How to get rid of the midges in flower earth. How to get rid of midges in flower pots: folk remedies

Moshki Sziarda or as they are also called, mushroom Komariki May become a real disaster for amateur flower. They appear on indoor plants Always suddenly and immediately in large quantities, because adult individuals multiply very quickly. For this reason, you need to take action as soon as possible and get rid of the midges in colors, insects can be destroyed as chemical preparationsand more gentle folk remedies.

Moshki Sziarda - What do they know with them?

Scyrides are tiny, not more than 4 mm mosquito, have an elongated body. gray and round dark head. Most often, under adverse conditions of plants, when the flower is regularly overlooking the soil. The situation is exacerbated if it is hot enough. It is such a warm and wet microclimate is the ideal conditions for living and breeding the midges. The mosquito themselves are not dangerous for flowers, but their larvae living in the soil can cause irreparable harm to the plant. Detect the larvae in the substrate enough, you just need to dig upper layer Soil is 2-3 cm, small whitewash worms will immediately be noticeable. Often, their body is translucent, and the black head, the length of the larvae from 3 to 5 mm. They feed on the juice of the roots of the plant, as a result of which it stops in growth, cares and soon dies.

Prevention of the appearance of midges in room colors

Many want to know how to get rid of midges in colors, but so that after the course of treatment it does not appear again, you should pay special attention Prevention.

  • It is impossible to allow frequent and long-term oveurgement of the soil, you need to take the rule to water the plant with such a frequency, so that the upper layer of the soil manage to dry up by 1.5 cm. This is especially true of the cold season, when most plants are at rest and to maintain them Life requires much less moisture than in the spring-summer period.
  • For many colors, light and loose soil are needed, so too dense and heavy substrates should be avoided. A layer of drainage is not less important, ideally, he should take at least 25% of the total pot. In order to ensure good aeration, you need to loosen the soil more often, the midges do not fit into such an earth.
  • To never be wondering how to get rid of midges in colors, do not experiment, fertilizing the plant with fresh tea or water, in which the fresh meat was washed. From such feeding, flowers grow much faster, but this contributes to the development of harmful insects. It is better to give preference to organic fertilizers coming on sale. For example, it has been well aware of the composition made on the basis of products of the life of rainwrites.
  • Most often, midges fall into the apartment with a new plant and fresh soil. Before transplanting colors, the soil is recommended to hide in a water bath.
  • The midge will not be able to postpone the eggs into the dry ground, so clamzit can be poured onto the surface of the earth, after irrigation, it dries quickly without leaving the insect chances of reproduction.

We fight with midges on colors of folk remedies

If you managed to notice the pest on time, then get rid of the midges in room colors safe methods, the effectiveness of which is tested in practice by many flowers.

  1. Sulfur. This substance is detrimental for larvae, so it is a good treatment and the most important thing available, because there are matches in every home. Depending on the size, the pots should take 4-8 matches and immerse the sulfur heads into the soil at a depth of 1.5-2 cm, evenly distributed over the entire surface. Then it is necessary to slightly moisten the soil. The next few days you need to periodically remove matches and inspect how only the sulfur disappears, they must be replaced with new ones. On average, the course of treatment provides for the replacement of matches 4 times.
  2. The solution of manganese. It is necessary to prepare a solution for watering so that its color is light pink, a higher concentration is able to destroy not only the midges, but also the plant.
  3. Garlic. The first way is to prepare garlic tincture. It will take 3 medium in the size of the teeth, preferably fresh harvestThey need to be thoroughly crushed and pour cool boiling water liters. Water should flow at least 4 hours. Spraying plants and watering soil in such an infusion well helps to get rid of the midges in room colors, but it should be noted that in the room there will be a heavy, resistant smell of garlic. The second method is more "humane" for the nasal of the flower. It is necessary to cut several teeth for thin slices and decompose along the entire surface of the soil. The main thing is to trace so that the soil comes into contact with the cut, and not with the outside.
  4. Orange. Essential oils Orange peel also have a negative impact on the midge. Small pieces of fresh peel must be immersed in the soil, the more dense they will be laid, the better.
  5. Wood ash. This method can be used as an additional measure. After all, often when the soil is overwhelmed, it zaises, and the ash has alkaline environment And when making it into the soil, acid is neutralized. Some flower products recommend adding tobacco dust to ash, which is used in the fight with many insects.

