"How to remove lice from a child: the safest and most effective methods." How to remove lice - effective folk remedies and tips How to remove lice at home

Lice found in a child is always a tragedy for a mother who is worried about the health of her own baby. Having discovered the “pest”, parents begin to frantically search for a remedy that can guarantee to get rid of lice in one day. In the fight against pediculosis, the main thing is the absence of panic, knowledge about the effectiveness of various drugs and patience.

Nits mature in 7-10 days, another 2-3 days are required for maturation. After the first portion of blood, the female (larger than the male individual) begins to lay eggs, and after a week the number of nits reaches hundreds. Such a rapid breeding process makes it possible to detect lice in a child as early as a week after infection.

Important! Pediculosis is dangerous with possible suppuration of scratching and the risk of getting sick with typhus.

Lice - myths and reality

There are many misconceptions associated with pediculosis. Common myths:

  • Lice in a child is associated with stress
  • A sign of uncleanliness
  • Lice will disappear when the child grows up
  • It's all about cats and dogs
  • It's the child's fault

Do not scold the child if he has lice. They can be infected different ways. However, to minimize the risk of re-infection, the baby should be explained some rules: do not wear other people's hats and do not give yours to others, do not use someone else's comb, etc.

Jumping and volatility is just a myth. However, a louse in 1 min. can crawl up to 3.5 meters! That is why pediculosis is rapidly spreading in children's groups: schools and kindergartens.

Ways of infection with pediculosis

To eliminate the possibility of pediculosis as much as possible, you should clearly understand how you can get lice. At the same time, the child does not have to hug and touch the head of the infected with his hair for a long time.

Important! Girls with long hair are most likely to get head lice. When leaving the house, it is recommended to braid braids.

Signs of hair loss in a child

Signs of head lice infestation:

  • itching - some children, even when one louse appears in the head, begin to itch, others do not react even with a large population of insects;
  • nits - white crumbs, firmly glued to the hair at a distance of up to 2 cm from the skin, when pressed with nails, a characteristic click is heard (live nits);
  • bite marks - reddish small spots and swelling on the scalp;
  • combing in the hair, behind the ears and on the neck;
  • restlessness during the day, poor sleep.

Important! It is easy to distinguish nits from dandruff: it is worth blowing on a suspicious white grain and the dandruff will fly off, and the nits will remain in place.

We rid the child of lice: the safest and most effective methods

Pediculosis in a boy or small child can be cured by simply shaving off the hair. Shaving, although it quickly gets rid of insects in the head, is not always acceptable. Most often, mothers ask the question: how to get lice out of a child with long hair at home? Going to the doctor means publicizing the disease in kindergarten or school, which many parents do not want. Modern pharmacology offers a lot of ways to combat pediculosis.


Thorough combing out of the hair is a very laborious process. To do this, combs with very fine teeth or special steel (AntiV) and RobiComb electronic combs are used, which destroy lice with a current discharge. Rules for mechanical removal:

  • To soften the shell of nits and their easy discharge from the hair, you should make a compress with vinegar. Table 9% vinegar is diluted in half with water (for small children, the ratio is 1: 2). Moisten the hair with the solution and leave for 10-15 minutes, covering the head with a bag. Vinegar can be substituted citric acid: Dilute 5 g of powder from a pack in 250 ml of water. Then rinse your hair warm water.
  • It is necessary to prepare a white sheet on which lice will fall. For better visibility, you can use table lamp, magnifier or glasses.
  • Thoroughly comb each strand of wet hair. Before combing, it is not recommended to use a hair dryer.
  • The procedure should be repeated every day for 10-14 days, as it is possible that nits will remain on the hair.

Important! An experiment was conducted in Belgium. From hair previously washed with conventional air conditioning, combed out lice. At the same time, the effectiveness was at the level of the use of antipediculosis drugs. However, scientists clarify: the use of air conditioning reduces the effectiveness of pediculicides, so you should choose one of the ways to fight.

Combing out lice and nits requires patience from the parents and from the child. Many children simply cannot long time sit in one place and let "deal with the hair." Yes, and modern pharmaceuticals offers more quick methods treatment for pediculosis.

