Parsley varieties with photos and descriptions. Leaf parsley varieties

Gardeners and farmers prefer to grow a variety of greens on their plots. Parsley is famous for its spicy taste and tangible aroma, which gives the dishes a certain zest. But depending on the variety, the greens grow sooner or later, so you need to know which variety of parsley to choose for planting on the site.


Mid-season root variety. Ripening occurs 130 days after the first greens appear. A plant with a semi-spreading rosette, with 11-20 leaves. The fruit is spiky, its length reaches 20 cm. The weight of parsley is up to 100 g.

The plant has good taste. Used for fresh consumption, adding to the first and second courses.


A leafy early ripening variety that ripens 50-70 days after germination. The variety is curly, which has not only a good spicy taste, but also attractiveness - it is often grown to decorate a vegetable garden or local area.

Curly leaves, dense rosette, which gives decorative look... After cutting, salads and festive dishes are decorated with herbs. The leaves are dense, stored for a long time and do not fade, the taste remains on high level.


An early ripening variety with a half-raised rosette, the height of which reaches 39 cm. The ripening period is 55-60 days from the moment of emergence. Leaves are medium in size, green in color, with a delicate aroma. The variety is intended for fresh consumption and freezing.

The Beads variety is famous for its good yield - from 1 sq. m collect 1.7-2 kg of greenery. Also, gardeners appreciate it for its resistance to drought and frost.


An early ripe high-yielding variety. In just 45 days, the harvest is harvested from the garden. For good seed germination, a soil temperature of 17-20 degrees Celsius is required. The first shoots appear 2-3 weeks after sowing. The variety is characterized by a large rosette reaching a height of 50 cm or more. Leaves of a standard shape, dark green. Parsley is aromatic and tasty.


An early ripe leafy variety of parsley. The leaf rosette is semi-vertical, reaches a height of 40 cm, forms more than 40 smooth green leaves. One plant weighs 40-50 g. It takes 57-60 days from the moment of germination to full technical maturity. Greens are recommended for fresh consumption as a vitamin supplement in dishes, for canning vegetables and drying. The smell is strong, the taste is spicy.

The seeds are sown in early spring in the beginning of April. Sowing before winter is also possible, in late October-early November. For fresh consumption, the leaves are cut when they reach a height of 10-12 cm, for drying - during budding.


An early maturing Russian variety, which is valued for its unpretentious care. Greens are ready for consumption 65 days after germination. Bushes with vertical long shoots make the harvesting process much easier.

Leaves are strongly corrugated, bright green in color. Petioles are long, rosette with curly leaves. The aroma is spicy, delicate, the taste of greens is juicy, pleasant. To preserve the integrity of the vegetable bush, the stalks with leaves are cut to the base - this contributes to a quick recovery and an increase in yield.


Mid-season variety. From the moment the first greens appear until the root crop is fully ripe, 130 days pass. Used for long-term fresh storage. The leaves are dark green, juicy. The mass of a ripe root crop reaches from 150 to 200 g.

Externally, the root vegetable is similar to carrots. The pulp is white, very aromatic, pleasant and at the same time specific. The root crop is resistant to frost, does not lose its presentation during long-term transportation and storage.


From the moment of emergence, 55-65 days pass. This early-maturing variety has a semi-raised, dense rosette, on which many large green leaves are formed. Curly parsley is a favorite not only for gardeners, but also for large scale farmers. The Astra variety ripens with a root that is unsuitable for human consumption.

After cutting, active regrowth of the leaf mass occurs. The variety is valued for its good yield - from 1 sq. m collect up to 5 kg. The aroma is pronounced, perceptible. The spicy herb is suitable for indoor and outdoor cultivation.


The early ripe variety Gloria has a high rosette, reaching 25-40 cm. 20-25 dark green leaves are formed in the rosette, which has a pronounced aroma. The crop is harvested in 60-65 days from the moment of germination.

Sowing of seeds is carried out from April throughout the season. Leaves are harvested periodically when necessary. A variety with a good yield - from 1 sq. m collect 1.5-1.7 kg of fresh herbs.


An early ripe high-yielding variety of leaf parsley. It is permissible to grow both outdoors and in greenhouses. The greens are intended for growing on beam products. Reaches marketable appearance in 95-100 days from germination. The leaves are smooth, delicate, dark green in color. New leaves grow back instantly after cutting.

Root crops are small, highly branched. Leaving the rhizomes in the soil for the winter, it will be possible to harvest an early fresh crop in the spring. Aromatic parsley with exquisite taste. Greens can be consumed both fresh and used for preservation and drying.

Mooskrause 2

An early ripening variety that ripens 55-60 days after germination. Semi-spreading rosette with corrugated large leaves and a shiny surface. Leaves are light green.

The variety has a pleasant aroma, complements soups and side dishes well. The greens grow back quickly after cutting. Suitable for indoor and outdoor cultivation. From one square meter get from 7.9 to 8.4 kg of yield.

The early ripe leafy variety of parsley Curly-leaved Kelly is considered one of the most delicious herbs - rich aroma, pleasant taste, which becomes an addition to various dishes. Full ripening of parsley occurs 50-70 days after sowing the seeds.

The advantages of the variety include a thick, lush, curly "cap", bright green leaves and a long petiole. The seeds are sown in a highly moistened warm ground... The variety prefers warmth, because the first week the seeds are kept under a film, providing additional lighting.


A mid-season root variety of parsley. The root crop has a conical shape, white in color. It is characterized by good taste and high commercial qualities, resistance to diseases, frost and drought. The length of the root crop reaches 25-30 cm, weight - 130 g. Fruits ripen in 120-130 days.

Leaf rosette of a dark green hue, leaves are juicy, thick, fragrant and delicate. Seeds are sown from April to June or September to October. Harvested in May and September, respectively. From one square meter, from 4 to 9 kilos of the crop are obtained. Plant care is simple: water, loosen the soil.

Green crystal

Late-ripening variety for universal use. The leaf rosette is half-raised. Large green leaves, high aromaticity and good regrowth after cutting. From germination to full maturation, 150-170 days pass.

Delicate scent

Mid-season variety Delicate aroma ripens 120-130 days after germination. The rosette of leaves is well developed, semi-vertical, with many large leaves of a dark green hue. The aroma is pleasant and strong, the taste is good.

The advantage of the variety is its good yield - from 1 sq. m collect 2.5-3 kg of greenery. The variety is resistant to unfavorable weather conditions and cold.


An early ripe variety with a highly developed rosette of leaves (30-60 pieces) of a dark green hue, with a pronounced aroma and pleasant taste, which are provided by essential oils in them. The variety is well suited for fresh and dried consumption. It takes 55-60 days to fully ripen.

Cutting the leaves is carried out when their height reaches 10-12 cm. If you plan to dry the leaves, they are cut off during budding. TO positive qualities include resistance to frost and some diseases.


An early ripe high-yielding variety. Gardeners from one square meter collect up to 3.8 kg of the crop. Greens fully ripen 70-80 days after the appearance of the first leaves. Greens grow well after cutting. One plant weighs 100-110 g.

