Do-it-yourself soft tile installation. How to cover the roof with soft tiles: step-by-step installation from the base

If flexible tiles are chosen as the roofing material, do-it-yourself laying can be carried out by a home master without assistants. Flexible roofing should not be confused with soft roofing, which is presented in the form used for flat roofs.

Installation of flexible tiles yourself

Due to the extremely simple design that flexible tiles have, do-it-yourself laying is not difficult, even for a non-professional. This roofing material is available in the form of shingles:

  • a rectangular sheet of fiberglass with bituminous impregnation;
  • the lower part is treated with SBS compound or natural bitumen for gluing to a continuous crate, the self-adhesive layer is protected during storage and transportation with a polymer film;
  • on top, fiberglass is covered with a similar material, sprinkled with slate, granite, basalt chips or quartz sand to increase wear resistance.

Shingles from different manufacturers are not the same size (medium format 1 x 0.35 m), thickness 3 mm. The tile pattern is of several types:


For laying the roofing material in question, a hand tool is sufficient, which is present in the arsenal of a home master:

  • knife - for cutting bituminous materials;
  • scissors - for cutting metal strips;
  • hammer - for fastening with nails;
  • brush - for coating with mastics.

Helpful information! In the off-season, in winter, a burner may be required to heat the bitumen layer. Strength decreases, labor intensity increases, therefore, warm weather without precipitation is recommended for self-assembly.

Styling theory

For convenience of work at height shingles have a small format. They are stacked from the overhang to the ridge with a ledge so that each upper row overlaps the lower one. Valleys, chimney passages, ventilation pipes are processed first. Then eaves, gable strips are fixed, drain brackets are attached. After that, it remains to fill the surfaces of the slopes with shingles, cutting them in width and length as necessary.

Mounting technology

If you are laying flexible tiles with your own hands without assistants, it is enough to follow the technology below to avoid mistakes, reduce cutting waste, and achieve the maximum possible operational resource.

The roofing cake must be prepared accordingly:

  • vapor barrier film - mounted on the rafters from the inside / attic to prevent the penetration of moisture to wooden structures, however, 100% protection is impossible, some part still penetrates inside;
  • thermal insulation - extruded polystyrene foam or basalt wool, placed between the rafters, partially supported by a vapor barrier film from falling inside;
  • waterproofing (wind protection) - stretched from above, allows moisture to escape to the outside, condense on the surface;
  • counter-rail - stuffed along the rafters, provides a ventilation gap that allows you to remove condensed moisture from the surface of the waterproofing with air flows;
  • lathing - solid OSB boards, multi-layer or tongue-and-groove boards.

Important! A continuous crate of unedged boards is not allowed, since there is no flatness of the surface of the slopes. All defects will be emphasized with flexible tiles after installation.


The lining carpet with a slope of 12 - 18 degrees is created solid. To do this, the valley is glued vertically (obliquely) with the OS HF hydrobarrier, the overhangs at the cornices are horizontal with the same material. The roll material of the lining carpet is glued to the crate with mastic in horizontal stripes from the bottom / up.

The width of the launch of the hydro-barrier for each slope in the valley is 0.5 m. The sheets of the lining carpet have an overlap of 15 cm in adjacent rows and 10 cm when increasing the length in the vertical direction. The frequency of fixing with nails is 25 cm, additional coating with mastic is carried out in the overlap.

Helpful information! With a slope of more than 18 degrees, it is enough to process the valleys, overhangs at the cornices, the pairing of the slopes of the hip, mansard roofs in this way. The middle part of the slopes in this case is not processed with a lining carpet.

Installation of planks and drains

Eaves, gable steel strips are needed to reinforce these roof elements. In these areas, one edge of the shingles does not have an overlap, therefore, the likelihood of scuffing, detachment during wind loads, and heavy rainfall increases. Metal strips increase the spatial rigidity of the crate, they are mounted with nails (15 cm step + checkerboard pattern) with an overlap of 3-5 cm.

Depending on the design and layout of the gutters at the cornice overhang, at the same stage, brackets can be attached to the crate or cornice strips, on which the gutters of the drain will be hung.

Facing slopes

In order for the flexible tile to have the maximum operational resource, laying the shingles with your own hands begins with the markup:

  • parallel to the cornice overhang or ridge, lines are marked along the entire length of the slope every 0.8 m for every 5 horizontal rows;
  • perpendicular to the previous marking, lines are drawn every 1 m for each vertical row.

The resulting mesh allows you to control the location of the sides of each shingle in a row, adjust as needed. Particularly relevant markings for roofs with dormer windows, dormers, chimneys, ventilation pipes.

Helpful information! It is not necessary to nail the shingles along this grid, it is created for reference, facilitates the work of the master.

