How, how much and when to drink clean water

In sports and fashion magazines they write about the benefits of water with enviable regularity. IN social networks Numerous and sometimes contradictory data about it. Lifehaker disassembles popular misconceptions and finds out when, in what form and quantity to use water.

1. We must drink eight glasses per day

The formula of eight glasses nimbles from the magazine to the log. It is up to the absurdity, a simplified rule, published in a foreign press in 1945, suggests that consumed (including together with food) per day, the liquid will be equivalent to about two liters of water. Water can be consumed in any form: in soup, juices, vegetables and fruits, tea. But the phrase "drink eight glasses of water per day" perceive literally.

Two liters - average value, suitable for a healthy adult, not engaged in physical labor. Men and women, athletes and office workers, inhabitants of cold and hot countries are required miscellaneous number water.

It is best to focus on thirst. Want to drink - Drink. The main thing is to fill the loss of water, providing metabolism, which is especially important for overweight. Scientists from the Indian Medical College in Navi Mumbai conducted a study Effect of 'Water Induced Thermogenesis' On Body Weight, Body Mass Index and Body Composition of Overweight Subjects. On the group of people 18-23 years, which for eight weeks drank on half liters of water three times a day: in front of breakfast, lunch and dinner. At the end of the experiment, the weight of the subject decreased.

Drinking water in pure form is also useful. Unlike juices, coffee or milk, water does not contain caffeine, fats, carbohydrates and other substances capable of harming the body with non-valid use.

In 2010, researchers established Drink Water to Curb Weight Gain? Clinical Trial Confirms Effectiveness of Simple Appetite Control Method.That drinking water before eating reduces calorie intake.

2. need to drink bottled water

This error is supported by quite objective data on low quality. water water in different cities of Russia. But if from under the tap flows the corresponding sanitary standards Water, you can drink it. True, it is possible to check it only in the laboratory, so plumbing is better filtered and boiled.

Manufacturers produce drinking and mineral water in bottles, and this can be the same fluid that is pouring from under the tap, only more expensive. And mineral water is also therapeutic - it is impossible to drink this without special Recommendations and restrictions.

3. Drink during meals harmful

Funny, but people say that people who are convinced of the benefits of soups and the harm eat bread sound. In fact, drinking food with water, we help the stomach to absorb the eaten.

4. Drink during training harmful

Old Soviet physical consultants sometimes say that the fluid drilled during training increases the blood volume, forcing the heart to make more efforts when working. In fact, everything is exactly the opposite. With the loss of fluid, the blood becomes thick. This makes it difficult for the work of the heart muscle. Nutritionists and coaches advise to drink at any time workout, as well as before and after it. The main thing is not to drink too much, but about it below.

5. Cannot drink too much

This statement is the myth half. The thesis that abundant drinking bothers to lose weight, has no scientific basis, because we remember that water provides our metabolism. Excess water is excreted from the body natural paths. If the body tends to save liquid, consult a doctor.

To cause harm to water, you need to drink it very much, perhaps even against the will. Scientists from the Institute of Neurophysiology and Mental Health in Melbourne argue that when water consumption, the overall in the human brain includes a mechanism that overwhelms a swallowing reflex.

More than three liters are extremely recommended for more than one hour, especially athletes. During training from the body, sodium is removed. Its lack of water consumption leads to hyponatremia, in which the fluid is not excreted from the body, but accumulates in cells.

6. Abundant drinking helps in the fight against ORVI and with hangover

Many know that during the colds you need to drink a lot of water, but not everyone understands why. By itself, water does not treat flu and ORVI. It fills the lost liquid lost during the disease, which is also important.

With hangover, water is needed exactly for the same reasons. Alcohol intensively displays fluid from the body, so we need to fill it up. Benefit folk remedy From hangover - brine - confirmed by scientific data. Salt contained in the brine helps to fill sodium loss. The main thing is not to overdo it.

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DFP 2 Horizontal ADS

2017-01-17 09:48:16

I felt that I drink water correctly, purely intuitively, not as everything, useful article ??

Anya Zhurenko

Patient on diet

2017-01-17 11:43:56

Something from the category "Drink Kocacolo can only from bottles and cans. But if you have a cocacol flowing from under the tap, then you can and from under the tap "

Ivan Zhukov

2017-01-17 13:06:32

For example, listen, very informative, there are links in the description should be.