Parsley is sown in early spring in the second half of April, in the middle of summer at the end of July and in late autumn before winter. The variety prefers fertile, deep-arable, loose loamy and sandy loam soils. The best predecessors are onions, tomatoes, cucumbers. Care consists in combating weeds, feeding after thinning.


The early ripe root parsley variety Berlinia ripens in 95-100 days. It is characterized by a cone-shaped root crop, reaching up to 20 cm in length. The flesh is crispy, creamy white. Root crops and leaves have a high taste. The mass of one root crop is about 100 g.

The leaves are large, high. The variety is well stored, while it does not lose its taste and marketability. It is appreciated by gardeners for its resistance to shooting, cold weather and drought. Seeds are sown from April throughout the season. Also suitable for winter sowing, which is carried out in December, so that the seedlings are in early spring.


A curly parsley variety that ripens 95-100 days after the first shoots appear. The plant is powerful, the leaf rosette is well developed, the leaf is curly dark green in color. The green mass grows quickly after being cut. The variety is characterized by high resistance to diseases and adverse weather conditions.

Intense aroma and pleasant taste. Due to the aligned rapid growth greens are successfully used for forcing on salad lines in greenhouses. From 1 sq. m harvested 2.3 kg of the crop.


An early maturing variety with bright green leaves with a glossy surface. Harvest within 75 days after germination. The plant has a raised dense rosette. The weight of a crop cut from one bush varies between 40-100 g.

The advantages of the Aromatnaya variety include the instant growth of new bright greenery after cutting. Proper care of the plant will allow you to receive good harvests and enjoy delicious and aromatic herbs that decorate any dish.

Station wagon

A leafy variety of parsley, which got its name for a reason. Greens are universal, since they are consumed not only to improve the taste of salads, but also to other dishes, including preservation. Greens are also used to make spicy condiments.

An early ripening variety that forms roots, ripening in 60-65 days from germination. About 60-80 g of aromatic herbs are obtained from one herbaceous bush. The rosette of leaves is semi-vertical, there are many large, wide-triangular green leaves. The aroma is exquisite. The yield is high - from 1 sq. m collect from 2.8 to 4.9 kg of parsley.

Italian giant

An early ripe variety. The plant has smooth leaves. The variety is valued for its high yield, an increased rate of foliage growth after cutting, and a pleasant aroma. The ripening period for greens is 65-70 days. The average weight of parsley is 75-85 g. The plant has a large, semi-vertical rosette, triangular dark green leaves. The aroma is tart and pleasant.

The advantages of the variety include good growth even in the shade, which is very convenient for growing. With proper care, gardeners receive from 1 sq. m from 2 to 5 kg of yield. The plant sprouts slowly due to the large amount of essential oils contained in the seed coat. Usually the first shoots appear in 2-3 weeks.


An early ripe variety that ripens 70-80 days after sowing the seeds. Creamy root vegetables, cone-shaped, with a pointed end. The pulp is juicy, tender, white. The mass of a ripe fruit reaches 110 g. The advantages include shade tolerance, good taste, pronounced aroma, good yield.

Seeds are sown in early spring in open ground. Harvested in May-September. The variety prefers light, humus-rich soils. Bogatyr is a moisture-loving variety. Care consists in watering, weeding, loosening row spacings. From 1 sq. m harvest up to 3 kg.


Root parsley is an early ripening variety characterized by high yields and a short growing season - the greens ripen 100 days after sowing the seeds. This is a biennial plant, in the first year the root crops ripen, in the second - the achenes. The length of the root crop reaches up to 30 cm. The leaves have an elongated triangular shape, the flowers have a greenish-yellow tint.

The seeds are sown in April-May. Up to 3.5 kilos of greenery can be obtained from one square meter. Care consists in feeding, thinning and weeding, watering, loosening the soil, removing weeds.


An early maturing variety characterized by a powerful leaf rosette. The leaves are large, green in color. The green mass weighs about 45-70 g. Parsley reaches full ripening in 55-65 days.

The positive qualities include the tenderness and juiciness of greens, its high aroma, due to the presence of essential oils and vitamins. The variety is highly resistant to cold weather. Parsley is used fresh, dried and frozen. From 1 sq. m harvest from 1.8 to 2.8 kg.


A late-ripening variety valued for its good yield. From the moment of emergence of seedlings to full maturation, it takes up to 150 days. The leaf rosette is spreading, it has a large number of leaves - from 20 to 40. The root has a conical shape with a sharp end, its length reaches 20-30 cm.

The pulp of the root vegetable is juicy, sweet, white in color. The weight of one plant with leaves and root varies between 80-100 g. The root crop weighs from 30 to 70 g. The whole plant is consumed. From 1 sq. m harvested up to 3.2 kg of the crop.

Royal velvet

Mid-season variety. This is a curly parsley with a spreading rosette of leaves. The variety is suitable for growing in open and protected ground. From the moment of sowing to full maturation, 130 days pass. The leaves are small, corrugated at the edges, of a bright green hue. A feature of the variety is the high content of mineral salts.

The advantages of the Royal Velvet variety include drought resistance, preservation of useful qualities during drying, and undemanding heat. The plant grows well on loose, humus-rich soils. It is undesirable to grow greens on heavy clay soils... The best predecessors are considered to be onions, potatoes, cucumbers. Sowing is carried out in April, also before winter. When feeding, it is recommended to apply minimum doses of nitrogen fertilizers.


This variety of parsley is especially in demand among owners of private farms - it is used as a seasoning, for adding to pickles and marinades. The root crop has a creamy hue, reaches 4-5 cm in diameter, 20-30 cm in length. Weight - 50-110 g. From sowing the seeds to the ripening of greens, it takes 140-150 days. Harvested in June-September.

The variety is characterized by winter hardiness, resistance of root crops to cracking and branching. It is stored for a long time after collection. From 1 sq. m receive from 4 to 6 kg of harvest.


Early maturing leafy variety. The rosette contains over 30 formed corrugated green leaves. 65-70 days pass from germination to technical maturity. The rosette reaches a height of more than 20 cm. The seeds are sown in open ground at the end of April. Before sowing, be sure to soak the seeds in a damp cloth for 48-72 hours.

The aroma is pleasant, the taste is good. This is facilitated by the essential oil contained in the leaves. Parsley leaves are cut for fresh consumption, when their length reaches 10-12 cm, for drying - during the budding period. The average weight of one plant varies within 45-50 g. From 1 sq. M. m, on average, 800 g to 1.2 kg of greens are harvested.

Ordinary leaf

Biennial curly plant with a branched and straight stem, thickened, fusiform root. The growth of the root crop reaches from 30 cm to 1 m. The variety is valued for its ability to be used fresh and dried, for use as a seasoning for salads and other dishes.

This is an early maturing variety. From the moment of full germination to technical ripeness, 70-80 days pass. Suitable for growing in a room, on a balcony or outdoors. The rosette is highly developed, forming 40-100 dark green leaves. Seeds are sown in early spring, in the middle of summer and before winter. The film, which covers the crops, helps to speed up the germination of seeds. This promotes germination after 2-3 weeks.


