Game-entertainment for children of middle preschool age "visiting a fairy tale. Entertainment for children of the middle group" Traveling through fairy tales

Anastasia Krasnoshchekova
Summary of entertainment in the middle group "Travel to the land of fairy tales"

I spent my leisure time without the participation of the character (Baba Yaga) and played up this moment with a letter from her. If you wish, you can spend your leisure time with the character, slightly making changes. At the end of the day, the children were in for a surprise moment - the medals "Expert in fairy tales", downloaded from our beloved MAAM, by the way.

Preliminary work: reading and talking about the content of Russians folk tales, viewing illustrations, watching cartoons, conversations on the material read and viewed.

Target: To consolidate, clarify and systematize the knowledge of children about fairy tales in a playful way.


Educational area "Speech development":

Expand words knowledge

To form skills of dramatization (to develop the intonational culture of speech)

Educational area "Social and communicative development":

To foster an emotional-figurative perception of fairy tales, to evoke a positive emotional response

Accept the task set by the educator; act according to the rules

Cultivate friendships in a team when completing joint assignments

Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development":

To foster an interest in reading, love for oral folk art.

Educational area "Physical development":

Promote development motor activity children.

Perform movements in accordance with the words during physical education

Educational area "Cognitive development":

Strengthen children's knowledge of literary works read

Develop ingenuity and ingenuity, logical thinking, promote the development of attention, memory through various tasks;

To form the ability to compose a whole from separate parts;

Material: An envelope with a letter, hats of a fox, a bear, a wolf, a hare, a rooster, a frog and a mouse, a presentation on the fairy tales "From which fairy tale is a hero or an object", cut pictures based on fairy tales, a CD-record of the song "Look out the window" Grandma-Hedgehog.

Leisure course:

There is a knock at the door - a letter from Baba Yaga is brought into the group. “Hello, dear kids, I heard that you know a lot of different fairy tales. Today I will check you! "

-Teacher: Children do you like fairy tales?

I suggest you go on a journey through fairy tales and complete all the tasks from the grandmother-yaga.

We will go along the path, We will get straight into a fairy tale.

We walked on tiptoes, everyone kept their backs exactly.

We met bumps on the way Above we raised our legs.

Let's run one after the other Keep the column even.

I invite everyone to stand in the circle. And guess the riddles

The miracle house appeared in the clearing.

How many guests did he collect:

Both the mouse and the frog,

And a hare, and a chanterelle, and a wolf cub

Found every place here,

Everyone has found a friend here! (Teremok).

They were waiting for mom with milk

And they let the wolf into the house ...

Who were these

Little children (Seven kids)

Near the forest, at the edge,

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three cots, three pillows.

Guess without a clue,

Who are the heroes of this tale? (Three Bears)

He lay on a plate as he cooled down and ran away.

He met animals in the forest, unfortunately, a fox.

She got a round, tasty tooth. (Gingerbread man)

Fearful birds flew, dear brother was stolen.

Nothing will happen to him - his sister will help him out. (Swan geese)

What a fairy tale: a cat, a granddaughter, a mouse, and a dog Bug

They helped grandfather and grandmother, they collected root crops (Turnip)

Educator: Well done, we coped with the first task. And now the task is more difficult from Granny Yaga. "Guess from which fairy tale." I will show you a picture on which the subject is depicted, and you tell me from which fairy tale.(Slide show for children)

1 slide - goat (Wolf and seven kids) Guys, tell me, from which fairy tale is this hero? What song was the goat singing?

2 slide - jug and plate (Fox and crane) What did the fox feed to the crane, and what did the crane feed the fox?

3 slide - 3 bowls and spoons (Three bears) What were the names of the bears in this tale?

4 slide egg (Poached chicken) Who broke the egg in this tale?

5 slide stove (Geese Swans) Who helped Alyonushka and brother escape from Baba Yaga, Who else hid them from the chase?

6 slide turnip (Turnip) Who came to help grandfather to pull the turnip?

7 slide-machine in a box (Masha and the bear) How did Masha outwit the bear? What did Mashenka say to the bear, sitting in the box?

8 slide-rooster (Zayushkina hut) What did the rooster shout to Lisa when he wanted to drive her out of the house?

Educator: Well done! And they coped with this task too! Let's play with you now. An outdoor game "Teremok"

Children stand in a circle - this is a teremok. Several children dress up the masks of the heroes of the fairy tale: mice, frogs, hares, wolves, chanterelles and a bear. Children raise their hands clasped to each other and say the words:

"Here is a teremok

He is not low, not high.

As the animal enters it,

So the lock will slam "

While pronouncing the words, children in animal masks run into and out of the circle. At the words of the teacher “Khlop”, the children drop their clasped hands. Whoever gets caught, ceases to be a "beast" and gets up in the teremok with the rest of the children. The game is played until the most agile remains.

Educator: Listen, the next assignment is from Granny Yaga!

“I was here today, And I put things in order,

I swept with my broom, scattered your fairy tales.

Puzzles you have to collect, Russian Tales to name.

I'm flying away, ha-ha-ha, your Grandmother-Yaga "

Educator: Oh, what a harmful Baba Yaga, let's collect pictures and guess the fairy tales.

Children are divided into teams, they need to assemble an illustration for the fairy tale and determine its name. The task is performed to the music.

Educator: What good helpers you are, you put things in order in fairy tales. The teacher with children examines pictures, they call fairy tales. The last of them is Kolobok. Educator invites children to relax and play. Children stand in a circle, a physical training session "Kolobok"

Gingerbread man, gingerbread man (They walk in a half-squat with their hands on their belt.)

Gingerbread man - ruddy side. I rolled along the path (They run on tiptoes, keeping their hands on their belt.)

And I didn’t come back. I met a bear, a wolf, a bunny, (Standing with their face in a circle, they depict a bear, a wolf, a hare.)

I played the balalaika for everyone. (They represent playing the balalaika.)

He sang on the nose of the fox, - (They dance squatting down.)

He is no longer in the forest. (Shrug their hands)

Children sit on high chairs.

Educator: And the last task from Granny Yaga! Called to turn into a fairy tale hero! Now I will say the phrase: "Gingerbread man, bun, I'll eat you." And you need to speak as the heroes of the fairy tale "Kolobok" say: (hare, wolf, bear, fox)(children, if desired, wear a cap-mask and speak with a certain intonation)

Educator: Guys, what are you great! We have coped with all the tasks, now let's have a fun dance with you!

