An example of informal positive sanctions is Formal negative sanctions: concept, examples


- English sanctions, positive; German Sanction, positive. Measures of influence aimed at the approval of the desired behavior by society or a group.

Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009

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    AND; well. [from lat. sanctio (sanctionis) indestructible law, the strictest decree] Jurid. 1. The statement of what l. supreme authority, permission. Get an arrest warrant. Give permission for the publication of the issue. Detained with the sanction of the prosecutor. 2. Measure, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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    Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (from Latin sanctio - the strictest decree) 1) a measure of influence, essential tool social control. Distinguish between negative sanctions against deviations from social norms, and positive sanctions that stimulate socially approved, ... ... Political science. Dictionary.

The word "sanctions" is now on everyone's lips, and the meaning of this word is already clear to many. However, the phrase "social sanction" is a little-known sociological term, and it can be confusing. Who and on what imposes sanctions in this case?

The concept of sanctions

The term itself comes from the Latin sanctio (strictest ruling). In law, a sanction is considered as an element of a legal norm, which provides for negative consequences for a person who has violated the rules established in such a norm. The concept of social sanctions has a similar meaning. When we are talking about a social sanction, then, accordingly, a violation of a social norm is implied.

Social control and social sanctions

Sustainability social system, the preservation of social stability, the emergence of positive changes in society are provided by such a mechanism as social control. Sanctions and norms are its constituent elements.

Society and the surrounding people set the rules of social behavior for the individual and exercise social control, controlling compliance in its essence - this is the subordination of a person to a social group, society, it implies adherence to social norms. Control is exercised through coercion, public opinion, social institutions, group pressure.

It is the most important means of social control. In combination with social norms, they form a mechanism of social control. In a broader sense, a social sanction is all measures and means that are aimed at bringing an individual to the norm of a social group, stimulate him to have a certain behavior and determine his attitude to the actions performed.

External social control

External control is a combination of mechanisms and institutions that control the activities of people and ensure that social norms are followed. It is divided into formal and informal. formal control is a positive or negative reaction from the authorities. It is based on acts that have legal and administrative force: laws, decrees, resolutions. It applies to all citizens of the country. Informal control is based on the reactions of others: approval or disapproval. It is not formalized and is not effective in a large group.

External control may include isolation (containment in prison), isolation (incomplete isolation, detention in a colony, hospital), rehabilitation (assistance in returning to normal life).

Internal social control

If social control is too strong and petty, it can lead to negative results. An individual may lose control over his own behavior, independence, initiative. Therefore, it is very important that a person has internal social control, or self-control. A person himself will coordinate his behavior with accepted norms. The mechanisms of this control are guilt and conscience.

social norms

Social norms are generally accepted standards that ensure orderliness, sustainability and stability of social interaction between social groups and individuals. They are aimed at regulating what people say, think, do in specific situations. Norms are standards not only for society, but also for specific social groups.

They are not documented, and are often unwritten rules. Signs of social norms include:

  1. Validity. Applies to a group or society as a whole, but may not apply to just one or more members of the group.
  2. Possibility of application group or society approval, censure, rewards, punishments, sanctions.
  3. The presence of a subjective side. The individual himself decides whether or not to accept social or society.
  4. Interdependence. All norms are interconnected and interdependent. Social norms can contradict each other, and this creates personal and social conflict.
  5. scale. By scale, norms are divided into social and group.

Types of social norms

Social norms are divided into:

  1. Law- Formal rules of conduct established and protected by the state. The norms of law include social taboos (pedophilia, cannibalism, murder).
  2. moral standards- society's ideas about manners, morality, etiquette. These norms work due to the internal beliefs of the individual, public opinion, measures of social influence. are not homogeneous throughout society, and a certain social group may have norms that are contrary to the norms of society as a whole.
  3. Norms of customs- traditions and customs that have developed in society and are regularly repeated by the entire social group. Following them is basically a habit. These norms include customs, traditions, rituals, rituals.
  4. Organizational norms- rules of conduct within organizations, which are reflected in their charters, regulations, rules, apply to employees or members, and are protected by measures of public influence. Such rules apply in trade unions, political parties, clubs, companies.

Types of social sanctions

There are four types of social sanctions: positive and negative, formal and informal.

  • Negative social sanction It is a punishment for undesirable actions. It is directed against a person who has deviated from accepted social norms.
  • Positive sanctions- encouragement for actions approved by society, aimed at supporting an individual who follows the rules.
  • Formal social sanctions- come from official, public, state bodies.
  • Informal sanctions- are the reaction of members of the social group.