The installation technology of shingles will include several stages:

  • cornice row - cut out from ordinary shingles (models Accord, Sonata, Tango, Trio manufacturer Shiglas) or ridge-cornice strips (modifications Jazz, Accord, Sonata), fastened over a steel cornice strip 2 cm from the bend;

  • first row - with a significant length of the slope, work starts from the middle, the indentation of the cornice row is 1 - 2 cm for various modifications of the coating;

  • subsequent rows - also from the center, the petals of the pattern are shifted by half or in accordance with the complex patterns of the front part, the lower edge of the shingle should be flush with the upper edge of the cutout of the lower shingle.

Helpful information! Starting from the third row, you should maintain the direction in which the petals of the shingle are shifted. Otherwise, after a few rows, the overall pattern of the coating will no longer match.

Nails should be placed perpendicular to the slope of the slope so that the hat presses the material parallel to it, without distortions. It is not necessary to sink the heads of the hardware. The punching scheme is present on the manufacturer's box, as it differs depending on the model of flexible tiles, the slope of the roof.

In the absence of a factory self-adhesive layer, the shingles are smeared on the reverse side with mastic along a width of 10 cm from the top edge. For normal water rebound, the shingles are cut off with pediment strips 2 cm from their edge.

Junction nodes

Depending on the configuration of the roof, there may be ridges on it (ribs formed by neighboring hip slopes, by analogy with a ridge), fractures (the junction of the slopes on one side of the house in the mansard roof), valleys (internal corners in the junctions of the L-shaped roof, dormer window ).

There are two options for designing valleys:

  • open - shingles are run on both sides of the valley carpet, nails are nailed 30 cm from the mating axis, two lines are beaten off with a coated cord parallel to the axis on each slope, the roofing material is cut along these lines, laying a board, glued with mastic, fixed with nails in the usual manner;
  • closed - shingles from one slope (usually with a smaller slope) are launched onto the next one, nails are punched 25 cm from the axis of the valley, 7 cm from the axis on an unsheathed slope they beat off a line parallel to the axis of the valley, cut the shingles, fasten them completely, then to this line adjoins the shingles of the second slope in the usual manner.

Adjacencies (to walls, parapets, other structures) are made out along triangular slats (“glazing beads”), nailed to the corners of the mates. To do this, a 50 x 50 mm beam is dissolved, the surface of the wall to which the roof adjoins is pre-leveled with plaster or putty. Then, on top of the shingles, a piece of valley carpet 50 cm wide is glued onto the mastic with a 30 cm run on the wall.

Helpful information! From above, this piece of the valley carpet is closed with a metal apron, the upper side of which is embedded in the seams of the masonry or a strobe in concrete.

Chimneys, ventilation pipes are best decorated with special ceramic, steel additional elements. The shingles are adjacent to them or overlapped from above.


It is possible to lay soft tiles on any type of roof, but it is especially suitable for use on roofs of complex configuration with joints and transitions. It is not difficult to carry out the installation of soft tiles with your own hands, but for high-quality work you need to know some features. We tried to cover this in detail in this article.

What is soft tiles?

This elastic material is made using a special technology from fiberglass or polyester impregnated with bitumen. Externally, soft tiles are small plates of the most diverse shapes (rectangular or five-, hexagonal), made in the form of rhombuses or ovals, honeycombs, etc.

The use of special additives from styrene-butadienestyrene and polypropylene can significantly increase strength, enhance frost resistance and reduce the thermal conductivity of tiles. Colored stone chips applied to its front side serve not only as a decorative decoration, but also as additional protection against mechanical damage and fading.

Bituminous tile roofing

The procedure for installing soft tiles

1. This type of roofing is mounted only on solid flooring (sheathing). Its thickness depends on the pitch of the rafters: the greater the distance between the rafter legs, the thicker the material from which the flooring is made should be. As it can be used moisture-resistant plywood, tongue-and-groove boards, particle boards, etc.

2. In order for the roofing to look aesthetically pleasing, it must be laid perfectly: at the slightest unevenness, the tiles will look sloppy.

Installation of wooden flooring under flexible tiles

Important! Since wooden sheets or boards can change in size when changing temperatures, it is imperative to leave deformation gaps of 3-5 mm between the boards or flooring slabs.

3. To prolong the service life of the roof, it should be provided with vapor and wind insulation and ventilation gaps.

4. The vapor barrier film is attached to the inside of the crate and fixed with nails or a stapler, and then pressed with a wooden plank in increments of 60 cm. The places where the film overlaps are glued with double-sided tape.

Laying a vapor barrier

5. Residential attics should be pre-insulated. Plates insulation are laid staggered (in a checkerboard pattern) over a layer of vapor barrier between wooden blocks.

6. For additional waterproofing of the most problematic areas of the roof on the cornice, valley, ridge slope, in places of its break, lining carpet. If the slope of the roof is insufficient (up to 12-18 °), it should be rolled out over the entire surface of the roof. It is desirable to additionally process all joints with bituminous mastic.

Underlayment installation

7. Underlayment carpet mounted with an overlap 10-15 cm and fixed with roofing nails in 15-20 cm increments. It is undesirable to bend this material. To create overlaps on roof slopes, it can be cut by 10-15 cm.

