Planting and growing small roses in the garden. Description of the smallest varieties of roses What are the small roses on the branch called

Roses are a decoration for a garden, a personal plot and of course a house. But if classic roses can only delight with growth in the open field, then the so-called small roses can be grown both in the open field and at home: on the windowsill, on the balcony and even in pots outside the window. These exquisite flowers are considered small in the world of roses, but at the same time they tolerate cold well and are resistant to disease. Thanks to the painstaking work of breeders, small roses have a faint, pleasant, refined aroma. The use of small roses in bridal bouquets, boutonnieres, and simply flower arrangements is gaining more and more popularity. Increasingly, small roses are used as a hedge, planted in alpine hills, in street pots.

General information about miniature roses

Small roses were introduced from China at the beginning of the 19th century. At the same time, all sorts of roses are now bred. The most common hybrid tea, spray roses (bouquet), floribunda. Roses of different types differ from each other quite strongly. For example, hybrid tea roses grow 1 per stem, while spray roses have many simultaneously flowering buds on 1 branch. The floribunda variety of miniature roses is characterized by abundant flowering until late autumn.

Ruby Star Lydia Macarena

The first variety that started the cultivation of small roses is the Rouletti rose. Miniature roses are in no way inferior to ordinary roses. Among small roses there are flowers that differ in the shape of the flower, in the number of petals in the flower, in the height of the bushes, in the diameter of the flowers. They also differ in a wide variety of colors. Among the small roses, there are even blue roses. The most common varieties of bouquet small roses: Lydia, Macarena, Ruby Star, Lydia Lovely, Mini Eden, Alegria, Fairey, etc. Among miniature roses there are flowers with buds from 3 cm to 6 cm in diameter. A very interesting variety of Red Cascade or Hiho is roses which curl, flowers on the shoots, while the length of the shoots can reach up to one meter.

Characteristics of varieties of small roses

Currently, breeders have already bred more than 100 different varieties of small roses. For every connoisseur, there is a variety that will satisfy all the requirements. Different varieties differ from each other in several main parameters: the height of the bushes, the frequency of flowering, the diameter of the bud, the number of leaves, the saturation of the aroma, the number of flowers on the stem, and of course the color. Below is a description of some of the more popular small rose varieties:

  • Lavender Jewel - flowers of this variety are painted in mauve color, light refined aroma. It blooms profusely, the diameter of the flowers is up to 3.5 cm. The bushes are compact, not spreading, up to 15 cm high. This variety is frost-resistant, and resistant to almost all diseases. Well suited for growing at home;

  • Meirov - the flowers of this variety are characterized by bright red colors with a yellow center. Fragrant buds up to 3.5 cm in diameter. As a rule, there are 5 to 18 flowers in an inflorescence. This variety blooms profusely, compact bushes up to 40 cm high;

  • Danielle - large flowers are characteristic, white-pink, almost white by the end of flowering. They bloom profusely, buds up to 6 cm in diameter. The height of the bushes varies from 15 to 20 cm. Resistant to diseases. For the winter, it is better to bring it indoors;

  • Danielle Min - soft pink buds with a diameter of 3 to 3.5 cm. In the inflorescence from 3 to 9 flowers, with a weak aroma. Abundant flowering, spreading bushes. The variety can be called disease resistant;
  • Baby Masquerade - the color of the buds varies from lemon to pink-red. In inflorescences from 3 to 12 flowers up to 4 cm in diameter. It blooms profusely, the height of the bush is about 35 cm. It is unpretentious, frost-resistant, tolerates drought well;

  • Magic Carrusellin - this variety is characterized by white flowers with a red border. In the inflorescence there are from 2 to 10 fragrant flowers up to 3.5 cm in diameter. They bloom profusely, spreading bushes up to 45 cm high. This variety is famous for the fact that the aroma is similar to the scent of violets. The variety is frost-resistant;

  • Coraline - flowers of a coral-red color with a lilac tint. They do not have a pronounced aroma. Many flowers bloom at the same time for a long time. The height of the bushes is up to 30 cm. The variety is unpretentious, resistant to diseases, therefore it is suitable for home breeding;
  • Green Ais Min - greenish-white flowers with a diameter of 2 - 2.5 cm. Small inflorescences, very fragrant. Sprawling bushes, up to 25 cm high. The variety is frost-resistant and disease-resistant;

  • Hummingbirds - buds are colored from orange-yellow to apricot-yellow, up to 4 cm in diameter. It blooms profusely, in inflorescences from 3 to 5 buds, has a tea aroma. Sprawling bushes up to 35 cm high;
  • Little Lamming Min - yellow flowers up to 3.5 cm in diameter. Abundant flowering, in which from 3 to 12 flowers. The height of the bushes is up to 30 cm. The variety is resistant to diseases;
  • Yellow dollars - large yellow flowers. Blooms profusely, regularly, most often in mid-summer. A feature of this variety is that these miniature roses curl, the length of the bushes can reach up to 1.5 meters. The variety is resistant to frost and disease;

  • Meidi - the flowers of this variety are colored blood-red, the reverse side of the flower is painted in a silvery-white color. The diameter of the flowers is up to 3.5 cm. It blooms profusely, the height of the bushes is up to 40 cm. They have a delicate aroma. The variety is frost-resistant, also resistant to diseases. Well suited for both outdoor flowering and indoor cultivation;
  • Debut - flowers of this variety are colored from dark red to creamy white at the base. Abundant flowering, blooms for a long time, throughout the summer. The height of the bushes is up to 40 cm. The variety is frost-resistant and resistant to diseases;
  • Gene Kennely - apricot-colored flowers. Blooms frequently and profusely. The height of the bushes is up to 35 cm. The variety is frost-resistant and immune to diseases.

Where and how to plant small roses

In order for the little roses to please you for a long time, it is important to find a suitable place for them in your garden. Since miniature roses are unpretentious and easy to care for, this is very easy to do. The main thing is to follow a few rules. To begin with, it is advisable to choose a place that will be protected from the north wind. It is also important that the small roses have access to sunlight. It is advisable that the sunlight falls on the rose bushes in the morning hours, since this is the most gentle period. If the roses are exposed to light in the morning hours, the dew will evaporate, which helps prevent diseases of your little roses.

For large roses, as well as for roses that can be called small, the most favorable soil is loamy soils with weak acidity. If the soil is sandy, small roses will not grow well and bloom will be short and less abundant.

When planting miniature roses, if the soil is sandy, it is best to add 2-3 buckets of humus and clay, mixed in equal proportions. If the soil is clayey, on the contrary, add humus and sand.

Lime, bone meal and wood ash are also added to improve the soil, for plant nutrition, in proportions of 1: 1 lime and bone meal and ½ wood ash. Since small roses are afraid of a large amount of moisture, it is better to choose a place for planting where in spring on land, but if the area where small roses will grow is flooded with water, drainage should be done when planting.

As a rule, already sprouted cuttings are planted. The holes for planting are not made deep, they deepen no more than 5 cm. Small roses are planted in the ground, taking into account the variety, if the variety is spreading, then they make a greater distance between the bushes, if the bushes are compact, the distance is less, on average this distance is 25 cm.The best time for planting small roses are spring, because during the summer the root system has time to take root, and the roses will not freeze. At first, it is better to cover the sprouts from direct sunlight. At the same time, in late autumn and early spring, light frosts do not harm small roses.

Seedlings of small roses can be planted in the ground directly in special pots, and during flowering they can be brought into the house. But if you have planted flowers in pots, you cannot leave such plants in the ground for the winter. Be sure to bring it to the garage, cellar or unheated balcony.

It is not difficult to care for the flowers that are small in the world of roses, they are not whimsical. Caring for them does not differ significantly from caring for ordinary roses. During the season, on average, 3-4 dressings are carried out. This is necessary for small roses because on small bushes, there are many green leaves and many small buds, and this takes a lot of nutrients from the soil. In order for your little roses to please with lush flowering, you should compensate for these losses by feeding. As a rule, nitrogen fertilizers are used in the first half of the season, and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers in the second half. The first feeding is carried out in early spring. Repeat the procedure as necessary.

After the formation of buds, top dressing is carried out with a full mineral fertilizer. In August, it is fertilized with superfasphates and potassium nitrate.

After the buds have faded, remove the buds, this will allow new buds to form faster, their number will increase and the flowers will be larger.

