Photos taken with camera and phone. What is best to avoid

Ordinary, traditional cameras are losing popularity over time, giving way to smartphones with cameras. high level. Since a smartphone, unlike digital camera, always there, taking pictures with them is faster, easier and more convenient.

Today, digital technologies are improving every day, and almost all phones have good cameras. Some of them are very personal and allow you to shoot high-quality images. So, let's see how to take high-quality photos on your phone. The information that you will now learn will be useful to many people: not only to those who already have a smartphone with a cool camera, but also to those who are just looking at it. And remember: if you need professional photography, it is better to use.

9 tips for taking good photos with your phone:

  1. If you want the photo to turn out without distortion, try don't use zoom. Every time you do this, it leads to certain defects and a distortion in the quality of the future picture. In order to take a picture of something much better, you just need to get closer, and if this is not possible, then take a photo without zoom, and then correct everything else. And even if this object, in your opinion, is too close, do not worry, because this way all the details of the object in the image will be visible.
  1. This advice is not so important, but still this issue should be discussed. Don't forget to keep an eye on the camera lenses on your phone. Take care not to scratch and use the phone carefully. Even a slight buildup of dust can interfere with photo quality.

  1. Take as many pictures as possible. Take pictures of everything you want and see. Every time you press the start button, you get completely different shots. Don't believe me, do an experiment! It doesn't always work out the first time. With the plethora of shots, it's much easier to pick what's best than accept what's there.

  1. The main difficulty with a mobile phone camera is that it takes poor quality pictures in low light. Don't forget about it. If you plan to take photos, for example, in a museum, then you should take care of the flash, although this is not always appropriate. Unfortunately, there is a chance that the light you find will not give the desired effect and you will not be able to take high-quality photos. That is the nature of the device.

  1. Use the settings and set all indicators to the maximum. Yes, these photos will take up a lot of space on your phone, but they will be much better. Although it is up to you to decide what is more important for you: the place in the memory of the smartphone or the image quality?

  1. Many users almost do not pay their attention to a variety of creative modes. Although very much even in vain. Look for the modes you need, try taking photos in different variations and take as many photos as you need. For example, if you are shooting at night, select the Night Scene mode. This gives you a chance to get the best way images at the ISO setting.

  1. In addition, if you decide to shoot seriously, then it is better to install Photoshop and Lightroom for image processing. Very often, a not very successful picture can be turned into a real masterpiece. You shouldn't limit yourself to anything. A few skills and abilities - and you will be successful.

  1. Practice as much as possible. Of course, if there is a goal to take a photo much better than at present. If you want, you will certainly succeed. You should also study the related literature to understand ISO, aperture, shutter speed, and more. You should be aware that even the best camera will not make you an outstanding photographer, so learn. The most important thing is patience and as much practice as possible.

  1. When you shoot handheld, the photo may not be of very good quality. To minimize risks, use stable planes that will serve as support. There are apps that allow you to use your phone's built-in accelerometer to take the right shot when your phone's camera is at its most stable. Use this option if you have it.

After all, we note that many people today are starting to abandon digital cameras because smartphones with 3D cameras are starting to appear on the market. In fact, it's very cool, but it's not small money. So while you're undecided on whether to buy a camera or a phone, keep in mind that if you choose a smartphone, you'll always have the opportunity to take great pictures.

You can have a phone with a camera and amaze the world with beautiful pictures.

Professionals have long noted for themselves the convenience of taking pictures on a smartphone - pictures can be edited right on the spot and immediately sent to their destination - by mail, using social services, photo hosting or through cloud storage. At the same time, the quality of images with the right approach is not inferior to the results of working with professional equipment. So, the pictures taken by the smartphone even got on the covers of glossy magazines.

So, let's begin.

Phone camera needs to be cleaned

While the capabilities of the cameras do not allow you to take a macro shot of the dirt accumulated on the optics, bacteria can add blur and spots.

Set the maximum quality settings

Set the camera settings to the maximum image resolution, as well as the best quality value. Choose 4:3.

