Oil switches VMG, MG, VMP, VMC, MKP. Multi-volume oil switches Operating instructions for manual transmission 35

Switch type


Dimensions, mm

type of drive

voltage, kV

trip current, kA

Multi-volume switches



ShPE-38 or ShPV-35

MKP-110B-1000/ 630-20

ShPE-46 or ShPV-46


ShPE-44N or ShPV-45P

ShPE-46 or ShPV-46

Small volume switches



Switch type

Nominal data

Dimensions, poles mm

type of drive

Quantity and type

voltage, kV

trip current, A

current transformers


12 x TV-35/25

12 x TV-35/40


12 xTV-110/40

MKP-1 10M-1000-20

12 x TV-110/40

12 x TV-110/50

ShPE-46; ShPE-46P

12 xTVU-110/50

ShPE-44; ShPV-45P

12 x TV-220/40

U-220-2000-25; U-220-2000-25hl*

12 x TV-220/40

ShPV-46P; PPG-1

12 x TVS-220/40

Built-in pneumatic

VMK-110 VMK-220

* Switch designed for cold areas (HL)


Rated voltage, kV

Rated current, A

Stroke of moving parts, mm

Pressing (stroke) of contacts, mm

Uniformity of closing and opening contacts, mm

600, 1000,1500, 5000

600, 1000, 1500, 5000



Dimensions, m

Weight, kg

type of drive

chemical resistance (amplitude), kA



Automatic reclosure pauses

Low oil (internal installation)

Built-in spring

Built-in electromagnetic

Built-in spring

0.09 0.11 0.12 0,14

PE-11, PP-67

2,0; 3,15; 4,0; 5,0

(outdoor installation)

ShPE-12. PP-67

ShPE-38, ShPV-35

ShPE46, ShPV-46

ShPE-44P, ShPV-45P

ShPE-46, ShPV-46

Notes: 1 The table shows an abbreviated designation of the type of switch, without indicating 1tk. Letter part of the designation: B - switch, K - column (for low-volume) or chamber (for tank), E - with built-in electromagnetic drive, M - oil, G - generator or pot, P - suspended version (for low-volume) or substation ( for tanks), U - reinforced; one letter denotes the series: C - “Sverdlovsk”, U - “Ural”. Digital part - rated voltage, kV, and switched current, kA. The letter B after the digital designation of the rated voltage indicates a version with reinforced insulation
Thermal resistance current is numerically equal to /off (except for VGM-20 s /, = 105 kA); the longest permissible short-circuit current flow time. for VKE-10, MGU-20 and for all 110-220 kV circuit breakers - 3 s, for VMPE-10-20 - 8 s, for the rest - 4 s.
Dimension L is determined along the pole (phase) axis, dimension B is determined transversely. The numerator shows the values ​​of L and H for normal insulation, and the denominator for reinforced insulation (group B).
The numerator is the switch’s own shutdown time, the denominator is the total
The total weight is determined with the drive without oil.
For /din and switching time for switches with different options drives in the numerator - values ​​for an electromagnetic drive, in the denominator - for a pneumatic drive (for the S-35M - for a spring drive).
For the VPM-10 circuit breaker, the shutdown time with the PE-11 drive is indicated, for the S-35M - with the ShPE-12 drive; with the PP-67 drive, the shutdown time is 0.12/0.14 and 0.05/0.12, respectively.
MGU-20 with a current of 9.5 kA can only be used with artificial blow cooling.



RD 34.47.604


Moscow 1986


Deputy Director

for scientific work

Research Institute of Software Chief Engineer

"Uralelektrotyazhmash" Glavenergoremont


1. Introduction

1.1. The manual for the overhaul of the oil switch MKP-35-1000-25* is a technical document, compliance with the requirements of which is mandatory for personnel performing overhaul of the switch.

*Hereinafter referred to as the Guide for brevity.

1.2. The manual provides for the use of the most rational forms of organizing repair work and advanced technological methods for their implementation.

1.3. The Guide contains:

a) technical requirements for volume and quality repair work and to the methods of their implementation (regardless of the organizational and technical level of repair units);

b) method of control during the repair of parts and assembly units;

c) rules for accepting equipment for repair and repair;

d) criteria for assessing the quality of repair work.

1.4. The manual was developed based on the technical documentation of the manufacturer.

2. Organization of work to repair the circuit breaker

2.1. General provisions

2.1.1. The composition of the team (link) for repairing the circuit breaker is established depending on the intended scope of work (the duration of repair work is determined by the network repair schedule).

2.1.2. The timing of repair work should be determined taking into account the following:

a) the composition of the team must correspond to the technological repair scheme. Changing the composition of the team until the repair is completed is not allowed;

b) continuous workload of individual performers and the team as a whole is ensured;

c) to ensure the completion of repair work within the established time frame, it is recommended to issue standardized task plans and use the aggregate-unit method of repair using the exchange stock of parts;

d) the work schedule of repair personnel should be subject to the maximum reduction in the duration of repair work.

2.1.3. The manual provides for a repair team of 4 people: electricians of the 5th category - 1 person, 3rd category - 2 people, 2nd category - 1 person.

2.1.4. Labor costs for overhaul of the circuit breaker are determined on the basis of the “Time Standards for Overhaul, current repairs and operational maintenance of equipment for substations 35 - 500 kV and distribution networks 0.4 - 20 kV", approved by the USSR Ministry of Energy in 1971.

Standards for overhaul of oil switch MKP-35-1000-25 (without changing inputs) - 41.8 man-hours, with changing inputs - 52 man-hours.

2.2. Preparation for repair

2.2.1. Preparation for major repairs is carried out in accordance with the specific scope of work provided for this type of equipment.

2.2.2. Before the start of repairs, a team of workers with appropriate qualifications who have undergone training, knowledge testing and instructions on the rules of safe work is staffed.

2.2.3. Before starting work, the team is given a planned task with a specific list of work and an indication of its volume, labor costs and completion date, as well as technological instructions and requirements.

2.2.4. Before starting repairs you must:

a) prepare a set of plumbing tools, as well as instruments and measuring tools (applications,);

b) prepare basic and auxiliary materials, spare parts for repairs (applications,); The list and quantity of materials should be specified in accordance with the scope of work;

c) prepare and check protective equipment;

d) coordinate the work procedure with other teams performing related work.

2.2.5. The performers, together with the repair manager, after drawing up a general work order for the repair of the circuit breaker, must:

a) make sure that all measures to ensure the safety of work are carried out correctly and completely;

b) carry out all fire safety measures.

2.3. Quality control of repair work

2.3.1. Quality control of repair work by the contractor is carried out in the following order:

a) check, together with the repair manager, the condition of each assembly unit during the repair. In this case, the manager must give instructions on repair methods and supplement (clarify) the technical requirements for repairs, according to which the assembly unit will be accepted from repair and the quality of repair work will be assessed;

b) present completed hidden work and completed intermediate operations to the manager for acceptance and quality assessment;

c) after completing all repair work, present the circuit breaker for final acceptance.

2.3.2. Final acceptance of the product as a whole is carried out by representatives of the operational department together with the repair manager, about which a document is drawn up technical act repair, which is signed by representatives of both parties.

3. Acceptance of the circuit breaker for repair

3.1. Before the start of a major overhaul, a commission of representatives of the operational and repair departments, with the obligatory participation of the repair manager, checks the state of readiness for repair:

a) availability of a statement of scope of work overhaul;

b) availability of materials, spare parts, special equipment and tools;

c) the state of safety measures, labor protection and fire safety;

d) availability of a capital repair schedule.

3.2. When accepting the circuit breaker for repair, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the list of defects and the scope of work performed during the previous major overhaul and during the period between repairs.

