How to stylishly dress the son of a schoolboy 12 years old. School uniform - school dress code

Adolescence is a transitional stage between childhood and adolescence, which is characterized by the leveling of adults' opinions, the appearance of one's own judgments and assessments, and the desire to join the team. For teenage boys, it is necessary to be part of a company, to have authority in it and to look no worse than their peers. It was during this period that the guys first showed interest in their wardrobe.

If the company wears clothes, for example, of the hip-hop style, then the child will try to put on all the attributes inherent in this direction: a cap with a straight visor, wide pants three sizes larger, huge sneakers and a baggy T-shirt. Complete the look with rings and chains. An ordinary mother simply will not let her child out in this form, and a smart mother will show how you can look not only stylish, but also attractive.

The principle of compiling the wardrobe of a teenage guy is no different from the principles of compiling the wardrobe of an adult. First of all, we determine the color type of your child and are guided by the rule "those colors that suit him are determined closer to the face."

It is acceptable that the child likes bright orange, although he himself is a summer type, just offer him orange shorts instead of a T-shirt, orange suspenders or a sweatshirt with orange cuffs.


The wardrobe should consist of several groups: for school, for going to visit / to the cinema / to a cafe, for sports, for a street company. So the child will always have up-to-date clothes at hand, and parents will always see what capsule items need to be replaced.

Sportswear. This includes not only a sports school uniform, but also any other that will be used for recreation outside the city, fishing, summer cottage and playing football. First of all, these are high-quality comfortable shoes. No matter how much you want to save on them, you can’t do this.

Long-term load on the legs in the form of running or walking gives a significant load on the arch of the foot, which leads to its incorrect formation. No street style sneakers and sneakers should be in this capsule. Next, add sweatpants and shorts here, a few khaki T-shirts, a zip-up sweatshirt, a light windbreaker and a cap.

Home clothes should be comfortable, so that the teenager simply does not feel it, and besides, it should be easy to put on. And most importantly, it should be easy to wash off, because teenagers sweat profusely. Therefore, you should have two sets of home clothes in stock: a pair of shorts, a pair of T-shirts and a pair of T-shirts.

Youth clothes. In this category, we include those things that a teenager wears in the company of friends. For some, it will be ordinary jeans, for some it will be reference pants, for some it will be sports - it all depends on the subculture.

This capsule must contain:

  • two pairs of jeans (regular and more informal, corresponding to the fashion at the moment - torn knees, scuffs or an abundance of pockets);
  • several T-shirts;
  • a pair of sweatshirts with a zipper and a hood;

  • two pairs of summer shorts (preferably with pockets);
  • T-shirts in bright colors
  • sneakers, street style sneakers, sandals;
  • accessories (cap, bandana, small shoulder bag, backpack, belts and suspenders).

Elegant clothes are intended for going out to any event with adults, for friends' birthdays. The main thing is that the clothes are festive and stylish.

  • a pair of expensive jeans or casual trousers in khaki, gray, marsh (depending on the main color in the wardrobe);
  • plain casual shirt with pockets on the chest. Pockets and collar can be trimmed with plaid fabric;
  • Polo T-shirt;

  • checkered cardigan or jacket;
  • for the cool season coat;
  • boots and sneakers.

School clothes should be based on the rules of the educational institution where the teenager is studying. If your school does not have a special school uniform, then a young person's arsenal should include a suit or skinny black trousers that are not cut in denim, several light-colored plain shirts, a pair of turtlenecks, a vest and a jacket. From shoes, classic shoes are preferable.

We take into account age

One of the important criteria in the selection of a teenage wardrobe is the age of the young man. Since teenagers are considered children from 11 to 18 years old, the spread in things will be quite wide. For 11-12-year-olds, prints with their favorite cartoon and movie characters will still be relevant on T-shirts. At this age, their favorite characters are superhero protagonists.

13-year-old teenagers begin to get involved in music, dance, sports, and the characters take on real features. At this age, T-shirts with photographs of human idols: actors, favorite musicians, athletes, as well as with the logos of your favorite bands will be an excellent choice.

If a boy is still interested in superheroes, then most likely he will pay attention not to prints depicting the heroes themselves, but to prints with logo badges, for example, the Avengers, Star Wars, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and others. So they no longer feel like children, but at the same time they feel a connection with their favorite hero.