Turn off effects

Black and white, sepia, inverted colors, and the like have the right to exist, but all these settings are best used when editing photos on a computer.

Set the white balance

The human eye adjusts to the lighting, and white is perceived as white in any light. However, the camera “sees” the object illuminated conventional lamps incandescent, redder than the eye can see.

Don't use ZOOM

In modern smartphones, the use of even the smallest zoom leads to a sharp deterioration in picture quality. Noises appear on it and sharpness is lost. If you want to take a closer picture of an object, move closer to it.

Don't forget about the universal pillars of photography - composition, subject and focus.


All smartphones have the ability to autofocus, but in order to show your device who's in charge, you can specify the point yourself, and some devices have full manual focus.

Avoid photos in front of a mirror and selfies taken with outstretched arms. Mirrors often "cheat" the autofocus mechanism. Better ask someone to take a picture of you. If you prefer to take pictures yourself, use a timer, lean your phone against something, and stand in the frame.


Avoid shooting in low light, at least if you want your subject to be evenly lit. The phone's built-in camera sensor is rather weak, and at a high ISO (light sensitivity), which allows you to shoot indoors without a flash, the noise level will also be very high. That's why good photos indoors only in bright light.

If you need to take a photo indoors, pay attention to the sources of artificial light in it. Avoid fluorescent lights as their light gives objects a green tint.

When shooting in low light, make sure the camera is still. With built-in cameras, when there is a lack of light, the exposure time increases greatly, and any movement will lead to the fact that the frame will turn out to be blurry.

Use the rule of thirds

When composing a frame, imagine that it is divided into equal parts by two horizontal and two vertical lines. Let the essential lines or boundaries coincide with them (for example, the horizon line passes at a distance of 1/3 from the upper or lower boundary), and compositionally important elements fall on their points of intersection.

use flash

Using the built-in flash mobile phone, not the best option, but still better than nothing.

Do not take pictures with a mobile phone flash at a distance of more than 3 meters, but not closer than 1.5, in order to prevent overexposure and underlighting.

Finally take a picture

Keep your phone still while pressing the button. After taking a photo, keep holding it in place until the image is recorded. If you move your phone immediately after pressing the button, you may end up with a smear instead of a photo!

Take multiple shots or use burst. Do not count on one frame, it will not always be successful.

Take pictures by positioning the camera at the eye level of the people being photographed to avoid distortion caused by features wide angle lens mobile phone.

Turn off autofocus when taking pictures on the move. The mobile phone's camera will start responding to the press of the photo button much faster. At the same time, everything in the frame will be sharp, starting from 1.5 meters.

Use third party camera apps

Usually third party apps like Camera 360 for example have a lot of options that are hidden in standard application. This is especially true for Nexus smartphones, where camera settings are always very limited.


Read literature on photography, practice yourself. Understand how optics work, what is exposure, ISO, aperture, shutter speed. After all, even the most expensive DSLR will not make you a pro, and vice versa, a real photographer will get good pictures from a smartphone.


You can take a photo in our time at any time - after all, almost everyone has modern man have a smartphone with a built-in camera at hand. But the pictures do not always live up to expectations: either the light is dark, or the outlines are blurred or distorted. To capture important moments for you on your phone with high quality, you need to learn a few rules.

9 tips for taking good photos with your phone

A good photo on the phone is real!

So, we list the basic rules of photography on your favorite gadget:

1. Quality camera

If you have a goal to often take pictures on your phone, you need to initially choose a gadget with a good camera. Here you need to pay attention not only to the number of megapixels, but also to the camera optics, the presence or absence of autofocus, flash. Also of particular importance is the shooting speed (the so-called time to wake up from standby until a picture is taken). It is convenient if using the button on the case you can create a picture in one click.

2. Cleanliness of the lens

Before taking a picture, check that the objective lens is not dirty. Crumbs, dust, fingerprints can spoil the clarity and focus, as a result, spoil the frame.

3. Good lighting

The main postulate of photography is correctly built light. With ideal natural light, almost any suitable device can take a decent, bright and juicy photo. But if there is not enough light, then there is a high probability that the picture will turn out to be dim.