All types of sanctions form several combinations. Let's consider these combinations and examples of social sanctions.

  • Formal positive- public approval from official organizations (awards, titles, prizes, academic degrees, diplomas).
  • Not formal positive - public approval expressed in praise, compliment, smile, etc.
  • Formal negative- punishments prescribed by law (fines, arrest, imprisonment, dismissal, etc.)
  • Informal negative- comments, ridicule, complaint, slander, etc.

Effectiveness of sanctions

Positive sanctions have a greater impact than negative ones. At the same time, informal sanctions are more effective than formal ones. For a person, personal relationships, recognition, shame and fear of condemnation are greater incentives than fines and rewards.

If in a social group, society, there is agreement on the application of sanctions, they are constant and unchanged and exist for a sufficiently long time, then they are most effective. However, the existence of such a thing as a social sanction is no guarantee of the effectiveness of social control. In many ways, it depends on the characteristics of a particular person and on whether he strives for recognition and security.

Sanctions are imposed on people whose behavior is recognized by society or a social group as deviant and unacceptable. The type of sanctions applied and the acceptability of their use in a particular situation depend on the nature of the deviation from social norms and on the degree of social and psychological development groups.

Depending on the nature of the sanctions that are applied to the deviant, styles of formal social social control are distinguished.

1. Punitive (moralistic) style of social control .

This style is intended to punish deviants who have violated the foundations of society. Moreover, there is a maximum penalty. Applies to an offender who has committed an intentional act (most often a crime).

The peculiarity of this style is that it does not compensate the victim of deviant behavior. Justice is administered on the basis of moral justice.

Society has the main dominant values, the violation of which leads only to a punishing action ( human life, property, etc.). But, in those societies where there are no clearly fixed core values, deviant actions do not entail punitive sanctions. For example, in archaic societies, the central values ​​are religious. Tough punitive sanctions follow for violations of taboos and family traditions. At the same time, there will be no punitive sanctions for murder for an attempt on property.

In highly developed societies, there is a very large concentration of values ​​- there are many of them.

Such a social institution as the state gravitates toward a punitive style of social control. The most terrible act in the state is considered treason or treason and entails the death penalty or life imprisonment.

The intensity of applying the punishing style of social control is the opposite of social distance.

social distance - the degree of closeness between people. The main characteristics of social distance are: the frequency of relationships, their type (formal or informal), the intensity of relationships (the degree of emotional inclusion) and their duration, as well as the nature of the connection between people (relationships prescribed or unprescribed).

The greater the social distance between the deviant and the agent of social control, the greater the role played by moral rules. For example, the relatives of a killer tend to forgive his act, provided that this does not happen again in the future.

The punishing style of social control is inversely proportional to the relationship between the victim of the crime and the agent of social control.. If the victim is close in social distance to the agent of social control, then the response to the crime will be harsh (for example, in the USA, for killing a policeman, the criminal will most often be killed by the police during arrest).

Social control is usually of two types - top-down and bottom-up.

Top-down social control from top to bottom when the group occupying the higher social status, controls the group that occupies a lower position.

Upward social control bottom to top - downstream supervise superiors (public opinion system in the West de).

The punishing style of social control is always top-down.. Misdemeanors against those higher on the social ladder are punished more severely.

The punishing style of social control is directly proportional to social inequality. The poorer the person, the harsher the punishment.

The punishing style of social control is subdivided in turn into several types:

1) Open punishment- the response of the authorized bodies to the act of the deviant in accordance with the rule of law.

2) Hidden Punishment(informal control) - the group itself can punish its member for any misconduct (especially common in criminal cultures).

3) Indirect response- Mental illness can be a response to an insult.

4) Suicide- self-punishment (self-control).

2. Compensatory style of social control.

Compensatory style - forced style of social control : the perpetrator compensates for the damage done to the victim. Most of the time, this is financial compensation. After bringing compensation for material damage, the situation is considered settled and the deviant is punished.

In this style, the main focus is on the result of the misdeed, and it does not matter whether the offense was intent or not. The focus of this style is always the victim and it is she who is given more attention..

In the compensating style usually involves a third party which enforces compensation (arbitrator, lawyer, court, etc.).

The compensatory style is not used for murder, treason, terrorism - the punishing style is always used here. Sometimes a punishing style can be combined with a compensatory one (for example, a prison term for a crime committed with an additional penalty - with confiscation of property).

