Why is a pond dreaming about a dream book? A pond with clean water

If you dream about a pond, it means that the upcoming events will not bring you grief, and fate will allow you to keep a calm view of things.

If the pond is dirty in a dream - domestic quarrels or someone's illness await you.

If you dream of a clean pond full of "playing" fish, then in reality your affairs will go more successfully than before, and entertainment awaits you.

Falling into a clean pond is a sign of indisputable good luck and mutual love; into a dirty - unfavorable dream.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's dream book

Dream of a Pond

Symbolizes stagnation. Turbid water means the presence of psychosomatic diseases. A pond with unsteady, fetid water indicates a pronounced negative psychology, turning into schizophrenia, suicidal tendencies, as well as the presence of a malignant tumor in the body.

Interpretation of dreams from the Free dream book

What do dreams mean Pond

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric dream book

Dream about the Pond

Pond - Reminders of the essences of nature (elementals), your aura lacks natural components. It's time to go to the village, it is recommended to rest in middle lane... It's time for the villager to look around and also get closer to nature.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the Canaanite

What does it mean in a dream Pond

A pond - a pond in a water lily - you will lose something, but over time you will gain; and if in a duckweed - a wandering by land, a short, but difficult road.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

The meaning of dreams Pond

A dream about a pond foreshadows chores. If in a dream you bathe in it, then soon you will have new worries. See in a dream small pond- a harbinger of the fulfillment of desires for lovers. Such a dream promises them reciprocity and happiness. See interpretation: water.

If you dream that you see fish playing in a pond, then your life will go on smoothly and you will be happy with it. Falling into a pond in a dream (if it is clean and beautiful) is a sign of luck or love. Seeing a pond with lilies in a dream portends unusual pleasant excitement or meetings. Sometimes such a dream predicts that some kind of loss will upset you, but the bitterness of the loss will be replaced by the joy of some kind of gain. An overgrown pond in a dream indicates the neglect of your affairs.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family dream book

What does Pond mean in a dream

Swimming in it is a chore; in water lilies - loss; in duckweed - a short trip, but difficult; small - fulfillment of desires (for a woman), love.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation Veles

The meaning of sleep Pond

A symbol of the development of your affairs. Looking at a clean pond - feel that you are in control of what is happening. Fish splashing in the pond - new successes in the business field. Falling into a clean pond is a favorable development of events. Falling into a dirty pond - luck will turn away from you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Men

Interpretation of sleep Pond

A dirty pond dreams of quarrels and quarrels. Falling into it in a dream means parting with your beloved and experiencing all the bitterness of loneliness.

A dream about a clean pond, on the contrary, is an auspicious sign. Falling into it means mutual love of lovers or spouses.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love dream book

What Pond predicts in a dream

A dreaming pond, overgrown with duckweed and old weeping willows along the banks, portends a stable financial position, a stable income and excellent prospects.

Riding a boat on a pond with your lover - an event awaits you that you have been waiting for so long that you have almost lost all hope of its implementation.

Swimming in a pond naked or seeing swimmers naked means that in reality you will perform a completely unpredictable act that will make your chosen one happy. To fish - in reality you will receive a scolding from the authorities for absenteeism or being late. Frogs croaking in the pond portend the fulfillment of desires.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation in alphabetical order

What does it mean to see a Pond in a dream

A clean pond in a dream portends events that will not bring you grief. You will be able to stay calm thanks to a philosophical view of things. Pond, full of playing fish, indicates that in reality your business will go much more successfully than before. A well-deserved rest and pleasant entertainment awaits you. Falling into a clean pond in a dream is a sign of indisputable good luck and mutual love.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern dream book

What the Pond's dream predicts

Walking along a quiet pond - a calm, maybe a little boring life awaits you. Swimming on a pond on a boat - a long-awaited peace will be established in your family.

Imagine that the pond is also full of life: a variety of animals are found in it, the surroundings of the pond are very picturesque. Do you like the pond.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

The meaning of the dream Pond

If you dream about a pond, then the upcoming events will not bring you grief and you will be able to maintain a sound view of things.

A dirty pond dreams of domestic quarrels.

A clean pond with splashing fish will bring you success in business and fun entertainment.

Interpretation of dreams from

Collection of dream books

Why is the Pond dreaming about 26 dream books?

Below you can find out the interpretation of the "Pond" symbol for free from 26 online dream books. If you did not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form for all the dream books of our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of sleep by an expert.

