What did yellow tulips dream about? Why dream of a bouquet of tulips, which means a dream

  • If a man dreamed of a tulip, then soon he may win the favor of a narcissistic beauty.
  • The appearance of a flower in a woman's dream is an unfavorable sign. She runs the risk of falling in love with a proud macho or an arrogant egoist.

And now, let's look at the dream books, why the dream in which you saw tulips.

Dream interpretation of Wangi

  • If you dreamed about a field of tulips - an event will happen that may greatly affect your feelings. It will be difficult to part with this pleasant state, but soon the emotional outburst will fade away.
  • Plucking or cutting a tulip is a frank conversation, which you will later have to regret.
  • A tulip in a girl's dream speaks of moral purity; women - a foreshadowing of imminent menstruation.
  • Trampling flowers is a sign that indicates the selfishness of the owner of the dream.

Miller's dream book

  • Blooming brightly colored tulips are a sign that speaks of marital fidelity, pleasure and love in marriage.
  • White flowers symbolize sadness and sorrow. Dry ones promise amorous remorse.
  • Tulips in the garden - to the quick acquisition of rich property. Wild flowers, especially white, growing on weeds - to grief.
  • If in a dream a girl receives a bouquet as a gift, a pleasant, but empty man inside has feelings for her.

Freud's dream book

  • If you are picking a flower, then you should think about your priorities in life, perhaps they need to be changed.
  • The dug tulips testify to the intrigues of ill-wishers who are trying in every possible way to put sticks in your wheels.
  • Tulips in the house speak of a person who is not used to opening up to people.
  • If you plant these flowers in a dream, then in life you may make a wise decision or do a noble deed.
  • The flowers have dried up - you may have to go through a breakdown in a relationship or an illness in life.

Interpretation of a specific color of tulips

  • Red flowers can indicate that it is time for the owner of the dream to make plans for the future. It is also necessary to remember that money does not play the main role.
  • Yellow ones speak of envy from others, betrayal or deception. For the girl, they portend a quick separation from her lover or a break in relations altogether.
  • Pink - for an early romantic date.
  • Whites - sadness due to problems in love.
  • Blacks talk about a possible depression, the onset of a black streak in life.
  • A bouquet of flowers different color suggests that others are not serious about the owner of the dream.

Everything a tulip dreams of affects a person's feelings, relationships and love. But in some cases, this means a quick change of opinion, views on some exciting reasons - when the dreaming plant has a smell.

People in whose life creativity plays the main role have non-standard, creative thinking. In such cases, studying a dream book, a tulip can be compared to a glass that is full of new ideas. This is a kind of symbol of the embodiment of creative ideas.

For many peoples of the world, tulips symbolize sincere love and admiration. These spring flowers are striking in their tenderness and beauty. But what does it mean to see them in night dreams? Interpreters of dreams will help explain the vision.

Interpretation of a dream about tulips according to different dream books

  1. English. A dream portends financial well-being.
  2. American. To a temporary hobby.
  3. Vangi. To unexpected joy.
  4. Grishina. You are a talented person, but giftedness does not bring you happiness.
  5. Health. Be careful in your thoughts, words, and actions.
  6. Miller. The occupation that you are now so passionate about will soon make a profit.
  7. Morozova. You have a secret admirer.
  8. Newest. You have magical abilities, developing them, you can become a healer.
  9. Family. You are a frivolous person.
  10. Modern. A complete idyll in a relationship.
  11. Stepanova. To a meeting with an old friend.
  12. Wanderer. A significant event will happen.
  13. Fedorovskaya. Love and harmony in the family.
  14. Hasse. You will be successful in business. For creative people vision promises fame and recognition.
  15. Gypsy. To wealth.

Saw in a dream big bouquet red tulips? Wait for a declaration of love.

To dream of blue tulips - for the arrival of guests

Does the gender of the dreamer matter

The interpretation of a dream depends on who exactly dreamed of tulips:

  1. To the girl. You will have valuable creative ideas, the implementation of which will lead to success and profit. According to Miller's dream book, a vision speaks of the dreamer's moral purity..
  2. To a woman. Sleep informs about your frivolous behavior. According to Vanga's dream book, red tulips seen in a dream may indicate the imminent onset of menstruation.
  3. Pregnant. Dreams of the night warn you that you may be injured, so take care of your safety.
  4. For a man. You should devote more time to your relatives. Some of them need your help. By modern dream book, there is a business trip ahead.
  5. To a family man. You will feel energized and vitality... Now is the time to take important decisions... There is a likelihood of moving up the career ladder or getting a pay raise.

It is interesting. If a girl dreams of a man with tulips, then soon she will be rejected by her lover.

Why dream of red, black, purple, pink, yellow, white and other tulips

The interpretation of the dream depends on how the dreamed tulips looked like:

  1. Red. Good luck in love, romantic date. According to Stepanova's dream book, try not to make your partner jealous, otherwise you will regret your rash behavior.
  2. Multi-colored. Unexpected and bright events will take place in life. According to the family dream book, thanks to the sharpening of intuition, you will solve many production matters.
  3. Yellow. A dream predicts separation. This can be both parting with a loved one, and a long departure of a close friend.
  4. White. A dream speaks of the purity and purity of your thoughts. According to Evgeny Tsvetkov, a pleasant surprise awaits you.
  5. Pink. Travel and participation in a variety of activities ahead. Now is a good time to make acquaintance with important people who will take an active part in your life.
  6. Purple. You want to solve some mystery, but now is not the time. It is worth waiting a little and letting the situation take its course. You will find out soon enough.
  7. Black. Conflicts are coming at work and at home. Someone will start interfering in your life with annoying advice. Try to culturally put this person in his place.
  8. Orange. You will easily and successfully settle matters. Help in difficult situation close people will come.
  9. Brown. Relatives will provide you with financial support. According to the dream book of the medium Hasse, you will achieve success in business operations.
  10. Green. You are conducting the correct financial policy, which has allowed you to accumulate good capital. In the gypsy dream book it is indicated that profit awaits you.

If, in your nightly dreams, you were handed a bouquet consisting of colorful tulips then get ready for an unexpected gift.

To see a whole field of tulips in night dreams is a tempting offer

A place

To see tulips in the garden in the kingdom of Morpheus is a love explanation. Unmarried girls and for single guys, the vision promises a quick wedding.

If in night dreams flowers grew in the field, then you will be successful in business or social activities. A good time to solve old problems that you have brushed aside for a long time. According to the Muslim dream book, new perspectives will open before you.

Dreamed of tulips in a vase? You have become estranged from friends and family. Now is the time to fix that. Spend more time with loved ones. This will do you good, you will be able to distract yourself from the piled-up troubles.

If in a dream the tulips were in the snow, then you will have difficulty communicating with colleagues. For businessmen, a dream promises stagnation in business and loss.

Dreamed of wilted tulips? Get bad news.

Actions: see from the outside, buy, sell, donate, etc.

Seeing tulips from the side is a bright and memorable event. For a woman, a dream portends a secret suitor, and for a man, the praise of his superiors.

Receive tulips as a gift in the kingdom of Morpheus - to peace in the family. According to Grishina's dream book, you should heed the advice of a loved one, then you can achieve unprecedented heights.

To give these spring flowers in a dream is to meet an influential person. Thanks to your sociability, you will make useful and promising connections.

Buying tulips in a dream is a large purchase that you have to make. By Italian dream book, unexpected expenses are coming.