Lice shampoos and sprays

To quickly remove lice from a child with long hair, you must use special tools. Anti-pediculosis drugs are presented in a huge assortment. All of them have a different composition, degree of effectiveness and age restrictions. However, most of them act only on adults and do not destroy nits. Consider the most effective means:

  • Insecticide permethrin

Poison that paralyzes lice is used at a concentration of 0.5-1%. Means with permethrin are applied to dry hair and kept on the head for 10 minutes. With a large number of nits and lice or with long hair, the product is not washed off for 30-40 minutes. There is a risk of an allergic reaction, especially with prolonged exposure.

Permethrin in different concentrations is found in the following products:

  • Nittifor - lotion 0.5% (prohibited up to 2 years);
  • Hygia - 1% shampoo (up to 5 years is prohibited, a comb is included);
  • Nix - 1% cream (allowed from 6 months);
  • Nok - 1% shampoo (from 2.5 years old);
  • Veda - 0.4-0.5% shampoo (from 5 years old, hypoallergenic);
  • Pedilin -1% shampoo with a pleasant smell (from 2 years of age);
  • Medifox - one of the cheapest means, gel 1% (from 5 years old), concentrate 5% (for children from 1 year old, an emulsion is prepared - 1 ampoule + 200 ml of water), Medifox-super - 20% concentrate for processing in schools / kindergartens .
  • Malathion

Malathion is an insecticidal poison that acts even when lice are resistant to these substances. Easily penetrating through the chitinous shell, it destroys both adults and nits.

Anti-pediculosis drugs with malathion:

  • Pair Plus - the composition of the aerosol includes permethrin and piperonil that enhances its action, as well as malathion. Not approved for use in children under 2.5 years of age;
  • Emulsion Pediculin - a combination of tetramethrin, malathion, piperonil;
  • Fenotrin;
  • The neurotoxic poison phenothrin acts on mature individuals and nits.

Preparations with phenothrin are highly effective:

  • Phenothrin lotion (from 2.5 years old);
  • Ithax (from 2 years old, very expensive);
  • Parasidosis (shampoo from 2.5 years old, product with a comb from 3 months old, spray from 3 years old);
  • Anti-bit (from 2 years old);
  • Sumitrin (from 2 years old).

Important! Malathion is usually used in combination with other anti-pediculosis agents. The effectiveness of such drugs is higher than that of mono-drugs.

  • Mineral oil products

Preparations with essential oils with disinsection properties are one of the safest anti-pediculosis agents. The most popular remedy is Pediculen Ultra - anise oil in combination with ethyl alcohol. Comes with a comb and a magnifying glass, has a pungent odor, allowed from 5 years.

  • Dimethicone

Dimethicone is a silicone-like substance that envelops lice. As a result, insects die from suffocation. This substance is highly effective even in cases of lice resistance to pediculocidal agents. Deadly for lice and safe for humans, two-phase dimethicone is contained in the following preparations:

  • Nyuda - spray used from 3 years;
  • Paranit - shampoo and spray with clearol (natural oil), allowed from 3 years.

The choice of the drug always remains with the parent. It is much easier to get rid of insects in the head if the child has short hair. To achieve high efficiency and quickly get rid of lice should adhere to the following rules:

  • Strictly follow the instructions for the drug - age restrictions, technique of use.
  • To remove lice from a child in 1 day, it is necessary to treat the head with an anti-pediculosis agent, further soften the shell of the nits with a solution of vinegar and thoroughly comb out each strand.
  • Even if the package says that the drug destroys lice and nits in one application, you should not hope for it. Optimal Mode procedures - re-treatment with combing out after 7-10 days. 100% destruction is guaranteed only by 3-fold processing in 7-10 days.
  • Preparations with insecticides (permethrin, malathion, phenothrin) are used no more than 2 times a month. If there is no result, the remedy is changed.
  • All insecticides are toxic to one degree or another! Do not exceed the concentration when diluting therapeutic emulsions.
  • Anti-pediculosis drugs can provoke an allergic reaction. Before using them, it is desirable to conduct a skin test: apply a small amount of the drug to the elbow bend and see the reaction in a day.

It is impossible to completely eliminate the risk of lice infestation. However simple rules help reduce the likelihood of pediculosis in children to a minimum:

  • Teaching a child about hygiene - using only your own towel. You can not use other people's combs, wear other people's hats, borrow your own hairpins and hair ties.
  • Teach a child in a school locker room to hang up a coat / jacket, turning the lining out. Lice do not linger on smooth surfaces.
  • Girls with long hair must braid their hair or do hairstyles that compactly clean their hair.
  • Washing the child twice a week.
  • Once a week, examine the head of the child, it is advisable to comb it with a comb.
  • Basic home hygiene - regular wet cleaning, change and laundry.
  • Conversations with kindergarten teachers about compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements - sleep only in the bed assigned to the child, the necessary gaps between beds.

