If you dreamed that your child died. A terrifying vision: why is a dead child dreaming

Children are symbols of a new beginning. Therefore, the death of a small person hits the heart more painfully. Sometimes you involuntarily think about whether fate exists or not.

You won’t advise anyone to survive this, even in a dream. If, nevertheless, a tragedy happened, albeit in an illusory world, in memory for a long time dark memories will be kept. What to expect after such a dream? The answer to this question will be discussed below.

A dreaming child can personify how specific child, and changes in outlook. In the first case, the death of a child is a projection of the feelings and fears of a person experienced in relation to the child, in the second, it means the collapse of far-reaching plans that mean a lot to a person who has such a dream.

Why dream of the death of a child in a dream?

If you dreamed that the child was dying during his sleep, then this means that in reality your relationship with the child needs to be updated. Changes in your life that you do not want to see yet, dictate new “rules of the game”. You need to come to terms with it and try rebuild your relationship with your child.

It may be necessary to rethink some of the old ideals and principles. But don't be afraid: A New Look on things is able to give the joy of knowledge.

Death of a granddaughter

The death of a granddaughter's child, in a dream, says that ahead of you difficulties await Perhaps even a person close to you will leave your life. Fate gives you a chance to prepare for future problems. Make the most of it. Death is an inevitable phenomenon for everyone. However, perhaps you will be able to deceive fate and not let the one you cherish die.

Sister's child

The dream of the death of your sister's child indicates that trouble awaits you.

It is very likely that you lose something in your life, be it social status, or a loved one.

Difficulties will need to endure steadfastly and not lose heart. Otherwise, you risk turning from the arbiter of your own destiny into a victim of circumstances. Mentally prepare for the battle for your destiny.

Seeing the death of a friend's child in a dream, do not be alarmed. This dream means that you live under the yoke of unfounded fears and your actions are sometimes due to the fact that you believe in these fears. Such a dream good reason to think over the fact that in life it is sometimes necessary to have a more impartial attitude to the events taking place around, and not to be a prisoner of one's phobias. Try to understand yourself. Perhaps your fears are caused by complexes that lie in your personality.

The death of a child who is still alive

A dreamer is a cause for concern. Such a dream signals that your plans will fail very quickly.. And this applies to exactly what you are sure of. Get ready for not just big problems You are in for a complete fiasco. But remember that negative experiences can be helpful too.

someone else's child

If you saw the death of a child whom you did not know, then you should prepare for the fact that you loved ones will betray. A blow is worth waiting for even from relatives. This dream is a sign that you will disbelieve in something that was very familiar to you. Psychologically tune in to the insidious attack of fate. Believe in yourself and your success.

If in your dream, then expect that in reality you will be able to get rid of the problems that thin your nervous system. However, in order for such problems to disappear from your life, it will be necessary donate something. As you know, in everyday life it is difficult to do without compromises. The dream indicates that you will have to make another deal with fate. However, you should not rush to extremes and see this agreement in every event of your life.

Death during childbirth

If a non-pregnant woman or a man dreamed that their baby died during childbirth, then it makes sense for them to expect that their ideas and plans will fail at the initial stage. If a pregnant woman sees such a dream, then for her it will mean that she should pull herself together. If you believe the dream book, then such a vision is a consequence of the suspiciousness of the parent himself. Most likely, the dream was the result of her fear of childbearing. Or maybe she's just afraid of not being able to cope with milestones his life - motherhood.

In the case when you dreamed about what you had in your hands, expect that, due to objective reasons, you will have to more flexible with their own children. Think about it, are you being too strict with them? It is necessary to control children, but in moderation, do not become an enemy to them. For the harmonious development of the personality, it is important that education does not clog the character and talents of the child. In addition, constant supervision and the continuous psychological stress caused by it contribute to the development of complexes.

In an accident

The death of a child seen in a dream means that you should be restrained in their desires and actions. You should think about the fact that the end does not always justify the means.

