How to mold a bird from plasticine. Crafts from plasticine: application "Firebird" and a spring bird

A fairly common bird in our area is the sparrow. Small, light, agile, jumping on two legs. Sparrows are fighting desperately with their brethren for food. This bird endures our winters quite easily, often the guys feed the birds with crumbs. In order not to watch the bird from the window, but to settle it at home, you need to fashion a plasticine sparrow.

For modeling, the following materials will be useful to us:

  • color plasticine;
  • stack.

We need plasticine of such a color as in the picture:

1. Let's start with the head of our bird. We take brown plasticine, separate a piece with a stack and roll a ball in our palms.

2. The second stage is to roll a larger ball from plasticine of the same color as the head. Pull one side out a little. It turned out the body along with the base of the tail of our sparrow.

3. We combine both parts and smooth the connection with our fingers for a smooth transition. We have the base of the little sparrow ready.

4. We roll the sausage from brown plasticine, attach small pieces of black plasticine to the sausage. Draw stripes with a stack. We've got a little ponytail.

5. The resulting tail must be attached to the body, smoothing the joints.

6. From soft yellow plasticine we form three flat circles. The larger one will be the breast, the two smaller ones are the cheeks. Glue them to the appropriate places according to the picture.

7. Let's make wings for the sparrow. We roll two brown ovals, we narrow the ends on them. We make several black and yellow sausages, sculpt them on the wing as shown in the figure. With a stack, we draw stripes along the growth of feathers, giving the wing a natural look.

8. On the sides of the body we will attach glued wings. They turn out to be slightly convex.

9. Add sparrow eyes, for this we make circles of white and black colors. The beak will be from a small orange triangle, and we will make the paws by connecting three brown sausages at the base for one paw, and three for the second.

10. The desired craft was a success, the plasticine sparrow is finished. The main thing is not to feed him bread by mistake. He's beautiful, no matter what!

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To teach children to sculpt a tit, conveying the characteristic shape, proportion of the body and its parts, proper fit head, tail position, wings.
To teach children a constructive way to sculpt a tit from several parts that differ in shape and size, using additional material(beads instead of eyes, a sunflower seed instead of a beak).
To develop independence in children in finding ways to convey the movement of a fashioned bird (the head is down - the tit is pecking, the wings are raised up - the bird flies from place to place).
To develop a sense of form, the ability to compose, visual perception, coordination of hand movements, fine motor skills.
Raise interest in wildlife, the desire to help wintering birds in the cold season.
Preliminary work: Birdwatching on site kindergarten, in the park with parents. A conversation about tits, their benefits. Production of feeders for wintering birds by parents and children. Examination of images of different tits (great tit, blue tit, Muscovite, long-tailed and crested tit, brown-headed tit, remez) in the presentation. Reading R. Novikov "Let's help the birds", V. Gvozdev "Come to us, tits."
Materials and equipment:
Demonstration material: illustrations "Titmouse", "Birds on the feeder", a diagram of the stage-by-stage modeling of a titmouse.
Handout: plasticine yellow and of blue color, stacks, toothpicks for attaching paws, sunflower seeds for the beak, black beads for the eyes, paper and cloth napkins; cereals and seeds - food for titmouse in the feeder.
Equipment: projector, multimedia screen, power presentation Point, computer, tape recorder, audio recording with calm background music, feeder as the basis for a collective composition.
Move directly educational activities:
1. Organizational moment:
The teacher turns on the presentation (slide No. 2) “Birds on the feeder” and reads to the children a poem by T. Lavrova:
On the birch near the house
Someone is shaking familiarly.
At the feeder noise, fun -
They are having a housewarming party there.
Quickly pecks grains,
Doesn't let us sleep in the morning
Voiced singer -
Yellow-bellied titmouse.
Educator: Remember how on a walk we watched the birds on the feeder?
  • What birds flew to the "bird dining room"? (sparrows, tits)
  • What do people feed birds in winter? (seeds, cereals, bread crumbs)
  • What else do tits like to feed on the feeder in winter? (unsalted lard)

Educator: It's frosty outside and the kids don't go for walks in such weather and haven't seen the titmouse that fly to our feeder to eat. Look what a beautiful feeder! Let's make titmouse so that the kids can also admire these beautiful birds!
2. Explanation of work steps:
Educator: Look at the tit (attach a picture with the image to the magnetic board) and let's remember its appearance:

  • small,
  • body rounded,
  • the head is also round and small,
  • small wings,
  • long tail,
  • feathers are yellow, with a black and blue tint,
  • short beak,
  • eyes like black beads.