Installation of the cornice strip

9. Installation of a soft roof begins from the eaves. To do this, it is better to use a special cornice tiles, on which a self-adhesive layer is applied to enhance the waterproofing. If it is absent, the tiles installed on the cornices should be carefully smeared with mastic. Additionally, it is fastened with roofing nails with wide hats.

The order of laying the first row

Advice. For laying, tiles from the same batch should be used. Otherwise, significant color deviations may occur. To obtain an even pattern, it is better to alternately use shingles (tiles) from different packages.

10. When installing decorative tiles of complex shape, the "petals" should be laid out in accordance with the manufacturer's recommended drawing scheme.

11. cutting material it is more convenient to carry out a special knife with a hook-shaped blade. To do this, you can use a regular hacksaw for wood. In order not to damage the soft tiles, cutting is best done on a special board.

12. In order for the roof to look neat, it is better to arrange on the slopes lighthouses made of strong threads, which will serve as reference points during installation.

Installation of subsequent rows

13. Subsequent rows of tiles are also attached to the base with roofing nails. Their hats are completely hidden behind the petals of the next row. The first row is laid, starting from the center of the slope gradually moving sideways. Along its edges, the tiles are trimmed if necessary.

14. When installing in the warm season, within a few days, the bitumen, which is part of the flexible tile, will melt, and the shingles will self-vulcanize. If the weather leaves much to be desired, to fuse the tiles together, they should be treated with a building hair dryer.

Important! Flexible roofing is not recommended to be installed at low temperatures (not lower than +5°C) - in the cold, the tiles become too fragile and may break in places of bends.

15. To ensure ventilation, aerators are equipped on the skates or in any other place on the roof. The places of their junction should be protected with a lining carpet and smeared with a layer of mastic.

Roof fans

16. To protect the most vulnerable areas of the roof, additional components are used: ridges and valleys (a flexible strip or curved shingles laid at the junction of the roof planes). They are easy to install: a shingle fragment is bent, and then fixed with roofing nails in 10 cm increments. With the help of ridge tiles, it is possible to strengthen the bypasses of air ducts, communications outlets and antenna attachment points.

17. Since leaks are most common at valley locations, it is desirable to lay two layers of shingles at these locations.

Advice. When working at low temperatures, it is better to warm up the ridge shingles and valleys a little on a warm metal pipe to increase flexibility.

Valley laying

The number of soft roof fans is growing like a snowball. And this is not surprising - just remember the visual appeal and operational advantages of one of the most modern coatings. But there could be even more supporters of flexible roofing materials, if they knew that installation could be done without involving a team of roofers. Today we will try to fill this gap and share not only construction technology, but also the secrets of experienced craftsmen.

The structure of the soft roof

Before talking about the roof structure with soft roofing, I would like to briefly mention the features of this unique material. In fact, it is a modified roofing material. That's just the basis of flexible tiles (hereinafter we will call them shingles) is not a banal cardboard, but a stronger and more durable fiberglass or polyester fabric. Improvements have also been made to impregnation. The waterproofing of soft tiles is provided by a modified polymer-bitumen composition, thanks to which the critical temperature points have been shifted to higher values.

The multi-layer structure allows you to make a soft roof durable and completely waterproof.

Basalt or slate chips are applied on top of the flexible tiles - it not only determines the design of the coating, but also makes it more resistant to mechanical stress, ultraviolet radiation and other external factors. From below, the tiles are covered with an adhesive layer, which is covered with a protective film. In some cases, a fine mineral dressing is applied to the lower surface - then the adhesive part is a wide strip in the upper part of the shingles.

Roofing pie construction

The multi-layer structure makes flexible tiles not only strong, but also durable - some manufacturers give a guarantee for their products for up to 25 years. As a rule, soft roofing materials easily overcome this boundary. Of course, we are talking about those cases when the base of the soft roof complies with accepted standards, and the laying of the material is carried out strictly according to the prescribed technology.

Studying the device of roofs with bituminous tiles, we immediately divide them into two types:

  • cold,
  • warm.

The first are built for cold attics. Many websites and print publications sin by pointing out the inexpediency of arranging simplified roofing pies for residential buildings. Like, if the house is intended for year-round use, then its roof must be warm. This statement is fundamentally wrong - most of the private houses of the old housing stock were cold. Moreover, the cold roof has its advantages. And the biggest one is durability. In winter, frost is practically not formed on such a roof, which, as you know, is one of the worst enemies of shingles. In addition, the simplest roofing cake is well ventilated, which means that the wooden frame will always be dry. As for energy efficiency, for thermal insulation it will only be necessary to insulate the attic floor. As you understand, its area in any case will be less than that of the roof.

When using a cold roof on a residential building, it is necessary to insulate the attic floor, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is noticeably smaller than that of the roof structure

So, the structure of the roofing cake for cold roofs includes:

  • step (sparse) crate made of wooden beams or steel shaped pipes;
  • solid flooring (from plywood, OSB or skid boards);
  • insulating lining;
  • bitumen coating.