With flexibility and tact, you can achieve more. By changing your behavior, you will save yourself from greater troubles than the benefit of the achieved goal would be.

Otherwise, you're just hurting yourself.

In water

If you saw in a dream how, then you should remember those people who may wish you harm. Such a dream suggests that someone may wish you death. Moreover, this person is ready to commit real action to kill you. In order to calculate your ill-wisher, you will need to think carefully. Memory will give you information, and feelings will guide you. Mentally prepare yourself for the fight.

If you dreamed about the death of a boy, then get ready for what awaits you higher, compared to the previous one, stage of personal growth. The death of a child in this case means the elimination of some barriers and complexes that hindered your spiritual growth. If a man saw the death of a boy in a dream, then this means that he will become more mature. A woman who sees such a vision should expect to pick up the key to solving mental problems. Be patient, but do not be inactive: look for answers to questions.

The death of a child who is not yet

The dream interpretation interprets such a dream as follows: work, for which you will soon take on, in the end, can neither satisfy you nor entertain. It is rather difficult to choose which particular case this applies to. However, armed with perseverance, try to remember if there are those among them that you doubted. Perhaps you will feel which plan should be abandoned. It seems to me that with proper concentration, it is possible to achieve success in this.

The death of a child is perhaps the most worst dream, which can only be. Every person who is not versed in the meanings of dreams will be frightened by such a development of events, and will think that this can happen in reality.

However, dream books explain such dreams in different ways. They can be both good and bad. To get to know him exact value, it is necessary to refer either to the interpreters of dreams, or to the literature explaining them.

To see the death of one's own or someone else's child in a dream is, of course, scary, but only until the whole meaning of the dream is realized. Dream Interpretations most often interpret this vision as positive.

But in order to give an accurate interpretation of the dream, it is necessary to analyze the details.

Why dream of the death of your child

If you dream of the death of your child, then you need to pay attention to how this happened:

  • If in a dream a child was ill for a long time and painfully, and only then died, then it is necessary to more carefully monitor his life, mental and physical health. Usually dream books interpret this in the opposite sense, predicting good health for the child.
  • Some dream books interpret the death of a child as a symbol of a sharp upheaval in the dreamer's life. A sleeping person can suddenly dramatically change his attitude to life or religion. Dream Interpretations only hint, but cannot tell exactly what change will occur.
  • If you dreamed about the death of your child, then in the future he may expect minor difficulties, but they are not related to his health. It can be problems in school, or some kind of test in your personal life.

If you dream of the death of your son, why is it

Seeing the death of your boy in a dream is, most often, a joyful event. But it is necessary to pay great attention to his emotions and external state. Depending on his emotions, various events in life can happen.

The dream interpretation interprets them like this:

  • A severely crippled son means that the dreamer will have to wait for trouble in his career.
  • If you dream of the death of your son at the moment when he is sad, then this means a coming victory in something. It can be both sports competitions and a lottery. It is possible to receive a bonus at work, you should expect an increase or unexpected good news.
  • If a child met death with a smile on his face, then this is very unusual and rare dream. But, nevertheless, it still occurs and is interpreted by the dream book. This means that soon there will be a meeting with a person whom the dreamer forgot about, but this meeting will be happy.

Why dream of the death of a child who is alive

If you dream about the death of children who are still alive, then it can be difficult to understand that it was living children who dreamed. If the child is your own or is not a stranger, then difficulties do not arise, but if someone else's child is dreaming, then it can be quite difficult to determine whether he is alive or not.

In no case will a non-existent person be dreamed of, since the human brain is arranged in such a way that in a dream he sees only those faces that he met in real life.

Therefore, dream books interpret the death of someone else's child in the same way, regardless of whether he is alive or not. But, if you had your own dream in a dream, then this will lead to financial problems in the dreamer's family.