Selling flowers in night vision is a showdown with a loved one. Quarrels will arise out of jealousy and mistrust. Your frivolous behavior will be to blame.

If in a night vision you were carrying a bouquet of tulips to a funeral, then some unpleasant event will greatly shock you.

Had a dream that you watered tulips? You will take care of close person... Some of the relatives may be in poor health and will need your help.

If you happened to plant these beautiful flowers in the kingdom of Morpheus, in order to achieve what you want, you need to show more energy and initiative.

If a man had a dream in which his rival gave his girlfriend a bouquet of tulips, then he should pay more attention to his beloved

Trample tulips in a dream - to unpleasant news and health problems. According to the modern dream book, because of rash actions you will end up in an unpleasant story..

Pulling flowers in a dream - to the onset of a difficult stage in life. Efforts will not be crowned with success. This fact will be very frustrating. Remember, trouble is temporary.

Interpreting other tulip dreams

Seeing a bouquet of tulips in a dream is a sign of joyful events. A favorable period is coming, fortune will smile at you. By English dream book, you will be presented with a nice present.

Tulip bulbs dreamed of in a dream promise the birth of new and interesting ideas. For family people, the vision promises the birth of a child.

Tulip petals seen in the kingdom of Morpheus are a sign that higher power will support you in good thoughts and actions. Wanga advises not to succumb to irritation and anger. These feelings will act on you destructively and lead to a state of discomfort.

Artificial tulips in night dreams prophesy disappointment in people. Someone from your acquaintances will show themselves not with better side than greatly sadden you. According to the modern dream book, you will feel ashamed for an act committed by another person.

Dreamed of two tulips? Some of your friends are using you to their advantage.

Tulip dreams predict different events. Their decoding depends on appearance flower, as well as from the actions taking place. Sometimes night dreams warn of impending troubles. WITH special attention it is worth referring to the dreams seen from Thursday to Friday, because they can be prophetic.

Tulips delight us with their beauty and represent the arrival of spring. And the dream in which I happened to see these wonderful flowers promises only good things. But in order to know exactly what tulips are dreaming of, you should remember every detail of what you see, and then turn to the dream book.

Highly important factor in the interpretation of a dream, it is what color the haunted flowers were. But you shouldn't forget about other subtleties of sleep either.

Tulip color

  • Did you see red tulips in a dream? The material side of life will delight you by winning a large amount of money or receiving a very valuable gift. It doesn't matter what it will be, the main thing is that the financial issue will no longer be so acute.
  • Pink tulips promise a date full of romantic moments. A loved one will surround you with care and attention, give you an unforgettable experience and present a pleasant surprise, the interpreter promises.
  • The dream book also explains why a woman dreams of yellow tulips. In his opinion, this shade promises deception and betrayal. There is a high probability of betrayal from a loved one and, as a result, the end of the relationship. But, having learned about this, do not become discouraged and try to smile, no matter how hard it may be. The dark streak is not eternal - it will end, and in its place will come a light one, filled with joy. New acquaintances will not keep you waiting, and with them - and new love, which will not bring disappointments.

  • Did you have a chance to see tulips of an unusual black color in a dream? Ahead is a difficult period, filled with loneliness, foreshadows the dream book. You will miss so much that you will find yourself on the verge of depression, getting out of which will be very, very difficult. On the advice of the dream book, do not dwell on your grief. Try to spend more time on the street, do not refuse help to those who need it, even if this person is unfamiliar to you. So your own sorrows will fade into the background, and you will be able to enjoy life again.
  • And what can white tulips dream of? Difficulties await you on the love front, says the dream book. Such a dream also speaks of the unsuccessful completion of a new acquaintance or a romantic meeting.
  • Tulips have a similar meaning. of blue color- they talk about love that will remain unanswered.
  • An explanation of why purple tulips dream is also found in dream books. The sleeper is oppressed by problems family character, his relationship with household members cannot be called smooth.

  • And if you see colorful tulips, perhaps you lack seriousness. Think about it - isn't it time to grow up? After all, many do not perceive you the way you would like, and this interferes with the achievement of the goals that you have set for yourself.

Interpretations of various dream books

Had a dream that you were collecting these beautiful flowers? Your love feelings will be mutual, the dream book claims. In reality, you will become the object of attention of a very interesting person. It is quite possible that you never dared to dream of the location of this person. This dream also speaks of a new relationship that will last for a long time.

Miller's dream book explains what tulips dream of. They are a symbol of family life and love. Had a dream that these flowers are presented to you? In reality, a very pleasant person has a weakness for you, who, however, lacks seriousness. But if during sleep you acted as a donor, then feelings for a frivolous and frivolous person belong to you.

Withered tulips, according to Gustav Miller, symbolize loving repentance, which is too late in time. Another interpreter explains what a bouquet of tulips can dream of. Perhaps you are arrogant and arrogant, the interpreter warns.

Think - do you scare others away with your behavior? Maybe this is the reason why it is difficult for you to find new friends?

Had a dream that you were planting these flowers? Such a dream speaks of jealousy. Your other half is the owner, and this trait will give you a lot of unpleasant minutes. But don't give in to the onslaught and confess what you haven't done. Think - is it time to end a relationship in which they do not trust you? Such a dream also suggests that your bosses are overly demanding. If you do not want to lose your place, be patient and be attentive to criticism. It can sometimes do a good job.

What does a dream mean in which you inhale the scent of tulips? Change the habits that were considered established soon. It may also happen that certain circumstances force you to change your outlook on life. But do not rush to worry - these changes will only change life for the better.

A tulip-lined field heralds an important event. This event will not pass unnoticed by your senses, and it will be far from immediately possible to recover from what happened. And what the tulip bulbs dream of is explained by the dream book. In reality, the sleeper may be a witness to a "mess" or run into the discontent of the authorities.

Did you buy these flowers in a dream? You suffer from unrequited love, says the dream book. And if they were torn down, reality will present a short, but very stormy romance that will be remembered for a long time. If a woman dreams of a man giving tulips to her, in reality a break in relations awaits her.

And if a representative of the opposite sex dreams of such a dream, his marriage will be unsuccessful. Perhaps the relationship should be terminated while it can be done painlessly - without quarrels and major scandals.

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The newest dream book

In a dream, why is the Tulip dreaming?

Tulips in dreams are a medicine man's flower (in the East - a lotus), symbolizes your ability to professionally engage in magic and healing.

Sowing tulips - to many small problems; there are tulips - you run the risk of losing credibility and respect among colleagues (neighbors).

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream of a Tulip?

Tulips in dreams - should be understood as a symbol of love and marriage.

If you give tulips, it turns out that you love a beautiful, but empty person.

When tulips are presented to you in a dream, it means that a beautiful but frivolous person loves you.

Withered tulips are a sign of belated remorse for love.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Why did the Tulip dream in a dream?

Seeing a tulip in a dream is a sign that you are frivolous, plucking - to fulfill your desire, watering - to peace and satisfaction, taking as a gift - to a pleasant pastime.

Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing a tulip - you need to be careful in the approaches; giving tulips to a pretty person of the opposite sex is a sign of sexual dissatisfaction.

For a woman to see a man with tulips - to be rejected after a fleeting love affair, to troubles and worries.

For a man to see a woman with tulips - to an unsuccessful marriage.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

To see a tulip is damage from arrogance and arrogance.

Having a tulip - dealing with an arrogant person / falling in love without hope.

