Designation of the power line support. Electricity main

The energy industry has a very big problem: Professionals born between the mid-1940s and mid-1960s are approaching retirement age. And a very big question arises: who will replace them?

Overcoming barriers to renewable energy

Despite certain achievements in last years, energy from renewable sources is a very modest part of modern energy services around the world. Why is it so?

Real-time power transmission monitoring

Demand for electricity continues to grow and transmission companies are faced with the challenge of increasing the transmission capacity of their networks. It can be solved by building new and modernizing old lines. But there is another way to solve it, it is to use sensors and network monitoring technology.

Material capable of making solar power 'surprisingly cheap'

Solar cells, made from a material that has long been known and cheaper than silicon, can generate the same amount electrical energy like solar panels in use today.

Comparison of SF6 and vacuum circuit breakers for medium voltage

Experience in the development of medium voltage circuit breakers, both SF6 and vacuum, has provided sufficient evidence that neither of the two technologies is, in general, significantly superior to the other. Decision-making in favor of one or another technology is stimulated by economic factors, user preferences, national "traditions", competence and special requirements.

Medium voltage switchgear and LSC

Metal-encased medium voltage switchgear and loss of service (LSC) categories - categories, classification, examples.

What factors will affect the future of transformer manufacturers?

Whether you are generating or selling electricity, or supplying power transformers overseas, you have to compete in a global marketplace. There are three main categories of factors that will influence the future of all transformer manufacturers.

The future of medium voltage switching equipment

Smart grids seek to optimize the links between electricity demand and supply. When integrating more distributed and renewable energy sources in one grid. Is MV switchgear ready for these challenges, or does it need to be further developed?

In search of a replacement for SF6 gas

Elegaz, has a number of useful characteristics, is used in various industries, in particular, it is actively used in the high voltage electricity sector. However, SF6 also has a significant drawback - it is a powerful greenhouse gas. It is included in the list of six gases included in the Kyoto Protocol.

Advantages and types of switchgear

It is desirable to place the electrical substation in the center of the load. However, often the main obstacle to such substation placement is the space required for it. This problem can be solved by applying GIS technology.

Vacuum as arc quenching medium

At present, at medium voltages, the technology of arc quenching in vacuum dominates over technologies using air, SF6, or oil. Generally, vacuum circuit breakers are safer, and more reliable in situations where the number of normal operations and maintenance operations short circuits, very large.

Choosing a company and planning a thermal imaging survey

If the idea of ​​a thermal imaging survey is for you electrical equipment is new, planning, finding an artist, and determining the benefits that this technology can bring cause confusion.

The most well-known methods of isolating high voltage

The seven most common and known materials used as high-voltage insulation in electrical structures. They indicate aspects requiring special attention.

Five Technologies for Increasing the Efficiency of Electricity Transmission and Distribution Systems

When looking at the measures that have the highest potential for improving energy efficiency, transmission inevitably comes first.

Self-healing networks come to Holland

Economic growth and population growth lead to an increase in demand for electricity, along with severe restrictions on the quality and reliability of energy supplies, efforts to ensure the integrity of the network are growing. In the event of network failure, their owners are faced with the task of minimizing the consequences of these failures, reducing the time of failure, and the number of consumers disconnected from the network.

High-voltage circuit breaker equipment for each company involves a significant investment. When the question arises of their maintenance or replacement, it is necessary to consider all possible options.

Ways to develop safe, reliable and efficient industrial substations

The main factors that should be taken into account when developing electrical substations for supplying industrial consumers are considered. Attention is drawn to some innovative technologies that can improve the reliability and efficiency of substations.

To compare the use of vacuum circuit breakers or contactors with fuses in 6...20 kV distribution networks, it is necessary to understand the basic characteristics of each of these switching technologies.

AC generator breakers

playing important role in the protection of power plants, generator circuit breakers provide more flexible operation and allow you to find effective solutions to reduce investment costs.

A look through switching equipment

X-ray inspection can help save time and money by reducing the amount of work. In addition, the time of disruptions in deliveries and equipment downtime at the client is also reduced.

Thermal imaging inspection of electrical substations

SF6 in the power industry and its alternatives

In recent years, security issues environment gained a lot of weight in society. SF6 emissions from switchgear are a major contributor to climate change.

hybrid switch

High-voltage circuit breakers are important electrical equipment used in power transmission networks to isolate a faulty section from a working part. electrical network. This ensures safe operation electrical system. This article analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of these two types of circuit breakers and the need for a hybrid model.

Safety and environmental friendliness of switchgear insulation

The purpose of this article is to highlight the potential dangers to personnel and the environment associated with the same equipment, but not energized. The article focuses on switching and distribution equipment for voltages above 1000 V.