This is where the flash comes to the rescue, but you need to use it carefully: if you bring it close to the object, you can get highlights, if it is far away, there is a risk of making an underexposed frame.

A significant disadvantage of using flash is the red-eye effect. Also, in poor lighting conditions, you can use a conventional LED flashlight to illuminate the object from above and White list on the side to avoid harsh shadows.

4. Correct position relative to the sun

Also watch the sun! The photographer cannot stand facing him, as there will be glare in the picture. A winning position is the sun behind or to the side.

5. Forget about the zoom

remember, that digital zoom ruins the picture quality. Do not zoom in with the buttons, but rather come closer to the object yourself.

6. Think about composition

It is also important to follow the composition. Do not "litter" the horizon, place it in the frame just below the middle. If you are shooting a person, you need to make sure that he is in focus, and not nearby objects.

See that the emphasis on the background is not excessively large, otherwise it will be lost in it. main character or subject. Use the golden ratio rule, it is used by all professional photographers.

7. Create resilience

When shooting, stabilization is important. If your hands are shaking a little or you are filming an object in motion, find a foothold or place your hands on your torso. Shooting at insufficient lighting or photographing moving objects, hold the gadget with two hands.

8. Use of special programs

To diversify the picture and improve its quality, as well as add interesting effects, crop an unnecessary background, you can use special editor programs. You can download them or use the online versions.

9. Take lots of pictures from different angles

Take more shots so you have plenty to choose from later. Please change angles. This way you can showcase the item.

Interesting publications on the site

Today, our teacher Alexander Mekler spoke on television with a useful lesson on mobile photography. Therefore, we decided to publish interesting selection video tutorials on shooting on a mobile phone, filmed as part of the #InstaMORNING project.

1. Alexander Mekler, mobile photographer and teacher at BLENDA photography school

How to edit photos directly on your phone? Here are Alexander Mekler's tips for editing photos right on your phone:

1. Use a grid. The grid will help you build a symmetrical frame. Line intersections will tell you where to place the main object.

2. Manage focus. If your shot has a well-defined foreground and background, you will be able to emphasize by changing the focus point. The smartphone has a built-in feature that allows you to change the focus point even after the photo has been taken.

3. Add volume. To give volume and depth to the frame, it is enough to place various objects in the foreground directly in front of the lens. Then your photo will look like it was taken with a professional camera.

4. Master the settings. Brightness is responsible for how the frame will be: light or dark. Contrast reflects the differences in light: if we increase it, then the light areas become even lighter, and the dark areas even darker. Saturation makes your colors pop and is most commonly used for landscape photography. Sharpness brings out details. Temperature (white balance) allows you to convey the feeling of cold or warm in the frame.

5. Use relevant effects. For example, on winter photo you can add snow.

2. Dmitry Brushko, photojournalist

How to take pictures at night on a smartphone? Here are 5 tips from photojournalist Dmitry Brushko on shooting a city at night on a smartphone:

1. Choose a location. It is dark at night, so you need to find the most lit place. It is better to go to the city center: there are always a lot of lanterns, bright illumination and good lighting.

2. Fix the phone. When shooting handheld, even minimal vibrations will blur the photo. It is better to fix the phone with a tripod. But if it is not there, you can take the phone and lean it against a bench, column or building.

3. Transmit movement in the frame. Fix the camera and set the shutter speed to 2-3 seconds. Some cameras have a special mode "Light of lanterns" - and to achieve the effect you just need to press a special button.

4. Use time lapse photography. This is a series of photos taken after a certain period of time and glued into one video. Take advantage of the special "Time Slice" mode available on some phones.

5. Capture reflections. Try to photograph not only the building itself, but also its reflection in shop windows, car windows or puddles.

3. Inna Leuta, make-up artist and beauty photographer

How to take selfies and photograph makeup? Tips from a professional make-up artist and art director of the beauty school Inna Leuta:

1. Follow the light. It should be soft daylight or artificial, evenly filling the entire face, for example, as on dressing tables or a light ring.

