The exact horoscope for September.

September 2017, despite the high enough temperature regime, will resemble a real melancholic autumn by its nature. Many will now completely forget about how they were delighted with summer days, filled with lightness and a unique atmosphere of fun. But we will be reminded of this by the photos taken during the reckless summer leisure. But, alas, nothing will remind you of the opportunity to have a good rest at the beginning of autumn 2017 ... September will put before humanity new target, and it will be exclusively material sense. While the plants acquire golden foliage, you and I will have to work a lot and hard (shock work, perhaps, will become the defining point of September 2017).

Especially a lot of worries will accumulate for those people who work in the economic or banking sector. These aspects in September will once again be stirred up by a wave of large unrest (we are talking about a crisis, which, fortunately, will not be too large in scale). But all the same, these September troubles will force many of us to reconsider the lists of immediate expenses. Of these, you will have to completely eliminate the purchase of luxury goods and the payment of expensive entertainment. By the end of September, the economic situation will more or less normalize, but it is still not worth dreaming about opening a new business or any large-scale acquisitions.

Anyone whose income is determined by some fixed amount should not dream too much and often at the beginning of autumn. September will call you not to dreams, but to concrete, deliberate actions. Fight like a lion for your bright career future, do not be silent when you cannot remain silent, and in general, being at work, behave more impudently! Only arrogance, decisiveness and colossal pressure will help you to "outrun" your competitors by many steps. In your service team, there are likely to be "sharks" capable of "swallowing" anyone who gape slightly. So do not allow yourself to "yawn" and waste time on long reflections. If you see a chance in front of you to succeed, feel free to forget about artificial “friendship” with colleagues at work (believe me, this friendship will bring you only pain, resentment and disappointment when one of these imaginary friends starts to put a spoke in your wheels!) ... The bottom line is that in September, when doing the call of duty, you need to become a lone wolf or a she-wolf, who are not only not afraid of cunning "sharks", but are also ready to tear to pieces their competitors.

All of the above is also true for people employed in business. You should also consider that in September your income may be slightly reduced due to a sudden crisis. For now, you should not make long-term investments in your new endeavors, because it may happen that your assets will not be enough both for a new project and for paying urgent expenses. By the way, do not even think about saving money during this short-lived crisis by reducing the payment for the services of your permanent employees! This will become a huge mistake for you (your team will begin to "rot" from the inside, and this "rot" can lead to the collapse of your enterprise).

But what are we all about the bad! In September 2017, there will certainly be a place for romance. The unique atmosphere of early autumn will affect many people like a kind of elixir, after drinking which one wants to flirt and fall in love. If you are single, this period is for you, actively enjoy the unique September atmosphere! Looking around with a keen glance, you will understand where the greatest amount of love and romance awaits you. Do not be greatly surprised if they will be waiting for you in the most unusual places (for example, at work or in those organizations where you often visit).

But, it should be noted right away that not every autumn romance will have a happy continuation! The period, which poets love so much, has a strange effect on people who already have stable relationships and at the same time want to have a little fun with the help of third-party novels. Before plunging headlong into your new passion, please make sure that this is not a father of two children dissatisfied with his personal life, or a lady who decided to while away her leisure time while her "faithful" spends days and nights at work ...

Horoscopes for January 2017 according to the sign of the zodiac

Horoscopes for February 2017 according to the sign of the zodiac

Horoscopes for March 2017 according to the sign of the zodiac

Horoscopes for April 2017 by zodiac sign

Horoscopes for May 2017 by zodiac sign

Horoscopes for June 2017 according to the sign of the zodiac

Horoscopes for July 2017 according to the sign of the zodiac

The horoscope for September 2017 is characterized primarily by a change in the positions of the personal planets in the signs of the zodiac, as well as by the reversal of the movement of Mercury from retro to the direct phase. For this reason, new trends will clearly be traced in the energy of the month, and he himself will be strongly influenced by the zodiacal sign of Virgo.

On September 5, Mars will move into the sign of Virgo, where it will be with the Sun until the end of the month. This will give many people consistency and practicality in their actions. Mars in Virgo will help you cope with the most difficult tasks that require patience and endurance. Virgo is the guardian of cleanliness, so you will have to clean up both the house and the office - then it will be much more difficult to do this. it's the same the right time for starting a diet, health improvement and sports.