Tearing a tulip is to achieve a proud and beautiful woman.

Dream interpretation for bitches

Tulips are a pleasant hobby that can soon turn a profit.

Dream interpretation of birthdays of September, October, November, December

Tulip - to unexpected joy.

Seeing a tulip in a dream means market relations - trade will go better than before.

A tulip is a temporary hobby.

Dream interpretation of the medium miss Hasse

What does it mean if a Tulip is dreaming in a dream?

To see a tulip - you are frivolous; to pluck - fulfillment of desires; water - fall in love with a stupid girl.

Dream Interpretation Morozova

One proud tulip is a symbol of love interest.

Seeing blooming tulips around is to spend time in idleness among close friends.

Dream interpretation of plants

Tulip - symbolizes the expression of love.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Interpretation of a dream: Tulip from a dream book?

Tulip - sign close event, good or bad in the context (as an example, a dream of one person about a black tulip - for the upcoming operation).

Gypsy dream book

A dream with such flowers is a symbol of prosperity.

If you, surrounded by tulips, are standing in the garden - this portends wealth and fame.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: Tulip in the dream book?

The dream interpretation connects a tulip - with love unions, warm relationship in a couple.

You present them to someone - being seduced by external attractiveness, you will be disappointed in the internal qualities.

Dried flowers - over time, you will regret neglected feelings.

According to the dream book, a bouquet of tulips is a reflection of narcissism and selfishness in relationships.

If you dream of white tulips, expect annoying troubles on the love front, deteriorate relationships with your soul mate, or meet a completely unworthy person.

If you dreamed about red tulips, you will be able to renew the spoiled relationship with your loved one, your romantic feelings will kindle with renewed vigor. Also, flowers promise a fascinating trip or a radical change of place of residence.

I saw yellow tulips in a dream - in the near future, the relationship with the second half will deteriorate sharply, but you should not find out the relationship, just let go of the situation, soon everything will fall into place, and you will be happy again together, forever forgetting about past grievances and misunderstandings.


Dream interpretation for bitches

Tulips- a pleasant hobby that can soon bring profit.

Modern combined dream book

Tulips in dreams- should be understood as a symbol of love and marriage.

If you give tulips- it turns out that you love a beautiful, but empty person.

When they give tulips to you in a dream- this means that a handsome but frivolous person loves you.

Withered tulips- a sign of belated remorse for love.

The newest dream book by G. Ivanov

Tulips in dreams- the flower of the medicine man (in the East - the lotus), symbolizes your ability to professionally engage in magic, healing.

Sow tulips- to a lot of minor problems; there are tulips- you risk losing credibility and respect among colleagues (neighbors).

Dream interpretation of birthday people in may, june, july, august

Seeing a tulip in a dream means market relations.- trading will go better than before.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Tulip- to unexpected joy.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Tulip- to a temporary hobby.

Dream interpretation Hasse

Tulip see- you are frivolous; pluck- fulfillment of desires; to water- fall in love with a stupid girl.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Seeing a tulip in a dream- a sign that you are frivolous, pluck- to fulfill your desire, to water- to peace and satisfaction, accept as a gift- to a pleasant pastime.

Dream Interpretation Morozova

One proud tulip- a symbol of love interest.

See blooming tulips around- to spend time in idleness among close friends.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Tulip- a sign of a close event, good or bad in context (as an example, a dream of one person about a black tulip - for the upcoming operation).

Dream interpretation of a gypsy

Sleep with flowers like this- a symbol of wealth.

If you are surrounded by tulips and stand in the garden- this portends wealth and fame.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Tulip see- damage from arrogance and arrogance.

Have a tulip- dealing with an arrogant person / falling in love without hope.

Tear the tulip- to achieve a proud and beautiful woman.

Collection of dream books

See the tulip- it is necessary to exercise caution in the approaches; giving tulips to a pretty person of the opposite sex is a sign of sexual dissatisfaction.

For a woman to see a man with tulips- to be rejected after a fleeting love affair, to troubles and experiences.

A man to see a woman with tulips- to an unsuccessful marriage.

Tulip- symbolizes the expression of love.

Dream interpretation white tulips

Why do white tulips dream in a dream from a dream book?

Seeing white tulips in a dream, you should prepare for a series of not the most pleasant situations on the love front.

In addition, a rapid deterioration in relations with your beloved half is possible. There is a chance that you will meet the wrong person.

Dream interpretation multicolored tulips

Why dream of multi-colored Tulips in a dream from a dream book?

Multicolored tulips can be dreamed of as a warning about the need to monitor your frivolous behavior.

The dream is a hint that it's time to start growing up, since most of the people around you do not consider you a serious person. Such an attitude towards you will not give you the opportunity to achieve what you want.

Tulips bouquet

Dream interpretation tulips bouquet dreamed why there is a bouquet of tulips in a dream? To select the interpretation of the dream, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation of dreams with a letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a bouquet of tulips in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Tulips

If you were presented with tulips, then you will be lucky, you happy man.

Dream interpretation - Bouquet

Seeing a bouquet is love.

If you were presented with a bouquet of flowers, they will make you an offer.

If you dreamed that you were giving flowers to someone, an important meeting is ahead of you.

If you are carrying a bouquet - to the imminent wedding.

If you dreamed about a wedding and you caught a bouquet, you will meet true love.

If the bouquet has wilted, take a closer look at your condition.

A bouquet presented to you - they will make an offer to you.

If you give a bouquet, you will meet someone who will greatly captivate you.

Carrying a bouquet - for an imminent wedding.

To catch a bouquet thrown to you is to meet true love.

Throwing a bouquet - to displeasure, annoyance.

Withered flowers in a bouquet - to illness.

Dream interpretation - Bouquet

Keeping a bouquet of flowers in a dream means mutual love and gratitude. Getting a bouquet of flowers from someone predicts constancy in love. To see a bouquet in a dream is a sign of a bad acquaintance that will not bring you to good, if in a dream you are making a bouquet, then you will receive news if you remember which flowers it was made of. See interpretation: flowers.

A dream in which you throw a bouquet at the wall with all sorts of things means that a waste of time and money awaits you. Such a dream also portends to you that your desire will not come true through your fault. If in a dream you are presented with a bouquet, then you should take a closer look at your environment or specifically at the person who presented you flowers, because he or they are hiding their true intentions and trying to flatter you. Although sometimes such a dream predicts that you will spend many pleasant minutes in the company of a person dear to your heart and get great pleasure from it. If a young man dreams that at a wedding he is presenting a beautiful bouquet of flowers to his bride, then soon he will receive the sad news of the death of a close relative or another bereavement. A faded or faded bouquet in your dream predicts disagreements in your family or with your spouse, betrayal and disappointment in love. A bouquet of glass flowers warns you that your happiness is at stake and you need to do something. important steps if you don't want to lose your loved one. If in a dream you dream of many colorful bouquets, then pleasant meetings with friends await you.

Dream interpretation - Bouquet

To dream of a bouquet of flowers for quarrels with your beloved woman. To tear, destroy a bouquet of flowers - to the desire to break off relations with a woman. Buying a bouquet of flowers or collecting them - for a romantic date with a lady who will make a stunning impression on you. Yellow flowers in a bouquet - to a break in relations. White flowers - love will make you change your life and reconsider many principles.

You are presented with a bouquet - you will receive an unexpected and original offer from a person you know, which will bring you profit. If the flowers in the bouquet are red, then it is better not to agree to this offer, no matter how tempting it may look, in the future it will not bring anything but troubles and losses.