An early ripe variety - 80 days pass from the moment the greens appear until full ripening. The variety is characterized by a high straight rosette, reaching a height of 75 cm. The leaves are stored for a long time after pruning, their taste and marketability remain at a high level.

The value of the variety is the content of ascorbic acid. Up to 2.5 kg of harvest can be obtained from one square meter. The grass grows back quickly after cutting.


An early ripening variety - 90-100 days pass until full ripening. The leafy variety is characterized by a large rosette with numerous foliage - from 40 to 100 pieces. The greens grow back quickly after cutting. Leaves are smooth, small, dark green in color. The aroma is pleasant, the taste is spicy, good.

Parsley seeds are sown in early spring - in mid to late April, in mid summer - at the end of July, before winter - in October. In care, the main requirement is weed control and crop thinning.


Leafy variety of parsley late ripening... The harvest is obtained in 70-140 days. Intended for fresh consumption. The plant grows well on fertile, loose loamy or sandy loam soils. The rosette is semi-raised, the leaves are triangular, large, of a dark green shade.

Seeds are sown in open ground in late April-early May, late July, October-November. The variety is resistant to heat and frost, diseases. Pleasant and rich taste, pronounced aroma. For rapid growth, plants are thinned out, watered and loosened between rows. From 1 sq. m get 2.8-3 kg of harvest.


Late-ripening Czech variety of root parsley. Full ripening of root crops falls on 170-180 days from the moment of emergence. The leaf rosette is semi-raised, has an average density. The root crop has a conical elongated shape, reaches 20-25 cm in length and up to 8 cm in diameter. A root vegetable with a smooth surface, the flesh is white, aromatic, tasty. The mass is 200-300 g.

Seeds are sown in late April-early May, as well as in October-November. the best predecessors are tomatoes. Cucumbers, onions. The variety is characterized by good keeping quality, frost resistance. From 1 sq. m harvest 4-5 kg ​​of crop.

The final

A mid-season variety with good taste and aroma. From the moment of germination to full maturation, 125-130 days pass. The plant is small, forming root crops weighing 150-200 g. Root crops are conical, up to 22 cm long, up to 2.5 cm in diameter.

Roots and greens are also consumed, they are used to decorate dishes and give them a pleasant aroma and taste. From 1 sq. m harvest up to 2.5 kg. Parsley is well kept without losing its presentation.


Parsley Sandwich is an early ripening variety that is characterized by resistance to cold weather. From the moment of emergence to full maturation, 60-80 days pass. The leaves are medium, triangular in shape, the aroma is pronounced. The composition of greens contains a large amount of vitamins.

Parsley is consumed fresh and dry, used for pickling, preserving, decorating salads and other dishes. Greens are stored for a long time. From 1 sq. m are harvested 3.5-4.5 kg of the crop. or at the end of April. It is recommended to choose for planting loamy and fertile soil... Care consists in loosening, watering and weeding the land.


An early ripe variety. From the moment of emergence to full technical maturity, 67-77 days pass. Root crops of a white shade, reach 25-30 cm in length and up to 200 g of mass. The variety is frost and cold resistant, suitable for growing in shaded areas. The leaves are juicy, tender, aromatic.

The seeds are sown in open ground on deeply cultivated moist soils. The sowing procedure is carried out in April-June, September-October. Care provides for deep loosening of row spacings in the fall and hilling with soil before winter. From 1 sq. m harvest from 4 to 9 kg.

Grandma's bed

An early ripe variety with a compact, well leafy rosette, reaching up to 25 cm in height. The leaves are large, fragrant, dark green. Parsley reaches full ripening 65-70 days after germination.

The seeds are sown in open ground to a depth of 1 cm. In the phase of 2-3 true leaves, the seedlings are thinned out. Per summer period cut the greens several times, feed them after each cut. Plants need regular watering, weeding and loosening.


Mid-season variety, ripening in 122-130 days from germination. Root crops have a wide shape, reminiscent of an inverted triangle, of a white shade. The root crop weighs up to 95 g, its length reaches 25 cm. The green leaves are medium in size, have a narrow-triangular shape. The petiole is medium.

Roots and greens attract with a pleasant aroma. The variety is unpretentious to soils and undemanding to care for. Root vegetables are well kept. From 1 sq. m, about one and a half kilos of greens and up to 2.3 kg of root crops are harvested.

Good morning

Medium ripening root variety. Full ripening occurs in 125-135 days from the moment of germination. The leaf rosette is vertical, reaching 33-35 cm in height. The leaves are dark green, long, wide, triangular in shape. The petiole is long.

Root crops are long, narrow-triangular shape with lenticels, gray-white shade. One root vegetable weighs 60-100 g. The aroma is not very pronounced, the taste is pleasant. From one square meter get 2.5-3.4 kilos of root crops and up to 2.5 kilos of green mass.

Varieties table by criteria

The table shows the varieties of parsley and their ripening dates. This will help you rather decide what kind of greens to plant in your garden, on a plot or near your home:

Parsley variety

Ripening time (days)

Ordinary leaf
Station wagon
Italian giant
Mooskrause 2
Green crystal
Delicate scent
Royal velvet
Curly Kelly
The final
Grandma's bed
Good morning

Among a wide variety of parsley varieties, you can choose the one that is most suitable in terms of ripening and other characteristics. Someone prefers to consume only greens for food, while others like root varieties when there is an opportunity to try crispy root vegetables with a pleasant taste.

Hello, dear friends of summer residents!

It is difficult to imagine a vegetable garden without parsley beds, and this vegetable crop is rightfully considered one of the most popular on our sites from aromatic herbs. Most often, leafy varieties of parsley are grown, sometimes forgetting about its root variety. The characteristics of this culture and general recommendations by published in a separate article.

Somehow, by inertia, for many years I have been growing from year to year my favorite root parsley varieties Sugar Root, Alba and Eagle, and this year I decided to try something new and, of course, used an Internet search. I was very surprised that there is almost no information about the varieties of root parsley, and one very advanced resource on the subject of summer cottages even stated that their choice is very limited and gives only three varieties of root parsley, which are zoned in our country.

I decided to fill this gap by contacting the State Register of Plants, although the information there is presented very inconveniently, and to the range of leading Russian agricultural firms. The result was unexpected even for me - there are only 14 varieties of root parsley listed in the State Register, zoned in all regions of Russia: Alba, Bubka, Eastern, Good morning, Eagle, Konica, Healer, Lyubasha, Olomuncka, Spicy, Prestige, Sugar, Yielding, The final.

Using the information found, I will introduce you to the main characteristics of the varieties of root parsley included in the State Register, but more detailed description some varieties, their commercial qualities, cultivation features, we have to find out empirically or get acquainted with the reviews of experts in the cultivation of parsley.

Alba- Many gardeners know a variety of late ripening (160-180 days from germination to mass collection of marketable root crops), domestic selection. Included in the State Register in 1997. The bush is powerful enough. Root crops are leveled, without lateral branches. The mass of elongated-conical root crops reaches 230 g, 22-28 cm long and up to 7 cm in diameter. The yield of root crops is up to 5.5 kg per 1 sq. m, subject to long-term storage.