For guys 14-16 years old, it is important to look like adults in order to please girls. At this age, they already begin to look closely at how their parents, the main characters of films with a school theme, and the most popular guys in school dress. 15 years is the most fertile time to direct the style of the child in the right direction.

In the 2017 season, pants with collars that open the ankle are especially relevant for teenagers. It can be both jeans and suit pants. They go great with sneakers and moccasins. Boys' fashion collections often feature jackets, t-shirts, and pools in pastel colors, including pink. However, most likely, this will be true for older guys aged 18.

It is high time for parents to understand that shorts are worn not only to the beach. Modern shorts are sewn from high-quality breathable fabric; in style, they differ significantly from underwear. For skinny guys, it can be both skinny models that sit strictly on the hips, and wide shorts with pockets in the hip-hop style. For full - straight, strict cut with a minimum of pockets.

They wear shorts with T-shirts, shirts for release and tucked in. From shoes, sandals with thick soles, sneakers, sneakers are preferable. Rubber slippers should be avoided. Crocs are acceptable in some cases.

We select according to the time of year

Teenagers are bright personalities and they simply have to emphasize their brightness with clothes. Designers understand this, so even winter clothes for children from 12 to 18 years old are made in colors that are far from winter. Winter of this year - bright shades of warm colors - crimson, ocher, yellow; and cold colors - blue, cornflower blue, emerald, purple.

Finnish clothing is a priority, because it perfectly combines youthful design and excellent tailoring. These are down jackets and parkas, wide knitted sweaters, military pants.

In the spring of this season, the office theme is relevant. Guys are offered a wide selection of plain shirts in soothing colors, shirts with small stripes and checks. Also, special attention is paid to cardigans made of thin knitwear. Their main feature is bright colors.

The good old "denim" will help to add audacity to the image. Denim jackets are again at the peak of popularity, it is recommended to wear them not only with T-shirts, but also with shirts and trousers. Since teenagers often “rebel” against the rules, a classic jacket with a “loose” T-shirt will be a great way to express yourself.

Clothing for the summer does not leave much choice in the elements of the wardrobe: T-shirts, T-shirts, shorts, light linen trousers. However, a teenager has the opportunity to experiment with summer clothes at the style level. In the summer season, all types of T-shirts are relevant: wide, fitted, with a V-neck, long, opening the navel, wide and short with a boat neckline, lowered from the shoulder. Colors and prints for any choice, there are no clear guidelines.

At the peak of popularity are cargo shorts, they are comfortable, the style fits any figure, they have voluminous pockets that attract boys so much.

Be sure to keep in mind that guys lead an active lifestyle in the summer: roller skates, bicycles, skateboards, parkour. Choose clothes that are not only beautiful, but also comfortable.

Summer holidays are over, school time has come. You can also update your wardrobe during the school year, as schoolchildren, boys and girls, "grow not by the year, but by the hour." Our children, especially teenagers, spend most of the day at school. There are many lessons, extracurricular activities, a lot of work, and, of course, we adults should think about making school clothes not only practical, comfortable, but also stylish.

If the school has approved the rules for wearing the same uniform, then in this case you can not think about it and dress teenagers according to the charter.

But if the choice of uniform is free, then you should carefully approach this issue and, taking into account all the criteria, decide what clothes to wear to school. When choosing a school uniform, listen to the opinion of your child, because adolescence is a difficult period. Children learn to live and often believe that they are already adults and in the matter of how to dress stylishly for school, they are much more enlightened than their parents. So stay friends with your children and choose clothes together for everyone's pleasure!

Convenient, safe, high quality, comfortable

Choose a simple silhouette, clothes should not hinder movement, choose materials that are breathable from natural fibers that provide ventilation. We take into account the weather conditions and the temperature regime of the school premises. The color of the material must be stable.

Choose comfortable shoes, the child should feel comfortable in it, the expression “foot is sleeping” indicates that the shoes are chosen correctly. Lightweight, high-quality, breathable, with a flexible non-slip sole, shoes will ensure your child's safety both in physical education classes and at breaks.

Clothing, as well as shoes, must be chosen in size, but not for “growth”.

All criteria fulfilled will ensure your child's well-being and increased performance.

Stylish, fashionable, practical, versatile

The style of clothing for school is a dress code, which means business. We develop taste and teach a teenager to choose clothes and shoes strictly for their intended purpose, what is suitable for a party is unacceptable for school.