Dream interpretation - Bouquet

Holding a bouquet in your hands or seeing someone else is a short-term joy. Dropping a lush, beautiful bouquet from your hands will cause you an undeserved offense. Receive a bouquet as a gift, but do not accept it - you will face losses as a result of theft. An armful of roses in a graceful shell - you will be happy. A bunch of daisies - to chagrin, a bunch of poppies - a precarious position. White bouquet - to sadness, wilted - to trouble.

Dream interpretation - Bouquet

Holding a bright bouquet of flowers in your hands is joy, happiness in love.

A withered bouquet is a chagrin.

Receiving a bouquet of flowers is flattery.

Well, let it be flattery to receive a bouquet! It's still nice.

Dream interpretation - Bouquet

If you dream that someone is giving you a bouquet, the dream portends a strong friendship. If a bouquet is presented to you by a young man, it means that you will have a very nice lover. And if a young man dreams that he is giving a bouquet to a girl, the dream predicts that his courtship will be accepted favorably.

Dream interpretation - Bouquet

Bouquet - to see a bouquet - a pleasant acquaintance, happiness in love; to cook, compose - good news; get-sneakiness. Fresh bouquet - joy, success; pale, withered - betrayal in love; to laziness.

Dream interpretation - Bouquet

Seeing a bouquet of flowers in a dream: a sign that you are full of bold hopes and have many plans for the future.

Most often, such dreams are associated with a feeling of love, but they can also symbolize your other aspirations in life.

Beautiful bouquet: portends success in many endeavors.

Withered flowers in a bouquet: they suggest that your plans, most likely, are not destined to come true. It is possible that the reason for your possible failure will be your own slowness.

Dream interpretation - Bouquet

Make a bouquet - collect good news.

Seeing is joy, pleasure, pleasant acquaintance.

To receive is constancy in love, sometimes flattery.

A faded, faded bouquet - trouble, cooling feelings between spouses, treason.

Throwing a bouquet is a loss of money.

Dropping it out of your hands is an insult.

What is the dream of a black tulip for?



Modern dream book

Tulips in dreams - should be understood as a symbol of love and marriage.

If you give tulips, it turns out that you love a beautiful, but empty person.

When tulips are presented to you in a dream, it means that a beautiful but frivolous person loves you.

Withered tulips are a sign of belated remorse for love.
Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Seeing a tulip in a dream is a sign that you are frivolous, plucking - to fulfill your desire, watering - to peace and satisfaction, taking as a gift - to a pleasant pastime.
Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing a tulip - you need to be careful in the approaches; giving tulips to a pretty person of the opposite sex is a sign of sexual dissatisfaction.

For a woman to see a man with tulips - to be rejected after a fleeting love affair, to troubles and worries.

For a man to see a woman with tulips - to an unsuccessful marriage.
Dream Interpretation Grishina

To see a tulip is damage from arrogance and arrogance.

Having a tulip - dealing with an arrogant person / falling in love without hope.

Tearing a tulip is to achieve a proud and beautiful woman.
Dream interpretation for bitches

Tulips are a pleasant hobby that can soon turn a profit.
Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Tulip - to unexpected joy.
Dream interpretation of birthday people in may, june, july, august

Seeing a tulip in a dream means market relations - trade will go better than before.
Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

A tulip is a temporary hobby.
Dream interpretation of the medium miss Hasse

To see a tulip - you are frivolous; to pluck - fulfillment of desires; water - fall in love with a stupid girl.
Dream Interpretation Morozova

One proud tulip is a symbol of love interest.

Seeing blooming tulips around is to spend time in idleness among close friends.
Dream interpretation of plants

Tulip - symbolizes the expression of love.
Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

A tulip is a sign of a close event, good or bad in context (as an example, one person's dream about a black tulip is for the upcoming operation).
Gypsy dream book

A dream with such flowers is a symbol of prosperity.

If you, surrounded by tulips, are standing in the garden - this portends wealth and fame.

Raspopin's love

I looked at the dream book, "this dream tells that you are a little frivolous. Plucking a tulip is the fulfillment of your most cherished desires. The bouquet is a serious hobby.))))))))))))))))

Comments (1)


A stranger gave me one pale pink tulip

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Tanya, you may have an easy and pleasant pastime with her.


Hello! Please tell me what my dream means:
February 6, 2011 I dreamed that I dug up a bush of red roses and red tulips from others and planted it near my house. They took root. There were a lot of them, a whole flower bed. I watered them and was happy.
What does it mean? Thank you in advance.


Good afternoon. Today I dreamed of tulips that wither a little, and I threw them into cold water to stand. When I took them out of the water, they turned out to be so fresh and beautiful.

And I:

I dreamed of a lot of beautiful bouquets of flowers, the most beautiful was a bouquet of white roses and I was looking for a vase for him for a very long time, suddenly I noticed that they all wilted and a red tulip was blooming in the middle.


had a dream on 22.04. As if in my hand a beautiful, pink-red tulip! and I proudly raise it up like a pennant or a banner. And it starts to shine like a diamond. Thank you for your help.


I dream that I am pulling out a little wilted white tulips in some garden, and I think to myself how beautiful they are (it’s even a pity to tear them), I’ll need to plant them in my dacha.


I dreamed that I see blue tulips, I tear one off them to take a picture with it, and it turns out to be white!


Hello ... Tell me why I dreamed about this ... I came to some Georgian singer with a large bouquet of red and dark orange tulips and gave her this bouquet ...


I dreamed that I was driving in a car with my beloved, and outside the window there were fields with black tulips, then we pass and stop, I go to collect different flowers in a beautiful garden, there are tulips, only pink, white already ... beautiful. What can it mean?
Thanks for the answer. I apologize for the mistakes.


Hello. I had this dream: I look out the window and see that my classmate is walking and holding a bouquet of tulips in his hands, and all the tulips are of the same color, and only one of a different color. What could this mean? Thanks in advance for your reply.


in a dream, the person I love gave me a bouquet of five large bright tulips, how this person really treats me, I don’t know


Hello, I dreamed of tulips in a dream, they grow in my yard, but in reality they are yellow, and in a dream they are milky pink. I didn't pick them off, but just admired ... in a dream I felt pleasant emotions from these flowers ...


I dreamed of three different red yellow tulips and I don’t remember the third one, tell me what this means


Hello, tell me please, I had a dream from Saturday to Sunday. IT was in the village, at my grandmother's, I supposedly slept, then I wake up and want to go outside, but I can't find my slippers, and then I look for them for a very long time, during this time my parents will have time to plant several huge bushes of some kind of flowers , there are a lot of them and they are as tall as a person, and they also planted tulips, many different tulips, but then, as it turned out, my friend hid my slippers, when I got angry, he still gave me these slippers and I went outside and saw all these bushes, for some reason I did not like where they planted tulips and I dug them up and transplanted them to another place, and then began to water all these flowers and bushes with a hose, so abundantly straight and after that I woke up, what could it mean?


I saw a lot of colorful tylpans on the sidewalk. There were so many of them that I could not get through !!! They were fresh and vibrant!


in a dream, my boyfriend gave me several pink tulips, they withered and I put them in the water, they came to life again and became beautiful, as before


an unknown man, during my discussion with a colleague, comes up and gently bites my hand. wants to kiss on the lips, wants to look at me, I turn away, he leaves, I'm shocked. for tomorrow he gives me a lot of many flowers I think roses? but it turns out that these are tulips, he throws them on the floor and sits down at the table and begins to paint - he is an artist.