A pond in mud, dirty- stagnation in business, illness, intimate female problems.

American dream book

Dirty pond - dreams of domestic quarrels.

Clean pond with splashing fish- will bring you success in business and fun entertainment.

The interpreter

See with clear and clear water- marks friendship or reward; see with muddy water- there is a sign of labor and deception; see it floating live large fish- portends abundance and wealth; and see him as a dead fish- portends bankruptcy, theft and cheating; see the pond and small fish or smelt in it- means chores and fuss about household chores.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What did the Pond dream about in a dream?

Swim in a pond in a dream- means stagnation in business; you can disturb someone's peace for no good reason.

Frogs croaking in the pond- portend the fulfillment of desires.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Clean pond in a dream- portends events that will not bring you grief. You will be able to stay calm thanks to a philosophical view of things.

A pond full of playing fish- indicates that in reality your business will go much more successfully than before. A well-deserved rest and pleasant entertainment awaits you.

Fall into a clean pond in a dream- a sign of indisputable good luck and mutual love.

A dirty body of water is an unfavorable sign for the dreamer. Disputes in the family or illness of a loved one await you.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Interpretation of a dream: A pond according to a dream book?

Small pond - disappointment; pretty pond- family comfort, happiness.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Lily pond - gain through loss; in duckweed - travel on dry land.

Medieval dream book

Fall into a pond or sea- to wealth.

Ukrainian dream book

Water lily pond- you will lose something, but over time you will gain; and if in a duckweed - a wandering by land, a short, but difficult road.

Esoteric dream book

The pond is a reminder of the essences of nature (elementals), your aura lacks natural components. It's time to go to the village, it is recommended to rest in the middle lane. It's time for the villager to look around and also get closer to nature.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: A pond according to a dream book?

Why is the pond dreaming? This plot- says that everything that happens will be your joy.

More interpretations

If it is dirty, it is a sign that you may be facing family disputes.

He was clean - it means that you are on the verge of success and important achievements.

The dream you swam in it- promises you a suspension of the development of an important business.

If you enter a pond- temporary failures and difficulties await you, to solve them you will knock on all doors, but no one can help you, only annoy you with unnecessary fuss.

Video: What is the dream of the Pond

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Dreamed of a Pond, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what the Pond is dreaming of in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    I dreamed of a pond, through the clear water I saw the algae and all kinds of vegetation under the water, I looked at it from the side, and some strange large animal was swimming in it, something like a huge dog with a huge tail, this monster dangled along the pond, got confused and its tail came off and it ran out to land without a tail and ran away, and the tail remained in the pond, the pond was in the yard of my childhood, from where I left many years ago, even in this pond it was like an island of grass when this animal dangled along the pond this green island also floated after him, what could this dream mean?

    I dreamed of a small body of water, it looked like a tiny lake, the water was not entirely calm, there was a small current. I came there very often to rest, swam there, lay on the shore and rested in body and soul. this place has become a second home for me. and then some people came, I knew them, and they said that my reservoir would be taken away from me. I don't remember what happened next.

    I walked along the highway (familiar to me in reality). I saw a pond off to the side of the road. Water poured out of it (as if it were overflowing) into a small ditch near the road. There weren't big waves and the water was dirty. I quickened my pace and the road went slightly uphill.

    I dream that I am standing in water (pond) up to my waist, some kind of fun, event, a lot of people, everyone is involved in some kind of game, in order to go further (through the game) it is necessary to move to the other side, to the cliff. Calling me unknown guy to go with him. But since I'm afraid big water, then I refuse, tk. it’s too deep there and I don’t know how to swim .. everyone went to the other side, but I am left alone .. and the dream was interrupted.

    we are with ex-girlfriend walked, she led me to the pond, near which stood all her friends. little boy about 10 years old, on a signal, he jumped into the pond, after which the girl invited me to dive too. the dream ended with the fact that I thought that a surprise awaited me, but was not sure whether it was worth jumping

    I was visiting my sister in another city, and suddenly I saw myself in a muddy pond, probably muddy because of the silt, then my sister offered to go to the river. Outside the window was a wide and deep river and a large bridge. I clearly saw that the water was saturated of blue color and the stream of water was very beautiful, but we did not have time to go as we had to go home.