Bubka- Variety of late ripening (155-175 days from germination to mass collection of marketable root crops), bred by the Dutch company RIJK ZWAAN. Included in the State Register in 2012.

EasternRoot parsley variety average ripening period (120-130 days from germination to mass collection of marketable root crops), domestic selection. Included in the State Register in 2008

Good morning- A high-yielding variety with an average ripening period (125-135 days from germination to mass collection of marketable root crops), domestic selection, originator of Agrofirm Aelita LLC. Included in the State Register in 2011. The plant is powerful, reaching a height of 38 cm, has large leaves with a rich aroma. Forms narrow-conical root crops weighing up to 120 g. Productivity up to 3.7 kg of root crops per 1 sq. M. m. Stores very well.

Eagle - Variety with an average ripening period (118-128 days from germination to mass collection of marketable root crops), bred by the Dutch company BEJO ZADEN. Included in the State Register in 2000, zoned for all regions of Russia. Differs in resistance to unfavorable conditions cultivation. The plant is spreading, densely leafy. Root crops are leveled, fragrant, weighing up to 150 g. The yield of root crops is up to 2.5 kg per 1 sq. M. m. Stored well.

Konica- Variety of average ripening period (122-130 days from germination to mass collection of marketable root crops), domestic selection. Included in the State Register in 2007

Healer- Variety of root parsley with an average ripening period (125-135 days from germination to mass collection of marketable root crops), domestic selection, originator of LLC Agrofirm SEDEK.

Lyubasha- Medium late variety (145-150 days from germination to mass collection of marketable root crops), domestic selection.

Olomuncka- Variety of late ripening (165-175 days from germination to mass collection of marketable root crops), domestic selection, originator of Agro-Best LLC.

Spicy- Variety of average ripening period (130-135 days from germination to mass collection of marketable root crops), domestic selection, originator of Agrofirma Poisk LLC. Greens even surpass some leafy varieties in taste and aroma. Forms a conical shape of root crops, weighing up to 110 g. The yield of root crops is average and amounts to 1.9-2.8 kg per 1 sq. m. It is intended for fresh consumption and storage.

Prestige- Variety of average ripening period (123-132 days from germination to mass collection of marketable root crops), domestic selection, originator of Agroni LLC. Included in the State Register in 2011

Sugar- One of the most popular varieties of early ripening (93-98 days from germination to mass collection of commercial root crops), domestic selection, originator of the State Scientific Research Institute of Breeding and Seed Production vegetable crops Russian Agricultural Academy. It was entered into the State Register in 1950. A conical root crop, weighing up to 75 g. For summer-autumn consumption, it can be stored for a short time in a basement or refrigerator. Aromatic leaves are not inferior in taste to leafy varieties of parsley.

Yielding- Variety of average ripening period (125-130 days from germination to mass collection of marketable root crops), domestic selection, originator of the Association for vegetable seed production SORTSEMOVOSCH. Included in the State Register in 1959. This variety of root parsley is highly resistant to diseases. They form a spreading rosette of delicate and fragrant leaves two months after sowing. Root crops of an elongated conical shape, weighing up to 120 g and up to 23 cm long. The yield of root crops is up to 3.5 kg per 1 sq. m. Designed for fresh consumption, preparation of blanks for the winter and long-term storage.

The final- Variety of average ripening period (125-130 days from germination to mass collection of marketable root crops), domestic selection, originator of LLC Gavrishsem. Introduced into the State Register in 2007. A medium-sized plant, forms root crops weighing 175-190 g, up to 22 cm long, up to 2.5 cm in diameter. Productivity is 2.2-2.5 kg per 1 sq. m. Keeping quality is average.

You can experiment with growing varieties of root parsley not included in the State Register - Berlin, Omega, Sugar root, Tops and roots, Shepherdess offered by agrofirms Aelita and Sedek.

Best regards, Sergey Mozgovykh

In order for curly parsley to give fresh greens throughout the season, it is sown at several times. If you cannot allocate for parsley large bed, you can sow varieties with different terms ripeness. The early varieties of parsley will be ready in two months from the moment of sowing, two weeks later the mid-season varieties will turn green, and at the end of summer it will be possible to harvest the late varieties of parsley.

The most popular varieties of root parsley

Before choosing the best varieties of parsley for your garden, you should decide for what purposes you are going to grow it. If you need roots for cooking and medicinal concoctions, plant root parsley, or grow parsley for aromatic, lush greens. Among gardeners, root parsley is more popular, since it is possible to get not only roots from it, but also a certain amount of greenery, however, it is worth considering that with frequent breaking off of the foliage, the root part remains small and frail. So choose what is more important to you - tops or roots?

The peculiarity of the root parsley is that it forms a conical, thickened or cylindrical root of a light shade. Greens grow a little, compared to leafy varieties, it is less aromatic and more harsh. In the early variety type of root parsley, the roots are shortened and rather thick, best suited for drying, and in the late variety type, they are long (up to 40 cm), well suited for long-term storage. Video about growing different varieties of parsley


After 95-100 days from the time the first plants emerge, the variety is ready for use. In a spreading rosette, there are from 20 to 40 leaves, the root crop grows up to 30 cm long, has a conical, pointed shape and a grayish-white color. Inside, the roots of Sugar Parsley are white, with a light yellow heart. It is widely distributed due to its excellent taste.


Mid-season root variety with ripeness up to 130 days from the moment the first greens peeped out. A plant weighing about 100 g forms a semi-spreading rosette with 11-20 leaves and a pointed root crop from 20 cm in length with good taste.


Technical ripeness occurs in about 135 days, as you saw the first shoots. A highly developed rosette consists of 28-30 leaves, the root crop is elongated (about 35 cm), cylindrical, weighing 170 g.


A late-ripening variety of root parsley with ripeness from 150 days to 180. The plant has a spreading rosette and a conical root crop with a pointed tip. The diameter of the Berlin parsley root reaches 4 cm, the length is up to 20 cm.

Leaf parsley, the best varieties

The roots of parsley, although edible, look unappetizing, remain thin and harsh. They grow parsley for the sake of greenery. There are two varieties of it: parsley with ordinary leaves and curly parsley, the corrugated leaves of which resemble curls.

Curly parsley is excellent for decorating dishes, due to its decorative appearance, and in addition has a pleasant strong aroma and delicate taste. After cutting, the greens grow back very quickly - another crop can be harvested before the end of the season. The cut leaves do not turn yellow for about a week, retaining their taste and persistent aroma.


An early ripe curly-leaved variety - 65 days after germination, the greens are suitable for human consumption. The rosette grows dense, half-raised, with large, strongly corrugated leaves. The leaf mass grows actively after cutting.

Ordinary leaf

The variety is prized for its lush, aromatic greenery and high yield. Parsley reaches technical ripeness in 70 days, as the seedlings look. The highly developed rosette consists of a large number of smooth dark green leaves with a strong dissection. One outlet can contain from 30 to 100 leaves. The roots are not used for food.