You can get rid of lice and nits at home without visiting a doctor.

Treatment is carried out according to the algorithm:

  1. preparation of the room and necessary tools;
  2. applying the selected product to the hair;
  3. distribution of the substance along the entire length, holding a certain amount of time under a plastic cap and a towel;
  4. washing your hair with shampoo and rinsing your hair with vinegar solution;
  5. combing out lice.

Funds can be divided into two groups - folk methods and medical preparations.

Medical cosmetic preparations are easy to use, good effect. Medicines are produced in different forms:

  • emulsions;
  • lotions;
  • sprays;
  • shampoos;
  • cream;
  • ointments;
  • tablets.


The most effective drugs are emulsions and lotions. They are sold in concentrated or ready-made. After use, they require rinsing with a regular shampoo so that the active substances do not remain on the scalp. In addition, such drugs should be handled with care, as they are quite toxic and can cause allergies and chemical burns. The high content of active substances will allow you to get rid of insects after two procedures.

The most effective drugs can be called:


Spray preparations are easier to use than emulsions, and there are much fewer contraindications. Not all products contain insecticides. Most sprays are based on natural substances, suffocating insects with an airtight film. They can only kill adults, so sprays must be used repeatedly.

The spray treatment procedure does not require special preparation - dry hair is treated with preparations along the entire length.


The most common anti-lice and nits shampoos are:

  • "Paranit" - non-toxic shampoo based on natural clearol oil, acts gently, requires repeated processing;

    Paranit - soft and effective remedy against lice

  • "Veda" and "Veda 2" are highly effective means in the fight against lice. Permethrin begins to act after 30 minutes of exposure to the hair, does not require a second session. At the same time, it has a beneficial effect on the skin - softens, does not cause itching;
  • "Khigia" is an effective remedy for the destruction of head and pubic lice. The composition contains substances that break down the glue in nits;
  • "Pedelin" is an effective and inexpensive remedy with malathion. Possesses a pungent smell, aged 10 minutes. May cause allergies and nervous disorders;
  • "Nit-Free" is one of the safe shampoos based on mint oil. It is used in the treatment of pediculosis in children from one year old and pregnant women. Can be used for prevention;

    Neat Free products are designed for both people and animals

  • "Parasidosis" - shampoo with phenothrin, applied for only 6 minutes. Use on the first and second day;

    The tool is used twice - with a break of one day

  • "Anti-Bit" - a remedy based on sumitrin. Apply 2 times - on the first and second day;
  • "NOK" - shampoo on sonova permethrin. After the procedure, it is necessary to ventilate the room.


Preparations in the form of cream and ointment are no less effective and are considered the most inexpensive among medical products. Oils are used to make creams, so preparations are more difficult to wash off after the procedure.

Quite often, treatment with cosmetic preparations does not give the desired result. In such cases, after a medical examination, the doctor prescribes drugs for oral administration.

Such treatment is effective and does not cause itching, burning and allergies. Under the influence active substances blood becomes unattractive and harmful to insects.

Most often, doctors prescribe pills:

But when using drugs inside, it is important to do this with no less caution. Pills have serious limitations, such as kidney and liver disease. Also, these drugs may have side effects in the form of intestinal and stomach upset, dizziness, weakness, dizziness.

Combs against pediculosis

After treating the hair with medicinal preparations, it is necessary to thoroughly comb each strand - this way you will remove dead and living insects and eggs.

Nit Free shampoo comes with a special comb

The procedure for mechanical treatment of pediculosis is safe, but has its own characteristics:

Combing should be done daily for 7-10 days. The process takes a lot of time and energy, but it certainly will not cause side effects. So it's for allergy sufferers. The best way treatment for pediculosis.

Special AntiV comb - allows you to easily comb out nits

An important point is the choice of comb for combing. Ordinary combs will not bring the desired result. Usually, special combs come with shampoo, but they can be purchased separately at pharmacies:

Folk remedies

Many refuse to use medicinal preparations, preferring folk methods that have been used to treat pediculosis for decades.