The day of September 5 will also be important because the retro-Mercury will change the direction of its movement and become direct. This will lead to the fact that many cases and projects that have been slowed down since mid-August or have stopped altogether will now get under way and begin to gain momentum. From this day on, a smoother course of events in the information and commercial spheres will begin to recover. Therefore, you can safely draw up important documents, conclude contracts, get a job on new job, buy means of communication and transportation.

On September 10, after Mars, Mercury will enter the zodiac sign of Virgo, where he will stay until the 30th. This will be a good time for learning, mastering new knowledge, professional development and any other intellectual activity. Mercury in Virgo evokes an increased attention to detail, so you can plan for this period all matters that require concentration, in-depth and serious work. Especially favorable in this regard will be the days of September 15-17, when Mercury enters the conjunction with Mars.

As for the planet of love and feelings, Venus will follow the sign of Leo until September 20, increasing our love of love and increasing the desire to flirt. Venus's presence in Leo is a time of romance, passion and love.

During this period, the chances of meeting true love in many people will increase significantly. Relationships that begin at this time will delight and inspire, and partners can make each other happy. And to strengthen the already established relationship at this time, it will be possible to bring in brightness and depth. However, during this period, the number of intimate dates, non-binding intrigues and resort romances will also increase.

During the transit of Venus in the sign of Leo, people will be especially sensitive to signs of attention, compliments, confirmation of their irresistibility and praise. Many will have an increased desire to attract attention to themselves, lovers will wait for passionate confessions and generous gifts. This is worth remembering, especially with new romantic acquaintances. To restore relationships during this period, wide gestures, beautiful deeds and gifts are also recommended.

On September 21, with the transition of Venus into the sign of Virgo, the love ardor of many will cool, and passion will be replaced by more restrained feelings, over which reason will prevail. Emotions will be relegated to the background, and people will become more reasonable, begin to analyze their relationships, weigh and ponder them.

An emphasis on the earth sign Virgo will bring rationalism and pragmatism into our feelings, and sharpen the need for material wealth. For some women, this can turn into a consumer attitude towards men. At this time, many at work may have office romances.

In the last decade of September mutual requirements partners may be too high. Many people will be prone to arguing over little things and may exaggerate flaws. Therefore, at this time, it is recommended to restrain your own increased criticality. If you need to interest a person, you should be patient, be persistent, but not rush things. In courtship, be consistent, demonstrate your practicality, provide loved ones with the necessary material assistance and moral support. The main thing is not to impose increased demands on the partner and not to point out all the time about his shortcomings.

The sign of Virgo makes people accountable to each other, so a romantic relationship that will begin after September 21 has a good prospect of becoming serious and long-lasting. In such a relationship, there will be caring, loyalty and a sense of duty, but there will be little romance in them. If for you marriage and family are identified mainly with responsibility and duty, then you can choose this time for marriage.

From September 23, an opposition between Mars and Neptune will form in the sky, dangerous by wrong steps in business, misdirected activity, overestimation of one's strengths and capabilities. Therefore, at the end of September, it is necessary to carefully cultivate a practical, realistic view of what is happening.

In addition, in last week September, due to the influence of the tense aspect of Jupiter and Uranus, unexpected and unforeseen difficulties await us. Socio-political tension in the world may increase, which will increase the likelihood of conflict situations in different regions planets.

At the individual level, the financial sphere can become problematic first of all, since the influence of the aspect inclines us to adventurism, recklessness, imprudence and the desire to take risks. This is the time when any new beginnings can give unpredictable results. Therefore, during this period, financial transactions and large purchases should be postponed or suspended. It is necessary to abandon all risky and thoughtless affairs, not to embark on dubious enterprises. You also need to be especially careful while driving, as there is a high probability of accidents on the road.

On September 23, the Autumn Equinox will come - the day of perfect celestial symmetry, which will begin the countdown of the astronomical autumn. The sun will enter the zodiacal sign of Libra, and we will have an increased desire to find partners and like-minded people. It is important to remember that whatever is done in the next thirty days, it is better to do it in cooperation with other people.

Good luck to everyone!

September is the most important month for both very young people and adults. It is especially important this month to listen to the horoscope and live in accordance with the calendar of the zodiac signs. So, what does the horoscope for September 2018 promise?

Overall forecast

You haven't had time to rest this summer? So many things fell on you at once - work, study, household chores? Dont be upset! Perhaps in September everything will work out!