Technical data of the oil switch MKP-35-1000-25
(meet the requirements of GOST 687 -70)

Voltage, kB:

nominal 35

highest working 40.5

Rated current, A 1000

Limit through current, kA:

effective value of periodic component 25

amplitude 63

Limit thermal stability current, kA 25

Rated shutdown current, kA 25

Shutdown power, MV-A 1750

Thermal stability current flow time, s 4

Permissible number of short circuit trips without circuit breaker inspection 5

Weight, kg:

switch with drive (without oil) 2750/2830

drive 310

transformer oil 800

Technical data of the electromagnetic drive PE-31
(meets the requirements of GOST 688-67)

Nominal voltage of the electromagnet, V:

including 110/220

disconnecting 110/220

Limits operational work drive by voltage at the terminals of its windings, % rated:

closing electromagnet 85 - 110

disconnecting electromagnet 65 - 120

Current consumption of the electromagnet winding at an ambient temperature of 20 °C, A:

including 248/124

disconnecting 10/5

Current consumption of the contactor switching winding at a voltage of 110/220 V, A 2/1

Resistance of electromagnet windings, Ohm:

including (one section) 0.85 - 0.92

disconnecting (one section) 20.25 - 23.75

4. Disassembling the switch

4.1. General instructions for defecating the circuit breaker

4.1.1. Inspect the switch, make sure there are no oil leaks. If there is a leak, determine the cause.

4.1.2. Check that the switch frame is installed correctly and its upper base is horizontal.

4.1.3. Inspect the fastening of the frame to the foundation ( anchor bolts must have locknuts). The frame must be reliably grounded with a steel strip with a cross-section of at least 25´4 mm.

4.1.4. Check the condition of the winch and cable.

4.1.5. Make sure the safety valve rupture screw is intact.

4.1.6. Carry out several test switches on and off; determine the preliminary scope of repairs.

4.2.1. Disconnect the tires.

4.2.2. Unscrew the locking screws 2 (Fig.), unscrew the nuts 1 and the cap with tip 3.

4.2.3. Unscrew the locking screw II from the nut 10, remove the gasket (brass washer) 4, the centering washer 5 and the gasket 6.

4.2.6. Install casing 7, screw on the nuts.

4.2.7. Install rubber gasket 6, centering washer 5, gasket (brass washer) 4, screw in nut 10, screw in locking screw 11.

4.2.8. Screw on the cap with tip 3, nuts 1 and screw in locking screws 2.

4.3. General operational disassembly of the circuit breaker

4.3.1. Drain the oil from the switch tanks into a previously prepared container. Check the operation of the oil indicators.

4.3.2. Turn off the oil heating device in the tanks.

4.3.3. Place the cable on the rollers 3 of the tank (Fig.), and pull it lightly. Unscrew the nuts from the bolts securing the tank, remove the washers, lower tank 1 until the cable is completely loosened, remove the cable from the tank rollers. The tanks of the other two phases are lowered similarly.

4.3.4. Unscrew the bolts securing the screen 1 (Fig.), lower the screen until it stops against the traverse.

4.3.5. Unscrew the bolts securing the housing 2 to the holder 3, lower the housing with the camera.

4.3.6. Lift the screen and place it on the bottom of the bakelite bushing. Take out the body and camera, then remove the screen.

4.3.7. Disconnect the outer and inner ends connected to current transformer 2 (see figure). Check for markings first. If not available, apply.

4.3.8. Unscrew the nuts and remove the current transformers.

Note. Only remove current transformers when they need to be replaced or dried.

4.3.9. Unscrew the nuts from the input bolts, remove the input and gasket (dismantle the input only if necessary).

5. Preparation for defect detection and repair

5.1. Thoroughly clean the components and parts from dirt, old lubricant residues and corrosion-mechanical wear products, rinse in B-70 gasoline and dry for inspection and identification of defects.

5.2. Remove traces of corrosion, varnish, and paint with sandpaper, cleaning these areas to a metallic shine.

6. Technical requirements for defect detection and repair of circuit breaker parts and assemblies

6.1. Bolts, studs, nuts, threaded connections subject to rejection if there are:

a) cracks;

b) dents, nicks, chipping of more than two turns;

c) bent bolt (stud) more than 1 mm per 100 mm of length.

6.1.1. Edges and corners on bolt heads and nuts should not be crushed or cut off. If the edges are worn more than 0.5 mm (from the nominal size), the bolt or nut is rejected.

6.1.2. Holes for cotter pins in bolts and studs should not be clogged and should be noticeably enlarged.

6.1.3. When disassembling, serviceable studs should not be removed from parts. A tight and tight fit of the studs is checked by tapping. If a rattling sound is heard, then the pin should be unscrewed and the fit restored.

6.2. Shafts, axles.

6.2.1. Axles must be replaced if:

a) wear in diameter, ovality in places of wear;

b) axial curvature of more than 0.2 - 0.3 mm;

c) cracks, scuffs on the friction surfaces of shafts and axles;

d) saddles on the working friction surfaces of shafts and axles.

6.2.2. Shafts and axles should be straightened in a cold state with light blows of a hammer on a stable support. To prevent damage to parts, place wooden or lead spacers on the support and under the hammer. Check the curvature using a plumb line.

6.2.3. It is allowed to reduce the shaft, axle and ellipse of the part at the wear site by no more than 0.4 mm; check the diameter and ellipse of the shafts and axes with a micrometer.

6.2.4. It is allowed to increase the diameter of the holes and their ellipse by no more than 0.4 mm. Check the diameter and ellipse of the hole with a caliper.

6.2.5. Remove burrs on the surfaces of the axles carefully with a fine file or sandpaper.

6.2.6. Saddles and dents on the working surfaces of the axles are determined by measuring the smallest diameter in deformed areas. Filing of saddles and dents on working surfaces is not allowed.

6.3. Lock washers and spring washers must be discarded:

a) in the presence of cracks and fractures;

b) with loss of elasticity;

c) if the spread of the spring washers is less than one and a half of its thickness.

6.3.1. The normal spread of the washer is equal to twice its thickness, the acceptable one is one and a half.

6.3.2. If the fit is loosened or the alignment pins are worn, expand the hole under them and install repair size pins.

6.4. Cylindrical coil springs are subject to rejection if:

a) cracks and breaks;

b) uneven pitch of coils along the entire length of the spring of more than 10%;

c) deviations of the spring axis from the perpendicular to the end plane of more than 5 mm per 100 mm of length;

d) loss of spring elasticity is allowed within 5 - 10% of the normal value.

6.5. Seals.

6.5.1. Self-clamping oil seals are subject to rejection if:

a) dents, deep scratches and others mechanical damage housings and covers;

b) cracks, cuts, tears, deep scratches on the surface of the cuff in contact with the shaft;

c) loose fit of the oil seal seal in the housing;

d) breakage or damage to the spring.

6.5.2. All felt seals and seals must be replaced during major repairs.

6.6. Sealing gaskets.

6.6.1. Cardboard gaskets should not have any torn spots or tears.

6.6.2. The uneven thickness of the gasket should not exceed 0.1 mm along the entire length.

6.6.3. The surface of the gasket must be smooth, clean, without folds or wrinkles.

6.6.4. Rubber gaskets should not have cracks, shear, or residual deformation. If the listed defects are present or the gasket loses elasticity, replace it.

6.7. Current transformers

6.7.1. Measure the insulation resistance of the secondary winding with a megohmmeter for a voltage of 1000 V. The insulation resistance of the secondary winding with connected secondary circuits must be at least 1 MOhm.

6.7.2. Check the condition of insulation surfaces. Wrap the damaged areas with keeper tape, varnish with bakelite varnish, and dry.

6.8.1. Movable contact

Quantity per product - 3.

Position in the picture

Possible defect

Method for eliminating the defect

Burning, melting.