Such treatment is affordable and inexpensive, since all the ingredients can be purchased at pharmacies or any store. The main disadvantage is the duration - most of the funds traditional medicine Leave it on your hair overnight. These tools are ineffective in the destruction of nits, and therefore require re-treatment. In addition, not all traditional medicine is safer than specialized drugs - some methods are much more toxic and aggressive.

Treatment of hair with dichlorvos, although it gives results, can be very dangerous to health

No less popular is a solution of vinegar and table salt. They make it according to the old recipe - add 40-50 grams of salt to a glass of acetic solution, stir well and pour in a teaspoon of alcohol. This tool should be kept on the hair for 2 days, periodically updating the compress. It will not only kill insects, but also relieve irritation at the bite sites.

Folk remedies often turn to the use of ointments:

  • sulfuric ointment diluted with water in equal proportions;
  • boric ointment;
  • mercury and sermert ointment.

The ointment is applied to the hair 2-3 times a day for 10-15 days. The mask is applied for 30 minutes and washed off with a regular shampoo. These remedies are very effective, but toxic and harmful, especially the use of mercury and mercury ointment. Therefore, doctors do not recommend this treatment.

The most common uses of essential oils are:

  • tea tree;
  • lavender;
  • plantain;
  • mint;
  • geraniums;
  • calendula;
  • cypress;
  • rosemary;
  • sage;
  • anise;
  • carnations.

A few drops of essential oil are mixed with burdock or sunflower, applied to the hair and left for 40 minutes under the film. Essential oils repel insects with pungent odors, envelop them with an airtight layer, thereby killing. One drawback is that it is difficult to rinse out of the hair.

Among the folk remedies there is the use of vegetable juices:

Birch tar, actively used to combat dandruff and hair loss, is also used to get rid of insects:

Tar shampoos are used for cosmetic purposes and get rid of lice

  • wash hair with soap or shampoo to degrease hair;
  • abundantly wash hair with tar shampoo and leave for 1 hour under a film and a towel;
  • wash off the foam and comb out insects.

Tar shampoo is not inferior to the use of hellebore water - the product has a detrimental effect on insects and eggs, while disinfecting bite sites. Hellebore water is left on the hair for 30 minutes, washed off and combed through the hair.

How to choose a remedy?

There are a lot of remedies for the treatment of pediculosis, and it is very difficult to choose which one is better.

When buying drugs, pay close attention to age restrictions. The most suitable drugs for children:

  • "Lavinal";
  • "Pediculen Ultra";
  • "Nyx"
  • "Lice Guard"

These drugs are moderately effective and low level toxicity.

All funds are used externally, so they cannot harm the fetus during pregnancy. However female body becomes very sensitive, so you should avoid substances with strong odors, based on malathion, phenothrin and benzyl benzoate. Allowed during pregnancy are drugs such as NOC, Nittifor, Nyuda, Lavinal.

The best way out is to consult a doctor who will select the appropriate medicine based on the general condition of the pregnant woman and the possible risks.

It should also be taken into account that the most effective drugs highly toxic and may cause an allergic reaction and discomfort. You need to decide for yourself what kind of treatment you need - fast or safe.

The use of the most toxic and harmful drugs will not entail terrible consequences if you follow the safety precautions and instructions.

IMPORTANT! Lice are able to exist at a temperature of about 28 0C. When it drops by 5-6 degrees, the development of insects slows down. At a temperature of 10 0C, the insect stops laying eggs.

People of all ages are susceptible to this disease, but especially. This is due to the main way the disease spreads. Lice easily get over with close contact, which is often observed in childhood.

Adults most often become infected with pediculosis in the following ways:

  • through headgear;
  • through combs, hairpins;
  • through bed linen or head towels.

The presence of pediculosis is indicated by severe itching - the most important. This happens when the skin is pierced. Nits, unlike adults, can often be seen with the naked eye.

With insufficient hygiene and prolonged neglect of the problem hair sticky and tangled tufts are formed. An unpleasant odor may appear.

This begs the question: if lice appeared on a person’s head, how to get rid of them? It's very difficult. The nits are tightly attached to the hair, which allows them to remain in place even during shampooing.

So, how to remove lice and nits? The best is this complete hair removal. Not everyone agrees to such drastic measures. It is currently possible to choose best way getting rid of lice. Most effective methods lice treatments follow.

Treatment with chemicals

The simplest and fast way It is considered the application of special solutions to the scalp and hair. Such funds can be purchased at pharmacies. They are issued in the form of sprays, shampoos or lotions. Before treating pediculosis, you should consult with your doctor.

