Signs that mean imminent death. Is it possible to predict death Mental prediction of death

The death of a person has always given rise to many conjectures and signs, this applies to signs that mean a quick death, and other ritual actions. Among the traditional ideas of the Slavic peoples about the world order, an important place was occupied by the ways and means of obtaining information about the impending death of a person. We are sure that when reading these predictions, people of the older generation will definitely find exactly what once became a sign of the death of their loved one. In this publication, we will try to talk in detail about the existing signs.

Signs that mean imminent death

It’s worth mentioning right away that everything described below is nothing more than observations or subjective fiction, whether or not everyone decides to take this information seriously or not. So, a variety of objects, actions, or seemingly unforeseen phenomena could serve as a prediction:

  • It was believed that if a person clearly heard that they called him by name, but did not see the one who was calling, then it was the souls of the ancestors that gave a sign to gather in another world;
    The prediction of an imminent death was promised by a dream in which a person is called "to himself" by dead close relatives or acquaintances;
    A dream in which a person’s tooth falls out with blood, foreshadowed a funeral in his family, if the tooth fell out without blood, it was from distant relatives or neighbors;
    The dream in which you cross the bridge was interpreted in popular dream books as a transition to another world;
    The imminent death of one of the household members was often prophesied by a bird: if a forest bird (crow, owl, owl) flew into the village and sat on a horse at home, this was a bad sign. The arrival of a cuckoo in a village has always been considered a bad sign: “The cuckoo cuckoos - grief is telling”, especially if the cuckoo began to cuckoo over the house. If a small bird, most often a titmouse or a swallow, flew into a house or apartment or hit it sharply against the glass of a window;
    It was believed that if a roof was blown off by a hurricane or a beam split, the owner of the house would die; if the stove cracked, the hostess;
    If a brick fell out of the oven - to the inevitable death of one of the household members;
    At night, the fire in the furnace was not extinguished, the coals were kept, sprinkled with ash, and if in the morning it turned out that the fire had gone out, they were waiting for misfortune - the death of a loved one;
    If something breaks in the house on Easter, it will die in the same year in the family;
    The fall of the icon from the wall or the appearance of a crack on the icon predicted the death of one of the household members. If, for some reason, a home icon was taken away forever from home, this foreshadowed the extinction of the whole family;
    A broken, cracked mirror in the house (i.e., the destruction of this invisible “border”) has always caused fear and anxiety, was considered a harbinger of trouble, the imminent death of one of the relatives;
    If for no apparent reason an apple tree dried up in the garden, they said that someone in the male line would die in the family and, above all, they were worried about the owner of the family; the expression “the land smells like apples” meant nothing more than the death of someone close;
    Leaving for war, a man planted a “named” tree within his farmstead, if the tree began to dry from the top, this foreshadowed his death;
    If at night the dog howled long and drawn out, lowering its head to the ground, or dug a large hole in the garden, wait for the funeral;

The behavior of animals was especially carefully monitored if there was a seriously ill person in the house:

  • When the dog did not eat crumbs after a seriously ill person, if a butterfly flew into the room to the patient, then he would soon die;
    If the cat left the house and did not return, it was a sure sign that the sick person would not survive;
    Three loud and separate knocks on the door, window or at the head of the patient's bed predicted his very imminent death.

The people often said: "The trouble does not go alone, it leads the second one behind it, and the third one follows it." Signs of another death in the house were considered:

  • If the coffin for the deceased is not made to size (small or large);
    The legs of the deceased remained warm for a long time;
    The man died with his eyes open;
    The clock strikes at the same time as the death knell;
    If two people died in the same year in a family, a third death cannot be avoided, in this family or relatives.

The brownie, who lives in harmony with the owners, always warned of impending trouble or misfortune. It was believed that the person who was destined to “hear” or “see” these predictions could sometimes “replay” future events. It was the brownie who “forced” the dog to dig a hole in the middle of the yard or howl at the whole neighborhood, thereby warning of impending disaster. And if suddenly a chicken began to sing like a rooster, it was necessary to silence her at that very moment - to avert trouble. There were several ways to do this: the chicken's head was clamped between the fences of the camp; thrown over a house or fence until she expired, or buried alive in the ground.

Of course, people tend to believe in circumstances that defy explanation, and even the most inveterate skeptics sometimes switch sides after getting along with some moments and predictions of misfortune that our ancestors believed and passed from mouth to mouth.

Alas, a person who has tasted an apple from the tree of knowledge wants to know everything, even in spite of the obvious inexpediency. Professional predictors of the future have a huge clientele all over the world. Now our country has reached the point where prophets of all stripes have not only settled freely on the pages of entertainment publications, but have penetrated into serious popular science magazines and even into the successor of Vremya, the information program of the Central Television.

As you know, the most common ways to predict the future are as follows: clairvoyance, divination (on cards, coffee grounds, etc.), astrology and palmistry. Before we talk about some of them in more detail, let's make a short historical digression.

The Institute of Homegrown Futurology has existed since time immemorial. Judging by historical writings, hordes of soothsayers crowded at the palaces of emperors, kings, kings, sultans, governors, and therefore almost every ruler of antiquity knew the time and nature of his death.

Arrian and Plutarch write that shortly before the death of Alexander the Great, a fortuneteller named Pythagoras (not to be confused with the famous mathematician) predicted the imminent death of the emperor. The same Arrian tells that upon Alexander's arrival in Babylon (the city where he died), he was met by Chaldean soothsayers who persuaded the great commander not to enter the city, or at least not to enter in the direction to the west (that is, to the sunset). There were other events that were interpreted as bad omens. In one case, when Alexander lost the royal diadem during a voyage, and the sailor who found it put it on his head. Another time, on the royal throne, they found a man who appeared out of nowhere in royal robes and a crown. The impostor was executed, however, this case was later included in the number of warnings about imminent death.

Suetonius, Tacitus, Plutarch and other historians of antiquity argue that almost all Roman emperors were well aware of the details of their death, and no matter how sophisticated some of them tried to deceive fate, no one succeeded.

To Domitian, for example, even during his youth, the Chaldeans revealed the year, day, and even the hour and manner of his death. With the approach of the predicted date, the superstitious emperor became more and more suspicious - he executed those close to him on the slightest suspicion. “For eight months in a row,” Suetonius narrates, “so many lightnings have been seen in Rome and stories have been heard about so many that he [Domitian] finally exclaimed: “Let him strike whomever he wants!” Lightning struck the Capitol, the temple of the Flavian family, the Palatine Palace and his own bedroom, the storm tore the inscription from the foot of his triumphal statue and threw it to the neighboring monument, the tree that had been upended and straightened even before Vespasian came to power, now suddenly collapsed again . Pre-Nestine Fortune, to which he turned every new year and which each time gave him the same kind answer, now gave the most gloomy one, which even spoke of blood. Minerva, whom he superstitiously revered, announced to him in a dream that she was leaving her sanctuary and no longer able to protect the emperor: Jupiter took away her weapon. But most of all, his prophecy and the fate of the astrologer Askletharion shocked him. He was informed that he foresees and divulges the future with his art, and he did not deny it; and when asked how he himself would die, he answered that the dogs would soon tear him to pieces. Domitian ordered that he be killed immediately, but to expose the falsity of his art, he was buried with the greatest care. And so it was done; but suddenly a storm came up, scattered the fire, and the charred corpse was torn apart by dogs; and the actor Latinus, passing by, noticed this and, together with other news of the day, told the emperor at dinner.

On the eve of the day of Domitian's death, a certain German fortune-teller told him that tomorrow there would be a change of power. The emperor ordered the soothsayer to be killed. However, the predicted did not escape. Long ago, at the dawn of a misty youth, the Chaldeans promised him that he would die at the fifth hour. Those close to the emperor knew about this. Therefore, the next day, when he asked after dinner what time it was, he was told to calm down that he had gone sixth. Domitian breathed a sigh of relief, now it was time to go to the bath. But then the sleeping bag Parfeniy reported that a man had arrived with important news. The emperor dismissed the servants, entered the bedroom, where an imaginary messenger was waiting for him, hiding weapons in the folds of his clothes, and was killed.

Antique history is teeming with similar cases. Death during the Ides of March was predicted to Gaius Julius Caesar *. During the sacrifice, an animal escaped from Titus, and thunder thundered from the sky. Vespasian saw in a dream scales, on one bowl of which he stood with his sons, on the other - the emperors Claudius and Nero. The dream was, as they say, in the hand - both of them ruled for the same number of years.

Emperor Vitellius fiercely hated astrologers and, at the first denunciation of any of them, executed without trial **: he was infuriated by an anonymous letter that appeared after his edict on the expulsion of astrologers from Rome and Italy by the calendars of October: “Good hour, say the Chaldeans! and Vitellius Germanicus will not be alive by the Kalends of October. In addition, it was predicted that Vitellius would fall at the hands of a man from Gaul. And so it happened. Antonin Primus, who killed him, bore the nickname Bekkon, that is, "cock's beak" (the double meaning of the word "gall" - "rooster" is played here).

The situation was approximately the same with the Russian autocrats. According to popular legend, Archpriest Avvakum, who was burned at the stake on April 14, 1682, predicted the imminent death of Tsar Fedor Alekseevich after his execution. Indeed, the king died two weeks later - on April 27 of the same year. Soothsayers, who were often called Magi in Russia, according to legend, predicted the exact day of death of Ivan the Terrible.

The death of the Russian Empress Elizabeth, who died on December 25, 1761 (according to the old style), was also predicted. On the eve of the death of the Empress, the famous St. Petersburg holy fool Xenia (Ksenia Grigoryevna Petrova) walked around the city and said: “Bake pancakes, all of Russia will bake pancakes!” The day and hour of the death of Catherine II was accurately foretold by the monk Abel (Avelius), for which he was imprisoned. After the death of the empress, the monk was released, but he had the misfortune to predict the death of Paul I in vain and was immediately imprisoned a second time.

But not only the rulers could know their fate in advance?

There are hundreds of cases of predicting the nature of death to famous people. For example, in the diaries of the historian M.P. Pogodin there is such an entry: “The rumor about the death of Pushkin ... Confirmed ... I remembered the prediction to him ... It was made by the famous St. and mortal danger from a tall blond man at the age of 37. It is believed that Kirchhoff also predicted the fate of Lermontov and Baratynsky.

What are the traditional methods of predicting death?

Especially popular all over the world are the ideas of predicting the future with the help of palmistry, the ancient art of divination along the "lines of fate" on the hand. Palmistry was known in ancient Egypt. She was fascinated by such thinkers as Pythagoras. And the first treatise on handwriting that has come down to us was written by Aristotle in 350 BC. e.***

Adepts of palmistry, like supporters of any other method of predicting the future, can give hundreds of convincing examples of their correctness. Thus, they argue that the 16th-century Italian mathematician, physician and astrologer Gerolamo Cardano predicted the fate of the English Queen Mary Tudor and her half-sister Elizabeth by the hand, that the Frenchman Debarol accurately foresaw the future of Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas and Garibaldi, that the 19th-century soothsayer Maria Lenormand predicted the fate of many great people of her time, including Napoleon (death on the island) and his wife Josephine. The glory of Mademoiselle Lenormand was so great that not only the French, but also numerous foreigners turned to her. Decembrist S. I. Muravyov-Apostol in 1814, a palmist predicted death by hanging. Hearing the prophecy, the 18-year-old guardsman was indignant. It could not have occurred to him that he, a Russian nobleman, could be put to death, and even more so such a shameful one. However, this really happened - after the failure of the Decembrist uprising.

