetamol from Israel with a wire inside, chewing gum with drugs offered to children in schools - this is only a small part of all the horror stories that are spread in instant messengers and social networks.

One of the last appeared in Kazan before the start of the summer holidays. In school groups, they actively send out a message about the appearance of a new species of insect, from the bite of which "a person goes crazy and dies within two hours." The message is accompanied by a photograph of a beetle with a bumpy back and the caption: "Show the children, let them not touch him thinking that this is a hedgehog." To enhance the effect, the spam kit also includes an image of a palm and fingers, mottled with black holes - apparently, marks from the hedgehog's pricks.

“This insect is the giant water bug Belostomatidae. It grows up to 15 centimeters long. Despite its not very appetizing appearance, this insect is considered a delicacy in some Asian countries. The bite is very painful, but not fatal. This is a tropical creature, there are no giant water bugs in our area, ”says the biological encyclopedia.

The effect increases significantly if officials join the distribution of the message. So, in 2015, in Tatarstan, panic began over the message about the "death of 12 children due to drug allergies", emanating from the head physician of the GAUZ "Medical and physical dispensary" in Naberezhnye Chelny, Rafis Akhmetzyanov. It turned out that the secretary of the head physician, having received a message from her friend in WhatsApp, decided to do a "good deed" and send it out from her boss's office mail.

On the eve of the worldwide attack of the WannaCray virus, another message about the danger from the worldwide network appeared:

“Tell all the contacts on your list not to accept the video titled "Pope's dance"... It is a virus that formats your mobile phone. Beware, this is very dangerous. They announced it on the radio today. Output this msg as much as possible! "

As you can easily see, it looks like another fake message calling to urgently warn family and friends about the new ivchetoo 225 and ivchetoo 05 viruses.

In this case, it was not difficult to identify the source of the stuffing, but usually the authors of such mailings remain unidentified. Although it is difficult to do this, according to information security expert Andrei Prozorov, it is possible.

If we are talking about instant messengers, then special protocols can be used that increase security, and it becomes more difficult to figure out who sent it. We need to use specialized software products, services that allow us to identify the emergence of new groups, new activities, new trends and hashes in social networks, and from there we look at who was the primary source and work with it. In general, it is laborious, but it is still necessary to control and monitor social networks, - Andrey Prozorov believes.

So far in Russia there is no practice of bringing to justice the authors of panic messages, moreover, they cannot be found. In previous cases, the police only contacted the distributors. In November 2015, after the panic-spreading reports of 18 suicide bombers (it is interesting that after the terrorist attack in St. Petersburg on April 3, the same message was sent again), the representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Elena Alekseeva wrote on her Instagram page that initially the information began to spread in Tatarstan and by the end of the day reached Moscow. A day later, the police announced the arrest of the author, and later it turned out that the woman had received a message from her friend in the same way, just more actively than others spreading it in Internet communities.

At the end of March, Anton Gusev, a participant in the Dom-2 TV show, was detained for sending a message about 5,000 children who are going to commit suicide in one day. According to Life, some acquaintances contacted Gusev in order to distribute the newsletter. It was understood that in this way she would be able to reach the maximum number of people due to the popularity of the author. According to preliminary information, Gusev will not be brought to justice, as he did it without any criminal intent.

The most popular mailing lists are those that evoke emotions - fear or compassion. Suffice it to recall the message in which they called to pick up 150 thoroughbred puppies from the kennel, otherwise they would allegedly be put to sleep. According to Pavel Afanasyev, associate professor of the Department of Psychology at KFU, the epidemic of horror stories is caused by a lack of critical thinking. When people receive messages, they are lazy to think and analyze - whether the message can be true, it is much easier to click on the "forward" button.

Many experts say that the population has a low level of critical thinking. A person cannot analyze how correct the information is, takes everything at face value, and instead of including critical thinking, includes an emotional, affective reaction. The position of a mature person is to take responsibility and think, but this is more difficult than just reacting emotionally, says Pavel Afanasyev.

The second point is, oddly enough, loneliness. Sending a message, a person feels like a part of a society united by some idea or fear.

Launching such horror stories is a hidden request for unity, for the elimination of one's loneliness. A person infects another person with his emotions and realizes that he is not alone, that there are still people nearby who experience similar feelings. It's like in a cartoon about a kitten named Woof: “What are you doing here? I'm afraid. Let's be afraid together. " If someone next to you is also afraid, then you are not so defenseless, because you are not alone, but you are afraid together, - says Pavel Alekseev.