Melting more than permissible (to a depth of more than 2 mm)

File, clean


Thread damage

Restore with thread cutting tool

Inspection. Magnifying glass LP-1-7*


1. Cracks and deformation are not allowed.

3. After filing, indentations of no more than 0.5 mm are allowed.

6.8.2. Capacitor input (Fig.)

Quantity per product - 6.

Position in the picture

Possible defect

Method for identifying a defect and control tool

Method for eliminating the defect

Cracks, chips with a total area of ​​more than 10 cm2

Inspection. Measurement. Ruler


The same area up to 10 cm2

Inspection. Measurement. Ruler

Clean, degrease, coat with a layer of bakelite varnish

Oxidation, carbon deposits


Partial chipping of the putty of reinforcement joints

Finish with subsequent varnish coating

Cracks, peeling of mastic from the walls


Technical requirements to the repaired part

1. The insulation resistance must be at least 1000 MOhm.

2. Dielectric loss tangent tgd should be no more than 3% (at a temperature of 20 ± 5 ° C).

3. The bushing must withstand the high voltage test of 95 kV for 5 minutes.

4. Ohmic input resistance is no more than 60 μOhm.

6.8.3. Arc chamber (Fig.)

Quantity per product - 6.

Position in the picture

Possible defect

Method for identifying a defect and control tool

Method for eliminating the defect

Burning, melting and shells

File down, maintaining the original shape. Sinkholes on the contact surface with a depth of no more than 0.5 mm are allowed. Restore silver coating using electric spark method

Warping and burning of insulating plates


Burnout of more than 2/3 of the compound layer


More than 1/4 of the thickness of the flexible connection package is broken


Technical requirements for the repaired part

1. Cracks and deformations are not allowed.

2. Breaking the thread on more than one turn is not allowed.

3. Cut off torn sheets with a break less than 1/4 of the thickness.

Quantity per product - 3.

Position in the picture

Possible defect

Method for identifying a defect and control tool

Method for eliminating the defect

Oil indicator leaking

Replace the defective part, clean the oil indicator glass

Significant warping of in-tank insulation

Inspecting a tank that is not filled with oil


Eliminate by editing

Cracks in welds

Inspecting the oil-filled tank

Eliminate with tea leaves

Damage to anti-corrosion coating

Clean damaged areas, degrease, restore coating

Oil drain valve leaking

Coat with putty and paint with oil paint

Technical requirements for the repaired part

Cracks and deformations are not allowed.

7. Assembling the circuit breaker components

7.1. Installation of entries

7.1.1. Place the gasket on the cover hole under the input flange, lift the input onto the switch, carefully install it into the cover hole, center until the axes of the mounting holes coincide. Finally adjust the input position. Secure the inlet to the cover with bolts and nuts and washers. To avoid transfer, tighten the nuts alternately diagonally.

7.2. Assembly of arc extinguishing device and contact system

7.2.1. Attach flexible connections 4 to holder 3 (see Fig.) and fixed contact 6. Make sure that the ends of the bolts securing the flexible connections do not go inside the annular recess of the cup in which spring 5 is located.

7.2.2. Install spring 5, screw in the guide bolt. Make sure that the cuts of the bolt head are located opposite the holes in the wall of the brass glass.

7.2.3. Install housing 2, secure with bolts to holder 3.

7.2.4. Assemble a set of insulating plates 7, secure them to the body with 2 insulated bolts.

7.2.5. Lift the screen and place it on the bottom of the bakelite bushing.

7.2.6. Install the camera onto the current-carrying input rod and secure it using pads and bolts.

7.2.7. Check the camera installation dimensions:

Deviation from the vertical ± 1 mm at the full height of the camera;

The distance from the camera to the axis of the guide pipe is within 90 ± 1 mm.

In this case, the moving contacts must move in the chamber without touching its walls.

Adjustment is made by changing the position of the camera on the current-carrying rod.

7.2.8. Fix the position of the camera on the current-carrying input rod with a locking screw.

7.2.9. Place screen 1 on the camera and secure it with bolts.

8. Switch adjustment

8.1. Check the operation of the drive mechanism. Turn on the switch slowly using a DV-33 jack. At the same time, check whether there are areas where the moving system is stuck and an increase in the muscular effort required to turn on is felt. During the switching process (during the entire stroke), loosen the force on the jack handle several times, creating the opportunity reverse mobile system.

Check whether the moving system of the switch will stop (freeze) in any intermediate position.

8.2. Check the correct position of the drive mechanism levers using a template (Fig. ).

When the levers are in the correct position, the axles of the drive mechanism should touch the template. An undershoot of the middle axis relative to the template line by 2 - 3 mm is allowed.

Attention! The transition of the middle axis beyond the template line towards the thrust pin is not allowed.

8.3. Non-compliance with the axle position pattern can be adjusted by shortening or lengthening the rods between the drive mechanisms of different phases by screwing in their tips.

If there is an equal discrepancy between the pattern of all three phases, adjustment should be made by changing the length of the vertical rod going to the drive.

8.4. Check the gap (1.5 - 2 mm) between the drive mechanism lever and the thrust pin.

Adjust the position of the stop pin in the on position of the switch.

8.5. Check the full stroke of the moving contact.

With the switch in the “on” position, make a mark on the rod at the lower end of the guide pipe. Turn off the switch and mark the rod again.

The full stroke of the rod is 270 - 280 mm.

8.6. Check the simultaneous closure of the pole contacts (discrepancy of no more than 2 mm is allowed), the closure of contacts between poles (divergence of no more than 4 mm).


a) lowering or raising cameras with fixed contacts;

b) screwing or unscrewing the movable contacts (rods) in the traverse liners.

8.7. Measure the contact resistance of each pole (no more than 300 μOhm). Measure with the secondary winding of the current transformers closed to the operating load or short-circuited.

8.8. Take a vibration record, check the speed of movement of the moving contacts of the switch (without oil) when turning it off and on:

at the moment of contact opening - 1.7 - 2.3 m/s and 1.8 - 2.6 m/s; maximum - 3.0 - 3.6 m/s and 2.1 - 5.9 m/s, respectively.

It is recommended to check simultaneity, contact travel (pressure - 16 ± 1 mm), and take speed and time characteristics using a remote control (Fig. ).

9. Drive repair

9.1. Drive Inspection

9.1.1. Clean and inspect all accessible parts of the drive from dust, dirt and old grease, check:

a) the condition of the axles and springs;

b) drive mount;

c) degree of corrosion of parts;

d) absence of dents and hardening on working surfaces.

Carry out defect detection and repair of drive parts in accordance with Section. .

9.1.2. Check for distortion and jamming of the electromagnet cores.

9.1.3. Pay attention to the reliability of the connections and their fastening.

9.1.4. Pay special attention to the presence in all links of the transmission mechanisms of devices that prevent spontaneous unscrewing (lock nuts, spring washers, etc.).

9.1.5. Inspect the block contacts KBO and KKB. Pay attention to the condition of the moving and fixed contacts, springs, clamps, contact screws, rods and levers.

9.1.6. Specify the final scope of drive repair. Disassemble the drive only if faults are detected that interfere with further normal operation of the drive.

9.2. Drive regulation

Attention! To avoid injury in the event of accidental shutdown during drive adjustment, it is necessary to screw the safety bolt 6 (Fig. ) all the way to the shutdown pawl 5. When shutting down or completing the adjustment, unscrew bolt 6, setting the gap to 13 - 15 mm.

9.2.1. Maintain gaps and recesses of pawls in accordance with Fig. . Adjust the drop value of 5 - 8 mm of the disconnecting pawl 5 with bolt 2 and screw 4.

9.2.2. Check the reliability of engagement of lever 3 with the latch when the release pawl 5 rests against bolt 6. Adjust with bolt 1.

9.2.3. Check that the position of the KBB and KBO contacts corresponds to the position of the switch. The on position of the switch must correspond to the off position of the KBB contact and the on position of the KBO contact.

