Designation signs on the wallpaper. Wallpaper labeling, wallpaper icon legend

The easiest way to decorate a room is to apply wallpaper. In most cases, such materials are inexpensive, and you can perform the procedure yourself. This allows you to refine the interior, and do it yourself. And here it is important to make the right choice by choosing the best materials. To do this, you need to pay attention to the conventions on the wallpaper, understanding their essence. Then the purchased materials will really suit both aesthetic and practical indicators.

You will learn about:

Why is it important to understand labeling

Designations on non-woven, paper and other wallpaper are very important. Correct decoding will allow you to correctly determine the required amount of material. Also, by marking, you can determine the method of gluing:

  • overlap;
  • end-to-end;
  • with a cut;
  • what glue to use;
  • direction of drawing.

If you do not take into account or incorrectly decode the information printed on the label, you can get a marriage, increase the time or cost of work. Therefore, it is worth figuring out what the designations on the roll have on the wallpaper.

It is very difficult to remember all these nuances, the meanings of even the most common markings of vinyl, non-woven and other wallpapers. Therefore, there is a simple recommendation. You can print a table with the decoding of the symbols that can be applied to the wallpaper roll.

Such a printout will be a kind of cheat sheet. It is also worth remembering that some manufacturers may apply their own markings that are not consistent with international standards.

Hydrophobic properties

If wallpaper is selected for use in wet conditions, the degree of resistance of the material to moisture should be considered. For example, in the kitchen, when cooking, condensation collects on the surface of the walls, fat and other contaminants settle. To avoid irreparable accumulation, as well as to be able to remove dirt without problems, without losing quality, you should use materials that can be cleaned with water or detergents.

As for the bathroom and toilet, a material with a high level of moisture resistance is suitable for these premises. You need to carefully look at the designations of the icons on the wallpaper in order to choose the one with the maximum moisture resistance, if the humidity in the room is maximum.

Despite the high indicator of moisture resistance, you need to understand that you need to wash the wallpaper covering with a minimum amount of water and funds, you should act carefully, not pressing hard so as not to damage the material. It is also recommended to promptly dry the area where cleaning was performed.

Brightness, color fastness

It is no secret that wallpapers are very often purchased in bright colors to create a special impression. However, over time, paints tend to fade, which will significantly worsen the appearance of the room. To prevent such consequences, it is recommended to pay attention to the markings applied to the roll. This parameter is called lightfastness. And the indicator should be the higher, the more natural light enters the room.

If you approach this issue carefully, you can get a fresh interior for years to come. He will have time to become boring before the appearance begins to suffer.

Children's room

Separately, it is necessary to say about the designations of icons on the wallpaper, if material is selected for such a room. For a child, you need to choose not only colorful, relevant images and colors, but also the most important thing - safe materials. They must be harmless to health. For a growing organism, this is very important, since usually a child spends a lot of time in his room, take at least a period of sleep.

In addition, it must be remembered that the child may well draw on the walls, so you need to provide material that will withstand the cleaning procedure. It is necessary to choose particularly resistant and washable products.

Symbols and their meanings

Here are a few basic designations on vinyl wallpaper for walls:

  • Water resistance is indicated by a winding line. One such wave - the remnants of glue when gluing must be removed with a damp cloth. Double line - washing can be done with a rag with the addition of simple detergents. Triple line - super washable, the surface of which is especially resistant to washing.
  • Resistance to mechanical damage - brush icon. If it is shown alone - no water is used, a brush and a winding line - you can use a wet brush. If a brush with a triple wave is drawn, it is a wear-resistant material.
  • Resistance to fading - sun icon. Half of it is a fairly lightfast material, half with a plus is relatively lightfast, only the sun is resistant, the sun with a plus and two suns is good and the highest level of lightfastness.

Other drawings make it possible to understand what kind of glue can be used, what method of gluing or removing wallpaper to use, and so on.


As you can see, a lot of materials are provided for the walls, the symbols applied to the rolls of non-woven, vinyl, paper and other wallpaper make it possible to understand their properties. This makes it possible to make a more conscious choice of the optimal material that will serve for more than one year with the necessary aesthetic and operational qualities.

Why was it necessary to make markings and markings on the wallpaper? Wallpaper is a popular finishing material that is sold in a huge assortment. There are dozens of varieties of canvases that differ not at all in the material of manufacture, but in other features. For example, moisture protection, photosensitivity. In addition, there are instructions on how to join the canvases, how to glue and remove them correctly. All this is indicated on the packaging and it is important to know what the strange symbols mean. Consider all the designations on the wallpaper and their decoding.