How stylish and fashionable to dress for school for a guy

Your boys have begun to grow up, and their appearance becomes important to them. How fashionable to dress for school for teenagers to be appreciated by friends and girlfriends? Consider all possible options, adhering to the fashion of our time.

A classic suit for special occasions should be in the wardrobe of every teenager. To look elegant and stylish is the way to the formation of taste. Shirts can be of various solid colors, if desired, you can add an accessory - a tie or bow tie.

And, of course, shoes should match the chosen suit - these are classic-type boots or sneakers, what is stylish and comfortable today.

Remember that your children are in their teens, they have developed their own judgments, they strive to establish themselves among their peers, they try to look like their friends.

In everyday school life, many boys prefer sports style, so they feel more comfortable. To dress fashionably for school, you need to purchase jeans or trousers of various colors: black, gray, blue, brown. We choose shirts, jumpers, turtlenecks, trowels, sweatshirts of various calm shades and different styles and, of course, we pay attention to comfortable favorite sneakers.

How to dress stylishly and fashionably for school for a girl

Our girls mature earlier than boys. Even as a child, they try on their mother's shoes, paint their lips and think how "beautiful" and "adult" they are. Parents should help their girls in choosing the right school wardrobe, because this is a whole art that will help them acquire comfortable, stylish and diverse clothes in adulthood.

If the school has approved a form of a certain sample - this is not discussed, we will adhere to the rules established by the school.

We will talk about a diverse selection of clothes for school. Classics will be in fashion at all times, but even here you can show imagination and individuality. Jackets, pencil skirts and flared skirts, dresses, sundresses of various styles of calm colors in combination with a variety of turtlenecks, blouses, shirts, vests, jackets, cardigans, jumpers always look feminine and harmonious. Accessories - straps, belts, ties, bow ties and even a frilly frill are a good addition to the outfit.

Classic jeans and high-waisted trousers will look feminine and elegant, they are essential in a girl's wardrobe, girls feel comfortable and stylish in them. The color scheme is calm: gray, black, burgundy, brown, blue, dark green.

Shoes for girls should be comfortable, varied and stylish. Slip-ons, sneakers, moccasins, ballet flats, as well as white sneakers will go well with both jeans and an elegant dress. You can also buy comfortable shoes with low heels.

Teenage boys and girls should understand that attending school is necessary for gaining knowledge and appearance should not distract them from the learning process. When choosing a school wardrobe, it is necessary to discuss with teenagers how to dress beautifully for school and how not to dress, as well as hint to them that they are adults and should take care of their wardrobe themselves.

How not to dress for school

When buying clothes, pay attention to the composition of the fabrics from which the clothes are sewn. Synthetics and all "glassy", electrifying and breathable fabrics are not suitable for school clothes, they are unhealthy and uncomfortable to use.

It is not necessary to wear very tight, transparent shirts and blouses with a deep neckline in bright, flashy colors to school - this is unacceptable for attending school.

Denim with rhinestones, holes and appliqués should be avoided.

High-heeled shoes, like oversized shoes, are unacceptable for school, they can cause discomfort and even injury.

Talk to your loved ones about the fact that school is a serious educational institution and that the main task is to get excellent knowledge, and there will be an opportunity to demonstrate their outfits at a school evening party or disco, which they have been looking forward to since the beginning of the school year.

Looking elegant and stylish is the path to self-assertion, self-confidence and even the path to the desire to learn and with the desire to go to school. Choosing the right clothes that your children love and that teachers welcome will help keep you comfortable throughout the school year.

During adolescence, girls become aware of their natural beauty and worry about their appearance. Often it is at school that teenagers try to “show themselves”. Focusing on adult girls and women, young creatures often look ridiculous and even vulgar. Therefore, girls aged 11-14 need to be helped in the formation of a wardrobe, explaining how to dress stylishly and fashionably for school, while maintaining a business style of clothing.

Schoolgirls at the age of 11-14, following fashion trends, due to their inexperience, can rarely create their own style of clothing that would be appropriate at this age and would not violate the rules of the school dress code. Even if the school does not have a compulsory uniform, the regulations of such institutions still impose requirements on the severity of the appearance of students.

Parents prefer the convenience and practicality of clothes for school, choosing the appropriate models and styles. However, for the girls themselves, self-expression is important.