9.2.4. Check the opening of the KBV block contacts at the end of the drive activation stroke. The test is carried out at a minimum voltage (93.5/187 V) at the terminals of the switching electromagnet at the moment of switching on.

9.2.5. Adjust the gap between the pawls and ratchets at the block contacts in accordance with Fig. . The adjustment is made by moving the fork 4 (Fig. ) along the rod 3 and moving the threaded pin 2. The fork 4 should rotate on the rod 3.

Attention! To avoid damage to the transmission links of the block contacts, be careful when adjusting and attach the rod to the levers only after first checking its length in both extreme positions of the drive.

9.2.6. Coat the core of the switching electromagnet with a special lubricant (one part CIATIM-203 and one part amorphous or silver graphite).

10. Final assembly and testing of the circuit breaker

10.1. Clean the tank from dirt, wipe it, check the serviceability of the internal insulation.

10.2. Check the serviceability of the oil drain valves and electric heating. Turn on the tubular heaters at a voltage equal to 50% of the nominal voltage for 2 hours - for drying.

10.3. Install a removable winch, put the winch cable on the tank rollers 3 (see fig.) and use the winch to lift the tanks and secure them.

10.4. Measure the shaft rotation angle, which should be 57°.

10.5. Fill the tanks with oil, the breakdown voltage of which is not lower than 35 kV. When filling, check the operation of the oil indicators and check for leaks. After filling and settling the oil, take a sample. The breakdown voltage of the oil must be at least 30 kV.

10.6. Paint the switch.

10.7. Connect tire deflations.

10.8. Determine the minimum voltage of the closing electromagnet at which the drive is able to turn on the switch without load.

10.9. Determine the lowest voltage of the tripping electromagnet at which the drive is able to trip the circuit breaker.

10.10. Check the joint operation of the switch with the drive by turning the switch on and off five times.

10.11. Before commissioning, test the switch with a voltage of 95 kV for 1 minute.

Annex 1

List of tools required for overhaul of the circuit breaker



Standard designation

Quantity, pcs.

1. Wrenches with open mouths, bilateral:

Key 7811-0003

Key 7811-0021

Key 7811-0022

Key 7811-0023

Key 7811-0025

2. Open-end wrenches, single-sided:

Key 7811-0142

Key 7811-0146

3. Pipe lever wrench No. 1

4. Combination pliers, 200 mm long

Pliers, 200

5. Flat, blunt-nosed file

File 2820-0029

File 2820-0029

6. Screwdriver for mechanics

Screwdriver 7810-0309

7. Bench hammer, steel, weighing 400 g

Hammer 7850-0034

8. Metric measuring ruler

Line 1-500

Line 1-150

9. Vernier caliper

10. Bar level

Level 150 mm long

13. Manual jack

14. Device for taking vibrograms

15. Template

16. Electric drill

17. Drills with a diameter of 6; 8 mm

18. Taps

Appendix 2

List of devices used during repairs

Name and designation

Purpose and a brief description of

1. Portable bridge - MD-16

Device for measuring capacitance and dielectric loss angle tgd

2. Megaohmmeter M-1101

1000 V insulation resistance measurement

3. Microohmmeter M-246

Measuring contact resistance

4. Vibrograph

Vibrogram removal, 12 V

5. Voltmeter E-L5

0-600 V, class 0.5

6. Switch adjustment panel.

Development of the Yuzhenergoremont enterprise

Checking the simultaneous closure of contacts of a pole and between poles, taking characteristics, power supply of a vibrograph, lighting

7. Installation for silvering by electrospark method EFI-54

Restoration of silver-plated contact surfaces (in the workshop only). The thickness of the applied layer is 0.01 mm. Maximum productivity up to 10 cm2/min

8. Folding pocket magnifying glass LP-1-7*

9. RSPS dual resistor

340 ohms ± 10%

1 A - in series

2 A - parallel

Appendix 3

Standards for material consumption for major repairs of a circuit breaker


Standard designation

Consumption rate for repairing one circuit breaker

Transformer oil TKp, kg

Grease CIATIM-203, kg

Aviation gasoline B-70, l

Wiping rags, kg

Sanding paper, different, m2

Paint yellow, red, green, gray, kg

Of necessity

Electrical insulating cardboard EM, 1 mm thick, kg

Technical sheet rubber, kg:

Bakelite varnish, kg

Different cotter pins, kg

Drying oil oxol, kg

Putty, kg

Tow, kg

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RD 34.47.604


"Uralelektrotyazhmash" Glavenergoremont


1. Introduction

1.1. The manual for the overhaul of the oil switch MKP-35-1000-25* is technical document, compliance with the requirements of which is mandatory for personnel performing major repairs of the circuit breaker.

c) rules for accepting equipment for repair and repair;

d) criteria for assessing the quality of repair work.

1.4. The manual was developed based on the technical documentation of the manufacturer.

2. Organization of work to repair the circuit breaker

2.1. General provisions

2.1.1. The composition of the team (link) for repairing the circuit breaker is established depending on the intended scope of work (the duration of repair work is determined by the network repair schedule).

2.1.2. The timing of repair work should be determined taking into account the following:

a) the composition of the team must correspond to the technological repair scheme. Changing the composition of the team until the repair is completed is not allowed;

b) continuous workload of individual performers and the team as a whole is ensured;

c) to ensure the completion of repair work within the established time frame, it is recommended to issue standardized task plans and use the aggregate-unit method of repair using the exchange stock of parts;

d) the work schedule of repair personnel should be subject to the maximum reduction in the duration of repair work.

2.1.3. The manual provides for a repair team of 4 people: electricians of the 5th category - 1 person, 3rd category - 2 people, 2nd category - 1 person.

2.1.4. Labor costs for major repairs of the circuit breaker are determined on the basis of the “Time standards for major, current repairs and operational maintenance of equipment for substations 35 - 500 kV and distribution networks 0.4 - 20 kV,” approved by the USSR Ministry of Energy in 1971.

Standards for overhaul of oil switch MKP-35-1000-25 (without changing inputs) - 41.8 man-hours, with changing inputs - 52 man-hours.

2.2. Preparation for repair

2.2.1. Preparation for major repairs is carried out in accordance with the specific scope of work provided for this type of equipment.

2.2.2. Before the start of repairs, a team of workers with appropriate qualifications who have undergone training, knowledge testing and instructions on the rules of safe work is staffed.

2.2.3. Before starting work, the team is given a planned task with a specific list of work and an indication of its volume, labor costs and completion date, as well as technological instructions and requirements.

2.2.4. Before starting repairs you must:

a) prepare a set of plumbing tools, as well as instruments and measuring tools (Appendices 1, 2);

b) prepare basic and auxiliary materials, spare parts for repairs (Appendices 3, 4); The list and quantity of materials should be specified in accordance with the scope of work;

c) prepare and check protective equipment;

d) coordinate the work procedure with other teams performing related work.

2.2.5. The performers, together with the repair manager, after drawing up a general work order for the repair of the circuit breaker, must:

a) make sure that all measures to ensure the safety of work are carried out correctly and completely;

b) carry out all fire safety measures.

2.3. Quality control of repair work

2.3.1. Quality control of repair work by the contractor is carried out in the following order:

a) check, together with the repair manager, the condition of each assembly unit during the repair. In this case, the manager must give instructions on repair methods and supplement (clarify) the technical requirements for repairs, according to which the assembly unit will be accepted from repair and the quality of repair work will be assessed;

b) finished hidden work and present the completed intermediate operations to the manager for acceptance and quality assessment;

c) after completing all repair work, present the circuit breaker for final acceptance.

2.3.2. The final acceptance of the product as a whole is carried out by representatives of the operational department together with the repair manager, for which a technical repair report is drawn up, which is signed by representatives of both parties.

