How to clean the room with the help of a rail. Legends and historical facts

Whatis Reiki?

The Cleansing and Healing List is not just a list of problems, people, or situations.
Interactive Cleansing and Healing List Reiki Is a tool
which works to cleanse all programs in our subconscious.

Whyis there an Interactive Reiki Cleansing and Healing List?

Practice Reiki assumes constant involvement in the process, without stopping for a minute.
Programs in subtle bodies separating us from the Source Reiki, sea
and you never know where and how they will appear on your way.
We are all normal ordinary people and we go to work every day,
we are engaged in daily affairs and, alas, often during the day we forget about Reiki.
We need all kinds of help to keep our healing going without stopping.
In addition, we often need powerful energetic support from the Master. Reiki,
with its powerful techniques, techniques and symbols.

Interactive Cleansing and Healing List Reiki- kind
additional help and protection.
It helps to cleanse yourself and any own life situations
If there are people you think need help,
then before putting their names or situations on the list,
you should definitely ask them for permission to do this.
If you are unable to do this, but you really want to help,
then list yourself and remember that the problem is with you, since you are worried about a situation.

HowDoes the Interactive Reiki List work?

You apply and provide your first and last name for energy work.
As soon as your registration and your name on the List passed - everything - your cleansing and healing began!
Non-stop. All you have to do is be in it.
You are sleeping - List Reiki works.
You are working - List Reiki heals.
You forget full session to do - List Reiki cleans up.
This is a very versatile tool!

To whomIt is suitable?

To all... Use the Cleansing and Healing List Reiki
anyone can, regardless of whether he has initiation into Reiki.

Whereis this Reiki List?

The list is in virtual space Reiki,
created with the help of the unique secret copyright techniques of the Master Reiki.
This virtual space is permeated with a powerful flow of energy Reiki,
surrounded by a powerful stream of energy Reiki
and is constantly in an interactive state.

Do you need to do something when you get on the Reiki Cleansing and Healing List?

Live your life,
to practice Reiki if you have a dedication as you usually do.
The list works on its own, regardless of your mood or desire.

Whichdo you need information to be added to the Reiki List?

Your First and Last Name.
If you want to list your home - Home address.
Business name of the business, address.
Work - place of work, address.
Car - registration number.

how manyis it worth participating in this Reiki List?

Price first position in the list of duration for a month - 640 rubles.

At the same time, you can add any number of additional items to the list.
With each added point, the cost decreases:
for two positions in the list, you need to enter 960 rubles,
for three positions - only 1350 rubles,
for 5 positions - only 2050 rubles, etc.

Yes, I want to be on the Online Cleansing and Healing List Reiki.
I understand that I can include in the purge list any number of paid names (mine, family members, friend), business names (or places of work), or house (apartment) addresses.
I know that no one can guarantee the specific result I want. Creator and Energy Reiki are the arbiters, and they have the right to change the situation for the common good of everyone.
I also understand that I can accept and allow all positive changes in my life as I purify and heal.

This change in body and mind does not happen overnight. It takes a certain amount of time. Together with the energy of a low frequency, the body and consciousness are freed from negative phenomena both in the physical understanding and in the spiritual. The student is freed from the physical consequences of negative emotions, and old emotional patterns are also changed.

Body and energy centers tuned to a finer vibration level. Having received the energy of a high frequency, the student enters the path of knowledge and improvement.

During this period, many situations arise related to our condition, and you yourself decide how to proceed in this case. This applies to the physical sensation, and to changing habits, and to old patterns of reaction to life situations.

Do what your heart tells you. During cleansing, it may become necessary to cleanse your body of accumulated toxins. There are literary sources on this score. It may be wise to consider your system physical activity and diet, your hygiene and lifestyle.

In each of the 21 days, you will feel a change for the better, you will progress and improve.

In order to follow the process of cleansing, we recommend that you keep a diary and note the changes that occur, so that later you can analyze the process of Reiki in cleansing and healing.

Every day before going to bed, engage in memory recovery of the events of the day and be aware of your attitude to what is happening. Analysis is also important in order not to let ourselves get hung up on the events that are taking place, which we perceive and experience according to long-rooted habits (each has its own character). Every day one must be aware of what is happening and react as it is vitally necessary, avoiding simplified perception and the use of already known models of reaction, which can lead to a wrong perception of Truth.