IMPORTANT! Substances that make up the funds are quite toxic. Pregnancy and lactation are direct contraindications to their use. Do not use these chemicals and children under 12 years of age without the appointment of a pediatrician.

This method of removing lice has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • quick effect;
  • the ability to save hair;
  • ease of use;
  • wide availability.

It is important to take precautions. Avoid contact with the skin and mucous membranes.

The drug received well-deserved trust. This is an aerosol, which includes a detrimental to lice permethrin. The product should be sprayed on the scalp and hair along the entire length, and after 10 minutes, rinse with regular shampoo. Dead lice are combed out with a fine comb.

Another drug with a similar effect - Medifox. This is an emulsion that needs to be diluted with water according to the instructions. The resulting solution is applied to the skin with a cotton swab. Wash off the drug after 20 minutes.

You can replace this drug with Nittifor. It's ready permethrin solution at the right concentration. It is applied to the hair roots for 40 minutes and the head is covered with a scarf.

IMPORTANT! Majority chemicals effective against adults. Nits are able to maintain their viability. A single use of special tools is not enough.

One method for removing nits and lice is to comb them out with a special comb. How to get rid of head lice with this safe method, because it does not involve the application of chemicals? The process of combing out is long and painful. Especially difficult.

  1. Before getting rid of head lice, you need to wash your hair with regular shampoo. For long hair, it is recommended to apply conditioner.
  2. Shoulders necessary in advance cover cloth.
  3. You need to comb your hair gradually. It is important to ensure that the combed strands do not mix with others.
  4. After the procedure is completed, treat the comb with boiling water or special means from lice, and destroy the fabric with which the shoulders were covered.

IMPORTANT! To reduce pain, you can treat your hair with vinegar. A weak solution of it is able to destroy the adhesive substance with which the nits are fixed.

Needs to be done regularly. A single procedure will not get rid of pediculosis. Doctors recommend to carry out this procedure from 4 to 10 days in a row.

Folk methods

Many prefer folk remedies fight against pediculosis and know how to cure lice, while spending a minimum of money. These funds also have low toxicity compared to pharmaceuticals.

How to get rid of head lice with folk recipes? One of the most common ingredients in such recipes is kerosene. This tool has many disadvantages. After treatment with kerosene, burns and skin irritation are possible. This substance also negatively affects the hair itself. They dry out, and subsequently become thin and brittle.

For this method required to mix 1 part kerosene with 12 parts vegetable oil. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair roots and left overnight under a plastic cap.

Often a canteen is used to fight lice. concentrated acid leads to severe burns. It is important to apply 9% means.

It is applied to the roots of the hair. Vinegar helps to get rid of the sticky substance that nits produce. Such treatments can be used as an addition to the main

This topic constantly worries parents, regardless of the season. And it always causes them a shock: they seem to be watching the child, and suddenly out of nowhere the child has lice in his hair. Where, why? And now another question arises: how to quickly get rid of lice and nits? Quickly - because the child himself suffers from this, and there is simply no additional time for this unscheduled process of getting rid of. However, not everything is so terrible and deplorable. The problem is completely solvable.

Rare parents look into the child's head before sending him to kindergarten, and even after the holidays, I hope parents also check for pediculosis. Small children are always examined in kindergarten. At the very least, this inspection should be done once a week. Yes, and at school after every vacation they examine children.

At one time, I also had to “fight” this scourge twice. For the first time, my daughter brought from a pioneer camp (at that time there were such), although the child went there with a completely clean head. The second time the surprise was brought by the granddaughter on vacation.

Then where do lice come from? I will share my observations not only as a parent, but also as a medical worker, when I had to deal with a similar problem at work. And so I came to these conclusions.

Lice spread (crawl) only by contact, and the transmission routes are as follows:

  • Sharing combs, hair ties, hats or scarves;
  • In close contact - in a common bed or in contact with heads;
  • In the locker room at school or in sections through outerwear, which often hangs absolutely close to each other;
  • When swimming in a pond, when many children bathe at the same time (lice do not drown in water);
  • On the train, when you have to sleep on linen that has not been properly processed;
  • If personal hygiene is not observed.

It is clear that these factors work when there is a child with pediculosis nearby.