The soil must be loosened for better air and water flow.

It is best to water small roses with a spray in the morning and evening, this will allow you to water as safely as possible. It will also cleanse the plant and protect it from pests. Moreover, if the weather is cloudy, it is worth refraining from spraying, it is better to water in the usual way, this slows down the growth of small roses .

How small roses multiply, how to protect against pests

The most successful propagation method for small roses is green cuttings. If the roses are indoors, the best time for propagation is late March - early September. If small roses are in the open field, the best time is the end of May - July.

In order to successfully carry out propagation for cuttings, it is better to choose the middle part of the stem. The length of the cutting on average varies from a minimum of ten cm to a maximum of fifteen cm, while at least three buds are left on the cutting. Lower cut at an angle of 45 degrees and always under the lower kidney. The upper cut, on the contrary, is made 1 cm higher above the kidney.

To protect the cuttings of small roses from pests and diseases, treat the knife with which you will carry out the cuttings with a solution of potassium permanganate. You should also pay attention to the fact that the knife would be sharp.

In order for the cuttings to take root, special influence should be given to the soil in which you plant the seedling. At the bottom of the pot we lay drainage in a layer of 2 - 3 cm. Drainage can be sand, gravel, broken brick, etc. The next layer is to lay the ground, preferably specialized or fertilized, about 10 cm.The top layer is sand, preferably river or perlite, 3 cm thick.

In order for the cuttings of small roses to graft well and give roots before planting, it is worth placing them in a fertilizer solution for 8-12 hours at 1/3 of the length, from the side you will place in the ground.

It is desirable to plant cuttings at a distance of about 4 cm from each other. Freshly planted cuttings of small roses are plucked with polyethylene, or a glass jar, to create a greenhouse effect. At first, for seedlings of small roses, a high moisture content of about 90% is important, the first stage of the formation of the root system takes about 25 days. Further, as it grows, the humidity of the air is reduced. Strong roots are formed as early as 40 - 45 days. In winter, boxes with seedlings are brought into the room and sprinkled with wet sand. After planting such cuttings in the ground for the first year, the flowering will not be so plentiful, but from the age of 2, your little roses will delight you with flowering in full.

Most varieties of small roses, thanks to the work of breeders, are resistant to pests and diseases. But sometimes small troubles darken the joy of small roses. If your roses begin to dry and fall off the leaves, most likely they were overcome by aphid pests or spider mites. If a white bloom appears on the plants, most likely the small roses have been attacked by powdery mildew. If the plants are badly damaged, it is worth treating them with a solution of copper sulfate and laundry soap in proportion to a bucket of water 10 liters 200 grams of soap and 20 grams of copper sulfate. If the damage is minor, the damaged areas are powdered with colloidal sulfur powder. If the leaves and stems of small roses are damaged by the so-called rust (rusty-brown spots), the plant is treated with a Bordeaux mixture, and the infected parts are removed and destroyed.

How small roses winter

Small roses are unpretentious and almost all varieties are frost-resistant. Therefore, you can choose any method for wintering roses that is more convenient for you. If you properly prepare small roses for winter, in early spring they will be able to please you with greenery and early flowering.

If you decide to leave small roses outside for the winter, you should not pick the leaves. It is enough to remove the buds and tops of the flowers. Small frosts up to - 5 degrees are not terrible for small roses. If the temperature drops below this value, small roses should be covered. As a rule, for the best preservation, roses are covered in several layers. The first layer is best to lay the spruce paws, folding them between the bushes and on the bushes of small roses on top. The next layer is made of a metal wire frame, while the frame should be about 30 cm higher than the bushes. The last layer will be insulation and polyethylene, to exclude the ingress of snow and moisture.

In the spring, do not rush to open small roses at once. When the temperature permits, in the daytime not lower than - 7 degrees, the top layer of insulation and films are raised from the edge, airing small roses. The foil is removed completely only when the edges of the film are completely thawed. If you do not ventilate small roses, there is a possibility of damage to the ground part of the plant - the greenery will dry out. In warmer regions of the country, small roses, with proper care, do not shed their leaves, and in the spring they immediately begin to gain color.

If you decide to move small roses for wintering indoors, this should be done after the roses have faded, the best time is in August. We transplant it into a pot, and for the first time we leave it on the street. You should remove the pot in the shade and leave for a while. In this case, small roses should be sprayed frequently.

We choose a pot for wintering not very large, otherwise the small rose may turn sour. The rose must, on its own, gradually shed its leaves for wintering. If the leaves have not fallen, you can remove them yourself. After that, you can remove small roses in a cool room. For wintering, roses do not need sunlight, you can even put roses in the cellar. It is not necessary to water small roses during this period, only sometimes it is worth moistening the soil. With the arrival of spring, small roses are transplanted, pruned, fertilized and transferred to the sun.

Miniature roses are in no way inferior to ordinary roses, and even win in some characteristics. Small roses are branched, dense, covered with small leaves, they have many flowers in inflorescences, and have a unique aroma. Small roses are suitable for both outdoor cultivation and home. They look good in wooden, clay, concrete pots. Small roses are very delicate. On the street, small roses will help to competently decorate the garden space, you can make rock gardens, hedges and much more from them.

For more than a decade, small roses have been very popular among flower lovers. This variety is universal: such crumbs can be grown both in pots and on flower beds in the garden. For those who have not yet come across miniature roses, it will be useful to know their most popular varieties and the features of caring for them.

Dwarf roses

The birthplace of miniature roses is China. Now breeders have bred more than 100 varieties. All of them are distinguished by beautiful small flowers of various shades that exude a subtle aroma or do not smell at all.

Benefits of dwarf roses for decorating gardens and loggias:

  • The bushes are compact, up to 40 centimeters in height, the stems do not fall to the ground.
  • Most varieties are frost-resistant, so they are suitable for decorating a flower bed as a perennial.
  • Flowering continues from May until frost, old buds are constantly replaced by new ones.
  • Flowers are miniature, varied in shape and color.
  • Among dwarf roses, there are varieties with both one flower on the stem and many, which allows them to perfectly fit into landscape design.
  • Climbing and creeping species of mini roses have long (up to 5 meters) shoots, flowers are small, up to 4 centimeters in diameter, but almost the entire bush is strewn with them. The flowering period depends on the selected variety. This is a great option for creating hedges and arches.

Small roses

Popular varieties of small roses

Small roses are varied in height of the bush, length of shoots, number of inflorescences. Therefore, the most popular varieties among flower growers can be divided into 3 groups: weaving, mix roses and ground cover.

Intertwining roses

These roses have long, twisting, thin stems that are all strewn with flowers. They are distinguished by their unpretentiousness in care, they fit perfectly into the design of the garden when creating flowering hedges, walls, arches, and so on. The most popular varieties:

  • Pomponella. This rose with small flowers, collected in a brush, got its name from the unusual shape of the flowers. By themselves, they are small in diameter, round and closed, resembling a pompom. They have a delicate aroma, the color range ranges from pink to red. Shoots grow up to only 1.5 meters in diameter. Plants are frost-resistant, will take root well in central Russia as a perennial. They have good immunity to diseases.
  • New Down. The most unpretentious variety, which is not afraid of winds, rains and even severe frosts. It blooms profusely and luxuriantly, the bush itself is very powerful. Small-flowered rose, double flowers, up to 3 centimeters in diameter, with a wonderful delicate aroma, pale pink color. Plants are resistant to diseases, perfect for central Russia.
  • Iceberg Another unpretentious variety is Iceberg. Small snow-white flowers of a standard shape, powerful shoots, up to 1.5 meters high. It takes root in almost any climate.


Roses mix

This is a separate group of low-growing roses, the bushes of which are compact, look like a bouquet, do not exceed 50 centimeters in height. They are the most capricious to care for, most often grown at home, larger varieties are used by designers in landscape compositions.

Most Popular:

  • Rose Mini Mix. Many are interested in the variety of the smallest roses, as these tiny roses in flower pots are called, decorating balconies and loggias. The smallest among Rosaceae is Mini Mix. This Asian beauty grows in a small bush, 10-15 centimeters in height. The stems have a lot of leaves 10-25 millimeters in length, the flowers are small, they cover the plant with a beautiful cap. The color scheme is varied, but most often there are pink inflorescences. A very moody plant, suitable only for growing in rooms or on closed balconies. Dislikes drafts, direct sunlight, dry air. It is demanding in watering, the root system does not tolerate stagnation of water in the soil, it immediately begins to rot, therefore, caring for a Mini Mix rose even at home is very difficult. Propagated, like all dwarf roses, by cuttings. Once every two years, the plant definitely needs to be transplanted into a more spacious container.

