The Inner Smile meditation is an important life management tool. An inner smile that energizes

V modern world more often than not, a person does not even notice the signals of the body, does not realize that the internal organs are experiencing discomfort and need help. Contact is broken and as a result - deterioration, under attack.

Exit - meditation... We started our conversation about the features and benefits of Inner Smile meditation at. Today we will get acquainted with the technique.

Beginning of meditation.

Inner Smile start by wiggling. First, rock your spine in different sides from bottom to top - from the sacrum to the base of the skull. Smile at him and swing each vertebra from left to right, heading from bottom to top. Listen to the sensations, feel how muscle tension goes away, blood rushes to the spine, it relaxes, warms up, acquires a golden glow.

Now swing the spine back and forth, while nodding your head slightly (this is how the connection of the head with the lumbar region is maintained). Imagine that you are bamboo, hollow on the inside.
After completing the wiggle, present a smile to your spine, guiding it from the upper vertebra to the sacrum, and then vice versa from the bottom to the base of the skull.

Swaying the spine and smiling at him allows him to relax the entire spine and nervous system. Without this, a person will not be able, under any other conditions, to calm down. Tension and stiffness in the spine interferes with calming down.

Today we will look at the first variety Inner Smile meditation"Three lines of the Inner Smile" .

Smile to Internal Organs: Front Line.

1. Eyes and eyebrow point. Release tension from your forehead, relax it. Become aware of the positive, joyful, smiling energy that appears in front of your eyes as a golden glow. Imagine that you are entering a blooming fragrant garden. Give yourself the freedom to experience the fullness of feelings that you are capable of, at the sight of this beauty and perfection. Against the background of these feelings, imagine your own smiling face in front of you. Imagine that your Smile radiates energy like the sun. Collect this radiation in a spiral to the point between the eyebrows, draw in energy through this point and closed eyes, stimulating the pituitary gland.

2. Face. Draw in the Smile energy through the eyebrow point and feel the Third Eye expand. Energy, expanding the flow, begins to flow through the nose and cheeks. It relaxes your skin, muscles, you feel how it warms your face from the inside. Let the energy of the Smile touch your lips, flow into your mouth, flow around your tongue. Help her and make a circular motion with your tongue to activate her flow. Your mouth will be filled with saliva mixed with the energy of a Smile. Swallow it. Touch your tongue to the upper palate and leave it in this position until the end of the practice. In this way, two channels, Main and Functional, will be connected. They are the main conductors of energy in the body. Then swallow the saliva, sending it to the thymus gland, then to the heart and further down. Feel the smiling energy washing and flowing through your cheekbones, removing the slightest tension from them. Open your mouth slightly, separating your teeth, while maintaining the position of your tongue in the palate.

3. Throat and neck. Give a smile to your neck and throat. Let your neck relax and take a break from the responsibility of holding your head up. Give a smile to the thyroid and parathyroid glands, which are located at the front of your neck. Feel how the energy of the Smile relieves tension, relaxes the muscles and your throat opens like a bud of a wonderful flower.

4. Throat and sternum. In meditation, saliva is collected, swallow it in the direction of those organs with which you are smiling. Let the Smile energy into the thymus gland (located below the larynx, behind the upper part of the sternum), feel how it expands and radiates light, warm, smiling energy towards the heart.

5. Heart. Send your heart the best and most grateful Smile, thank him for his trouble-free work. Feel how tension is released from him, it relaxes and it becomes easier for him to work. Let the energy of the Smile fill your heart with love. Feel how intolerance and hot temper turn into joy and respect. Your heart is filled with the most important virtues and radiates them in the direction of all organs and tissues.

6. Lungs. Send a Smile to every particle, every cell of your lungs, show them respect and thank them for their constant work to inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Feel the virtuous energy of the heart bring love and joy to the lungs. Feel how they, absorbing the energy of the Smile, become softer, transforming sadness, sadness, depression into calmness and courage.

7. Liver. Send a Smile to your liver (it is located in the lower part of the ribcage on the right, behind the ribs).

Realize its role in your body and send it for its participation in the digestion of food, detoxification and harmful substances, synthesis of compounds necessary for the body. Feel it soften and moisturize. Now send her the energy of a Smile filled with the virtues of the heart and lungs (love, joy, calmness, courage) and let the liver, thus, transform the accumulated discontent and anger into kindness and acceptance.