3. Acceptance of the circuit breaker for repair

3.1. Before the start of a major overhaul, a commission of representatives of the operational and repair departments, with the obligatory participation of the repair manager, checks the state of readiness for repair:

a) availability of a statement of the volume of capital repair work;

b) availability of materials, spare parts, special equipment and tools;

c) the state of safety measures, labor protection and fire safety;

d) availability of a capital repair schedule.

3.2. When accepting the circuit breaker for repair, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the list of defects and the scope of work performed during the previous major overhaul and during the period between repairs.

Technical data of the oil switch MKP-35-1000-25
(meets the requirements of GOST 687-70)

Voltage, kB:

nominal 35

highest working 40.5

Rated current, A 1000

Limit through current, kA:

effective value of periodic component 25

amplitude 63

Limit thermal stability current, kA 25

Rated shutdown current, kA 25

Shutdown power, MV-A 1750

Thermal stability current flow time, s 4

Permissible number of short circuit trips without circuit breaker inspection 5

Weight, kg:

switch with drive (without oil) 2750/2830

drive 310

transformer oil 800

Technical data of the electromagnetic drive PE-31
(meets the requirements of GOST 688-67)

Nominal voltage of the electromagnet, V:

including 110/220

disconnecting 110/220

Limits of operational operation of the drive in terms of voltage at the terminals of its windings, % of the nominal:

closing electromagnet 85 - 110

disconnecting electromagnet 65 - 120

Current consumption of the electromagnet winding at an ambient temperature of 20 °C, A:

including 248/124

disconnecting 10/5

Current consumption of the contactor switching winding at a voltage of 110/220 V, A 2/1

Resistance of electromagnet windings, Ohm:

including (one section) 0.85 - 0.92

disconnecting (one section) 20.25 - 23.75

4. Disassembling the switch

4.1. General instructions for defecating the circuit breaker

4.1.1. Inspect the switch, make sure there are no oil leaks. If there is a leak, determine the cause.

4.1.2. Check that the switch frame is installed correctly and its upper base is horizontal.

4.1.3. Inspect the fastening of the frame to the foundation (anchor bolts must have locknuts). The frame must be reliably grounded with a steel strip with a cross-section of at least 25×4 mm.

4.1.4. Check the condition of the winch and cable.

4.1.5. Make sure the safety valve rupture screw is intact.

4.1.6. Carry out several test switches on and off; determine the preliminary scope of repairs.

4.2. Disassembly and assembly of bushings that cannot be replaced

4.2.1. Disconnect the tires.

4.2.2. Unscrew the locking screws 2 (Fig. 1), unscrew the nuts 1 and the cap with tip 3.

4.2.3. Unscrew the locking screw II from the nut 10, remove the gasket (brass washer) 4, the centering washer 5 and the gasket 6.

Note. Work according to clause 4.2 should be carried out with the switch in the on position in order to avoid turning the current-carrying rod 9 in the capacitor sleeve 8.

4.2.4. Unscrew the nuts. Remove casing 7.

4.2.5. Carry out fault detection of inputs in accordance with clause 6.8.

4.2.6. Install casing 7, screw on the nuts.

4.2.7. Install rubber gasket 6, centering washer 5, gasket (brass washer) 4, screw in nut 10, screw in locking screw 11.

4.2.8. Screw on the cap with tip 3, nuts 1 and screw in locking screws 2.

4.3. General operational disassembly of the circuit breaker

4.3.1. Drain the oil from the switch tanks into a previously prepared container. Check the operation of the oil indicators.

4.3.2. Turn off the oil heating device in the tanks.

4.3.3. Place the cable on the rollers 3 of the tank (Fig. 2), and pull it lightly. Unscrew the nuts from the bolts securing the tank, remove the washers, lower tank 1 until the cable is completely loosened, remove the cable from the tank rollers. The tanks of the other two phases are lowered similarly.

4.3.4. Unscrew the bolts securing screen 1 (Fig. 3), lower the screen until it stops against the traverse.

4.3.5. Unscrew the bolts securing the housing 2 to the holder 3, lower the housing with the camera.

4.3.6. Lift the screen and place it on the bottom of the bakelite bushing. Take out the body and camera, then remove the screen.

4.3.7. Disconnect the outer and inner ends connected to current transformer 2 (see Fig. 2). Check for markings first. If not available, apply.

4.3.8. Unscrew the nuts and remove the current transformers.

Note. Only remove current transformers when they need to be replaced or dried.

4.3.9. Unscrew the nuts from the input bolts, remove the input and gasket (dismantle the input only if necessary).

5. Preparation for defect detection and repair

5.1. Thoroughly clean the components and parts from dirt, old lubricant residues and corrosion-mechanical wear products, rinse in B-70 gasoline and dry for inspection and identification of defects.

5.2. Remove traces of corrosion, varnish, and paint with sandpaper, cleaning these areas to a metallic shine.

6. Technical requirements for defect detection and repair of circuit breaker parts and assemblies

6.1. Bolts, studs, nuts, threaded connections are subject to rejection if:

a) cracks;

b) dents, nicks, chipping of more than two turns;

c) bent bolt (stud) more than 1 mm per 100 mm of length.

6.1.1. Edges and corners on bolt heads and nuts should not be crushed or cut off. If the edges are worn more than 0.5 mm (from the nominal size), the bolt or nut is rejected.

6.1.2. Holes for cotter pins in bolts and studs should not be clogged and should be noticeably enlarged.

6.1.3. When disassembling, serviceable studs should not be removed from parts. A tight and tight fit of the studs is checked by tapping. If a rattling sound is heard, then the pin should be unscrewed and the fit restored.

6.2. Shafts, axles.

6.2.1. Axles must be replaced if:

a) wear in diameter, ovality in places of wear;

b) axial curvature of more than 0.2 - 0.3 mm;

c) cracks, scuffs on the friction surfaces of shafts and axles;

d) saddles on the working friction surfaces of shafts and axles.

6.2.2. Shafts and axles should be straightened in a cold state with light blows of a hammer on a stable support. To prevent damage to parts, place wooden or lead spacers on the support and under the hammer. Check the curvature using a plumb line.

6.2.3. It is allowed to reduce the shaft, axle and ellipse of the part at the wear site by no more than 0.4 mm; check the diameter and ellipse of the shafts and axes with a micrometer.

6.2.4. It is allowed to increase the diameter of the holes and their ellipse by no more than 0.4 mm. Check the diameter and ellipse of the hole with a caliper.

6.2.5. Remove burrs on the surfaces of the axles carefully with a fine file or sandpaper.

6.2.6. Saddles and dents on the working surfaces of the axles are determined by measuring the smallest diameter in deformed areas. Filing of saddles and dents on working surfaces is not allowed.

6.3. Lock washers and spring washers must be discarded:

a) in the presence of cracks and fractures;

b) with loss of elasticity;

c) if the spread of the spring washers is less than one and a half of its thickness.

6.3.1. The normal spread of the washer is equal to twice its thickness, the acceptable one is one and a half.

6.3.2. If the fit is loosened or the alignment pins are worn, expand the hole under them and install repair size pins.

6.4. Cylindrical coil springs are subject to rejection if:

a) cracks and breaks;

b) uneven pitch of coils along the entire length of the spring of more than 10%;

c) deviations of the spring axis from the perpendicular to the end plane of more than 5 mm per 100 mm of length;

d) loss of spring elasticity is allowed within 5 - 10% of the normal value.

6.5. Seals.

6.5.1. Self-clamping oil seals are subject to rejection if:

a) dents, deep scratches and other mechanical damage to the body and cover;

b) cracks, cuts, tears, deep scratches on the surface of the cuff in contact with the shaft;

c) loose fit of the oil seal seal in the housing;

d) breakage or damage to the spring.