    Good day! I dreamed of a pond that is not on my site, but in a dream it appeared unexpectedly, the water remained in it, like The groundwater... My late father said that we had slept on him earlier. The pond was clean and large

    I had a dream that his family and I were resting with the guy's family, we were on my pond in my village, but somehow strangely it seemed to be dried up and there was a small clump of the pond, we swam there with the guy, but the water seemed too warm to me and I went out the guy, too, when, coming out, I examined everything, but this pond was small and dirty

    I dreamed that small colored fish (10-12 cm in size) were swimming (chaotically) in shallow water in clear, clear water, there were about 7-9 of them.
    In short, the fish in the pond.
    why did this dream?

    I dreamed that I was sitting at a table with an unfamiliar man and woman. The man began to beat her, I interceded, and he chased after me. I began to run away, I couldn't run quickly, he ran right next to me. Some other unfamiliar man stood up for me, we ran into the elevator, went upstairs, ended up in some mall... I went out through it, ended up on the shore of the pond, it spilled heavily, some guys tell me to fall straight into the water and that's it. The water was clean and clear. I do not remember myself in the water, but somehow I was able to break away from the pursuer ...

    I was riding a bike and fell at high speed into a pond that was dirty (with turbid water) I fell not from the edge, but somewhere in the middle, then I emerged and was carried by the wind forward through the water, I caught on a branch and called for help even at the beginning, I fell because I went after my uncle, he and his son played in the distillation and fell into pond, I went after them and also svolil this dream I dreamed twice for the first time I did not see my uncle and how he played with his son in the distillation, I saw right away as I fell, but with a great h was or not, I don't remember he dreamed where -two months ago, and where I saw my uncle and how they played in the race on the bike, I saw yesterday

    in a dream, my friend and I bred frogs in a pond, and the water in the pond was very clean. we were happy. I took one frog in my arms and stroked it and put it on a stone, the frogs did not run away, it was very good for them)

    pond with dark water but clean. I see myself in the water, soft silt under my feet, unpleasant. Suddenly, a young man and a woman were in the water. The woman is pregnant, labor has begun, I help the man push her out of the water onto the shore.

    Hello, tonight I had a very unpleasant dream for me. The bottom line is that my father and I were walking near the pond and saw a man looking for a man in the pond, moreover, he had already pulled out two corpses from the pond. And I took and jumped by the water to look for the third corpse and suddenly found myself at the bottom of the pond, where I pricked myself against something sharp and the water in the pond was very dirty

    It was night. The pond is covered with ice, and in the middle there is a huge Christmas tree. There is water near it, I ran to it, but I saw the water and ran to the shore, I was afraid to fall through the ice. Nearby there was a cemetery with crosses and monuments, but without names. Each grave and cross was decorated with a garland and was beautifully illuminated in the dark.

    hello I had a dream that I caught big fish(1 meter), I did not know what kind of fish it was, it looked like a large lizard (without legs, naturally, with a tail like a catfish), I bit the line from the fishing rod and released it back into the pond, and noticed that the depth of the pond is about 6- 9 meters with a crystal clear bottom where I clearly saw every pebble and the dream ended, I dreamed similar ones for a long time about 2-3 times, I will be grateful for your interpretation.

    my friend and I arrived at the pond as if it was Ivan's day bathing, the pond was clean, transparent, the friend dropped the wreath into the water and entered the pond, I jumped from a height into the pond and kicked out the bottom, then swam out. I had such a feeling that somewhere near my brother died.

    as if I'm screaming little son so that he would not come up to the pond, but he still came (the pond is clean from far away) and when I ran after him he was sucked in, small and dirty and I was looking for him, and then I saw the handle and pulled out ate and got out the ate myself. began to do everything to come to life and he seemed to cough.

    I had a dream in which I see a pond where I have been more than once. The pond looked beautiful, with lily and lotus flowers on the surface. I wanted to swim in it, but the person who was walking next to him said that it was dangerous to swim in it (dissuaded)

    not far from the house there is a pond, he dreamed of me deep, a lot of mud of some kind of incomprehensible snags, but very clear water and you could see the fish that swam there, people were catching this fish, but this fish was very large, it looked more like a monster. one of these was caught and I went to see her she was very big and scary

    I dreamed of a pond (decorative) clean, with clear water, decorated with different stones, flowers. There were 2 turtles swimming, small green. There was also 1 pike. And my dog ​​was running around this pond. And I watched all of this. The dog didn't even want to go home.

    I was in the water in a pond and not alone, when suddenly they wanted to crush me from a height by throwing a car at me. the first time the car didn’t come out, they understood on some cable again and aimed at me, but I dodged at the very last moment and the car fell into the water next to me …… I got out of the water and climbed a multi-storey building and went out onto the balcony and saw a huge fish in the transparent water, it was lying at the bottom, and I was terrified that it didn’t eat me.