8. Pancreas and spleen. Send a Smile to the pancreas and sincerely thank it for the synthesis of insulin, which regulates blood sugar levels, and enzymes involved in the digestion of food. Present a Smile to the spleen (it is located in the left hypochondrium) and express for its work in the formation of immunity and participation in hematopoiesis. Channeling the energy of the Smile, which has absorbed the virtues of the heart, lungs and liver, into the spleen and pancreas, feel how anxiety and anxiety change and become the energy of fearlessness and peace.

9. Kidneys. Now channel the smiling energy into your kidneys. Thank them for the fact that they are a filter and cleanse your blood from toxins and wastes, participate in maintaining the water and electrolyte balance in the body. Feel how they respond to your gratitude and become cooler, fresher, cleaner. Smile and your adrenal glands, thank them for the production of hormones necessary for your life. Feel how all fears are transformed into gentleness and good nature with the help of smiling energy and accumulated virtues.

10. Genitals. Direct the energy of the Smile to the genital area.

In women, this is the "Ovarian Palace" - located three inches below the navel, in the middle between the ovaries. Smile with your most charming smile and direct it and the collected energy of the previous organs in a spiral to the ovaries, uterus, vagina. Thank the ovaries for producing hormones and sexual energy. Combine the energy of the Smile, the energy of all virtues and the energy of sexuality, direct up to the navel and twist at this point.

In men, the genital area - this is the "Sperm Palace" - is located an inch and a half above the base of the penis in the prostate region. Spiral the smile and stored energy downward into the prostate and testicles. Send them thanks for synthesizing hormones and generating sexual energy. Combine the energy of the Smile, the energy of all virtues and the energy of sexuality, direct up to the navel and twist at this point.
Remark: Mentally returning energy to the navel for storage, do it in a spiral to concentrate and keep it in this place. Rotation creates suction of energy like a vacuum.

11. Eyes. Now go back to the eyes. Smile quickly down into your organs along the front line, check each one to see if there are any residual tension in them. Smile at the tense organ until it dissolves.

Continued in the next article.

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A smile is important and powerful tool communication. A sincere smile sends the energy of love, kindness, joy and health. Therefore, it is also important to send the "Inner Smile" to yourself.

In ancient China, the Tao masters, who discovered the power of the smile energy, began to practice smiling as meditation technique... Later, it became a basic practice in meditations, because when performing any meditation, it is important to maintain the state of "Inner Smile".

At the end of the meditation, collect all the energy in the lower dantyan - the navel center, two fingers below the navel. Eyes closed, put your hands on your navel. Spiral energy in space between the diaphragm and the pubic bone.

Women unwind the spiral from the navel counterclockwise 36 times. Then you need to twist the spiral to the navel clockwise 24 times.

Men unwind the spiral clockwise from the navel 36 times. Then the spiral is twisted counterclockwise to the navel 24 times.

After this practice, you should feel peace and tranquility. If you have discomfort, repeat the spiraling movements in both directions.

Feel like this energy center fills with the energy of a smile. Such a luminous ball, a small sun, Smiley - is spinning in your stomach. Tighten the anus, perineum, not letting the energy leave the body, imagine how you "plug" the navel to keep this energy for the whole day.
Based on materials,

Smiling with yoga instructor Anastasia Gogoleva

Smile if you still haven't smiled: o)

The Inner Smile technique will help you cope with irritation, fear, relieve you of pain in the body and depression.

By the way, a similar technique, but more simply, was described in the post

The benefits of this technique

Low quality energy is converted to high quality energy

In Taoism, we regard negative emotions as low quality energy. Many people spend their lives in irritation, sadness, depression, fear, anxiety, and other forms of negative energy.

These energies are the causes of chronic disease and imperceptibly drain our basic vitality.

The Inner Smile is a sincere smile to all parts of the body, including all organs, glands and ...


When you are sitting and you have nothing to do, just relax your lower jaw and open your mouth slightly. Start breathing shallowly through your mouth. Allow your body to breathe so that it becomes empty and more and more empty.

And when you feel that the breath has become very empty and the mouth is open and the cheekbones are relaxed, the whole body will be very, relaxed. At this moment, begin to feel a smile - not in the body, but in all of your inner being - you can do it. This is not a smile that comes on ...