Those who have not had time to rest will go somewhere in the "Indian summer". For workers and students, September will be a month of new interesting discoveries, non-standard working solutions and inspired search. And couples in love, especially those in whose relationship was stagnant, seem to get a second wind.

The horoscope for September 2018 says this is a time of change. All signs are subject to these changes: Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, Libra, Scorpio, Leo, Pisces ...

So, significant changes in all spheres of life await each of us, and for someone it will be truly happy changes, changes for the better, and for someone - a step back or a rather difficult test. Changes await you in your personal life and on the labor front. However, you should not be afraid of the difficulties that arise, since they will certainly lead to the consolidation of your position.

Don't be afraid to take risks this month. Were you afraid or dreamed of something? Do it. Come up to that beautiful woman or a charming guy from work. Take a day off and go out of town with your child, since the weather in September is good. Propose to your loved one. It's never too late to give yourself and others a drop of happiness!

After all, there are so many interesting things to try and learn! The horoscope for September 2018 from Pavel Globa, from Tamara Globa and from Vasilisa Volodina, as well as the forecast for September, which was made by Alexander Litvin, agree that you cannot stand still, you need to constantly work on yourself and move forward.

So, each of us in September 2018 will face serious changes in various areas of life:

  • On the personal front.
  • In a career and labor activity.
  • In the field of interpersonal relations.

You should not be afraid of changes, but you should not rush headlong into something new either. Observe reasonable accuracy and caution in making decisions, and then September will be a truly successful, enjoyable and interesting month for you.

September is an important turning point in astrological forecast. That is why you should heed the advice of the horoscope. Below will be presented a horoscope according to the signs of the zodiac - love, health, business, money.

Horoscope of health, love and work

In general, astrological predictions for different signs of the zodiac are seriously different. but common features they are still present, so we will indicate these similarities.

  • In love, it is possible to begin as light romantic relationship, so serious, strong love; people who are looking for a "soul mate" can be advised not to be afraid and go to their dreams.
  • In business and financial forecasting, things are a little more complicated: it is recommended to avoid risky investments and not take on controversial projects, but mostly luck will be on your side.
  • Health is the most controversial aspect this month: on the one hand, summer immunity still supports you, on the other hand, autumn is beginning. In addition, September has to face numerous difficulties, stresses and problems. People can be advised to take care of themselves and not overexert themselves at work or school.

What's in store for each sign

If we consider specifically each zodiac sign, the horoscope for September 2018 and astro predictions for the month will be like this.

So for Aries It's important to spend more time with family and friends this month. Career is of course very important, however home comfort and no substitute for faithful companions.

For Pisces this month will be really very difficult, and a person of this sign should exert all his will to stay afloat.

For Taurus the advice is simple: do not abuse the trust of others, think with your own head and be ready for joyful discoveries.

For Cancer it is important to be more attentive to your duties, to work tirelessly, and then unexpected joy awaits you at the end of the month!

For Gemini this month it is important to comprehensively show your professionalism and outstanding business qualities, but it is still advisable not to forget about your personal life. It is important to alternate work and rest and devote at least a couple of hours to your hobbies, hobbies and loved ones.

For Lviv perhaps moving up the career ladder this month will be the key.

For Scorpions it is important to remember that restraint in feelings has never harmed anyone. At times open heart brings only trouble ... Love horoscope can be postponed for a while due to the abundance of the most important things, as well as people to whom it is not worth disclosing. The less you show your emotional condition, the less chance that someone will be able to hurt you.

For Dev it is important this month to show reasonable selfishness, not allowing others to brazenly use their good attitude.

For Libra advice is given to pay more attention to your surroundings. Perhaps among your acquaintances there is someone to whom you could entrust your heart, but you do not notice him, considering only a friend, no more.

For Sagittarius now is the right time to do something unexpected that you have long dreamed of. Trust me, it will make your life brighter!

For Aquarius it is important to be able to combine work with rest, without overusing the latter.

And finally Capricorns this month should give free rein to their creative impulses. This month, fate favors you, so you can take a chance.

The astrological forecast for the zodiac signs for September promises everyone unexpected joys and easily surmountable difficulties. Whichever zodiac sign you belong to, remember: your fate is in your hands.

We will have a desire to get rid of the clutter in the house and in matters related to various kinds of bills, in the literal and figurative sense to sort out what is now obscure chaos on the shelves.