Online hysteria can turn into a nightmare in real life. So, in Tatarstan, through instant messengers, the banking system almost collapsed; after the collapse of Tatfondbank, a message appeared with calls for urgently withdrawing money from the banks of the republic. The Ministry of Internal Affairs announced the arrest of the authors of the mailing list - they turned out to be two men, residents of Naberezhnye Chelny and Almetyevsk.

There are signs of fake information that are visible to the naked eye. If the message is replete with the phrases “URGENT !!! Tell all your loved ones !!! Make the maximum repost! Send it to whoever you can! " - the message is most likely a fake. As well as messages without specifying the author, they usually begin or end with the words: “I have a friend in the police, he said that ...”, “My husband's sister works in a bank, they were warned that ...”, “Teacher 2B asked everyone to report..."

Along with false messages designed to instill fear, real messages are spreading on social media. One of the latest, for example, a video recording of a man approaching a boy at a music school. Then it turned out that the suspicious type was not a pedophile, as agitated parents managed to christen him, but a homeless man from Dzerzhinsky near Moscow, asking children for money for a drink. The message spread all over Russia, and parents in every city were sure that the incident happened to them.

In fact, it was easy to find out the location of the incident. The message does not indicate the city and number of the "music studio", but there is the name and surname of the school principal who asked to distribute the video - we hammer it on the Internet - and everything falls into place.

In the same way, in Kazan, they were looking for the mother of the boy Gleb from the fourth entrance of house number 5 on Zarechnaya Street. It was enough to open the map of Kazan to find out that there is Zarechnaya Street in the city, but this is a private sector, and there can be no multi-entrance building there. As a result, it turned out that the case was in Novosibirsk in January 2016, the boy's mother was found within a couple of hours. Since then, Gleb has "settled" on the Internet, he is still "looking" for now in Nizhny Novgorod, then in Tomsk, then in Tyumen.

Photo: This insect is the giant water bug Belostomatidae, according to the biological encyclopedia. Photo nnm.me

It's time to meet the largest, longest and heaviest insects on Earth. Naturally, the largest species lived in the prehistoric era, but even in the modern world there are still such incredible beetles that will give goosebumps to anyone. From the creepy giant waet to the more famous mantis, here's a list of the 25 largest insects in the world.

25. Protodonata or Meganisoptera

Meganisoptera is not only the largest dragonfly that has ever existed on our planet, but also the largest insect in the world. With a wingspan of up to 75 centimeters, this giant insect hovered in the skies from the Carboniferous to the end of the Permian era (approximately 317 - 247 million years ago). Meganisoptera lived long before the appearance of pterosaurs, birds and bats, which means that it had no equal in the sky.

24. Giant Ueta

Photo: Dinobass

Giant Ueta (weta) is a very large species of insects that live mainly in New Zealand. An adult beetle can weigh 35 grams. Ueta prefers to hide in the fallen leaves and bark of fallen trees, and rests mainly during the day. At night, the heavyweight leaves his hideout to move to other trees in search of food and more comfortable housing. Despite its impressive size, the giant ueta only lives for 6-9 months.

23. Titan Lumberjack

Photo: Bernard Dupont

Endemic to the rainforests of South America, the titanium lumberjack is the largest known beetle not only in the Amazon jungle, but also one of the largest insect species in the world. Titanium grows up to 16.7 centimeters in length (according to unconfirmed reports - up to 22 centimeters), and a distinctive feature of this giant insect is its impressive claws, with which it can easily grab a pencil, for example. Rumor has it that the Titan Lumberjack can even rip apart human flesh with his pincers. The most interesting thing is that entomologists have not yet been able to detect its larvae, and naturalists so far can only assume that the beetle spends the beginning of its life inside trees.

22. Australian walking cane

Photo: Rosa Pineda

The Australian cane (Extatosoma tiaratum) is a huge herbivorous insect that lives in the tropical and temperate rain forests of Australia. These creatures are very similar to praying mantises, but entomologists distinguish them as two completely different species. Females are usually larger than males, they reach up to 20 centimeters in length and are covered with thorny spines. In turn, males also have something to brag about - they have as many as 3 eyes, and they can fly, unlike females, which only have wing buds.