Note! In the southern regions of Russia (Astrakhan, Volgograd), where the average winter temperature is 15 degrees, Mix Mini roses can be grown in open ground, covering them for the winter with spruce branches or other available shelter.

  • Hummingbird. It is distinguished by its neatness, a bush about 30 centimeters high does not grow in breadth, it is very compactly located in a flower bed. The flowers do not exceed 3 centimeters in diameter, are double, orange or yellow, but the petals fade very quickly in the sun. Roses of this variety are loved by the southern regions, they are hard to tolerate frosts, so for the winter it is best to dig them up and place them in a dormant period in a room with a minimum air temperature of 5 degrees.
  • Los Angeles. This extra-class perennial variety is renowned for its abundant flowering. Flowers up to 4 centimeters in diameter are collected in beautiful inflorescences. On one shoot, there can be up to 80 pieces of roses, forming large flowering flasks. The height of the bush is on average 35 centimeters. Leaves are dark green, ovoid. They are quite abundantly gaining growth due to woody shoots. They get along well in the southern regions, although with the right shelter they can survive any cold weather. They are not resistant to diseases, they require protection in the form of special preparations.

Los Angeles

Ground cover varieties

These dwarf roses are distinguished by their ability to grow in width, forming large, spreading bushes, similar to a flowering carpet. Main advantages: frost resistance, unpretentiousness and strong aroma.

The most common varieties:

  • Rose Flirt. The shoots of this rose are thin, creeping along the ground. The height of the bush is up to 50 centimeters, it grows in width no more than 1.25 m. The blossoms are lush, up to 5 centimeters in diameter, the middle of the flower is visible. Rose Flirt refers to unpretentious flower plants, resistant to many diseases. Suitable for outdoor cultivation. The most suitable areas are the Central and Southern zones of Russia, tolerates frosts down to -23 degrees.
  • Degenhart rose. The flower is pale pink at the edges, white inside, a yellow center is visible, has a delicate delicate aroma. Up to 10 flowers grow in the inflorescence, not exceeding 4 centimeters in diameter. The plant is smaller than the Flirt rose. Bushes grow up to 40 centimeters high and 1 meter wide. The stems are thin, decorated with dense glossy greenery. Winter-hardy, not susceptible to disease, feels great in loamy weakly acidic soils. Plants begin to bloom at the end of May.
  • Rose White Cove. A paper-white miniature rose will perfectly take root in a flower bed next to other flowers. Small (about 40 centimeters), refers to ground cover. The leaves are small, the diameter of the flower is up to 5 centimeters, it has a light aroma. It is resistant to frost and disease, perfectly takes root in loamy soils with moderate humidity, does not like swampiness. Gives shoots that can be transplanted as a separate bush.

Rose White Cove

Caring for miniature roses in the garden

Dwarf roses in the garden are considered an unpretentious culture. The main thing is to find the right place for the flower and provide it with the necessary care.

To properly plant a mini rose on a personal plot, you need to take into account several points:

  • You need to plant in a place protected from northern winds, where Rosaceae did not grow before.
  • Roses love loamy, slightly acidic soil, although they can get along in any soil that is not too dense and swampy. Therefore, in places where moisture accumulates, it is necessary to add drainage to the soil.
  • The best time for planting is the end of April, when the soil has already warmed up a little. If you plant a plant at such an early date, then it will have time to develop well and prepare for overwintering. After planting, the roses should be covered overnight so that they do not freeze.
  • When planting, the hole for the roots of the seedling should exceed their diameter. It is best to spread the root, then cover it with soil and tamp it a little with your hand, then water it abundantly.
  • The optimal distance between the bushes is 30 centimeters.

It is necessary to water the rose in the evening under the root, avoiding drops from falling on the leaves, and even more so the flowers. The procedure should be carried out regularly with a small amount of water, avoiding drying out and waterlogging of the soil.

Important! Watering mini roses should be warm, settled water.

When growing miniature roses in the open field, you cannot do without feeding. Of the industrial fertilizers, it is best to use special formulations for the Rosaceae family, which are bred according to the instructions on the package. The main feeding is carried out 2 times - in spring and autumn.

If the bush has overwintered the winter, then it is cut off, removing the shoots spoiled during the winter. The cut must be done at an angle, leaving 3 buds on the shoot. After that, the rose is immediately fed. If you choose from organic fertilizers, then horse manure, already rotted, is best suited. It is laid under a bush in a slightly loosened soil.

During the flowering period, the rose can be fed with calcium nitrate. Only this should be done carefully, otherwise the plant can be easily burned. To avoid this, in the early morning you should first water the flower, then feed it with fertilizer (1 tbsp. L. Per bucket of water).

Calcium nitrate fertilization

In order to avoid diseases during the flowering period, the rose is sprayed with an insecticide. The most suitable ones are Antizhuk and Prestige, which are diluted with water in the ratio of 2 drops of the product to half a liter of water. So you can get rid of the attack of aphids, caterpillars, ants.

For the winter, the rose should be covered with spruce branches, a special shelter or just earth. In this case, to begin with, you should remove all the remaining flowers and peduncles.

Border roses are propagated by cuttings. Selected shoots are cut straight from above, from below - at an angle. Then they are kept in Epin's solution for a day (100 grams per 1 liter of water). Drainage, soil and the last layer of sand are placed in the container. Cuttings are placed, moistened strongly, covered with polyethylene. After a month, roots should appear that can already be planted.

Important! For cuttings, you should choose strong shoots with 3-4 buds. The cut is made at least 2 centimeters from the extreme kidney.

Caring for mini roses in a pot

Most often, miniature roses for growing at home are purchased in the store. After 7-10 days, the plant must be transplanted into another pot. It is best to do this step by step:

  1. Drainage is poured into a clean container with a hole at the bottom.
  2. Place soil bought in a store or soil from a summer cottage mixed with humus.
  3. The plant is re-sowed by the transshipment method together with a lump of earth.
  4. The soil is compacted at the roots, watered with settled water.

Important! If you use a soil mixture prepared by yourself, then it must be disinfected. The best way to do this is with steam, that is, steam the earth.

The rose pot should be placed in a room with a temperature of 18 degrees. This indicator can fluctuate by 5 degrees in each direction. The main thing is that the air is humid and there are no drafts. Dwarf roses love sunlight, but not direct sunlight. The flower feels great on the northern windows. Daylight hours should be at least 6 hours. For year-round flowering in winter, roses are illuminated with special lamps.

There should be no heating devices near the pot that will dry out the surrounding air. A miniature rose will feel great on a glassed-in balcony, where there is no draft.

Good to know! Once every two years, the rose must be transplanted by transferring it into a larger pot with new nutritious soil.

Water the plant sparingly, preventing the soil from drying out. The soil in the pot should be damp, but not wet. You can add water to a saucer under the pot. It is imperative to spray the plant with a pulverizer with a fine spray, this should be done as often as possible. The soil should be loosened periodically so that the roots are saturated with air. For irrigation, only settled or melt water is used, since the rosette is very sensitive to the chemicals contained in tap water.

Water moderately

During the growth period, once a week, the plant should be fed with nitrogen fertilizers, for example, Nitroammofoskoy. If the plant is covered with rot or powdery mildew, then it is imperative to remove the damaged shoots, and treat the remaining leaves and stems with a solution of soda, avoiding it getting into the soil.

On hot summer days, the rose will feel great on the balcony or in a flower bed. For the winter, the plant can be removed in the cool, providing a dormant period. To do this, the bush is trimmed, leaving 5 buds on the shoot and transferred to a room with an air temperature of 5-8 degrees.

Rose at all times amazed with its beauty. Thanks to the centuries-old work of breeders, now every lover of small flowers will find a rose to their liking, decorating a garden or home with it.

Miniature roses are a vast group of garden roses that skillfully combine a beautiful bush shape with a lush bloom that lasts until late autumn. Dwarf roses are universal in their use: they can be in a rock garden, along the front row of flower beds and flower beds, placed along paths and reservoirs.