How to know if a child has lice

Parents should be suspicious of pediculosis if the child constantly scratches their head due to itching from lice bites. Pay attention to bite marks, they may appear as characteristic small red dots on the head, in the neck or behind the ears.

The main sign will be the presence of insects and laid eggs - nits on the hair. With a large number of nits, the hair becomes dull, looks dirty. Who does not know what lice, nymphs and nits look like, look at this photo.

How to remove lice at home

Quickly, in 1 day only lice can be removed. Of course, you still have to spend time and effort on this. And if the girl has long hair, then you have to tinker even longer.

With boys, especially with little ones, everything is simple. You can cut it very short or bald, if you agree. And at the same time, you can not use anti-lice products, it is enough to wash your hair after a haircut, and burn your hair or pack it tightly in a bag and put it in the trash.

But with girls it's much more difficult.

It will be especially difficult to remove nits from long hair. Therefore, my advice to you: cut your hair shorter, so it is easier to comb out or pull out nits.

Be sure to re-treat in 5-7 days. Between adults and larvae (nits) there is also an intermediate stage of lice - nymphs. If the nits did not die during processing, then nymphs hatch from them, which in a week will grow into adults. It is recommended to carry out such treatments at least 3 times.

Since all insecticides are poisonous in their own way, burning, itching, redness of the scalp, and sometimes allergic reactions are possible when they are used.

Means for removing lice and nits

The modern pharmaceutical market today offers us a large selection of insecticides in the form of ointments, sprays, shampoos. Here are the most popular and effective remedies.

Benzyl is benzoate. It is used as an ointment or emulsion. Cheap (up to 100 rubles) and effective remedy. The drug is rubbed into the scalp and distributed over the entire length of the hair, after which the head is covered plastic wrap or with a handkerchief, leave for 30 minutes. After this time, the head must be washed with soap or shampoo. A similar procedure must be carried out 2 more times.

The drug should not be used by pregnant and lactating women and children under 3 years of age due to the toxicity of the drug.

Tar soap. Also cheap (up to 50 rubles), effective and safe remedy which can be applied to all categories of people. Apply solid lump or liquid soap, which is abundantly soaped on the head, left for a while, and then washed off. After washing, it is imperative to comb out dead insects and nits.

Of course, lice cannot be removed at one time, you will have to wash your hair daily for 10-14 days until all insects are removed. But there is a positive point from the use of tar soap: the hair will become healthy and shiny.

hellebore water - a water-alcohol solution, poisonous, so it can not be used for children under 12 years old, pregnant and lactating women. It is inexpensive (up to 20 rubles). Insects and nits die the first time. Hellebore water is applied to wet hair, the head is tied with a scarf, after 30 minutes the head is washed with shampoo or soap.

Nittifor- cream (up to 300 rubles) is an effective remedy that can be used for children over 3 years old and pregnant women. The cream is applied to the hair and rubbed into the scalp, left for 10-15 minutes, after which it is washed off with water. The procedure is repeated 2 more times with an interval of 7 days. Be sure to comb out dead insects and nits.

Medifox- another not expensive tool (up to 150 rubles). Can be used for children over 2 years old. Available as a gel or concentrate. The product is applied to the scalp and hair along the entire length, the hair is covered with a scarf on top and left for 40 minutes. Then wash off with warm water shampoo.

Pair Plus- aerosol with bad smell but comfortable to use. It is enough to spray the spray on the hair and wash it off after 10 minutes. The tool does not require re-use. Can be used for children from 1 year old, pregnant and lactating women. Price up to 550 rubles.

Nix- cream for 370 rubles. It can be used even for small children after 6 months. (Although I do not know a single case of their practice, so that at such an age such babies had lice). The cream is applied to the scalp and hair, left for 10 minutes, then washed off. For combing dead insects, a special comb is included in the kit.

The drug is contraindicated in acute dermatitis.

Shampoos: Paranit, Pedelin, Sifax, Anti-bit. Easy to use, with a neutral smell, can be used by children from 2 years old. The product is applied to wet hair, lathers, left for 10-15 minutes, then washed off. Insects are combed out.

Until recently, many of the above remedies were not available, so they poisoned lice with kerosene, dust soap, decoctions of herbs of tansy, hellebore, wormwood, and even dichlorvos. But all these means are not safe and poisonous. Even now, hardly anyone will use, for example, kerosene.