A. Larina, the widow of N. I. Bukharin, recalls the exact prediction of the palmist:

“Foreseeing his imminent end,” she writes, “N I told me an interesting episode that took place in the summer of 1918 in Berlin, where he was sent ... There, in Berlin, he heard that an amazing palmist lives on the outskirts of the city, accurately predicting fate along the lines of the hand. For the sake of curiosity, he, together with G. Ya. Sokolnikov, went to her. I can't remember what the palmist predicted to Sokolnikov. N.I. she said:

You will be executed in your own country.

Well, do you think that the Soviet power will perish? - asked N. I., who decided to ask the palmist for a political forecast.

Under what authority you will die, I can’t predict, but definitely in Russia, there will be a wound in the neck and death by hanging!

N. I., shocked by her forecast, exclaimed:

How so? A person can die for only one reason: either from a wound in the neck, or from the gallows!

But the palmist repeated:

There will be both.

So, - said N.I., - I am choking with horror from the foreseeing of terror on a grandiose scale. In the language of a palmist, apparently, this means a wound in the neck, later death by hanging, no matter what from a bullet.

The future British Minister of the Navy, Lord Kitchener, had death by water “written” in his palm at the age of 66. A similar end was predicted to him in July 1894 by the famous palmist Cairo (pseudonym of Count Luis Hamon). At the time, Kitchener was 44 years old. The prophecy came true - in June 1916, the Hampshire cruiser, on which the minister was traveling to Russia, was blown up by a mine. Another accurate prediction by Cairo is the death of Major John Logan from a blow to the head. Indeed, a year after the prediction, Logan, drafted into the army (the Spanish-American war began), died from a stray bullet that hit his head. Cairo also has accurate predictions of the death of the captain of the Titanic and the fate of Oscar Wilde. But in the case of the famous Mata Hari, Keiro was wrong. He predicted her violent death at the age of 37. But Mata Hari lived four years longer than predicted. There are other cases of discrepancy between the signs on the hand and the real, accomplished fate of a person. This is recognized by the palmists themselves. “Exploring the hands for thirteen years,” writes V. Finogeev, “I found many people who had signs of death and injury on their palms, but did not die or suffer at all at the age marked by the signs. So, is “accidental death” still avertable?” The palmist is inclined to explain this gap between theory and practice not by the weakness of the theory, but by the fact that a person “is able to win over any of the mental entities with humility, fasting and prayer” and thereby mitigate karma (predetermined fate).

And what does serious science say about palmistry?

In 1991, the British Royal Society of Medicine reported an attempt to test in practice the theory of the correspondence between the term of death (number of years lived) and the "life line". In Bristol, three doctors examined the hands of 63 dead men and 37 women, according to the society's monthly magazine. "It should be noted, experts say, an undeniable statistical relationship, especially between the faces on the right hand and the age of the deceased."

Scientists were present at one hundred consecutive autopsies, examining the hands of people who died between the ages of 30 and 90. According to the ratio between the size of the palm and the length of the "life line", scientists determined the age of a person.

Another researcher, who did not take part in the collection of data and was unfamiliar with the proposed hypothesis, analyzed the material presented to him, and compared the results with medical cards, where the age of the dead was recorded.

The results were shown in a diagram, with the points representing the relationship between the size of the palm and the corresponding life line grouped around a straight line representing the actual age of the deceased.

Scientists admit that their result may be random. Therefore, they also make some ironic remarks. For example, "The discovery could have important financial implications by limiting healthcare funds, and plastic surgeons could be tempted to expand their private practice by artificially lengthening the lifelines of their patients."

Another equally popular way to determine the future is astrology. Born by the Babylonian astral religion, later, having penetrated into Greece, it acquired a systemic character (this happened in the Hellenistic era). So, Ptolemy wrote a work on astrology in four books, linking it with mathematical astronomy. The rulers of antiquity astrologers (they were called Chaldeans) hated, feared, executed for unwanted predictions (especially those that came true) and still required them to draw up personal horoscopes. In 139 BC. e. the Chaldeans were generally expelled from Rome, but after a while they returned with honor.

The horoscope (genitura) of a person takes into account the location of the luminaries (the point of the ecliptic) at the time of the birth of a person. Starting from the point of the ecliptic, the circle of the Zodiac is divided into 12 parts (houses), among which is the “house of death”. The head of the so-called Russian astrological school, Alexander Zaraev, believes that a tenth of all astrological forecasts are very determined. “In other words, a person's corridor for maneuver can be very narrow, and he cannot take a step to the left or a step to the right. One at birth took a favorable aura bestowed on him by fate, as they say - “was born in a shirt”, the other was unlucky ... In astrology there is such a concept as a “horoscope with a clockwork”. Astrology assumes that a person has three horoscopes: conception, birth and death. Therefore, in order to construct a horoscope of death, one must first make a horoscope of conception. Only by knowing how a person was embodied, entered this life, can one find out how he will come out of it.

Astrologers do not have such impressive achievements in determining the date of death as palmists, because few of them have taken the risk and risk naming the exact dates and even less guessing them. But the failures of the heirs of the Chaldean science are in plain sight and in every way exaggerated by the opponents of astrology.

The already mentioned Gerolamo Cardano compiled the horoscope of the young English king Edward VI, according to which the monarch was expected to live 55 years. However, Edward, who was in poor health, died at the age of 16. There is a legend that Cardano, who made a horoscope for himself, committed suicide on the day "appointed" by heaven for his death.

The famous Italian astrologer Luca Caurico in 1552 compiled the horoscope of the French king Henry II, from which it followed that the monarch would die at the age of 69 years 10 months and 12 days. In fact, Heinrich lived 28 years less.

The famous astronomer Johannes Kepler was also involved in astrology. But he was unable to accurately predict the future. E. Parnoe writes about this: “In Friedland Castle, located in Northern Bohemia, I saw a luxuriously executed horoscope of the commander of the Thirty Years' War A. Wallenstein (1583-1634). The history of this impressive cabalistic diagram with the names of God and angels is quite remarkable.

First compiled in 1608 by Johannes Kepler, the “celestial figure” predicted marriage in the thirty-third and death from a fever in the seventieth year of life if sudden death did not overtake the dashing commander in 1613 or in 1625. When the year planned for marriage passed in vain and other events noted by the astrologer did not come true, Wallenstein ordered that the horoscope be sent back for correction, which was then a common thing, because hardly anyone could name the time of his birth with an accuracy of several minutes. Therefore, in order to correct the picture of the sky, they started off, as from a new starting point, from some strictly fixed event: an illness, a major success, an august audience, etc. Wallenstein made appropriate notes on this for his astrologer ...

Having “corrected” the time of the commander’s birth by only half an hour, Kepler achieved a coincidence with already known events and, having predicted new ones, placed unfavorable constellations so that the necessary measures could be taken in time.

Having finished his work in 1625, Kepler died five years later. Meanwhile, the new version of the genitura turned out to be just as unsuccessful as the previous one. One can, of course, discount the year 1627, which was especially unfavorable for Kepler and victorious for his client, who defeated the Danes, because dangerous constellations are marked for this, in order to avoid the predetermined blow of fate by skillful actions. Even the year 1630, the last year for the astrologer and, according to the horoscope, colorless for Wallenstein, but in fact marked by his resignation and then a new appointment, cannot be reproached with the astrologer, since plus and minus cancel each other out. But what about the year 1634, indicated, with the exception of March, extremely favorably? How to explain the villainous murder of the ruler of Friedland on February 25, 1634, that is, during the period of good fortune and at least three days before the onset of March, fraught with danger?

For a while, the services of astrologers were used by the Vatican. Alas, here, too, the discrepancies - between the "voice of the stars" and the "hearing of life" turned out to be great. Thus, the astrologer Marius Albertus predicted to Pope Paul III that he would live to be 93 years old. However, my father died 12 years earlier.

Disillusioned with divination by the stars and planets, in the 16th century the Vatican banned astrology as a heresy by bulls of several popes, considering knowledge of the future to be the monopoly of God. However, astrology had serious opponents in ancient times. In 160 BC. e. Carneades, for example, put forward such "killer" arguments against the half-sister of astrology: why do twins born at the same location of the luminaries have a completely different fate? And vice versa: why, in a shipwreck, the same fate overtakes people born in different states of the starry sky?

Almost a hundred years ago, the French Encyclopedia publicly declared astrology a fraud, but to this day, Western astrologers have tens, if not hundreds of millions of clients. In France, the magazines "Horoscope", "Stars", "Astral" are widely distributed, more than two dozen astrological magazines are published in the USA. Horoscopes are printed in hundreds of newspapers. Our country is here like a cockerel, a cockerel galloping for the "Big Seven". Unions and associations and even "academies" of astrologers are being created. However, astrologers could not, for example, predict the death of Robert Kennedy. On the contrary, they promised that he would become President of the United States. The presidency was also promised to Lyndon Johnson in the spring of 1968, but Richard Nixon became president.

The President of the All-Union Association of Avestan Astrology, Pavel Globa, who claims to be the No. 1 astrologer, claims that he once predicted the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the 1989 earthquake in Armenia, and even the exact day of the execution of Nicolae Ceausescu. However, in 1990-1991, he “got into a puddle” several times and even went so far as to cancel one of his earlier publicly announced forecasts. In addition, in addition to the Globa association, several other astrological schools are arguing for the right to truth, and there are no serious criteria to give preference to any of them. Moreover, they all clothe their predictions in a rather vague form.

The skeptical attitude towards astrology among serious scientists is based not only on the thesis “this cannot be, because it can never be”, but also on specific studies. Astronomer Vladimir Surdin, speaking at a round table on astrology, cited the following facts: “The American physicist J. McGervey studied the connection between the birth time of 17 thousand scientists and 6 thousand politicians and their profession. She turned out to be completely random, showing no predisposition to scientific or political pursuits. Chicago psychologist J. McGru tested the ability of the most experienced members of the Indiana Federation of Astrologers to predetermine a person's character by the date and place of his birth. It turned out that there is absolutely nothing in common between predictions and a real character.”

A special method of predicting the future - clairvoyance. In ancient times, the priests owned it best of all, later - crazy and holy fools, and in our time - psychics.