Graphic symbols

This is the first thing you should pay attention to before buying this or that type of wallpaper. The graphic design on the packaging consists of several small images that indicate the characteristics of the material. There are several nuances that require consideration before buying a finishing material:

  • whether the wallpaper with the selection of the pattern will be chosen, or it is not needed for the room;
  • it is enough to apply glue only to the surface of the walls or to the wallpaper too;
  • whether the indicator of protection against moisture is important, washable wallpaper is required for the kitchen or bathroom, for example, or ordinary enough for a room with optimal humidity;
  • the room is on the sunny side, whether direct sunlight falls on the walls;
  • if necessary, how difficult will it be to remove the blades after their service life?
  • focusing on the marking, which will now be deciphered, you can choose an option that satisfies all requests. So what do graphic symbols indicate?

Moisture proof

This is the first thing to pay attention to when the canvases are bought in the kitchen, bathroom or other rooms with high humidity. There are washable wallpapers on the market that can withstand cleaning with detergents. To find out all of this information, it is important to check the packaging for any badges. Their image and decoding are provided in the table.

It is logical that the signs may indicate the price of the wallpaper. The better the quality and the more signs, the higher the cost of the finishing material will be, since it will last longer and be able to withstand the negative impact.

Light resistance

There are other designations that require decoding. The image of the sun indicates the degree of burn-in of the canvases with constant exposure to direct UV rays. This is especially important for rooms on the sunny side.

Decoding with designations in the table:
These icons are very important in warm climates where the sun shines most of the year.

Docking the picture

If the pack has arrow icons, then this indicates the methods of joining the canvases. They can indicate both chaotic gluing and precise and obligatory joining of the pattern.

Decoding of images further in the table:
It is important to correctly decipher the symbols so that the pattern formed on the surface is perfectly even, beautiful and clear.

Decoding markers for applying glue

The method of gluing the canvases also plays an important role. Do you need to apply glue only to the wall or do you have to lubricate the wallpaper itself? The table will help with decoding the designation:

Decoding of signs for wallpaper installation

If there are many icons for docking and glue application, then as far as mounting technology is concerned, there is only one graphic image.


Such graphic symbols will indicate how easy it will be in the future to remove the canvases from the walls. Consider in the table what the brands mean:

Explanation of other designations

In addition to the basic or basic designations discussed above, there are additional ones. They are not present on all wallpapers, as they relate to the additional functions of the canvases. But their presence has a beneficial effect on the service life. In the table there are icons for their decoding:
These are all graphic designations and symbols. Even knowing them, you can already choose the right finishing material. But, this is not all that you need to remember when buying.

Letter marking

In addition to the picture on the packaging, a letter designation is added. They indicate the composition and other properties of the material. The letters should be there anyway. Here's what these acronyms mean:

Decoding numbers on the package

For example, let's take a package from a well-known wallpaper manufacturer. She's like this:

What do these numbers mean? The information is no less useful. The decoding is as follows:

1. Article. It indicates the code number, product design. This is appropriate, because if the batch is over, and several rolls were not enough for gluing, then it is easy to buy more of the same.

2. Batch number. Indicates the number of the production line, speaks about the change and the peculiarities of coloring. When buying rolls, it is better to choose the same batch number so that the tone does not differ, this also happens.

Size 3. Allows you to find out the width and length of strips in one roll. This is important when calculating the right amount of material per room.


A special quality is given today to environmentally friendly materials. You can't buy health. Therefore, an eco-label for wallpaper has been developed to demonstrate safety. The canvases are not only harmless to people, but also to the environment. Decoding of such images in the table:

Quality and safety

The last designation of all types of wallpaper indicates the quality and safety of the material. The table contains a transcript of this special information:

That's all you need to know about wallpaper symbols and their decoding. It remains only to decide what type of wallpaper is needed for work, go to the store and choose the appropriate option.

Wallpaper, first of all, is chosen by color and pattern - this is a very essential detail of the interior, therefore its appearance is extremely important. However, in addition to decorativeness, it is worth paying attention to the characteristics of the material. Full information about all the features is provided by the decoding of the icons on the wallpaper.

By touch and in appearance, it is far from always possible to distinguish non-woven with a vinyl top layer from vinyl or acrylic, while their properties differ markedly. For simplicity, manufacturers - Rasch, for example, designate the material on the label with letters.

  • B - paper, the most common.
  • BB - foamed vinyl, they are more voluminous, it is possible to create texture here.
  • PV is normal vinyl. Images may be different, but without a three-dimensional drawing.
  • PB - embossed, here the drawing is especially expressive.
  • STR - a structural fabric suitable for re-painting, usually on a non-woven base.
  • TCS - textile fabric made of silk, felt, linen and others.
  • STL - glass fiber wallpaper. Practically wear-resistant material.
  • A - acrylic canvas. A + - badge for special ceiling coverings that do not emit volatile substances. A + is not found on wall decoration.