    I dreamed that I was walking with a friend and an unknown girl and then I was kind of screaming and that girl stood in front of me, looked into my eyes and said something and then I thought they would plunge, but when I went down the steps, there was almost no water, I asked where the water told me what would happen now and she started when the water was scarce, it was muddy, and when the head was recruited, it became clean and at that moment the podolol with a milky priest dedicated it !!

    Hello, I just had a dream where I went for a walk with my girlfriend and a friend of the girl, when I was walking, I was very jealous of her, then they saw a pond, it was near the cemetery, I went to swim, the water was clear, the pond was not deep, but in the middle there was a hole dug, and a ship stood at the bottom, it glowed a little, I was scared, I swam ashore, as soon as I swam out, I began to tell everything to the girl, and then a lady suddenly appeared and said that this was a bad sign, and that after that none stayed alive

    I dreamed that my father and I were walking along the road past a pond. My father fell there and I also began to fall, but my father pulled me out. But in the pond he broke some kind of tablet and because of this I got upset and went on alone. Then a dog flew at me and began to bite my hand. I didn’t scream, I didn’t hit, I didn’t just try to move my hand. Then she fell behind but bit to the blood. Tell me what is all this about?

    Hello. I dreamed that I was swimming in a pond. The water, of course, was cloudy, but clear. I was very surprised when I dreamed of my own wedding ring although I'm not married yet. I accidentally drowned him in a pond. I don't remember whether I got it or not. At the bottom of this pond were all sorts of small pieces of iron. I saw the bottom, because I dived to the depth. And she also jumped into the water with a fish at the request of the young man (in real life I know him, he is mine ex-boyfriend) I don't know why I dreamed about him. A group of girls came to the pond to swim. They started to be rude to my friends and me. In general, they all got it and I drove them away. Over time, the pond began to grow shallow and autumn began in the middle of summer, but still someone else was swimming in the pond. On a nearby pond, I saw a friend of mine who was skating. That pond was frozen and there was snow around it, and that pond where I swam in the water yellowed leaves and trees floated, which were crumbling.

    along the shore of the pond under water and on the shore, my husband and I collected grapes and tangerines. the harvest was under water and on a steep bank. They put them in bags and left them moving along the water along the coast. I got bunches of grapes from the water and tangerines. An elderly couple swam past us and suggested that if we have little fruit, then a little further, where they collected, a lot, and we can "go" there. When I decided that it was enough, fearing that someone would take the bags, I found out that my husband had gone somewhere and did not warn me. This annoyed me. besides, in the distance I saw an old acquaintance with his wife, who were also gathering fruits. We greeted him. The pond was from my childhood, at home.

Pure water in a dream - to joy, a successful outcome of the case, happiness. Any vessel or reservoir with clean water promises prosperity and wealth in the near future.

The clear water in the river is an auspicious sign that promises success and joy. A clear river flowing into your bedroom portends the imminent arrival of a rich overseas guest who will do much for your well-being; if the water is worried, then your guest may come with bad intentions and disturb the peace in your home.

The stream of clean water flowing near your home means that soon your financial situation will be strengthened and you will get a good position that will give you the opportunity to help people in need.

If in a dream you were given a glass of clean water, then you will be successful in business or get married, which will turn out to be happy.

If the glass is cracked and the water is not spilled, then your wife may die during childbirth, and the child will remain alive. For women, such a dream predicts the untimely death of a spouse.

To the priest to see in a dream what he distributes to people clean water, - a sign that he honestly fulfills his duty and brings people good and consolation.

Muddy water in such a dream is a warning that the priest is overly carried away by doctrines and heretical teachings.

If a young man sees in a dream that he is collecting clear and transparent water from a well, then he will soon marry a lovely girl; if the water is cloudy or becomes cloudy, then his happiness will be short-lived and many disappointments await him.

To take clean water from a well and treat someone with it is a sign that with your help the people whom you treated with water will be enriched. If the water becomes cloudy, then you will bring misfortune to this person.

To draw water from a well portends success in business or a purchase. Muddy water always portends confusion of feelings.

Carrying water in clothes, a broken vessel, or something else that is not quite suitable for this means that you will suffer losses or deceive the people to whom you have entrusted your fortune. If water is not spilled at the same time, then you will miraculously avoid big losses and save your fortune.