Mark Antipov

2017-01-17 23:45:41

Complete the topic to the end, please! You can not overdo it, we understood that, and what if it was critically critically, as some "not water"? What a minimum fluid is harmful for whom, and what is it at all this minimum.

svetlana Averin

2017-01-18 02:44:44

Very useful information, at all forums, where I was, (for weight loss), it was said to drink clean water it is necessary to 30g for 1 kg weight, but now I understand why to force your body, pouring liquid, too much, drinking as much as you want, thanks Huge.?

Stas Gronovich

2017-01-18 07:26:07

7.5 glasses came out on this rule

Olga Golubneko

2017-01-20 13:20:56

Read Batmanghelija, everything is written there, and the author of the article takes a lot. It would be more correct to explain how and for what the water is needed. However, then it will be not interested in anyone: people live myths ...

Sergey Molchanovsky

2017-01-23 15:22:30

Who told you? I personally hear about it personally.

Ivan Evdokimov

2017-01-23 20:15:29

Author, you misunderstood the results of Indian research. 50 fatty women drank not on half liters of water per day, and after half a liter - on half liters three times a day half an hour before meals. Correct. Original: This Study Was Conducted On 50 Overweight Girls for Eight Weeks, During Which The Were Instructed to Drink 500 ML of Water, Three Times a Day, Half An Hour Before Breakfast, Lunch And Dinner, Which WaS Over and Above Their Daily Water Intel .

2017-04-23 16:57:27

personally, you are not a measure of truth ... ✳

Olga Skobova

2017-09-14 07:30:04

absolutely illiterate article in every paragraph. I heard the ringing, I do not know where he is. "Manufacturers produce water distilled and mineral." Detaculated water for drinking is simply not allowed, as it is harmful to drink it. Even such craftsmen sell us water from the crane as two famous world brands (guess who themselves, and they honestly write on the labels that water "from the downtown water supply") first carry out water treatment - bring water from the crane to distillate almost, And then artificially mineralize. Artesian water and even the water from the crane is not water and that's it. There is always mineralization-potassium, sodium, magnesium, well, at least sodium should be. Otherwise, you drink empty water and cranes. Hunters in the taiga when drinking a fierce snow or water from streams is always solid. Otherwise, muscle strength is lost, metabolic processes are disturbed, and for the year the drinking is empty from nature (water in the mountains, glaciers and melt - often empty) or empty from the filter or after boiling - teeth and bones will be sprinkled. The water in the bottle can be mineral (and this is divided into therapeutic, which the doctor prescribed the doctor and the medicinal-dining room, which can be drunk as a cool drink, but still not 2 l per day) and drinking. Drinking contains minerals, but in smaller quantity. However, this amount is important for us, especially when exercising in sports, when the useful salts are also washed from then, and the need for sodium increases almost twice.

Olga Skobova

2017-09-14 07:43:16

How much I want to drink - right only in part. We are simply not used to watching drinking mode. How many people are found people with dried dehydrated skin. They complain about the high hemoglobin, and even when the doctor says - Drink more, I can not pour into myself for a long time more half-liter of water per day: tea or coffee. Sparking still. everything. WHO offered the formula 30ml * per kilogram of weight. It's minimum. In soups, tea and kissels, water is also there. But for the body it is already "food". 2l a day is a very conventional thing, right. We must take into account the lifestyle, state of health. But the minimum of good water should be. And the hangover syndrome and poisoning is better just treated with mineral water with a higher sodium content than simple artesian drinking water. But the very drinking rate on drinking, if you like mineral water, it's better to share between the artesian drinking and mineral healing and dining room (therapeutic - a separate song!). And be sure to think where your water in the bottle was mined. Good water is a good well, in an eco-friendly zone, deep, with a protected aquifer and where water gets its ionic composition from nature. Such wells are still searching. Therefore, most manufacturers take water from the crane or be a well to the well right on the territory of the plant and forward. If you read on the label "Specially prepared water", "restored" is just the case. Water should be natural. Everything else is marketing + salt on scales and keep water from the crane with an extraction in 500 times. That very water that you consciously refuse to drink. Boiling, by the way, kills most useful properties water. Of course, if you drink the water knowingly not very clean - in the river they scored, for example, it is better to boil. And if rusty water runs from the tap in the new building - it is better to put a filter. But it is useful to drink everything much better, but good water. And alas, today such water is becoming more common only in bottles, and then - not in all. Health to everyone.