Curly parsley of medium ripeness. The mass of the plant reaches 50 g, about 25-30 leaves with short petioles are formed in the rosette. Grows well after harvest. Video about the secrets of growing parsley


A leafy variety with a ripeness of about 80 days. One plant has a mass of 60 g. The rosette grows up to 75 cm in height, the greens are tender, after cutting, they preserve their freshness for a long time.

The following varieties of leaf parsley are zoned: Bogatyr, Breeze, Astra, Gloria, Magician, Triplex, Sandwich, Titan, Ordinary leaf, Borodinskaya. Curly parsley has zoned varieties: Kucheryavets, Bravo, Mazina, Petra, Curly Leaf.

Vegetable parsley: plant varieties in the photo and how parsley is useful

Botanical name- Petroselinum Crispum.

Latin name- Petroselinum Crispum.

Family- umbrella.

Genus- parsley.

Predecessors- potatoes, cucumbers, early cabbage.

Lighting- photophilous.

Watering- hygrophilous.

The soil- fertile, loose, moist soils.

Landing- seeds.

Description of the parsley plant

Garden parsley is biennial herbaceous plant... In height, it can reach up to 80 cm. During the first year, a rosette of pinnately dissected leaves is formed. In the second year, a flower stem is formed. The plant blooms from July to September with small yellow flowers. Most often, gardeners grow curly and leafy parsley.

The parsley plant is known in many climates. It is grown throughout the year. It is considered a very popular herb, has a beneficial effect on the human body, has a pleasant taste and aroma, and decorates dishes. It has been cultivated for over 2000 years.

Parsley seeds

The seeds of the plant are small enough. Elongated shape, Brown... They should be harvested as they ripen. They are rich in fatty and essential oils, coumarins and flavonoids. After collecting them, they need to be dried and laid out in fabric bags. Their shelf life is 4 years.

The seed infusion is used as a choleretic agent. It should be taken three times a day. Parsley seeds increase the tone of the smooth muscles of the internal organs - the bladder, uterus and intestines.

The filtered infusion is drunk in case of menstrual irregularities. Half a teaspoon of seeds should be poured with two glasses of cooled boiled water, insist for eight hours and then drink 2-3 tablespoons every two hours.

The seeds are used to make a drug that is used for malaria, neuralgia and dysmenorrhea.

Parsley leaves

The leaves are long-petiolate, the upper surface is shiny, the lower surface is matte, twice and three times pinnate. Only 30-50 g of greens will help to get daily rate vitamins A, C and many essential trace elements. Greens improve vision and strengthen bones, teeth and gums.

Increases appetite. It is an excellent breath freshener, effectively removes bad smell onions and garlic. It is useful to take an infusion of herbs and roots in case of coronary insufficiency and with decompensated heart diseases.

An infusion of curly parsley leaves helps with gastritis with high acidity, flatulence and colic. The plant is able to strengthen the immune system. For this reason, you should add it to your diet in winter period... The herb can also be dried and added to dishes dried as a seasoning. The leaves help relieve itching from insect bites.

The plant contains myristicin. It is an essential oil that can inhibit the development of tumors in the lungs. It also contains apigenin. It stops the growth of breast cancer cells. Enzymes, which are found in large quantities in greens, improve the absorption of fats and proteins, and also activate the absorption of useful and nutritious things.

In addition, greens are widely used in cosmetology. It is part of many masks and creams. Greens will not lose their beneficial qualities either when dried or frozen.

It is important to know that it should not be consumed by pregnant women and with oxaluria.

Parsley varieties

There are not so many varieties of parsley. The most suitable varieties for growing in central Russia are as follows:

Sugar. Root variety. Medium early grade. Root crops are pointed, shortened. The color is grayish-white. For spring and summer use. Not subject to long-term storage.

Common leaf. Leafy variety. Early ripening variety. It is appreciated for its developed rosettes of spicy-aromatic leaves. The color of the leaves is yellow-green. 100 g of greens contain 100 mg of vitamin C.

Bordovician. Root variety. Lying, mid-late variety. Elongated conical roots. The color is grayish-white. For autumn and winter consumption.

Yielding. Root variety. Mid-season maturing variety. Root crop 20-30 cm long. Conical in shape. The color is gray-white. The pulp is light yellow.

In folk medicine, roots, seeds and leaves are used. In the leafy species, only leaves are used, since the roots are small and inedible. The juice of this plant is also useful. Juice is considered an excellent source of folate, chlorine, silicon, manganese, carotene, fatty acids, iron, vitamin C, vitamin K and vitamin B12. It is recommended to drink for people with anemia. Juice with the addition of honey is taken to stimulate kidney function, reduce flatulence and to strengthen the digestive process. Fresh juice helps to normalize the functions of the thyroid gland and adrenal cortex, strengthens blood vessels, helps with cystitis, renal spasms.

Parsley root - health benefits of parsley root

Parsley root is branched and fleshy. Outwardly, it resembles the root of a carrot. Usually white or yellowish in color. You can see him in the photo of parsley. It has a pleasant taste and aroma. Parsley root is used in the treatment of many diseases.

For example, he will be able to help if the child has a urinary or digestive disorder. It treats impotence, dropsy, intestinal distention, all kinds of diseases of the genitourinary tract. Clears kidney stones. Tea made from the roots treats scarlet fever and reduces fever. Decoctions are useful for cystitis, cardiac edema. However, you can not take a decoction for kidney nephritis. Grated parsley root is useful for prostatitis. An infusion of roots and herbs helps cleanse the liver, removes salts and cleanses blood vessels. An infusion of herbs and roots is drunk with painful menstruation and uterine bleeding. The vegetable parsley helps to flush excess water from the body, which promotes weight loss.

Uses of parsley root in cooking

The useful and taste properties of parsley root are also appreciated by culinary experts. Its addition to dishes gives them their characteristic aroma and taste. It is consumed raw, baked and canned. It is added to meat, fish, soups, side dishes, salads. Used for making sauces, mayonnaise, marinades.

Parsley: photo gallery (click to enlarge):

Parsley perennial plant

Parsley is a desperate buffoonery hero, a bully and a screamer. Together with him, the people laugh at their sins for the fourth century in a row. And he has a namesake - garden parsley. Green, curly, leafy and root vegetable.

Garden parsley has an even longer biography than a theatrical doll. Belongs to the celery (umbrella) family. In Latin it is called retrosélinum - i.e. growing on a stone. It is a biennial plant.

Parsley: a peasant lady

In the first year of sowing, a root crop (root) with a leaf rosette develops, and the next year a peduncle grows, and by autumn, under favorable conditions, the seeds ripen.

Since time immemorial, on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, wild parsley has been growing in rocky terrain, but if you want this southern beauty to grow bushy and curly in your garden, you should not only choose a sunny place for it in an Italian way, but also lay it on a lush garden Perinka from fertile humus and drink plenty of water all summer.

As for the temperature, in this sense she is not a capricious young lady, she can even hibernate under the snow.

Parsley is grown through seedlings (the first sowing is in March), and sown with seeds in the spring land, as soon as the snow melts. Seeds germinate at temperatures from + 2 ° and above. It is sown in May, June, July, and August.