The ancient Romans and Greeks had so-called oracles - places (usually in sanctuaries) where people could get an answer to a question asked of a deity. The answer was transmitted through two intermediaries. The first was a person (male or female) who was in a state of mystical ecstasy and communicated directly with the deity. He uttered fragmentary words and phrases, which the second intermediary - the priest condemned into logical, sometimes poetic forms, in accordance with the question asked. The main deity of the soothsayers was Apollo. The oracles were located in Phocis, Abaha, Edeps, near Mount Ptoia, on the island of Euboea, in Boeotia, in Argos and a number of other places. The most famous place of divination in the ancient world was the Temple of Apollo at Delphi (Delphic Oracle). The priestess-soothsayer (Pythia) spoke in it, sitting on a special tripod. In this case, she was the only intermediary between the questioner and Apollo. Many priests-soothsayers came into an ecstatic state after drinking water from a sacred source, for some it was enough to inhale the evaporation of water, but for a priestess in Argos, the blood of a sacrificial animal served as a source of inspiration. There were also priests who prophesied by signs; for example, the oracle of Dodona, which was mentioned by Homer, predicted by the movement of the leaves of the sacred oak. The oracle of Zeus at Olympia gave predictions from the insides of a slain sacrificial animal.

A description of the activities of a typical oracle (Claros Apollo) is found in Tacitus:

“Here is not a woman, as is customary in Delphi, but a priest, invited from certain families and almost always from Miletus, asks those who wish to turn to the oracle only about their number and names; then, descending into a cave and drinking water from a mysterious source, most often not knowing either literacy or the art of versification, the priest sets out in collapsible verses the answers to those questions that everyone mentally asked God ”(Annals, 2-54). As Tacitus writes, the oracle from this temple predicted the untimely death of the emperor Germanicus, which allegedly came true - Germanicus poisoned Piso.

Of the soothsayers-clairvoyants of the Middle Ages, Michel Nostradamus (1503-1566), who wrote down his prophecies in Latin in the form of quatrains, became most famous. Every hundred quatrains made up a chapter called ("Century") ****, but there was no chronological order within the chapter. The total number of "Centuries" ("Centuries") is ten. Nostradamus was engaged in astrology, but intuition played a decisive role in his predictions.

In the preface to one of the editions of Centuries, Nostradamus wrote: “My nightly prophetic calculations are built more on natural instinct, accompanied by poetic frenzy, than on the strict rules of poetry. Most of them are compiled and coordinated with astronomical calculations according to the years, months and weeks of the regions and countries of most cities throughout Europe, including Africa and part of Asia ... Although my calculations may not be correct for all peoples, they are, however, determined by celestial movements in combine with the inspiration that I inherited from my ancestors, which comes to me at certain hours ... It's as if you look into a burning mirror with a foggy surface and see great events, amazing and disastrous ... "

The strongest impression on contemporaries was made by the come true prediction of Nostradamus about the death of the French king Henry II at a jousting tournament:

The young lion will defeat the old
In a strange duel on the battlefield
He will pierce his eyes in a golden cage!
Two fleets [break] one, then die.
(35 quatrains of the 1st century)

Indeed, on July 1, 1559, the king and the captain of the Scottish guards, Gabriel Montgomery, fought so unsuccessfully in a duel that the captain's blunt spear was split, and a sharp piece, piercing the visor, penetrated through the eye socket into the brain.

Modern researchers, however, dispute the accuracy of this prediction. What is this quatrain talking about? - writes the author of the book about Nostradamus E. Berzin. - That the young lion will overcome the old one in a duel. But Montgomery was only six years younger than Henry II, and neither used the lion ***** as their emblem. The quatrain says that the young lion will gouge out the eyes (and not one eye) of the old one in a golden cage, which the interpreters identified with a helmet. But Heinrich's helmet was neither golden nor gilded. Finally, a mysterious expression: "Deux classes une" ("Two fleets - one"). The word "classes" in the predictions of Nostradamus is usually interpreted as the Latin "clasis" - "fleet", but for this quatrain the interpreters used the Greek word "klasis" - "fracture". It turned out "two fractures - one", which seems to hint at a broken spear or an injury to the king, but does not clarify the author's thought too much.

All these discrepancies were visible from the very beginning. But the sudden, absurd death of a not yet old, full of strength king during a seemingly safe fun (the opponents fought with blunt spears in strong heavy shells) so impressed those around that the search for some kind of sign foreshadowing this event was quite natural and in the spirit of time."

Contemporaries of Nostradamus say that he foresaw the day and hour of his own death. After himself, the seer left a huge number of predictions, but, unfortunately, they are all written in verse in an allegorical spirit, so you can interpret them as you please. The only clear prediction of Nostradamus that came true is that the English parliament would execute its king. But in his main prediction - about the end of the world - Nostradamus hit the sky with his finger. But according to him, this should happen in a year when Good Friday will be April 23, Easter - April 25, and the day of the feast of the body of Christ - July 24******. Poor Nostradamus did not suspect that such a coincidence happens at least several times over the course of a century - so that there are too many doomsdays for one Earth *******.

There is a legend that the French writer and illustrative (Mason) Jacques Kazot, who lived in the 18th century, had the gift of foresight. In the book by K. Narpov "The Throne of Lucifer" there is an episode with the most legendary and amazing foresight of Kazot, made at a dinner party.

“The meal proceeded extremely cheerfully. They talked about the progress of the human mind and about future events, in which those present welcomed the "liberated mind" in advance. Only Kazot seemed sad and kept a deep silence. When asked about the reason for such strange behavior, he replied that he foresaw terrible things in the future. In response to this, Condorcet (prince) began to make fun of Kazot with his usual wit, in every possible way calling him to frankness. In the end, Kazot, smiling sadly, said: "You, Messrs. Condorcet, will poison yourself in order to avoid death at the hands of the executioner." There was a friendly laugh. Then Kazot got up and, pushing aside his glass of wine, looked around at those present. “You, my poor Chamfort,” he said quietly, “will be forced to cut your veins. But you, Bali, Malserbe and Ruscher, will die on the scaffold, in the middle of the square filled with people. He wanted to continue his gloomy prophecy, but the Duchess of Grammont, laughing, interrupted him: “But the women will at least be spared?” - "Women? - Kazot repeated. - You, madam, and many other ladies along with you, you will be taken on a cart to the same square with your hands tied back. Having said this, Kazot changed his face; his blue eyes seemed about to fill with tears. And this sixty-eight-year-old man with the bleached gray head of the patriarch was so majestic in his hopeless sadness that the laughter of the guests suddenly stopped. Only Madame Grammont still retained her playful mood. “You will see now,” she exclaimed, “that he will not even allow me to confess before the execution.” “No, madam,” Kazot shook his head, “the last executed person who will be given such indulgence will be ...” he stammered for a moment : - It will be ... the king of France ... ".

Needless to say, Kazot's prophecies have completely come true! After all, it is so in the legend. However, modern researchers consider this story unreliable. In addition, there is a logical paradox here. According to legend, Kazot knew about the upcoming execution of Louis XVI and about his own death, but nevertheless tried to organize the escape of the king, for which he was executed on September 24, 1792. But if Kazot was aware of the fate that threatened him, why did he not take any steps to avoid it? By the way, such a paradox is the bottleneck of all stories with predictions of death. Their recipients are behaving very strangely. Having received a warning about mortal danger, almost no one changes their lifestyle, habits, does not leave for another country or even for another city.

It should also be noted that all accurate and clear historical predictions were documented not before, but after they came true.

The crown of the most famous clairvoyant of our time, of course, belongs to the blind Bulgarian soothsayer Vangelia Surcheva, known as Baba Vanga. Faith in her abilities is unusually strong. In 1976 alone, 102,000 people visited her.

Sociologist Velichko Dobriyanov, who studied the phenomenon of Baba Vanga, says that out of 99 clairvoyant messages he analyzed, 43 were adequate, 43 were alternative (ambiguous), and 12 were inadequate. This means that the percentage of telepathic "hit" from Baba Vanga is 68.3. Of course, this result is high and does not fit into the framework of probability theory.

Vanga's messages can be divided into three types: about the past, present and future. With regard to the past and present, there is a temptation to explain Vanga's abilities by the ability to “talk” the client, deftly draw out all the details, and then, after some time, comparing the details, stun the person with the data that she learned from him.

“There was a case in my sessions,” says Dobriyanov, who recorded Vanga’s dialogues on a dictaphone. “After we left Vanga, the woman, stunned by the ordeal she had experienced, said in amazement: “How did she immediately ask me why I was a widow?” I took the opportunity to reproach her for giving herself away even at Vanga's first question, but to convince her, I had to turn on the tape recording again. There are many cases in the sessions when Vanga asks about things that have already been clarified in the previous conversation. It is natural to ask yourself at least two questions: what is the role and significance of such a fortune-telling method, firstly, for an agent of telepathy and, secondly, for Vanga herself. Thousands of people who come to her do not carry recording devices with them, so that later they can calmly analyze the conversation that took place. In conditions of high mental stress, it is quite understandable that a person may not pay attention to what he himself said at the beginning of the conversation, and after that he will be surprised by Vangin's "discovery".

Here is an example of a dialogue recorded by Dobriyanov on tape between Vanga and a female client, codenamed "The Drowned Man".

“- When you saw your mother, where is she, why is she crying?

There is a reason - my husband died.

I see two coffins, three coffins.

Yes, three. First my father died, then...

No, not three, and before your father, someone was in this grave. What did your father die of, from the heart? No, not from the heart.

No, he died of a heart attack.

Not only this. First there was pneumonia, then a little cough, a little inflammation and then a spot of cancer. So?

Yes, exactly.

Has he been operated on?

No, they didn't operate.

Whether they operated or not, they would still die. Was he sixty?

Yes, he was over sixty.

Why is he asking about two children? ******* How many of you kids?

He asks about the youngest.

Yes, I also have a younger sister.

Does the one who is married work?

And who is Mary?

Maria is the father's sister, she died.

She died, here she is next to him, and Mary is next to him. The father asks about his brother. He has a brother?

Both of my father's brothers are dead.

And who is Ivan?

This is his second brother.

Why are you a widow?

My husband is dead.

Well, why so suddenly?

I don't know, he didn't die in Bulgaria.

Well, yes. The doctors said that it was from a heart attack or from jaundice?

The doctors said it was from a heart attack.

Yes, he was hit from the rear, a rear heart attack. So, the day came and died. Did they bring the body?

Sealed in an ark.

It's him, don't think you're being deceived.

And I think they are cheating.

Then he asks about Vanya. Who is Ivan?

Yes, cousin.

And who is Katya? She is alive?

This is his niece.

Yes, Katya, Katya, wrote the name, writes with his finger. As you see him, so I see the dead. And there is another dead man, and a dead woman, and one of yours drowned in due time, right? Who?

This is also true. His son-in-law drowned in a well...”

“There is an assumption,” Dobriyanov writes about such dialogues, “that Vanga, in addition to groping, still knows how to combine and analyze. She is truly a great analyzer. Possessing an incredible memory, she is perfectly able to use it in the construction of logical schemes and conclusions, which any professor of Aristotelian logic would envy ... For example, if there is Ivan in the family, then we can assume that there is also some Ivan here. Or, if the "telepathy agent" comes from the Stara Zagorsk Mountains, it can be assumed that there is Tenyo in his family, since this name is often found in this area.