Every time you need to evaluate your actions, see what can be improved. Of course, by analyzing our actions, of course, we will find good models behavior and decisions taken... They should be consolidated and applied. These are, for example, good relations with others, emotional empathy for someone's misfortune, forgiveness of negative statements and actions, especially if they were admitted through thoughtlessness or stupidity.

Giving self-appraisal to our actions in the evenings, we will get used to “take care of ourselves”, control our actions and reasoning, act more thoughtfully and wisely. In this way, you can gradually get rid of old emotions and habits, which will now be appreciated more fairly.

It is also advisable to trace and record in your diary changes in your dreams with the restoration of events and characters. To do this, you need to put the diary close to the resting place and, upon waking up, immediately write down everything that is lingering in your memory. At first, these will be short, unrelated shots, but after a while (a week or two) you will have a coherent narrative.

The dream and its description is a wonderful tool to help tuning with the help of the subconscious, restoration in dream records will greatly improve your memory.

During this period of purification, self-healing should be practiced.

By the end of the cleansing period, you will experience dramatic changes and improvements in your physical and mental well-being.

During the same period, often remember the five principles of Reiki, developed by Dr. Usui. Each time, comprehend their content and follow them rigorously.

Material from the book L. Popovich, A. Popovich "Reiki - an endless path".

Reiki Master Tatiana Rein

Did you know that Reiki can work not only with diseases and situations, but also with rooms? Room cleaning in Reiki is often used by my students.

What are the premises cleaned of and why? With what intentions are these practices carried out? How is the cleaning session carried out?

Cleaning of premises in Reiki.

I have already said that everything in this world consists of energy. And everything around has its own accumulated programs. The premises also have their own history, including the energy one.

Very often premises build up mass negative programs... This has an adverse effect on those who live in them. Therefore, I advise you to regularly clean the premises with Reiki. For this, there are special sessions and practices, which I talk about in detail on and on

Why do you need room cleaning in Reiki?

In order to heal you and your life from negative and interfering programs. We conduct sessions for ourselves, our plants, our animals, our loved ones. And your home also needs to carry out cleansing sessions.

We are accustomed to using physical efforts to clean and clean the premises. We take out the trash, wipe the dust, wash the floor, walls, windows ...

But physical body(object) is the final instance of the manifestation of any energy. Therefore, stale air, accumulations of dust, allergens, dirt, debris and unnecessary things are a manifestation of our programs on the subtle plane.

If you clean the room only at the physical level, then those programs that are not removed on the subtle plane will again appear in our room. Therefore, it is necessary to cleanse your apartments, houses, work premises with the help of Reiki energy.

In what situations can cleaning sessions be used?

My students use Reiki in almost any situation:

  • strained relations with loved ones
  • if the house (apartment) is often sick
  • more frequent cases of loss or loss of things
  • when frequent accidents and breakdowns began to occur
  • sell the premises if necessary

Reiki can work not only with residential premises, but also with commercial premises: warehouses, offices, shops. Any objects that you own or use. You can give Reiki to any room you visit, live or work in.

How can you recognize a sharing (without a session)?
1. Moving eyes.
2. Interrupts constantly.
3. Does not hear what they say to him.
4. Always right.
5. Eyes with limp, lack of clarity.
6. Aggression.
7. Doesn't remember what he is talking about.
8. I'm sick next to him in physical sense... You hear the astral-mental plane of a person.

How can you recognize if you are sharing (without a session)?
To all of the above, constant weakness, de-energization, a feeling as if a veil in my eyes, frequent dizziness and a feeling as if I was being manipulated.

How can you recognize a sharing during a session?
1. Grimaces.
2. Swings or bends.
3. May shake as if in a fever.
4. Unreasonable laughter.
5. Can cry or squeak pitifully, can make different sounds: grunt, bark, etc.
6. You may feel nausea in your solar plexus.
7. Strong vibrations can appear in the hands, hands can become sticky, wet, and something under the hands can move.