Moreover, the August crops will have time to take root and form a rosette of leaves. This parsley will overwinter safely under the snow, and in the spring will give you the happiest, the earliest delicious spring greens.

Winter greens

Parsley grows remarkably at temperatures from +18 to + 20 °. But it can withstand frosts down to -9 °. Usually, in order to extend the vitamin season from autumn to the whole winter, experienced gardeners in late autumn, before frost, dig the parsley together with the roots, but without leaves, and transfer it to the cellars, there they cover it with sand, so that the forelocks barely stick out.

In winter, as needed, the roots of parsley are taken out, transplanted into pots with soil, put on the kitchen windowsill and watered.

Within one to two months, remove the greens to the table. And then a new "batch of greens" is put up for growing. This method of obtaining vitamin greens of parsley in winter is perhaps the best at home.

Seedlings are what you need!

And so that the earliest parsley grows in the garden, we grow seedlings at home - in March, in April, while there is snow, cold and dampness in the garden.

According to the lunar calendar, this year the best days for sowing parsley seeds for seedlings fall on March 9, 10, 11, or choose April 6, 7, 13, 14 for your area.

Parsley seeds are very small. In 1 g up to a thousand seeds! After collecting seeds, germination is maintained for up to three years. But if you store dry seeds in a hermetically sealed bag in the refrigerator, they remain good for more than five years.

At room temperature parsley seeds usually germinate two weeks after sowing, because the seeds contain essential oils: oils that prevent premature germination.

So nature took care: otherwise in the fall a ripe seed will fall on the ground, grow a little to the damp soil - then frost will come, and the sprout will be kaput. And thanks to essential oils, the autumn seed will wait for the spring heat.

Dill, carrot, celery seeds also have this property, they germinate slowly.

But there is a way to make the seeds germinate as soon as possible. You need to pour them into a jar and pour warm water... For three days "bathe" the seeds, change the water three times. There will be no essential oils left.

Swollen seeds should be wrapped in a damp flannel cloth, put in a plastic bag, tied with an air bubble and placed in the vegetable section of the refrigerator for a week. After such a procedure, you will sow - the seedlings will pop out on the fifth day!

Cuvettes are used as utensils for growing seedlings, flower pots, containers, etc.

The soil is the same as for tomato or pepper. We sow to a depth of 1.5 cm. A seed from a seed - after 2-3 cm.

We covered the rows with soil from above back side tablespoon. Let's pour from the palm of your hand. Let's cover the ground with foil. Every day, the film needs to be lifted - ventilated, making sure that the earth does not dry out. When shoots appear, the film must be removed and the box with crops must be placed on a sunny windowsill.

But here the seedlings, while they have weak roots, can dry out quickly. It is necessary to slightly shade the crops and regularly, if necessary, water 2-3 times a day. First, with the help of a medical syringe, then from a spoon ... By the arrival of May, the seedlings will be good for transplanting into a garden bed.

By the way, when growing parsley seedlings (and not only), it is useful to use for irrigation not just clean, settled water, but a weak solution of complete mineral fertilizer at a dose: 0.5 g per 1 liter of water.

Seedlings are planted on the garden bed every 5-8 cm, and the distance between the rows is 25 cm.

Parsley easily gets along with onions. A row of onions is planted, and parsley is planted on both sides at a distance of 15 cm.

With its smell, it scares off the onion fly. We removed the onions with regrown feathers - there is room for parsley!

Leaf parsley grows well with regular watering. Until the age of two months, it really needs weeding, does not tolerate weeds, and in the future, when the tops thicken and close in the aisles, parsley itself will suppress the growth of weeds. Parsley is harvested as needed.

At first, pinch off a leaf or two from each plant, and in the fall, when stocks are prepared for the winter, the roots are dug up, the greens are cut off, washed in running water, dried in the air.

In root parsley, they use yellowish-white, aromatic, tasty root vegetables that resemble carrots in shape, as well as leaves - there are from 15 to 40 of them in each plant. Leaf parsley has branchy roots, rough, inedible, but the leaves are very good, there can be from 10 to 100 of them in each rosette, depending on the variety and age.

Seeds - in the garden

Perfectly, both leaf and root parsley, sown with seeds immediately on the garden bed, grows without whims. Summer residents are usually engaged in sowing parsley at the same time when sowing carrots. According to the popular calendar, carrots are sown on Kozma, that is, on May 1. But year after year is not necessary, and Kozma in the Kuban is not at all like May Day near St. Petersburg. For us, the main thing is that the land warms up for sowing, but does not dry out, becomes loose, but not lumpy.

As the buds bloom on the birch, the branches barely turn green - it's time to sow both carrots and parsley. The land is prepared for them, as for potatoes. The best predecessors are potatoes, cucumbers, onions, and tomatoes. We sow seeds to a depth of 1 to 2 cm, between rows about 15-20 cm for leaf parsley, and for root parsley - 25 cm.

Seedlings need to be thinned out, especially when root parsley is grown, otherwise, instead of beautiful large juicy root crops, "mouse tails" will turn out.

Choosing varieties of parsley

Root parsley

  • Berlin.

Late-ripening variety: grows from full germination to ready-made root crops 140-180 days. Root crop 20 cm long and 4.5 cm thick weighing up to 110 g. Yield 2-2.5 kg per 1 sq. M. Resistant to blooming, low temperatures, can overwinter in the ground.

  • Bordovician.

Medium late grade. The period from germination to a full-fledged root crop is 85-95 days. Root weight up to 170 g, yield up to 3.5 kg from 1 sq. M. Root crops of this variety are well preserved in cellars in winter.

  • Sugar.

Early ripening variety of Russian selection. Root crops are ready for harvesting 100 days after germination. Length up to 30 cm. Harvest with leaves up to 6 kg from 1 sq. m, the yield of root crops is up to 3 kg from 1 sq.m.

The fakir yields a harvest 150 days after sowing. Root crop yield up to 4 kg from 1 sq.m.


  • Aster is a curly variety.

Early maturing variety: yields a harvest of leaves 2 months after sowing. The greens grow back abundantly and quickly after cutting. The leaves are large, dark green, strongly corrugated, delicate.

  • Breeze.

Mid-season variety: from germination to mass harvesting 80 days. Rosette of leaves up to 75 cm high, erect. The greens are tender, slightly juicy. The yield per plant is 60-80 g, the root is inedible. Greenery yield up to 2.5 kg from 1 sq.m.

  • Bogatyr.

Mid-season variety with very aromatic leaves. The crop is ready 90 days after sowing, gives two cuts per summer season.

Parsley leaves and roots are very rich in essential oils and phytoncides useful for our health (stimulate appetite, destroy harmful microflora), vitamins (strengthen immunity, help overcome diseases), mineral salts, vegetable proteins, carbohydrates, pectin substances.

Healing powers

Parsley is used as a seasoning in salads and in the preparation of first and second courses.

If a bee stings you in the summer, or mosquitoes bite you, mash a parsley leaf and lubricate the sore spot with juice.

If you like to chew fresh garlic, or have a bite of sausage - do not forget to then seize this gluttony with a bunch of parsley - to beat off the smell.