Dance "Grandma-Yozhka look out the window

Medals from B-Z are introduced.

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Goals: introduce children to role-playing game; arouse interest in folklore.

Game progress - fairy tales

I. Games.

... Fox fox.

A fox-fox is chosen, the rest of the game participants are hares.

They tease:

Liska-fox, wondrous beauty -

Long nose, red tail.

After singing a song, the hares scatter, and the fox-fox catches them. Whoever catches the first, he will drive.

... Bunny.

The players stand in a circle with a ball, one of them is a bunny. He also enters the circle. They hum to him:





Children throw a ball to each other, trying to hit them with a bunny. The player who hits the target with the ball becomes the new bunny. The game continues.

II. Conversation.

Who is the character in the game "Liska-fox"? (Fox, hares.)

Who is the character in the second tale? (Players, bunny.)

III. Staging of the fairy tale "Serpok".



Storyteller... It was in the summer. Mother rye began to pour. It's harvest time. It is necessary to sharpen the sickles.

The bunny went to Torzhok and bought himself a golden sickle. And the fox acquired a bast sickle. The hare began to reap on its strip with a golden sickle. I pressed a lot. The fox did not press anything with a bast sickle, but only rolled the rye.

Suddenly she saw a golden sickle from a hare, came to him and spoke in an insinuating voice.

Fox. Zayushka gray, give me your sickle for a day. I want to mow rye.

Bunny... Take the sickle, but return it in time.

Fox... What are you, what are you, bunny! How can you? I'll return it to you soon.

Storyteller. Time passes, but the fox does not give away sickles. The hare ran to the fox.

Bunny... Fox, give me back my golden sickle!

Fox... Go away! I didn't take anything from you.

Bunny(crying). How can I be? How to get the sickle back?

A rooster is walking towards the hare.

Rooster... What are you grieving about?

Bunny... But the fox took the sickle from me for a while and does not give it back. What to do?


Ku-ka-re-ku! Ku-ka-re-ku!

I will help you, bunny!

Goes to the fox's hut. Knocks on the door.

Fox... Who's there?


There is a Rooster on his heels,

Drags a braid on his shoulders

He will whip the fox,

Zaitsev will take away the sickle.

Give it back, fox! Give it back, godfather!


Here I am you, cockerel,

For the red beard!

Here I am on your knees

Spruce log!

Rooster(with fear). Come on her! Suddenly he really smashes his legs. What will I walk with then? (Leaves.)

Bunny(sits under a birch, crying. The Goat comes up to him.) What to do? What do i do?

Goat(surprised). What are you talking about?

Bunny(sobbing). But the fox asked me for a golden sickle for a while, but now it won't give it back.


Me-me-me, me-me-me,

I will help you! (Goes, knocks at Lisa.)

Fox... Who's pounding at my door?


There is a goat in the woods,

Dragging a pitchfork on his shoulders

Will pull the fox up,

Zaitsev will take away the sickle.

Give it back, fox! Give it back, godfather!

Fox (from the hut).

Here I am you, goat,

For a gray beard.

Here I am on your knees

Spruce log!

Goat. Ugh! How scary! He will really tear off his beard and break his legs. (Runs away.)

Bunny (again sat down under the birch, listened. On the birch, a cuckoo cuckoo). It's good for you, cuckoo, to cuck, but I have grief.

Cuckoo (thoughtfully). What makes you sad?

Bunny. The fox took the golden sickle from me, and now it doesn’t give it back. What should I do?

Cuckoo. I will help you. Shout loudly and knock on the birch with a club. (Flies to the fox.)

Fox. What is that rumble-knock in the forest?

Cuckoo (looks out the window). Can you hear the crackling noise in the whole forest?

Fox. How not to hear? I hear!

These are the hunters screaming

Their guns are firing,

The dogs go with them,

The fox will be hurt!

The fox runs away. The hare goes backstage, comes out with a large loaf.

Bunny. Thank you cuckoo for helping me get my golden sickle back. With his help, I reaped a rich harvest. For you, for your resourcefulness and courage - a loaf, whom you want to treat.

Entertainment for intermediate children preschool age

"A journey through fairy tales"


Consolidate knowledge about Russian folk tales.


1. To form the ability to identify a fairy tale by riddles and familiar excerpts from fairy tales.

2. To develop the dialogical speech of children.

3. To develop emotional responsiveness, communication skills, the ability to work in a team.

4. Develop imagination, fantasy, thinking.

5. Promote the development of auditory attention;

6. Promote the release of muscle tension (physical minutes).

Course of the lesson

A knock on the door. The teacher brings in the Fairy doll.

Fairy : Hello guys!

Children: Hello!

Fairy : I flew to visit you from the Magic Land of Fairy Tales. Guys, I brought a magic bag with me, which contains all my favorite fairy tales. Do you like fairy tales? ( Children's answers ). Then, friends, we go with you to a miracle fairy tale. But first we'll all say together magic words, without them the bag of fairy tales will not open: "Kreks, fex, pex." ( We get the riddle ). I'll read it to you, but guess what kind of fairy tale it is?


We were waiting for mom with milk.

And they let the wolf into the house.

Who were these

Small children?

(Answers of children, kids from the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids")

Oh, what a fine fellow you are! Guys, did the kids do the right thing? Can strangers be allowed into the house? ( Answers of children)

And we will do with yougymnastics for fingers"Goat"

The old man walked along the road

Found a hornless goat.

Come on, goat, let's jump

We kick up our legs.

And the goat butts

And the old man swears.

Who will try to get hold of the next tale? We say all the magic words: “Kreks, fex. pex "and get the riddle.


In this fairy tale, the cat, the granddaughter, the mouse, and there is the dog Bug,

They helped my grandfather and woman amicably, they barely got her out of the ground.

Guys, what is this fairy tale? ( Turnip) That's right guys! What good fellows you are all! You know all the tales!

Get up all scattered and we'll play.

The game "Turnip".

Dedka in the garden

I planted a turnip.

(sat down)

And with water from a watering can

He watered the turnip.

(quietly rise)

Grow, grow, turnip,

And sweet and strong.

(stretching up on toes)

A turnip has grown

To everyone's surprise

(raised their hangers)

Large - large,

Enough treats for everyone.

(hands to the side )

A turnip has grown

And sweet and strong.

(stretching up on toes)

Guys, nothing will surprise you! But this fairy tale - now you just can't guess! Who wants to get out of my bag a fairy tale? We repeat the magic words "Kreks, fex, pex", we get a riddle.