Why dream of the death of someone else's child

If you dreamed that someone else's son or someone else's daughter was dying, then this is always perceived much easier than the death of one's own children. Such a dream has many different meanings, the important thing is who had a dream:

  • If a pregnant woman had a dream, then this means that childbirth will take place without serious complications. Also, it can mean that a pregnant woman will be very happy with her newborn baby.
  • If an elderly woman had a dream, then this is a reminder that she should pay more attention to her health, because it is already in poor condition.

Why dream of the death of a boy's child

  • The death of a boy is dreamed much more often than the death of a girl. Such a dream means new acquaintances that will happen in the near future.
  • If someone else's son dies, then this is to gain new love.
  • If in a dream there are familiar children, then there may be various acquaintances. If a newborn baby is dreaming, then this is to meet a new friend.

If the son of a friend meets in a dream, this is a sign of new business acquaintances.

Why dream of the death of a baby

  • Pregnant women are tormented by dreams in which newborn babies die. Do not worry that this will happen in life. This, on the contrary, means that the birth will be successful.
  • If a future father had such a dream, this means that his relationship with his son will be wonderful. It will be the same if the dream comes to the future grandfather and mother.
  • If a newborn baby was dreamed of by a non-pregnant woman, this is a sign that her undertakings will not turn into success, but will be ruined immediately.

Usually such a dream is very frightening and alarming, especially for those who have their own children.

Many young parents who have recently had a child are very worried about his death in a dream, but do not rush to get upset in advance: most likely, the child will live for a very long time to the delight of parents and relatives.

However, in some situations, dreams of this kind turn out to be prophetic and are literally fulfilled. Here are some tips on how to calculate them and what to do.

If you dreamed that a child suddenly died, pay attention to the situation in the night pictures and how likely it is. That's how modern dream book interprets such passions most often.

When a dream comes true literally

The first thing that worries parents in such a situation is how likely the implementation of a mournful plot is. However, dream books do not give an unambiguous answer to this question, because everything is individual in each case and is not always performed in exactly the same way as you dreamed.

Prophetic dreams that are fulfilled exactly as you saw during a nightmare, only 25%, the rest are performed symbolically. Usually there are not so many visions in which your own or someone else's baby dies.

Most often, night horrors, which are then performed literally, people see on the night of New Year or some time after it, on the eve of the baby's birthday or a few days (no more than a week) after or immediately before a terrible event.

Usually, nothing can be done by this point, although some people are helped by the recommendations of dream books and simple safety and caution measures. Here are a few signs of a prophetic dream that requires immediate action.

First of all, the interpreter writes that the dream in which the baby died is unexpected. You were not worried about anything, or, on the contrary, the boy or girl is very ill, delirious in a fever with a high temperature, and something alarming happens.

Or you become a witness of some dangerous situation or what has already happened, although nothing foreshadowed trouble. Another sign of a prophetic dream is the unexpectedness of the plot, but at the same time its realism.

For example, it is a dream that the baby choked in the bathroom or poisoned himself with pills, mistaking them for sweets. If nothing like this has happened in your life or you have not heard about a similar case from your friends, then most likely you should be wary and take such a sign into account.

It is also worth remembering a dream in which a boy or girl appeared to you dead in the yard or in the house of neighbors. Modern books indicate that most often such pictures turn out to be prophetic.

Other signs of an approaching tragedy

So, first of all, the realism of the event plays a leading role in a dream. If a child died during an accident, catastrophe, got hit by a car, or some other trouble happened in a familiar environment, then the modern dream book indicates a high probability of this event.

The time and place of the tragedy are indicated by the lighting, the scene of the incident, as well as various very real circumstances of the dream.

For example, the action takes place on a familiar street, in the house of your friend, girlfriend who has children, and also in those places that may well turn out to exist in reality, and not just in your imagination.

Another sign of a prophetic dream is that it is fulfilled within a short time, literally the next day or a few weeks later. If the dream did not come true, perhaps some change will happen in your environment.