When you are sitting and you have nothing to do, just relax your lower jaw and open your mouth slightly. Start breathing deeply through your mouth. Allow your body to breathe so that it becomes more and more empty. And when you feel that the breath has become completely empty, and the mouth is open and the cheekbones are relaxed, the whole body will be very relaxed.

At that moment, begin to feel a smile - not in the body, new to the whole inner being ... you can do it. This is not a smile that comes to the lips - it is existential ...

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Osho meditation- this is an opportunity to receive a huge energy supply, to remove negativity from oneself through self-knowledge, through a surge of energy that blocks our chakras. It's no secret that meditations appeared in ancient india and were so much more than just a way to relax.

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Walking meditation is not just a walk in the park. It is several times slower and more solid, and includes either coordination with the breath or specific types of focusing.

Unlike sitting meditation, you have open ...

Meditation is about discovering something new. The new is beyond and above the repeating past, and meditation is the cessation of this repetition. The death that meditation brings with it is the immortality of the new. The new is outside the space of thought, and meditation is the silence of thought.

Meditation is not an achievement, not a pursuit of a vision, not arousing sensation. It is like a river, indomitable, rapidly flowing and flooding the banks. This is music without sound; it cannot be tamed, it cannot be used. This is the silence in which with ...

Inner Life resembles a journey that requires thoughtful planning in order to avoid a fruitless return to the starting point. All efforts, spiritual and material, must be skillfully combined with the same attention that has been given to planning and preparation. The difference, however, between earthly and spiritual experiences is that the earthly is limited to a given interval of time, while the spiritual is only a lifelong step on the Inner Path.

Among the many commitments creating ...

Meditation is technically quite simple, and doing even part of this exercise yields noticeable results. If you do it in full and regularly, soon the changes will be noticed not only by you, but also by the people around you.

Tao practitioners have noted that the energy of the smile has a high and positive vibration level. A sincerely smiling person is relaxed, and, at the same time, is in good shape, in a state of accepting himself and the world around him. Regular presence of a person in a field of high vibration accustom the body, internal organs and consciousness to a new, much healthier state.

And it contributes to the healing of all organs, the spine, the brain. Removal of all the consequences of stress and psychological trauma.

Regular exercise will calm the mind, develop concentration, relieve depression of any kind, and provide powerful healing and rejuvenating potential. The practitioner of this meditation begins to feel a state of self-acceptance, love for oneself, and, consequently, for everyone around.

There are three types of meditation "Inner Smile", today we will focus on the famous version of the "Three Lines of Inner Smile"


Sit comfortably with your feet completely flat on the floor. Put your hands comfortably in your lap, right palm over the left.

Breathe normally. Close your eyes. When you are concentrating, your breath should be soft, long, and flowing. After a while, you will forget about how you breathe.

Imagine the spring sun in front of you, the smile of a loved one or a child. Or the face of your favorite pet.

You will notice that the muscles of the face begin to relax, go through several images to find the one that evokes more positive emotions.

Smile for yourself, feel how the energy of a smile fills your eyes, spreads over your forehead. Let me smile your eyes .

Front Line

Feel the smiling energy move to a point between the eyebrows ... Let her move to the nose and flow on the cheeks .

Feel how she relaxes facial skin , then penetrates deeper into facial muscles ... Touch your tongue to the upper palate and leave it in this position until the end of the meditation.

Feel the Smile energy flow in the cheekbones , freeing them from any stress. Open your mouth slightly, separating your teeth, but keeping your tongue on the palate.

Smile at your neck and throat ... Let your neck relax and rest from holding your head. Smile thyroid and parathyroid glands located at the front of your neck. Feel how the energy releases all tensions, and the throat opens like a bud of a beautiful flower.

Let the energy of the Smile flow in into the thymus gland (thymus) located between the throat and sternum. Feel it expanding, radiating warm, fragrant, smiling energy towards your heart.

Smile at your heart and thank him for circulating blood in your body. Feel how it relaxes and it becomes easier for it to work. Let the energy of the Smile fill your heart with love. Feel how intolerance and hot temper are transformed into joy and respect. Love, joy, respect and unconditional compassion come from the heart. Feel these virtues radiating to all internal organs, glands and throughout the body.

Smile at everyone to the cell of your lungs and thank them for breathing oxygen and removing carbon dioxide.