Heals small children

Heals birds and animals

Looking through his glasses

Kind doctor (Answers of children).

Clever girls! And they dealt with this riddle! Let our eyes rest, let's do gymnastics for them.

Exercise for the eyes.

We open our eyes - one

And close our eyes - two.

One two three four,

We open our eyes wider

And now they closed again,

Our eyes rested.

Have a rest?

Then we proceed to the next riddle. We say magic words, we get the following riddle:


“We are not afraid of the gray wolf,

Gray wolf - teeth snap "

They sang this song loudly

Three funny….

(Piglet (Children's answers).

How wonderful! What are you connoisseurs of fairy tales! You are probably already tired! Get up and we will go on a Journey through fairy tales.

Physical education minute"Fairy tales"

The mouse ran quickly ( running in place)

The mouse wagged its tail (imitation of movement)

Oh, dropped the testicle(bend over, "raise the testicle")

Look, I broke(show "testicle" on outstretched arms)

Here we planted her(bend over)

And they poured water on it(motion simulation)

The turnip grew good and strong(spread arms to the sides)

Now let's pull it(motion simulation)

And we'll cook porridge from turnips(imitation food)

And we will be healthy and strong from the turnip(show "strength")

We are a nice family of kids

We love to jump and jump(bouncing in place)

We love to run and play

We love to butt horns.

(with the index fingers of both hands

show "horns" to each other)

We sit on the chairs. One more last riddle remained in my magic bag! We say the magic words and get the riddle:


The mouse has found a home for itself,

The mouse was kind

In the end of the house

There were many tenants.

(Answers of children)

I have prepared for you one more game called "Teremok"! I invite you to play!

Game "Teremok".

Teremok in an open field

Was neither low nor high.

(sat down, stood up arms outstretched)

Different animals lived there,

They lived together, did not grieve.


There is a mouse (hands in front of you

On the socks)

And the frog (sit down)

Bunny (jumping)

With a fox-girlfriend

(twisted the "tail")

Gray wolf - teeth snap

(showed his hands to "fall")

They knew a lot about friendship.


But I came across a teremok

Teddy bear

(to portray a bear)

He crushed the teremok

With his huge paw.

(cam on cam)

The animals were very scared

They scattered as soon as possible

(running in place)

And then they gathered again

To build a new tower.

(sat on the chairs)

Guys, our journey through fairy tales has come! Did you like it? What fairy tales have we repeated with you today? I really liked visiting you! You are all such great fellows, you all know fairy tales, you know how to guess riddles! But I have to return to my Magic land of fairy tales, there my friends - Fairies - are waiting for me! Goodbye, guys! Until next time!

(Internet resource

Conversation is reasoning"What are fairy tales?"

P / r: "Favorite Tales"


Let's call fairy tales

Mitten, Teremok

Gingerbread man - ruddy side.

Three bears, Wolf, Fox.

Let's not forget Sivka - Burka,

Our prophetic cow.

We know a fairy tale about Heat,

We do not forget the turnip.

We know the wolf and the kids.

Everyone is happy with these fairy tales!

Show presentation"Who is Viktor Suteev, what did he write"

Exhibition of books by V. Suteev

Examining illustrations to fairy tales V. Suteeva

Desktop-printed games:"Find a shadow to a fairy tale", "What a fairy tale we are from"

"Joint activities with children according to V. Suteev's fairy tale" Under the Mushroom "

Target: Acquaintance of children with the fairy tale "Under the mushroom" in Suteeva


  1. To teach children to understand the figurative content and the idea of ​​a fairy tale;
  2. Learn to convey the structure of a fairy tale using a mnemonic table;
  3. Learn to convey the characters of the characters in intonation and voice;
  4. Improve the lexical and grammatical structure of speech with the help of words: Ant (ant), Sparrow (sparrow), Mouse (mouse), Hare (bunny, hare), Fox (chanterelle, fox), Mushroom (fungus, mushroom)
  5. To bring to an understanding of the figurative content of the proverb “in cramped quarters but not in offense”;
  6. Develop memory, attention, thinking.

Equipment: decoration elements for the fairy tale "Under the Mushroom", character masks; mnemonic table


Reading a fairy tale and watching the cartoon by V. Suteev "Under the Mushroom"

Conversation on a fairy tale:

Guys, pay attention to the tip on the board that will help you answer my questions. (Using a mnemonic table)

Who are the main characters fairy tales? (Ant, butterfly, mouse, hare, sparrow, fox, frog)

Remember where the tale begins? What happened to the ant? (The ant got caught in heavy rain.)

Who asked for an ant for a fungus? (Butterfly, mouse, sparrow, hare)

What happened to the hare? (A fox was chasing a hare)

What surprised the ant when it stopped raining and got out from under the mushroom? (At first, there was not enough room for him alone, but now there was a place for everyone.)

How did it happen that at first under the mushroom and one was cramped, and then all five found a place? (While it was raining, the mushroom grew.)

What helped the heroes of the tale? (Friendship, kindness, responsiveness, willingness to help anyone in trouble.)

Finger gymnastics "Under the mushroom"

It's raining harder, harder. (fingertips banging on the table)
An ant got up under the fungus. (put the index finger of the other hand under the palm of your hand)
The place was found for the butterfly, (wave of palms to the sides)
I just had to make room. (two fingers under the palm)

The mouse ran up to the mushroom (fingers run down the legs)
She stood next to her friends. (three fingers under the palm)
The sparrow is all wet, (cross your arms, tap your palms on your shoulders)
He also got under the fungus. (put four fingers under your palm)

They saved the bunny from the fox - ("ears" from the index and middle fingers)
They drove her far away.
Like under a small fungus (five fingers under the palm)
All found good house? (shrug your shoulders, hands over your head "house")

Didactic exercise"Name affectionately the heroes of the fairy tale"

Ant (ant)
Sparrow (sparrow)
Mouse (mouse)
Hare (bunny, hare)
Fox (fox, fox)
Mushroom (fungus, mushroom)

Theatrical sketches.

Now let's play the game "Finish the sentence".

Children put on caps and masks and complete the task.

Once I caught a strong ant ... (rain). (How did the ant feel during the rain?) The ant ran to the mushroom and ... (hid).
Wet creeps to the mushroom ... (butterfly).
Let me go under the fungus. The water comes from me in a stream ... (flows).
A sparrow gallops past the mushroom and ... (cries).
Hide, - shouts (hare), save me, the fox ... (chases)!
Have you seen the hare? Isn't he here ... (hiding)?
Eh you, and the mushroom is in the rain ... (grown).