Chemical preparations (insecticides), as the most effective means for combating midges

Sometimes folk remedies Only for a while destroying insects and under certain conditions they are returned again. To forget everything forever what midges are in colors, how to get rid of them, it is necessary to buy a chemical agent 1 time. On sale there are both solutions intended for watering and spraying and granules that need to be mixed with the top layer of the soil.

Among the liquid compositions are the most popular in the flower water "Agrovertin", "Aktar", "Phytoverm", "Aktellik". The course of treatment is 2 weeks, it should be watered 1 time in 7 days. After making a solution, it is not recommended to water the flower clean water 4-5 days.

Granules that need to be made into the soil: "Mud", "Thunder-2", "Bazedin". It is important not just pouring the content to the surface, but mix with the upper layer of the Earth. The effect of these drugs is slower, but no less efficient.

Attention! All insecticides are toxic, processing should be carried out in gloves, respirator and protective glasses, and after the procedure to air the room. Less toxic preparation "Phytoverm", made on the basis of natural components.

Plant transplantation - extreme measure of getting rid of midges

Sometimes it fails to get rid of the midges in room colors and have to completely transplant plants. Old primer must be destroyed, and a new tolerant on a water bath or pour by a solution of manganese, but then be sure to dry. The roots of the plant need to be cleaned as much as possible from the substrate and also rinse with a weak, light-pink solution of mangartee, becoming not burning them. To destroy flying adult individuals, it is necessary to carry out disinfection of the room with a dichlorophos.

Having landed the plant again, the flower engine should continue to be more attentive, regularly inspect its "pets" and prevent situations provoking the appearance of midges and other pests.

Video: How to get rid of midges in houseplants

In order to get rid of the midges on colors do not necessarily use poisonous insecticides. To begin with, you can try several effective folk remedies for the destruction of uninvited guests.

Getting rid of the midges in the indoor colors of the ammonic alcohol in the apartment, Nistatan

For the processing of colors by ammonic alcohol, 50 ml of ammonia and 4 liters of water are mixed from the midge. Flowers watered the resulting solution. As a result, the midges disappear, and the plants receive an affordable nitrogen fertilizer.

Nystatin is an antifungal drug for the treatment of candidiasis. It does not fit the midges.

How to quickly get rid of midges in dual colors dichlorophos, ammonia alcohol

Dichloofos can very quickly get rid of the midges, only not on plants. The drug causes burns on the leaves. It is better to use insecticide for plants - accility or alatar. Be sure to replace the soil in pots.

To get rid of midges with ammona alcohol, bred 1 tbsp. l. The ammonia in 2 liters of water and water the plants. Process from the spray guns and pots with plants.

How to get rid of the midges in the colors of folk remedies with the help of manganese, with the help of garlic

To get rid of the midges with the help of manganese, weak mortar, such that in the palm it seemed colorless. Plants are watered and sprayed with mortar once a week for a month.

You can get rid of the midge with the help of the head of garlic, if insects only appeared on the plant, and did not have time to postpone many eggs. Garlic cut on the plates and lay out over the earth in flower pots, midges do not tolerate garlic smell, and prefer to leave the plant.

How to get rid of midges in household colors with matches, tobacco, with ammonia

To get rid of the midges using ammonia, a solution of ammonic alcohol is used (25 ml per 2 liter of water). The resulting solution is watered in colors.

You can also try people's method Getting rid of insects with matches. In the ground, the pot stick the matches down on the same distance from each other, the plant is watered with water. Change matches within a week every other day.

Strong smell of tobacco also scares insects. To destroy adult midges prepare infusion - 50 grams of tobacco poured a liter of water, leave for two days. Then the liter of water is tossed, filtered and spray plants over several weeks.