I went to a huge flower bed, but the flowers on it were all torn off and lay neatly - these are tulips of different, different colors. I sit down and choose one - a blue tulip. I look closely at the stem, and there is also a flower at the base, at the end, inside the stem! Such a delicate, miniature, unusual, and the phenomenon itself is unusual, I was quite surprised. And this flower had the property of roots, if you attach a tulip with its base to the soil, a small beautiful inner flower, like roots, dug into the ground. I didn't try it, I just knew. Sleep from Saturday to Sunday, Sunday morning.


Help me please. Sleep on 10/3/13, the deceased father (in real life they parted with my mother when I was three years old and I did not know him well and did not meet with him) sent me a package and I received it. I tore open the package, and from there five bright scarlet red tulips landed. Alive. And behind them are 4 or 5 cans of the most beautiful coffee. I woke up. And also, it seems, I was thinking right in my sleep. Weird. He died and the sending came from the other world or what ??? So I woke up. There were other dreams that day. What does it mean???? Thanks a lot. Svetlana. In general, I often dream prophetic dreams are completely discharged. Especially that someone close to you will die. And dies…. This has happened more than once. Thanks.

[email protected]:

good afternoon. help to decipher the dream. i dream that i am at work. i have my own store. and suddenly a girl, a friend of my ex-boyfriend, comes into the store. ) with a bouquet of flowers. he comes up to us, and without a word leaves these flowers on the counter. and his girlfriend takes the flowers and hands them to me. says that this is for you. and only then I see that these are red tulips. why this dream.


A classmate came to me (in my life I had not communicated with her for a long time) with a child, and I picked white and red tulips for him as a gift, which surprisingly they grew very, very heap mixed and were only white and red, there were 2 separate beds ... to them I also plucked very small blue and purple tulips, like miniature roses... and white tulips also had a red stem.


The path, along this path there is a garden of blue plums, I tore them. Suddenly my mother appeared and pointed to the tree on which the white tulips grew, very beautiful, by the way this tree was not there, and for me this tree with white tulips seemed like God's beauty) )))) around the weather it was autumn, and this tree is like the sun, among the gloomy sky)))))


Five orange tulips on the grave. What is it for?


I dreamed that I was collecting a bouquet for myself and I was helping some woman to pick very beautiful blue gladioli and Green colour in some ditch in the tall grass, dry or something. then I dreamed of a flower bed with white and red flowers, yellow and white. as if I am collecting a bouquet of these flowers, tying them with a light brown ribbon.


I am in some kind of room as if in a company and draw pictures ... then employees (women) of this company come in and bring bouquets, (tulips ...) give it to me. To a young man I liked the drawing .. the whole dream.


I dreamed that my sister under my balcony, planted red tulips, seemingly in memory of my son, but planted not with bulbs, but with a bouquet, but yellow tulips nearby, but my sister said that the yellow ones would not grow and pulled them out, what does this mean, tatiana, thanks for your answer !!!


Today I saw such stunning scarlet tulips, they grew in the garden, and also lilac tulips, a delicate shade with white. I spoke about the beauty of these flowers to the man who grew these flowers, I called him to a group of those scarlet tulips, they were so large and large, and said to him "Look how beautiful they are, they are beautiful! And lilac tulips grew nearby!" That is my whole fragment of a dream.


I dreamed that I was planting tulips. More precisely, the seeds are round like balls and then they turned into beautiful tulips


There were many bouquets in the flower shop, including bouquets with tulips. I didn’t stop at tulips. I chose other flowers.


As if the world was once again ruled by the church. And the faith was divided into two religions. The first, I don’t remember what it was called, instilled a fanatical faith. The other relied on research, I don’t remember. I belonged to the latter, and all my relatives and friends were to the first, and I did not could change religion due to some kind of obligation, like it was necessary to enter some kind of institute for space exploration. Then it rained heavily. I looked out the window and noticed that in the garden because of the rain, huge tulips had faded to almost white shades and wilted. I went into the garden with my friend to tie flowers. While my friend was tying flowers to a twig , I touched the tulip and it immediately turned bright red and bloomed, I did the same with the rest of the tulips


I dreamed that my neighbor uprooted tulips and threw them over the fence. I asked her if I could take a couple. She said take it, you can take any others.


I gave unfamiliar woman bright yellow tulips, she accidentally dropped them, they crumbled. The woman began to collect them and their legs and leaves were crumpled and damaged in some places.


I dreamed about my dead cat, pregnant. As if I saw kittens in her belly. Larissa was fluffy and clean. I was very glad that she was alive. Then the chef came home from work and presented three pink tulips.


dream buying fresh flowers - yellow and pink tulips, colorful chrysanthemums and some other flowers.


I dreamed that tulips (crimson) grow right under my skin. On the feet and palms. They are like veins and I know that they are about to bloom soon. All this frightened me indescribably. None of the people they met in a dream was afraid of everything that was happening. They even kind of smiled at me when I showed my palms. All my sleep I was trying to somehow get rid of these tulips, pull them out, and when I woke up, I first looked at my palms in order to make sure that this horror was no longer there.


dreamed blue-blue the sea, I swam in it, but I could not swim far, because there were ships in front. then I found myself abruptly on the ship and we swam quickly. stopped in some cave, where instead of water there was chocolate and from it I sculpted clothes ... ...


I dreamed of a field of tulips of red, yellow, brick flowers, as well as a bluish tulip. In a dream, I remembered that it is not advisable to pick tulips. In a dream, I was very surprised by a field of tulips.


I found three plucked tulips, then began to pluck now white or pink tulips among them I found one black one but did not pick it. but in my hands I had a bouquet of dull scarlet tulips. I wanted to put it in the water, cut it in a vase, but they fell into the water




sat in the classroom, I moved away from my desk, then I turn my head, I look at my desk, and there in a vase there are several tulips and some other flowers, long on a thin leg, then I looked at my boyfriend, he smiled at me, that is, he I dropped them, then when I took them in my hands, they began to bow, because they were on a thin stem and he began to scold me so that I could keep the flowers normally, then we came home, I put the flowers in a vase, the guy came up and straightened them , as they again began to bow, but this time he did not scold me.


I look out of the window of my apartment on the fifth floor and see that tulips have grown and blossomed among the tall thickets of either faded or dried weed grass. And there is a lot of this grass, a whole field. The day is sunny, the wind is blowing a little. I am surprised and amazed at this picture. I want to look at tulips, they have different colors: some are bright pink, others are red with yellow veins or yellow with red veins. They grew among all the grass and are as tall as a man, I give this assessment right in a dream, because I know that the thickets of grass are exactly human-sized. Flowers do not make their way through the grass, but have grown as if drowning it in the places where they can be seen. There are many flowers and they did not grow one by one, but heap. And it even seems that it is not flowers among the grass that grow, but grass among the flowers. I also saw a bunch of asters that grew up (asters are my mother's favorite flowers, but I don’t remember if I thought about it in a dream) near a small bush. The asters are multi-colored and also quite tall. But tulips are more powerful and there are a lot of them. Although it seems strange that asters and tulips bloomed at the same time. At the end of the dream, the feeling that I am not looking at the sight from above, but from the window of the apartment on the ground floor or even from the window of my own house. In a dream, I think that I will definitely call and tell my loved one about this amazing sight.