Feel how they soften and become more spongy and moist, filled with the energy of a Smile. Feel how the virtues of the heart (love and joy) breathe into the lungs the energy of a smile, how it transforms any sadness and depression into virtue and courage.

Smile at your liver , which is located on the right at the base of the chest. Thank her for the role she plays in digestion, processing, storing and releasing nutrients, and eliminating various toxins. Feel how it softens and its moisture increases. Allow the energy of the Smile, saturated with the virtues of the heart and lungs (love, joy, virtue, courage), to transform all the anger accumulated in the liver into kindness.

Smile at your pancreas at the base of the chest on the left. Thank her for making insulin, which regulates blood sugar, and enzymes for digesting food. Smile at your spleen located behind the pancreas at the same level on the left. Thank her for the production of antibodies that fight various diseases. As you smile into your spleen and pancreas, feel all worries transform into fearlessness with the energy of a smile filled with the virtues of the heart, lungs and liver.

Apply the energy of the smile to yours. kidneys located on both sides of the back just above the lower back.

Thank them for filtering your blood, freeing it from waste and keeping your body hydrated. Feel them cooler, fresher and cleaner. Smile at your adrenal glands that are above the kidneys; they produce adrenaline and other hormones. Feel how all fears are transformed into the virtue of gentleness through the energy of the smile and other virtues already accumulated.

Bring the smiling energy down to the area genitals in the lower abdomen. In women, this area is called the "palace of the ovaries." It is located between the ovaries 7-8 centimeters below the navel. Smile at your ovaries, uterus, and vagina. In men, this area is called the "sperm palace." It is located 4-5 cm above the base of the penis in the area of ​​the prostate and male reproductive glands (testicles). Thank them for their hormones and sexual energy. Allow love, joy, kindness and calmness to enter your genitals so that you have the power to overcome and limit uncontrolled sexual desires. You will be in control of your sexual activities, not you. Sexual energy is the main energy of life.

Get your attention back to the eyes ... Smile down quickly into your organs along the front line, checking each one for residual stress. Smile at every tension until it dissolves.

middle line

Feel more large quantity smiling energy in your eyes ... Let it flow down in the mouth ... Feel your tongue, collect some saliva by rotating your tongue in your mouth. Touch the tip of your tongue to the top of your mouth, tense your neck muscles, and swallow all the saliva quickly and vigorously, making your normal swallowing sound.

With an Inner Smile, follow the path of saliva down up the esophagus into the stomach located at the lower left edge of the ribs.
Thank him for important work in liquefying and digesting your food. Feel increased calm and contentment. Promise your stomach that you will only give it good food.

Smile small intestine - the duodenum, small intestine and ileum - which are located in the center of the abdominal cavity. Their length in adults is about seven meters. Thank them for what they soak up nutrients to maintain your health and vital energy.

Smile large intestine - the ascending colon, which begins on the right side of the tibia, goes up under the right lobe of the liver; the transverse colon, which runs down from the right side of the liver, crossing the abdominal cavity, under the left lower end of the stomach; the descending colon, which goes down through the left side of the abdomen; sigmoid colon, which is located between the pelvis, rectum and anus. The large intestine is about 1.5 meters long. Thank him for taking out the waste and for making you feel clean, fresh, and open. Smile at him, feel how he becomes warm, clean, satisfied and calm.

Return attention to your eyes ... Smile down quickly midline checking to see if there is any tension left anywhere else. Smile at this tension until it dissolves.

Back line. A smile along the spine

Focus your attention again before our eyes .

Send a Smile with your eyes inside the body; collect the smile energy in the area third eye (between the eyebrows). With your inner vision, direct your smile 8-10 cm deep, to the pituitary gland , feel the pituitary gland blooming. Aim the Smile with your eyes in third ventricle of the brain (third section, place of strength of nervous energy, the most powerful place). Feel how this place expands, becomes bright, bathed in golden light, which illuminates the entire brain. Smile thalamus , pineal gland , feel this tiny gland gradually enlarge.

If you find it difficult to determine where these glands are located, just smile, moving the smile inside your head.

Direct the clear and bright gaze of your eyes to left brain region ... Move it back, concentrate on the left hemisphere of the brain, then on the right and then on the spine ... This will help balance the left and right hemispheres of the brain and strengthen the nervous system.

Direct your inner smiling gaze down to middle brain .