However, this will somewhat complicate relations with others, since we will temporarily stop forgiving them even the smallest, insignificant mistakes and will sharply criticize what we do not like, what is out of our concept of norm, correctness, rationality. True, with those who can be useful to us in some way, we will behave more delicately, and often very diplomatically, restraining the desire to poke such people with their noses at their imperfection.

In addition, internal contradictions are not excluded due to the fact that, on the one hand, the desire to deny yourself nothing, to constantly pamper yourself with something, to buy beautiful and expensive things, and on the other hand, will increase the desire to save money. But this will teach many to correctly prioritize, refrain from acquiring something momentary, in order to later afford something truly necessary and valuable.

And this month, many will have to be puzzled about their health, switch to a correct lifestyle, and change their diet. Moreover, the diets started in the period from September 1 to September 20 will not be perceived as something uncomfortable for the psyche, since we will be able to organize our meals in such a way that, under certain restrictions, we can get full pleasure from what we have eaten.

Another controversial moment in September: many will strenuously go to the authorities, apply for various kinds of benefits and subsidies, fiercely fighting for every penny, but at the same time they will "pump" huge amounts of money into vitamins, nutritional supplements, "superfoods" and medicines that promise "eternal youth". By the way, it is possible that fraudsters who profit from the desire of naive individuals "to take a pill and immediately rejuvenate and improve their health" are becoming more active. So be careful. At the beginning of the month, many will have to pay special attention labor contracts, bargain for some indulgences and check contracts for legitimacy. In mid-September, household affairs will come out on top; many are expected to go to some official institutions associated with utilities... At the end of the month, we will put all our energy into making good connections.

Auspicious days: 1 to 5, 7 to 12, 14 to 19, 21 to 27, 29, 30.

Not auspicious days: 6, 13, 20, 28.

I would like to remind you that people born from the 1st to the 18th are considered "pure" signs, and the rest are influenced by the previous or next sign, both in personality characteristics and in astrological predictions. And this must be taken into account.

September horoscope for Aries (March 21 - April 20)

Aries in September, most likely, will have to obey something that disgusts their inner convictions, and play by the rules established by someone around them. Well, if you don't, then you will run into some trouble and significantly shake your position - both career and material.

In addition, problems may arise due to neglect of your body. It is possible that the exacerbation of some disease will force you to turn to specialists whom you have never bothered to visit before. Unforeseen household situations are also likely, which will require unplanned expenses. At the beginning of the month, difficulties at work may give you the idea of ​​changing your place of work. In mid-September, it is worth doing those household chores that have long required your attention - this will protect you from unpleasant surprises... At the end of the month, sharp and not very positive changes are possible.

Most favorable days: 7.

1, 2, 15, 16, 23, 29, 30.

September horoscope for Taurus (April 21 - May 20)

Taurus in September, obviously, will do something that will allow them in the future to significantly save on mandatory monthly expenses or receive a certain amount as an addition to their basic income. True, you have to run and make a fuss, but the result will suit you completely.

In addition, some important career successes await you. Chances are that someone will assess your professional skills and offer you a position that matches your skill level more than the position you currently hold.

At the beginning of the month, a decision that is unusual for you will most likely bring excellent results, although queues, hassle and difficult negotiations are not excluded in the process. The middle of September promises to be very fruitful and profitable. At the end of the month, you will have to urgently restore relations with someone around you.

Most favorable days: 4, 10, 11, 18.

Days to be careful: 5, 19, 26.

September horoscope for Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

The twins in September will likely have to pay for the lightheadedness with which they spent August. Obviously, a lot of postponed "affairs" will fall on you, and the only thing that remains for you is to roll up your sleeves and plunge headlong into the clearing of the resulting rubble.

In addition, everyone will want something from you: bosses - reports and compliance with some rules, relatives - attention and money, friends - fulfillment of some promises and attendance at events that are important for them and boring for you. In general, the month promises to be very eventful with everything that you do not really like.

At the beginning of September, some of your actions will need clear preliminary structuring, otherwise they will simply not yield positive results. Routine can suck in the middle of the month. At the end of September, you may have to ask someone else to get where you want to go.

Most favorable days: 3, 12.

Days to be careful: 7, 14, 21, 28.

September horoscope for Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

Cancers in September can acquire new colleagues with whom they will develop not only strong business alliances based on mutual benefit and mutual assistance, but also excellent interpersonal relationships. Projects that will somehow be related to the social sphere are not excluded.