21. Mole atlas

Photo: Quartl

This giant moth lives in the tropical and subtropical forests of Southeast Asia and is considered one of the largest lepidopteran species on the planet. The tropical moth has a wingspan of 25 centimeters and an atlas wing surface area of ​​400 square centimeters, more than any other insect in the world. Moreover, her life expectancy is only 5-7 days. People have found quite practical use for this short-lived beauty - in India, a giant moth is bred to produce silk thread.

20. Rhino cockroach (Macropanesthia rhinoceros)

Photo: Mark Pellegrini (Raul654)

The giant rhinoceros cockroach (also known as the burrowing cockroach) lives in the rainforests of Queensland, Australia and is the largest and heaviest cockroach in the world. An adult of this species grows up to 8 centimeters in length and can weigh up to 35 grams. The life expectancy of a burrowing cockroach is quite impressive - scientists have found individuals whose age reached as much as 10 years. You may be surprised, but among amateur entomologists, the giant rhino cockroach is quite popular as a ... pet.

19. Elephant beetle

Photo: sdbeazley / flickr

This insect prefers the humidity of tropical forests and lowlands of Central and South America (especially Mexico). The elephant beetle (or megasome elephant) is a large insect that grows in length up to as much as 13 centimeters. Impressive in size, these creatures live only 1-3 months, prefer the night time, feed on tree sap and tropical fruits.

18. Phobaeticus chani

Photo: P.E. Bragg

Phobaeticus chani is a species of stick insects, recognized as one of the longest in the world. Its more common name is the Chan stick insect, which this insect received in honor of its explorer Datuk Chen Zhaolun. The giant stick insect was discovered not so long ago in the rainforest in Borneo, where a Chinese naturalist had a chance to examine an individual of incredible length - 57 centimeters! The species of beetle Phobaeticus chani is still not fully understood, since the insect lives in the tallest trees in the rainforest, which makes it too secretive for observation and research.

17. Queen Alexandra's Birdwing

Photo: Robert Nash

This amazingly beautiful creature was discovered in the rainforests of the Oro province in eastern Papua New Guinea. Another name for this birdwing is also known - the ornithopter of Queen Alexandra, and it is recognized as the largest butterfly in the world. The wingspan of this giant creature reaches 30.5 centimeters, and it feeds mainly on the nectar of tropical flowers.

16. Giant water bug

Photo: Frank Vassen

The giant water bug (Belostomatidae) is also known as the "alligator flea" and lives primarily in freshwater bodies of water, lakes, streams and rivers in the Americas, Northern Australia and East Asia. Water bugs are fierce predators, and there are cases of these bugs attacking not only fish and frogs, but also small snakes and even turtles. Killer beetle? It sounds creepy, but there is another equally predatory insect ahead of you. Have patience until the 11th point of our top ...

15. Giant Atlas Beetle

Photo: JohnSka

The Atlas beetle (Chalcosoma atlas) got its name in honor of the ancient mythical deity who held the firmament on his shoulders. Another name for this beetle is the Caucasian beetle, and representatives of this species are considered one of the largest on Earth. Atlas is widely distributed in Southeast Asia, especially in Malaysia. Atlas males can reach as much as 13 centimeters in length.

14. St. Helena's earwig

Photo: wikimedia

Before you is a giant earwig Labidura herculeana, the largest representative of the order of leatherwings, which is also sometimes called the "Dodo of the world of earwigs" (Dodo is a giant bird that died out in the 17th century AD) or the earwig of St. Helena. History knows about the 8-centimeter Labidura herculeana, but the last time a live adult of this earwig was seen as early as May 1967, and in 2014, scientists sadly announced that the Dodo of the world of earwigs was completely extinct.

13. Goliath beetle

Photo: fir0002

Endemic to tropical regions of Africa, goliath beetles are the largest insects in the world, both in adulthood and in the larval stage. It is believed that these beetles are the heaviest of all insects on Earth. Their larvae weigh up to 100 grams, and adults reach up to 12 centimeters in length.

12. Longhorns or woodcutters

Photo: Hectonichus

The long-horned beetle in the photo is a giant beetle species, easily recognizable by its beautiful pattern on its back and enlarged jaws. There are other names for this insect - barbel, woodcutter, or scientifically Cerambycidae. The long-horned beetle lives in the tropical forests of South America, and despite its enormous size (more than 17 centimeters in length), this insect species even knows how to fly.

11. Tarantula hawk

Photo: wikimedia

The tarantula is a large road wasp or pompilida that preys on tarantulas. The females of this species of insects paralyze the spider with a prick of their sting. On a successful hunt, these seemingly modest creatures are able to overcome a tarantula, which is most often 8 times heavier than a road wasp. This difference in weight does not interfere with dragging the slain spider into the hole, where the female lays her larvae directly on the body of the prey. When new tarantula hawks are born, they initially feed on the tarantulas stored in the burrow.