2. Find a suitable angle. Look at the camera from the bottom up and lower your shoulder slightly. This pose will lengthen the neck and visually open the face. When taking a profile photo, slightly stretch the chin: this technique will help to correct the cheeks and make the face younger. Please do not hold your mouth, do not stretch your lips like a duck, but just slightly open your mouth and take a photo.

3. Make your makeup brighter. The camera eats up the brightness, so the make-up for the photo should be richer, deeper, with a play of textures. If you're contouring, go a little deeper. The eyes should not be in shadow, they should be light and glare. Take a couple of photos with eyes set aside and slightly lowered eyelids - this way you will show the beauty of the makeup.

4. Learn to take selfies. After all, often we have no one to ask us to take a picture, but we still want to get a beautiful photo.

5. Practice. Take 100-200-300 photos to find your best angle. And then the beauty photo will take you only a couple of seconds.

4. Daniil Anokhin, professional photographer

1. Use a dedicated phone feature or app. It will shoot and loop your videos.

2. Consider the range of motion. If they require a large swing, move away.

3. Use popular stories. It can be sports or dance elements. Or emotions. Create your own emoji and send them to your friends instead of emoticons. Lifestyle also looks cool on live photos: an element of clothing, a hairstyle, or something else.

4. Shoot in slow motion. Use slow motion when shooting complex motion so you can see it better.

5. Know the measure. Don't go overboard with live photos on your social networks: they should refresh your feed, not completely fill it.

5. Maria Rylskaya, flat lay photographer

How to shoot beautiful layouts for Instagram? Tips from instaphotographer Maria Rylskaya on shooting in the flat lay genre - photos taken from above:

2. Choose a calm background. It can be a plain surface without a glossy sheen. A wooden background or craft paper also looks good.

3. Select a topic. The most common themes for this genre are: workspace, food, clothing, atmosphere of the moment. The main thing is to tell a story. It is not necessary to use designer elements, often ordinary cones or an old sweater look perfect in the frame.

4. Build the composition. The rule of thirds will help you here. Use a grid and place accents on the intersection of lines that divide the frame into 3 parts horizontally and vertically. You can also position the main object in the center, and the rest around it. Arrange the large elements first, then the smaller ones, and finally decorate the composition with small details.

5. Match colors the right way. On the correct layout should be no more than 3-4 colors. Get inspired, browse beautiful work photographers you like and try something similar.

6. Ilya Trifonenkov and Tatyana Shcherbakova, fashion bloggers

How to take beautiful street fashion photos with your smartphone? Tips from street fashion photographers Tatyana Shcherbakova and Ilya Trifonenkov:

1. Choose the right background. The background is an accessory: an unsuccessfully chosen background can spoil even the most stylish set. The background color should be neutral or in harmony with your clothing. If you have a simple image, choose a colorful background, if you have a complex image, many colors and textures, choose a simple background.

2. Consider shooting time. In winter, the clouds make the light soft, so you can shoot all day long. And in spring and summer it is better to shoot at 9 am or 6 pm so that there is no hard light.

3. Behind you should be space and volume. Do not stand close to the wall and do not shoot directly. Otherwise, you will get a flat frame. You can lean against the wall, but then the photographer should shoot a little from the side to save space and volume in the photo.

4. Use natural postures. The shots should look like they were taken by the paparazzi.

5. Use a carousel. Take a photo of a few details of the image and add them to the carousel when posting on Instagram.

7. Dmitry Khomich, urban photographer

How to shoot urban pictures on a smartphone? Shooting tips from urban photographer Dmitry Khomich:

1. Consider the location. Find a place with a combination of glass and concrete: these are banks, offices and shopping centers. Pay attention to repeating elements: steps, arches or columns.

2. Show dynamics. The city does not stand still, it breathes, lives. There are two methods: to show the movement of a person inside the city and to show the movement of the city around a person. In the first case, a model should move against a static urban background: it can be a jump, putting on a hood or buttoning a jacket. For this, it is better to use continuous shooting. For the second case, the opposite is true: the model must remain static, while the background must move. Great shots are obtained in the subway, in the crowd or near the road. This must be done in exposure mode with a tripod.