Some night pictures that a pregnant woman sees can also carry prophetic information, even if she does not know about this condition yet, the future is revealed to her easily and simply. Sometimes a lady dreams of the real age of the baby, if he is destined to leave this world at a very tender age.

Also, mother or relatives can see dreams in which the child loses his life, especially on the eve of the baby's birthday or some time after it.

At the same time, literally death may not be indicated: you see an empty room of a boy or girl, as well as a coffin, a funeral, people in black, or you hear sobs. Sometimes the dream in which the baby is destined to die is repeated, and there is an element of something unnatural and strange in them.

What to do so that a prophetic dream does not come true

If you feel that the night vision in which you say goodbye to your own child predicts some kind of trouble, then it is simply impossible to completely change the plan of fate. Very often, such a dream is frightening, but the dreamer himself cannot do anything, since a terrible event happens in his absence or even during sleep.

Therefore, night pictures in which the baby dies are performed within a few days or after some time if the date is related to the birthday, New Year or the mother's pregnancy. It is also important that the one who saw this dream does not always attach importance to it.

After all, some often perceive nightmares with the death of loved ones as a work of the imagination. Therefore, it is not surprising if trouble comes quickly, and the one who had the dream does not have time to warn others about it and only then understands what happened.

However, there are cases when disaster can be prevented. It is elementary to make sure that the child stays alive, if you refuse to travel, even if planned, postpone the road, do not let him go to the river, or somehow get around the trouble.

But this is not always possible, because prophetic dream often comes when the trouble has already happened or you do not have the opportunity and time to prevent it.

Fortunately, the percentage of dreams that come true in exactly the same way as you dreamed is small. And in most situations, dreams in which the baby dies do not entail physical danger to him.

Usually, if a dream does not come true literally, it carries a symbolic meaning. This is how the dream book interprets the death of children symbolically if the vision did not come true in the form in which you imagined it.

From birth to 3 years

Very often, young parents dream of the death of a newborn baby if they have it first and do not have enough experience for motherhood and child care. Often, moms and dads are afraid to do something wrong, especially when the baby’s condition worries them a lot: for example, the temperature rises, various pimples appear, teeth are cut.

Everything seems new to them, and novelty is often frightening and alarming. Many inexperienced mothers are afraid to do something wrong, so they often dream that the baby died in a dream or died due to a fatal mistake and improper care.

Another reason for the appearance of such stories during a night's rest is unreacted emotions and inner fears. Especially if the development of the baby or baby leaves much to be desired.

If a mother is afraid of losing her baby while he is rising heat, fever, pain, or if the newborn is due for surgery, parental concerns are understandable.

Some books write that you are very worried, but this does not always mean that the baby will die.

Very often, indistinct stories in which this happens, or the doctor informs you about it, coffins and much more in reality turn into favorable circumstances for you and the fact that the patient is recovering.

However, many shocking pictures or terrible shots can also be a tragedy. At the same time, the death of the baby is not indicated in any way in such a vision.

2 to 6

The probability of prophetic dreams in which you dream of the death of a baby of this age is small. Such night scenes reflect the fears of parents, because if you don’t follow the little tomboy, he can do a lot of things, including unconsciously causing great harm to himself.

Usually, prophetic pictures in which children die after being poisoned with pills, toxic substances are performed, but in them the degree of harm is significantly underestimated.

For example, a baby may not swallow paracetamol, which is bitter in taste and is unlikely to be mistaken for sweets, but ordinary ascorbic acid or really eat too many sweets, and a poisonous snake - turn out to be a prickly rope, about which he will simply cut his hands. Such dreams simply reflect parental fears, and there is nothing prophetic in them.

If you dreamed that your child was dead and found on the shore or under water while swimming, you should be careful on vacation.

However, drowning may not happen. Most likely, the baby will be happy to swim and even happy, but nothing bad will happen to him.

The matter will be limited to ordinary tears and worries due to an unpurchased toy or some minor trouble.