Feel how it expands, softens. Then move down to medulla oblongata and spinal cord starting at the vertebral column at the base of the skull. Move the light of the Inner Smile that carries the energy of love down into each vertebra and disc.

Count every vertebra and disc you smiled at: seven cervical vertebrae, twelve thoracic vertebrae, five lumbar (in the lower back), sacrum and coccyx. Feel that your spinal cord and back become flexible and comfortable. Feel the discs soften and the spinal cord expands and lengthens, making you taller.

Return to your eyes and send the Smile quickly down the back of your back. Your entire body should feel relaxed. Exercises for the back line of the back increase the flow of cerebrospinal fluid and calm the nervous system. Smiling at the discs keeps them from deforming due to the load. With the help of a Smile sent to the spine, back pain can be relieved or prevented.

Smile from top to bottom at all the lines of your body.

Start again out of sight ... Direct the gaze of your Inner Smile. Smile quickly down the front line of your body. Follow the smiling energy down the midline and then down the back of the body. As you gain experience, you can smile from top to bottom to all three lines at the same time, to all organs and the spine.

Now feel the energy sinking down your body, as if it were a waterfall - a waterfall of smiles, joy and love. Feel like you love and appreciate your whole body!

Storing the energy of the Inner Smile in the navel

It is very important at the end of the practice to keep the smiling energy in the navel area. Most of the painful effects of meditation are caused by excess energy in the head or heart. The navel area can safely manage the increasing supply of energy generated by the Inner Smile.

To collect the energy of the Smile, concentrate on the area of ​​the navel, which is approximately 4 cm deep into your body. Then mentally move the energy in an expanding spiral around the navel 36 times; at the same time, do not rise above the diaphragm and do not fall below the pubic bone. Women begin to spiral counterclockwise, and men clockwise. Then make 24 spiral movements in the opposite direction and return the energy back to the navel.

The first few times, in order to direct the movement, you can point the path of energy using forefinger... The energy is now safely stored in the navel area. From now on, it is always available whenever the need arises, and can be used in any part of your body.

This concludes the execution of the "Inner Smile" technique.

  • Try to practice this meditation every morning as soon as you wake up. This will strengthen you for the whole day. Love for your body will help you to love yourself and other people more, to feel filled with vital energy. Train and one day you will be able to do it very quickly.
  • If you feel pain and discomfort in any part of your body, in any of your organs - smile at these parts of the body, hold the Smile in them a little longer, talk to them, get an answer from them until you see that they have become soft, more open or that their color has changed from dark to light.
  • Practice the technique during times of stress, irritation, fear, or depression.

    Smile at those parts of your body that feel tension and pressure, and you will gradually feel the negative energy transforming into positive life energy.

    The energy expenditure caused by negative emotions will be converted into positive energy and vitality. Smiling will drive away negative emotions. The Smile Energy can turn the energy of stress and emotions such as anger, irritation, fear into vital energy, heal and rejuvenate all organs and tissues, so that smile as often as possible .

And I wish you inner light and joy!

Sincere smiles to the whole body and each body area in turn can significantly improve well-being and get rid of many ailments.

The Inner Smile meditation teaches the skills of interacting with different systems organs and also improves mood.

In the course of this technique, a unique healing energy is generated.

Classical Meditation "Inner Smile"

The traditional version of smiling to oneself was used in ancient China. Tao experts believed that this is the way to move the Qi energy to gain happiness and long life. An inner smile is a symbol of the highest love and pleasure from it. This sensation is capable of rejuvenating and restoring health.

Preparing for meditation

The inner smile technique is carried out at least 60 minutes after the meal. Meditation is suitable for use every day, therefore, for long-term strengthening of the body, it should be done immediately after waking up in the morning. In the absence of the proper amount of time, the session can be carried out at an accelerated pace in a few minutes.

Pay attention to the correct posture. You should sit on the edge of a chair on your sit bones, without restricting your genitals. In men, the scrotum should hang from the seat, and women, when practicing nude exercises, should cover their genitals with clothes so that the energy does not escape through them.

The feet must be pressed firmly to the floor, setting the feet hip-width apart. The shoulders can be relaxed and slightly bent, the chin tightened. Hands remain on the knees so that the right palm rests on top of the left. You can raise your arms with the pad.