3. Add details. It can be a hat, headphones or a stylish urban backpack.

4. Think over clothes. Often, in an urban photo, the face of the model is not visible, a hood is thrown over - this has its own philosophical overtones.

5. Play with color. Shoot monochrome shots so that the color of the clothes matches the background. Or, conversely, add bright spots - this way you emphasize the contrast and contrast the person with the surrounding dullness.

8. Maria Shevchenko, children and family photographer

How to take a picture of a child on a phone? Tips for children and family photographer Maria Shevchenko on shooting children:

1. Select an angle. Get down to the level of the child's eyes - then you will maintain proportions and establish contact with him. You can shoot from above and below, sit down or lie down in search of an interesting angle.

2. Pay attention to the background. Avoid large objects, branches, poles that can stick out of the child in the photo.

3. Use daylight. But don't use flash in the evening, because it makes the frame flat and uninteresting. Look around and choose the brightest place in the room. If there is not enough light, try highlighting the child's face table lamp or a flashlight.

4. Don't be afraid to use continuous shooting. Children are mobile, and most of the photos are blurry. In this case, continuous shooting helps.

5. Catch emotions. Turn shooting into a game and have time to catch shots.

9. Sergey Plytkevich, animal photographer

How to take pictures of animals on a smartphone? Tips of the hunter Sergey Plytkevich on shooting animals:

1. Focus on the eyes. This is the most expressive part of the animal's face, so if the eyes are in focus, it will feel like the whole frame is in focus.

2. Look for a good angle. To do this, you need to try different shooting points (from the side, from above, etc.)

3. Don't use flash. There is a danger of frightening the animal or provoking it into an unexpected reaction. But there is another point: with a flash there is no reflection in the eyes, the picture is unnatural.

4. Turn shooting into a game. When I photographed bear cubs, I laid out candies to make the bear pose. To interest the pet, you need to prepare toys or treats.

5. Come up with a plot. You can catch interesting moments from life or create your own.

10. Ivan Letokhin, professional photographer

How to get a good portrait on a phone camera? Tips from a professional photographer for capturing great portraits with your smartphone:

1. Clean the lens. Dust can ruin a good shot, so feel free to wipe the lens once again.

2. Look for good lighting. You can find soft diffused light by the window. In cloudy weather, the light will be filling, in sunny weather it will be hard. But this is not always a problem, because we can use the play of light and shadow as an artistic technique.

3. Choose your angle. Do not shoot the model from the bottom up. Nobody wants to have a double chin, so try to position the camera in front of the model's eyes.

4. Blurred background. To enhance the emphasis on the subject being shot, you need to blur the background. An open aperture will help us with this. The smaller the f-number, the better the background blur will be. Try to position your model away from the background, select portrait mode and shoot.

5. Expand the nature of the model. Try to make sure that the photo emphasizes the individuality of the model.

11. Slava Potalakh, portrait photographer

How to shoot black and white portraits on a smartphone? Portrait photographer Slava Potalakh's tips for shooting black and white photos:

1. Use b/w photo appropriately. Select this mode only when you are sure it will look best in monochrome.

2. Get rid of everything superfluous. To set the accent, you need to get rid of distracting details in the frame.

3. Achieve contrast. Use classical scheme: dark background and light face.

4. Use the play of light and shadow. You can create a light and shadow pattern from the objects around you.

5. Pay attention to shape, relief and texture. IN black and white photography there is no color, so pay attention to wrinkles, freckles so that they do not interfere with perception.

12. Dmitry Smelov, food photographer

How to take pictures of food with a smartphone? Smartphone food photography tips from a professional food photographer:

1. Look for good light. The table with food should be lit. At home, a window will help you; in a cafe, try to find a bright and cozy place. When shooting with flash, the food does not look so appetizing.

2. Use favorable angles. This is a shot from above, at an angle of 45 degrees and at the level of the food. Pizzas or pies should be shot from above, they turn out interesting, but drinks should be shot at an angle.