In addition, you, obviously, will often have to conduct some kind of negotiations of a private and commercial nature, the success of which will depend on your ability to calculate the situation several steps ahead. The skills of diplomacy, a kind of cunning, the ability to turn the conversation so that the counterpart is sure that you are primarily concerned about his interests, will also come in handy.

Some short-term but very successful project awaits you at the beginning of the month. In mid-September, some additional benefits will "arrive". At the end of the month, doubts about the productivity of some actions are likely.

Most favorable days: 4, 14, 15, 18, 25.

Days to be careful: 9, 19, 23.

September horoscope for Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Lions in September are likely to come up with some new rules and try to strictly follow them. Obviously, you will want to streamline your existence, make it more correct and stable, move to the next step of self-organization and personal development.

In addition, you may take on a project that you previously abandoned because it seemed too boring to you. It is possible that you will be offered for it more money than promised before, and you decide that you should not miss out on such benefits for the sake of your private preferences. Also this month, you may have to adjust to a relative or remodel your home.

At the beginning of September, you can purposefully change something in the work schedule. In the middle of the month, some household or family affairs will "eat up" part of your leisure time. Some kind of festive event is expected at the end of September.

Most favorable days: 17.

Days to be careful: 2, 23, 30.

September horoscope for Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Virgo in September, obviously, will be immersed in those matters that are associated with improving the quality of life. It is highly likely that you will strive for the level of existence that seems most acceptable to you, so you will do everything in your power to make it a reality for you.

In addition, several new professional projects are expected. It is possible that some of them will require you to abandon your previous plans and adjust your working methods, but they will bring good profit. You will also be in great demand because of some of your innate qualities and special talents.

At the beginning of the month, you may make some changes to the work of the team of the enterprise where you work. In mid-September, you have to do what you really like. At the end of the month, you may be distracted from your planned activities by a person to whom you, for some reason, are not able to refuse to communicate.

Most favorable days: 18, 19, 27.

Days to be careful: 7, 8, 14, 21, 22, 28, 29.

September horoscope for Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Libra in September, obviously, will scrupulously deal with the fulfillment of some long-standing obligations, pay off various debts and generally "clean" their lives from the accumulated "garbage". It is highly likely that you will need this in order to start a new and planned stage of existence without problems and debts. In addition, you will most likely have to often contact some official authorities, coordinate something with influential people, restrain emotional outbursts when you want to bang your fist on the table and express everything that is boiling. The reward will be the achievement of some important goal for you.

At the beginning of the month, your innate tact will be very useful to you in some situation. In mid-September, you will have to do something that does not cause you delight and bouts of enthusiasm. At the end of the month, obtaining a result in a matter that is meaningful to you will become an occasion for a solemn feast.

Most favorable days: 2, 8, 9, 15, 16, 21, 22, 30.

Days to be careful: 3, 5, 10, 17, 19, 26.

September horoscope for Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Scorpios in September will be somewhat problematic to perform job duties, since someone will demand from them constant accountability and compliance with the instructions, which they usually simply ignore. However, if your common sense wins over your rebelliousness, and you obey the circumstances, you will only win, since you will avoid any formal penalties and get a good income.

In addition, you may have a desire to take care of yourself closely - to undergo an examination, go on a diet, get rid of some harmful addictions, or, conversely, acquire some good habits... Anything you do for yourself and your health will give great results.

At the beginning of the month, a lot will depend on whether you are ready to engage in constructive dialogue with others. In mid-September, you may change your way of life. At the end of the month, you will have to find a compromise with those who pay you.

Most favorable days: 5, 23, 24.

Days to be careful: 1, 15, 18, 22, 25, 29.

September horoscope for Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Sagittarius in September may face problems in both private and business sphere because of the unwillingness to obey the circumstances and people who establish some kind of rules. Try to accept the situation not as coercion, but as an opportunity not to complicate your existence.

Plus, you may have to take care of your health, especially if your lifestyle is negatively affecting your body. It is possible that an exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other diseases provoked by malnutrition, frequent stressful situations, lack of sleep.

At the beginning of the month, indulging your “want” and ignoring any warning signs can turn into trouble. In mid-September, reluctance to solve some everyday issue is fraught with unexpected and large expenses. At the end of the month, you may have a powerful ally or a new reliable friend.

Most favorable days: 25, 26.

Days to be careful: 6, 13, 20.

In September 2017, general programs for personal and social, professional development are included. The preparatory period begins for the transition of Jupiter into the sign of Scorpio - October 10, 2017.