6.5.2. All felt seals and seals must be replaced during major repairs.

6.6. Sealing gaskets.

6.6.1. Cardboard gaskets should not have any torn spots or tears.

6.6.2. The uneven thickness of the gasket should not exceed 0.1 mm along the entire length.

6.6.3. The surface of the gasket must be smooth, clean, without folds or wrinkles.

6.6.4. Rubber gaskets should not have cracks, shear, or residual deformation. If the listed defects are present or the gasket loses elasticity, replace it.

6.7. Current transformers

6.7.1. Measure the insulation resistance of the secondary winding with a megohmmeter for a voltage of 1000 V. The insulation resistance of the secondary winding with connected secondary circuits must be at least 1 MOhm.

6.7.2. Check the condition of insulation surfaces. Wrap the damaged areas with keeper tape, varnish with bakelite varnish, and dry.

6.8. Technical requirements for defect detection and repair of circuit breaker assembly units.

6.8.1. Movable contact

Quantity per product - 3.

1. Cracks and deformation are not allowed.

3. After filing, indentations of no more than 0.5 mm are allowed.

6.8.2. Capacitor input (Fig. 1)

Quantity per product - 6.

Position in the picture

Possible defect

Method for eliminating the defect

Cracks, chips with a total area of ​​more than 10 cm2

Inspection. Measurement. Ruler


The same area up to 10 cm 2

Inspection. Measurement. Ruler

Clean, degrease, coat with a layer of bakelite varnish

Oxidation, carbon deposits


Partial chipping of the putty of reinforcement joints

Finish with subsequent varnish coating

Cracks, peeling of mastic from the walls


Technical requirements for the repaired part

1. The insulation resistance must be at least 1000 MOhm.

2. Dielectric loss tangent tgd should be no more than 3% (at a temperature of 20 × 5 °C).

3. The bushing must withstand the high voltage test of 95 kV for 5 minutes.

4. Ohmic input resistance is no more than 60 μOhm.

6.8.3. Arc chute (Fig. 3)

Quantity per product - 6.

Position in the picture

Possible defect

Method for identifying a defect and control tool

Method for eliminating the defect

Burning, melting and shells

File down, maintaining the original shape. Sinkholes on the contact surface with a depth of no more than 0.5 mm are allowed. Restore silver coating using electric spark method

Warping and burning of insulating plates


Burnout of more than 2/3 of the compound layer


More than 1/4 of the thickness of the flexible connection package is broken


Technical requirements for the repaired part

1. Cracks and deformations are not allowed.

2. Breaking the thread on more than one turn is not allowed.

3. Cut off torn sheets with a break less than 1/4 of the thickness.

6.8.4. Tank (item 1 fig. 2)

Quantity per product - 3.

Position in the picture

Possible defect

Method for identifying a defect and control tool

Method for eliminating the defect

Oil indicator leaking

Replace the defective part, clean the oil indicator glass

Significant warping of in-tank insulation

Inspecting a tank that is not filled with oil


Eliminate by editing

Cracks in welds

Inspecting the oil-filled tank

Eliminate with tea leaves

Damage to anti-corrosion coating

Clean damaged areas, degrease, restore coating

Oil drain valve leaking

Coat with putty and paint with oil paint

Technical requirements for the repaired part

Cracks and deformations are not allowed.

7. Assembly components switch

7.1. Installation of entries

7.1.1. Place the gasket on the cover hole under the input flange, lift the input onto the switch, carefully install it into the cover hole, center until the axes of the mounting holes coincide. Finally adjust the input position. Secure the inlet to the cover with bolts and nuts and washers. To avoid transfer, tighten the nuts alternately diagonally.

7.2. Assembly of arc extinguishing device and contact system

7.2.1. Attach flexible connections 4 to holder 3 (see Fig. 3) and fixed contact 6. Make sure that the ends of the bolts securing the flexible connections do not go inside the annular recess of the cup in which spring 5 is located.

7.2.2. Install spring 5, screw in the guide bolt. Make sure that the cuts of the bolt head are located opposite the holes in the wall of the brass glass.

7.2.3. Install housing 2, secure with bolts to holder 3.

7.2.4. Assemble a set of insulating plates 7, secure them to the body with 2 insulated bolts.

7.2.5. Lift the screen and place it on the bottom of the bakelite bushing.

7.2.6. Install the camera onto the current-carrying input rod and secure it using pads and bolts.

7.2.7. Check the camera installation dimensions:

Deviation from the vertical ± 1 mm at the full height of the camera;

The distance from the camera to the axis of the guide pipe is within 90 ± 1 mm.

In this case, the moving contacts must move in the chamber without touching its walls.

Adjustment is made by changing the position of the camera on the current-carrying rod.

7.2.8. Fix the position of the camera on the current-carrying input rod with a locking screw.

7.2.9. Place screen 1 on the camera and secure it with bolts.

8. Switch adjustment

8.1. Check the operation of the drive mechanism. Turn on the switch slowly using a DV-33 jack. At the same time, check whether there are areas where the moving system is stuck and an increase in the muscular effort required to turn on is felt. During the switching process (during the entire stroke), loosen the force on the jack handle several times, creating the possibility of reverse motion of the moving system.

Check whether the moving system of the switch will stop (freeze) in any intermediate position.

8.2. Check the correct position of the drive mechanism levers using a template (Fig. 4).

When the levers are in the correct position, the axles of the drive mechanism should touch the template. An undershoot of the middle axis relative to the template line by 2 - 3 mm is allowed.

Attention! The transition of the middle axis beyond the template line towards the thrust pin is not allowed.

8.3. Non-compliance with the axle position pattern can be adjusted by shortening or lengthening the rods between the drive mechanisms of different phases by screwing in their tips.

If there is an equal discrepancy between the pattern of all three phases, adjustment should be made by changing the length of the vertical rod going to the drive.

8.4. Check the gap (1.5 - 2 mm) between the drive mechanism lever and the thrust pin.

Adjust the position of the stop pin in the on position of the switch.

8.5. Check the full stroke of the moving contact.

With the switch in the “on” position, make a mark on the rod at the lower end of the guide pipe. Turn off the switch and mark the rod again.

The full stroke of the rod is 270 - 280 mm.

8.6. Check the simultaneous closure of the pole contacts (discrepancy of no more than 2 mm is allowed), the closure of contacts between poles (divergence of no more than 4 mm).


a) lowering or raising cameras with fixed contacts;

b) screwing or unscrewing the movable contacts (rods) in the traverse liners.

8.7. Measure the contact resistance of each pole (no more than 300 μOhm). Measure with the secondary winding of the current transformers closed to the operating load or short-circuited.

8.8. Take a vibration record, check the speed of movement of the moving contacts of the switch (without oil) when turning it off and on:

at the moment of contact opening - 1.7 - 2.3 m/s and 1.8 - 2.6 m/s; maximum - 3.0 - 3.6 m/s and 2.1 - 5.9 m/s, respectively.

It is recommended to check simultaneity, contact travel (pressing in - 16 ± 1 mm), and take speed and time characteristics using the remote control (Fig. 5).

9. Drive repair

9.1. Drive Inspection

9.1.1. Clean and inspect all accessible parts of the drive from dust, dirt and old grease, check:

a) the condition of the axles and springs;

b) drive mount;

c) degree of corrosion of parts;

d) absence of dents and hardening on working surfaces.

Carry out defect detection and repair of drive parts in accordance with Section. 6.

9.1.2. Check for distortion and jamming of the electromagnet cores.

9.1.3. Pay attention to the reliability of the connections and their fastening.

9.1.4. Convert Special attention for the presence in all links of transmission mechanisms of devices that prevent spontaneous unscrewing (lock nuts, spring washers, etc.).

9.1.5. Inspect the block contacts KBO and KKB. Pay attention to the condition of the moving and fixed contacts, springs, clamps, contact screws, rods and levers.