Roofers working as part of professional teams often recommend installing a superdiffusion membrane under the lining carpet, arguing that the wooden base is more protected from moisture. A rather controversial statement, which I personally can only call wastefulness. A conventional waterproof lining leaves little to no chance for the wood frame to get wet due to snow or rain. Such actions on the part of specialists can only be explained by the desire to earn a certain amount for an operation that requires minimal labor. As for the warm roof, in this case, the installation of moisture-resistant coatings is mandatory due to the use of thermal insulation.

A warm roofing cake allows you to use any attic space for year-round use

For attic insulation, fibrous materials are most often used, which, when wet, can lose most of their unique abilities - that's what they need to be protected. From below - from moist air, and from above - from leaks. In this case, the roofing cake should have the following structure:

  • rails for mounting cladding panels;
  • vapor barrier waterproof film;
  • thermal insulation layer;
  • waterproofing windproof vapor barrier membrane;
  • counter beam;
  • sparse crate;
  • solid flooring;
  • lining base;
  • flexible bituminous coating.

You may object that the slats installed from the attic side have nothing to do with the roofing pie, and you will be absolutely right. However, we nevertheless indicated them due to the fact that in our case they also act as fasteners for the lower layer of vapor barrier.

Video: correct installation of a roofing pie is easy

Tiled roofing technology

Roofing made of soft bituminous tiles is similar to tiled only visually. Not only the installation technology differs, but also the operational characteristics, service life, maintenance and repair procedures. And although the work on the construction of a shingle roof cannot be called too complicated, you will have to carefully follow the manufacturer's recommendations. It is best to divide the construction process into several stages:

  1. Procurement of materials and preparation of tools.
  2. Preparatory work.
  3. Laying of insulating materials.
  4. Arrangement of counter-lattices and battens.
  5. Solid foundation construction.
  6. Laying the top layers of the roof.
  7. Installation of additional elements and arrangement of passages.

By organizing your working hours in this way, you will not only minimize the number of possible errors, but you will also be able to make the most informed decisions about attracting outside help.

How to calculate how much and what materials will be needed

The first thing to do when starting mathematical calculations is to draw up a detailed drawing of the roof or create at least an elementary sketch indicating the exact dimensions and features of each slope. The calculation itself includes the determination of the geometric dimensions and the number of main parts of the structure:

  • additional elements;
  • valley carpet;
  • lining layer;
  • ventilated ridge or roof aerators;
  • timber for step battens and counter battens;
  • boardwalk;
  • soft cover.

I must say that the accuracy of the calculations carried out affects not only the cost of the roof, but also the timing of the work. For this reason, we will understand the features of the calculation of all components of the roof in as much detail as possible.

Additional molding

To finish and protect various parts of a soft roof, several types of extensions are used:

The presented additional moldings are produced in the form of strips of a standard length of 2 m. However, in order to determine the number of certain strips, the length of the area in need of protection should be divided by 1.9 or 1.85. This is due to the fact that aprons and planks are not mounted end-to-end, but with an overlap of 10–15 cm wide.

If the roof structure includes grooves and junctions with vertical surfaces, then their waterproofing is provided by a special valley carpet. Manufacturers produce it in the form of 1 × 10 m rolls, presenting a choice of several colors to match the tiled flooring.

When choosing a valley carpet by color, it is not at all necessary to get exactly the color - a slight desynchronization of tones will play a plus, making an ordinary roof extremely stylish and expressive

Calculating the total length of the carpet, you should make a margin of 20 cm for each valley - you will need it for the correct installation of the lower part of the joints.

The lining layer is arranged both over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200beach slope, and partially - it all depends on the steepness of the surface. If the roof slope is more than 1:3 (18 degrees), then only areas prone to leakage are protected with a roofing carpet:

  • internal corners of adjacent slopes;
  • ridge part;
  • ribs;
  • areas with fractures of slopes;
  • edges at pediments and cornices;
  • ventilation outlets.

When laying the insulating carpet, it is necessary to make an overlap of 10-15 cm. For this reason, its calculated quadrature should be 1.1 - 1.15 times the total area of ​​​​the slopes. If the lining is partially equipped, then the length of the strips of the roofing carpet corresponds to the length of the parts of the roof prone to leakage.

The lining carpet can be laid both along and across the slope

The width of the lining with partial waterproofing should be 40-50 cm. An exception can be made only for skates and external corners, reducing this value to 25 cm.

Skate air elements

When calculating the number of ridge aerators, it is assumed that one element 1.2 m long is able to provide ventilation for about 25 m 2 of the under-roof space. If point air elements are used, then the total area of ​​\u200b\u200badjacent slopes should be divided by 5 - that is how many square meters of the roofing pie "serves" one such element.

The design of the ridge aerator allows you to organize ventilation of the roofing pie on roofs of any configuration

Note that point air elements vary in height. Steep roof slopes are equipped with short ones, and gentle surfaces are long.