But it's all about the past and the present. The situation is more complicated with the prediction of the future, because here Vanga really works “blindly”. And the percentage of guessing, although less than in a conversation about the present, is still high enough for mere chance. But according to Professor Georgy Lozanov, about 70 percent of Vanga's prophecies come true. A striking example is the death she predicted in a car accident of Lyudmila Zhivkova (daughter of the former Bulgarian leader).

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that Vanga actively communicates with the world of the dead, drawing from there information about both the past and the future. “I talk to the dead,” she said in an interview. And when I fall into a trance, I feel it first with my tongue, then with my brain, and then I don’t feel anything at all, everything except me. But if the dead do not know something, then a strange distant voice is heard. Like on the phone. When it's louder, when it's quieter.

Another well-known soothsayer of our time is the American Jane Dixon. It is claimed that she predicted the death of Robert Kennedy a week before the fatal assassination attempt. Jane Dixon "saw" the death of King Faisal in a month. In addition, the American clairvoyant predicted the death of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King.

In Europe, a psychic clairvoyant from Holland, Gerard Krause, has long been popular. It is claimed that his ability to foresee the future is confirmed by scientific experiments. Krause allegedly found one of the organizers of the assassination of John F. Kennedy, but soon after that he was found dead in his apartment. True, it is not clear why Krause, possessing such abilities, could not foresee his own death.

US researchers Charles Fiore and Alan Landsberg note that psychics are very sensitive to changes that herald death. In particular, they are reminiscent of psychic Alex Tanu's autobiography, "Beyond Coincidence," which cites numerous cases where he accurately predicted the death of a perfectly healthy person weeks or months in advance. While doing aura reading, Tanu advised the young woman from Grey, not to marry the man she was engaged to: he had almost no aura. "I didn't have the heart to tell her that he was at death's door," writes Tanu. A few weeks later, the woman told Tan: “You told me, in response to a question about the person who accompanied me, that you did not see a future for me with this person. He was found dead of a heart attack next to his bed on Sunday morning. Sincerely, Florence Wilson."

In the book of Fiore and Landsberg, other cases of foresight of death are given. Housewife Linda Wilson from New Jersey, having got to her neighbors for Christmas dinner, felt something was wrong. “I smelled death,” she says. “I always felt that my nostrils were freezing, like it was cold outside.” She found the smell disgusting, overpowering the scent of the Christmas tree and delicious food on the dining room table. The husband of the neighbor who invited Linda to dinner had Parkinson's disease, but no one, including his doctors, expected him to die. (The disease itself is usually not fatal.) Linda Wilson did not enjoy the festive dinner that day. “I kept my eyes on Peter (sick husband) all evening. It was madness, but I did not leave the certainty that he would soon die. He ate with a ravenous appetite, and his blush was all over his cheek, but as soon as I glanced at him, I shuddered. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before.” A week later, Peter came down with pneumonia. He died five days later. Did Linda really smell death? Does death smell?

One famous psychic said that he saw death, standing on one of the upper floors of a skyscraper, waiting for the elevator. When the elevator arrived and the door opened, he was horrified. All four elevator passengers had no aura. Another person entered the elevator, and immediately his glow disappeared. “This is a sign of death,” says the psychic, “I wanted to tell them to get out and wait for another elevator, but I knew that no one would listen to me.” The elevator door closed and the elevator car flew twenty-two floors, killing the five people inside. For some mysterious reason, the emergency brake did not work."

Harry Wright, in his book Witness to Witchcraft, gives examples of the gift of prophecy being possessed by shamans and leaders of some tribes that are at a low level of development. Wright met one of these visionaries in Bali. This man named Anunga was the leader of the tribe. To Wright, he accurately predicted some of the events of the coming year, including the mortal danger that would threaten the doctor. Indeed, the plane on which Wright flew to Hawaii almost crashed.

Sorcerers, shamans, psychics... Who else? In ancient times, poets were often equated with clairvoyants and prophets. Not only because both of them seemed crazy to their contemporaries. The facts show that poets, like the ancient priests, have the ability to foresee their death in verses.

Andrei Bely, who once wrote: “I will die from solar arrows,” really died from the consequences of a sunstroke. Nikolai Gumilyov, who was shot, foretold his death in verse. But prose writers have the ability to predict someone else's death - as a rule, this is a mass death of people in accidents and disasters.

Edgar Allan Poe in "The Tale of the Adventures of Arthur Gordon Pym" tells how four shipwrecked people wander the sea in a boat for many days without fresh water and provisions. As a result, the three become cannibals - they kill and eat a comrade named Richard Parker. This story was published in 1838. And 46 years later, the writer's fantasy found real life. The ship "Magnonette" was wrecked; wandering in the boat of the four surviving sailors ended in the murder and eating of one of them. The name of the murdered was Richard Parker!

In 1952, Ford Clark's novel Open Space was published in the United States, which described how a student from the Midwest, hating his father and hypocritical society, climbed onto the roof of a student hostel and began to shoot at random passers-by. After 14 years, the prophecy came true. On August 15, 1966, Charles Whiteman, a 25-year-old student from Austin, Texas, blazing with hatred for his father and public hypocrisy, climbed onto the roof of the university and, shooting from a sniper rifle, killed 15 people.

F. M. Dostoevsky in the "Diary of a Writer" predicted the approximate number of victims of the coming revolution (100 million), and in "Demons" and its timing. Petenka Verkhovensky to the question:

"When will it all start?" - says: "Fifty years later ... It will begin at Shrovetide (February), end after the Intercession (October)."

But the most striking example of writer's foresight is Morgan Robertson's novel Futility, published in 1898. It describes the death from a collision with an iceberg of the transatlantic steamer "Titan". Almost every detail of the novel (including the time of the collision, the technical characteristics of the ship, the number of passengers, etc.) coincided with the real details of the Titanic crash, which occurred 14 years after the publication of Robertson's book.

In the diary of K. Chukovsky there is such an entry (dated December 30, 1923): “Yesterday I saw Sologub at the Worldwide. He told Tikhonov that he had calculated in a special way that he (Sologub) would die in May 1934. The way is to take the years of death of the father and mother, add, divide, etc.” In fact, F. Sologub died in December 1927. As you can see, bare calculation helps badly. This is where intuition is needed.

Unlike Sologub, many famous people accurately foresaw the nature or timing of their death. Among them are Ukrainian thinker Grigory Skovoroda, historian V. N. Tatishchev, founder of phrenology Lavater, Russian Prime Minister P. A. Stolypin...

Former Minister of Foreign Affairs A.P. Izvolsky recalled: “It is curious to note that, meeting danger with amazing courage and even flaunting it at times, he [Stolypin] always had a premonition that he would die a violent death. He spoke to me about this several times with amazing calmness.

V. N. Tatishchev, as if foreseeing the day of his death, on the eve of his death ordered to dig his own grave, confessed and took communion. At the same time, he was not sick - just like Grigory Skovoroda did not suffer from any serious ailments. The life of a wandering poet-philosopher led him in 1794 to the settlement of Ivanovka, where he felt the approach of a snub-nosed one. The poet dug his own grave, then returned to the hut, put on clean linen and gave his soul to God.

Lavater, killed by a drunken soldier, once prophetically declared: "I will not die a natural, nature-conditioned death, but I will accept it from a low villain, driven by animal instincts."

In the memoirs of A. M. Gorky about his youth there is an episode associated with a friend of the writer, a certain Pimen Vlasyev.

“One Saturday we took a bath with him and went to a tavern to drink tea. Suddenly Pimen, looking at me with sweet eyes, says:

Wait a minute.

His hand, holding the saucer of tea, trembled, he put the saucer on the table and, listening to something, crossed himself.

What are you, Pimen?

And, you see, dear friend, this minute God's thought touched my soul, soon, it means that the Lord will call me to his work ...

Come on, you're so healthy!

Quiet, - he said importantly and joyfully. - Don't say - I know!

On Thursday he was killed by a horse.”

Another memoirist, Marshal K. A. Meretskov, tells how, during the civil war, one of the officers of his detachment, Govorkov, gave him a suicide letter to his relatives, assuring him that he would be killed in battle tomorrow. And so it happened. Another well-known story is the prediction of his own death by American test pilot James Collins, who has repeatedly acted as a journalist. On the eve of the test flight on the Grumman Helldiver bomber, Collins wrote the following lines: “What you are about to read are the words of James Collins, and, moreover, not dictated to “our correspondent”, but written with his own hand, although in some way after death. Collins' short story ended with this passage: “Down. A roar of blazing steel, a sudden glint... yes, yes, that's it... wings come off... too fragile... wings, a dream... hard days...

The cold but quivering fuselage was the last thing my warm, living body felt. The long, loud roar of the engine - terrible, growing, turning into a deafening roar when it hit the ground - was my death song. And so I died." Premonition did not deceive Collins - during the tests, his plane lost control and fell from a great height.

Obviously, the exact prediction of the date of one's death is the lot of the elect, but many feel a certain general field of mortal danger.

Having rummaged through memory, each of us will surely remember one or two cases when one of our acquaintances, having a ticket in his hands, did not board the train (airplane, steamer, bus) that had an accident. Even if people do not take the signals of the subconscious (superconscious, world information field) seriously, something induces them to take actions that are unusual in their normal state. So, before the flight of the Tu-134A airliner, on which the Pakhtakor football team crashed, the team administrator M. Talibdzhanov compiled a complete list of his creditors, which he had never done before. The player Viktor Churkin, who did not burn with love for housework, brought the apartment into perfect order before the fatal flight.

Some players and coaches, for various reasons, did not get on the fatal flight.

Mathematician W. Cox (USA) set out to analyze the statistical material related to the number of passengers on trains that crashed. It turned out that every time there was a crash, passengers on the train were less than the norm, and this was not due to seasonal or other fluctuations. The probability of such a trend being random is one percent.

Dr. Morton E. Lieberman (USA), who researched the mental signs of approaching death, worked with a group of 80 men and women aged 65 to 91 years. One year after testing the group, half of the subjects died. At the same time, out of 40 people, 34 had a feeling (primarily at the subconscious level) of approaching death. According to Lieberman, these may be "signals of the body that receive mental expression." Sometimes patients themselves have a premonition of death. "Several patients have told me, 'I won't live a year,'" says Dr. Lieberman, "and they were right." Lieberman believes that simple introspection is enough to perceive the call of death, since knowledge of impending death exists in everyone at a subconscious level. You just need to learn how to "pull" it out of there.

There are cases in history when a dream played the role of a predictor. US President Abraham Lincoln dreamed of a funeral in the White House a few days before his death. When asked who was being buried, one of those present answered: “The President. He died at the hands of an assassin." The details of the dream really turned out to be prophetic, to the point that the mourning hearse, as in the president's dream, was placed in the West Hall.