Fortunately, the requirements for school clothes do not exclude the possibility of following fashion when choosing it, you just need to follow the rules for choosing clothes, combining its individual elements, as well as choosing a style and color schemes.

Choice by age

The composition of the wardrobe depends on the age of the schoolgirl.

Among girls of this age, it is considered fashionable to wear clothes of bright and saturated colors, with colorful drawings, inscriptions and photographs that attract the attention of others.

12 years

The attention of 12-year-old girls is attracted, as a rule, by comfortable sets of clothes and shoes. Nowadays, it is easy to pick up fashionable elements of a sports-style wardrobe that will be appropriate at school.

Girls at this age begin to feel their feminine charm, but at the same time remain teenagers. The combination of children's clothing with elements of the wardrobe of adult girls looks cool.

14 years

This is the age limit when girls of practicality and coolness of clothes prefer her femininity and strive to dress beautifully for school. They, as a rule, choose wardrobe items that emphasize the dignity of the figure:

  • slim fit trousers;
  • fitted dresses;
  • pencil skirts.

Do not go unnoticed by accessories with which each girl can create her own unique style - various handbags, belts.

Wardrobe elements

The wardrobe consists of several things.


White blouses are an integral part of every girl's school wardrobe. Decor elements such as lace, flounces and ruffles allow you to get away from the usual standards and add charm to any blouse model. The undoubted trend of the season is a blouse with a bow. Different shapes and sizes, the bow makes the image of a schoolgirl very elegant.

Shirts and turtlenecks are a great alternative to blouses. Having several of these wardrobe items in the wardrobe, girls can combine them with other things and create new looks every day.


In many modern schools, the dress code prohibits schoolgirls from wearing jeans. However, this element of the wardrobe is considered one of the main ones for teenagers. You need to choose jeans of soft colors and a straight cut. Any kind of decoration should be excluded.


The cut of the skirt, as a rule, is chosen taking into account the features of the girl's figure. High-waisted flared skirts are suitable for almost every body type. A universal option are straight models of skirts, slightly narrowed towards the bottom, as well as flared A-line skirts. Pleated skirt and pleated skirt do not go out of fashion. You can also choose skirts in models such as tulip or bell.

The strict style of the school uniform determines the preferred length of the skirt - to the knee or just above the knee, as well as the acceptable color scheme - black, gray and blue.


Increasingly, you can see that dresses in the wardrobe of schoolgirls are losing their relevance. However, wearing a beautiful dress to school, a girl can stand out from her peers. The most common option is a sheath dress, which favorably emphasizes the waist and hides figure flaws.

Other possible styles of school dresses would be a-line or wrap dress. The main criterion when choosing a dress is still its length.


Sundresses have two advantages at once - they can be not only fashionable, but also comfortable and practical. In combination with blouses, shirts, turtlenecks, jackets, they are an excellent everyday style solution. A popular choice for schoolgirls is a plaid dress with a straight cut.


Jackets are an essential part of every schoolgirl's wardrobe. Not only do they make the look official, but they can also serve as an element in the combination of stylish school looks for girls. School regulations, as a rule, do not impose any requirements in choosing the style of a jacket, so girls can show imagination in choosing original models of jackets - with cut-in or patch pockets, with short or long sleeves.


In the warm season, girls can wear T-shirts to school, combining them, for example, with sundresses, with a skirt and a vest.

We note a feature - T-shirts should be of a classic style, light, soft shades.


In the choice of jackets, schoolgirls are in no way limited by the school dress code, and this is a definite plus. In the selection of outerwear, girls can show their taste. At the peak of fashion are parkas, the design lines of which include various styles - from classic styles to delicate and feminine.


As in the selection of outerwear, girls can choose hats according to their taste and style. It can be knitted hats, hats and other headwear.


On the issue of choosing shoes, the opinions of stylists differ. Some believe that a schoolgirl's shoe arsenal should include ballet shoes, high-heeled shoes and medium-height wedges.

Others believe that sports style lovers can combine school clothes with sneakers and moccasins. The main thing is that in choosing shoes you should be guided by the rules established at school and the preferences of a teenage girl.


Stylish accessories complete the look.


Manufacturers offer a large selection of watch models for teenage girls, with different specifications. However, schoolgirls can use this accessory to emphasize the brightness of their image by choosing a watch with a colored strap or an original design on the dial. Transformer watches are in fashion.