Lumber for battens

For the arrangement of the crate, a wooden beam with a section of at least 40x40 mm is used, as well as a board 25 mm thick. The length of the counter beam is the easiest to determine - it is equal to the length of the rafter legs. As for the sparse lathing, the total length of the wooden elements is determined based on the standard step width for shingles - 37 cm for rafters located at a distance of 0.9 m from each other. Therefore, the length of the rafter leg in centimeters should be divided by 37 and multiplied by the width of the roof - this will be the desired length of the beam, which will be needed for the crate of one slope.

solid base

Sheets of plywood or OSB used for arranging a solid base should be mounted apart, that is, with overlapping seams. For this reason, when determining the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe material, an amendment must be made:

When determining the amount of plywood or OSB in sheets, it is recommended to make a sketch of their location on paper with the most dense laying - this way you can avoid wasting material during installation.

Covering and roll materials

In the process of laying, two types of tile shingles are used - ridge-cornice and ordinary. The first are produced in the form of packages designed for 12 p.m. m of skate and 20 linear meters. m eaves. When calculating the latter, the same correction factors are used as for a solid base (simple roofs 3–5%, combined roofs up to 10%). To determine the number of shingle sheets, the total quadrature of ordinary shingles is divided by the area of ​​one bituminous strip. One pack of soft tiles is usually designed for 3.5 m 2 of roofing - knowing this number, it will not be difficult to calculate how many packs you will need to buy.

Before installation, tile shingles from different packs must be mixed - this will eliminate the appearance of non-uniform color sections of the roof

The amount of materials that will be needed for a warm roofing cake is calculated with the following tolerances:

  • waterproofing and vapor barrier - at least 4%;
  • roll thermal insulation - according to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe slope;
  • plate insulation - up to 4%.

It is easy to see that the amount of roll and slab insulation practically does not depend on the complexity of the roof. This is due to the fact that such materials are easily joined together and do not affect the appearance of the structure.

What tools and supplies will be needed

In addition to roofing and wood materials, the following equipment and tools will be required during the work:

  • saw;
  • hammer;
  • scissors for cutting metal dobor;
  • metal spatula for mastic;
  • roofer's knife (different from the usual hook-shaped cutting part).

In addition, you should purchase ordinary nails, which will be needed for the construction of a wooden base, and special ones for fixing a soft roof. The latter are distinguished by a wider cap (diameter 8–10 mm) and a length of 25–30 mm. Fasteners that are used in automatic pistols are also suitable - such hardware has a length of 40 mm. The number of nails is calculated based on the consumption of 4 pcs. per shingle or 500 grams per 10 m 2 of roofing.

For a one-time use, it is not necessary to buy a special tool - you can get by with replaceable hook-shaped blades for a regular construction knife

During the installation of flexible tiles, you will need bituminous mastic, designed for waterproofing building structures. Its volume can be determined by the roof area - for every 10 m 2 of coverage, up to 1 liter of liquid mixture will be required.

The price of bitumen mastic is affected by both the type of material (cold or hot applied) and composition. The cheapest is bitumen-polymer waterproofing, while the most expensive is recognized as bituminous polymer-aluminum coating. The latter is highly resistant to heat aging and UV radiation. In our conditions, bitumen-rubber mastic will be enough - it has an average cost and has good installation and operational characteristics.

Preparatory work

The preparatory stage includes several steps:

  • dismantling of the old roof (if necessary);
  • installation of a crate frame;
  • installation of heat-insulating and accompanying layers;
  • solid foundation construction.

The arrangement of a warm roofing pie is carried out in the following sequence:

Table: determination of the thickness of a solid base for a soft roof

Before, we have already talked about the need to lay slab material apart. In addition, thermal gaps of about 5 mm should be left, otherwise, in the summer heat, sections of the roof will bend in an arc. On each side of the ridge, gaps of 70–80 mm are left to create effective ventilation for the roofing pie.

It should be noted that for a cold roof it is enough to build a sheathing and boardwalk - the need for other elements is eliminated due to the maximum simplification of the design.

Video: how to build a solid base for shingles

Step-by-step instruction

The manufacturer provides for the laying of bituminous tiles at an outdoor temperature of up to -15 ° C. Since installation during the cold period requires additional heating equipment and the cost of heating materials, it is best to start work in the warm season, choosing days when the temperature rises above 20 ° C. In this case, the bituminous component will be warmed up due to solar heat, which will make it possible to obtain a strong connection of all layers of the roof.

Laying soft roofing can be carried out in winter - the main thing is that the temperature does not fall below -15 degrees

In order to properly allocate time and effort, we suggest using the step-by-step instructions for laying a soft roof on your own.