Learning a nursery rhyme based on the mnemonic table "Sly fungus"

Sly little fungus

In a round, red hat.

He doesn't want a box

He plays hide and seek.

The result of the lesson.

Guys, I'll read you proverbs now, and you think and tell me which one fits our tale.

In cramped quarters, but not offended.
You are welcome to our hut.
Close together, but apart boring.

What helped the heroes of the tale?

What do you think we have learned from this tale?

Paper construction"Fungus"

"Joint activities with children according to V. Suteev's fairy tale" Who said - Meow ""

Target: Acquaintance of children with V. Suteev's fairy tale "Who Said Meow"


  1. Reinforce children's ideas about pets.
  2. Refine, expand and activate the children's vocabulary on the topic "Pets".
  3. Raise the simplest emotions: sadness, surprise, joy, anger, and teach them to express and recognize using pictograms.


Pictograms depicting emotions, audio recording of animal voices, caps of fairy tale characters: bees, mice, dogs, cats, cockerels, frogs.


Reading a fairy tale and watching the cartoon by V. Suteev "Who Said -" Meow "

Conversation on a fairy tale.

Guys, look around carefully, who do you see in the yard? (Children list animals). Which fairy tale has all these characters? (In the fairy tale "Who Said Meow").

Who were the first guys that a puppy met in the yard? (Cockerel) Show how surprised he was? (Children show surprise on their faces.) Find a picture that shows surprise (children show a pictogram with a surprise emotion).

Remember who was second? (Mouse).

And at the meeting of whom was the puppy scared? (Dogs). The dog was third.

Who was the fourth? (Bee). What did the bee do? (She stung the puppy in the nose.) What happened to him next? (He fell into the pond.) And he felt sad. Show sad face... (Children show sadness on their faces). Find a sad emotion in the picture. (Show a pictogram with the emotion of sadness).

Who did the puppy meet after the bee? (to the frog) Well done!

So who said meow? (Cat) The puppy got angry and became angry. Show anger on your face (children are angry). Show the same picture (show the anger icon). I like it when your faces are joyful and cheerful, smile. Find a joyful emotion in the picture. (Children show a pictogram with the emotion of joy).

Game "Imitation of animal movements"

Guys, we have a magic screen.Whoever goes for it will turn into someone. Want to try? Children one by one go behind the screen, the teacher puts on them a hat for dogs, cats, mice, bees, cockerels, frogs.

You have all become heroes of the Who Said Meow fairy tale. Now I suggest you have some fun. Whose music will sound, he will dance.

To the music (at the teacher's choice), children imitate the movements of those animals in which they have become.

Game "Who is superfluous"

The teacher includes an audio recording of "Voices of Animals", the children must determine which animal it is (cow, goat, cat, dog, pig and bear) The teacher displays animal figures, asks the children to look and determine who is superfluous and why? (The bear is superfluous. Because a wild animal, and all the rest are domestic, live with a person.)

Exercise "What the artist did not finish drawing"(We show pictures and invite children to tell, and then finish drawing that the artist forgot to draw)

Physical education "Cat and dog"

The cat Muska washes her nose.(rub your nose with your palm)

Cat Muska rubs his ears.(large and forefinger sweat earlobes)

Because our pussy

The Bug is waiting for his visit.

The two of them are not bored at all,

Together, everything is more fun!

Sniff together , (inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth)

Bark together (woof-woof)

And meow and purr, (meow-meow, mur-mur)

And of course jump... (jumping in place)

Take care of your friends!(claps)

Articulatory gymnastics "Kitten Murzik", "Puppy" (card index)

Drawing "Who Said Meow"

"Joint activities with children according to V. Suteev's fairy tale" Chicken and Duckling "

Target: Acquaintance of children with V. Suteev's fairy tale "Chicken and Duckling"


  1. Reinforce children's ideas about poultry.
  2. To clarify, expand and activate the children's vocabulary on the topic "Poultry".
  3. Develop dialogical speech.
  4. Develop auditory attention, thinking, creative imagination;
  5. Develop general and fine motor skills.
  6. Formation of skills of cooperation, benevolence, responsibility, initiative.

Equipment: series plot pictures based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev "Chicken and a duckling", audio recording of the song "Dance of little ducklings", card index "Domestic birds", audio recording "Poultry compound"


Reading a fairy tale and watching the cartoon "Chicken and a duckling" by V. Suteev "

Conversation on a fairy tale.

We'll build a big house
Let's live everything together in it. (children gather in a round dance)
The kids are gathering, the doors are closing. (
children join hands)
Doors open, (
let go of hands )
The tale begins.
Knock knock knock knock knock! (
children banging their fist
one hand on the cam of the other hand
Who is knocking on a visit all of a sudden? (
children bring their hand to their ear,
as if listening
A duck appears.
Duckling: - Hello guys! I was in such a hurry to see you, in such a hurry. So wanted to tell you a story. But the neighbor's cat scared me so much that I forgot my story. But I have this with me .... (pulls out pictures). Can you help me figure out the pictures and remember the story?
Children look at pictures.
Duckling: - Once I and my friend…. children continue ... There was a shining in the sky ... ( Sun ). What was it like? ( bright, yellow) The weather was ... ( good, sunnyWe walked, walked and suddenly ... children continue. I dived ... (into the water, the river ), and the chicken says ...children guess (I can't swim).Then I .... (plucked a leaf, planted a chicken) and swam.
Educated. : - Guys, do you think the chicken is scared? Why?(children's answers) ... And what is the character of a duck?(strong, brave, smart, true friend).
Duckling: We crossed the river and ... ( let's move on ).
Educated. : - Guys, what do you think the chicken said to his friend? ( Thank you ). Great! We are great!
Duckling : - Thank you guys for helping me remember the story. And now we will play with you.