Knee socks

An element of a schoolgirl's style can be mid-length or above-the-knee knee-highs. For school, golfs without decor, black or white, are suitable. The latter often become an indispensable element of girls' festive school attire.


It is advantageous to emphasize the emerging waist of the girl and belts and straps will help to complement the stylish school look. They differ in width and style (for example, from knitwear, elastic, artificial or natural leather). Preference is given to discreet color shades to match the item of clothing or a contrasting one (for example, a black strap on a white blouse).

What not to wear to school

In schools, there are requirements for the density of the fabric of blouses - they should not be transparent. T-shirts must be neutral, without photos or images. The main feature of school clothes is the length of skirts, dresses, sundresses, which should be up to the knee or slightly above the knee, shortened versions are not allowed.

Flashy decor of wardrobe elements, bright, acid shades of clothing are prohibited.

You can not wear clothes that are too tight to the figure (leggings and leggings), sports-style clothes to school.

Dear mothers, our girls are growing up and, of course, their wardrobe must also undergo changes and “grow up” with them. A teenager's wardrobe is different from a child's wardrobe or from an adult woman's wardrobe. And this must be remembered when buying clothes for a girl.

In adolescence, girls are most sensitive to their appearance. For many of them, it is very important what impression they make on others.

Indeed, it is often at this age that self-esteem is formed, and unnecessary complexes are “drawn”.

What should be the clothes of a teenage girl?

Therefore, clothes for a teenage girl should be:

Comfortable and convenient - i.e. match the girl's lifestyle.

Fashionable, beautiful and most importantly - modern!

And since at this age girls still don’t really understand how to make their image stylish, fashionable and interesting, we, parents, should help them in this and, thereby, develop a sense of taste in our daughter. Not persistently and obsessively dictating your vision of "beautiful", but playfully, offering various options, consulting with the child, finding compromises.

So, our task is to make a high-quality basis of the wardrobe, so that when buying some trendy things that are relevant in the current season, the image of the girl turns out to be stylish and interesting, does not look boring and gray, or vice versa, “I will put on all the best at once”.

Basic wardrobe for a teenage girl

The basis of any wardrobe, including teenage ones, is basic things. By the way, if you now open the closet and look at your daughter's things, then most likely you will find them there. It’s just that you didn’t know about it :-) And this is absolutely logical, because just the basic things are responsible for comfort, convenience and warmth (see paragraph 1)

But in order for us to speak the same language, let's talk about what the basic things are.

Basic things are called:

Have a simple laconic cut

They do not have any decorative elements.

As soon as something was sewn to the thing, it was cut off asymmetrically, draped, i.e. a complex cut or decorative elements appeared - it automatically loses its "basic" and goes into the category of a thing belonging to a certain style. Let's call such things "raisins".

The most important feature of basic things: all basic things are combined with each other!

This is exactly what our child needs. She must pull things out of the closet with her eyes closed and know for sure that they fit together!

And also the basic things are painlessly combined with that very “raisin”. Whereas putting the “raisins” together is not an easy task and requires certain skills and knowledge in the field of stylistics.

Basic things in a teenage wardrobe simply have to be colored!

But why not a blue or burgundy laconic jumper with rhombuses? And one of the reasons why our girls' wardrobes are filled with black and gray things is the inability to correctly complete colored things.

How to put together the perfect wardrobe for a teenage girl?

So, in the right teenage wardrobe, about 70-90% of things should be basic. It is they that will allow the child to feel comfortable, it is these things that are completed with each other with “closed eyes” and it is with them that you can fearlessly complete things of a complex cut that have a certain style. And this property makes it possible to obtain the maximum number of different sets of clothes from the same things.

But even when choosing seemingly simple things like basic ones, you need to pay attention to their relevance and modernity (see paragraph 2).

The right jackets

For example, the "today's" correct jacket for a girl does not look short, tight and fitted, but vice versa: it is straight cut, often elongated, has a narrow collar (lapel) or the collar may be completely absent, double-breasted models are also very relevant and modern.

If a girl likes to emphasize her waist, put on a strap on top. An additional accessory will never be superfluous in this case.

Proper Pants

Actual youth trousers are now, as a rule, narrowed and shortened.

Such models of trousers are the most versatile, because. allow you to wear almost any footwear under them: ballet flats, sneakers, loafers, sneakers, pumps with and without heels, etc.