Forming the underlayment

As a substrate, rolled materials from fiberglass impregnated with a bitumen-polymer mixture are used. You should not refuse a soft base - a lining is needed in order to additionally level the surface, waterproofing, insulation and sound absorption.
Strips of rolled waterproofing can be laid parallel or perpendicular to the horizon line - the main thing is to ensure an overlap of 10 cm along the long side of the insulation and 15 cm at the joints.

From my experience I can say that on steep roof slopes it is best to lay the lining in a vertical direction. And not at all because in this case the likelihood of leaks during heavy rains is reduced. The fact is that under the influence of gravity, the waterproofing panels sag, and folds form on the surface. In order to level them well and properly fix them, additional time and effort are required - one cannot do without assistants. As for gentle slopes, here, of course, the horizontal method of fixation wins, as it is simpler and more reliable. It is only important to start work from the overhang and move towards the ridge. At the same time, each subsequent strip of waterproofing will cover the edge of the previous one and the water will not have a single chance to get under the upper layers of the roofing pie.

Partial underlayment is only possible on roofs with steep slopes

When deciding to partially lay the underlay on steep slopes, the most important areas should be protected. So, on both sides of the valley and at the edge of the slope (cornice line), the width of the bituminous waterproofing should be at least 50 cm, while for skates a strip of this size is divided in half.
To fix the lining layer, use a nail fight or fastening with building brackets in increments of 25 cm. In areas prone to leakage (valleys, junctions, etc.), the litter should be glued with a bituminous compound.

The list of materials that are suitable for use as a bituminous base is indicated by the manufacturer in the installation instructions for shingles. It is irrational to replace them with improvised coatings such as roofing material or polyethylene film due to the short service life, rapid thermal aging and other factors.

Installation of valley carpets and additional strips

When choosing a bitumen-polymer carpet for arranging valleys, they are guided by the color of the main coating. For decorative purposes, you can choose a material that differs in tone - this will emphasize the line of each groove and make the roof more expressive. Experts recommend covering the valley with a solid panel 1 m wide, be sure to glue it with mastic to the plank base. If it is required to join two pieces, then the junction is located as close as possible to the peak of the roof. The overlap of the top sheet to the bottom must be at least 20 cm with mandatory fixation with liquid bituminous waterproofing.

The material of the valley carpet is laid over the entire surface of the groove and glued to the base with mastic

To protect the edge of the lathing from dripping condensate and sedimentary moisture, a cornice and gable extension should be installed over the insulating carpet. To fix the planks, roofing nails are used, which are hammered in a zigzag pattern at intervals of 10-15 cm (at the joints - up to 5 cm). It is necessary to withstand the overlap of adjacent additional elements of 3–5 cm, placing the edges of the planks along the contour of the eaves or end ledge. It is advisable to fasten the droppers first - in this case, at the corners of the slopes, they will be covered by gable strips.

The joints of the cornice and gable planks are overlapped with reinforced fixation with roofing nails

Before installing the cornice and end protection, it is recommended to frame the perimeter of the solid flooring with a rail with a section of 20x40 mm. If an edge is made along the edges of the slope, then the waterproofing is installed on top of it and cut off behind the perimeter line. After that, additional elements are attached.

Cornice tile installation

The horizontal lines of a marking put on a lining simplify installation and allow to lay a tile in equal rows. It is best to form them with the help of linen twine rubbed with chalk. The cord is pulled in the right place and released like a bowstring to leave a mark on the dark surface of the substrate.

For even laying of cornice tiles, it is necessary to apply chalk markings on the lining layer

Starting shingles are laid at a distance of 1 cm from the eaves line and fastened with roofing nails. So that the tiles do not come off under strong wind load, the fasteners are hammered at a distance of 25 mm from the edge. Each subsequent strip is laid end-to-end, and the junctions are protected with bituminous mastic.

Installation of ordinary tiles

The main coating is mounted in the direction from the center of the slope, placing the first ordinary shingle with an indent of 2–3 cm from the edge of the cornice strip. To fix soft tiles, it is enough to remove the protective film from the adhesive layer and firmly press the shingle to the substrate.

When laying the lower tiles of ordinary tiles, make a small indent from the edge of the cornice sheets

The final fastening is carried out with nails at four points - along the edges of the strip, as well as over the depressions between the inner petals. The top sheets are offset by 1 petal. Thanks to this, the very “tiled” texture appears, and in addition, the joints and fixation points of the soft roof are closed.

The scheme for laying a soft roof provided by the manufacturer makes it easy to understand the nuances of the technology

The tiles protruding beyond the edges of the slopes are cut off, after which the cut is treated with bituminous mastic.

Video: soft roof installation technology from the material manufacturer

Arrangement of the ridge and sealing of penetrations and junctions

Ventilation of the under-roof space is provided by air elements installed on top of the ridge. They are attached to the wooden frame with screws or nails. After that, the ridge part is closed with flexible tiles. There are no special strips of soft bituminous coating for external corners - they can be made by cutting out the cornice tiles. The petals cut along the perforation are placed across the ridge and fixed with a nail from each edge. The next element is placed with a 5-centimeter overlap, and for additional sealing, the contact point is treated with bituminous mastic.