Educator: Today we will sculpt a tit from separate parts(a scheme for sculpting a tit in a constructive way is attached to the board):

  1. We take a small lump of yellow and blue plasticine, similar to the coloring of tit feathers (draw the children's attention to the image of tits).
  2. We divide the yellow lump into two equal parts and divide one part in half one more time, we get 3 lumps - one large and two identical, smaller ones.
  3. From a large lump we sculpt the body in the shape of an oval and on one of its elongated sides, we pull the tail - we flatten it with our fingers so that the tail looks like a spatula for a frying pan.
  4. There are two identical pieces of plasticine left. From one we sculpt the head and the footrest: we divide the piece in half and roll the round head, attaching it to the body (show the attachment point), from the rest of the plasticine, we make a cake - the stand, break the toothpick in half and insert it into lower part torso (legs) for the stability of the craft, we fix it on a stand. From the second - we sculpt the wings: we roll the ball, flatten it, divide it in half in a stack - we get two identical wings, we fasten the wings on the sides of the body.
  5. We check the stability of the craft.
  6. On the front of the titmouse's head we attach a beak from a seed - one if the beak is closed, and two if it is open; beads are placed on both sides of the beak.
  7. The tit is ready to fly to the feeder!

Educator: Look what my tit can do!
In a playful way, show the transfer of the movement of the stucco figurine: raise the wings - the tit flies to the feeder, lower the wings - sits on the feeder, lower the head down - pecks the seeds.
Educator: Let's turn into little titmouses!
Dynamic pause:
Jumping nimble tit
She does not sit still.
Jump-jump, jump-jump,
It twirled like a top.
I sat down for a minute
Scratched her chest with her beak
And from the track - to the wattle fence,
Tiri-tiri, shadow-shadow-shadow.
3. Repetition of the sequence of work steps:
(1-3 children repeat the ways of doing the work.)
Educator: I propose to start work.
Children do the work on their own (turn on quiet music).
Individual assistance of the teacher.
4. Analysis of children's work:

  • completeness,
  • accuracy,
  • independence,
  • transmission of the movement of a titmouse.

Educator: Listen to an excerpt from Alexandrova's poem "Bird Tree":
Flocks of birds are flying
At the feeder in the winter garden,
And in the garden, without stopping,
The bells are ringing.
I suggest that your titmouse visit the bird canteen, “feed” them and introduce the kids to titmouse.
After directly educational activities: At their request, children supplement the composition "Tits on the feeder"

Hello friends! Tatyana Sukhikh is back in touch. I decided to continue the topic of modeling, because I caught my eye in my didactic folders with an interesting scheme for modeling a bird from plasticine using natural materials. Although I have already written about ways to create birds (the “Modeling” section), I cannot help but show very amusing birds that your children will definitely want to mold. Now is the time to use everything that is literally lying under your feet: chestnuts, cones, acorns, etc. You can also use the fruits of wild rose, hawthorn.

It can be boring for children to sculpt according to the usual patterns, but if you invite them to combine plasticine and natural materials, then see how enthusiastically they begin to create their “sculptures”!

If you want to engage in creativity with children in accordance with all the rules, I advise you to purchase very good books:

O. Moskovka “We sculpt the birds of the forest. Secrets of plasticine "- there are many in the book step by step diagrams sculptures of various birds. The material is presented very clearly and competently. Second book by this author “Poultry. Simple modeling for children from 2 years old "- a wonderful manual, which shows step by step and available all the stages of creating a duck, chicken, turkey, etc.

The wonderful author Roni Oren has created a large series of books on modeling, I suggest taking one of them into service: "Secrets of Plasticine". There are just unique patterns for sculpting different animals, including birds. Crafts will turn out beautiful, bright, cartoony. These schemes are quite suitable for modeling animals and birds in the senior group and even in primary school.

You know, although today you can literally download everything on the Internet, but do not miss the opportunity to replenish your home library. good books. Believe me, this good will come in handy for your grandchildren!

How easy is it to sculpt birds from plasticine?

