Where to learn to jump with a parachute. Skydiving on your own without an instructor

Anyone can take the first step into the sky by making an independent parachute jump from a height of 600-900 meters. The jump is performed with a D-6 landing parachute with a stabilization of 3 seconds.

* Amounts of contributions to compensate for the costs of providing parachute jumps D-6:
  • D-6, stabilization 3 sec. - 3,000 rubles.
    Branch video recording included!
For those who are late to the morning formation:
  • D-6, stabilization 3 sec. - 4,000 rubles.
Equipment deposit
  • For jumps of all types - 1,000 rubles.

Jump with a delay in the opening of the main parachute for 10, 20, and 30 seconds - "PTL-72"

PTL-72 - controlled round parachute with stabilization. Already from the fourth jump, a novice skydiver can begin to master the work on landing accuracy. A longer fall gives the skydiver more confidence when making jumps and has a positive effect on further preparation.

The advantage of this type of jumps is that they do not oblige novice skydivers to closely connect their lives with skydiving, but they provide an opportunity to acquire the necessary skills and experience the full range of emotions associated with the sky.

* Amounts of contributions to compensate for the costs of providing parachute jumps PTL-72:
  • PTL-72, stabilization 10 sec. - 4,000 rubles.
  • PTL-72, stabilization 20 sec. - 4 500 rubles.
  • PTL-72, stabilization 30 sec. - 5 000 rub.
  • Photo and video shooting of the jump - 3,400 rubles.

Training of beginner skydivers in Moscow

Instructors of ASC "Aeroclassic" provide you with the opportunity to undergo theoretical training on D-6 parachutes on weekdays, followed by practical ground training on the simulators of the airfield of ASC "Aeroclassic" on any weekend, and perform an independent parachute jump there . Preliminary passage of the theoretical part of the briefing on weekdays significantly reduces the total time for the briefing and pre-jump preparation at the airfield on weekends, due to which, on the day of the first jump, those who wish have the opportunity to perform two or even three jumps, after which, after passing for a month the next course of instruction, a beginner skydiver can be allowed to perform a jump with a more complex parachute technique - a controlled round parachute PTL-72, or can improve his parachute training by enrolling in a classical program (performing jumps with training and training round parachutes P-1U "Kalmar "; "Scout").

The training cycle is formed based on the results of preliminary registration in the group and can be:

  • One-day: 1 group lesson - either on Monday or Wednesday
  • Two-day: 2 group lessons - both on Monday and Wednesday.

Class time on the indicated days: from 19:30 to 21:30

Address: m. "Strogino" (1 carriage from the center), Stroginsky Boulevard, 1, shopping center "Daria". Pre-registration in the group is made by phone: +7-926-525-68-10 +7-977-485-85-40

7 985 997-93-19

7 925 515-14-09

Information about the work of the flying club can be obtained daily from 09:00 to 21:00

Requirements for beginner skydivers

from 14 years old (up to 18 years old - jumping is allowed upon presentation of a notarized permission of the parents, or in the presence and with the permission of the parents. At the same time, both children and parents must have documents).

Health restrictions:
  • any mental illness;
  • the presence of fractures of the musculoskeletal system within the last 18 months;
  • the presence of traumatic brain injury;
  • the presence of heart failure;
  • hypertension of any degree;
  • state of drug or alcohol intoxication.

The mass of a skydiver in clothes without a parachute:
45-110 kg, and the upper limit is for people with excellent physical fitness. If physical fitness is average or lower, then the upper limit is 100 kg.

Clothing Requirements:
long trousers, long sleeves with a fastener on a cuff; no hanging elements, hoods. Gloves.

shoe requirements:
closed shoes with a monolithic sole with a thickness of at least 1 cm and fixation of the ankle joint, without high heels, without hooks.

Contributions to compensate for the costs of providing jumps for paratroopers with their own landing parachute systems:

Department height up to 1 500m inclusive - 1 100 rub.
Department height up to 4 000m inclusive - 1 400 rub.

AFF course is an accelerated skydiving program. At the moment, it is the fastest and at the same time the safest way to learn to jump on your own. This is a kind of "gold standard", adopted throughout the world. Thanks to it, absolutely anyone in just a few days can master the technique of free fall and control of a wing-type dome.