If trouble happened to him, for example, he was bitten by a snake, a tick or a dangerous animal, the probability of misfortune increases. However, most often this does not predict anything bad for him, but dreams of scandals and complications in relations with his parents.

What do absurd and symbolic pictures mean?

Usually it is a dream that the baby has died, but the reason for his death is completely absurd and cannot happen in reality. For example, he dies from a poisonous watermelon or is fatally bitten by a wasp on the hand. They can cause bewilderment and a strange feeling, but in fact everything is much simpler.

If you dream of similar incidents with children, it is likely that you are too worried about them and exaggerate your own fears, bringing them to the point of absurdity. Sometimes such pictures can become harbingers for some people. mental disorder and diseases.

If you want to understand what strange death dreams mean, try to trace their source. If you didn’t watch anything like this on TV the day before and didn’t hear strange news, then in reality you can get into difficult situation and you won't know how to navigate it.

In some cases, the appearance of such strange dreams really predicts trouble, but symbolically indicated. For example, watermelon can cause allergies, pulmonary edema, which can lead to the fact that the baby will end up in the hospital, and the same predicts a wasp sting.

Most likely, the boy or girl simply has an allergy to an unusual food product, or a danger may occur that you did not see at the very beginning.

But quite often the appearance of such plots predicts joy, pleasant surprise and surprise. You should not be afraid of such horrors, since they very rarely dream of real danger.

From 7 years to transitional age

When a child begins to behave almost like an adult, and there is no danger that, without supervision, he will take some kind of muck into his mouth and get poisoned, the night pictures in which he dies become harbingers of trouble, though not to the extent that you have seen them.

For example, a dream in which someone else's child unexpectedly died - a friend of your son or daughter - does not dream of a danger to his life, but of a break in friendly relations with him. However, such night pictures should not be underestimated.

Since parents are very worried about their own child, they are unlikely to dream of prophetic and warning pictures, but a stranger, an uninterested person can see a dangerous event long before it starts.

Therefore, it is worth calling your friend's mom and dad and telling them about the dream so that they can avoid danger. Sometimes it can be done.

Why dream that a child you knew suddenly died, but this is not your son or daughter? If what you dreamed is likely, warn his parents or the baby himself. There is a possibility that trouble could happen.

Absurd night visions in which death occurs under strange circumstances dream of surprises, troubles and strange incidents.

Some night pictures of this kind are seen by grandparents, when they care too passionately, to the point of absurdity, about their grandchildren, exaggerating the danger. Sometimes death does not mean the physical death of this person, but that he will move away from you forever. For example, your kids will stop being friends or a friend who died in his sleep will leave your area.

Dreams of childless couples

If there is no baby that you do not have in reality, then your plans for the future will fail, your hopes will not come true. Dreams in which a woman who wants to become a mother loses her newborn baby may portend a failure in another attempt to become pregnant or a miscarriage.

Often a dream predicts bitter tears, disappointments, parting with a loved one and great mental and physical losses, the loss of what is truly expensive.

Anchor points:

Death of a child- this is a sign that is interpreted in different ways. Most often, such a dream portends joyful changes. New perspectives will open before you. The present period of your life will end. You will need to look for new ways.

But also a dream can mean that you you should be more careful in your affairs. New project, a nascent business (of which the child in a dream is a symbol) can be destroyed.
The child died in a dream, and then came to life- you will be able to cope with great difficulties.

A child at death looks at you with an imploring look - you pay too little attention to your relatives in reality. In addition, such a dream is a sign that someone close to you needs your help.

Your child died

The death of your child in a dream- so he will be healthy and happy in real life. If in reality the child is sick at this time, he will soon recover. Perhaps he is waiting new stage growing up.

However, if in a dream the child was unwell for a very long time, and then death occurred, it is worth taking care of the health of your child in reality. Kill your child in a dream - to quarrels and showdowns with him, you will be the initiator of quarrels. If in a dream you regretted what you did, you will also regret in reality that you started a quarrel.