Inner smile meditation is not done without first swaying the body. At the first stage, it is required to swing the spine from the bottom up and to adjacent sides. It is useful for relieving muscle tension and warming up the vertebrae, which will take on a golden glow. Next, you need to walk back and forth with your spine and nod your head, representing the body as a hollow bamboo.

At the end, you can smile at the relaxed spine, moving positive energy from the neck to the sacrum and vice versa, to the skull area.

The Inner Smile System belongs to Mantek Chia, author of the Universal Tao project and director of the New York Tao Center. It is due to his developed technique that the energy of all organs increases several times and the so-called heart mind relaxes.

Meditation "Three Lines of Inner Smile": Technique

The hallmark of this practice is careful attention to the eye area. They are the first to perceive the emotional signal and speed up the reaction of individual organs in case of danger or stress. Under these conditions, smiling meditation requires a calm gaze and relaxed eye muscles in order to relieve tension in the body more effectively.

Smile on the front line of the body

  • Relax your forehead by accepting the smiling energy in the form of a golden glow in front of your eyes. Imagine smiling, emitting light like the sun. Accumulate all the radiation at the point between the eyebrows, sucking in the energy with your closed eyes.
  • Feel the third eye area expanding. Energy flows into the nose and cheeks, warming the face and relaxing the muscles. The smile touches the lips, falling into the mouth. Help the energy with circular movements of the tongue. It acts as a bridge between two channels, as it brings the left and right energy flows of the brain into a state of harmony.
  • Swallow the saliva emanating from the light and touch the palate with your tongue. Swallow the saliva again to send the energy to the thymus gland and heart. Let a smile wash over your cheekbones, relieving tension. Leave your mouth a little open with your teeth parted.
  • Smile at the front of the neck, thyroid and parathyroid glands, throat and chest. The accumulated saliva will transfer energy to the heart. Thank him for his work, feel his filling with the best virtues.
  • Smile at each half of your lungs to show them respect for breathing oxygen. Then send the energy to the liver - this is the area behind the ribs in the lower right part under the breastbone. Accept important role liver to remove toxins and say thank you.
  • Likewise, praise the pancreas for its insulin and enzyme production, and the spleen on the left side of the body for its role in blood formation and for the restoration of the immune system. Remember to smile. Give a smile to the kidneys for their powerful filtration and the adrenal glands for creating hormones.
  • Go gratefully to the genital area. The girls smile at the Ovarian Palace, areas three inches below the navel. It is necessary to send the smile and energy of the treated organs in a spiral to the area of ​​the ovaries, uterus and vagina. Having said “Thank you” for generating sexual waves, move all the energy up to the navel and there, twist in a spiral as well.
    The men, in turn, thank the Sperm Palace, which is 1.5 inches above the penis. The smile is sent with energy in a spiral downward to the testicles and prostate. Then, as in the case of women, you need to make a return to the navel.
  • Move to the eyes again and bring a smile to the entire front line. Feel that no residual tension has remained. If some organ is not fully worked out, do not stop smiling at him until his condition improves.

Working with the median line

  1. Feel the accumulation of smile energy in your eyes. Let it drain into your mouth, and you collect saliva by rolling your tongue. Touch your tongue to the upper half of your mouth and tighten your neck. Swallow all the saliva vigorously and loudly so that the smile travels up the esophagus to the stomach. Thank him for his work and promise only quality food.
  2. Give a smile to the small intestine, i.e. 3 intestines in the abdominal cavity. Tell them “Thank you” for soaking important substances... Then smile at the large intestine, which includes the 4 intestines. They should be thanked for removing waste and keeping them feeling fresh.

Smile along the back line

  • Focus on the eyes, sending a smile into the body and collecting energy at the third eye point. Move it to the pituitary gland, and then, together with a smile, into the third ventricle. Then feel how this area takes on a glow. Smile at the thalamus and pineal gland.
  • Place the inner gaze on the left side of the brain, then focus on the left hemisphere. Go to the right. Next, keep the concentration on the spine so that the hemispheres are balanced and nervous system strengthened.
  • Smile to the middle, oblong and spinal cords, pons varoli. Move light and energy along each vertebra and disc. Return to the eyes. Address an instant smile to the entire back line of your back for a sense of relaxation.