The uniqueness of the AFF program in that from the very first jump, a novice skydiver gets into real conditions. For this, a special student system is used, the only difference of which from the sports wing is the duplicated automatic parachute opening system.

At any given time, in the air and on the ground, there are two individual instructors next to the student. This means that all possible errors are corrected on the spot and progress is much faster than in the outdated classical training system, where the instructor observes from the aircraft, and the student is left alone with an alien environment.

The height of each jump is 4000 meters. In this case, the net time of free fall is 60 seconds. In other words, a whole minute to work out all the training elements. This allows you to significantly save time, and therefore money, for training.
All training jumps are recorded on a video camera and carefully analyzed in slow motion. Such “work on mistakes” helps to better prepare for the next jump, completely eliminating the consolidation of incorrect skills.

According to the requirements of the training system AFF in Moscow implies a minimum of 16 independent jumps. The exact figure largely depends on how seriously the student takes ground training. It is very rich, as well-known aviation wisdom says:


The total cost of the AFF course depends on the number of jumps. You can get acquainted with the prices.

What does the AFF jump course consist of?

The whole program is divided into 7 levels

The purpose of the first three is to give the student basic free fall skills. First of all, this is the ability to safely leave an airplane or helicopter, control the position of the body in free fall, follow the readings of instruments, and, finally, open the parachute in time. At all stages, two instructors are at the same time next to the student.
Levels three through seven are dedicated to performing various maneuvers in the air.

The student learns to "approach" the instructor, turn right and left, do spirals and somersaults, while not forgetting to navigate in the air and monitor the height.
At the third stage (the so-called AFF-8), the student consolidates the skills of independent planning and execution of jumps and gets acquainted with the basics of group acrobatics.

One level- this is either one jump, or as many as necessary to get the result. The fact is that the main criterion for training is safety, so the transition to the next level occurs only when all the tasks of the previous one are completed.


1 level. The jumps are preceded by a dense ground training, exercises on simulators. The first jump is carried out in tandem, the second - with two AFF instructors. The main task is to open the parachute and land on your own for the first time. The landing is controlled by the instructor using the radio communication built into the student's helmet.

2nd level. Jump with two instructors, aimed at practicing the necessary skills of free fall.

3rd level. For the first time, both instructors release the student for a few seconds to make sure of his ability to control the position of the body in the air stream.
Upon completion of the stage, the student must be able to control the instruments, maintain a stable position in free fall, open the parachute strictly at a given height, land safely using the instructor's prompts.


4th level. Starting from this stage, jumps are performed with one instructor. The student will have to master controlled

right and left, moving forward, landing within a radius of 50 m from a given point.

Level 5

in a spiral 360 degrees in both directions, control over the position of the body in all planes.

6th level. Self-separation from the aircraft, back somersault, landing within a radius of 25 m from the point.

7th level. The main goal is independent competent actions when preparing a jump, separating, performing a front somersault and a set of other exercises. While flying the canopy, the student must demonstrate an understanding of the basic principles of canopy piloting and safe landing.

By the end of the second stage, the student knows how to prepare the equipment, is familiar with the rules of conduct at the airport and directly during takeoff, is able to prevent an erratic fall and stabilize to a neutral position from any situation, lands at the right point.


This so-called level AFF-8, which consists of at least eight jumps. Among them:

  • minimum 4 jumps with an instructor
  • minimum 4 alone
  • including 1 from a height of up to 1500 m

In jumping with an instructor, the skills of working in pairs are practiced: the ability to fall at the same height (“single horizon”), approach each other at a safe speed, maintain distance, “scatter” in a timely manner and in accordance with the rules.

Independent jumps are dedicated to consolidating all previously acquired skills.

At the end of this stage, the student receives the right to jump independently.

AFF graduates are not allowed to jump in the group. Jumping is allowed in tandem with an experienced athlete who has the permission of the flying club, or with an instructor. For group acrobatics or jumping in alpha formation, it is recommended to take the RW course.

Why is it beneficial to study under the AFF system at Aerograd Kolomna

Each graduate receives a gift certificate for a discount in the Aerograd store. The discount applies to the purchase of the following equipment:

  • domes manufactured by Icarus Canopies
  • beginner skydiver kit (goggles, gloves, helmet, altimeter)

The total savings is up to 300 USD.