If the girl does not have any features of the figure, then you do not need to purchase straight long trousers. You can’t wear more athletic shoes under such models, and the correct length of these trousers must be strictly observed: you can’t wear the same pair under flat shoes or under a small steady heel.

Proper cardigans

Another example is cardigans. Tight models made of thin knitwear with small buttons are no longer relevant.

Now straight silhouettes are in fashion, there can be large textured knitting, again, you can fit a cardigan with a narrow belt to match or vice versa, with a contrasting belt.

I have given you only a few examples to clearly show what the relevance and modernity of things are.

Of course, in outdated styles of simple basic things, the girl will feel "out of her element", so be sure to flip through youth magazines or youth street style photos. So you will be aware of the current youth styles, and you will also be able to get ideas for completing such things.

Pictured: Annabelle Fleur

List of things for a teenager's basic wardrobe

Now let's make a rough list of basic things that a teenage girl should have in her wardrobe. I cannot advise a certain number of things, because each person represents his own necessary minimum, based on the lifestyle and hobbies of a teenager. Remember that all these things should have a simple, concise cut and be colored!

By the way, I wrote about for a teenage girl in one of my previous articles, in the same place I gave an approximate list that a girl needs for school.

Therefore, here we will make a list of basic things necessary in everyday life.

  • White Short Sleeve T-shirt
  • T-shirts with short sleeves colored
  • Long Sleeve T-shirts
  • White shirt (straight fit is relevant)
  • Denim shirt
  • Plaid shirt
  • Straight cut or oversized jumper
  • Sweater (printed, coarse knit or bright color)
  • Sweatshirt
  • Straight fit cardigan
  • Jacket
  • Jeans (skinny, boyfriend, straight, frayed or torn, blue or colored - it all depends on taste, needs and preferences)
  • Trousers with arrows
  • Sweatpants (note the urban style, not the gym style)
  • Shorts
  • Dress (straight cut, oversize or fitted, depending on preference)
  • A sweater dress or a tunic dress is very relevant now. Can be worn with leggings, thick tights and rough boots or with jeans.
  • Dress shirt
  • Sundress
  • trench coat
  • Leather jacket (can be made of eco-leather)
  • Jeans
  • bomber
  • Down jacket
  • Demi coat
  • Sneakers
  • Ballet shoes
  • Shoes
  • Sandals
  • Boots
  • Boots
  • Crossbody bag (shoulder bag)
  • Backpack
  • Hat
  • Gloves

Having a “strong foundation” in your wardrobe, you can buy some trendy things of the current season at the request of your daughter - the same “raisins”, fearlessly complete them with a “base” and be sure that such a wardrobe will always be functional, interesting and variable . A girl will always have something to wear and she will look different every time.

Basic wardrobe examples

Now I will show you visually the variability of the basic wardrobe. And believe me, these are far from all the combinations that can be made from this set of things. And if you combine the same “raisins” with these things or supplement each set with different accessories, which I wrote about in the last article, then the number of combinations increases exponentially!

Basic wardrobe

Now look what this little wardrobe can do.

Well, did you have a desire to reconsider your daughter's wardrobe? :-) Then go ahead, go for it with her! And if you need professional help, come to study at the School of Shopping :-)

Many parents find it difficult to get used to the fact that their children are growing up and relying on their own taste or peer recommendations for choosing clothes. And even prefer to buy things with friends. But all this is a normal process. And so that your opinion remains authoritative, Natalia Kotlyarevskaya, founder of the SoFits.Me online stylist, advises following teenage fashion.

To keep abreast of fashion trends, I recommend that parents look and show children the clothes that fashion brands make for their children's lines: how they combine things, what styles and colors prevail. Even if you do not buy it, you will understand the principles by which the image of a modern teenager is built. These brands are investing a lot of money in trend research, and this should be used.

Natalia Kotlyarevskaya recommends that mothers start by studying the official websites of Zara, Mango, Massimo Dutti. You need to instill good taste in a child from childhood, then in adolescence you will be able to avoid disagreements in choosing clothes. The stylist notes: “In addition to the fact that the child should feel confident in his clothes, it is also important to look stylish and beautiful. Therefore, you need to teach from childhood to wear things like a jacket, for example. Decide on the colors that you like and go, how they fit together.

The choice of clothing style for teenagers is key. This is one of the manifestations of one's individuality, one's "I". Today we will talk about the styles that are recognized by teenagers around the world.