Functions and design of medium and high voltage circuit breakers

Advantages of DC in high voltage lines

Despite the increased prevalence alternating current in the transmission of electrical energy, in some cases, the use direct current high voltage is preferable.

Types and designations of supports

Supports made of various materials can be used on overhead lines.

For overhead lines, the following types of supports should be used:

1) intermediate, installed on straight sections of the overhead line route. These supports in normal operating modes should not perceive the forces directed along the overhead line;

2) anchor, installed to limit the anchor span, as well as in places where the number, grades and cross sections of overhead lines change. These supports should perceive, in normal operating modes, the forces from the difference in the tension of the wires directed along the overhead line;

3) angular, installed in places where the direction of the overhead line changes direction. These supports, under normal operating conditions, must perceive the resulting load from the tension of the wires of adjacent spans. Corner supports can be intermediate and anchor type;

4) terminal, installed at the beginning and end of the overhead line, as well as in places limiting cable inserts. They are anchor-type supports and must perceive, in normal operating modes of overhead lines, the one-sided tension of all wires.

Depending on the number of chains suspended on them, the supports are divided into single-chain, double-chain and multi-chain.

Supports can be free-standing or with braces.

Intermediate supports can be of flexible and rigid construction; anchor supports must be rigid. It is allowed to use anchor supports of a flexible design for overhead lines up to 35 kV.

Supports on which branches from overhead lines are carried out are called branch; supports on which the intersection of overhead lines of different directions or the intersection of overhead lines with engineering structures, - cross. These supports can be of all the above types.

Support structures should provide the ability to install:

  • lamps street lighting all types;
  • end cable couplings;
  • protective devices;
  • sectioning and switching devices;
  • cabinets and shields for connecting electrical reception.

Support types

P - intermediate;

PP - transitional intermediate:

UE - angular intermediate:

A - anchor;

PA - transitional anchor;

AK - anchor end:

K - terminal:

UA - corner anchor;

PUA - transitional corner anchor;

AO - anchor branch;

POA - transitional anchor branch;

Oh - branch.

Nomenclature of reinforced concrete supports for 10 kV transmission lines

Support code

Number of racks per support

Rack code

Rack height, m

Height to the lower traverse, m

Volume of reinforced concrete, m

Mass of metal structures, kg

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Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Department of Geodesy



To perform settlement and graphic work by students studying in the direction of "Construction".


Compiled by: V.S. Borovskikh, M.G. Ishmukhametova

Favorites conventional signs. Guidelines for the performance of settlement and graphic work by students of the 1st year of full-time education in the direction of "Construction". Methodological instructions correspond to the State General Educational Standard.

Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering.

Comp.: V.S.Borovskikh, M.G.Ishmukhametova

Kazan, 2012 - 17 p.

ill. 90, table 1

Reviewer: SNS, Associate Professor, PhD, Department of Astronomy, Kazan State University M.I. Shpekin

C Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

In "Selected Conventional Signs for Topographic Plans at Scales 1:500 and 1:1000" ", the conventional signs of the most common contours and objects of the terrain are given. They need to be learned and known by students studying at the university. "Selected Conventional Signs" are used when performing calculation graphic work and during summer geodetic practice for drawing plans for theodolite, tacheometric surveys, leveling by squares.

To draw topographic plans and maps of smaller scales, conventional symbols are used, which, as a rule, are similar in appearance to conventional symbols for scales of 1:500 - 1:1000.

In the "Selected Conventional Signs" in the first column are serial numbers. Symbols are selected from the official publication "Symbols for topographic plans at scales 1:5000, 1:2000, 1:1000, 1:500" - M.: Nedra, 2002, approved by the GUGK of Russia. The second column contains the names of conventional signs and explanations for them, and the third - the image of various signs and their sizes. When drawing plans, the dimensions of the symbols must be observed, but not shown.

When drawing off-scale symbols, images of objects should be placed perpendicular to the southern frame of the plan.

The position of the object on the ground must correspond to the following points of the off-scale sign on the plan:

a) for signs of the correct form (circle, square, etc.) - the center of the sign;

b) for signs with a right angle at the base - the top of the corner;

c) for signs in the form of a perspective image of an object - the middle of the base of the sign.