So, as promised, I'll show the simplest circuit modeling an ostrich or a heron using rose hips or hawthorn. A beautiful large bright berry will become the basis for the body, and a smaller berry will become the head. For stable paws, we used acorn caps, and the tail and wings were made from ash helicopters. Legs, neck, beak can be made from sticks, but it is better from plasticine, it is more convenient to attach.

Migratory birds - bullfinches, finches, linnets - are famously obtained from red fruits. You just need to press a red berry into the blank for the body of the bird, as if imitating the abdomen. Of course, before you start sculpting, it is worth showing the birds in the picture, explaining why some birds fly away from the city in the cold season, while others, on the contrary, come to spend the winter in our cold.

Birds will also turn out great from acorns, these oak fruits go both on heads and on bodies, and hats perfectly replace paws. If we connect two hats together with voids inside, we will get a blank for the head already with eyes. Owl looks great with eye-hats! Experiment!

I advise you not to do all the work for the child: show him, for example, a chestnut, a cone and ask who or what can be done if you add details from plasticine? Let the kid show his imagination, what if he comes up with some kind of simply brilliant idea? In addition, offer to create not lonely figures, but some kind of plot, for example, make birds on a feeder, in a poultry house, on a tree, etc.

Of course, you can sculpt figures from a whole piece of plasticine, but according to my observations, children like to stick around different objects with plasticine more. Now, surely you have accumulated plastic eggs from Kinder? They make great chickens! Just pure charm! The main thing is that everything is simple: wings, paws, scallop, beak and eyes are stuck. Simple but so interesting! Such experiments with improvised materials not only entertain children, they stimulate brain cells to be creative.

How to get students interested in modeling?

Why do children, even in elementary school, practically stop being engaged in creativity? Yes, lessons, sections, a computer take a lot of time, but you need to find a couple of hours for fine art classes. Creativity not only unloads the tired brain of a child, but also gives him a real rest for the soul, saturates him with positive emotions, switches attention.

The only way to bring back the love of creativity among schoolchildren is to make a computer presentation for them on sculpting characters from cult cartoons and games. And if instead of plasticine you teach them to create from polymer clay, then our students will be able to make a collection of their favorite characters. Do you know how much plastic collectible figurines cost? Let them do it for themselves! Cheap and useful!

It's one thing to buy, say, a Little Pony or a monster from Ben Ten, but quite another to make it yourself. By the way, there are many videos on the network where teenagers show how they make different accessories from their favorites with their own hands. computer games. Watching such video blogs may well make your child want to try his hand at making “fashionable” crafts too.

Last academic year there was a boom in elastic band bracelets, then even the boys weaved stylish (in their opinion) accessories for themselves. That is, in principle, schoolchildren are not against doing something with their hands, but something that would cause admiration and envy among classmates.

Question to the parents of schoolchildren: do your children do any kind of fine arts? Do you think that drawing, modeling, appliqué is the lot of kindergarteners and first-graders?

Scientists have already proven that successful adults in childhood actively created: they sang, danced, played musical instruments, were drawing. Creativity reveals a person's personality, develops courage, awakens imagination. Oddly enough, it helps future profession where you need to think outside the box to achieve results.

Abstract of a modeling lesson in the senior group "Wintering Birds".

Borodina Tatyana Gennadievna, teacher senior group GBOU Moscow "School No. 285 named after V.A. Molodtsov.
Purpose of work: The summary is intended for educators of senior groups and parents.
Program content:
Target: Creation of birds: sparrow, titmouse and bullfinch from plasticine.
Visual tasks:
- To teach children to sculpt birds: a sparrow, a bullfinch, a titmouse. Transfer their structure: torso, head, paws, tail; and posture: standing, flying, pecking.
- Learn to complete the work with details, by sticking to make wings, eyes and a beak.
- Continue to learn how to sculpt large birds. Choose plasticine according to the color of the birds.
Technical tasks:
- To consolidate familiar modeling techniques. Sculpt birds in a constructive way.
- Smooth out the bonding points with your fingers. By pulling to make a tail. Lubricate the wings. By sticking to make eyes and a beak.
- Continue to learn how to work with plasticine. Divide plasticine into equal parts.
Educational tasks:
- To cultivate the desire to achieve the desired result.
- Continue to cultivate accuracy in working with plasticine. Independence in the transmission of movements in modeling.
- Continue to cultivate the ability to listen and hear the teacher. Interest in sculpting birds. Rejoice in the result.
Material: a box of plasticine, a stack, a paper napkin, a board, bird toys and pictures: a bullfinch, a tit and a sparrow, a cassette with bird voices.
Preliminary work:
Examination of sparrows and tits on the site. Conversation.
Conducting the game "Birds".
Drawing fabulous birds.
Making bird feeders with parents.