How how much and when to drink clean water

How how much and when to drink

clean water

How to drink water

All water drunk on an empty stomach cleans the body. Glass cold water Useful to those who have constipation observed. Glass hot water An empty stomach helps to clean the digestive paths from the slags, washing them.

You need to drink between meals, but not at eating. During meals, drinking water does not need to drink - it disrupts the digestion. It is better to chew food thoroughly, then in the mouth will be enough saliva - the first liquid, which is found with food when entering the oral cavity and is actively involved in preparations for the digestion in the stomach. Especially harmful to drink food with cold water.

It is not necessary to drink immediately after eating - it stretches stomach stretches, then it will need food more for saturation in volume. It is useful to drink water with small sips, the water dried by a volley does not feed the cell, but quickly leaves the body with the sweat and the urine. Drinking water during the day is better warm so as not to spend energy to warming the water.

How much to drink water

Recognized norm for a person with normal physique and not having chronic diseases: Daily norm: 30 grams of water per 1 kg Weight Example: 70 kg (weight) x 30 gr (water) \u003d 2l100g - daily rate of clean water intake If you are a healthy person with a normal weight, then the excessive water intake will not hurt you. The body uses so much water as he needs. It's too much will just withdraw.

You can determine whether you can drink water in the color of urine: if it is dark, then you drink a little. Light - normal.

When drinking water

Immediately after waking up, after you clean your teeth, drink around one cup raw waterWell, if it is structured. This is useful for activating the digestive system, and better awakening. Charging, hiking - then another glass of water.

30 minutes before breakfast - 1 cup of water. 30 minutes before the main meal and 1.5 hours after. Further during the day - after each visit to the toilet, we drink some water.

After 15 hours you need to reduce the number of water intakes and its quantity. Before bedtime, it is not worth drinking a lot of water - it is fraught with edema for people suffering from kidney disease. But at the same time, some water in front of sleep relieves from the heart attack and from the stroke.

One glass of water before taking a bath reduces blood pressure. In the heat you need to drink enough, but skillfully, since a large sweating and lack of water can lead to dehydration.

In winter, the liquid is removed by breathing through the lungs. Therefore, even if I do not want to drink, you still need it anyway. Athletes are useful to replenish the water balance - drink water by sips through every half an hour. For physical Loads Blood is thickened, threatening the formation of blood clots and pressure is reduced.

With a diet, it is necessary to drink enough water, so the body is cleared of decay products. Their with a decrease in the number of food does not become less, and even it can be said that their number increases, as the splitting of fats begins and many metabolic products should be drawn by water.

How to teach yourself to drink water

Work out the habit of drinking water, for this put a reminder on your phone or computer, start the timer. Pour your daily rate of water in a jug or take a two-liter bottle. It will be a visual landmark of how much you drank water per day. Put a glass of water in the field of your vision, as soon as water ends, pour again. Wear a bottle with water always with you.

General advice

If you don't want to drink, you need to force yourself, producing the habit of drinking water. If you want to drink, then you need to drink. Of course, urination will be enhanced, but you need to understand that it is useful for health and therefore do not need to be shy.

Many say that much water is simply impossible. But if gradually increase the reception of water, the body gets used to this and its natural cleansing occurs. Edema pass, because it is not necessary to make water reserves, the body begins to understand. Benefits arise not due to water, but due to products blocking water from the body. This is an excess salt and spices.

You must eliminate diurea drinks from the diet: coffee, tea, alcohol, gas. Replace the snack, smoke and cup of coffee with a glass of water. In the cafe drink water without gas. Always have a reserve drinking water In the car, in the bag, on the table at home.

You need to know that if a strong thirst arises, it passes after the first throat only after 10 minutes. Imagine how many in 10 minutes you can drink water! If the thirst is caused by heat, then abundant drink will not be beneficial, but only causes a rich sweating. Therefore, it is better to drink small sips.

It is impossible to drink a lot of water, minerals are output. This is not useful for patients with cardiovascular diseases and kidney diseases, since the washed sodium contributes to the violations of the heart and convulsions.

So that the necessary minerals are not washed with water, you need to take a little salt. All solutions in the body can be said to salt, like sea water. Sea salt Contains enough minerals to fill the organism. But you do not need to dissolve salt in water, so it is not absorbed in the intestine. After eating, you need to take several salt crystals and dissolve them in the mouth until complete dissolution.


Do not forget that the pain is a cry of an organism about dehydration. Aging is the result of gradual drying. Men sweat more, so they need more drinking water than women. When I want to eat, then drink water. Gradually, you will learn to distinguish when you need to drink, and when it really is to eat.