I want to offer you a simpler and relatively safe method- dyeing hair with modern dyes that can be found in any store. Of course, this method is suitable for older children and adults. Children can choose the tone of paint identical to the natural color of the hair. We tried this method on our granddaughter (I talked about her at the beginning of the article).

The fact is that the composition of any hair dye includes hydrogen peroxide, which has a strong oxidizing effect. When stained, hydrogen peroxide actively affects lice, getting into the respiratory tract, it literally burns them out internal tissues from which they die. The paint also has a detrimental effect on nits, however, the outer protective shell remains intact, but the secret by which it attaches to the hair is destroyed, which further facilitates combing out the nits and even in a small amount they themselves fall off the hair.

How to quickly get rid of nits

Having got rid of lice, the most difficult work lies ahead - combing out the nits. They are tightly glued to the hair with a special secret, so when combing them out, you will have to spend a lot of time. And most likely, one day is not enough.

Folk remedies for combing nits act in the same way as the hydrogen peroxide described above, that is, they destroy the secret with which nits stick to the hair. For this purpose, one can apply

  • table 6-9% vinegar,
  • lemon juice,
  • cranberry juice.

To facilitate combing, apply one of these products to the hair, wait a few minutes, and then comb the hair in the direction from the head to the ends of the hair with a comb.

You can do it differently. Moisten a small amount of cotton wool with lemon, cranberry juice or vinegar, string a cotton wool on the comb and then comb out.

But the surest remedy is to remove nits from hair with your hands. The process, of course, is laborious, but more effective than combing with a comb. Wet your hair with any acidic solution, or you can do without it, comb your hair with a comb, and then pull out the nits from each hair in the direction from the hair root to its end.


Such troubles can be avoided if you regularly examine your child. In the summer, inspect every week, in the winter at least once a month and if head lice are suspected.

Instill hygiene skills in your child from childhood and advise

  • do not use other people's objects and combs,
  • keep your hair clean and wash your hair regularly with soap or shampoo,
  • avoid contact with people who have pediculosis,
  • after bathing in the summer in ponds, it is good to dry your hair.

These tips for preventing head lice are useful for adults to follow.

Nits are small eggs that lice lay close to the scalp. To completely get rid of pediculosis, it is not enough to kill adults, you need to get rid of nits. Proper disposal of nits not only helps to get rid of lice, but also prevents them from spreading to family members, friends, and pets. After reading this article, you will learn how to properly get rid of nits.


Getting rid of lice

    Get rid of adult lice first. Removing nits alone will not save the patient from pediculosis. First you need to remove the lice, as they continue to lay eggs while on the hair. These eggs then develop into adult lice. This cycle will continue indefinitely unless it is stopped and the adult louse is killed first.

    Use a prescription shampoo. You can try Feverfew shampoo. This shampoo is made on the basis of pyrethrins. Pyrethrins are natural extracts from chrysanthemum flowers. Pyrethrins are very quickly absorbed into the body of lice and affect nervous system disrupting the transmission of nerve impulses. However, this group of natural insecticides is not always effective.

    • Apply shampoo to dry hair. Then wait ten minutes. After that, lather the shampoo well, adding more water. Rinse your hair. Now you need to remove the nits. After 7-10 days, repeat the whole process to kill any lice that may have hatched after treatment.
  1. Try to suffocate live lice. Although there are few clinical studies on the effectiveness of this method, some people believe that lice die from suffocation. They claim that certain foods enter the respiratory system and clog the lice's airways. Lice can still live for a few hours, but after a while they die.

    Get ready for the nit removal procedure. Choose a location with sufficient natural or artificial lighting. Good lighting will help you better see the nits stuck to your hair. Also, put a towel over your shoulders to keep nits or hair from falling to the floor.

    Removing Nits with Vinegar

    Wash your hair with vinegar water. The nits are covered with a sticky substance that holds them firmly to the hair. Vinegar dissolves this substance, thereby making it easier to separate the nits from the hair.

    • Kneel over the tub and turn on the faucet. Wet your hair with warm water. Then close the faucet. Still on your knees, pour the vinegar over your head. Make sure that all strands are covered with vinegar. Then rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water.
    • Alternatively, you can mix vinegar and water in a 1:1 ratio and soak your hair in the solution.
    • Apply leave-in hair conditioner with a comb. All strands should be covered with conditioner. Thanks to this, you can comb out the nits painlessly and easily.
  2. Start combing out the nits. You will need a metal comb with fine, hard teeth. Do not use a regular plastic comb. The necessary comb can be purchased at most pharmacies. Use a magnifying glass to make it easier for you to see the nits.