Doctors recommend parsley salads, decoctions and infusions to strengthen the heart, to improve the functioning of the kidneys, liver and excretory system.

It is useful for older people to apply a compress of crushed parsley leaves on senile spots. And women in their prime use parsley to make cosmetic masks - the skin becomes light, fresh, silky, and the eyes shine!

Frozen beauty

At the end of autumn, a bed of parsley is so thick and beautiful that it becomes a pity to leave it to the winter to be eaten. So don't leave!

You can dry it all. But you better do it like this. Cut off these clean, rain-washed greens. Bring it into the kitchen, chop it, then run it through a blender and stuff the plastic bags tightly. Freeze them! All winter long, you will have the fresh scent of parsley at your fingertips.

Growing parsley at home, choosing a variety of parsley for a home garden, care

There are many varieties of parsley, this two-year-old plant has been bred. There are so-called root and leaf varieties of parsley. Among the first, the most

widespread are "Bordovikskaya", "Sugar" and "Urozhainaya", and among the latter, you will most often find "Curly" and "Leafy ordinary". Of course, the practical purpose corresponds to this division. Root varieties of parsley are grown to obtain a harvest of root crops, sometimes "fattening" up to 100 g of weight and are indispensable in the recipe for most of the first and many second courses. Leafy root crops are not famous (although they are also eaten), but they give large rosettes of leaves, the fruitful mass of which attracts the culinary specialist with a spicy taste and a special aroma that whips up the appetite. Since the owners of home micro-gardens are primarily interested in parsley greens (after all, it takes too much time to form a root crop), it must be said that it is worth growing it, especially during the period of seasonal vitamin deficiency. it sometimes reaches 300 and more mg%, and carotene - 10 mg%. The set of microelements is also rich. Leafy varieties of parsley can be grown on greens by sowing their seeds in boxes, as they say, solid. The resulting mass of the crop does not promise to be plentiful, moreover, its ripening will take up to three months. But if an amateur has preserved parsley roots and wants to get greens from it, then, as they say, the game is worth the candle: even the smallest of them will "work" for forcing leaves for up to six weeks. When choosing root crops for planting in a micro-vegetable garden, carefully inspect each, If the root is partially rotted, then it is not worth planting. But the main thing is to pay attention to the condition of the root crop head. There, under the remnants of once cut leaves, there are growth buds, on the number of which the yield of parsley grown for greens depends. Some experts recommend soaking the roots a little before putting them in a box with soil mixture filling it by 15 cm. Then you need to "trim" the planting material, for which the ends of the roots are cut in such a way that it is all the same length - no more than 12 cm planting material is also suitable for growing on greens.) Waste from a good hostess, of course, will not be wasted. The roots prepared in this way are planted in oblique rows and the angle of inclination should be the same (for example, 45 °). The distance between the rows is at least 6 cm, and between the plants in these rows, they can vary depending on the thickness of the planting material (3-6 cm). (All this is done so that the plants do not oppress each other, the shoots and growth of greenery were smoother.) When filling the latter with soil, the heads of the roots should be left open. Milk bags (cardboard), as well as plastic bags are also excellent containers for planting parsley, but in them the roots are buried vertically and without pruning. When this is done, the plantings should be watered with warm water and put in a cool and dark place for two weeks, and with the appearance of leaves, rearranged on the windowsill. frequent watering parsley does not tolerate (roots rot). Temperatures above 22 ° C are also detrimental to her. Loosening the soil and ventilation of the greenery, on the other hand, have a very beneficial effect on the plant. Green parsley ripens and is ready for the first harvest as soon as the rosettes of leaves are well developed. Now you can cut the amount of greens you need at least daily. You will get at least 2 kg of greens from one square meter of a micro-vegetable garden, and possibly more root crops. Experienced gardeners already in 5-6 weeks after planting harvest the parsley roots, and their harvest with the herbs removed during this period reaches a total of 8 kg on the indicated area. During the entire growing period, parsley will have to be “fed” only 1-2 times. Top dressing - a weak solution (up to 2 g per 1 liter of water) of nitroammofoska. From pests it is necessary to beware mainly of "white mold", which can be successfully destroyed by dusting the ground with a mixture of chalk and ash, combined in equal quantities.

Hello, tell me what varieties of dill and parsley to plant on greens in May in the suburbs

Lydia Provotorova

Dill Mammoth, Alligator, Russian giant. Leaf parsley Italian giant.


I liked the Alligator for greens and Gribovsky for the blanks Parsley varieties, in my opinion, differ little Curly sow just for beauty under tall flowers


Everyone, everyone here praises the alligator dill, I also bought it, we'll see.


I sow Boreas. ... this is a great bush dill…. the period until the seeds ripen is 2 months. ... pluck only the branches that grow again. ... I sow either before winter or in April. . sandwich parsley .. Moscow region

Svetlana Butorina

Parsley likes the varieties Italian Giant and Bogatyrsky, but more soot root. And dill grows by self-sowing, I tried different varieties, but I like my own more. I plant parsley in April, as soon as the earth dries up.

love feklistova

this year I bought "monk's beard" and "dill", the alligator sowed last year, is no different from other varieties, mostly I have my own seeds


Parsley is a popular herb used to flavor a variety of dishes. There are both root and leaf plant species, a large number of varieties have been bred.

Parsley varieties by maturity

Early leaf varieties allow you to get fresh greens already 60 days after the emergence of young shoots. This category includes the varieties Russian Feast, Natalka, Biser, Astra, Gloria, Mooskrause-2, Nastya, Chastushka. The early parsley, which forms root crops, is represented by the Sugar variety.

A couple of weeks later than the early greens, mid-season varieties of leaf parsley reach technical maturity. The most popular are: Breeze, Sorceress, Komun-3, Italian giant, Katyusha, Sandwich. Root plant varieties with medium ripening times are in high demand. Here the varieties Vostochnaya and Lekar, Eagle and Konika are of interest.

Late ripening dates are inherent in the following varieties: Bogatyr (parsley for greens), Alba, Final, Olomuntska, Piquant (root-forming parsley).

Parsley before winter: varieties

Winter sowing allows you to get early harvest greenery. From root plants, preference for varieties Khanachka and, Sugar, Urozhainaya and Bordovikskaya. Preferred varieties of leafy plants: Bogatyr, Carnival, Breeze, Ordinary leafy.

Yielding - medium-ripening parsley variety. Root plant - the root crop has a conical shape. Its average weight is about 30-40 g (together with the tops, the plant weighs about 100 g).

Root parsley: varieties

Root parsley varieties are varied. Their main feature is the presence of a sufficiently powerful cylindrical root with pleasant taste characteristics. Greens can also be used in food, but they have a more rigid structure than leafy forms. Early roots are shorter - they are used for drying. Late varieties form elongated roots - they can be stored all winter.

The varieties Olomuntska, Vostochnaya and Alba are of interest. The varieties Final and Harvest, Good Morning and Bubka are popular.

Sugar is a root variety that ripens within 100 days after planting. The average length of the root crop is 30 cm (under the grayish peel there is a white pulp, which turns yellow towards the middle). The root tastes good.