You should know that nothing in itself is bad or evil. An entity can be destructive only because it is alien to a given world, dimension, body, or time. But there are places that are her home. And if we help her find her home, the entity will willingly go there.
Therefore, instead of perceiving the invading entities as forces of evil that need to be hated and expelled to the edge of the universe, to the underworld, one can consider them as lost travelers, souls, entities from other worlds.
They will be grateful if we can help them return home.
Whatever energy invades our space, we need to treat it with compassion. When we think that we need to "get rid of" something, we proceed from dislike, anger, and fear, and frighten the entity with this attitude. We must give love to the low vibration essence. In a state of fear, she will not enter into dialogue. The entity senses when it is being attacked and, like a frightened child, can hide in a secluded corner that it has created for itself in your body or field. The entity will not dare to go where destruction awaits it. The more we don’t love something, the more energy we give to it. And the more difficult it is to get rid of it.
The practice of withdrawing entities.
Prerequisite: there must be no feeling of fear. Fear can be filled, replaced with love, the place of fear can be filled with Divine Light.
Session with yourself.
Enter the Reiki channel, invoke Your Higher I AM Presence (In the name of I AM THAT I AM, I invite my I AM Presence, a particle of God in me, to be with me throughout the entire session and today... I ask you, my I AM Presence, to take direct control of all my actions, deeds, words, feelings and thoughts. I ask you, my mighty I AM Presence, to act through me throughout the session, today, to lead my life).
Set and pronounce the program: all the entities that have settled in my astral-mental plane, accept help in complete harmonization, fill with my love and go to your space and time, where you will be in complete harmony with the universe.
And do yourself a session as your master taught you, as you like in this moment... Use the Reiki symbols that come to mind. You will be guided by your Higher Self. Throughout the session and during the entire time of work to withdraw the essence (s) from your field, from your body, you need to lead the Essence, communicate with it.
For example, you say, referring to the entity: “Now space is open, come out, do not be afraid. You can go to your home. I fill you with Light, Love, you are already uncomfortable in my field, in my body. You have grown up and you can live separately from me. Go to your space and time, where you will be in harmony with the Universe. Do not be afraid, look here is your universe, it is good here ”!
It is as if the birth of your child, created by you, is taking place! When you feel that something starts to separate from you, help him go in love, even if you have a feeling of disgust. After all, this separates a part of yourself, which is already alien to you, and which has already served you.
A memory may flood. You can realize what situation gave birth to this entity. Ask everyone who was involved in this situation for forgiveness and forgive everyone.
Cosmic essences infuse a person in order to be filled with love. Having received what they expected, i.e. love and light they leave the field, the human body, go into their plans. A swelling, rash, growth, etc. may occur at the site of an entity's attachment, a cough, stuttering, anger for no reason may occur.
When the essence leaves, it is necessary to fill the place where the essence resides with light, the energy of Reiki.

Working with the patient is the same as working with yourself.
The patient needs to put knowledge into his ears. If a person is not ready, then you will not help him.
You can work with children through water and from a distance.
How can you help the "infected"?
It is necessary for it to pass: 7 days, 70 times to write forgiveness. Then burn everything.
There are many methods.
During the session, the patient should work with you. Before the session, recite the program, the same as for yourself, only add: the session takes place at the necessary and sufficient level and only in this apartment (room) here and now. Keep your hands in positions for no more than 3 minutes.
If the patient cannot withstand the vibration of the session, he may show aggression and other side effects, you can do just meditation at the beginning.
You sit down opposite the patient, point your hands in his direction, and do a calm meditation. Sometimes you need to do 30-40 sessions to completely heal a person or heal yourself.

in practice, they are wide enough. In addition to healing, harmonizing situations, Reiki energy can also cleanse space, objects

Room cleaning

On a piece of paper we write the city, the full address of the apartment. We invoke Reiki or KR, place the sheet between our palms and say the intention:

“Here and now, I ask the Reiki energy to cleanse apartment number ____, located in the city ___ street ____, house ____, from all the accumulated negative and its consequences, from all the old, dirty, unnecessary, obsolete. I ask the Reiki energy to close this apartment from all negative influences from outside. I ask Reiki energy to fill this apartment with Love, Light and positive energy, to harmonize and balance the energy background of the apartment to the optimal level for all the inhabitants of this apartment. "

When cleaning for the first time, work three days in a row. The procedure should be performed at least once a month.