To bury such water in the ground is a harbinger of great trouble, loss of a good name and shameful death.

Seeing a pond with calm water is a sign that your life will be calm and happy.

A pond with clean water in a dream, if it is located in the middle of a field, promises you that soon you will be able to save enough money so that you can afford to have a family and children. If the water in the pond floods the shore, then you can lose your wife, children or money.

If your wife also had such a dream, then she may lose her money or is waiting for her. early death.

To a man to see a small picturesque pond in a dream is a harbinger of romantic love beautiful woman.

The seething stream is a harbinger of fire, trial and revenge of enemies.

Water flowing over the stones means that your enemies or bosses will be relentless, and you will lose the lawsuit.

Standing in the water among the waves and not being able to get out of there means that soon you will need all the courage and fortitude to survive the impending disaster.

Seeing in a dream how someone is drowning in a seething and dirty stream means that a scandal, separation from your lover, longing, hopelessness and failure in business await you.

The restless water in the river is a harbinger of a threat looming over you, emanating from a domineering and powerful enemy.

Sailing on a river with clean water in a boat is a harbinger of all the best - success, wealth, fulfillment of desire. See interpretation: boat, oars.

Swimming on a large river is a warning of the danger looming over you.

Being in a dream in the rapid flow of a river and not being able to get out of it is a sign dangerous disease, danger, lengthy trial.

A fluttering stream means the danger of fire, trial and the intrigues of enemies.

Sailing on a boat on a reservoir with clean and transparent water - to a good name, to wealth and happiness. But swimming in the dark means that you will be tormented by doubts.

Seeing streams and fountains with calmly flowing water in a dream portends good news, such a dream predicts recovery for a patient.

Seeing your reflection in the water is death for the sleeping person or someone from close relatives. A dried up or dried up source of water in a dream does not bode well.

Perhaps your life is in danger, one of your close relatives or friends may die. Sleep also predicts great financial difficulties.

If the water in your dream flows from a place where it should not flow, then you will face a lot of grief and problems.

Scooping up this water in a dream is a bad omen. How more water you scoop up the worst value will have this dream and the longer your misfortunes will last.

It is good to see in such a dream that the water suddenly disappeared or dried up, because then the unfavorable period will quickly end and everything will be fine.

If in a dream you hear the noise of water or a stream of water, then soon a person will return to you whom you have not seen for a long time and did not think to see.

Drinking water in a dream - to trouble, failure, betrayal in love, divorce. Drinking warm water is a harbinger of the fact that a certain person, offended by you, will want to take revenge on you. Drinking dirty water is a sign of great anxiety or illness.

To spill water at home - to worries and troubles. How much water you shed, so much grief you will sip. It’s even worse if it ruins furniture or carpets.

Throwing yourself into the water in a dream is a sign of danger; diving into water - to trouble. Seeing yourself in water is a sign of illness, colds, tumors, melancholy.

Taking a dip in the water means that you can justify yourself and remove any suspicion from yourself. Seeing others bathing portends reconciliation with enemies.

Drowning in water is a sign of obstacles, failures, disappointments in love.

Being wet is a sign of troubles, worries, domestic squabbles, collapse of hopes. Wet your feet in a dream - to losses, illness and obstacles.

Cold and chilly water in your sleep is a sign of health; hot water means illness, cloudy - sadness and gossip, clean promises well-being and success in business, and dark - insults, resentments, quarrels, failures.

Having fun with games on the water is a sign of an innocent and pleasant pastime.

Washing your hands in water in a dream is bad for patients. For the rest, the dream portends that they will refuse to participate in some business.

Washing someone's feet with water is a sign of consoling loved ones in sorrow. Washing with water is good news.

Seeing bubbles on the water is a sign of good news and health. See interpretation: bubbles.

Seeing splashes - to the news. Sprinkling water on someone - to an unexpected turn in business. If water splashed on your head in a dream, then unexpected passion awaits you. If the spray does not hit you, but somewhere nearby, then an unexpected meeting or an unexpected turn of events awaits you.

Seeing a splash of water in a dream means an increase in your chances of success.

Pouring water is a harbinger of empty talk, a sign that your hopes will not come true. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you are talking more than you are doing. Watering something with water means losses.

If the water is dirty, then a shameful trial awaits you.

Plunging into water up to your throat in a dream will mean that you will be fed up with what is happening and your life will become disgusting to you.

Carrying water is useless work.

Walking on water and not getting your feet wet is overcoming obstacles and good luck in a difficult matter.