A loved one presented a bouquet of 3 white tulips and 1 red rose. I was very angry and when he left the apartment, I gave him this "bouquet" and said that I would wear it to the cemetery. even number flowers.


I dreamed of bouquets with many yellow tulips, I held one large bouquet in my hands and smelled it, talking about something with someone.


I dreamed that I went into the store, met my sister there, who did not even look at me, and two acquaintances with whom I talked a little. then it was my turn to buy and the guy behind the counter asked me to wait a bit. a few minutes later he came and gave me a large turquoise heart-shaped balloon and one red tulip. then he came out from behind the stoica and hugged me tightly, and tied the tulip in a ball. then I asked them if they had a leather tape in the store, he replied that they did not, and I was surprised, because recently my mother bought such a tape there. then I left the store and went to the bus stop, wrapping myself in a scarf with the colors of the Russian flag. when I approached the stop, the ball was almost deflated and I let it go.


For four years I have been dreaming of a young man .. And in life we ​​saw him after two and a half years. But we could not get to know each other ... As if I live in a high-rise building and I am waiting for a young man .. I look from the balcony, he is sitting and he has put several red tulips somewhere .. They were bright red with green stems ... I saw the face of this guy.


Hello Tatiana! My name is Victoria! I am 18 years old, I literally had a dream last night, from which I am impressed. My young man and I drove in his car to a field where many wild tulips grew, but we were going to go to a specific place where these tulips grow and came across tulips growing close to our field in the city. A young man plucked them for me, the tulips were completely different colors: blue, red, even burgundy. Then Vitya, my boyfriend, brings me blue (blue) tulips, I combined them into my bouquet ... but then I saw more tulips in another place, and for some reason this bouquet remained in the place where we plucked them. Then I had another bouquet, Vitya tore it for me too, I also picked tulips. And we were going to go home and then I remembered about that bouquet, but we didn’t come back for it anyway ... Please Tatyana, help me find out what it could be, what was this dream about?


I opened the window and I see on my not planted narrow beds without a single weed (in real life they are all in the grass since last year), the neighbors planted red tulips for me (in real life, the neighbors are Muscovites, they bought a decrepit house next to us, but they don’t come here) then I look at they came and in the garden they arrange a big screen and the Armenians here, as if they are going to broadcast football, a lot of people have already gathered, but back to the flowers under the window, I have only three tulips, and the fourth is dead, and a little further a whole ridge of tulips, but it seems like the neighbors planted for themselves and they stuck me three tulips, my ridges are trampled by footprints, and not a single weed, the land in the beds has not been loose since last year, but as happens after the rain, I also saw a small greenhouse from the neighbors (in real life it is not) that's all


I dreamed of a large meadow of red mountain tulips, not far from a house, in the courtyard of which firewood was neatly stacked, a lot of firewood.


I dreamed about my friends, 2 boys and my girlfriend. and we had a fight ……. I ran away from them and got on the train that was traveling…. I saw a dream clearly ... ... cars and there were tulips in these cars .. there were a lot of them .. I closed 1 carriage and grabbed 1 tulip from the next one ... red ... .. then I walked and an unfamiliar aunt gave me another tulip ... and then my grandmother came up to me and my grandfather gave her a tulip ... .. I had 2 tulips in my hands .... sleep is very disturbing) **

[email protected]:

in my dream, they stole the wheels from the car. And then it came by e-mail that it was impossible to pick tulips until June 1st, tk. I tore them off my wheels were stolen.


I dreamed about a field of tulips, I collected them, and my friend carried the collected bouquet ... more x = hotels pick a flower " royal crown"But did not have time, woke up ... and before that I dreamed of how I was painting a picture with colored paints, we were resting in fun company with my boyfriend ... at some point other young people started to pester me and my boyfriend went somewhere ... I was looking for him for a very long time, in some houses, boats, boats and people, and when I dropped it into the split floor wallet, phone and something else, I finally saw how he came out of the water, as if he swam and fished underwater hunting…. Others wanted to help me, some girl started yelling at me, and now we are on the beach .. but I called him, he came and pulled my things out of this trap. But there was some kind of dissatisfied. said he was swimming.


I was disappointed that I plucked and presented a tulip to a girl (friend), after which she went to look for where I plucked it, she could not find it, I prompted her - she went there and brought me a piece of tulip stem that I tore!


They gave me a lot of red tulips, they did not even fit into my hands and I tried not to drop them. The mood was cheerful. My son gave them to me.


Hello! I dreamed that in a forest in a clearing there were many multi-colored tulips (including black ones) and some other similar flowers. There was little time left before the train home. I managed to pick seven of them. By the time we got to the train, all the flowers crumbled, even though the station was very close.


I dreamed that tulips grew under my window (I live on the first floor), there are a lot of them and everything is red. Passers-by go and pick flowers. I am very sorry that such beauty is violated. And then I myself climb over the window (while there is a grill on the window), and go to the opposite street and there I collect a bouquet of red, yellow and pink tulips, I tear these flowers in the grass of a very rich green color ...
And on the eve I had a dream that my man (they broke up recently) invited me to his home. The sofa in the room has been rearranged and the furnishings have been slightly changed. There are also two women in the house, his relatives (I never saw them), as if he was introducing me to them, and one of them calms me down, says that I should not worry - everything will be fine.


I was in the forest where I clearly saw the spring, and there was snow near it, I was still surprised that the snow was lying and tulips were growing, I was sitting near the spring with a friend who had been gone for 5 years


I dreamed that I was collecting a bouquet in the courtyard of my house. it was dominated by large pink tulips. and then dreamed of how the statue came to life. then I dreamed about the road. my friend and I wanted to hitchhike to the neighboring city (I really really want to and often think about it, but there’s no time at all)


I dreamed that a young man gives me a bouquet of tulips and a soft toy, I initially did not want to accept, and then I took them, then for some reason I collected them ....


I dreamed that a woman rushed to my work and presented the planted small white low-growing tulips to my wallet. It looked very nice and festive. And then they brought another bunch of little lilacs
flowers similar to chrysanthemum, but it was not she, some unusual flowers were


Hello Tatiana! In this dream, I needed to buy flowers for some event, I don’t know for which one, or May 9, or the last call ... I don’t remember. There were different flowers in the buckets ... in one bucket there were yellow tulips, in the other there were black ones with a slightly white tint where they were, but not very noticeable. The saleswoman offered me to take a bouquet of 3 carnations (or two, I don't remember), but I thought it was too modest a bouquet for that kind of money (25 rubles PMR). Since I am a student, then everything goes a penny to a penny. Those black tulips surprised me very much. (unusual, huh ?, black tulips ... hmm) and I didn't buy any ... then I was worried ... how I would go to an event without flowers ... then the next day I got something from somewhere.)) In general, I very rarely, I can tell dreams ... and if I do, then I do not completely, I miss something, because I don’t remember everything thoroughly ... Or I don’t remember everything at all ... THE MAIN THING ... WHEN I WAKE FROM A SLEEP ... I REMEMBER, AFTER ONE TIME I FORGET .... OR WHEN I WAKE UP I SHOULD QUICKLY REMEMBER (IT'S HARD) WHAT I DREAMED, BUT I DO NOT REMEMBER AT ALL THEN ANYTHING (((So, I would like to know your opinion about the above. Thank you very much in advance !!!