Music game:"Dance of little ducks"

Conversation: "Poultry"

P / and: "Hen and Chickens", "Ducklings and an Eagle"

The game: "Chickens and ducklings" (Under the audio recording of the voice of the ducklings, the guys swim, and under the voice of the chickens, they squat down and peck grains)

F / m: "Poultry"

Our ducks in the morning

Quack - quack - quack ( children walk in circles imitating the gait of ducks)

Our geese by the pond

Ha - ha - ha ( walk in a circle, stretching their neck and putting their hands back)

Our chickens in the window

Ko - ko - ko ( stop, stand with their faces in a circle, hit their sides with their hands)

And how is Petya a cockerel

Early - early in the morning

Sings to us ku - ku - re - ku (turn their backs in a circle, rise on tiptoes, putting their hands back)

"Joint activities with children according to V. Suteev's fairy tale" Korablik "

Target: Acquaintance of children with V. Suteev's fairy tale "Ship"


  1. Development of skills to perceive a work of art in a holistic manner;
  2. Development of ideas about the ways of depicting characters: depicting actions, feelings, experiences, the appearance of a character, his relationship with other characters in the work and their relationship to the character;
  3. Fostering a sense of empathy for the heroes of a work of art;
  4. Fostering a sense of mutual assistance, collectivism, friendship.
  5. Reinforce your knowledge of geometric shapes.

Equipment: cards for d / and "Who brought what", "Help the ships to moor to the piers"


Reading a fairy tale and watching the cartoon "The Ship" by V. Suteev "

Conversation on a fairy tale.

Did you like the fairy tale? Why?

Who is this story about?

Which of the heroes of the tale do you like best? Why?

What did your friends come up with?

How did they build the boat?

How does the tale end?

What words?

How is the frog shown in this tale? (boastful, mocking, mischievous).

And what are his friends? (brave, resourceful, hardworking, businesslike, friendly).

Playing with movements in the text

“A motor ship pushed off from the green pier.

One, two - he took a step back first,

One, two, and then stepped forward

And he swam, swam along the river, gaining full speed. " (Movement through the text)

Physical education:

"Seagulls are circling over the waves,

Let's fly after them together.

Foam splashes, the sound of the surf,

And over the sea - we are with you!

We're sailing on the sea now

And frolic in the open.

More fun to rake

And catch up with the dolphins. " (Movement through the text)

Didactic ball game “Call it the other way around”.

(good-evil; brave-cowardly; cheerful-sad; big-small; day-night; winter-summer; talk-to be silent; high-low; wide-narrow; friend-enemy, warm-cold)

D / y: "Who brought what?" (Connect with a straight line which of the heroes of the fairy tale, which brought for the construction of the ship)

D / y: "Help the ships to moor to the piers" (We distribute cards with the image of ships to the children and ask them to help the ships dock to the pier, draw in an empty square the same figure as on the sail of the ship) K.z, 152

Game "Jokes-pure talk"
Where did the frog walk?
a) I dived with the guys.
b) I rested under a bush, etc.
Hey chick, where have you been?
a) I caught butterflies in the forest.
b) I drank water from a well, etc.

P / N: "Captains"

Application "Korablik" (K.z, 151)

"Joint activities with children according to V. Suteev's fairy tale" The wand is a lifesaver "

Target: Acquaintance of children with V. Suteev's fairy tale "The wand is a lifesaver"


  1. Create a kind, positive attitude and joyful mood for children.
  2. Exercise with gymnastic sticks.
  3. With the help of a positive emotional background, increase interest, activity

children and more quality performance exercise.

  1. To bring up organization, endurance, self-confidence, courage, activity.
  2. Foster good relationships with each other.
  3. Develop imagination, Creative skills, artistic and speech

Expressiveness; coherent speech.

Equipment: gymnastic sticks for doing exercises, Kuisener sticks, Nikitin cubes, counting sticks.


Reading a fairy tale and watching the cartoon by V. Suteev "The wand is a lifesaver"

Conversation on a fairy tale.

- Did you like the work?

- What did you like (did not like)?

- When were you happy, sad?

- Who are the main characters in the tale?(Hedgehog and Hare.)

- What Hedgehog? (Well-mannered, polite, courageous, kind, intelligent, resourceful, quick-witted, modest.)

- What Hare? (Rude, rude, cowardly; grateful.)

- Has the hare changed after the Hedgehog helped him out?

- Who did you like more and why?

V-l: To whom did the magic wand benefit?

V-l: And what are the friends in this tale?

Children: friendly ...

V-l: I think you are just as friendly. And we will check it now.

I want to go to a fairy tale "A lifesaver ".

Who is with me?

V-l: I invite all friends

Hit the road quickly

Trials await us

Interesting tasks.

Take a stick with us

We will carry it on the shoulder.

V-l: What do we need a wand for?

V-l: Let's hit the road.

Warm-up with repetition of the content of the tale.

Walking with different positions of arms and legs

V-l: Willingly take the stick.

You will lift it up.

We walk on tiptoes

We carry the stick high.

(children walk on tiptoes, stick in both hands at the top)

B-l: Hide the stick behind your back for now

Walk on your heels with your hands on your hips.

(children walk on their heels, stick behind their backs, supporting it with their hands).

V-l: Along the winding path

Run, run

Changing legs often.

(children run in a short snake)

V-l: So we ran to the stream.

Let's jump over the stream, friends?

Children: Yes

V-l: And how did the wand help the hedgehog to cross the stream?

V-l: We can also jump over the stream with a stick.

Together we put the stick

Let's start jumping over the stream.

(children begin to jump over each stick, moving one after the other).

V-l: We will go along the path

We will reach the swamp.

Q: Who pulled the hare out of the swamp?

Children: Hedgehog.

V-l: What kind of hedgehog turned out to be?

V-l: With the help of a magic wand - out of trouble drawers need to save a friend and

pull out of the swamp to the shore.

(children sit facing each other, legs apart, grab the stick holding it horizontally with a straight grip and pull the "friend" to the shore

Conclusion: This is a lifesaver - out of trouble the stretcher helped us.

We carry a stick on our shoulder.

Q: Whom did the hare and the hedgehog help to at the edge of a large dark forest?

Children: Helped the chick

V-l: What did the hedgehog come up with?

V-l: Now we will check how you will save with the help of a wand- chick lifters.

Take the rings soon

Turn them into a chick.

One two Three!

Help the chick!sticks

(children put the end of the stick in the ring and, upon a signal, run around the hall, controlling the stick with the ring, trying not to lose the ring and put them in the nest.)

Chicks in the nest again.

V-l: But, and it's time for us to go,

The path is long.

Q: Whom did the hare and the hedgehog meet in the forest?

Children: Met a wolf

Q: Who was afraid of the wolf? Why?

Q: How did the hedgehog save the hare from the wolf?

Vl: Now we will check how clever you are. How many of you can hit the ball and not miss?

V-l: You walk along the path

Hit the ball dexterously.

(children follow each other, reach out and hit the ball with a stick).

V-l: We are going along the path,

We all carry the wand.

Q: What object did the hedgehog use to drag the hare up the mountain?