How to get rid of midges in flower pots with orchids

To get rid of the midges in orchids, replace the soil ( wooden boring) - washed roots from larvae, and fill pots with dry bark. To get rid of adult midges use tape sticky. In the future, the orchids are not filled with water so that new midges are not divorced.

Prevention of the appearance of midges in colors

So that the plants do not start midges, the earth cannot be poured with water, before the next irrigation, the upper layer of the soil should dry. Use fertilizers from the store that do not contain organic residues. Avoid fertilize soil tea welding and organic fertilizers self-making.

It is familiar to many lover of room colors. To bring completely unnecessary insects in the house, it is not necessary to get rid of the vases with favorite houseplants, cozy placed on racks or window sills.

By breeding various home plants, it is necessary to stock up a good "portion" of scrupulsion and attentiveness. Caring for room colors is a thorough care for them.

"Traditional" indel bedroom pests

Dealing with the problem of task how to bring non-crude guestsMany flower products notice that insect attack are not at all the flowers that are divorced in one particular apartment.

To break your head, how to get rid of the midges, is most often with fuchsia and begonia. They are not indifferent to her inquiry. For sciarids, plants such as ficuses and violets, azaleas are attractive.

Easy technologies allowing to get rid of midges in colors

If the problem has appeared recently, it is possible to cope with it quite easily and quickly, without serious financial costs.

For chosentes and solid solutions, the problem solving a lot: it is folk recipes, and the ability to use dichlorophos and other chemical aerosols.

All methods and means are acceptable with white and black insects.

Deciding to cope with the problem of folk remedies, you can count on their greater safety. Below are several simple ways.

Chemical methods of struggle

In this list, of course, the dichlorophos leads - various developments, including Raptor, RAID. The solutions "Agrantin", "Thunder-2", "Kinmix" and many others are effective.

The start of use should be preceded by a solid acquaintance with the instructions. Each tool has its own characteristics.

Preventive measures

In order not to complicate your life with new troubles, most often enough to show some attentive care and be aware.

In particular, if we are talking about the care of indoor plants, it is necessary to control the frequency of irrigation, their volume; pay attention to the humidity of the soil; Provide soil good drainage; engage in soil. And to solve the problem already arising, it is necessary to approach comprehensively and neatly.

Floral flies - The generalized name of several pests, which are annoyed by indoor plants. Insects are laying off larvae in an earthen mixture, which cause irreparable damage to homemade green plantings. Question how to get rid of flower midges, worries all amateur flower products.

What midges go in flower vases

Among the inhabitants flower Gorshkov The following types of insect are distinguished:

Quite often, flower pests include drosophyl. This kind of fruit little flies can construct their nests in flower vases.

Flower flies appear by a number of reasons:

  • penetrate from the street through an open window, the window, when a wet land is detected, mushroom mosquitoes are happy to settle in a potted plant;
  • flower flies like moisture and mooring the soil creates a favorable environment for them;
  • earth, the ground did not undergo pretreatment before planting the plant.

Experienced flower products noticed that the flies in a flower pot are attacking not all plants and layming up when choosing a flower. The house-stroke and assignment are better leaving near plants with soft leaves. Sciarides prefer to settle near plants with a rigid leaf mass. Vases in which pests are found are recommended to keep away from other plants so as not to infect them.

People's methods to combat pests of plants in the apartment

Before riding pests with industrial preparations, it is worth using folk remedies. Their advantage is to use the use and in the fact that required component To combat, there is always at home.

The most effective folk remedies from flies in a flower pot:

  1. You can get rid of annoying midges with a soap solution. 30 g economic Soap grate and dissolve in liter warm water. The resulting solution is pouring into the pulverizer and irrigate the plants once every 5-6 days. The use of this is safe for colors, but detrimental for such pests as ,.
  2. Mushki in a pot are becoming because high humidity. To prevent the development of larvae, you need to dry the soil. To do this, it should be less likely to water the earth, and apply a small layer of crystal sand or ash to the ground.
  3. It can be struggling with a faint solution of potassium permanganate or mustard permanent solution. One tablespoon of dry mustard powder dilute 1 cup of water room temperature. The resulting solution is neatly poured soil, avoiding entering the leaves. This simple way will help.
  4. To, you need a top layer of soil infected with larvae, carefully remove and fall asleep new.
  5. The flies in the pot are afraid of sharp smells. The strongest releasing effect is garlic and citrus. Solk garlic or orange decompose in a pot or insert into the ground. You can prepare the infusion of garlic at the rate of 3 glasses of water per middle size head and spray the plant.
  6. Use for fishing homemade traps. For their manufacture, take pieces of cardboard, lubricate them with honey and attach a pot to the inner surfaces. Such

Most apartments and offices have indoor plants. Their breeding - the occupation of troublesome, requires great effort and attention. From bad care or unfavorable conditions Plants suffer. They can affect such insects like midges.

There is a need to get rid of non-crushed pests. No need to hurry to throw out the flower along with the soil. There are many ways to keep the plant, bring small annoying insects.

general information

Flower infection insects can be seen with the naked eye. Attack plants can 2 types of midges: white and black. The most common - white (chipstock). They reach a size of 0.2-1 mm., Have white or yellowish-brown color. We are often localized at the foot of the vase or on a flooded soil. Insects are marked with high activity, constantly jumping around the leaves. More often white midges infect flowers in winter time or in early spring. Prefer flowers with soft leaves (Begonia, Fuchsia).

Black midges (SCIARIDA) are becoming harnessed when the soil fertre up with a organic or folk remedies (tea welding), as well as if an infected soil was used during a flower transplant. They are not dangerous for a person, but the massive presence of insects causes discomfort. The larvae is 2-5 mm in size in the ground, very harm the root system of culture. Sciarides are good to take root with density plants (ficus, violet, azalea).

Causes of appearance

Insects can start for several reasons:

  • High humidifier in the pot. Often this happens in winter when the need for irrigation decreases. But the plant continues to water with the same intensity as in the summer. As a result, the soil becomes a beneficial environment for living for midges.
  • Use as fertilizer of folk remedies (coffee water, tea welding). Often independent experiments without a consultation of a specialist become an impetus to infect the plant insects.
  • Poor-quality soil. There are cases that after some time after buying a flower in the store, midges appeared. This means that the soil has already been infected. And the warm climate in the house caused rapid insect reproduction.

How to get rid of midges in colors

How to get rid of midges in indoor colors? At the first signs of plant infection with midges, measures must be taken. Otherwise, they spread further, they will cause infection of other pots with flowers. Most reliable way Get rid of insects - change the soil. Get a flower from a pot, rinse his roots. Pot to disinfect. But this method can be traumatic for the roots of the flower, weaken it. Therefore, it is first better to resort to more gentle ways to combat.

Folk remedies and recipes

Verified recipes:

  • Halong the soil with a weak solution of calcium permanganate. Should be very careful with concentration of substance, not to burn roots.
  • Make a weak soap solution, pour the soil.
  • Fresh cut orange crusts in the ground. Their smell has a discrepancy effect on pests.
  • 3 garlic heads chop, pour 1 l of water. Leave for 3 hours. The means to pour plants.
  • Halves of garlic lobes decompose around the perimeter of the vase.
  • Several matches stick down in the ground. From time to time to check the condition of the sulfur on the matches and change them. After 1-2 weeks, insects and larvae must die.
  • For the catch of adult midges near plants you can hang a velcro for flies.


More efficient from midges - chemical. In specialized points of sale can be purchased preparations destroying midges:

  • Bazudin;
  • Inta-Vir;

Universal insect aerosols can be used to treat air indoor from adult midges:

  • Raid;

Before work S. chemicals It is necessary to learn instructions. Treatment to carry out B. special means Protection (gloves, glasses, bathrobe).

So that in indoor plants did not wind midges, it is necessary to take certain measures to prevent:

  • Do not water the soil with doubtful solutions. It is better to use resistant warm water.
  • Regulate the degree of humidity of the soil. It is possible to water the flower again when the earth will dry by 1-1.5 cm.
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