Lightfastness: what the icons on the wallpaper mean

The finish reacts differently to the UV component of the luminous flux. At the same time, the very need for resistance to the action of light is different for different rooms. In a bedroom with windows facing north, where the sun is rare, high durability is not needed, which allows you to find material at a lower cost. But in a room with windows to the south, a light-resistant finish is indispensable.

  • if half the sun is drawn on the icon, this indicates sufficient stability of 3 points. This material is best used in rooms that are not exposed to direct sunlight;
  • half of the sun with a plus sign means satisfactory resistance - by 4 points;
  • if the icon shows the whole sun, then the light resistance reaches 5 points, and the decoration can be used for pasting the southern rooms;
  • sun with a plus - resistance to 6 points;
  • two suns means the maximum possible stability for a given type of finish - 7 points. Such wallpapers fade slightly in the sun and serve for a very long time. The sample can be products by Rasch companies. She is shown in the photo.

Moisture resistance

This means not so much resistance to dampness, but the possibility of one or another cleaning. Both in the bedroom and in the living room, and even more so in the kitchen, there is periodically a need for cleaning and you need to know in advance what kind of cleaning the finishing can handle.

What do the icons on the wallpaper mean in this case?

  • Two short waves is a designation for sufficient adhesion resistance. Simply put, the canvas will not creep when touched by the wallpaper glue.
  • One long wave indicates the possibility of using a damp sponge for cleaning without any special tools. You need to clean it very carefully.
  • The two waves represent washable material. This finish can be cleaned with a damp sponge without additional cleaning agents. Grease and oil stains are not removed.
  • Three-wave icon - a mild soap solution can be used when washing. Oily stains can only be removed with immediate action.
  • Wave with a thick line - you can not only wash, but even rub with a brush or use abrasive products. If oil stains are rubbed off in this way, then their treatment will lead to disappearance.
  • Three waves and a bold line - when cleaning, you can use soapy water, water, a brush, abrasive products, mild detergents. Any contamination can be cleaned under such conditions.

Wall sticker

The designation of icons on the wallpaper can also indicate the peculiarities of the sticker process itself. Manufacturers - Rasch, for example, on the label indicate the possibility of certain techniques when sticking on the wall.

The decoding of the designations is as follows:

  • the schematic representation of the brush in a horizontal position on the icon indicates that the glue should be applied to the canvas;
  • brush in an upright position - the glue is applied to the wall;
  • the image of the container means that there is already an adhesive layer on the wallpaper;
  • the arrow on the icon indicates the direction of pasting - along the arrow;
  • two arrows in one direction - a sign that the canvases are glued in the same direction;
  • two arrows in opposite directions - the canvases are glued towards each other;
  • a short arrow with a horizontal line is a rather rare type of canvas that is glued horizontally to the floor.
  • an arrow, a vertical bar and a zero on the icon means that you do not need to join the picture;
  • two arrows opposite each other - the canvases need to be joined, but the drawing goes without shifting;
  • arrows at different levels - designation that the docking must be offset in order for the picture to match;
  • if specific numbers are indicated on the label, then they are taken into account when offset. The first is the step of the drawing, the second is the offset of the second canvas;
  • the combination of two bold horizontal lines and a thin vertical line indicates the need for an overlap of the canvas.

Removing trim

  • On the badges of many manufacturers, you can also find such information. Deciphering it is not difficult.
    Schematic representation of stripes - the finish is removed dry.
  • The schematic representation of the wall and the detachable sheet indicates that this finish can be removed without leaving any residues dry.
  • The same icon, but with a watering can - remove the canvas after wetting with water.
  • If a part of the finish is removed on the diagram, then in reality the upper layer of the canvas can be removed from the lower one.

They are guided by their composition and appearance. It is known that non-woven fabrics are durable and can often be painted. In practice, everything is a little more complicated, already at the stage of searching for wallpapers with a certain composition, a surprise may await you: not all manufacturers write the composition in words, only a couple of letters and signs can be indicated on a roll. If you know what these conventions mean, you will clearly understand how the material will behave in operation, how to glue and remove it.

Wallpaper composition

Let's start with the basics - the composition. It can be designated by 2-3 Cyrillic letters. Knowing the main types of wallpaper, it is not difficult to understand what these letters mean:

  • B - paper.
  • A - acrylic.
  • BB, PV and RV - foamed, flat and embossed vinyl.
  • STR - structural paintable.
  • TCS - textile.
  • STL - glass fiber wallpaper.