Researcher VNTO radio engineering, electronics and communications. A. S. Popova Igor Vinokurov connects the mechanism of prophetic dreams with the fact that “all living beings, in order to survive and prepare for the future, are forced to “look” into it. In the process of evolution, they develop and consolidate the ability of such forecasting. If we accept this hypothesis, it will turn out that in order to explain most cases of clairvoyance, it is not at all necessary to resort to the help of the information field, the absolute, and similar substances. A significant part of the phenomena is explained directly by the capabilities of the human brain. And with the greatest probability, forecasting occurs in a dream, when a unique "mechanism" - the subconscious mind - is included in the work. About ten years ago, an interesting article was published describing 148 cases of spontaneous foresight that came true in a day, a week, a month and a year. The results are rather curious; most dreams come true within the first day, the rest within a week, a month and a very negligible amount during the year. Thus, if the dream did not become prophetic during the first day, there is a high probability that it will not come true at all.

The question of predicting (foreboding) death leads us to the global question of philosophy and religion - about predestination and free will.

Let us briefly outline the semantic fields of the problem. How do predestination and free will relate to each other - what is the share of their participation in the fate of a person?

If the date and type of death are predetermined, then why do anything? You can lie down (run, jump, sing, read, etc.), calmly waiting for the end, destined by the higher will. And at the same time - not to be afraid to die even from hunger: after all, the term of death is indicated, for example, only after 30 years. So, before that time you will not die, even if you want to lay hands on yourself.

And if predetermination does not exist, then how to explain hundreds, thousands of coincidences that do not fit in any way on the bed of probability theory *********?

This is an old dispute, coming from the depths of antiquity. Not just two points of view clashed, the fundamental concepts of being - theopentrism and anthropocentrism clashed. Plato, Democritus, Aristotle, Epicurus, St. Augustine, Pelagius, Luther, Erasmus of Rotterdam, Hegel are very eminent debaters. Each epoch raised this question on its own material, and each time the proximity of the solution turned out to be illusory. The essence of the dispute was and remains unchanged: is a person an “administrative-command system” or a “market element”? And if a combination of both, then how was it possible to harness a horse and a quivering doe into one cart?

Erasmus of Rotterdam, who seems to have approached this problem most dialectically in his essay “The Diatribe, or Discourse on Free Will”, touching upon the issue of the terms of earthly life, tactfully retreats into the shadow of Holy Scripture: “There is something about which God wished that we should not at all knew. For example, about the day of death and the day of the Last Judgment. “It is not for you to call times and seasons which the Father has kept in His own power.”

The ideas of the uncertainty of the term of death were also supported by philosophers of subsequent times, although from completely different positions. For example, for Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, this uncertainty stemmed from the absolute freedom of human will and goal-setting, which, in turn, are driven by purely spontaneous, blind forces.

Modern philosophy often translates the question of predestination into a purely social plane. Herbert Marcuse, for example, believes that the assertion of the image of death as fate and guilt is an invention of the establishment to justify the existing state of affairs in society.

In our time, the natural sciences have not escaped talking about the limits of free will.

There are scientists who claim that proscopia (vision of the future) is justified by scientific data. So, Academician N. S. Kardashev believes that time is a two-way street, allowing you to have an information connection with both the past and the future. There are more exotic theories, but we will leave them to specialists. I will only note that the most authoritative physicists, such as Stephen Hawking, come to the conclusion that the thermodynamic arrow of time is still irreversible, and not only with the current expanding Universe, but even if the Universe ever starts to contract.

"The irreversibility of transformations is not an illusion ... it plays an essential role in nature and underlies most of its processes," says another famous physicist, Ilya Prigogine. True, Prigogine believes that in our world chance prevails over conditioning, while Hawking, on the contrary, is a fierce determinist. He believes that there should be a set of fairly simple laws that determine the existence of the Universe from the moment of its birth. “These laws could have been predetermined by God,” says Hawking, “but, in any case, he does not intervene to change them ...”

To determine the limits of human free will, according to Hawking, one can use theories used to study systems containing many particles. Since it is impossible to describe the movement of each particle, some average indicator is taken. It does not reflect with absolute accuracy the behavior of the object of study, but gives its probabilistic assessment.

“I think that the concept of free will and moral responsibility for our actions is an effective theory in the same sense as continuum mechanics,” explains the scientist. “It is possible that everything we do is predetermined by some kind of Universal Theory. If this theory predetermined that we would die by hanging, we would not drown. But you need to be damn sure that you are destined for the gallows to go to the open sea in a fragile boat when a crazy storm is expected. I noticed: even people who are completely convinced that everything is predetermined from above, nevertheless look around before crossing the road ... "

The paradox is that not only "science" measures man, but also "man" science. It is known that even in such an exact discipline as physics, the concept of "free will" of the electron appeared. For the biological sciences, these questions are even more pressing. Geneticist Viktor Kolpakov, whose works prove the genetic predestination of human actions, touching on the problem of the determinism of fate, says: “... There is one thing in all this, and quite terrible. I usually start to think, and then I get terribly uncomfortable. And I just stop thinking about it. After all, if we are a consistent materialist, then we must inevitably come to the absence of free will and the existence of fate ... ”Let's add for Kolpakov: and as a result - to the possibility of absolutely accurately predicting the death of any person.

At first glance, the practice of predictions proves the determinism of fate (if, of course, we attribute unsuccessful predictions to unprofessionalism or quackery of false prophets). But the amazing facts of the fulfilled prophecies about death can also be explained from another point of view - the operation of the feedback mechanism. Velichko Dobriyanov offers the following interpretation here: “When a person cannot explain some kind of pattern or coincidence, he is inclined to accept that everything was prescribed, as in a calendar, and fate is inevitable. And so - the fortuneteller predicted something, the person constantly thinks about it, it becomes almost his conscious goal, and in the end he himself directs strength and energy to implement the predicted, even when he runs away from him. It's possible. This is a real problem, known and researched in social psychology."

Approximately in the same vein, A. Gorbovsky, the author of the book “Prophets? Seekers?": "If the future is really antinomic, then in a sense it is multivariate. And if one variant is named (that is, it already exists in someone's mind), perhaps this fact, setting in motion a certain scale, in some unknown way affects the entire subsequent course of events.Isn't that why some seers avoid predicting the future, guessing about such an impact?And if they do do it, then in such a way that the choice itself remains with the client.Some statements of seers suggest the same thought about the impact of prophecy on reality.

The guide Vladimir Finogeev also believes that “part of the future can be set. For example, a gypsy woman can set the prediction itself. The prediction will become the property of the brain, and the consciousness will carry it out against your will. We must very carefully give our hands to those who work without any ethical standards and have a low cultural level.”

I think that Dobriyanov, Gorbovsky, and Finogeev are only partly right. The artist-writer Friedrich Gorenstein turned out to be the most accurate of all. One of the heroes of his novel "Atonement" in a moment of mortal danger suddenly realizes that the fate of a person is enclosed in a certain circle outlined in advance. A person cannot get out of this circle anywhere, but inside it he is completely free! As applied to the term of life, this means: a person can live any number of years within the period measured for him. Less - maybe more - never.

So, the upper limit exists and it can obviously be known by one or another method of prediction. Is it possible to find out the lower limit - that is, the number of years that a person will definitely live? Here we will come to the aid of the ancient law of the golden section. Since everything in the universe, including the formal-logical apparatus of the natural sciences, obeys the law of harmony, it is not a sin to use the proportion that has long been considered the most harmonious, with unique properties. It corresponds to such a division of the whole into two parts, in which the ratio of the larger part to the smaller is equal to the ratio of the whole to the larger part. The golden ratio is 1.6180339...

So, if you were predicted that you would die at the age of 75, this does not mean that you will definitely live to the specified date. But on the other hand, you can calculate the period before which you will certainly not go to the next world. Divide 75 by 1,618. It turns out 46,353. So, up to 46 years and a little over three months, you can live without worrying about anything. Your death will come in the interval from to 46, 353 to 75 years. This law (let me call it Lavrin's law) is true only if the upper limit of your being is absolutely accurately predicted to you. The interval between 46, 35 and 75 years is a quantitative symbol of free will given by God to this person. Perhaps it is the “golden number” that expresses the proportion between Divine Providence and our willfulness. (By the way, a very reasonable ratio from all points of view.) Of course, this proportion applies not only to the years of life, but also to other characteristics of fate. If the number of events in a person's life is taken as 100 percent, then it turns out that 61.8 percent (100: 1, 618) of events are predetermined from above, and 38.2 percent are random (that is, they are formed by the will of people). Let us recall the number of accurate predictions of Baba Vanga. According to Professor Lozanov - about 70 percent. If we discard random coincidences (paying tribute to the theory of probability) and conclusions drawn with the help of analytical talent, it turns out that Vanga foresees about 60-62 percent of future events - exactly as much as God predetermined (fate, fate - whoever likes it more) .

Let us now return to the question of the feedback mechanism. There is another important practical aspect of this issue, which is as follows: if the prediction (influencing the subconscious, "information-energy fields" or something else) is able to change the future, can this be done by the effort of consciousness, purposefully shaping the future in the direction opposite to what was predicted?

V. Finogeev in 1984 asked about the foresight of the future Indian professional palmist. To the question whether it is possible to change anything in the predicted fate, the palmist answered:

“- You can ... Fate is a thread, one end of which is in the hands of man, the other - in the hands of God. What is in the hands of God is a mystery, incomprehensible to man, therefore a person must concentrate his efforts on what depends on him, and not on what is beyond his control.

What should he do?

Man's duty is to develop his mind and, observing moral standards, strive for perfection.

Well, here he will go to perfection, and the case will kill him or cripple him.

This won't happen. Because God won't allow it.

But is this happening? A lot of good people die or become disabled!

This is a common misconception. Nothing can happen to a good person, because there is a law of karma, according to which a person receives a reward for good deeds and thoughts and punishment for bad ones ... If a clearly good person suffered, then this means that he is punished by karma for laziness, vices and sins of a past life or the beginning of this one. If a person has done a good deed, then a reward awaits him, and God himself cannot deprive him of this merit.

So karma is higher than God?

The gods are subject to the law of karma.

That is, bad karma is inevitable?

The negative karma of a person is averted by the joint efforts of God and man. If a person fulfills the precepts of God, God cooperates with him, and in this way they overcome karma.

How does karma work? What is its principle?

Karma belongs to the category of things that cannot be thought about. If a person tries to comprehend the mechanism of karma, then his thinking will be upset and he will fall apart... Lines and signs informing about future events in a person's life appear on the hand under the influence of Divine will. So God warns a person about danger, and a person is free to use or reject the advice of the Deity ... God does not impose his opinions on anyone, he honors the freedom of man.

Yes, but a person may not know the meaning of these signs on his hand?

This is his own business. But wisdom is to know, for ignorance is bondage and knowledge is freedom. And so it is with everything."

In the reasoning of the Indian palmist there is a dialectical beginning, but there is also a verbal veil that hides the "punctures" of the theory of karma, which is not even subordinate to God.