9.1.6. Specify the final scope of drive repair. Disassemble the drive only if faults are detected that interfere with further normal operation of the drive.

9.2. Drive regulation

Attention! To avoid injury in case of accidental shutdown during drive adjustment, it is necessary to screw the safety bolt 6 (Fig. 6) all the way to the shutdown pawl 5. When shutting down or completing the adjustment, unscrew bolt 6, setting the gap to 13 - 15 mm.

9.2.1. Maintain gaps and recesses of pawls in accordance with Fig. 6. Adjust the drop value of 5 - 8 mm of the disconnecting pawl 5 with bolt 2 and screw 4.

9.2.2. Check the reliability of engagement of lever 3 with the latch when the release pawl 5 rests against bolt 6. Adjust with bolt 1.

9.2.3. Check that the position of the KBB and KBO contacts corresponds to the position of the switch. The on position of the switch must correspond to the off position of the KBB contact and the on position of the KBO contact.

9.2.4. Check the opening of the KBV block contacts at the end of the drive activation stroke. The test is carried out at a minimum voltage (93.5/187 V) at the terminals of the switching electromagnet at the moment of switching on.

9.2.5. Adjust the gap between the pawls and ratchets at the block contacts in accordance with Fig. 7. Adjustment is made by moving the fork 4 (Fig. 8) along the rod 3 and moving the threaded pin 2. The fork 4 should rotate on the rod 3.

Attention! To avoid damage to the transmission links of the block contacts, be careful when adjusting and attach the rod to the levers only after first checking its length in both extreme positions of the drive.

9.2.6. Coat the core of the switching electromagnet with a special lubricant (one part CIATIM-203 and one part amorphous or silver graphite).

10. Final assembly and circuit breaker testing

10.1. Clean the tank from dirt, wipe it, check the serviceability of the internal insulation.

10.2. Check the serviceability of the oil drain valves and electric heating. Turn on the tubular heaters at a voltage equal to 50% of the nominal voltage for 2 hours - for drying.

10.3. Install a removable winch, put the winch cable on the tank rollers 3 (see Fig. 2) and use the winch to lift the tanks and secure them.

10.4. Measure the shaft rotation angle, which should be 57°.

10.5. Fill the tanks with oil, the breakdown voltage of which is not lower than 35 kV. When filling, check the operation of the oil indicators and check for leaks. After filling and settling the oil, take a sample. The breakdown voltage of the oil must be at least 30 kV.

10.6. Paint the switch.

10.7. Connect tire deflations.

10.8. Determine the minimum voltage of the closing electromagnet at which the drive is able to turn on the switch without load.

10.9. Determine the lowest voltage of the tripping electromagnet at which the drive is able to trip the circuit breaker.

10.10. Check the joint operation of the switch with the drive by turning the switch on and off five times.

10.11. Before commissioning, test the switch with a voltage of 95 kV for 1 minute.

Annex 1

List of tools required for overhaul of the circuit breaker



Standard designation

Quantity, pcs.

1. Open-end wrenches, double-sided:

Key 7811-0003

Key 7811-0021

Key 7811-0022

Key 7811-0023

Key 7811-0025

2. Open-end wrenches, single-sided:

Key 7811-0142

Key 7811-0146

3. Pipe lever wrench No. 1

4. Combination pliers, 200 mm long

Pliers, 200

5. Flat, blunt-nosed file

File 2820-0029

File 2820-0029

6. Screwdriver for mechanics

Screwdriver 7810-0309

7. Bench hammer, steel, weighing 400 g

Hammer 7850-0034

8. Metric measuring ruler

Line 1-500

Line 1-150

9. Vernier caliper

10. Bar level

Level 150 mm long

13. Manual jack

14. Device for taking vibrograms

15. Template

16. Electric drill

17. Drills with a diameter of 6; 8 mm

18. Taps

Appendix 2

List of devices used during repairs

Name and designation

Purpose and brief description

1. Portable bridge - MD-16

Device for measuring capacitance and dielectric loss angle tgd

2. Megaohmmeter M-1101

1000 V insulation resistance measurement

3. Microohmmeter M-246

Measuring contact resistance

4. Vibrograph

Vibrogram removal, 12 V

5. Voltmeter E-L5

0-600 V, class 0.5

6. Switch adjustment panel.

Development of the Yuzhenergoremont enterprise

Checking the simultaneous closure of contacts of a pole and between poles, taking characteristics, power supply of a vibrograph, lighting

7. Installation for silvering by electrospark method EFI-54

Restoration of silver-plated contact surfaces (in the workshop only). The thickness of the applied layer is 0.01 mm. Maximum productivity up to 10 cm 2 /min

8. Folding pocket magnifying glass LP-1-7*

9. RSPS dual resistor

340 ohms ± 10%

1 A - in series

2 A - parallel

Appendix 3

Standards for material consumption for major repairs of a circuit breaker


Standard designation

Consumption rate for repairing one circuit breaker

Transformer oil TKp, kg

Grease CIATIM-203, kg

Aviation gasoline B-70, l

Wiping rags, kg

Sanding paper, different, m 2

Paint yellow, red, green, gray, kg

Of necessity

Electrical insulating cardboard EM, 1 mm thick, kg

Technical sheet rubber, kg:

Bakelite varnish, kg

Different cotter pins, kg

Drying oil oxol, kg

Putty, kg

Tow, kg

Red lead, kg

Keeper tape

Appendix 4

Spare parts kit available upon special order

Appendix 5

List of main indicators of the technical condition of the circuit breaker after major repairs

Power system (REU) _________________________________________________

Company _________________________________________________

key indicators technical condition circuit breaker after major repairs

Type ______________________ Manufacturer __________________________

Serial number _______________________ Year of manufacture ________________

Reason for repair ________(scheduled, extraordinary, after shutdown_________

maximum number of short circuits)______________________________


Start of repairs ____________________________ (date of)

Completion of repairs _________________________ (date of)

1. List of overhaul of circuit breaker assembly units (filled out for assembly units that required replacement or overhaul of parts)

2. Switch adjustment


Measurement results

Full stroke of moving contacts, taking into account the stroke in the buffer, mm

Stroke in contacts (pressing), mm

Different times of pole contact closure, mm, no more

Different times of contact closure between poles, mm, no more

Transition resistance of the current-carrying circuit, μOhm, no more

3. Testing a switch with an electromagnetic drive


Measurement results

Minimum switching voltage at the terminals of the switching coil, V, no more

Resistance of one section of the switching coil, Ohm

Resistance of one section of the trip coil, Ohm

Speed ​​of moving contacts, m/s

at the moment of opening


Speed ​​of moving contacts

when turned on and there is no oil in the tanks (at the moment the contacts close, maximum)

Rice. 8. Transmission from the drive shaft to high-speed contact blocks:

1 - shaft; 2 - finger; 3 - traction; 4 - fork

1. Introduction. 1

2. Organization of work to repair the circuit breaker. 1

3. Acceptance of the circuit breaker for repair. 3

4. Disassembling the switch. 4

5. Preparation for defect detection and repair. 5

6. Technical requirements for defect detection and repair of parts and assembly units of the circuit breaker. 5

7. Assembling the circuit breaker components. 9

8. Switch adjustment. 9

9. Drive repair. 10

10. Final assembly and testing of the circuit breaker. eleven

Appendix 1 List of tools required for major repairs of the circuit breaker. 12

Appendix 2 List of devices used during repairs. 12

Appendix 3 Material consumption standards for overhaul of circuit breakers. 13

Appendix 4 Set of spare parts supplied upon special order. 13

Appendix 5 List of main indicators of the technical condition of the circuit breaker after major repairs. 13


Oil circuit breakers of type VM-35 are manufactured for a rated current of 600 A with a maximum breaking power of 400 thousand kVA. Until 1941, switches were produced in the VM-35-N version for outdoor installation and VM-35-F for indoor installation. VM 35-F switches differ mainly in the inputs for indoor installation and smaller distances between phases. Currently, the manufacturer produces switches of the VM-35 type either with an electromagnetic drive (designation of the switch VMD-35) or with a manual automatic drive (designation of the switch VM-35). If necessary, iBM-35 type switches can be coupled with load or spring-load drives.