The designations on the wallpaper can also help you figure out what kind of material in front of you: a thick vertical line and two thin curved lines indicate two-layer embossed canvases.


Lightfastness level legends are easy to distinguish from others because the sun is drawn on them. You only need to figure it out with the decryption:

  • Half of the sun disk is poor light fastness. This material is suitable for the walls of rooms in which there is almost no daylight.
  • The plus half of the solar disk is average. The material will moderately fade in the sun, not suitable for rooms that are illuminated by the sun almost all day.
  • It's just that the sun is high.
  • Sun plus - very high.
  • Two suns - super high (rare).

With the choice, everything is simple, if this is a hallway to which sunlight hardly reaches, then you can take a finish with poor light fastness. with large windows facing the south, it is definitely better to look for canvases with high and very high lightfastness, others will burn out in a few years.

Moisture resistance

It depends on how the wallpaper interacts with moisture whether it will be possible to wash them and with what intensity. There are five conventions, as well as with lightfastness:

  • One wavy line - does not tolerate moisture at all.
  • Two wavy lines -. They can be wiped off dust with a damp sponge, no more.
  • The three wavy lines are super washable. In addition to a damp sponge, you can use detergents.
  • Single wave and brush - abrasion resistant.
  • Three waves and a brush - super resistant to rubbing.

From these designations on the wallpaper, one can partially conclude about their strength. But this parameter also has its own icon: two vertical lines (thick - wall, thin - wallpaper) and a hammer. Such symbols are placed on impact-resistant canvases.

Installation, pattern adjustment, dismantling

Wallpaper marking includes designations informing how to properly glue the wallpaper, adjust the pattern and correctly remove the canvas when the time comes for the next repair. In gluing technology, the most important thing is the way the glue is applied. On a roll about this, you can find one of three signs:

  • Roll and brush - the glue is applied to the canvas.
  • Vertical line and brush - the glue is applied to the wall.
  • A container with water in which the roll is lowered - the glue has already been applied to the canvas, it only needs to be moistened.

Next - fitting the picture. It is not always easy to understand from the pattern how to fit the sheets to each other. Manufacturers provide an answer to this by labeling wallpaper. The designations look like arrows indicating how the sheets should be positioned in relation to each other. The decoding is as follows:

  • One up arrow - all sheets are glued in the same direction.
  • Two vertical arrows, one pointing up, the other down - every second sheet must be turned 180 °.
  • Two horizontal arrows located at the same level - direct picture overlay.
  • Two horizontal arrows located at different levels - the drawing will need to be shifted to align.
  • Arrow horizontal and zero - the drawing does not need to be adjusted.

These are not all wallpaper icons regarding docking. There is one more: two parallel horizontal lines and one vertical. It means that for an inconspicuous joining, the wallpaper should be glued with an overlap, and then cut along the seam.

To illustrate the features of removing the coating, there are three signs, they all show the wall (thick vertical line), wallpaper (thin vertical line) and, in fact, installation features:

  • There is a brush between the wallpaper and the wall - it means that they need to be moistened before removing.
  • An arrow is drawn next to the wallpaper - the entire layer of wallpaper is removed without wetting.
  • The wallpaper line is divided into two - the material is removed in layers. The layer remaining on the wall can be used as a base for new wallpaper.

If you are looking for wallpaper for walls in a public space, look for rolls with a crossed fire icon. It is installed in cases where the canvases have a flame-resistant coating.

For the rest, except for the icons on the wallpaper, be sure to make sure that the batch number and article number on all rolls match. In different batches, the color of the rolls may differ slightly, it is difficult to notice in the store, but in daylight the difference will be very noticeable.

When choosing wallpaper, we are mainly guided by color, beautiful pattern and pattern. Whenever possible, we prefer more expensive and high quality samples. We understand the main types, such as: paper, vinyl, non-woven. This is where the basic knowledge of wallpaper and the methods of pasting them is over for most. And, in principle, this knowledge is quite enough. But for a more competent selection of wallpaper in specific rooms, determining their exact number and other parameters, it is necessary to understand the labeling - the symbols on the packaging of the tubes.

By marking, the manufacturer identifies the main characteristics, such as the width of the web, moisture resistance, the method and conditions of the sticker, and resistance to sunlight.

Type designation letters

The following letter designations exist:

  • A- acrylic;
  • B- paper;
  • BB- foamed vinyl;
  • PV- flat vinyl;
  • PB- embossed vinyl;
  • TCS—Textile wallpaper;
  • PAGE- structural wallpaper for painting;
  • STL- glass wallpaper.