To draw conventional signs on plans and maps, ink and watercolors of different colors are used. The colors are shown in the explanations of the symbols. If there are no such explanations, the symbols are depicted in black ink.


for topographic plans

scales 1:1000, 1:500

Name and characteristics of a topographic object

Symbol topographic object

Points of the state geodetic network

Points of the state geodetic network on the mounds

Points of the state geodetic network on buildings

Points of geodetic thickening networks and their numbers

Leveling benchmarks and their numbers

Leveling benchmarks and wall marks

Leveling benchmarks ground construction long-term

Temporary leveling benchmarks

Intersections of coordinate lines ( in green)


Residential fire-resistant: (brick, stone, concrete)

1) single deck;

2) above one floor

Non-residential fire-resistant buildings: (brick, stone, concrete)

1) single deck;

2) above one floor

Non-fire-resistant residential buildings: (wooden, adobe, etc.)

1) single deck;

2) above one floor

Non-residential non-fire-resistant buildings (wooden, adobe, etc.)

1) single deck;

2) above one floor

Buildings under construction

Buildings destroyed and dilapidated

Marking the height of the floor of the first floor (inside the contour);

Ground mark on the corner of the house

1) stone with domes of different heights;

2) wooden with one dome

1) stone;

2) wooden


Small buildings:

1) individual garages;

2) toilets


Unfortified (number 2,5 - slope height in meters)

Unreinforced slopes (figure 102,5 - slope height in meters)

Reinforced slopes (number 102,5 - slope height in meters; inscription - a way to strengthen)

Open pit mining of solid minerals (quarries, etc. (figure - depth in meters)

gas stations

Electrical substations, transformer boxes, and their numbers

Wells and wells combined with water towers

Electric lamps on poles

Inspection wells (hatches) of underground utilities:

1) without appointment;

2) on water supply networks;

3) on sewer networks;

4) on heating systems;

5) on gas pipelines

Power lines (TL)

in an undeveloped area

(figures - truss heights in meters, voltage in kV, number of wires or cables):

1) high voltage power lines on reinforced concrete trusses;

2) high voltage power lines on metal trusses;

3) high voltage cable overhead power lines on reinforced concrete and wooden poles;

4) Low voltage power lines on metal and wooden poles





Power lines (TL)

in built-up area:

1) high voltage power lines on wooden farms;

2) high voltage power lines on poles;

3) high voltage cable overhead power lines on poles;

4) Low voltage power lines on wooden poles


Ground ( G- gas pipeline, AT- water pipes, To- sewerage, H- oil pipelines; pipe material - bet., st. and etc.; figures - pipe diameter in millimeters):

1) ground on the ground;

2) on supports (numbers are the height of the supports in meters)

Underground pipelines:

1) pipelines with inspection wells (numbers - numbers and elevations of wells; ch. 1.2- pipe laying depth);

2) pipelines laid side by side in one trench (numbers - the number of gaskets);

Waste gratings

Surface pipelines on supports (green wash)

Pipelines on the bottom surface (green hillshade)

Communication lines and technical means air wired controls (telephone, radio, television, etc.)

Masts, towers, radio and television repeaters (numbers are their heights in meters)

1:1000 1:500

Landfill (dashed lines brown)

Construction sites


1) highways (covering material - concrete);

cuvettes in green.

2) car roads with improved surface (asphalt); cuvettes in green.

Roadways and sidewalks:

laundering pink ;

1) carriageways of streets in the presence of side stone;

2) carriageways of streets without side stone;

3) sidewalks with a hard surface;

4) unpaved sidewalks

Unpaved roads:

1) improved dirt roads; cuvettes in green.

2) dirt roads (field, forest, country roads);

Roads in recesses (numbers are the depths of recesses in meters); cuvettes in green.


Narrow gauge railways (appointment and gauge in millimeters)

Railways on embankments (figures - height of embankments in meters)

Station tracks


Pedestrian bridges over railways(letters - bridge material)

Horizontals (in brown):

1) thickened (through given interval section height);

2) basic;

3) semi-horizontal (half the height of the section);

4) quarter-horizontal (in 1/4 section height)


Slope direction indicators (bergstrokes)

Height marks

Ground cliffs (in brown):

(numbers - depth in meters)

Pits (numbers - depth in meters)

Mounds (numbers - height in meters)

Watercourses, coastlines and marks of water edges (height and date of measurement), Border of land and water in green, hillshade blue color.

Streams (width not expressed in plan scale) in blue.

Characteristics of watercourses:

2) width in meters (numerator), depth in meters and bottom soil (denominator)


1) on a common span (metal - metal, stone - stone, reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete, numbers - load capacity in tons);

2) small wooden;


Contours of vegetation, agricultural land, soil, etc.

Characteristics of forest stands by composition:

1) deciduous;

2) coniferous;

3) mixed;

according to qualitative data:

4) average height of trees in meters (numerator), average thickness of trunks in meters (denominator), average distance between trees in meters (number on the right), tree species

Natural tall forests

Young forest plantations (figure - average height in meters)

Forest areas cut down

Shrubs separate groups