Death of a girlfriend

Such a dream warns that your friend can cheat on you. Perhaps she will begin to weave intrigues around you. Be careful.

Another meaning of this dream is that your girlfriend may have serious problems. If she is now preparing to change something in her destiny, to start a new business, advise her not to do this.

Death in the womb

If in real life you are pregnant and you had such a dream- do not worry. Your baby will be born healthy and the birth will be easy. In other cases, a dream is an omen that your ideas and plans can be ruined in the bud.

The boy died

Who died - expect the appearance of a man who wants to take advantage of your sincerity. Perhaps you already know this man and do not expect betrayal from him. Be carefull.

A completely different interpretation of this dream - your friend lacks attention from you.

The girl died

Death of a girl in a dream- means deceit and intrigue on the part of some woman. Do not trust all your secrets, you may be disappointed. Also, sleep is a sign that your girlfriend or friend needs help.

The dream of the death of a child should not be taken literally, since such a plot is extremely rarely repeated in reality and most often portends changes that relate to the dreamer's personal life and her relationship with her children. If a pregnant woman had a dream about the death of a baby - do not panic, this is a good sign that promises the birth of a healthy son. The interpretation of the dream depends on the details that the sleeping woman saw: whose child was, what death he died, whether there were funerals, the dreamer's emotions and actions, and other details.

The general meaning of a dream about a dead child

Why dream of the death of a child, according to the interpretation different dream books:

  • Dream Interpretation of Astromeridian. To lose your own son in a dream, who is healthy in reality, is to move away from your baby in real life. And also such a dream promises a new life stage for a sleeping person. If the dreamer is worried about the health of her sick child, then his death in a dream is only a reflection of her fears.
  • Small Velesov interpreter. Such a dream prophesies a sleeping woman a meeting with an interesting man in the near future.
  • Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov. A dream promises an acquaintance, the completion of an important matter.
  • Polish. To see the funeral of someone else's baby - to a severe cold snap. Watching a crying boy who is in pain and then dies - to a deterioration in the health of a sleeping person. The death of a child in the stomach - for pregnant women, such a dream is a sign that childbirth will be quick and easy, and the child will be born absolutely healthy and strong.
  • Modern. The death of a strange boy who is alive in reality is a sign of the independence and independence of a sleeping woman. To see your own son in a coffin - to a general physical and moral malaise. Seeing the death of a friend's child who is sick in real life - to his speedy recovery.
  • Dream interpretation of Smirnov. Sleep to the well-being and prosperity of the son. If a lonely or childless person had a dream, the young lady is not yet ready to become a mother. The baby died in the womb - the collapse of all hopes and plans, the plan was not destined to come true. The baby died during childbirth - the dreamer needs the help and support of close relatives.
  • Miller's dream book. If the child died from a terrible illness, such a dream indicates a danger that threatens not only the dreamer, but also her baby.
  • Esoteric. If a young and childless person had a dream - spiritual enlightenment, positive changes. If the son of a friend died, the dreamer is moving in the wrong direction, all her undertakings are doomed to failure.
  • Wangi's dream book. If in dreaming of the dead a fallen woman holds a baby - humanity will have to survive a natural disaster.

Interpretation of details

To see the lifeless body of a baby in a wasteland - to receive good news from friends or friends. If the son hanged himself at home, then such a dream promises a troublesome business. The baby died in the arms of a woman for no apparent reason and smiled at the same time - soon the hardships will be left behind and life will get better.

In a dream, the son died in a plane crash - to empty chores and nervous exhaustion. There was an accident on the highway - you should be more careful on the roads, since the dreamer is in danger associated with transport. To kill your own baby with your own hands is a serious scandal with your household.

If the child drowned in the river - to the appearance of the worst enemy; a person from a close circle wishes a sleeping woman death.

If the baby lies in a red coffin, then the dreamer will have to change her life for the better, andif in black - to fail, endanger your future.