What are miniature roses

The homeland of dwarf roses is China, because it was there that the first attempts were made to create a mini-version of a flower that would bloom all year round and be more hardy (we all know that a rose is a rather capricious flower). In the late 1890s, Europeans also began experimenting to create highly productive dwarf versions of the rose.

The founder of the first modern improved miniature roses is the famous Rouletii.

Since gardeners became interested in breeding mini roses, breeders began to breed several hundred different varieties and hybrids of dwarf flowers annually. All of them are similar in compact bush habit, but differ in the color of the petals and the structure of the flowers: they are simple and double, large and small, cupped and goblet. Most varieties of miniature roses are suitable for both garden and indoor growing.

The value of dwarf roses:

  • dwarf roses are similar in habitus height to ground cover ones. However, they are distinguished by the peculiarity of the structure of the shoots - in the mini-version they do not fall or spread along the ground, but only grow upward, creating a beautiful lush bush;
  • short shoots are still very strong and strong. They withstand well a thick layer of dense foliage and the severity of dozens of voluminous inflorescences;
  • small buds have a variety of one- and two-color petals;
  • in many varieties, the color range of flowers changes as the bud opens and ages;
  • flowers in miniature versions are most often collected in large clusters, consisting of 5-20 buds;
  • dwarf roses bloom from spring to late autumn in waves. With proper home care, buds form all year round.

Miniature roses are the same garden roses, only in a reduced copy.

Dwarf roses are a self-sufficient and full-fledged element of the garden. And although they are not so spectacular in a single planting, and in large flower arrangements are lost, they look great in border decoration (miniature flowers are also called "border flowers"), in the foregrounds of rockeries and rose gardens. Low-growing varieties, the bushes of which barely reach 20 cm in height, are excellent for container growing. Lush flowering hats look spectacular in hanging pots, as well as in flowerpots and pots placed on the terrace, porch or at the entrance to the house. These wonderful flowers and home premises will be ennobled in a wonderful way. In addition, border roses look gorgeous in a cut bouquet.

Popular varieties

The group of miniature roses currently includes more than 5,000 varieties and hybrids. This includes classic bush, ground cover, standard and other garden hybrids that bloom profusely for many months. Most miniature roses are unpretentious in care, have enviable health, the ability to adapt to bad climatic conditions.

Los Angeles

The classic look of a miniature rose, on the basis of which many modern hybrids have been created. Los Angeles is a lush, undersized shrub that rarely reaches a height of 40 centimeters. The plant bushes well, its shoots grow woody quickly. Stems are flexible and thin, growing mainly upward. In spring, they are densely overgrown with dark green slightly rough matte egg-shaped greens. The leaf plate is assembled from 5-7 leaves with carved needle-like edges.

Some subspecies of the Los Angeles variety have unusual foliage colors: there are specimens with brown leaves or light green, with dark veins.

Gardeners prefer to grow Los Angeles hybrids because of the rich, vibrant flowering that can last 3-4 months. Small 4-5 cm flowers have a salmon color. They are collected in loose inflorescences, consisting of 8-10 buds. On each shoot, up to 80 double flowers of a bright orange color can form at the same time. The color of the petals changes at different stages of flower ripening: at first, the closed buds are lemon yellow, and as they open, the flowers turn to coral or purple tones.


Roses of the Jewel variety series have characteristic leaves - they are round in shape, dark green glossy (cherry at an early stage of development), veins are practically not distinguished. But there are varieties with matte carved leaves (for example, Baby Jewel and Flamingo Jewel). The stems have sparse, not sharp thorns.

Jewel roses bloom for a very long time - from June to early October. The buds are goblet, pointed at the edge. The center of the flower is lighter, colored yellow. The rest of the petals are bright red. The lower petals of a blossoming bud are strongly bent outward, while the inner rows remain tightly pressed against each other. This makes the flower more voluminous and loose. The color on the patio lasts for a long time, however, due to the heterogeneous structure, the flower quickly crumbles during rains and winds. But cut flowers stand for a very long time, for 12-14 days.

The Jewel variety series combines a dozen varieties that differ in the color of the flower petals. For example, the Amazing Jewel variety has a bicolor color of the buds - orange-yellow; Icy Jewel flowers are white; Hybrids Lipstick Jewel, Sparkling Jewel, Purple Jewel refer to the pink variety of Jewel.

All varieties of the Jewel group tolerate life well in indoor conditions. They are rarely affected by diseases, and of the pests, even a spider mite that has settled on the lower leaves will not stop the violent flowering.


Ground cover roses were obtained by interspecific crossing in 1997. Small dense double roses are collected in huge inflorescences. The color of the petals changes from pale pink to orange as the flower ages. The color of a mature bud resembles the color of a tangerine, and the roses smell like citrus. Most of all among the many types of Clementine, the Apricot Clementine variety stands out. This hybrid is completely easy to care for, resistant to many infectious diseases and color until the first snow.

Clementine bushes are tall enough for dwarf ones - they can reach 60 centimeters in height. The plant forms a lot of shoots, due to which the 2-3 year old bush grows strongly, forming a voluminous highly branching shrub. Shoots grow upward. They are sturdy and straight, heavily covered with dark green foliage.

The first buds begin to bloom closer to mid-June. However, in unfavorable periods (cold, rain), the flowers are in no hurry to open. Because of this feature, the bushes retain their decorative effect for a very long time. In comfortable weather conditions, the buds open the core rather quickly - five days after the formation of the flower. Patios form in waves, as well as open up. Cut flowers retain their presentation for more than a week.


Clementine roses have a high immunity to the most dangerous crop diseases: black spot and powdery mildew.


A variety created in the best traditions of old hybrid tea varieties. The flowers have a virgin white color, which eventually becomes pale pink with a pleasant apple scent. The buds are large, spherical (cup-shaped). Small 3-4 - centimeter buds are collected in dense voluminous racemose inflorescences of 10-20 pieces.

Cinderella bushes are low (20 centimeters) and compact. The stems are slender, but strong, without thorns. Rosettes begin to form on the branches by the end of May, and begin to bloom already in the first days of summer. With proper care, flowering can be repeated 2-3 times per season. Moreover, the blossoming flowers do not wither for several weeks in a row. Cinderella's foliage is large, dense with a dark green gloss.

Cinderella roses are universal in their purpose. They look spectacular in solitary plantings, at the same time they can be in harmony with other plants in general compositions. They can be grown outdoors, in pots and planters.

Hummingbird (Colibri)

An old variety, bred in 1958. He is not inferior to his leadership positions to this day. Miniature compact shrub will grow no more than 25 centimeters. Short strong twigs are densely overgrown with dense leathery shiny foliage of dark green color. The flowers are very small and there are many of them on the bush. 3 cm buds are semi-double in structure. Their color has various shades of yellow and orange. In the bright sun, the color of the petals quickly fades. The buds are formed in a heap of 3-4 pieces per inflorescence. Blooming roses have a strong aroma typical of this culture.

Patios bloom from June to late September. Outdoors, hummingbird roses do not require shelter for the winter (in the south of the country). Mostly varietal plants are used to create living borders along the paths. Many gardeners prefer to grow hummingbirds at home, growing in planters or pots.

Hair curlers (Bigoudi)

The Curler variety is least of all similar to a rose, since in the open form the buds have elongated, densely doubled petals, twisted upward and a dense core - a kind far from a rose in the usual sense. The variety is quite young - it was bred in France in 2001.

The dwarf plant grows up to 30 centimeters. This is a compact bush, consisting of 15-25 thin semi-lignified stems, which already at the beginning of summer is covered with dozens of dahlia-like flowers painted in a variegated red-yellow strip. The patio is 4-5 centimeters in diameter. Foliage in mature form is dark green with red, has yellowish veins.

At the peak of flowering, buds, consisting of 20-25 petals, are collected in 10-15 pieces in bright, double and very lush inflorescences. The curler rose blooms several times per season, retaining its decorative effect until late autumn. This variety has good winter hardiness, but often suffers from fungal diseases. Curlers are usually placed in group plantings, however, due to the excessive flashiness of the inflorescences, designers use them to dilute monochromatic flower arrangements, in particular, plant roses among herbaceous plants.