Today I had a dream about how I hit the floor with tulips through the window of the building. It is, as shown in many programs, tulips are planted evenly with wide stripes of flowers. then I think that I need to pick up a bouquet and start picking flowers that I like, but for some reason they turn out to be some kind of non-such: one is short, the other, on the contrary, is long, so beautiful bouquet does not work. I don't remember anything else from my dream


Good day! I had a dream that I planted tulip bulbs in a pot and after a while, realizing that tulips do not hatch, I decided to dig out the ground and see what happened to the bulbs. When I raised the ground, I saw good shoots of the bulbs, but for some reason they did not grow up, but down.


I dreamed about big purple flowers in the form of tulips and growing on trees after a heavy downpour, I went outside and saw these flowers in the trees.


The guy who I like gave me yellow tulips. But I asked him about it. He bought them in front of my eyes


In a dream, I was back at school, I saw my classmates. During recess, I went to the school foyer, and there were selling flowers - tulips. I took them to class. The tulips were pink or white, I don't remember exactly, and also, the tulip petals were large. That's all I remember.


Hello sw. Tatiana! I dreamed today that a young man made me a marriage proposal in a dream and raised red tulips. What does it mean?


Good morning! I dreamed of yellow blooming tulips with roots, my grandmother had them, and she laid them on the road.


I see in a dream that I begged for flowers from a loved one. We arrived at the tulip store, he told me - choose yourself, I will pay. A friend of mine worked as a seller in the store, I asked her to make me a bouquet, she did it without my wishes, as a result, she brought out the bouquet. They were bright yellow tulips, but they were red at the edges. In the center of the bouquet was a large tulip, but more like a lotus. I took the bouquet, kissed the seller, and then kissed my beloved. I don't know how to interpret this, because my beloved is now very far away


I dreamed that I was walking along the path, it was August, but tulips in buds grew along the path, I drew attention to this, it was not far from the sea, so I thought. what could this be due to a different climate


The bouquet was very bright, there were pink bright tulips predominated most of all, who gave it I don't remember how it was blurry, after the bouquet, what kind of people gave shoes, (black boots are nothing on a metal hairpin, though the size was a little too big,) but they were also accepted as a gift,


I saw a big black hole in the old house, I went forward, bent down and entered there. And she ended up in another parallel world. I went out to a small area, it was dark, around the grate and the dogs on a leash, I got scared of one dog and stumbled back, stumbled upon the entrance from which I had come, and just wanted to turn back and run - when I saw that this was not a way out, but black monster, it scratched me. (left hand). I turned back to face another world. I went out into a beautiful clearing, all the black sky disappeared, it became light and clear! It was a fairy tale !!! So beautiful! And the consciousness understood that I was in another world. My friends were present next to me, but they were not like in our world. Everyone was beautiful. How beautiful fairy tale Disney. We had fun and laughed. We ran to some house, at the bottom of the house there was big slit, friends made their way there, and I followed them. A moment later, kneeling down from the crevice, I came across large tulips, they were pink, white, light. Such beautiful tulips. I recognized my home yard where my childhood was., Swing and told my friends "And this is my WORLD"))) And woke up)))


I had a dream in this dream I wrote my thesis, there was a list of flowers, all flowers were written in plural, and the word tulip in the only one. A person I like helped me write my thesis. Then I dreamed about another person who I like, he picked me up in his blue SUV, and we exchanged photos of one girl for some rings, there were about 12 rings, several of them were crooked, the rings were ordinary, like rings “Save and save”, then we stood with this person and hugged for a long time.


Zdrastvuite, Yavidela vo sne pole ogromnyh krasnyh tyulpanov. Razmer tyulmanov bul v vystotu kak ogromnye derevya, namnogo vywe menya. Mne oni ochen ponravilis'. Mogli by vy rastolkovat '? Zaranee spasibo


Hello. I have a fan, but after his resentment towards me, he began to avoid me in every possible way and does not make contact, he is afraid to be left alone. after regular correspondence in social network i dreamed that we were meeting and he gave me a bouquet of tulips (my favorite flowers) and I gave him a bouquet of roses. what does this mean?


I dreamed of a whole field of tulips and the tractor was mowing them because we have to plant potatoes there in the spring. Tulips saw lilac burgundy. Then the tractor plowed this field and I collected the bulbs and offered them to the neighbors for 100 rubles per bag, since the field was mine and I planted tulips.


I walked along the river bank and the whole river was covered with blooming tulips, almost the entire surface of the water was covered with them. In real life, flowers never grew there.


I was presented with pink and white tulips and white ones and I put one crystal vase and got a delicate bouquet of tulips. there were a lot of tulips in a vase, they were reflected in the mirror.


hello, in a dream I planted potted flowers in the armrests of the chair because there was earth instead of support. The flowers I planted are very different and they are all exotic (I don’t know the names) and all with bright and beautiful blooms. only now I planted them in glass and plastic pots. and when I finished looking at the chair with flowers, I saw one yellow tulip


I stand on the doorstep of a friend and see that yellow tulips are growing in her apartment, almost my height! Wonderful! She offers them to me: Take them, otherwise I will cut them off, and they will wither ...


a tulip grew on the flowerbed - the core is black with a transition to burgundy. I tell him - you are beautiful - and he twitched and began to grow before our eyes. Then there was a sharp jump and it turned out to be double. Ie one inside the other


a girl gave me a bouquet of yellow wilting roses and then a bouquet of large tulips was in her hands .. but they had small heads and they were black. not a terrible dream .. just remembered


my loved one and I talked in a dream about flowers tulips and memoses that I saw of them someone made bouquets, he, in turn, said that he would give these flowers to loved ones and did something in another room of the apartment that I know and I went into the room where he saw very beautiful roses which brides usually have in bouquets after which he sat down next to me and I saw stuck hearts on him and woke up

Luzan Anna:

I dreamed about my friend's funeral, it was winter, and I put a huge bouquet of red tulips on her grave


I dreamed that I was a flower. It was already dark, there were several tulips, they circled above the water, opened and closed their petals in turn. ... And then some worms began to attack them. Tulips climbed up and hid in a tree.


Hello! I dreamed of many bouquets of small tulips. In a dream, I was told that a young man gave them to me and I tried to find notes in the bouquets from whom the bouquets were made. The flowers were delicate shades, white, soft pink.


I dreamed that I was in another city, was late for an intercity bus. I saw white tulips and began to tear them, they were already in cellophane and were torn with bulbs, I hid them so that no one saw them in a bag, but I planned to plant the bulbs


Hello Tatiana! In the afternoon, at about 15.00, I had a dream. I go out into the room and see a lot of tulips, yellow-red in color, they are small in size, and they all bloom and smell amazingly. and around them there is a lot of green grass, dill, parsley. and I do not understand from whom this gift is, and I rejoice at this beauty, like a child. I was in this dream in a strange house.


i dreamed that a guy gave me a lot of tulips, a large bouquet ... and what is strangest, the flowers were about 80 cm long or so ... a red-yellow hue, natural.


mne dali misku malerovnuyu i vnutri bili krasnie tulpani miska bila polna tulpanami mne k nachalu pokazalos shto ani rozi bili ochen krasivie no ya xaela ix pradat i tak prosnulas


What does it mean to pick blue, purple and white tulips in a dream? Although there were other flowers around, but I collected just these.