Lesson progress

Organizing time
- Guys guess the riddles:
-In a gray feather coat
And in the cold he is a hero
Jumps, frolics on the fly,
Not an eagle, but still a bird
- That's right Sparrow, a bird that we observed on the site.

- White cheeks
blue bird,
Sharp beak -
By itself is small.
Yellow breast -
- Who are these guys?
- Right, titmouse.

Where are you from, where are you from
flew to us,
- I flew all over Siberia.
- What is your name?
- That's right, guys. bullfinch.

Let's take a look at our birds. I will explain to you how to sculpt birds using the example of a sparrow. And you blind any bird.
- Look at this sparrow. What are the parts of a sparrow?
(Showing the torso of the head of the tail and paws).
What shape is the body and head?
- The body is round, slightly elongated, the head is round.
- What else does a sparrow have?
- Beak, eyes and wings.
When do sparrows have wings?
- In flight.
- What are the eyes of a sparrow in color and size?
- Small and black.
- And what beak?
- Small, yellowish brown.
- What color is the sparrow itself?
- Brown color and the wings are grey.
- Guys, in what position can you portray a sparrow?
- Like a sparrow flies, stands or pecks.
- Let's remember how to sculpt birds.
- Take plasticine, divide it into 2 unequal parts.
- From one part we make the body and then draw out the tail, and from the other we make the head and paws stand. We attach the head and paws to the body. Smooth out the attachment points with your fingers. We make wings, beak and eyes with sticks.
- Guys, I suggest you mold your birds: sparrows, tits and bullfinches.
- Let's make birds in different poses. Someone has a sparrow standing or flying, a bullfinch is pecking. To make it more fun for you, I will turn on the music and you will hear the birds sing.

Children's work

Individual work:
I remind the children that you need to work with plasticine carefully, wipe your hands on a napkin. Learn how to properly divide plasticine into parts. I remind you how to roll out plasticine. Reminds me of how to sculpt. Individually show individual techniques of modeling. I encourage independent creativity of children.
Analysis of children's work:
- What wonderful and beautiful sparrows, tits and bullfinches we got.
Let's take a look at our birds. Oh, look, this sparrow is in flight, and this tit is pecking, but this bullfinch is standing.
- Guys, find me the most beautiful sparrow. The biggest. A sparrow that pecks. A sparrow that flies.
(the same is done with other birds).
Guys, you are all great. Everyone worked hard and did a great job.
- Lesson is over.

Modeling is one of the most popular creative activities for children. Plasticine remains among the favorites, but to create beautiful crafts can also be made from mastic or salt dough. The right hemisphere of the human brain is responsible for the ability to think creatively, it can be gradually developed by drawing or creating sculptures with a baby. Such classes are quite accessible for children who are already 1 year old. Gradually, crafts can become more complex in order to arouse cognitive interest.

Together with children, you can learn colors, shapes, various breeds of animals, for example or. And bird species. For example, you can create a woodpecker from plasticine, talk about the benefits that this bird brings.

How to mold a Woodpecker bird from plasticine - step by step photo lesson:

1. Stock up on bright plasticine. One kind of colored blocks will cause the child to delight and desire to be creative. For convenience, you will also need a small spatula, it is usually included in a ready-made kit.

2. Roll a small ball out of black material, then make it oblong. Make the bird's body in the form of a large black drop.

3. Form two cakes resembling a boomerang in shape. These will be the woodpecker's wings. Decorate them with white longitudinal stripes. Roll up a very thin white sausage and cut into small pieces with a spatula.

4. Assemble the prepared parts together.

5. Decorate the woodpecker's chest with white plasticine. Also place white cakes on the front part, add black pupils.

6. Make a sharp beak from an orange droplet, cut it and insert a small worm.

7. Add some bright colors. Decorate the chest with yellow and red shades, place a red crest on top of the head.

8. To create a tail, blind a lot of black and white flat droplets.

9. Connect them alternately with each other, attach the tail in its place. Taking matches or wire as a basis, blind two paws.

10. It remains to plant a woodpecker on a tree. You can mold it from plasticine or use real branches.

Bird Woodpecker from plasticine, ready.