Compensatory style is used for medium and long social distance. Any kind of close relationship prevents compensatory style. For example, it is rare for neighbors to pay compensation for damages, since close ties that exist between people can be severed here, and if close ties are broken, they will never be renewed, especially if a third party is involved - the court. Compensation is rarely paid between friends.

With top-down control, the compensating style is very rare, since often the violator with a lower status does not have enough funds to pay compensation, besides, compensation, as it were, equalizes the superior with the inferior, so compensation is rare, or even impossible (for example, in a feudal society, if commoner killed the feudal lord, then a punishing style was used, since compensation equalized the feudal lord with the commoner). With upward social control, compensation is paid. (Rich and a famous person, going to prison loses his social status, so he pays off).

The modern world is more prone to a compensatory style of social control than to a punitive one (lawyers of two parties to a trial tend to agree before the trial and the responsible party pays damages to the victim, if there is no serious offense, then it rarely comes to imprisonment, which explains the development of the institution of lawyers in the West ).

In our country, this style is very weakly effective due to the legal illiteracy of citizens and the high fees for lawyer services.

3. Therapeutic style of social control.

This style is aimed not at punishment, but at changing the deviant's personality and consists of a psychotherapy procedure - this is, as it were, a symbolic change in the deviant's personality.

This style is valid only if the deviant agrees to therapy(violent therapy is a punishing style).

Here there is an attempt by a psychotherapist (or analyst) to resolve intrapersonal problems, help the individual to improve, reassess his behavior, return the person to society and teach him to live in accordance with the norms.

Agents of the therapeutic style are psychotherapists, psychoanalysts, religious figures. For example, in religion, guilt is completely removed from an individual for misconduct and this helps a person to adapt to the situation.

Within the framework of this style, the behavior of the deviant is of great importance.. If the behavior of a person cannot be explained, it is considered not quite normal and a therapeutic style of social control is applied to it. In the Criminal Code, there is such a thing as sanity: a mentally insane person at the time of the crime does not bear criminal liability.

Therapeutic social control is inversely proportional to social distance. If a father beats his family, they will think that he is sick. If parents beat their children, they are advised to see a psychiatrist, and not invited by law enforcement agencies. The greater the social distance between the deviant and the victim, the more they tend to consider the person a criminal, not a sick person.

4. Regulatory style of social control.

The purpose of the regulatory style is to regulate the relationship between the deviant and the victim of deviant behavior and bring them into harmony.. It is used in violation of relations between two parties: between two individuals, between an individual and an organization, between organizations. This style does not give any moral or material compensation to the injured party.

Nowadays, the regulatory style is quite widespread. It operates in the field of family relations; in cases of conflicts between students and teachers; between students and teachers; between employees in the enterprise, etc. It is used when both parties are rooted in a group where there is a long and intersecting relationship; when both parties belong to the same kindred group (if there are no vested interests); with a long stay of a group in one place (Russian peasant community).

The action of the regulating style is directly proportional to the equality of the sides. The two parties must be equal in social status; only the positional “husband-wife, children-parents” is allowed. It is practically impossible to regulate relations between representatives of different social groups.

Regulatory style is widespread among organizations. It is very difficult for an organization to punish they have multiple cross-links. At the beginning of the 20th century, trade unions arose in Europe. With their advent, the regulatory style among organizations has become dominant. Business owners can connect with unions without feeling humiliated.

The formation and functioning of small social groups is invariably accompanied by the emergence of a number of laws, customs and traditions. Their main goal becomes the regulation of public life, the preservation of a given order and concern for maintaining the well-being of all members of the community.

Sociology of personality, its subject and object

Such a phenomenon as social control takes place in all types of society. For the first time this term was used by the French sociologist Gabriel Tarde He, calling it one of the most important means of correcting criminal behavior. Later, social control began to be considered by him as one of the determining factors of socialization.

Among the instruments of social control are called formal and informal incentives and sanctions. Sociology of the individual, which acts as a section social psychology, considers questions and problems related to how people interact within certain groups, as well as how the formation of individual. This science under the term "sanctions" also understands encouragement, that is, this is a consequence of any act, regardless of whether it has a positive or negative connotation.

What are formal and informal positive sanctions

Formal control of public order is entrusted to official structures (human rights and judicial), while informal control is carried out by members of the family, collective, church community, as well as relatives and friends. While the former is based on state laws, the latter is based on public opinion. Informal control is expressed through customs and traditions, as well as through the media (public approval or censure).