A hybrid with fabulous lilac-colored roses, created in 1999 by the Meilland firm. Bushes of medium vigor, reaching a height of 40 centimeters. Shoots are well leafy, thorns are rare. The foliage is dense, durable, leathery, with a dark green gloss. Flowers 6-7 centimeters in diameter, densely double. When in bloom, they are in the form of a rosette. Formed on shoots singly or collected in racemose inflorescences of 2-5 pieces.

Flowering occurs in late spring and lasts six months. In the south of the country, it can winter without shelter. The variety is resistant to fungal diseases, tolerates bad weather.

Due to the lilac color of the buds, this rose looks advantageous in a composition with small-flowered crops of a similar color (cornflowers, bells).


A personal variety, bred in 1987 by the German company Kordes' Söhne.

Dwarf bushes grow by 25 centimeters, no more. They are compact, erect. The foliage is matte, juicy green. A distinctive feature of this variety are the petals of cupped buds - they have a star-tiled shape and pointed ends. The color of dense double dense buds is pink, eventually fading to almost white. Daniel's roses bloom for a long time (almost all year round), exuding a subtle delicate floral scent. The buds open in rows - the outer leaves are slightly bent down, exposing the middle filled with dozens of petals. 10, 15 and sometimes 20 buds are folded into a voluminous basket-inflorescence.

Daniela is characterized by high winter hardiness. However, the variety is susceptible to fungal diseases.

Daniel's roses have found their use as home flowers. They are happy to grow them in pots and pots, cut them into bouquets, and use them for boutonnieres. And practicing gardeners often graft this rose on a stem to other varieties, getting magnificent bushy plants that bloom incessantly.

Gold Symphonie

This miniature rose was created in France by the Meilland breeding company in the early 2000s. Gold Symphony is a low (up to 40 centimeters) bush, in summer densely overgrown with dark green glossy, leathery foliage, in the wilds of which dozens of tight densely double buds begin to form. In the opened form, the roses are rather large for the dwarf variety in size - almost 6 centimeters in diameter. They are practically odorless, but this does not fade their enchanting beauty in the least. Up to 5 flowers are formed on one branch. The color of the petals is golden yellow, sometimes yellow-orange. The color stays in the sun for a long time without fading. The bud is densely doubled, consists of 50-60 petals. The rose blooms profusely and lastingly until mid-autumn.


Grade Gold Symphony is ideal for border decoration.

Garnet Bracelet

A variety of domestic selection, bred by Zinaida Klimenko in the Crimea in 2007. Miniature bushes grow 35 centimeters high. Shoots are erect, densely leafy. The leaves are painted in a dark rich green color, wavy in structure, jagged along the edges. The flowers are densely double, very large, up to 6-7 centimeters in diameter. The color is bicolor - crimson-white (the main color of the petals is dark pink, crimson; the outside is slightly bleached, with a silvery shade; the core is white). The bud is in the shape of a glass, does not fully open until the end of flowering. The pomegranate bracelet blooms continuously for 4-5 months and ends only with the arrival of the first frost.

The variety is winter-hardy, has a strong immunity to many infectious diseases. Rarely affected by pests. Due to its versatility, the Pomegranate bracelet roses can be used in any kind of composition, as well as grown at home in a seedling container.

The variety was named in honor of the story of the same name by A.I. Kuprin.

Thumb Boy (Malchik-s-Palchik)

The variety was bred in Ukraine by the Klimenko spouses in 2008. Quite a tall rose, the bush reaches a height of 40-45 centimeters. The plant is upright, narrow, shoots grow mainly upward. Little is overgrown with greenery. Frosted leaves are small, dark green, ovoid. The resulting buds are clearly visible on almost bare shoots. The flowers are small (diameter 3.5-4 centimeters), collected in inflorescences of several dozen pieces. The aroma is subtle, subtle, delicate. Flowers bloom all at the same time, stay on the bush for a long time. The color of the petals is deep pink, coral.

The variety is winter-hardy, has enviable health. In good weather conditions, it can delight with flowering until mid-October. Self-cleaning variety. Rose growers recommend planting a Boy-with-finger rose along the paths or use in group plantings, placing it on the first bottom row.


The roses were eaten by the Germans in the Rosen Tantau nursery. The bushes for the miniature version of roses are quite tall, often grow up to 60 centimeters, and in the south of the country, the height can reach a meter. The bush is dense, the shoots grow straight, adhere tightly to each other. When in bloom, the bud looks more like a chrysanthemum (or sometimes a dahlia) than a rose - the petals are arranged not in a spiral, but in a circle. The flowers are large, densely doubled, and consist of hundreds of leaves, painted in a rich pink-red color. At first, the color scheme of the buds is all dark shades of cherry, and then in the sun the color quickly fades out, acquiring the usual color. 4-5-centimeter flowers are collected in 15-20 pieces in rather large cluster-shaped inflorescences.

Rose of the Amulet variety still cannot be given a classification. It is ranked as floribunda, and dwarf roses, and scrubs.

The variety of roses is so huge that it is difficult to decide at first glance which culture is right for you. Types of roses with photos, names and descriptions are a great opportunity to choose the right plants for your home and garden, because each variety of this flower has its own characteristics of growing and care.

From this article you will learn what types of garden and indoor flowers are, what features of growing they are characterized, and photos and videos will help you distinguish between different hybrids in appearance.

Types of roses with photos and names

Rose is one of the most ancient flowers. According to research by archaeologists, the first flowers appeared on Earth about 25 million years ago, and have been in culture for 5 thousand years. Even before our era, they were cultivated in India and China, and their image was used to decorate the walls of the tombs of the pharaohs.

Scientists believe that Persia is the birthplace of modern culture, but this flower was loved and revered in many countries of the world. For example, in ancient Greece, she was even worshiped, considering it not only a beautiful, but also a useful flower.

The first detailed description of the culture and the peculiarities of caring for it was made by the Greek scientist Theophrastus. But they became especially popular in ancient Rome, where they were considered a symbol of courage and were used to decorate banquet halls. It was the Romans who began to use both aromatic water and oil for the preparation of cosmetics and medicines. In addition, petals began to be used in cooking and winemaking.

Note: Since the Romans used the culture and its petals everywhere, they were the first to cultivate this flower, growing it not only in the open field, but also in greenhouses.

But the popularity of the plant has not been stable. After immense popularity during the time of Ancient Rome, the flower lost its popularity in the new era, as it served as a living reminder of the debauchery and vices of the Romans. A particularly strong negative attitude appeared during the formation of Christianity, since love for this flower was considered a sign of paganism. Later she was dedicated to the Mother of God, and the whites - to Mary Magdalene.

New varieties (for example, musk, Damascus) appeared in southwestern Europe during the Arab conquests in the 8-12 century. During this period, the flowers were dusty among themselves and cultivated by man, but nevertheless they differed in single flowering, and only in the 18th century, perennial species that bloom many times were brought to Europe. They have become the basis for modern hybrids (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Species variety of roses

France was especially fond of culture. Here rosaries were created and new varieties were bred. In Russia, these flowers began to be actively cultivated in the 19th century, and the Nikitsky Botanical Garden became the first center for breeding new types (about 100 domestic hybrids were bred in it). At the moment, breeding work continues, and the number of subspecies already exceeds 2.5 thousand.


At the moment, there are about 30 thousand types of culture. All of them are divided into wild (botanical) and garden varieties.

The flower is classified according to its origin, external characteristics (flower shape, bush height, leaf structure) and biological characteristics (resistance to disease and cold, flowering duration).

Note: Since the plant has been cultivated for a long time, its classification is considered conditional, since it is difficult to clearly determine the belonging of certain varieties to certain species. This is due to the fact that the most ancient of them went through a long period of formation and mixed with others for many centuries.