Astrologers who divide a person's fate into three vectors: gepiture (horoscopic karma), providential (karma structure) and will vector, believe that a third of fate is determined by the stars, a third by karma and the remaining third by a person's choice. One of the adherents of esoteric astrology - apotelesmatic Luis Ortega says: “The most difficult thing is to determine the providential vector. The hepiture vector can be calculated using any predictive systems. Adepts, for example, use the telescope of Zoroaster or the Tarot system. Most people are not able to influence projections (fates). A well-trained person can influence the weakest projection. Great adepts are able to overcome it in the same way as the second projection. There are cases when great adepts could change fatal projections. Alphonse Louis Constant, the greatest adept of France, managed to prevent the death of his two-year-old son.

Sounds tempting, albeit hazy. I would like to believe, if not for one contradiction. If the son was predicted to die, but he did not die, this means that the prediction was false. For the prediction to be true, it had to sound like this: a boy at the age of two years will face death, his father will save him. Any dichotomy in prediction immediately undermines faith in it.

There is a global contradiction, which cannot be removed by any logical tricks. A person wants to know the future in order to avoid dangerous (undesirable) situations for him, a person. But if the situations did not materialize, then it turns out that the predictors lied. We can't roll back the tape and test whether predictions come true or not if we act like we don't know about them.

Let us turn again to the artistic experience of mankind. Thornton Wilder's novel The Bridge of Saint Louis recounts how a Franciscan friar in 1714 witnessed the death of five people on a mountain road between Lima and Cusco (Peru). The suspension bridge of the Incas broke off, and people fell into the abyss. And so the question arose before Brother Juniper: “Why these five?” If there were some kind of Plan in the universe, if the life of a person was cast in some forms, their invisible imprint, probably, could be discerned in these lives interrupted so suddenly. Either our life is accidental and our death is accidental, or there is a Plan in our life and in our death. And at that moment, Brother Juniper decided to penetrate the secrets of the life of these five, still flying into the abyss, and unravel the cause of their death. As a result, the monk found out that the travelers (completely unrelated) died at the moment when a radical change was to come in the life of each of them. That is, it turned out that God prevented the attempts of mortals "to change the pattern of being prescribed to them from above." This is very consistent with the idea that God allows freedom within a circumscribed circle. Any attempt to go beyond this circle ends in the death of a person. Moreover, death, which God does not "plan" - it arises as a result of the expression of a person's free will, going beyond the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhis personal destiny.

If these arguments are correct, then those who want to live the maximum allowable period should accurately feel for the canvas of their fate and already embroider actions on it, without making sharp stitches to the side, because each of them is fraught with premature death.

* True, earlier some astrologers promised Caesar a long and happy life.

** It happened, so did the medieval monarchs. This is probably why the anecdote about the astrologer Louis XI was born. For bad prophecies, the king decided to execute the astrologer, but before the execution, for verification, he asked the Chaldean if he knew the day of his own death. The astrologer turned out to be an excellent psychologist. “I will die three days before the death of your majesty!” he answered and was saved, for Louis XI, stuffed with superstitions, did not dare to execute him.

*** For the curious: there is no article on palmistry in the third edition of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia.

**** With the exception of the seventh "Century", in which there are 42 quatrains.

****** These days, Catholics celebrate the feasts of St. George, St. Mark and St. John.

******* Those wishing to get acquainted with the mistakes of Nostradamus and his interpreters I refer in more detail to U. Berzin's article "On Russia" (Knowledge is power. 1991. No. 11).

******** That is, the deceased asks. Vanga has repeatedly claimed that she communicates with the dead.

********* To the cases already mentioned, I will add an example from the book of Erwin Barth von Verenalp "It's hard to believe it." The meticulous Austrian established striking coincidences in the fates of two murdered American presidents - Lincoln and Kennedy. The first was elected to Congress in 1847, and the president - in 1860. The second, respectively, in 1947 and 1960. Both married 24-year-old women. Lincoln had a secretary named Kennedy, Kennedy had a secretary named Lincoln. After the death of both, the Johnsons became presidents (after Lincoln - Andrew, after Kennedy - Lyndon). Andrew and Lyndon were born a century apart, one in 1808, the other in 1908. The assassins of Lincoln and Kennedy were, in turn, killed shortly after the crime. Luxurious chain of "accidents"!


Here we are going to Jerusalem, Jesus said to the disciples, and everything that was announced by the prophets about the Son of Man will be accomplished, for they will betray him to the pagans and abuse him, insult him, spit on him, beat him and kill him, and on the third day he will rise again.

But the disciples did not understand anything of what Jesus said to them, the meaning of these words was not revealed to them.

Then James and John came up to him and said:

Teacher! Fulfill our request!

What? Jesus asked.

Let us sit to your right and left when you are in your glory.

You do not know what you are asking, Jesus answered. - Can you drink the cup that I drink and be baptized with my baptism?

We can, the brothers agreed.

But it doesn't depend on me who gets what place, - said the teacher.

The rest of the disciples heard this and became indignant at James and John. And Jesus told them:

Those who are revered as princes rule over the nations, but this should not be between you. Whoever wants to be the first, let him be the slave of all, for even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many.

Lazarus, the brother of Martha and Mary, fell ill. The sisters sent to tell Jesus about this, but Jesus explained that this disease was not to death, but to the glory of God. Two days later Jesus said to his disciples:

We must return to Judea.

Master, how long have the Jews wanted to stone you? the students were surprised.

He who walks by day does not stumble, answered Jesus, because he sees the light of this world. And whoever walks at night stumbles because there is no light with him. Lazarus, our friend, fell asleep, and I'm going to wake him up.

If he falls asleep, he will recover, - the students objected. Seeing that they did not understand, Jesus said:

Lazarus is dead.

On the way, they learned that Lazarus had been in the tomb for four days. Martha heard that Jesus was approaching, and went out of the village to meet him:

Lord, if you were here, my brother would be alive.

Your brother will be resurrected, Jesus answered.

I know that he will rise on Sunday, the last day.

I am Resurrection and Life. Whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live. And whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?

I believe that you are the Christ, the Savior, the Son of God, coming into the world, - said Martha.

She called Martha and Mary, and other people went out to Jesus with her. Maria fell at the feet of the teacher.

Where did you put it? Jesus asked.

They brought Jesus to a cave, the entrance to which was nailed down with a stone.

Take away the stone!

Lord, he has been in the coffin for four days already, ”Martha objected.

Didn't I tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?

When they took away the stone from the cave where the deceased lay, Jesus raised his eyes to heaven and said:

Father! Thank you for listening to me! - After that, Jesus said in a loud voice: - Lazarus! Get out!

And the dead man came out, bound hand and foot with burial linens, and his face was tied with a handkerchief.

Untie him, let him go! Jesus said.

Resurrection of Lazarus

Then many people believed in Jesus, and some went to tell the Pharisees about Lazarus.

The chief priests and Pharisees gathered a council.

What should we do? This man does many miracles, they said. - If we leave it like that, then everyone will believe in it; rise up against the Romans, and the Romans will beat us.

It is better for one man to die for the people than for the whole nation to perish, said the high priest Caiaphas.

And on that day the Pharisees decided to kill Jesus.

Therefore, Jesus no longer obviously walked among the people, but withdrew to the city of Ephraim near the wilderness and remained there with his disciples.

From the book The Law of God author Sloboda Archpriest Seraphim

Peter's confession. The Prediction of Jesus Christ about His Sufferings, Death and Resurrection Then Jesus Christ with His disciples went to the villages of Caesarea Philippi, on the way He asked them: "For whom do people say that I am?" Caesarea PhilippiThey answered, "one for John

From the book Gospel History. Book three. End Events of the Gospel Story author Matveevsky Archpriest Pavel

The Lord's prediction about suffering, death and resurrection Matt. 20, 17–28; Mk. 10, 32–45; OK. 18:31-34 The Lord Jesus Christ and His disciples continued on their way, heading towards Jerusalem. For the savior, this was the way of the cross to the expiatory sacrifice on Golgotha. The God-man matured before

From the book SLAVIC BOOK OF THE DEAD author Cherkasov Ilya Gennadievich

The Book of Death (Collection of ethnographic materials about death and funeral rituals of the Slavs) 1. SoulSoul - an invisible double of a person during his life, the abode of the Immortal Spirit (Sobi). After separation from the gross flesh of a person (in the event of his death or during sleep), the soul

From the book Explanatory Bible. Volume 6 author Lopukhin Alexander

Chapter 28. 1–11. Prediction and symbolic action performed by the prophet Ananias. 12–17. Jeremiah's answer to this prophecy 1-11 In contrast to Jeremiah, who claimed that the Babylonian captivity would last 70 years, one Ananias from Gibeon began to say that he

From the book Biblical Legends. Legends from the New Testament. author author unknown

PREDICTION OF DEATH - Here we are going to Jerusalem, Jesus said to the disciples, and everything that was proclaimed by the prophets about the Son of Man will be accomplished, for they will betray him to the pagans and abuse him, insult him, spit on him, beat him and kill him, and on the third day he will rise. But not

From the book of the Bible. Modern translation (BTI, per. Kulakov) author bible

The prediction of the death of Moses on Mount Nebo 48 On that very day the Lord said to Moses: 49 “Now go up to the mountains of Avarim, to the top of Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, opposite Jericho, and look around the lands of Canaan, which I give to the children of Israel as a possession. 50 You will die on this

From the book Conversations on the Gospel of Mark, read on the radio "Grad Petrov" author Ivliev Iannuary

Death and Resurrection Prediction 21 From that time on, Jesus began to reveal to his disciples that he had to go to Jerusalem and endure much suffering from the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes. There they will kill him, but on the third day he will be resurrected. 22 Then Peter, calling Jesus to

From the book Explanatory Bible. Old Testament and New Testament author Lopukhin Alexander Pavlovich

Another prediction about death and resurrection 22 When Jesus was with his disciples in Galilee, He said to them: "The Son of Man will be betrayed into the hands of men, 23 and they will kill Him, and on the third day God will raise Him up." Deep sadness seized then

From the book Letters (issues 1-8) author Theophan the Recluse

Another prediction about death and resurrection 30 After leaving there, they passed through Galilee, and Jesus did not want anyone to know about it, 31 because He instructed His disciples and said to them: “The Son of Man will be delivered into the hands of people, and they will kill him, but in three days

From the author's book

Another Prediction of Death and Resurrection While the people marveled at everything Jesus did, He said to His disciples: 44 "Don't forget this, I tell you, the Son of Man will be delivered into the hands of men." 45 But they did not know what these words meant: their meaning was hidden from them,

From the author's book

Another prediction about death and resurrection 31 Calling the Twelve to Himself, Jesus said to them: “Behold, we are approaching Jerusalem, and everything that was written by the prophets about the Son of Man will come true, 32 for they will hand Him over into the hands of the Gentiles and will mock Him and offend him, he will

From the author's book

b) Prediction about death and resurrection. 8.31-33 - “And he began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things, be rejected by the elders, chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and rise again on the third day. And spoke openly about it. But Peter took Him away and began

From the author's book

b) Prediction about death and resurrection. (Continuation of the previous Conversation). 8.31-33 - “And he began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things, be rejected by the elders, chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and rise again on the third day. And talked about it

From the author's book

a) The third prediction about death and resurrection. 10:32-34 - “When they were on their way, going up to Jerusalem, Jesus went ahead of them, and they were terrified and, following Him, were in fear. Calling the twelve, He again began to speak to them about what would happen to Him: behold, we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son

From the author's book

XVII Confession of St. Peter and the prediction of the Lord Jesus about the suffering and death awaiting him in Jerusalem. The Transfiguration of the Lord Now Christ went out all over the Promised Land and everywhere proclaimed the coming of the Kingdom of God, confirming his gospel with many

From the author's book

406. On the occasion of the death of a bishop. Exam after death May God's grace be with you! You are right back. They cried, they burned. Now is the time to console yourself. Vladyka departed not for the worst, but for the best. Therefore, for his sake, one must rejoice that the labors and troubles have ended, and

The most important and interesting on the topic: "To see the prediction of death in a dream" with a full description.