Final smile

  1. Returning to your eyes, send a short smile down the front line of your body. Move with energy along the midline and back lines. If several practices have passed, you can try to smile from top to bottom on three lines in parallel, not forgetting about the spine and all internal organs. Feel the energy flowing through your body like a stream of smiles and love.
  2. All the generated smiling energy must be stored in the navel area. It is from there that the energy supply can be safely managed. It is necessary to stop attention at the deepest point of the navel and mentally move all the energy around in an expanding spiral. Do this 36 times without moving above the diaphragm or lowering below the pubic bone.
  3. Women should perform counterclockwise spiral movements.
    Men work clockwise. Then you need to do another 24 spiral movements in the opposite direction and return the energy to the navel. If the movement of energy is difficult to control with thought alone, you can direct your index finger.

This concludes the meditation.

Meditation No. 2 "Energizing Inner Smile"

In this case, the basis of meditation is the cycle of creation of 5 elements, which correspond to the main organs. The goal of the practice is to create an expanded amount of energy by smiling in vital areas of the body.

How to do meditation

  • Begin to smile at your bladder, uterus and ovaries, or prostate and testicles. Sketch in your mind how you reunite with these organs, and their energy permeates the brain, forming a strong connection with it as it flows up the spine.
  • Visualize a huge blue ocean in front of you with fire hovering above it. Watch the azure light evaporate from the water.
  • Smile with this light at all of the above organs, and then go to the kidneys. Bring this part of the body to rest, watch how the blue light enters the kidneys and passes on, filling the liver with energy.
  • Now visualize a green glow in the forest when the sun is shining. Smile with an emerald glow to the liver and allow this new stream to pass into the heart, filling it with energy.
  • Reconnect with the heart. Play in your head the red glow of a sunset over the ocean and smile with a scarlet stream at your heart, overflowing with love. Let the red light come from there together with energy to the stomach, spleen, pancreas.
  • Merging with these organs, visualize the golden, clear sunbeams in the late summer. Send the yellow and warm light of a smile to these parts of the body, finding peace. Let the golden glow flow into your lungs to fill them with energy.
  • Imagine your lungs. Let the fresh white light from the giant mountains smile at your respiratory system, and then go to your nose, skin, small intestines and kidneys.

Repeat the entire cycle of this inner smile twice. Then collect energy in the bladder and prostate (uterus), and then raise it to the brain and hold it. Let the smile fill the spine, nerves, all glands. Feel that the muscles are reconnecting with the nerves. Feel your consciousness expanding.

"Relaxing Inner Smile" - the third type of meditation

This smile meditation helps balance various strong emotions. With its help, you can transform the disparate energy of feelings (even negative ones) into a single stream of compassion. Meditation should be done from the area of ​​the heart, since it is this heart that produces most of the emotional components of our life.

How to do a smile meditation

  • Smile at your heart and feel unconditional love. Try to expand the feelings of happiness and joy and send them to the Universe so that they return to the heart with a red glow. This light will be directed to all parts of the body.
  • Address the smile to the stomach, pancreas, spleen. Take a closer look at the worry in them and come to terms with it. Absorb the golden glow with your lungs, balance your condition with a sense of openness and courage.
  • Smile at the lungs, embracing their sorrow, and breathe in the white light of purity and courage. Balance this condition of the respiratory system. Then, as you send a smile to your kidneys and bladder, watch the fear within those organs. Balance it by inhaling blue light, identified with calm and gentleness.
  • Send a smile to your liver while observing the anger and frustration in the area. Project a green glow, breathe it in, and send a feeling of generosity and kindness to that part of the body.

Repeat the entire cycle two more times so that all negative emotions flow into virtuous energy.

Smile Meditation by Park Jae Woo

World-renowned professor Park Jae-woo made a significant contribution to smile meditation, presenting at one time a unique triorigin model. People who have comprehended the described relaxation practice find harmony and help maintain it in environment... The smile meditation from Park Jae Woo consists of 4 main stages.

  • First, you need to master the stage called “Smiling for yourself”. You should improve your own smile and understand your essence.

According to the professor, the triorigin model repeats the structure of a person. Everyone has an individual consciousness - Hetero. It is formed as a result of metaphysical conditions. There is also a body - Homo - and it comes out of the physical environment. Zero world gives birth to a soul - Neito. When it unites with the human body and consciousness, we are talking about life - Neutro. Accordingly, for the best result of personal development, it is required to alternate the smiling meditation of the mind, body, soul and life.