Figure 2. Popular varieties: 1 - park, 2 - Chinese, 3 - repair, 4 - hybrid tea

The most valuable and popular are the park, hybrid tea, miniature, climbing and ground cover groups:

  • Park(Figure 3) was cultivated in antiquity (French, Provencal and moss). They bloom once and have a strong scent. To this group belongs a hybrid - a wrinkled rose, on the basis of which many other species have been created, differing in a wide color variety.
  • Chinese, multiflorous and multiflora were brought to Europe from China. Chinese is also called Bengali (Figure 3). Their flowers have almost no aroma, but appear almost all year round. It was the Bengali variety that became the basis for the creation of the tea type. It is distinguished by its graceful flowers and rich aroma. But they are not resistant to disease and cold, and when grown outdoors, they require careful maintenance.
  • Repair were created on the basis of the Portland variety (a hybrid of Damascus and Chinese). They are distinguished by repetitive flowering, but, unlike tea plants, they tolerate cold well.
  • Tea-hybrid group appeared due to the crossing of tea and repair species. It is the species of this group that are widely used in the modern world, since the crops are not only distinguished by long flowering, but also by their undemanding content.
  • Polyanthus(Figure 3) were obtained by crossing multi-flowered and Chinese varieties. The result is a hybrid that grows into a low, compact bush with branching branches and small flowers that retain their freshness and aroma for a long time. They perfectly tolerate cold and easily propagate by cuttings or roots (for example, "Dick Koster", "Muttertag").
  • Floribunda- a special group that was bred on the basis of dwarf and hybrid tea varieties (Figure 3). Their main feature is intense and long flowering, and the flowers are collected in fairly large inflorescences. It is floribunda that are used for landscaping, since they easily multiply, are highly resistant to cold weather and are undemanding to keeping conditions.
  • Miniature- plants obtained by crossing low polyanthus with other varieties. Such plants are distinguished by small flowers with a rich aroma, which appear on the bushes almost continuously throughout the year, if the culture is grown in an apartment.
  • In the middle of the last century, a separate group of grandiflora was bred (floribunda hybrids with hybrid tea). Representatives of this group bloom for a long time and profusely, differ in color and size, and the bushes grow quite large (up to one and a half meters).
  • Climbing crop group(Figure 4) was obtained by crossing bred varieties with wild ones. The main feature is small flowers, collected in small inflorescences and long weaving stems, which need support (Dorothy Perkins, Excelsa). Climbing hybrids generally bloom once, but there are species with repeated blooms ("New Dawn").
  • Groundcover group - varieties bred on the basis of Chinese and Vihura roses (Figure 4). They are creeping shrubs with dark green leaves and small flowers. They cover the earth with a dense carpet, and due to their resistance to disease and cold, they are easily cultivated ("Swaney" and "Snow Ballet").

Figure 3. Types of roses: 1 - polyanthus, 2 - floribunda, 3 - miniature

Additionally, there is a group of semi-leafy cultures, but they are conditionally distinguished, since this group includes flowers that are not included in other categories. Flowers of this group are distinguished by abundant, but uneven flowering, resistance to disease and cold. They can be easily propagated by grafting or grafting.

Recently, French breeders have developed completely new hybrids, which are combined into a group of landscape flowers. They have a high decorative value, and due to their abundant and long-lasting flowering, they are actively used for landscaping. From the video you will find out what hybrids of these colors exist.


According to the botanical classification, the flower belongs to the Rosaceae family. In the wild, there are about 400 varieties (they are called rose hips). Mostly wild flowers are found in temperate climates, but there are species growing in the subtropics and the Arctic.

Figure 4. Ornamental species: 1 - grandiflora, 2 - climbing, 3 - ground cover

Breeders regularly develop new flower hybrids, making them more adaptable to different growing conditions. The variety of types is striking:

  • Most species are multi-stemmed shrubs, deciduous and evergreen;
  • There are liana-like varieties that form garlands of flowers;
  • Crops also differ in height: from dwarf bushes, up to 15 cm high, to huge shrubs that can grow up to 10 m.

As a rule, the stems are covered with thorns, but there are crops without them. The flowers are bisexual, arranged singly or in small inflorescences.

Roses also differ in the number of petals in the inflorescence.(Figure 5):

  • Simple (4 to 7 petals);
  • Semi-double (8-20 petals);
  • Moderately double (21-29 petals);
  • Medium double (30-39);
  • Densely double (the number of petals exceeds 40).

The shapes of the petals are also varied. They can be flat, pointed or curved, forming inflorescences in the form of a bowl, a ball. Flowers can be goblet, have a square center, or resemble a camellia or carnation.

Thanks to breeding work, it was possible to breed hybrids of a wide variety of shades, although pink, white and yellow tones are considered the most common. There are crops that change the color of the petals as the flower ages, as well as flowers with striped or shaded colors.

Note: It is believed that all roses smell the same. But it is not so. Typical odors are pink and dark red crops, other varieties are fruity or odorless.

Depending on the variety, crops are grown in bush and standard form, using them to decorate borders and flower beds. Braids are used to decorate walls and other vertical surfaces. Ground covers are used for landscaping slopes. Tea hybrids are grown for decorative purposes and for cutting in open ground and greenhouses.

Figure 5. Plant species by inflorescence type

Rose is appreciated not only for its decorative effect, but also for its healing properties. The roots and fruits are used in traditional medicine. In Japan, fruits are used for cooking, as they contain a lot of carotene and vitamins.

Indoor rose: types, photos and names

The types of indoor roses with photos and names are so diverse that even novice growers can choose a beautiful and unpretentious type for themselves.

If you are interested in what types of this culture are, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with their detailed descriptions with photos and names and (Figure 6):

  1. Bengali is a low-growing crop that forms a lush bush with flowers of a wide variety of shades, from white to bright red. This is one of the most unpretentious types that does not require shaping pruning. It is enough only to periodically remove dry and damaged branches. The plant requires moderate watering, and the humidity level of an ordinary city apartment is great for this type.
  2. Polyanthus were obtained by crossing different garden species. As a result, the height of an adult shrub rarely exceeds 50 cm, but the bush is quite lush, and the flowers can be double or collected in a brush.
  3. Tea rooms also suitable for home cultivation. However, bush varieties should be preferred, since if a whip-like variety was put in the basis of the species, the plant can grow up to two meters in height.

Figure 6. Varieties of indoor crops: 1 - Bengal, 2 - polyanthus, 3 - tea

When growing an indoor culture, make sure that the plant has enough light. You can place a flower pot on any windowsill, except for the northern one. In winter, daylight hours are artificially extended using fluorescent lamps. The plant should not be allowed to overheat, since under such conditions the root system may begin to rot, and the culture itself will be more susceptible to disease. Periodically, fertilizing should be carried out, and watering should be moderate: it is made more intense only during the flowering period.

Types of musk roses

Musk roses are also called landscape roses, as they are great for decorating a site, but at the same time they are unpretentious in care and endurance.

Note: This group got its name due to its pronounced and rich aroma, which is a bit like the smell of musk.

There are several popular types of musk roses, photos and names of which are still e (Figure 7):

  1. Cornelia- a hybrid with a wide variety of inflorescence shades, from white to bright pink;
  2. Buff Beauty differs in an unusual apricot color of inflorescences;
  3. Felice- an unusual selection hybrid, the petals of which are pink on the inside and apricot on the outside.
  4. Pax also a bicolor type, as the buds are mostly white, but with a yellow center.

Figure 7. Popular varieties of musk roses: 1 - Cornelia, 2 - Buff Beauty, 3 - Pax

Despite the fact that musky species are considered hardy and unpretentious, they still need some care. For example, to make the flowering more intense, you need to carry out spring pruning, and during the flowering period, add special top dressing to the soil. In addition, some musk hybrids do not tolerate partial shade well, so they are best planted in well-lit areas with protection from drafts.

Types of Chinese roses with photos and names

The second name of the Chinese rose is hibiscus, and outwardly this flower does not look like ordinary inflorescences. This is a very popular plant among gardeners, not only because of its simplicity in growing conditions, but also because of the wide variety of species.

Note: In total, there are about 300 varieties of this plant. All of them differ in the color of the buds, the height and shape of the bush.

Types and varieties of Chinese roses suitable for Russian gardeners are(Figure 8):

  • Treelike, such as the Syrian rose, grows in the form of a small tree, and with regular formative pruning, in the form of a compact shrub.
  • Herbaceous plants include marsh hibiscus and hybrid hibiscus. Unlike other types of Chinese rose, which are perennial, herbaceous varieties are annuals that die off completely in the fall.

Figure 8. Varieties of Chinese roses: 1 - Syrian, 2 - marsh hibiscus, 3 - triple hibiscus

It is noteworthy that there are special frost-resistant varieties of hibiscus specially adapted for growing in our climate. For example, triple (northern) hibiscus looks inconspicuous outwardly, but during flowering it can become a real decoration of the garden. In addition, it tolerates low temperatures well and does not have special maintenance requirements. The only condition is to plant such a Chinese rose in an area with good lighting and loose fertile soil.