Leaf parsley varieties

Leaf parsley is in somewhat higher demand than root parsley. It gives abundant greenery, the twigs grow quickly, the leaves have a pleasant taste and have a delicate structure. The roots of this form are thin and therefore not used for food (although they are edible). The shape of the leaves can be either smooth or corrugated, "curly". Curly parsley is often used to decorate dishes. Popular leaf varieties: Bogatyr, Moskrauh, Bravo, Moskurland, Astra, Esmeralda, Magician, Triplex, Sandwich, Titan, Kucheryavets, Ordinary leaf, Borodinskaya, Curly leaf, Breeze.

Esmeralda is a medium-ripening variety of curly parsley. The approximate number of leaves on a plant is 25-30 pcs. The petioles of the leaves are short. The greens grow back quickly after cutting.

Greenhouse parsley varieties

It is advisable to grow parsley in greenhouses from November to April. Leaves grow fastest in the second half of winter. The optimum temperature is 20-25 ° C. The best results when grown in a greenhouse are shown by such varieties as Konika, Lyubasha, Urozhainaya. The varieties Sugarnaya, Final, Pikantnaya, Bordovikskaya, Eagle, Alba have proven themselves quite well.

The mid-late variety Lyubasha forms a semi-vertical rosette. Elongated triangular leaves are located on a long petiole. The root is triangular. It is painted in grayish White color... Its average weight is 100 g. Both the greens and the root have a pleasant aroma. The yield of the variety is high.

The best varieties of parsley for open ground

All varieties of parsley are suitable for outdoor cultivation, but few are awarded the title of the best. Of greatest interest are the following root varieties: Bogatyr, Lekar, Final, Eagle, Pikantnaya.

The Eagle variety belongs to the mid-season category. It produces excellent yields. The smooth root vegetable is white and has good flavor and aroma characteristics. The average root weight is 130 g.

Among the leafy plants, the most recognized varieties are Breeze, Sandwich, Madame, Astra, Mooskrause, Gloria, Esmeralda.

Beads is a variety grown for greens. Thin elongated leaves of the plant have an extremely pleasant taste and delicate aroma. The variety is early, early ripening. Ripening period - from 45 to 60 days.

The best variety of parsley for the Moscow region

In the Moscow region and in central Russia, most of the varieties can be grown - parsley is unpretentious and can withstand the conditions of a temperate continental climate. Popular root varieties: Sugar, Urozhainaya, Bordovikskaya, Berlinskaya. The most interesting leafy varieties: Bogatyr, Ordinary leafy, Hamburger, Italian giant, Carnival.

The Italian giant is a wonderful variety of parsley. The leaves of the plants are tender, juicy, rather large. The petioles are dense. The rosette is semi-spreading, large. The plant gives a lot of greenery, the leaves grow quickly.

Parsley for greens: the best varieties for the windowsill

For growing at home, early parsley seeds are usually used. Of greatest interest are the following varieties: Green Pearls, Fragrant Alley, Russian Feast, Ordinary Leaf, Emerald Lace, Astra, Vorozheya, Gloria, Morning Freshness.

Variety Babushkina's bed - curly parsley with a semi-vertical rosette of leaves. The leaf petioles are thick, the leaves themselves are strongly corrugated, large, juicy, fragrant. The greens grow back quickly after cutting.

Parsley is an extremely popular herb. A varied varietal composition allows you to choose the most interesting plants in terms of their characteristics.

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03.02.2016 21 607

Varieties of leaf and root parsley - the best, early ripening and fruitful

Without exception, everyone loves to eat greens, but what varieties of parsley to choose so that the first vitamins are on the table already with the arrival of spring and do not end until late autumn? From the whole variety of parsley varieties, you can pick up not only early ones, but also tasty, fruitful ones, which can be grown both in a greenhouse and open ground, and on a windowsill in an apartment.

The best varieties of leaf parsley

Leafy parsley for greens is the juiciest and tastiest, with delicate leaves and a wonderful aroma, which is grown for their own needs in small quantities and in large quantities for business for sale. In addition to common parsley, there are curly varieties of greens that are no less tasty and nutritious, can be observed in the form of decorations on dishes.

Parsley Aster refers to the early varieties, the first young greens are cut off as early as 55-60 days. The rosette of the bushes is dense, the leaves are curly, corrugated, grow remarkably after cutting. The variety is very productive, it is possible to grow on open plantations and closed ground;

in the photo - a variety of parsley "Astra"

Common parsley belongs to the mid-season type, the first greens will be ready by 65-70 days. The leaves are deep dark green in color, with a strong aroma. Large rosettes and an abundant amount of strongly dissected leaves indicate a stable high yield. The variety is suitable for reusable cutting;

Parsley Breeze It belongs to high-yielding mid-season varieties, retains its beautiful presentation well after cutting and does not turn yellow for a long time, therefore it is often grown for sale with the aim of making a profit. The leaves are dark and green, shiny, the structure is wavy, but not curly;

parsley variety "Breeze"

Parsley Gloria, another representative of early maturing and fruitful varieties, is cultivated in open ground and greenhouses. The rosette is not high with large leaves. Perfectly transported over long distances and retains keeping quality. Suitable for preparations for the winter and good fresh.

Among early varieties parsley is successfully grown such as curly Babushkina, Lace, Mooskrause, Nastenka, Russian feast, Madam, Morning freshness, Festivalnaya, Chastushka and others.

on the photo - growing curly parsley for sale

A large selection of late and mid-season varieties will not leave without greenery in late summer and autumn. When choosing and buying seeds, pay attention to such varieties of parsley as, Italian Giant, Leaf Bogatyr, Carnival, Katyusha, appetizing, Sandwich, Titan, Rialto, Green crystal.

The best varieties of root parsley

Root parsley is grown for the purpose of obtaining roots, which are used for consumption in their natural form when added to dishes, canning, and drying. Parsley roots are a part of various medicinal decoctions and infusions, so it is very important for many to choose a good root variety.

Sugar parsley has an early ripening period, very productive with conical roots, 22-29 centimeters long. The weight of one root is about 30-60 grams, the color of the fruit is white with a grayish tinge. The taste is excellent, therefore it is common among many vegetable growers;

in the photo - root parsley of the "Sugar parsley" variety

Parsley Alba, late-ripening variety. Excellent taste, the mass of one fruit in weight can reach 220-290 grams. It is appreciated for the absence of thin lateral roots, good preservation in winter and decent yield;

on the photo - root parsley varieties "Alba"

Harvest parsley belongs to the mid-season class, with good tasty conical roots. The length of one root is 18-20 centimeters, the fruits are juicy and white. The variety is resistant to diseases, it is well stored in winter;

Parsley Final has an average ripening period, the variety is fruitful. Fruits are narrowed, cone-shaped, 21-23 centimeters long, weighing 150-190 grams. The taste of the fruit is excellent, it is used for natural consumption and conservation.

Good root varieties of parsley include Vershki and Roots, Good Morning, Eagle, Pikantnaya, Lekar, Konika and many others.

To keep fresh parsley constantly on your table, plant different varieties at time intervals, then tasty and aromatic greens will always be at hand with the onset of spring