The ridge air element must be covered with a layer of bituminous tiles, otherwise atmospheric precipitation will quickly render it unusable

Places where pipes, cables and other communication elements pass through the roof slope must be closed with special passage units. They are attached directly to the base even before the installation of the lining carpet.

The junctions with walls and chimneys require special attention, otherwise the moisture flowing down the vertical surface will penetrate inside the roofing pie

During the installation process, the upper layers of the roof are let in over the penetration, impregnated with mastic and cut in place. In the same place where the slope is in contact with a brick chimney or wall, roofing materials are let into the surface of a vertical structure. For additional protection, a segment of the valley carpet and a figured metal apron (adjacency bar) are used.

Video: arrangement of a soft roof passage unit

bituminous roofing cost

Doing all the work yourself, you can save a lot, because the total cost of the roof will consist only of the cost of the necessary materials. Depending on the manufacturer, the price per square meter of a soft roof of a budget and medium level varies between 800–1,500 rubles. If we talk about the premium segment, then certain types of shingles are sold at prices up to 4,000 rubles. Of course, in this case, there can be no talk of any independent installation - anyone who can fork out for such an expensive material will find money for a professional team. The services of the latter, by the way, are not cheap - from 600 rubles per square meter of finished coating.

As you can see, it is not at all difficult to build a soft roof with your own hands, which, however, does not exclude proper accuracy and following the technology developed by the manufacturer. If you do everything with high quality, then the roof will please with its appearance and trouble-free operation for many years. Otherwise, it is better not to take up the work at all, otherwise the roof will constantly remind you of its existence with leaks and other unpleasant moments.

Do-it-yourself soft roof with a step-by-step photo: Instructions for action In this article you will find instructions with step-by-step photos and video tips on how to make a soft roof with your own hands using the example of the Onduvilla roof.


In this article you will find instructions with step-by-step photos and video tips on how to make a soft roof with your own hands using the example of a roof.

Preparatory stage

Installation of a soft roof begins with the arrangement of a new or repair of an existing crate:

1. After installing the truss system, the inside of the roof is covered with a vapor barrier film, which is overlapped and fixed with bars.

2. Insulation plates are located between the rafters. Their thickness, density and number of layers are determined by the architectural features of the roof and the climate of the region.

3. From the outside, the insulation is closed with a superdiffusion membrane. On top of this layer, bars of the counter-lattice are installed - they are attached along the rafters, create the necessary ventilation gap and form an additional frame for OSB or plywood.

4. Finishing stage - installation of the crate. Its type depends on the slope of the roof. At 9-20 degrees, it is necessary to mount a solid base under a soft roof made of moisture-resistant plywood FSF, OSB-3, DSP, boards. At 20 degrees and above, a sparse base is allowed from a board with a thickness of at least 25 cm or a bar with a thickness of at least 50 cm. The two extreme elements of the crate are mounted with a reduced gap of 30 cm, the rest - with a step of 32 cm.

5. In the case of a continuous crate, another layer of roofing cake appears - rolled bituminous waterproofing is laid over the entire surface.

Important! This manual gives the maximum allowable batten spacing. If possible, it is better to make a more frequent or continuous crate.

Do-it-yourself installation of a soft roof

Before starting installation, be sure to check whether the roof slopes are even. If there are deviations, it is necessary to draw a strictly vertical line - you will be guided by it when centering the sheets.

When carrying out work, do not stretch the sheets by more than 10 mm and follow the instructions with step-by-step photos exactly.

Stage 1

Laying must begin on the side of the roof opposite to the prevailing winds. Mark the overhang of the first row with a stretched rope. The optimal length is 3.5-5 cm. Secure the first strip by driving nails into the top of the wave strictly at an angle of 90 degrees.

Follow a certain order of hammering.

Use a special filler to protect the cornice gaps from birds, snow drifts and debris. If necessary, the holes are easily pressed through with an improvised tool of a suitable diameter.

Stage 2

Lay the second row, starting with half a sheet. At the corner joint there should be 3, not 4 overlaps - otherwise, deformation of the roof is possible. Drive in nails, fixing both sheets at the same time. Install the following blades in the sequence shown in the figure. Make sure the locks match. For marking sheets, you can use an ordinary colored pencil.

Important! Installation of Onduvilla is possible at temperatures from -5 to +30 degrees. In the cold season, the speed of work depends on the condition of the repair compositions. With strong cooling, the adhesive properties of the mounting tapes are lost, and the sealants become more viscous. Therefore, consumables should be stored in a heated room, and during installation - kept in pockets.

Features of the installation of roofing elements

Mounting forceps

Fasten the end beam with a size of 40 * 40 mm along the bottom of the slope crate. Install gable elements, placing them along the edge of the roof from the eaves to the ridge. The overlap should be 8 cm. The transverse lines serve as a good guide. Mounting options for components are clearly shown in the photo.