If earlier this type of control was the only one, today it is relevant only for small groups. Thanks to industrialization and globalization contemporary bands have a huge number of people (up to several million), so informal control is untenable.

Sanctions: definition and types

Sanctions sociology of personality refers to the punishment or reward used in social groups in relation to individuals. This is a reaction to the individual's going beyond the boundaries of generally accepted norms, that is, the consequence of actions that differ from those expected. Given the types of social control, there are formal positive and negative, as well as informal positive and negative sanctions.

Feature of positive sanctions (encouragements)

Formal sanctions (with a plus sign) are different kinds public approval by official organizations. For example, the issuance of diplomas, awards, titles, titles, state awards and appointment to high positions. Such incentives necessarily provide for the conformity of the individual to whom they are applied to certain criteria.

In contrast, there are no clear requirements to merit informal positive sanctions. Examples of such rewards: smiles, handshakes, compliments, praise, applause, public gratitude.

Punishments or negative sanctions

Formal punishments are measures that are set out in legal laws, government regulations, administrative instructions and orders. An individual who violates applicable laws may be subject to imprisonment, arrest, dismissal from work, a fine, official punishment, reprimand, death penalty and other sanctions. The difference between such punishments and those provided for by informal control (informal negative sanctions) is that their application requires a specific prescription that regulates the individual's behavior. It contains criteria related to the norm, a list of actions (or inaction) that are considered as violations, as well as a measure of punishment for the act (or lack of it).

Types of punishments that are not fixed at the official level become informal negative sanctions. It can be ridicule, contempt, verbal reprimands, unfriendly reviews, remarks, and others.

Classification of sanctions by time of application

All existing types of sanctions are divided into repressive and preventive. The former are applied after the individual has already performed the action. The amount of such punishment or encouragement depends on social beliefs that determine the harmfulness or usefulness of an act. The second (preventive) sanctions are designed to prevent the commission of specific actions. That is, their goal is to persuade the individual to the behavior that is considered normal. For example, informal positive sanctions in the school system are designed to develop the habit of “doing the right thing” in children.

The result of such a policy is conformism: a kind of "disguise" of the true motives and desires of the individual under the camouflage of instilled values.

The role of positive sanctions in the formation of personality

Many experts come to the conclusion that informal positive sanctions allow for more humane and effective control of the individual's behavior.
By applying various incentives and reinforcing socially acceptable actions, it is possible to develop a system of beliefs and values ​​that will prevent the manifestation of deviant behavior. Psychologists recommend using informal positive sanctions as often as possible in the process of raising children.

All procedures by which the behavior of an individual is brought to the norm of a social group are called sanctions.

social sanction - measure of influence, the most important means of social control.

There are the following types of sanctions:

- negative and positive ,

- formal and informal .

Negative sanctions directed against a person who has deviated from social norms.

Positive sanctions aimed at the support and approval of a person who follows these standards.

Formal sanctions imposed by official, public or government agency or their representative.

informal usually involve the reaction of group members, friends, colleagues, relatives, acquaintances, etc.

Thus, it is possible to distinguish four types of sanctions:

1. formal negative,

2. formal positive,

3. informal negative,

4. informal positive.

for instance , five for the student's answer in class - formal positive sanction. An example negative informal sanction may be condemnation of a person at the level of public opinion.

Positive sanctions are usually more powerful than negative sanctions..

for instance For a student, reinforcing academic success with positive grades is more stimulating than a negative grade for a poorly completed assignment.

Sanctions are effective only when there is agreement on the correctness of their application and the authority of those who apply them.

for instance, the nurse can take the penalty for granted if she considers it fair, and if the penalty does not correspond to the misconduct, the nurse will consider that she was treated unfairly, and not only will not correct her behavior, but, on the contrary, may show a negative reaction.

Basic forms of social control

Forms of social control - these are ways of regulating human life in society, which are due to various social (group) processes and are associated with the psychological characteristics of large and small social groups.

Forms of social control predetermine the transition of external social regulation into intrapersonal.

The most common forms of social control are:


Morality and manners

Etiquette, manners, habits.

Ø Law - a set of normative acts that have legal force and regulate the formal relations of people across the state.

Laws are directly related to and determined by a particular power in society, which, in turn, leads to the establishment of a certain way of life. Many important events in life (marriage, childbirth, university graduation, etc.) are directly related to laws. Neglect of legal norms can lead to negative socio-psychological consequences.

For example, people living in a civil marriage, with legally unregistered marital relations, may face negative sanctions of an informal nature.

The law acts as an active and effective form of social control.