Children: With a stick.

V-l: What did the hare say to the hedgehog about the stick?

Children: Your magic wand helped me this time too.

V-l: I propose to test your strength. Will you be able to drag your friend up the hill with the help of a magic wand?

V-l: One, two, three, four, five!

We are pulling a friend again.


(on the carpet)

- Can a simple wand become a lifesaver? What does it depend on? In whose hands can a simple wand become magic?

- What does the fairy tale teach us?(Not only a stick, but any thing can become magical if it is in the hands of an intelligent and kind person.)

My good friend, please,

Do not be afraid to do good.

I helped someone - and rejoice

You don't need more rewards.

Give people good!

P / N: "Hares and the wolf", "Bunny gray washes his face"

Acquaintance with proverbs about friendship:Friendship comes in trouble. Hold on to a friend, there is nothing to fear. Look for a friend, but you will find take care. Do not do it yourself, but help your comrade out.

D / u based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev "The magic wand"

  1. "Found a hedgehog stick" Games with Kuisener's sticks (to consolidate the concept of short - long, more - less, medium, between)
  2. "How else can a hedgehog get across a stream?" (collect bumps using Nikitin cubes)
  3. "How else can you help the chicks" (constructing a ladder from counting sticks)

Physical education

The wand is a lifesaver, an interesting game,

Children roll a stick between their palms

The sky is overcast

Put the stick on the palm, put the other palm on top with a dome, connect the fingertips of both hands

Let's make some noise fun

lightly hit with a stick alternately on all fingers of the hand

It's time for us to run!

Fingers "run" on the stick

One, two, three, four, five,

Starting from above, grab the stick with your right - left fist, move down for each word

We start to play!


"Joint activities with children according to V. Suteev's fairy tale" A sack of apples "

Target: Acquaintance of children with V. Suteev's fairy tale "A Sack of Apples"


  1. Form children's ideas about mushrooms, vegetables, fruits.
  2. To develop the ability of children to correctly assess the actions of the characters and events of the work, to correlate them with the actions of people.
  3. To form the ability of children to transfer the plot of a fairy tale into a game using different types theater.
  4. Develop memory, attention and thinking in children.
  5. To develop coordination and motor activity, emotional expressiveness of children; expressiveness and tempo of speech, strength of voice.
  6. To form the cognitive interest of children; interest in literary works.
  7. To foster a sense of justice, mutual assistance, friendly attitude towards each other; respect for nature and its inhabitants.

Equipment: set of fruits, table theater.


Reading a fairy tale and watching the cartoon by V. Suteev "A Sack of Apples"

Conversation on a fairy tale.

Who main character fairy tales? (Hare).

What is a hare in a fairy tale? (caring, generous, kind, but cowardly).

What prevented the hare from picking apples for his family again?

Guys, what kind of crow is there in this fairy tale? (harmful, envious).

Molding "Apples for rabbits"

Healthy lifestyle conversation: "We eat healthy fruits"

Physical education"Apple"

That's an apple! It -We got up. Hands to the side

Sweet juice is full Hands on the belt

Reach out your hand , Stretched out their hands forward

Pick the apple. Hands up

The wind began to swing the branch,Swinging at the top with their hands

It's hard to get an apple Pulled up

I will jump up, I will stretch out my hand Jumped up

And I'll pick an apple quickly!Clap your hands over your head

That's an apple! It -We got up. Hands to the side

Sweet juice is full. Hands on the belt.

N / a "Bunny", "Homeless Hare"

Riddles about fruits.

Experienced - research activities - determination of fruit taste.

Didactic game"Wonderful bag"

Tabletop theater based on a fairy tale"A bag of apples"

Physical educationChildren’s image “Like a hare dragging a heavy sack of apples”, “How he ran away from a wolf”, “A hare getting wet in the rain”.

Literary quiz based on the works of Suteev.

Target: To consolidate knowledge about the work of V.G. Suteeva



Exercise in the ability to identify and name works by excerpt, guess riddles;


Develop creative imagination, memory, emotionally convey the experiences of the characters, develop dialogical speech, the ability to maintain a conversation, activate the dictionary;


Foster a love of fiction.


Exhibition of books by V. G. Suteev;

Portrait of the writer; Children's drawings;

Children's costumes for staging (characters: ant, butterfly, mouse, sparrow, hare, fox, frog, mushroom);

Items mentioned in fairy tales;

Course of the lesson:

- Guys! Have you ever wondered why serious adults write books for children? (children's answers). Most likely, because every adult is a child at heart, he wants to stay longer in the warm and cozy world of a fairy tale. I invite you to a fairy tale - to a world full of goodness, miracles, magic and secrets!
There is a tree stump, on a tree stump there is a small house, and serious, detailed animals live in the house - a thrifty Hedgehog, a cowardly but kind Hare, curious kittens and a household puppy ... Today our meeting will be dedicated to the children's writer, artist, film director Vladimir Grigorievich Suteev(tells the biography, draws attention to the exhibition of books, drawings of children).

First task.
- I will read excerpts from the book, and you have to guess which book these lines are from.
“The hare jumps from bump to bump. The hedgehog is walking behind, checking the road in front of him with a stick.
- Hey, Barbed Head, why are you dragging along there? Probably your stick ... "
("The wand is a lifesaver").
“The hare picked up a sack of apples. The bag is heavy - do not lift. With difficulty the Hare dragged him along a forest path "
("A bag of apples").
“Once a heavy rain caught the Ant. Where to hide? "("Under the mushroom").
“The puppy raised its head and looked - no one was there. I must have dreamed about it, - he thought, and lay down more comfortably. "("Who Said Meow")

“I'm going for a walk,” said the Duckling. "Me too," said Chicken. "("Chicken and Duckling")

“- Kwa-ha-ha! Kwa ha ha! - the Frog laughed. - Where are you good for ?! - And so he began to laugh - almost choked. "("Ship")
- Well done!

Second task.
- I will make riddles, and you tell me which stories contain the one we are talking about (presentation with a picture-answer).

Amazing tailor, -
There is no coil, not a single one
And there is no sewing machine,
And the iron is not warmed up ...
But there are needles.
How many? And do not count! (N. Naydenova).

- Name the stories where the answer is found, i.e. Hedgehog ("Magic Wand", "Sack of Apples").

Flies over the flower, dances,
A patterned fan waves.

(Butterfly - stories "Under the Mushroom", "Chicken and Duckling").

Shaggy, Mustache,
Eats and drinks
Sings songs.