Models Mango, Zara, Massimo Dutti (left to right)

from manufacturers' official websites


  • If the child is going to the cinema, shopping with friends or for additional activities, then the ideal option is clothes in the style casual(casual). This is the most popular style, which conquered not only teenagers, but adults with its convenience and practicality. It is characterized by a combination of casual style (for example, jeans and a sweatshirt) and classic elements (shirt, jacket, coat).
  • oversized(from the English "larger"). This style is characterized by a loose cut that blurs the contours of the body. A teenager whose figure is being formed often does not want to focus on this and chooses dimensionless shirts and jackets. For a harmonious look, choose just one baggy item in this style (for example, a coat, sweater, sweater) and skinny trousers or skinny jeans.
  • Country. If you buy a piece in this style for your son or daughter, you will not go wrong. Jeans, plaid shirts and suede boots are loved by almost everyone.
  • If your child is interested in history and military subjects, then he may like the style military. Khaki-styled military clothing looks courageous.
  • If sport is a part of a teenager's life, it is more than relevant for him sports style. At the same time, it is not necessary to wear a football uniform and sneakers - it is enough if things just have a sports cut. Such things include polo shirts, hooded sweatshirts, parkas, tennis skirts, sweatpants.


Leave a strict style in restrained colors for the school. If uniforms are optional at your school, this is a great opportunity to experiment with business style.

I think that boys need to be able to wear a suit: men who can look different in jeans. This is a different posture, a different presentation of yourself. You can break the suit: wear unpaired trousers with a jacket. You can wear a suit with sneakers or boots. Oxfords make you look more formal, deserts look more casual. Girls have a wider choice, of course. And here it is good to understand what suits her. Decide on the length of the skirt (up to a narrow or tapering leg), with styles, with a fit. Skirt or dress, jacket or vest, and how long? It is also important to determine what type of figure the girl has, facial features, what colors suit her.

  • One of the options for business style is the style preppy(from English pre-college, preparatory). This style originates from the school uniform of the elite educational institutions in the UK. “Preppy came to us from Ivy League universities and is based on just a school uniform, but he himself is much freer. Basic colors are usually blue, red, white, gray. There may be blotches of yellow or green. Geometric prints: cage, sometimes stripes. Thick fabrics: cotton, tweed, wool. Jackets are loose, straight or slightly fitted, plain cardigans, fitted dresses with a turn-down collar, often with pleats on the skirt. Tie cardigans and sporty bomber jackets are teamed with chinos and masculine-inspired shoes. Various emblems can be used as decoration,” Natalia Kotlyarevskaya explains.

Like a white crow

In adolescence, young people are looking for themselves, their style. Often this is expressed in the choice of extravagant unusual clothes, for example, in the style of Japanese anime. Don't be afraid that your child will look like an urban madman. Just discuss with him those moments when the clothes look clearly vulgar. And when, if at this age, to wear such things? As he grows up, he won't dress like that anymore.

According to Natalia Kotlyarevskaya, neither the skull nor the anime style is a problem: “A person knows himself, which means he explores the boundaries. Most likely, in the outside world, he encounters different reactions. Therefore, he needs support in the family. If a teenager has a request for how to play with such clothes, I would look at what kind of clothes in this style are offered by Google and Pinterest and look for good examples. Have blogger style. Natalia Kotlyarevskaya recommends approaching the creation of the image thoroughly:

  • The suit on the boy should fit well. Sleeves should be the correct length: at the crook of the wrist or a couple of centimeters longer. The jacket should be like a glove in the shoulders and a fairly tight fit. When buttoned, there should be no creases. Pants - without folds in the groin and at the bottom of the legs. The color of the suit depends on the color of the appearance: dark blue is the most versatile. It looks good when there is a color element of the shirt in the print of a tie or scarf. As for shoes, these are oxfords, brogues or derbies.
  • Girls can dress to their liking, but the outfit should be thought out as a whole, including jewelry, shoes, clutch and hair. I would start planning the look from the basics: a dress, a suit or a jumpsuit. What image do you want to create? If restrained and strict, then it is better to stretch one color in different shades and textures. Gentle girlish? Then a long skirt or dress. Maybe a high waist in the spirit of Natasha Rostova. Looks great translucent fabric on the shoulders. Bright and bold style - then sequins, color contrasts and bright prints.