Drink water every day necessary quantity And due quality is vital! Because water - there is life itself!

The body of a healthy person is 70% consists of water, the brain is 90%.
It is vital to drink at least 1.5 - 2 liters of water a day to provide a sufficient thermal stability to organism.

Tea, coffee, juices, etc. The fluids that you drink during the day are not going to the calculation, only H2O! Otherwise, the organism threatens dehydration.

Drinking water is necessary because it is involved in all the processes passing in our body. Cell consists of water, cells are in water, with water delivered nutrients In organs and systems, water dissolves food and so on.

Without water there is no life.
2. The lack of water will first inhibit, and then kills some vital functions of the body.
3. Water - the main source of energy, cash flow Body.
4. Water generates electrical and magnetic energy inside each cell cell - it gives strength to live.
5. Water - binder material architectural project cellular structure.
6. Water protects DNA from damage and increases the efficiency of its restorative mechanisms - it reduces the number of anomalies in DNA.
7. Water significantly increases the efficiency of the immune mechanism of the bone marrow, where the immune system is formed (all of its mechanisms), including effective countering cancer.
8. Water is the main solvent of all types of food, vitamins and minerals. It decomposes food on small particles, supports metabolic and absorption processes.
9. Water charges food with energy, after which food particles acquire the ability to transmit this energy to the body in the process of digestion.
10. Water increases the body's ability to assimilate the vital substances contained in food.
11. Water provides transportation of all substances within the body.
12. Water enhances the ability of erythrocytes to the accumulation of oxygen in the lungs.
13. Without water - it is impossible to breathe.
14. Water displays toxic waste from different parts Body, delivers them to the liver and kidneys for the final removal.
15. Water - the main lubricant in the articular slots, contributes to the prevention of arthritis and lower back pain.
16. In vertebral discs, water creates "depreciable water pillows".
17. Water is the most soft laxative and best tool From constipation.
18. Water protects the artery heart and brain from blockage.
19. Water helps reduce the risk of cardiac attacks and strokes.
twenty . Water - the most important element Cooling systems (sweat) and heating (electrification) of the body.
21. Water is necessary for the production of all hormones produced by the brain, including melatonin.
22. Water is necessary for the efficient production of all neurotransmitters, including serotonin.
23. Water gives us electric energy For all brain functions, first of all for thinking.
24. Water can prevent disorders associated with a shortage of attention in children and adults.
25. Water improves performance, improves fiscasement.
26. Water is the best tonic drink and she has no side Effects.
27. Water helps to relieve fatigue - she gives us the energy of youth.
28. Water restores sleep.
29. Water makes skin smooth, allowing you to reduce the effects of aging.
thirty . Water helps to shoot stress, anxiety and depression.
31. Water causes shine in the eyes.
32. Water helps prevent glaucoma.
33. Water normalizes blood-forming bone marrow systems - it helps to prevent leukemia and leuku.
34. Water is absolutely essential to improve the efficiency of the immune system when changing climatic conditions, as well as to fight infections and the formation of cancer cells.
35. Water dilutes blood and does not give it to turn around in the circulation process.
36. Water reduces premenstrual pains and tides (sensation of heat in the menopausal period).
37. Water and heart cuts dilute blood and create waves that do not allow solids to settle on the wall of blood vessels.
38. The human body does not have water reserves capable of supporting livelihoods in conditions of dehydration.
39. Dehydration stops the production of genital hormones, is one of the main causes of impotence and loss of sexual attraction.
40. Water consumption helps to distinguish the feeling of thirst for hunger.
41. Water is the best weighing agent. Drink water on time and lose weight without special diets. In addition, you will not eat when you think that you are hungry, but you just want to drink.
42. Dehydration is the cause of toxic deposits in the body. Water clears these sediments.
43. Water combines brain and body functions, increasing the ability to achieve the ability of goals.
44. Water reduces the attacks of Morning vomiting in pregnant women.
45. Water helps prevent memory loss when aging, reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and Low Geriga, as well as sclerosis.
46. \u200b\u200bWater helps getting rid of harmful habits, including craving for caffeine, drug, alcohol.

The lack of water first inhibits, and then kills some vital functions of the body.
You can drink water at any time, but observing the rule:half an hour before meals and 2 hours after meals.
This is important for proper work The digestive tract and digesting the food you are consulting.