Mounting the skate

Decorate the ridge elements. To do this, install covering aprons with an overlap of 4 cm on both slopes. Fasten the skates over them, taking into account the angle of the roof slope. If you use Ondulin roofing elements, the gaps must be closed with Onduvilla filler. In the same way, the ribs of a multi-pitched roof are formed - in this case, the joints of the slopes are additionally sealed with a breathable tape.

Onduvilla ventilated skates are also used to protect the slope joints. First, lay a breathable insulation pad along the rib, then close it with a roofing element with an overlap of 8 cm. Install special end caps on the ends of the ribs.

Installation of valleys

For laying the valleys, an additional crate is required. Install 50 mm thick timbers on the inside corners of the roof. The distance between their center and the rafters should be no more than 21 cm. Mount a continuous boardwalk at least 70 cm wide along the slope line.

Lay underlayment waterproofing to protect against leaks. Here you can use Ondutis superdiffusion membranes. Make sure that the overlap of the canvases is at least 30 cm.

Fix the valley on the resulting base. Installation of roofing elements is carried out in the direction from the eaves. The starting gutter is installed with an offset of 5-7 cm, which allows you to set the valley flush with the cornice line. The subsequent parts are laid with an overlap of 15 cm and fixed in all corners with wide-head nails.

Connection design

To carry out the work, you will need an Onduvilla covering apron and a specialized Onduflash-Super metal-coated tape. To begin, lay the apron around the chimney/along the wall and nail it into each wave of soft roofing.

Close the apron-to-wall/pipe joint with an appropriately sized strip of tape. Make sure that the sealing material extends at least 10-15 cm onto the vertical surface.

To fix the top edge of the tape, use metal profiles or wooden planks.

After finishing work, cover the bottom of the tape with an additional sheet of Onduvilla soft roofing.

Ventilation outlets

Use additional elements to ensure complete tightness of the connections and avoid future leaks. Onduvilla ventilation pipes perfectly match the "native" soft roof, and deflector caps reliably protect the channels from debris and precipitation. Installation is carried out as follows:

  • Cut an appropriately sized hole opposite 3 or 4 Onduvilla sheets. To do this, draw a line that coincides with the axis of the wave, and measure along it 13.5 cm from the top edge of the sheet. Set the leg of the compass at the end of the line and draw a circle with a diameter of 12 cm. Carefully cut it out with a jigsaw.
  • Mount the vent pipe. Make sure that the profile of its base coincides with the waves of the soft roof.
  • Lay the Onduvilla sheets over the base and secure the vent pipe with branded nails.

Video installation of a soft roof

Take a few minutes to watch the video. The plot highlights the features of a soft roof and typical mistakes of novice builders.

Important nuances

Prior to installation, Onduvilla must be stored in a horizontal position. It is advisable to keep the original packaging. If it has been damaged, it is necessary to protect the opened pallets from moisture and dirt. The soft roof cannot be stored near heating devices, the minimum distance is 1 meter.

Step 23 Use nails to fix patterns on skates and ribs.

Step 24 Make sure that the following elements of the material overlap the nail heads of the previous ones.

So, we considered options for how you can beautifully and quickly arrange the roof of a small building. Thanks to flexible tiles, high-quality waterproofing is provided, and the roof itself will acquire a truly original look!

Video - How to lay roll shingles


The French company Onduline SA, established in 1944, appeared in Russia in 1994. The manufacturer offers a soft roofing material called Onduvilla, which is suitable for arranging an original and reliable roof. The product is a three-dimensional bituminous tile with an original shape and colors that imitate natural tiles. In the process of manufacturing soft roofs, the manufacturer uses environmentally friendly raw materials, which consist of bitumen, mineral fillers, cellulose fibers and pigments from natural dyes.

Onduvilla from Onduline is painted in 4 layers: the first layer is a primer, the remaining three are decorative layers that protect the roof from fading. Flexible tiles are lightweight, which reduces the load on the roof and simplifies the installation process. The manufacturer gives a guarantee for the material against water resistance for 25 years, the service life of the roof itself reaches more than 50 years.

  • withstands any extreme weather conditions without losing its qualities;
  • not subject to corrosion;
  • does not heat up in the sun;
  • does not condense;
  • good sound-absorbing properties;
  • each element of the material has a patented Smart Lock hydraulic lock.
  • insufficient strength;
  • flammability of the material.

Onduvilla leaf


Döcke Extrusion Holding is one of the leaders in the sale of materials for suburban housing construction in the Russian market. The manufacturer offers a series of Europa shingles for arranging roofs of various levels of complexity on cottage and low-rise buildings. The material can be used on roofs of any complexity and structure. Requirements for slope slope - 12-90 degrees. The Europa series contains different collection options suitable for every taste of the consumer. The holding's product range also includes other series of shingles, such as Premium and Standart.

  • a wide range of products for every taste and budget;
  • sheets with anti-slip coating;
  • good soundproofing properties;
  • the basis of the material is a double PVC film.