3. Shoot fast. Food loses its photogenic appearance over time: ice cream melts, coffee foam shrinks, and a friend will certainly eat the most beautiful piece of pizza.

4. Take tasty shots. To do this, you must have a camera with good color reproduction and detail.

5. Build the composition. Place large objects in the foreground and small objects in the background. Small accessories can give additional comfort to the frame: for example, cinnamon sticks, cubed sugar, coffee beans.

6. Be part of the frame. Take pictures of your hands as you stir your coffee or tear off a pizza. Try to convey the mood and atmosphere of the place in the frame.

Useful smartphone photography tutorials will help you make nice pictures even when the camera is not at hand. Enjoy and share your photos with your friends!


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In general, this is the most frequently asked question, which they ask me: “How to take a beautiful photo on the phone so that it looks like it was taken on camera?”. In this article I will say a few words about what makes a photo look “professional”, whether it is possible to take cool photos with a phone and whether it is worth it.

What makes photos look professional

I begin all articles on the topic of photography for business with a recommendation to use the most the best camera which you can afford. The better the original picture, the more options you have for processing and using the photo in the future. There are two most important factors that affect the quality of the photo you get:

    optics (lens)

    processor, camera "stuffing"

Yes, modern smartphone manufacturers talk a lot about the fact that their products are now entirely equipped with Carl Zeiss coated lenses and the coolest technologies are used. In general, this is true: now an average phone shoots better than some cameras 5-7 years ago. But the cameras are not far behind! Therefore, often, you can easily distinguish a photo taken with a phone from a frame taken by a professional camera. The problem is that, on this moment, it is physically impossible to embed a lens of such quality in the camera that would allow you to shoot on your phone and get a professional picture quality.

But, as we said, the lens is only half the battle, it is responsible for what kind of picture your device “sees”. The second half of the success is how he will process this picture, turning it into a file. The more powerful the processor, the more believable the colors will be, the less noise, the higher the image quality. Let's be honest: this part is directly proportional to the "freshness" and price of the device, this applies to cameras and smartphones. Do not count on a miracle: you yourself understand that when shooting on the iPhone 4, you will not get pictures, as with the iPhone 7.

Is it worth buying the newest smartphone to take better photos?

If you were going to buy yourself the latest iPhone anyway, great! This is a really cool device with great camera capabilities. Personally, my instagram consists almost entirely of photos from the phone. But if you look pragmatically, then for the amount you spend on this smartphone, you can buy a semi-professional camera with a good lens and take photos many times better than using a smartphone. Is it worth it to buy the latest phone just for the sake of taking pictures? - in my opinion, it is not worth it.

Of course, the phone is always at hand, you don’t need to deal with the settings in it, and you can process it right there: we agree that taking beautiful photos on the phone is easy and pleasant. If you just want to have a pretty Instagram, taking photos with your phone is enough. But if we are talking about the fact that you need to photograph products for an online store or catalog, take professional pictures for a blog, constantly shoot for social networks and in all these cases receive good quality photos, shooting with a phone will not work. There is nothing sadder than photos on the phone in an online store (even if you just sell handmade items on the VKontakte page).

So is it possible to take beautiful photos on the phone?

But what if the phone is the only camera available to you, but you still need to take photos? It must be so. Here are a few general rules how to do good photo to phone:

    Shoot in daylight only the best place for shooting - by the window or on the balcony.

    Use a reflector, with it you can highlight too dark shadows and make the photo brighter and lighter. The reflector does not have to be expensive and professional, a sheet of drawing paper or polystyrene is enough (I will talk about this in the next posts).

    Keep a distance from the subject: as a rule, the lens of a smartphone is wide-angle. On the one hand, it allows you to capture more space in the frame, on the other hand, it greatly distorts objects in the foreground. It is better to take a picture from a greater distance, and then crop (crop) the photo.

    Edit your photos before posting: modern devices enough opportunities to take a photo on the phone, if not perfect, then acceptable quality.