Types of roses with photos and names: floribunda

Floribunda roses, in comparison with hybrid tea varieties, are practically odorless, and their flowers are not so large. But at the same time, they are considered quite popular because of several important advantages.

Firstly, their flowering period lasts all summer, and the number of inflorescences on one bush can be very large. Secondly, these varieties are resistant to most diseases and do not require as much care as other species. In addition, there are many varieties of this type, so you can choose several species for your garden, which will differ in the shape, size and color of the buds.

Among the most popular varieties of floribunda roses I single out t (Figure 9):

  1. Raffles- a variety with unusual shaped flowers that resemble lace. It blooms from early summer to late autumn. Differs in unpretentiousness, but requires shelter for the winter.
  2. Floribunda kimon o - a hybrid with delicate peach inflorescences. Looks great both in a single planting and in combination with other flower crops.
  3. Floribunda nina weibul- a variety with bright red flowers that bloom until late autumn. Differs in resistance to diseases and low temperatures.

Figure 9. Varieties of floribunda roses: 1 - Raffles, 2 - Kimono, 3 - Nina Weibul

Most floribunda varieties are used to decorate borders and create flower arrangements, but they will look great in single planting too.

Types of climbing roses with photos and names

The main advantage of climbing types over other varieties is a flexible stem, which is tied to supports for decorating gazebos, fences and walls of buildings.

The types of climbing roses are very diverse, so we will give only the main ones, with photos and names.(Figure 10):

  1. Golden Gate- a semi-climbing culture that throws out many shoots, the length of which can reach 4 meters. Yellow velvety flowers are collected in large inflorescences.
  2. Snow Goose- a climbing cultivar with small flowers that abundantly cover the entire bush. If the growing conditions have been met, one brush can contain up to 25 inflorescences. A characteristic feature of the variety is the complete absence of thorns, but it can only be grown in a vertical plane, tying the stems to supports.
  3. Santana- climbing variety with large bright red inflorescences. The height of the bush rarely exceeds 3 meters, but at the same time, the seedlings take root well on any soil, they are resistant to disease and cold.

Figure 10. Popular climbing varieties: 1 - Golden Gate, 2 - Snow Goose, 3 - Santana

It is important to bear in mind that most climbing varieties do not tolerate shade well, therefore, sunny areas are used for their cultivation. In addition, a prerequisite for maintenance is the installation of supports to which the flexible stems of the plant will be attached.

Types of garden roses: photos and names

It is difficult to briefly describe all types of garden types of culture, since they are presented in a very wide variety.

We will try to describe the most popular varieties of garden roses by type(Figure 11):

  • Miniature (Patio) are small bushes with a large number of small inflorescences. One of the most popular varieties is considered Laurens - a dwarf copy of the Bengal rose, which will look great in a small street pot or on a curb.
  • Groundcover- plants with long creeping shoots and small inflorescences. They are characterized by frost resistance and long flowering. Popular varieties include Nozomi, Snow Carpet and Candy Rose.
  • Park will be an excellent decoration for the garden, because they bloom profusely and do not require special care. The most valuable variety is rugosa, which is distinguished by its large flowers with a strong aroma.

Figure 11. Popular types and varieties of garden types (from left to right): miniature, Nozomi variety, Snow Carpet variety, Rugosa rose

In addition, there are curly, curb and standard hybrids, which are also represented by a wide variety of varieties. Thanks to this, this beautiful flower can be grown in any climate and on almost any soil.

Today, more and more often in the most ceremonial places of summer cottages, you can find miniature roses in containers, pots. They were successfully bred in indoor conditions, where they bloom tirelessly throughout the year.

The history of the appearance of miniature roses

The history of their origin goes back to the 19th century, when dwarf tea roses were brought from China to Europe in 1810. The first official information about them as a dwarf ever-flowering rose (Rosa semperflorens minima) appeared in print in 1815. Then the Laurenz rose (Rosa Lawrenceana), the Indian rose (Rosa indica) appeared in Switzerland, and the famous variety was created on their basis 'Rouletii' - the founder of the first modern varieties of miniature roses.

Naturally, European breeders have never seen anything like it before. Having crossed the first varieties with low polyanthus and other roses, they got smaller copies of garden roses, which they combined into a separate group of miniature roses.

Advantages of miniature roses

  • in dwarfs from 5 to 30 (45) cm in height, unlike ground cover roses at the same height, the shoots do not fall down in an arc and do not spread over the ground for several meters;
  • they are densely leafy, their crowns consist of small, often shiny leaves;
  • often abundantly decorated with small fragrant flowers of a wide variety of colors: red, orange, yellow, pink, white, two-color, green, lilac;
  • there are varieties in which the color changes as the flower ages from lemon yellow to cherry red;
  • most often 3-15 flowers are collected in compact inflorescences;
  • there are terry varieties;
  • their flowering lasts from May until frost, and has 3 waves: spring, summer and autumn.

The success of growing miniature roses

  • they are easily propagated by cuttings;
  • in central Russia, they winter easily covered with spruce branches and covered with snow;
  • if the shoots freeze over in severe snowless winters, then they are removed during spring pruning and this does not affect the abundance of flowering next year;
  • in the southern zone of horticulture, as a rule, miniature roses winter covered with snow;
  • they are resistant to pests and fungal diseases.

Application in the country

Miniature roses are good in borders, flower beds, rockeries, when decorating balconies, in containers, pot culture. They are used for grafting on boles, in a cut for boutonnieres.

The best varieties of miniature roses

Today miniature roses are a self-sufficient garden group of 5,000 varieties. Let's get acquainted with the best of them that can now be seen in Crimea.

Miniature rose 'Baby Bunting' variety

An old variety created in the Netherlands in 1953. The bush is not compact, up to 35 cm high. Flowers up to 4.5 cm in diameter, carmine-red with a pink center, semi-double, slightly aromatic; bloom from May to autumn. Medium-strong resistance to fungal diseases.

A good variety for curbs, ridges, container culture. Will be beautiful in the foreground of mixborders.

Miniature rose ‘Bigoudi’

The ‘Bigoudi’ variety was created by the French firm Meilland in 2001. The bushes are up to 45 cm high. The leaves are green, shiny. The flowers are small, up to 5 cm in diameter, red with yellow strokes, double, weakly fragrant, collected in inflorescences. Blooming remontant (repeated), prolonged (long-lasting), begins in June.

A variety for an amateur, since some growers do not like such variegation of petals at all. But it will be clearly loved by children who will appreciate both its small size and cheerful coloring. Suitable for groups, curbs, boles and potting. The variety is quite frost-resistant in the southern zone of horticulture, but is weak to fungal diseases: it is strongly affected by black spot, moderately resistant to powdery mildew.

Miniature rose cultivar 'Cinderella'

An old variety. Bushes up to 30-40 cm high and 20 cm wide, compact, shoots without thorns. Flowers up to 3 cm in diameter, white, often turning pink when cold, with a spicy aroma; in inflorescences 5-20 flowers. Abundant and long flowering from early summer. Moderately resistant to powdery mildew and not resistant to black spot.

Good in rockeries, borders, containers. The absence of thorns makes this variety suitable for use in the children's area of ​​the summer cottage.

Miniature rose cultivar 'Colibri'

Such varieties are said to be historical. The ‘Colibri’ variety was created by the French firm Meilland in 1958. 20 years later the breeders of the same firm improved it, and the rare apricot-orange color of the rose petals became even more intense. Bushes up to 25 cm high, compact. Leaves are dark green, leathery, shiny. The flowers are cup-shaped, 3-4 cm in diameter, orange, double, very fragrant; collected in inflorescences of 3-5 pieces; bloom from early summer to autumn. In the southern zone of horticulture, covered with snow, the variety is frost-hardy; in central Russia needs more serious warming with spruce branches. Resistant to fungal diseases.

A very bright, elegant mini-variety, from which you can arrange borders, ridges; it is grafted onto low stems. It is effective in containers on balconies and pots in indoor culture. Beautiful cut in mini-bouquets for babies.

Miniature rose ‘Green Ice’

An unusually interesting green miniature rose, created in America in 1971 (originator Ralph Moore). Sprawling bush, 30-45 cm high. Leaves are dark green, shiny. Flowers up to 3 cm in diameter, double, white with a green tint, with a delicate aroma, collected in 3-7 pieces. Blossom in early summer and until autumn the flowering is repeated (remontant). Resistant to fungal diseases, but rains "spoil" it.