Oil circuit breakers of the MKP-35 type are produced for rated currents of 600 and 1000 A with a maximum shutdown power of 1000 thousand kVA. Switches of the MKP-35 type are connected to electromagnetic drives of the ShPE-2 or ShPS-30 types.

Switches of types VM-35 and MKP-35 are intended for open installation, but can also be installed indoors. The main technical data of the switches are given in table. I.

When the switch is on, the circuit passes from the upper contact tip of the input along the current-carrying rod to the fixed contact, to which the movable contact is pressed. Through it, the current passes to the second fixed contact and then to the upper contact tip of the other input. The moving contact is connected to the switch drive mechanism by an insulating rod passing through a guide bakelite pipe.

When the switch is turned off, the drive mechanism, under the action of the tripping springs, moves the movable contacts down, and the arc is extinguished simultaneously in two arc-extinguishing chambers. The moving contacts of the disconnected switch are located in the lower area near the bottom of the tank. In this case, reliable insulation is provided by oil.

When the switch is turned on, under the action of the drive, the tripping springs are stretched and at the same time the moving contacts are raised, closing with the fixed ones.

Table 1

Electrical characteristics



Rated voltage, kv



Highest operating voltage sq.



Rated current, A



1 000

Limit through current, ka:


effective value


a if slabs of oud



Thermal stability current, ka, For

period of time:


1 sec


5 sec





Maximum shutdown power, thousand.

kwa,at rated voltage, sq:

1 000






Mechanical geeks



Rotation angle of the drive shaft

lowness, hail



The gap between the lever and the stop when

the switch is in the on position,



The gap between the rod and the guide



mi, mm

Camera height mm



Control dimensions for installation

80 + 1

90± 1

measures (distance from the phase axis), mm . .

Movement of moving contacts mm. . .


Same for release switches up to

1941 mm



Stroke in working contacts (pressing), mm. .



The same switches produced before 1941,




Pressing the contact springs, to G. .



Different times of contact closure,



in phase


between phases



Contact resistance,



Mechanical characteristics



Shutdown speed m s/s:

at the moment of opening the contacts. .



at the moment the contacts leave the camera


maximum - . .



Switching speed m,"sec

Depending on the type


Weight, kg:

switch (without drive), not filled with oil


1 900

oils in three phases



switch with oil and drive

1 300-1 350

3 100-3 400

General form switches is shown in Fig. 1 and 2.

Each phase of the switch is mounted on its own cover and has a separate tank into which insulating oil is filled. The three phases of the switch are mounted on a common welded frame. The phase covers are connected by pipes. The frame contains a drum with a cable for lowering and raising the tanks. There is a winch on the drum shaft, and a cable is placed on the rollers of each tank. The location of the switch phase parts is shown in Fig. 3 and 4.

Rice. 1. General view of the VL1-35 switch.

Rice. 2. General view of the MKP-35 switch.
1 - cover; 2-tank 3 - input; 4 - frame; 5 - connecting pipe; 6- drum; 7 - winch; 8 - cabinet with drive.

Rice. 3. Section of the phase of the switch VL1-35.
1 - drive mechanism; 2 - oil indicator; 3 - guide pipe; 4 - screen; 5 - moving contact; 6 - oil drain valve; 7 - input; 8 - cover; 9 - current transformer; 10 - arc extinguishing chamber; 11 - tank; 12 - shaft;
13 - cotton wool bearing; 14 - connecting plug; 15 - input casing; 16- retaining ring; 17 - fixed contact; 18 - tank insulation.

Rice. 4. Section of the switch phase o
1 - drive mechanism; 2 - oil indicator-1el; 3 - guide pipe; 1 - screen;
5 - moving contact; 6 -- MafocnvcK valve; 7-input, “-cover; 9-current transformer; 10 - arc-extinguishing chamber; 11 - tank; 12 - frame; 13 - Bottom part drive cabinet;
14 - plug through which a rod is screwed into the end of the rod when taking vibrograms of the speed of movement of the rod;

Types of MV switches

Switch VMG133 (oil switch, low volume, pot switch) is designed for indoor installation. The moving contact is rod type, the fixed contact is socket type. To replace the VMG133, the VMG10 switch was released.

Switches MGG and MG (oil pot switch) are small-volume, with high rated currents, and have two parallel current-carrying circuits: the main and arc-extinguishing circuits.

When the switch is in the on position, both circuits operate in parallel, with the predominant part of the current passing through the main circuit, which has less resistance. When the circuit breaker is turned off, the contacts of the main circuit open before the arc extinguishing contacts.

The MG35 circuit breaker consists of three vertically located poles on one frame, where a drive mechanism common to the poles and boxes for current transformers, two per pole, are also fixed.

VMP circuit breakers (suspended oil circuit breaker) are produced for voltages up to 35 kV in versions for KSO and KRU. The switch is small-volume, the moving contact is rod, the fixed contact is socket.

VMK switches (low-oil column switch) are produced for voltages of 35-220 kV. The arcing device is attached to the top flange, the contact rods extend into it from the bottom up. The switch is controlled by a built-in pneumatic actuator located at the base.

Switches MKP, Ural (U) and S (multi-volume oil switches) for a voltage of 35 kV are produced in the form of three-pole devices, each pole of which is assembled on a separate cover and placed in a separate tank. The switch and drive are mounted on a common frame, to which a winch is attached for raising and lowering oil tanks.

Switches for 110 and 220 kV are produced in the form of separate poles (tanks). All these switches have built-in current transformers - from two to four per pole.

Drives for oil switches

Electromagnetic drive

The traction characteristic corresponds to the characteristic of the opposing forces of the oil switch. A powerful source of direct (or rectified) current is required. The cross-section of the supply cables, selected according to the voltage drop condition, turns out to be significant. Due to the high inductance of the electromagnet windings, the time

Oil switches 45 switching times are high (up to 1 s). Electromagnetic drives are also produced for alternating current. They are used primarily for low-power switches.

Spring drive

The energy required to turn on is stored in a powerful spring, which is wound either by hand or using a motor. low power(up to 1 kW). The traction force decreases towards the end of the activation stroke due to a decrease in spring deformation. The speed of the drive allows (automatic restart) and ( automatic switching on reserve).

The design advantage of the drive is the absence of a powerful source direct current, compressed gas tanks, valves and pneumatic equipment. The disadvantage is that it can only be used for relatively small, low-volume circuit breakers up to 110 kV.

Pneumatic drive

The energy is stored in a reservoir of compressed air, which drives a piston in the cylinder. The air flow allows for 5-6 switching operations without pumping. The traction force increases almost instantly and changes little. The traction characteristic can be adjusted. The short switching time makes it possible to use the drive for the most powerful switches. Disadvantage - the need to take special measures to ensure normal operation at low temperatures.

Pneumohydraulic drive

The energy required for switching is stored by compressing a gas (usually nitrogen). The use of hydraulics makes it possible to significantly lighten the moving part of the switch and obtain a compact mechanism. The activation time may be shorter than with pneumatic actuators. The drive allows easy manual activation.

The temperature range of normal operation is practically unlimited. Under certain conditions, manual drives can be used that turn the switch on and off by pressing the hand on the lever or flywheel of the drive; in addition, shutdown can be automatic or remote. A fully assembled and inspected oil switch is checked by installation personnel for simultaneous closing and opening of the contacts, the stroke of the moving part, the contact pressure and the stroke are measured.

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