My boyfriend gave me in a dream a bouquet of red tulips, at first it seemed that it was roses and then a tulip appeared. I don't really like red light and wanted to change the light of tulips to white


I dreamed as if I went out into the street, and there after the rain tulips bloomed. And this was unexpected, since now is only the beginning of spring.


I saw myself sleeping on a bench in some park and there was not a large field in front of my eyes and there were short white tulips on it, but as I looked at them they began to grow and open in turn, I was delighted. The morning was sunny. I never I saw something like this for me it was a pleasant miracle !!!


There were two people, exactly a boy and a girl. This boy gave the girl three yellow tulips. Everything around was gray and washed out, only one tulips were yellow, everything else was gray.


Good afternoon Tatyana, I had a dream tonight about tearing or cutting tulips. I don’t remember what I cut off. Probably all the same I tore them. Tulips grew in the garden at my house. grew in a row. I remember the color of the tulip, white, yellow and pink. I tore up during the day in the daytime, for whom I don’t remember. But the flowers were in my hands. Please tell me why this dream was dreamed. I am Aries by my zodiac sign. Perhaps I had dreamed about it earlier. [email protected]


as if I were working in the front garden, at one moment I turn around and see that on the site where I had a lot of tulips for some reason there are still a few pieces left, but they all bloomed and were juicy red in color.


I dreamed about my boyfriend. he died three months ago. I had three tulips in my arms, I don’t know why and where they were. I saw the guy off somewhere, said he don’t know when he’ll come and that I set up my personal life.


I dreamed that large tulips of a pale pink color were growing in my yard. I go up to each flower of incredible beauty and stroke them, inhale the smell, try to feel their energy. I seemed to be trying to communicate with these flowers


Hello! I dreamed about tulips. They were not blooming, only buds, but they were already starting to bloom. There were a lot of them and they were red. I dreamed about them in my yard. And when I saw them, this whole picture was of extraordinary beauty. Admiring the tulips, I was overwhelmed with emotions of joy. And it felt like I was the happiest person on earth.


I dreamed that I was buying a lot of tulips, seeds. female salesman helped pick colors. they were mostly red and purple


i dreamed that my friend and I were picking tulips, she just stood and waited for me. and I collected tulips, there were a lot of them, mostly yellow, big ones, they were also red. but most of all I was surprised by the blue tulips. they were so unusual and very beautiful, but there weren't many of them. but nevertheless I plucked them, collecting a bouquet. I picked a lot of flowers. what is it for? thanks a lot


A young man buys a huge bouquet of white tulips and scatters them on the road, cars drive by, flowers are scattered more and more, I observe all this from the sidelines and my tears flow.


I dreamed of 3 red tulips of a huge size and one of them, right before our eyes, began to wither and shed its petals, and 2 flowers remain in my hands


Hello. in a dream I was in the village where my grandmother lives. for some reason I was in the yard of our neighbor (with whom, in reality, my grandmother does not have a very good relationship. and so I look at the garden, and there are a lot of tulips and I look at them and wonder that it seems like the tulip season is over and why they are blooming in the summer? only they all have almost faded, many have fallen petals.


I dreamed that my husband and I were in kindergarten and there the flower beds are all in roses and tulips. We decided to pick a bouquet and it turned out that I picked first tulips, and then roses and put them in a bucket that my husband was holding


A glade with burgundy and red-colored tulips is captured, the field is shown, I can't see the chapters, I'm tearing tulips on the row with cibulins and the earth


I asked the woman to let me dig a tulip with a bulb from the ground ... he was of immense beauty .. I have never seen anyone like that .. he was full of flowers


I was driving a car and saw a field with flowers and fruits. I stopped the car and got out, picked up one bouquet of red and one bouquet of yellow tulips, got back into the car and hid it so that someone would not take the flowers.


I saw the bride getting out of the car, in beautiful dress, and on the head, instead of a veil, a hat with wide brim, on which beautiful white, open tulips grow. Here's a dream


I dreamed of a field of yellow tulips and in the distance I could see one white one, I collected a bouquet from them, but when I looked at it, it was somehow dried up and not beautiful


Hello Tatiana! I dreamed that there was one sandy desert around me and in my friend I saw a grave with a tombstone, but standing from me, and not a room, and most importantly, I saw a bouquet of fresh purple tulips lying on it. Please tell me what does it mean ....?


I went to the balcony in the morning and saw beautiful yellow tulips growing under the balcony


I dreamed of a large yellow-red tulip, lying on an earthen embankment similar to a grave.


I go to a friend's house and stop at her site to admire a huge flower bed of lilac tulips.


painted her nails with varnish and it spread on the nails in yellow-red tulips.


A dense bunch of fresh cut red tulips lay on the ground.


Hello, dreaming about a douche of hair. I inserted red tulips into the prints. Checking updates!)


I had a dream that I was running and when I ran through residential buildings, then in each flower bed there were a lot of large, beautiful, blooming tulips


My ex-husband came to my house and gave me a bouquet of red tulips


the woman gave one blue-green tulip. I was delighted.

Why do tulips dream 5.00 / 5 (1 votes)

Tulips are very beautiful but extremely fragile flowers. It is not surprising that in a dream they most often symbolize romantic relationship and love feelings. Let's try to figure out what they dream about most often according to information from the dream book.

Who dreamed about tulips?

If a lonely person saw tulips in a dream, then soon he will meet his love. For families, this dream guarantees the fidelity of the half.

If in your dream you happened to give tulips to a person of the opposite sex, then this indicates internal dissatisfaction. For a woman to dream of a bouquet of these flowers in the hands of a man - to a short but passionate romance, and for a man such a dream promises an unsuccessful marriage.

If you dreamed that you were giving a bouquet of tulips, then in reality you have passionate feelings for a beautiful, but spiritually completely empty person. If flowers are given to you, then you are loved by a frivolous person who cannot be hoped for. But withered tulips symbolize remorse.

Tulips in a dream - a symbol of change

If in a dream you find yourself in a greenhouse or a garden with blooming tulips, then in real life you will have fun and have a good time. But one single flower can symbolize both an ardent feeling and a business relationship. It depends on the dreamer's current goals. In any case, a dream with such flowers is a dream of prosperity, glory and prosperity.

In itself, the image of a tulip, which is firmly entrenched in the head after waking up, is a sign important event... His character should be judged by the condition of the flower.

Fresh, bright and beautiful promises good changes, faded, black and rumpled - big troubles. On the other hand, tulips are a symbol of false illusions, which warns that you cannot blindly believe everything that surrounds you.

Dream interpretation about tulips: interpretation by color

Why else do tulips dream? These flowers are a warning to be careful. For a more accurate decoding, be sure to remember their color and appearance.

According to the dream book, yellow tulips promise treason in love, purple - unrequited feelings, pink fidelity, white - longing and loneliness, black - trouble, artificial - fake emotions.

If the flowers were dried up in a dream, then expect trouble, the withered ones promise separation and health problems. The broken one symbolizes a complete break, the blooming one - the very peak of a love story.

Actions in night dreams

Personal actions in a dream are of great importance in deciphering a dream. So to see tulips blooming on a flower bed - to the revival of feelings, to pluck them - to conquer a proud beauty, to buy - to communicate with an arrogant person.

Dropping a flower - to your own frivolity, watering it - to complete satisfaction with life, accidentally or deliberately trample - to rupture old relationships, to find - to fulfill your cherished dream. Planting tulips is a noble deed, and making a bouquet of them is a rethinking of the world and an introduction to spiritual knowledge.