If in a dream someone predicted death to you, then you should not take everything literally. Although the interpretation of dreams is also a kind of prediction, but in dreams we receive warnings in the form of riddles and hints. Therefore, wanting to understand why such a vision is dreaming, dream books recommend taking into account all the details of the plot, passing them through the prism of associations.

G. Miller's predictions

According to the version offered by Miller's dream book, prediction in a dream does not play a simple role. So, for example, if you dreamed that you were predicting something to someone, this means quick and drastic changes in life.

But, listening in a dream to predictions of fate about loneliness from a sorceress, a sign that you should postpone marriage and conclusion of important financial transactions. Such plots, for the most part, mean failures and misses.

Who prophesied

Most dream books, interpreting what predictions dream of, focus on who exactly prophesied the future for you. Here are a few options for dreaming oracles and their interpretation:

  • the gypsy on the Tarot cards guessed - be prepared for betrayal or deceit;
  • the horoscope suggested - fate will give a chance to correct the situation that is not in your favor;
  • the witch gave a prediction - you should not let your life take its course;
  • the psychic sees your aura - do not blindly trust those who have not been tested “in action”;
  • the medium conveyed the words of the deceased - you made a mistake that you need to repent of.

Life or Death: Learn Self-Control

It is not very pleasant to hear predictions of one's own death or illness in a dream, but in reality, everything does not look so dangerous, Medea's dream book assures.

If you dreamed that you were predicted to die, then remember your emotions about this. The prediction caused you to panic - you will make a number of mistakes due to your inability to control your own emotions; and if the predictions of your death did not cause you to panic, or even made you laugh, then this is a sign of self-confidence.

But, hearing about a happy life in a dream is a sign that problems await you that can spoil your mood and confuse plans, Vanga's dream book warns. Do you see in a dream that you were prophesied a long life, but not a happy one? This speaks of unexpected, but easily solved problems.

Betrothed-disguised, or Love will come, but learn to wait ...

The same well-known dream book of Vanga, explaining why fortune-telling about a loved one is dreaming, says the following: if you are unsure about the relationship of a guy who really exists in your life, then you should not check him through rumors - ask directly. This will help you avoid misjudgment.

And here, the Eastern Dream Book, who dreamed about the prediction of love, which the dreamer does not have in reality, has prepared his own interpretation of the dream: do not rush to “throw on the neck” of the first one who compliments you - happiness is already nearby, but you need to wait a bit.

Family life as a symbol of relationships

If you dreamed that the fortuneteller, looking into the magic ball, was silent about your future, then this could mean misunderstandings and discord in the family, the Muslim dream book suggests. And if the fortuneteller's speech is full of rosy predictions for the future, then you should be vigilant - someone wishes you harm.

Did the fortune teller in a dream predict marriage or pregnancy and the birth of a child for a woman in the near future? Such a dream does not always have direct interpretations; it is quite possible that fate hints to a woman about her unconscious desires.

But why does a girl dream of hearing the date of birth of her son in a dream in late pregnancy: find out whose name day is celebrated on this day, and name the boy one of the proposed names - then he will be a happy person.

Fortune-telling for career success: Do not dwell on failures

To get a good prediction in a dream regarding your career, according to most dream books, is a signal that you are too fixated on work. Slow down, otherwise you will have "emotional burnout." But the prediction of the loss of a job, on the contrary, promises promotions and all sorts of honors, suggests Miss Hasse's dream book.

Did you dream that a bad job prediction was coming true? You don’t need to worry, but you need to be puzzled - you are doing something wrong, and this kind of dream is a warning about this.

Will finances sing romances? How to prevent ruin

Pastor Loff's dream book will help you understand why the prediction that you will go broke is dreaming of. If you see in a dream that with the help of magic you are trying to fix the financial crisis that has come in life, then this means that in reality, with the help of friends or relatives, you will be able to increase your income.

And if you dreamed that you received predictions about a meeting with a rich and influential person, then according to the explanations of why such a vision is dreamed of, this is a symbol of hard and painstaking work, the interpreter broadcasts.

Within six months, I saw two dreams in which I was directly told about the death of my relative, Aunt Vera. She went to live in another city with her nine-year-old daughter Marina. We don't see each other, we just call each other or text each other. Now she is doing well: she settled in a new place and found her husband.

In the first dream, I found myself with friends and acquaintances in the hall of a large house, or rather, a palace. By the way, in these mansions with me were not only acquaintances, but also strangers with whom I briefly crossed paths in reality or on the Internet (maybe you were also present there). A lot of material goods were kept in this hall: from simple things to jewelry and masterpieces. I felt that all this wealth belongs to the owner, and this owner generously gives it to us, they say, take what you want and take it away (if you can).

I also felt that I was a little afraid of this owner. Time spent in the palace was limited. I don’t know why, but I had to definitely leave it, perhaps with pockets full of jewelry (now I know that this is unrealistic). It is believed that if you are given something in a dream, then you must take it. That's all they took, although they did it without thinking about what is considered there. It's just that everyone present fell into some kind of trance and acted like clockwork. I twisted the necklace in my hands and realized that everything. We must hurry, get out of the palace. With contempt for myself, I thought, why do I need this junk at all? Already physically feeling how time was running out, I dropped everything and ran to the exit. And as luck would have it in a dream, she moved in slow motion.

In front of me was a girl I didn't know in white clothes. She, too, was in a hurry, and she did better than me. Passing the door that leads out of the hall, we met with the owner (a look that inspires admiration) and looked back. The hall was filled with a thick fog that swallowed the rest of the people, then I turned my gaze to the owner of the palace. He said to us, “so run quickly,” and I began to move in slow motion again. There was no time at all. I thought that I would not be in time for the doors to freedom, far away, the palace after all.

So, there was only one way out - mirrors. Thankfully there were a lot of them. Looking into the nearest mirror, I saw a gaping black hole instead of reflective glass. The legs moved even more slowly, although I applied a lot of strength. The girl in white was still ahead of me. Suddenly she turned to face me. I recoiled in surprise, and she quickly said in a shrill voice, "Faith is next." After that, she dived into the blackness of the mirror, and it became normal. The hole disappeared, covered with glass. Time is up, and I'm left standing in a huge golden hall, digesting what is happening. Finally it dawned on me where I was and who the master of the palace was. He was the owner of the cemetery.

When I woke up, I continued to think about the dream. Some time passed, and I explained my vision. The things in that room symbolized our everyday vain life, immersed in materialism. The door (threshold) between the hall and the hall is an intermediary between the material life and the dying stage. The owner of the cemetery was in the hall, just like on the border. The girl who was running in front of me, it seems to me that this is my dead relative, although maybe just a dead woman. Beyond the walls of the palace is another world. The fact that the girl in white entered another world through a mirror (and not through the main door to the street) speaks of prematureness, or rather, of an early death. Well, the time allotted to us is always limited. The girl in white dived into another world and said that Vera was next, so Vera would dive there after her. The question is when? If I entered the black hole, I would know everything, but I would not be able to tell anything.

In the second dream, I was in my native rural house. Besides me, there were two children: an older girl and a little boy. In the girl, I did not immediately recognize my cousin Marina, Vera's daughter. I did not immediately recognize, because at the moment Marina is 9 years old, and in a dream she was 14-15. She has a distinctive slit in her eyes. Basically, I figured it out. The boy doesn't know who he is. I didn’t see him, I remember that he was small, maybe 4-5 years old. Both children were dirty, as if the chimney had been cleaned. They sat on the sofa in the room. Marina, looking at me, asked: “Can I stay with you?”. I answered: “You can, of course,” and went out into the corridor.

My mother was fussing in the corridor, as if looking for something and at the same time cursing loudly. She screamed in such a way that it was impossible to make out anything. I asked her to say in a good way, but the hysteria only intensified. As a result, I managed to achieve a clear phrase: "Faith drowned." The swearing continued, and I hung, then asked to repeat, but I caught only a rattling cry: “What did you hear!”.

When I woke up, the first thing I remembered was the palace and the owner of the cemetery. If you believe these two dreams, then Aunt Vera should be the first of the real members of our family to go to the next world. Maybe someone will add their thoughts on this matter.

In order to answer the main question that this article covers, namely “what dreams of death”, it is necessary to determine what sleep and dreams are.

Sleep is an important process inherent in every person.

The main scientific definition that exists in the modern world: sleep is a special natural physiological process of being in a state with minimal brain activity and low reaction to the outside world. It is not unique to humans. There are two main phases of sleep: REM sleep and non-REM sleep. It is not worth delving into this, let's leave it to the scientists.

Each person, in order to relax, goes to bed, during sleep, almost everyone sees dreams. This applies to both people and animals. Dreams can carry both positive emotions (after such a dream, a person wakes up rested, full of energy, joyful), and negative (after waking up, a person feels excitement, nervousness and even fear).

In a dream, a person spends one third of his life, so many people believe that sleep is just another reality where ordinary life takes place.

Origin of dreams

Why do we dream about something, where do dreams come from, can dreams come true - no one has answered these and other questions. The origin of dreams is a curious phenomenon, a riddle for scientists, which they are not yet able to solve. Only fifty-five years ago, the study of brain activity during sleep began, so we can conclude that scientists who study sleep and the activity of the body during sleep still have everything ahead, and soon this riddle will be solved. In the meantime, we will have to rely on small discoveries in this area and use the interpretation of the dreams of our ancestors.

Prophetic dreams

Do dreams come true? This is one of the questions that has been troubling humanity since ancient times.

According to a survey conducted in 2013, 41% of people had prophetic dreams, that is, those that came true in real life after some time.

Most scientists who study this issue are skeptical about the fact that some people's dreams come true. They claim that the dream that allegedly came true is just a coincidence. A person is so excited by a dream that he himself looks for coincidences and draws parallels with the events taking place around him.