Attention: those who live in the apartment being cleaned may exhibit CC.

Charging water, creams and other items

To “charge” water, cream, any other liquid, substance or object, you need to induce a sensation of energy flow emanating from the palms and fingertips, similar to the one you used in the non-contact massage.

To “charge” the water, a man must hold a glass in the palm of his left hand, and with his right hand he must emit an energy flow. To do this, first, the rolls of the right hand are brought into a bundle and the water is irradiated with the tips of the fingers at the shortest possible distance. This must be done for at least 1 minute, then “charging” is carried out with an open palm at a distance of 5 centimeters. After 3-5 minutes. right hand rises up to 20 centimeters from the surface of the water, the fingers are reduced into a bundle, the irradiation of the water continues with the fingertips for 1-3 minutes. and in this position, the fingers are brought back to the surface of the water. The whole cycle is repeated three times.

"Charging" items for their use in treatment should be done with a positive emotional mood for good, for getting rid of diseases.

It is considered that a man “charges” with a positive beginning with his right hand, and if he does it with his left hand, he “charges” with a negative principle. In women, the opposite is true: the right hand is negative, the left is positive.

If a person is left-handed, then the polarity of his hands is reversed.

In this method, the main thing is unshakable faith in healing.

Charging water

It is known that water is a liquid, the molecules of which are strictly oriented relative to each other, thereby creating an organized internal structure. Therefore, water is considered an astral liquid and a universal carrier of energy and information. It easily accepts and retains a field inside its structure, for example a magnetic field, which gives plain water unusual properties. Water is capable of dissolving various substances, the list of which would take more than one page. Water is perfectly filled with the energy of thought and retains it. This property of water is based on a method well known from ancient times - the preparation of healing or sacred water. The holy water, which can be obtained in an Orthodox church, is filled with the energy and information of prayer, contains silver ions, which have bactericidal and healing properties.

A Reiki healer is able to prepare Reiki water for healing and toning. We give the direction to the ray with the formula: “Lord, let me be Your channel to prepare healing water, please give energy to the right place, the right one, and as much as you need.” For this, a vessel with water is placed between the palms and the Reiki is filled for 5-10 minutes, and the volume of the vessel does not matter, it can be a glass, a jug, a jar or a bucket, and even a bath.
To prepare a healing Reiki bath, you put your hands in the water, having previously performed the ritual of entering the Reiki stream, and keep them in the water for ten to fifteen minutes; if you are reading a prayer at the same time, then along with the flow of Reiki, the water will be filled with the vibration of the prayer, and will absorb the power of the Christian egregor.

Healing Reiki water can be prepared for a specific disease and for a specific person. Such water is given to the patient with him, and he takes it as medicine. This is done when a person leaves and the treatment is not over yet, or to continue Reiki between sessions. It happens that a person cannot be healed with the help of Reiki contact sessions. In this case, Reiki sessions at a distance and the intake of Reiki water can give a good result.
When we prepare Reiki water for a specific person and for a specific disease or problem, we perform the ritual of entering the stream, and then we say that we ask Reiki in order to prepare healing water for the name, in order to heal such and such (we call) disease. we keep our hands on the vessel with water for 21 minutes, we can put Reiki signs on the vessel with water and in conclusion we perform the thanksgiving ritual.

Problems are not only with health. Highly serious problem- bad habits that develop into serious illnesses - alcoholism and drug addiction. Often people suffering bad habits do not consider themselves sick or self-harming. The healing water of Reiki, if it does not radically change such a situation, can still provide significant help in combination with other efforts. For such situations, Reiki water is prepared as described above, only they name the problem that they want to solve, for example: "... prepare water to heal N. from his addiction to alcohol."

Reiki water is prepared for those who are stressed or depressed, for those who want to lose weight or gain weight.
Reiki water is used to purify space by spraying the premises, as is done using holy water from a temple.

Water can be filled with a stream of Reiki at the same time as certain specific information in order to help solve a variety of problems.