(Cat, cat - story "Who Said" Meow! ")

It goes off the cam,
Red barrel,
Touch it with your finger - smoothly,
And if you take a bite, it's sweet.

(An apple - the story "A sack of apples").

Sits in a burrow
Eats bread crust.

(Little Mouse - stories "Under the Mushroom", "Who Said" Meow! "?", "Ship",).

He will knock on the ground with his nose,
Will flap its wing and scream
He even screams when he is sleepy
The screamer is restless.

(Rooster - the story "Who Said" Meow! ").

- And now
third task... I will get different items, and you tell me who owns this or that item, or which fairy tale it is from.

Stick("The wand is a lifesaver").
Apple("A bag of apples").

Mushroom("Under the mushroom")

Egg("Chicken and Duckling")

Bee("Who Said Meow")

Irina Pavlovskaya
Summary of entertainment based on fairy tales in the middle group "Travel to the land of fairy tales"

Summary of entertainment based on fairy tales in the middle group.

Topic: « Travel to the land of fairy tales»

Target: create conditions for development cognitive interest in children to fairy tales, learn to recognize a fairy tale based on its heroes, promote development motor activity of children.

Materials and equipment: illustrations from fairy tales"Buratino", "Turnip", "Teremok", "The wolf and the seven Young goats", "Ugly duck", "Aybolit",

“Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf; disc with fragments of cartoons (see the script).

Organization of educational activities

The teacher invites children to go to a wonderful fabulous journey , but they will not go there alone, but with Barbara. (Barbara Krasa appears - long braid with a basket in hand).

Barbara. Hello children. My name is Varvara Krasa - long braid. I really love fairy tales and with great pleasure traveling with you... I have a magic ball, which showed me the way to your kindergarten. And my little ball really wants to help me get to know you. A communication game is being held "Ball"... (the children stand in a circle, and Varvara, standing in the center of the circle, throws a ball, inviting the children to answer question: What is your name). After the game, Varvara Krasa - a long braid invites you to recall the famous fairy tales: (held finger play "Favorite fairy tales» - children take turns bend their fingers, and clap their hands on the last line).

We will call fairy tales:

Mitten, Teremok,

Kolobok-ruddy side.

There is a Snow Maiden-beauty,

Three bears, Wolf, Fox.

Let's not forget Sivka-Burka,

Our prophetic cow.

About firebird we know

We do not forget the turnip.

We know the Wolf and the kids.

Next, Varvara Krasa - a long braid invites children to relax a little and play an outdoor game "Who came to visit us"... (Rules games: to the appropriate music, children play different fairytale heroes : jump like hares, like frogs, walk like bears (v wreck like foxes, etc.).

1. What did Baba Yaga do with the little children?

Answer options:

I read to them fairy tales?

Sang them songs?

Fed ice cream?

Fried in the oven? (correct answer)

2. From whom did the kolobok roll away?

Answer options:

From grandparents (correct answer)

From the granddaughter with the Bug?

From the fox?

3. Who first saw Teremok and began to live there?

Answer options:

A bunny bunny?

Top Gray barrel?

Little fox sister?

Is it a mouse? (correct answer)

4. Who's in fairy tale"Zayushkina hut" was the hut ice cold?

Answer options:

At the bear?

At the fox (correct answer)

A frog-frog?

5.In fairy tale"Swan geese" the girl, looking for her brother, first met on her way

Apple tree? (correct answer)

A hut on chicken legs?

6. Who saved Mukha - Tsokotukha from the spider?

Answer options:

Mosquito? (correct answer)



7. How many kids in fairy tale"The wolf and the kids"?

Answer options:


Seven? (correct answer).

Varvara Krasa - a long braid praises the children and invites them to guess puzzles:

Here are the riddles:

In them different fairy tales live.

Guess without hints,

Call quickly

These fabulous friends.

Children find clues by choosing the right characters fairy tales in illustrations.

1. Papa Carlo was surprised

His son was born:

And the twig became a long nose-

Appeared ... (Pinocchio).

2. Once upon a time there was a grandfather

He was wearing a hundred fur coats.

Grandfather suddenly became bored,

I got myself a girlfriend.

She grew up big - very big. (Turnip).

3. The miracle house appeared in the clearing.

How many guests did he collect?:

Both the mouse and the frog,

And a hare, and a chanterelle, and a wolf cub

Found every place here,

Everyone has found a friend here! (Teremok).

4. This grandma can't sit at home,

Loves in fairy tales have fun.

She flies on a broomstick

He controls the swan geese. (Swan geese).

5. Once upon a time there were seven guys

White nimble kids.

They didn't listen to mommy goat,

That's why we ended up in the stomach

The gray wolf. (The wolf and the seven Young goats).

6. Both the hare and the she-wolf

Everyone runs to him for treatment.

He will cure everyone, save everyone.

This doctor is where he lives (Aibolit).

7. The poultry yard laughed at him,

I tried to push him away:

After all, no one knew that he

Born as a white swan. (Ugly duck).

8. Mom loved her daughter,

I sewed a Red hat for her.

She went to visit her grandmother,

She brought her pies. (Little Red Riding Hood and the gray wolf).

Barbara. Well done, children. Very well you all you know fairy tales... Something we have sat too long with you. Become a circle sooner for a merry dance.

We danced well and rested. And now I offer you a game of who will guess cartoon fairy tale, he will receive such an asterisk from me. (Children are shown fragments cartoons: about Carlson, about Cinderella, about Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka, about Dunno, from Prostokvashino).

In the end entertainment surprise moment: from the magic basket Varvara the beauty-long braid distributes sweets to all children.