There is an opinion that almost all scientists adhere to: sleep is just a visual representation of the work of our nervous system. If the dreams are calm and positive, the nervous system is in order, but if the dreams are dark, negative and repeated several times over a certain period of time, then something does not give the person peace of mind. This may be a quarrel with a loved one, a bad deed, resentment, etc. Or this is how the body gives signals about the disease. In any case, you need to contact a specialist (for example, a psychologist).

Dreams of death

Perhaps the most terrible dreams that everyone had were dreams about their death or the death of a loved one. Almost everyone wondered: “What do you dream about before death?” And from a scientific point of view, there is an explanation for this. Death worries any person, even in the modern world the attitude towards it does not change: they are afraid of it, they don’t talk about it, death is grief. Every person faces death every day - bad news is broadcast on TV, radio, the death of a person is written on social networks, in newspapers. This information, along with feelings about yourself and loved ones, is deposited somewhere in the subconscious, which gives out this information in a dream.

But, as mentioned above, this is from a scientific point of view. Below we consider what our ancestors thought about such dreams, how they interpreted dreams about death. Are there scientists who believe that dreams of this nature come true?

It is worth noting that in search engines there are very frequent requests about what kind of dreams you have for death, before death. This issue will also be discussed below.

Dreams foreshadowing your own death

It is impossible to say with complete certainty what dreams of one's own death: for each person it will be his own dream. But still, something in common with such dreams can be distinguished.

On April 4, 1865, the sixteenth President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, went to bed. Suddenly the silence of the White House was broken by a woman's weeping. Lincoln quickly got up and walked towards the sound of this crying. So he ended up in a huge hall, in the middle of which stood a coffin, around the coffin - a guard of honor. People in mourning robes said goodbye to the man who was lying in the coffin. When Abraham Lincoln approached one soldier from the guard of honor and asked who died, the soldier replied that the president. Thus, US President Abraham Lincoln dreamed of his own death, about which, after waking up, he made an entry in his diary. Ten days after this dream of death, Lincoln was assassinated in Washington DC during a theater performance.

Many famous people had prophetic dreams about the death of their loved ones or their own deaths. For example, the Metropolitan of Moscow Philoret saw in a dream his deceased father, who named the date of his death, which eventually came true.

These examples can already show what dreams of the death of oneself.

Dream images about your own death

There is also a list of images that can dream of their own death. These images are taken from dreams that people told. So:

The main image is a dead person. This image prophesies its own death, if in a dream you take the deceased for the living: feed, wash, dance, pinch, tickle, bathe with him in the bath, pick him up, count your teeth, invite him to eat, etc. That is, this means that soon an equal relationship will be established between the one who had a dream and between the one who is no longer in the world of the living. And since the dead cannot come to life, the one who had such a dream will die. If a deceased person simply dreams, is silent or talks, but does not interact in any way anymore, this dream does not portend anything bad.

The image associated with the white color warns of death, if you try on white shoes with a subsequent purchase, see a white owl, a white flying dove, dress in all white, talk to someone who is dressed in white clothes, while the interlocutor does not faces are visible.

Images associated with black: a black horse, a black rabbit you killed.

Images associated with the cemetery: eat something from the grave, measure yourself and the coffin, lie down in the coffin, throw money into the grave, buy wreaths and put them near you, pay at the funeral home, hammer the coffin lid with nails, fall on the grave, buy prosvir and carry to the cemetery - in a dream these are bad signs.

Images associated with the church: put candles for your repose, see yourself on an icon, dropped icons, drink holy water from the hands of saints, talk to God, refuse him, see that someone puts candles for your health, buy lamp oil , pour lamp oil, sing along to a song at a funeral service, etc.

Various images predicting one’s own death: burying in the ground or clay, taking all things out of one’s house, hanging mirrors with black cloth, buying or building a house with windows and doors clogged, saying goodbye to everyone, shaking the earth off one’s clothes, seeing oneself in one shoe, see a black crow, a spider on your body, cut black fabric, pour blood on the ground, stroke human bones with your hand, paint lips when dead, etc.

In fact, there are many such images, and dream books are constantly supplemented with new information, but it is impossible to verify how true such information is.

A dream about your own death - is it so scary?

However, many sources interpret your own death in a dream as a positive event, so do not rush to die. Most likely, such a turning point has come in your life when you can safely start life from scratch, change something, meet the right people, find love and live a long and happy life.

Seeing your funeral in a dream means that you are ready to bury everything bad and old and start living in a new way.

Participating in your own funeral means that you will receive respect from others, your ideas will be recognized by other people.

Being killed in a dream means not too joyful events, but not death either: divorce, separation, intrigues of competitors, danger.

Dreams portending the death of a loved one

It is also impossible to accurately answer the question of what dreams of the death of loved ones. Dreams are dreamed and interpreted in different ways. It all depends on the person, his emotional state, character, etc. “What do you dream about the death of loved ones?” - this question is also not so rare in search engines. Any person wants to get an answer to it and try to prevent the loss of a loved one.

The most famous dream that warns of the death of a loved one is a dream with teeth. By the way, often this is what dreams about the death of a relative. So, if you see in a dream that a tooth fell out with blood, a blood relative will die, if the tooth is without blood, a loved one will die, but not by blood, or a distant relative.

A dream about a bird is also very famous: if you dream of a bird that knocks on glass, breaks it or flies into the room, breaks out and flies away - to the death of a close or relative.

Another dream about the death of a loved one or relative: sand, which is very difficult to walk on, the setting sun, an empty bed, the person you call, but he does not turn around and leaves (floats away).

Signs accompanying dreams of death

It must be remembered that the warning of death comes not only in dreams, but also in life. It is worth paying attention to such signs: the fall of an icon, a cracked wedding ring, a cracked mirror or dishes, a sunflower rotting in the middle, cracking walls, a cracked stove - to the death of the hostess, mice gnaw clothes, a night dog howl, if the dog does not eat food left over after the patient - the patient will die soon.

Things that should not be done: plow up the old cemetery - to the death of the eldest son, plant a Christmas tree in front of the house - to death in this house, plant a willow - the one who planted this willow will die when it will be possible to make a shovel from this willow. To enter a new house first - the first one entering a new house will die early (therefore they let the cat in). Put a pillow on the table.

It will take a lot, a huge number of which we got from grandparents, to believe in them or not is everyone's business.

Dreams warning of the death of a husband

This is what dreams about the death of her husband:

  • cover your head with a white or black scarf;
  • lose shoes and not find;
  • torn nail;
  • look for a lost horse in a dream;
  • lose a ring in a dream;
  • see an eclipse of the sun in a dream;
  • cut down an oak tree in a dream;
  • see a burning gate in a dream.

But when a husband dies in a dream, this does not mean at all that he will soon die in real life. Most likely, you are in a quarrel with him, it worries you and you need to make peace, or you are hiding something from him. In any case, you will need to have a serious talk and “open up” to him.

There is very little information in various sources about what dreams about the death of a husband, this article contains the main dreams that women told about who later lost their husbands.

The advice that can be given in this article - do not be afraid of dreams, do not get hung up on their interpretation, try to perceive dreams as your fantasy, inner experiences, and if someone died in a dream, this does not mean that he will actually die tomorrow. This means that you do not want to be left without him in this world and worry about him. Had a dream that they themselves died? Relax and enjoy life - you will live happily ever after with your loved ones and loving people.

If you are still wondering why this or that dream is dreaming, look into the dream book. What dreams of death is an interesting question, but not so much as to get hung up and study it while wasting your free time. It is better to devote this time to your family and friends, and it doesn’t matter what and when you dreamed - live here and now!

Dreams are signs of illness

By the way, if you suddenly began to dream of the dead, blood, coffins, funerals - do not rush to get into the search engine with the question of what you dream of dying, do not get ready to die, but go to the hospital. Some scientists believe that often dreams carry vital information in terms of health, a person is required to interpret it correctly. With the help of such dreams, the body can warn of diseases that are just beginning to emerge. There are hundreds of examples of such dreams that people told about.


Each person has his own symbols and signs, his dreams before death. If your teeth and gums bother you in life, then most likely in a dream you will dream of falling teeth, blood. The dove will not necessarily dream of death, for some this bird is a symbol of the soul and dreams of the imminent appearance of a new person, and dreams about a wedding and a wedding dress are happy for many. Therefore, it is impossible to find an answer to the question of what is dreaming of death that is right for you.

Would you like to know how long you will live and when you will die? It must be admitted that not everyone visits the desire to know the date of death. Many are afraid to know their future. On the one hand, this is reasonable - why burden yourself with unnecessary information? But on the other hand, knowing your date of death, you will be mentally prepared for what awaits you. We invite you to find out the date of death for free using the numerological calculation.

Calculation of date of death by date of birth

Take a piece of paper and write your date of birth on it. Then add up all the numbers that make it up. The resulting number will help you calculate the date of death. The result of the calculation must be unambiguous (that is, a number from 1 to 9 must be obtained). If you get a two-digit number, then you need to add its composite numbers.

Here is an example: 01/13/1969 = 29 = 2+9 = 11 = 1+1 = 2. The number 2 is the key to the date of death in the given example of the date of birth.

When you calculate your number, then you will only have to decipher the resulting value. So, what do the numbers mean in the numerology of death?

The meaning of numbers in the numerology of death

1 - You will die in extreme old age at the age of 80 to 95 years. Your death will be easy and quick as you will live a happy and vibrant life.

2 - There is a high probability that death will overtake you as a result of an accident. Be careful, as this number in the numerology of death predicts danger through no fault of yours. Dangerous years of life when you can die: 7, 19, 29, 45, 67.

3 - You will live to old age, but in old age you will be overcome by diseases that will hasten your death. Dangerous years of life: 44 and 73.

4 - You are a long-liver. According to the numerology of numbers, death will overtake you at the age of 100 years. Moreover, in old age you will feel very good.

5 - Death is on your heels, but you are lucky! Fate constantly seems to take you away from accidents, accidents and dangers. You are very lucky and have the opportunity to live a long and happy life if you do not harm the people around you. Dangerous years of life: 3, 15, 24, 48, 62, 76.

6 - You depend on your karma. It is very difficult to find out the cause and date of death from this numerological birth number. You should first find out your karmic debt, and based on this, make assumptions about your date of death. Dangerous years of life: 13, 22, 47, 68.

7 - You have a strong guardian angel. However, even he sometimes can not keep up with you. Be careful around fire and water. There is a high probability that your life will be taken by the power of the natural elements. Dangerous years of life: 24, 36, 61.

8 - You are playing with death. It's dangerous for you to take risks. Be more restrained and prudent, then you will live long. The age to which you will live is 65-70 years.

9 - Your life can end at a fairly young age. According to the numerological calculation, people with this number of death rarely live to be 50 years old. You should take a closer look at your health. Alcohol and tobacco are strictly contraindicated for you. Dangerous years of life: 16, 23, 38, 47.

Do not be afraid if during the calculation you got unpleasant. Remember that your life is in your hands. Every minute you make choices, decisions, actions that shape your future. Take responsibility for your life in your own hands and then live as long as you want. Be happy and don't forget to click and