  • Then the meditation "to the Primordial Smile" is carried out. If your own smile is already perfect, there is a striving for the Primordial Smile of the Spirit of Existence - the primary source of the origin of the soul. This desire is mutual, and after its realization the soul practically goes into a state of immortality.
  • Having established contact with the Spirit of Existence, a person feels through the channel of the Primordial Smile of other beings. This is how the transition to the “Smile of Meditation on all that exists” is carried out. The essence of the practice is to consider any objects in order to project an exceptionally pure smile on them. All phenomena, people and their actions should not cause other emotional reactions. It is at this stage that the mind and body get rid of problems, and a person acquires a true goal, becoming a part of the Neutro state. With him, every idea is embodied at the same moment, and the future is planned by the meditators themselves.
  • The final stage is “The Smile of Meditation for the Embodiment of the World of Smile”. Here we gain a true understanding of the triorigin pattern, and we can teach others the practice of multi-stage smiling.

Smile of Buddha

The image of the Buddha is always associated with purity and perfection, and his smile is a real object to follow and admiration. Meditation "Buddha's Smile" allows you to learn to think positively, radiate joy and happiness, become more confident and insightful.

Its daily use is possible in different interpretations, but the result will always be associated with pacification and relief of general tension.

Breeze of joy

  • Sit in a comfortable meditative position and take a deep breath. Adjust your breathing so that as you exhale, all worried thoughts go away. Calm your mind and consciousness.
  • Relax the muscles in your face by imagining them trickling down from the heat and weight. The lower jaw should hang slightly and the tongue should touch the lower teeth at the back. The muscles of the forehead and eyes are also free of tension.
  • Focus only on the lips. Imagine how they move a little to the sides and create a subtle smile. Even imaginative thinking will automatically push your muscles to smile. Hold given state... At the same time, the face acquires an expression called by specialists "a breath of a joyful breeze." Feel peace and happiness come to you.

Concentrating on the chakra

  • Relax your face and focus on the area above the crown. There is the chakra-sahasrara - the chakra responsible for contact with the Higher Self.
  • Feel that the cheeks and ears in relaxation themselves stretch to this point, as if they were tied with strings and directed upward.
  • Close your eyes and imagine a big smile. Feel how the corners of the lips rise on their own with this image.
  • Open your eyes and visualize a smile going to the right eye and then to the left. the eyes smile in response, emitting light. At the same time, focus your attention on the crown of the head without straining the muscles of the face.

Keep an inner smile on your face for a while.

Working with an image

Relax your body and calm your mind, imagining that you are filled with the purest energy of a white hue.

  • Place a Buddha image in front of you, or visualize the image in detail in your mind as if he is sitting and carrying a radiant smile directly in front of you.
  • Try to tune in with all your mind and heart to the energy of the Buddha. Penetrate the depths of his soul, let in his feelings and sensations: joy, peace, strength. Fill yourself with it.
  • Try to smile the same way as Buddha, without straining your facial muscles at all. Let the smile come from within along with a stream of light and goodness from the center of the heart.

Say to yourself or out loud a few phrases: “Joy, peace”, “Light, Joy, Love”, “Purity, Tranquility, Clarity”, “Unity, Love”. Consider that a radiant has formed in the center of your chest. fire ball like the sun. From it, light emanates into the entire body, and then, with the help of the face and eyes, it is shed on the world... Feel that your face is shining and allow the light to spread in all directions as far as possible.

Lee Holden's practices

One of the masters of relaxation techniques is Lee Holden. Meditation "Inner Smile" in this case is aimed at cleansing the mind and freeing from unnecessary thoughts.

Filling the body with healing light and energy will bring calm, balance and harmony. A deep level of immersion in the energy of a smile is realized with a 10-minute meditation. It is best done with audio. Lee Holden's voice and instructions help to awaken a healing flow of energy in the body.

  • Get into a sitting or lying position, close your eyes and relax.
  • Imagine warm golden light radiating soft rays on the horizon. Visualize watching the sunset.
  • Take a deep breath and feel that the sunset illuminates your face, thus transferring some of your energy.
  • Send your own smile and its energy wave to yourself and all parts of the body. Imagine yourself in front of the setting sun for a while.

The Inner Smile meditation can have a smooth ending at any suitable moment.