    • Chances are you removed most of the nits when you used the vinegar. However, there is a chance that you have not removed all the nits. Take a small strand in your hand. The width of the selected strand should be equal to the length of the comb. Comb all hair thoroughly.
  3. After combing through the strand, rinse the comb in soapy water. To do this, you will need a small bowl of soapy water. Then wipe the comb on a tissue or paper towel to get rid of nits and lice that have caught on the teeth.

    Repeat the process until you have combed out the nits from all the strands. Secure each treated strand to the side to minimize the chance of re-infection.

    Wash your hair. After you comb out the nits, wash your hair again. Thanks to this, you will have the feeling that your hair is clean. Use the anti-lice shampoo again to ensure complete elimination of the lice.

    • Dry your hair and carefully inspect your head for lice or nits. If you notice nits or lice, then you will have to repeat the whole process again.
  4. Wash the accessories you have used. Put the bowl in which you rinsed the comb in the dishwasher or pour boiling water into it and leave it for 10 minutes with the lid closed. You can also place all combs, hairpins, and other accessories in a bowl of boiling water. However, first try to remove nits and lice from these accessories.

    • Heat the water in a bowl to about 54 degrees Celsius for 5-10 minutes. All lice and nits will die.
    • Alternatively, you can mix two cups of boiling water with one ammonia. Soak the comb you used to comb out the nits in the ammonia solution for 15 minutes, and then clean it with an old toothbrush.
    • If necessary, you can use this comb to treat the hair of another family member.

    Removing Nits with Listerine

    1. Apply Listerine to your hair. Listerine contains a high percentage of alcohol, which makes it possible to kill lice and nits. Although some sites that offer natural treatments advise the use of Listerine, many medical sites do not recommend the use of this remedy. Please note that listerine contains alcohol, so be careful not to get the product in your eyes. Also, if your scalp has open wounds you may feel a burning sensation when applying listerine. Also, make sure that listerine does not get into the hands of a child.

      • If you choose to use Listerine, apply it to your hair and wear a shower cap for 30 minutes or more. This will kill the lice. Repeat if necessary.
      • You can apply Listerine before bed. Place a towel over the pillow to avoid staining the bedding. In the morning you will continue the cleaning process.
    2. Wash your hair with warm water and vinegar. To get Listerine out of your hair, wash your hair with warm water and vinegar. Water your hair big amount vinegar to get rid of nits.

      • Once you've done all of the above, apply leave-in conditioner to your hair, comb it through, and then use a nit comb to comb the nits out of each strand.
    3. Wash the area where you removed the nits, as well as all the accessories that you used. Wash the nit comb in soapy water or dishwasher. Also pour listerine into a spray bottle. This step will not only get rid of lice, but also prevent re-infestation.

      • Wash bed linen and towels in hot water. Heat treatment will kill lice and nits.

    Prevention of reinfection

    1. Avoid contact with other people's hair. Fortunately, lice are not very mobile. They cannot jump and cannot live outside of a person's head. The most common way of transmitting lice to another person is through direct contact with their hair. Such contact is common at school, during play or sports, and during sleep if we are talking about the infection of the child. As for adults, infection can occur when your hair comes into contact with the hair of a loved one.

      Avoid contact with contaminated personal items, bedding, detergents. The louse dies in the absence of food within one or two days. However, be careful. Avoid infested items that may contain eggs or lice.

      • Such items include hats, elastic bands, barrettes, scarves, coats and school uniform. Never share your hat, comb, or towel with other people.
      • Soak comb, combs, towels in hot water (54°C) for 10 minutes to disinfect.
    2. Wash linen, towels, bedding in hot water. Bedding, pillows, soft toys and towels should be washed in hot water and tumble dried to kill any remaining insects. Please note that the temperature of the water must be at least 54°C. If you cannot wash or dry your clothes properly, dry clean them or put them in a plastic bag and leave them for two weeks.

    3. Vacuum the floor and other surfaces. Lice or nits may have been on the floor or other surfaces if you or your loved one had them. If possible, use vacuum bags with a HEPA filter so that you can remove lice and nits during the cleaning process.

      • Of course, lice or nits on such surfaces usually do not remain viable for long. However, it is best to treat furniture and similar surfaces to prevent re-infestation.