The variety can be used in flower gardens and rockeries; it perfectly retains its decorative qualities both in the light and in partial shade. Used when growing in a room.

Miniature rose cultivar ‘Daniela’

A very gentle variety, bred by the German company Kordes' Söhne in 1987. The bushes are low, 15-30 cm high, compact. The leaves are green, matte. Double flowers with a diameter of 3 cm, with a subtle delicate aroma, collected in inflorescences up to 20 buds. The petals are pointed, of an unusual star-tiled shape, pink (fade in the sun). They bloom profusely and for a very long time. Winter hardy in the South Horticultural Zone, where it is sheltered anyway. Only on the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory and the southern coast of Crimea does it need shelter for the winter. Medium resistant to fungal diseases.

A successful mini-variety that has found its place in borders, rockeries; it is used in room culture, grafted on low boles. The flowers are suitable for boutonnieres.

Miniature rose ‘Fresh Pink’

A very beautiful, already historical variety, created by R.S. Moore in 1964 Bushes 30-35 cm high, loose. The leaves are dark green, shiny, leathery. Flowers 3-4 cm in diameter, cupped, light pink, collected in inflorescences of 3-12 pieces; bloom from May to autumn. The first wave of flowering is especially abundant. It is frost-resistant in the area of ​​the Southern gardening. Resistant to fungal diseases.

An excellent delicate variety for borders, ridges, mixborders, as well as for container and pot culture.

Miniature rose ‘Gold Symphonie’

The variety was created by the French company Meilland in 2001. Bushes up to 40 cm high, compact. Leaves are green, leathery. The flowers are large for miniature roses (up to 6 cm in diameter), golden yellow, double. They bloom from the first ten days of May and bloom profusely and for a long time until autumn.

This luxurious "golden" miniature variety will look great in borders, it will not get lost on the bed, in mixborders. In pots and container culture, he will be unmatched!

Miniature rose cultivar 'Lavender Meillandina'

An unusually beautiful variety created by Meiyan in 1999; may be commercially available under the name "Lavender Sunblaze". The bush is 40-50 cm high and up to 40 cm wide, densely leafy, almost without thorns. Leaves are dense, leathery. Flowers with a diameter of 4-6 cm, lilac-purple, densely double, slightly fragrant; single or 2-5 in inflorescences. Blooms throughout the summer. In the southern zone of horticulture, the variety is frost-hardy, in central Russia it needs to be covered with spruce branches and snow. Resistant to fungal diseases, but vulnerable to rain.

The variety deserves the attention of lovers of lavender color, this color of flowers looks advantageous with various bells against a background of silvery leaves. It can be used in the design of a children's area. Good in mini flower beds, container and pot culture.

Miniature rose cultivar 'Maidy'

A very interesting bright variety, created by the German company Kordes in 1984. The bush is up to 35 cm high, dense, compact. Leaves are dark green, leathery, shiny. Terry flowers are large, up to 5 cm in diameter, slightly fragrant. The color of pointed petals, neatly folded in the form of a tile, is two-colored: in the center they are white, to the edge they are dark red. Blossom profusely throughout the season. In the southern zone of horticulture, it is frost-resistant; in the middle lane, we cover it with spruce branches and snow. Medium resistant to powdery mildew, vulnerable to black spot.

A fabulous variety for growing in pots, containers, but it fully "reveals" itself in the open field - in solitary (single) or group plantings, on low boles. Doesn't need any addition.

Miniature rose cultivar 'Mandarine Symphonie'

This miniature variety is in tune with music, which, together with flowers, gives joy and good mood. It was created in 2000 by the famous Meilland company, which presented the world with a huge number of beautiful varieties of roses. Bushes are low, compact. The leaves are dark green, small. Terry bright orange (yellow below) flowers of medium size are collected in inflorescences. Bloom for a long time, re-flowering.

Effective in groups. You can create bright floral borders from it.

Miniature rose cultivar ‘Mr. Bluebird '

The miniature rose variety under this name is unusual! Like little birds perched on the branches of a bush. The variety was created by the American breeder R. Moore in 1960. The bush is up to 50 cm high, flowers 3-4 cm in diameter, mauve with a white eye in the center, semi-double, without aroma, collected 7-15 per inflorescence. Blossom during the summer and into late autumn.

Suitable for curbs, rabatok, suitable for indoor cultivation.

Miniature rose cultivar 'Rouletii'

An old variety improved by Roulet in 1920. It can be sold under other names such as Rosa chinensis var. minima, R. 'Pompon de Paris'. Bushes are erect, 20-40 cm high, 20 cm wide, openwork. The leaves are small, narrow. Semi-double flowers are small, 2-4 cm in diameter, cupped, pinkish-fuchsia (lilac-lavender when flowering), fragrant, collected in inflorescences up to 25 pieces. Blossom abundantly and for a long time (on the southern coast of Crimea - until December). The variety is frost-hardy in the southern zone of horticulture, unpretentious, sometimes affected by powdery mildew.

Despite the delicacy, landscape designers love to use this variety in borders, ridges. Some amateurs plant it on boles, plant it in raised flower beds, grow it in containers and pots.

Miniature rose cultivar 'Stars'n Stripes'

This charming variety was created by R. Moore in 1975. Unequal bush 30-40 cm high, up to 70 cm wide seems more open than upright, shoots without thorns. The leaves are small, dark green. The flowers are goblet, up to 4.5 cm in diameter, in a red-pink strip, semi-double, fragrant, collected on long refined shoots of 3-5 pieces. Blossom from summer to late autumn. Unpretentious, winter-hardy (in central Russia it requires shelter with spruce branches and snow), resistant to fungal diseases. In cool and humid summers, it is sometimes affected by powdery mildew.

The variety seems to be created for children who, with all their childlike spontaneity, will certainly appreciate it. Suitable for planting in a small children's corner in the country or in a pot on the terrace. Good in small gardens, suitable for growing on low boles, in a pot culture.

Miniature rose cultivar 'Sunmaid'

The name of this variety was given by the originator J. Spek in 1972. The bushes are low, 30-40 cm high, compact, densely leafy. Leaves are dark green, leathery, shiny. Double flowers with a diameter of 2.5-4 cm, bright orange (reddening and turning pink as they bloom), with a delicate aroma, collected in inflorescences of 3-10 pieces. Blossom from summer to autumn (several waves of flowering).

Good in borders, ridges, used on boles and in container, pot culture.

Miniature rose variety 'Pomegranate Bracelet'

Domestic variety created by Zinaida Konstantinovna Klimenko in Crimea in 2007. Bushes 30-35 cm high, densely leafy. Leaves are dark green, shiny, toothed, wavy. Densely double flowers are large, up to 7 cm in diameter, two-colored, pink-white, the shape is old, the bud remains half-open. They bloom profusely and tirelessly until late autumn. Winter-hardy in the southern gardening zone. Resistant to fungal diseases

An unusually beautiful variety that can be used to create borders, ridges; it will not get lost in the mixborders in the foreground; can be grafted on low stems and grown in containers and pot culture.

Miniature rose variety 'Boy-with-Finger'

A luxurious domestic variety created by the spouses Konstantin Ivanovich Zykov and Zinaida Konstantinovna Klimenko in 2008. Bushes 30-40 cm high, compact, densely leafy. The leaves are dark green, small, elongated. The flowers are small, up to 4 cm in diameter, red, cupped, semi-double, collected in inflorescences from 3 to 100 pieces, with a delicate aroma. Blossom abundantly and for a long time. Winter-hardy in the southern gardening zone.

Good in curbs, ridges, on low boles; suitable for container and pot culture.

Miniature rose cultivar 'Zwergkonigin'

The variety was created in Germany by Kordes, whose breeders improved the flower's decorative qualities in 1978, so the variety can be sold under the name 'Zwergkonigin 78'. The bush is 50-60 cm high. The leaves are green, shiny. The flowers are large, with a diameter of 4-5 cm,
red, slightly fragrant, terry; bloom throughout the summer.

This miniature bright variety will not be lost anywhere: neither in flower beds, nor in containers, nor in pots.

And what miniature roses grow and bloom in your country house?