When choosing the type of wallpaper for specific rooms, be guided by the following recommendations.

  • B, A, VV, PV, RV, STR, STL- for the hallway, corridor;
  • B, A, VV, PV, TKS, STR, STL- for living rooms;
  • B, A, VV, PV, TKS, STR, STL- for the bedroom;
  • B, VV, STR, STL- for a children's room;
  • VV, PV, RV, STR, STL- for kitchen;
  • RV, STL- for the bathroom;
  • BB, STR, STL- for the ceiling.
  • PV, RV, STR, STL- for cafes;
  • VV, PV, STR, STL- for office premises;
  • VV, PV, STR, STL- for schools;
  • B, VV, STR, STL- for kindergartens;
  • STR, STL- for medical institutions.

Graphic marking

Graphic designations characterize wallpaper according to the following parameters:

  • Glue application method:
  • Selection (fitting) of the picture:
No need to adjust the drawing
Line drawing, horizontal docking
Stepped docking, diagonal docking
The arrow indicates the position of the pattern towards the ceiling (for patterns that are difficult to read)
Each next strip must be glued in the opposite direction.
Figure height in centimeters (numerator); when pasting wallpaper, shift it by half the height (or by that distance in centimeters, which will be indicated in the denominator)
Drawing height in centimeters
The wallpaper is glued with an overlap and an incision is made, after which the cut sections are removed, forming an even joint (this is how photo wallpaper can be glued)
  • Fade Resistance:
Sufficiently lightfast
Very good light fastness
High light fastness
  • Water resistance:
Waterproof during processing (you can wipe the wallpaper with a sponge at the time of gluing, fresh glue spots can be removed with a damp sponge)
Resistant to wet processing (light dirt can be removed from the wallpaper with a wet sponge)
Highly resistant to wet processing (wallpaper can be washed with detergents)
Resistant to mechanical stress (wallpaper can be washed with detergents and a brush)
Wallpaper highly resistant to mechanical stress
  • Removal method:
  • Other designations:

Examples of working with labels on packaging

Having considered the main letter and graphic designations on the wallpaper, as a conclusion, we will deal with some subtleties, the knowledge of which will serve you well in choosing and determining the required amount of material:

  • When choosing expensive and high-quality wallpaper, give preference to wide (1.05 m) non-woven wallpaper. They are glued easily and relatively quickly. And the joints will be half as much as when using standard half-meter pipes.
  • Before buying, calculate the length of all walls (excluding windows and doors). For example, if the room is 3 meters by 6 meters, then the length of the walls (perimeter) is 18 meters. Accordingly, the number of strips required is 18 (meter wallpaper) and 36 (half meter). Further, the resulting amount is multiplied by the height of the walls (for example, 2.8 meters). 18 * 2.8 = 50.4 (meters). 36 * 2.8 = 100.8 (meters). The common tube length is 10 meters. Accordingly, 5 meter tubes without pattern selection will be required - 5 pieces (50.4 / 10), and half-meter tubes - 10 pieces.
  • For straight horizontal joining of wallpaper, pay attention to the height of the pattern on the package (graphic marking). For example, the height of the picture is 60 cm. The height of the wall is 2.8 m (280 cm). Therefore, on one strip of wallpaper glued to the wall, the pattern will be repeated completely 4 times (4 * 60 = 240) and partially 40 cm (280-240 = 40 cm). Therefore, before cutting the next sheet, you must remove 20 cm of the sheet. Since this part refers to the first sheet, which lacks 20 cm for a complete repetition of the drawing (40 + 20 = 60 cm). To make it clearer, you can initially prepare sheets of 300 cm. (5 * 60 = 300 cm. Cm.), And then cut off the extra 20 cm (300-280 = 20 cm.). Accordingly, from one tube of wallpaper (10 m.) You get 3 strips of 280 cm, 2 pieces of 20 cm and one piece of 120 cm.
  • In case of stepped (diagonal) joining, we also look at the packaging for the height of the picture and the height of the offset (for example, 60/30). Based on the example discussed above, the first sheet must be cut with a length of 330 cm, of which 280 cm will be on the wall, 20 cm - the remainder, and 30 cm - offset. Accordingly, one tube of wallpaper (10 m.) Will produce 3 strips of 280 cm each .. 2 pieces of 50 cm each and one piece of 60 cm ..
  • Be sure to check each tube using the above tips, as the pattern location is not always the same. And moving on to the next tube, cut off any excess wallpaper (if necessary) to bring the pattern in line with the previous tube.