Ø Taboo a system of prohibitions on the commission of any actions or thoughts of a person.

One of the most ancient forms of social control, preceding the emergence of laws, is taboo. In primitive society, taboos regulated important aspects of life. It was believed that when prohibitions were violated, supernatural forces should punish the violator. At the level of modern individual consciousness, taboos are most often associated with superstitions - such prejudices, due to which much of what is happening seems to be a manifestation of supernatural forces or an omen.

for instance , a student going to take an exam can change the path if a black cat crosses the road; the young mother is afraid that someone else's gaze will harm the baby, and so on. A person is afraid that if the ritual is not performed by him, then unfavorable consequences for him will certainly arise. Internal taboos are (often at the subconscious level) social prohibitions in the past.

Ø Customs -repetitive, habitual for the majority ways of human behavior, common in a given society.

Customs are assimilated from childhood and have the character of a social habit. The main sign of custom is prevalence. Custom is determined by the conditions of society in this moment time and in that it differs from tradition.

Ø Traditions -are timeless in nature and exist for a long time, being passed down from generation to generation.

Traditions are practices that:

First, they have developed historically in connection with the culture of a given ethnic group;

Secondly, they are passed down from generation to generation;

Thirdly, they are determined by the mentality (spiritual warehouse) of the people.

We can say that traditions are one of the most conservative forms of social control. But traditions can also gradually change and be transformed in accordance with socio-economic and cultural changes that affect social patterns of behavior.

for instance , the tradition of the existence of a patriarchal family is gradually changing in many countries of the world. The composition of a modern family living under one roof increasingly includes only two generations: parents - children.

Customs and traditions cover mass forms of behavior and play a huge role in society. The psychological meaning of a custom or traditionsolidarity of people. Solidarity unites people of one society, makes them more united and, therefore, stronger. Punishment (negative sanctions) following the violation of tradition only contributes to maintaining the unity of the group. It is impossible to understand the essence of tradition outside the culture of the people. Many customs are eliminated with the change of life in society.

Ø Moral -special customs that have moral significance and are associated with the understanding of good and evil in a given social group or society.

Morality defines what people traditionally allow or forbid themselves in connection with their ideas about good and bad. Despite the diversity of these views, moral standards are very similar in most human cultures, regardless of the forms in which they are embodied.

Ø Consciencea special, unique quality of a person that determines his essence.

According to V. Dahl, conscience - this is moral consciousness, moral instinct or feeling in a person; inner consciousness of good and evil; the secret of the soul, in which the approval or condemnation of each act is recalled; the ability to recognize the quality of an act; a feeling prompting to truth and goodness, averting from lies and evil; involuntary love for the good and for the truth; innate truth in varying degrees of development (Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language. - St. Petersburg, 1997. - V. 4).

In philosophy and psychology conscience is interpreted as the ability of a person to exercise moral self-control, independently formulate moral duties for himself, demand from himself their fulfillment and evaluate the actions performed (Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary. - M., 1983; Psychology: Dictionary. - M., 1990).

Conscience carries internal special controlling functions, it is the absolute guarantor of the implementation of moral principles. At the same time, it is impossible not to notice that, unfortunately, in modern life they do not always contribute to the development of this unique human property.

Ø Morals -the designation of customs that have moral significance and characterize all those forms of behavior of people in a particular social stratum that can be subjected to moral assessment.

Unlike morality, mores are associated with certain social groups. That is, the generally accepted morality in society can be one, but the mores are different.

for instance , the mores of the elite and the mores of the working part of society have significant differences.

On the individual level morals are shown in manners of a person, the peculiarities of his behavior.

Ø Mannersa set of behavioral habits this person or a particular social group.

These are external forms of behavior, ways of doing something that characterize a certain social type. By manners, we can determine to which social group a person belongs, what is his profession or main activity.

Ø Habit -an unconscious action that has been repeated so many times in a person's life that it has become automated.

Habits are formed under the influence of the immediate environment and, above all, family education. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that habits acquirenature of need if they are formed and fixed.

At the first stage of habit formation, due to its novelty, the individual experiences certain difficulties in assimilation. But when action is perfectly learned, it becomes necessary. We do not pay attention to our habits, because it is, as it were, a part of ourselves, it is something natural and necessary. Other people's habits that are not like ours can be quite annoying.

for instance , newlyweds may experience some everyday difficulties due to the difference in habits. And in families that exist long enough and safely, one can observe the unity of habits or agreement about their manifestations.

famous proverb reads:

“Sow a deed, reap a habit,