Mars enters the sign of Virgo - September 5, 2017. Good time to summarize summer period, the placement of accents, the main tasks for autumn 2017. The period of active organizational work... Severe weather conditions will require protective measures for agricultural workers.

Pluto returns to direct motion at the end of September 2017. A period of movement, restoration of projects and undertakings frozen for the summer. With accurate goal setting, it is likely that you will find a solid ground under your feet, a basis, a platform for entrepreneurial, production activities. Support of activities at the state level.

September 1, 2017- the harmonious interaction of the planets determines the creative start of the new academic year. You can visit promising ideas and ideas that can be translated into reality. In the foreseeable future, these undertakings will bear weighty results. Record all the thoughts and ideas of the day. Otherwise, you can lose the prospect of intensive development of your project, activity, career.

3 - 5 September 2017- Mars passes into the sign of Virgo, Mercury returns to direct motion. The days are full of a wide variety of events. The combination of the energies of Mars and Mercury in conjunction opens up real horizons for many, concretizes goals and objectives for the entire period of autumn 2017. This is a period of creative breakthrough in the main areas of development and self-realization, a period of professional and career growth. The direction of stabilization of the financial sector is also emerging.

6 September 2017- Full moon. Moon in Pisces, Sun in Virgo. Aspects of the Full Moon to Selene, White Moon put environmental issues on the agenda on both the material and spiritual levels. The period of getting rid of illusions, delusions, addictions. The period of building the latest ideological doctrine in society on the basis of the achievements of socialism will continue. The process of rebuilding a socially just society begins.

09 September 2017- a difficult psychologically day. Many situations of choice. And it is easy to make a mistake in the choice. The influence of Lilith, the Black Moon, sounds strong. Try to act and make choices slowly, calmly and confidently, taking into account the full range of facts and external factors... On such days, there is strong external pressure. Someone from your inner circle may try to solve their problems at your expense. Be careful.

10 September 2017- Mercury returns to the sign of Virgo. The period of solving small but significant issues and matters. Day of putting things in order in business, at the workplace, in documents and contracts. The house will also require putting things in order, solving urgent issues in the communal, household sphere. It is possible to purchase, update the furnishings in the house, furniture, household appliances... Minor vehicle repairs.

13 - 17 September 2017- Jupiter enters the autumn confrontation with Uranus. On the agenda is a change of job, type and type of activity, mastering a new profession. This is the time when, in one way or another, we will strive for changes, changing our lives at all levels. This is an unconscious desire for a freer work schedule, creative activity... The reaction speed will not hurt now. Events can move rapidly.

20 September 2017- New Moon in the sign of Virgo. Venus enters the sign of Virgo. Special attention the health sphere will require. A difficult day in partnerships, both business and personal. The influence of the planets presupposes the breakdown of agreements and contracts. Legal claims from former partners are likely. On the world political arena, a period of another clownery is likely. Loud revelations, leaking compromising evidence, resignation of leading political and economic figures.

22 September 2017- the transition of the Sun into the sign of Libra. Time aimed at harmonizing personal relationships. The beginning of the autumn season in nature. The weather contrasts in fall 2017 will be as strong as in spring. Probably the continuation of weather anomalies, abrupt changes in temperatures, weather conditions, sudden cold snap with abnormal, early snowfalls and critical effects, storms, hurricanes. Large-scale, planetary climate change is taking place.

26 September 2017- the tense situation of the planets requires paying attention to preventive and health-improving measures. It is necessary to start preparing for the winter season. A good time for a fruit and vegetable diet, detoxification of the body. A complex of physical exercises in nature, a tourist, sports lifestyle will give a good effect.

28 September 2017- Pluto returns to direct motion in the sign of Capricorn. The period of development of the newest entrepreneurship will continue. Environmental projects will receive special support. In world geopolitics, the period of critical, crisis events and effects indicating the weak links of the modern monocapitalist civilization. There is a need for an alternative to the crises and chaos of the capitalist system.

30 September 2017- Mercury passes into the sign of Libra. The period of velvet autumn. Lots of commercial travel and negotiations. Enhanced control over small details... Time to make decisions in partnerships.

At the end of September 2017, the energies of the transition of Jupiter from the sign of Libra to the sign of Scorpio - October 10, 2017 are already brightly sounding.With the transition of Jupiter to the sign of Scorpio, a period of bright, large-scale changes at all levels of life will begin.