Larionova A. E. educator GBOU TsO № 1862
Used literature: Lapkovskaya V.P., Volod'kova N.P. Speech entertainment in kindergarten. Collection of scripts. For work with children 5-7 years old with OHP. - M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2009 .-- 56 p.
Software content. Work on the expressiveness of speech. Consolidation of the material studied in the GCD (topics: "Wild animals and their babies", "Fruits - vegetables", "Autumn forest", "sounds (w) and (s)"). Creation of an emotionally upbeat mood, a feeling of joy from the expected holiday. The fascination of children with a fabulous plot.
Equipment: audio recording with "Little Red Riding Hood's Song", a book with a fairy tale by Sh. Pen "Little Red Riding Hood", a picture with a silhouette of a squirrel, a basket with gifts (fruits, vegetables), an arc, a bell, pies, toys (dolls "bi-ba-bo "- Little Red Riding Hood, wolf); pictures, cut into 5-6 parts (wolf, hare, squirrel).
Decorations: 2-3 trees, a house.
The course of action
Organizing time
The song of the Little Red Riding Hood is played (audio recording).
Leading. Hello dear guests! We're glad to see you! We really want you to remember this meeting with smiles, fun, good mood. You will hear how our guys learned to be friends, communicate, speak correctly and expressively. Fairy tales can be funny and sad, but always with a good ending. And miracles happen in fairy tales, so miracles await us today too.
Main part
Leading. Guys, what fairy tales do you know? (Answers of children). With what words do fairy tales begin most often? ("Once upon a time, ..", "In a certain kingdom, in a certain state ..."). So our tale will begin with the words: “Once upon a time there was a girl. So pretty, so smart and obedient ... "
Leading. (Continues to tell the beginning of Sh. Pero's fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood"). Have you guessed which fairy tale begins like this? (Answers of children)
Leading. Neighbors said about her: "Here is Little Red Riding Hood!" Once my mother baked pies and said to her daughter: “Go, Little Red Riding Hood, to grandmother, take her pies, and a pot of butter, but see if she is healthy.” But Little Red Riding Hood did not go alone, but called friends with her, because her grandmother lived far, far away, she had to go to her through the dark and dense forest where the gray wolf lives. And so that Little Red Riding Hood is not scared, let's, guys, go with her to visit her grandmother. We are just starting to collect more treats for grandmother. Tell me guys, what treats can you put in the basket? (Answers of children)
Leading. I suggest you collect vegetables and fruits in it. After all, they are very tasty and healthy. What fruits and vegetables do you know? (Answers of children)
Little Red Riding Hood appears and reads a poem.
Little Red Riding Hood. Good girl
Walking through the woods.
But the girl does not know
That danger awaits.
Leading. Guys, look, who is this coming to us? (Answers of children). That's right, Little Red Riding Hood.
Little Red Riding Hood. Hello children, thank you for agreeing to help me. I was walking through the woods and I met someone. Guess who I met.
Little Red Riding Hood sees a picture with a silhouette of a squirrel on the Christmas tree and reads a riddle.
A tail in a fluffy arc,
Do you know this animal?
Sharp-toothed, dark-eyed,
Loves to climb trees.
Who is this? (Squirrel)
Children guess the riddle.
Leading. That's right, I met a squirrel. And she told me a secret. A squirrel was going to visit, carrying a bundle of gifts, but she heard that the Wolf was wandering very nearby, she was frightened and ran away, and hid the gifts so that Gray wolf I never found them. But now we need to find them. To do this, you need to complete one task.
Name the Cubs game
The children take turns calling the cubs of the wild animals.
Leading. Well done, they correctly named. Oh, look, children, it seems that our path was filled up with a huge tree and now we will have to crawl under it to get to the gift. Only this will need to be done without touching the bell, otherwise the Wolf will hear its ringing and come running.
Children complete the task and find a basket under a tree.
Leading. Look, what is it under the Christmas tree? It seems to be our basket of gifts ...
Leading. Oh guys, take a look!
I hear someone is knocking on our door! (A howl is heard from behind the door: "Oo-oo-oo")
They say the name is wolf.
What are our friends to do?
And we let him in, guys,
Or maybe not?
Children: Start up!
The Wolf appears.
Wolf. Hello guys! I heard that the bell is ringing, that's why I ran to you. The hunters were after me. Where are you going?
Children. Visit your grandmother!
Wolf. What's in your basket?
Children. Gifts for grandma!

Wolf. Well, you have a grandmother ... And no one loves me, so I'm angry and have friends

I'm not here ... (Sings)

I live in a distant forest

How lonely I am ...

The wolf can be very vicious

Only if he is hungry.

would you be afraid of me?

Children. Yes!!!

Wolf. Do not be afraid, I will be kind if you will be friends with me.

Children. Okay, let's be friends with you.

Wolf. Then smile at me! (Notices Red Riding Hood.) Oh, yes, it's Red herself

Come on, tell me

Show grandma's house.

After all, I have a long time ago

My stomach was cramping with hunger.

Children get up from the chairs and say:

Wolf-wolf, what's the matter with you?

You are very, very sick.

How poor you have lost weight

Apparently I haven't eaten for a whole year!

Wolf. Something is unwell for me.

Wool crawls, bones ache.

My heart hurts, my paws are trembling ...

Children. Wolf, wolf, listen gray

You are the bravest in the forest

But from your harm

You have no friends.

Leading. Do you want to make friends with us?

Wolf. Yes! Only ... You go to kindergarten and you know a lot ... Are you also very brave once you went to the forest alone? What do you know about him? Children. Yes. "We know! Wolf. Will you tell me?

Children. Let's tell you!

Wolf. Then I will ask questions, and you will answer them for me. Who lives in the forest? (animals, insects, birds) What are the names of the animals that live in the forest? (forest) Do you know which animal changes a summer coat for a winter one? (hare) What do animals and birds do in the fall? (preparing for winter, making supplies) What is the name of a tree that is always green, in summer and winter? (Christmas tree)

Children's answers.

Wolf. Well done guys, you know the forest really well. This means you can continue on your way. Just let's play a little first.

Game "Hunters and the Wolf"

Leading. Okay. But first, I wanted to know if you guys know how the leaves rustle? (sh-sh-sh), how is the stream bubbling? (s-s-s), Now I will name the words, and you clap (shoot) if you hear the rustle of leaves in the words (w-w-w). The teacher pronounces the words: hat, candy, fleece, fur coat, car. - Children clap their hands when they hear the sound (w); cat, dog, lamp, scythe, forest - sound (s).

Leading. Wolf, let us go, please, we're in a hurry to see grandma.

Wolf. Of course, I will, but can I play with you a little more?

Game-competition "Assemble the whole from the parts."

Children are divided into teams equally and each team collects a picture cut into 5-6 parts (fox, hare, hedgehog).

The wolf praises the children, gives them a basket of gifts and leaves. Children come up to grandmother's house, knock.

Children. Grandma, are you at home? This is your granddaughter, Little Red Riding Hood and her friends. We came to see you.

Grandmother. Come closer, kids, Move the branches to the right, Pull the ribbon -

The bell is ringing

Then come on in!

Children enter the house.

Grandmother. How glad I am to see you guys! I baked pies for you, Children. And we brought you some presents.

Leading. Dear guests!

So it's time to say goodbye. Well, now we will help ourselves!

Children go to the group and are treated to pies.