10. Giant scolia wasp

Photo: Didier Descouens

9. Gauromydas heros

Photo: Biologoandre

Gauromydas heros are the largest flies in the world. In length, this type of dipteran insect grows up to 7 centimeters, and its wingspan reaches 10 centimeters, which is quite a lot for a fly. Gauromydas heros lives in southern Brazil and prefers to lay its larvae in anthills. Scientists have not fully studied the lifestyle of this species, but adult males presumably feed on flower nectar, females probably do not eat, and the larvae of these flies eat the larvae of leaf-cutting ants, in whose colonies they hide.

8. Macrotermes Bellicosus

Photo: ETF89

This termite lives in Africa and Southeast Asia. Macrotermes Bellicosus is the largest known representative of its infraorder. This insect was included in our list due to the fact that its uterus during the laying period reaches approximately 11 centimeters in length. The size of other members of the colony is much more modest - worker termites grow up to 3-4 centimeters, and soldiers - not much larger. Macrotermes Bellicosus are hunters and gatherers, and their activity peaks during the rainy season.

7. Hercules beetle

Photo: Anaxibia

Hercules beetle (Dynastes hercules) is one of the largest beetles in the world, and it lives mainly in the jungles of South America. Representatives of this genus are considered the largest and most famous of all rhinoceros beetles, close relatives of scarabs. Some males reach 17.5 centimeters, including the length of the mono-horn.

6. Thysania agrippina

Photo: Acrocynus

Thysania agrippina is a moth, better known by other names, including the agrippa scoop, agrippina scoop, agrippina moth, agrippa moth, night moth, and even the ghost moth. The agrippina scoop is one of the largest flying insects, with a wingspan of almost 30 centimeters. The largest nocturnal species lives in Mexico, Central America and South America, and is also sometimes found in Texas (Texas).

5. Stag beetle (Lucanidae)

Photo: Trevor Harris / geograph.org.uk

The stag beetle or stag beetle, also sometimes known as the comb beetle, is an insect that is easily recognizable due to its enormous size (about 12 centimeters in length) and imposing mandibles (lower jaws) that resemble tusks or horns. In appearance, the beetle looks very frightening, but in fact it feeds on tree sap, and uses its lower jaws only in mating games or during fights with its own relatives. For humans, this insect is usually completely harmless.

4. Giant Homoptera dragonfly

Photo: Steven G. Johnson

The largest living dragonfly on our planet, the giant isoptera dragonfly is also known in the scientific world as Megaloprepus Caerulatus. The graceful insect is decorated with silvery-blue stripes, as well as white and black spots. But don't be fooled by its beauty, this dragonfly is a dangerous predator. True, the greatest threat to Megaloprepus Caerulatus is perhaps for spiders, which the equalfly catches directly from their cozy nets. The giant dragonfly lives in the rainforests of Central and South America, and the largest wingspan of these insects is as much as 19 centimeters!

3. Praying mantis

Photo: Oliver Koemmerling

This insect is practically at the top of its food chain and feeds mainly on other members of its native class, although there is evidence that mantises sometimes attack small reptiles, small mammals and even birds! The largest mantis known to entomologists was discovered in southern China in 1929, and its length was as much as 18 centimeters.

2. Zhao stick insect

Photo: Joachim Bresseel, Jérôme Constant

In 2014, a new species of insect was discovered in the southern province of Guangxi. It was the Zhao stick insect (Phryganistria Chinensis Zhao), whose dimensions reached as much as 62.4 centimeters. The giant was discovered by the Chinese scientist-entomologist Zhao Li, and today it is the longest insect in the world. The stick insect was named after a Chinese explorer who hunted this incredible fastmatida for 6 years until he finally managed to capture one of these long-legged beauties.

1. Long-legged mosquitoes of the species Holorusia Brobdignagius

Photo: wikimedia

Long-legged mosquitoes or caramors are insects of the Diptera family of the long-wattled suborder. Their favorite habitat is forests near fresh water bodies and swamps. Adults feed on plant nectar, and the larvae feed on rotting plants. The largest of the caramors, holorusia brobdignagius grows up to 23 centimeters in length if you extend the limbs behind and in front of its little body. This value allows this Chinese centipede to be considered the longest of its kind.