Hearing the sound of water in a dream is a sign that gossip is spread about you.

Scalding with boiling water in a dream is a sign that you will lose money due to your own negligence.

Looking at water in a dream means that your misgivings will come true.

If in a dream you are afraid of water, then shame, loss or illness, which you feared, await you. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you can become a victim of robbers if you do not take care to properly hide your valuables in time.

To dream that a water carrier is moving towards you is a harbinger of an imminent receipt of wealth or inheritance. Such a dream also predicts good luck in enterprises and large profits.

A whirlpool in a dream symbolizes problems and difficulties. Getting into it is a sign that soon you will find yourself in a difficult position and will not know how to get out of it.

Sometimes such a dream predicts an inheritance, because of which you will have a lot of trouble.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family dream book

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The dream of swimming or relaxing on the shore of a pond is the most desirable PERFORMANCE dream for many people. Recreation and recuperation in nature seems like a wonderful prospect. However, those present in the reservoir with you may indicate events that take place without your participation in real life. The assessment of the message transmitted in a dream depends on those persons who are in the reservoir, as well as common themes and interests that; unite you with these people in real life. Perhaps you should not watch, but join them?

Do you feel the urge to join the bathers instead of standing on the sidelines and confining themselves to acceptance? sunbathing.

An unattractive sight of WATER may indicate a certain situation depicting the body of water as something that you have been drawn into against your will. In that. In this case, the people swimming in the pond may be the people you trust but about whom you have concerns.

Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Interpretation

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A pond of any size is a symbol in a dream human soul, it reflects the state of the psyche and spiritual balance of a person dreaming. In a dream, the reservoir appears as an image of events not so much external as internal, associated with deep processes taking place in the dreamer's mind.

What if dreaming about a pond?

Any water seen in a dream is a rather important sign, an unconquered, mysterious, unsteady element always reflects the hidden and exciting. In order to understand what the reservoir is dreaming of, it is necessary to first establish what exactly was seen in the dream. So, the lake will become the largest symbol of any events, good or bad, depending on the state of the water and the ability to see its shores in a dream. The pond is less significant, but it can reflect something more intimate, close to the past and secret memories of the dreamer. The swamp is always an unkind sign, and the dark pool contains the most mysterious message associated with the secrets of the soul. Larger bodies of water have a separate meaning - seas, oceans, rivers are better viewed not as a body of water, but by their own name, because their meaning in dreams is completely different.

It is important to understand in what state the pond appeared to the sleeping person. Cloudy and dirty water will be an unkind sign. Excitement, ripples, even a storm will be evidence of turbulent events imminent. A calm pond with smooth water is a positive symbol, and a joyful one sparkling in the sun is an even better sign.

Reservoirs are united by one general rule- all of them are somehow connected with the secrets of the mind and soul, having seen this or that water in a dream, you must first of all think about what is happening in your own heart and the depths of the subconscious.

So the lake, if its waters are clear, and the sun is shining in the sky, casting glare on the blue surface, will become evidence of the correctness of the chosen life path, a sign of wisdom, saying that nothing really needs to be changed and it is better to listen to your experience more often. Ripple or excitement of the lake water can indicate internal contradictions, a sense of error, emotional instability. The muddy, stagnant water of the lake will accurately indicate the need to change something in yourself in order to get rid of emotional stagnation.

What portends?

The pond seen in a dream has quite a few meanings. A shallow body of water reflects not as global events as a lake, but at the same time it can have a more particular, more specific meaning. A clean and well-groomed pond testifies to good luck on the chosen path. Dirty, overgrown with mud, the pond portends quarrels, scandals, partings. Not just dirty, but rotting, waterlogged, or full of artificial pollutants, the pond is indicative of severe mental health problems that need to be seen by a specialist.

The most mysterious reservoir of dreams is the pool, the unsteady surface of which draws in and drowns the bathing people, plunging them to the bottom of unknown despair. A whirlpool in a dream can talk about imminent suspicious events that require cunning and intelligence.

It is important to understand that having seen a pond in a dream, especially a dirty lake or a gloomy pool, you should first of all look for a deciphering of sleep in your own head, pay attention to your mental state and try to solve the accumulated internal problems.

The body of water is usually a positive symbol. Often you need to pay attention not only to the water, but also to those who are at the reservoir with the dreamer, a dream can say something about loved ones or acquaintances. To see a pond in a dream is a reason to think about your own actions and motives, a chance to choose the correct philosophy of life.