Hand position in reiki therapy. Full Reiki treatment session

Perhaps, during Reiki sessions, you sometimes noticed that in some places on the body you want not just to put your palm on it, but to rub this place or tap it with the edge of your palm. Be sure to listen to these intuitive prompts and take those actions that come to mind. In this article we will look at possible options effects on the patient's body during a Reiki session, except for the application of palms.

During a Reiki session, energy comes from the healer's body, from his eyes, mouth and hands. Therefore, you can transmit Reiki energy through your palms - by laying hands, stroking, patting or pressing on problem areas, and you can also transmit Reiki with your eyes, focusing your gaze on the desired place on the body, or blowing energy through your mouth.

Your intuition, which certainly develops with practice, will tell you which method of Reiki transmission to apply in each specific situation. Also, over time, your trust in the Reiki energy grows, and you allow your hands to follow freely and together with the Reiki energy, make those gestures and movements that are required in a specific situation for a specific person.

Almost all of the techniques listed below can be used already at the first stage of Reiki, but as practice shows, such intuitive influence becomes part of Reiki sessions more often after the second or third stage.

1. Uchi-te or Tapping Technique

This technique is used in cases where it is necessary to stimulate the surface of the body for better penetration of Reiki, for example, in cases of numbness in certain areas of the body. It helps eliminate energy build-up and improve its circulation.

Lightly tap with one palm the places where you want to promote the flow of energy. Then place your palms on this area and give Reiki. While patting, your palm can be folded into a boat.

For example, you can clap up and down the patient's legs for a short time, and then transfer Reiki to the legs in the required positions.

Before starting a Reiki session, you can very gently and rhythmically pat the entire energy field of the patient at a distance of several centimeters from the surface of the body.

2. Technique Nade-te or Stroking

Stroking is used to distribute energy evenly throughout the body. You can stroke both on the patient’s body and above the body, at a distance of several centimeters from its surface.

Stroking is performed:

  • from top to bottom: in the direction from the shoulders to the fingers, from the waist to the toes, from the crown to the feet;
  • in a circle: from head to feet and back.

On the back, you can carry out circular strokes in this way: first, make clockwise circles on the right side of the spine, and then make counterclockwise circles on the left side of the spine.

You can use stroking at the end of the entire session, or during the session, for example, after finishing transferring Reiki energy to the shoulders and arms, stroke from the shoulders to the fingers on both hands.

3. Pressure

Pressure is applied with the fingertips, the entire hand or the base of the palm. This technique also stimulates and improves energy circulation and is suitable for areas of the body that require relaxation.

When applying pressure with your fingers, use your index and middle fingers, connected to each other. Press your fingertips into the problematic (stressed) area, placing your fingers on the muscle, not the bone. For example, on the muscles of the shoulders or neck, in the abdomen or solar plexus. Send Reiki through your fingers.

When applying pressure with the entire hand or the base of the palm, also place the hand on the muscles, apply pressure gently and rhythmically, and be very attentive to the patient’s sensations.

4. Vibration or rocking

This method is good for relaxing the whole body or individual parts, it stimulates and improves energy circulation.

You can use vibration or rocking of the entire body before starting a Reiki session. To do this, stand near the patient’s head, place your palms on his shoulders, gently, often, with minimal amplitude, press on the body, thereby starting the vibration. After this, you can begin to swing the body to the right and left, also with a minimum amplitude.

Vibration or rocking can also be used during a session when you see that there is significant tension in some part of the body. For example, you can rock or vibrate the muscles in your thighs or lower legs while placing your palms on those areas.

5. Gyoshi-Ho technique or Gaze Treatment

It is common for us to send energy through our eyes, but this technique teaches us to use it much more effectively. First you need to practice performing this technique on a houseplant:

  • Hold the flower in your hand or place it on the table at a distance of up to half a meter at eye height.
  • Relax your eyes, unfocus your gaze and begin to look at the flower as if you were looking through or behind it. After a moment, you will notice that your vision becomes peripheral and covers almost 180 degrees.
  • Let the image of the flower enter you. After a while you will become aware of a very subtle form of breathing, which is done through the eyes and which is associated with your normal inhalation and exhalation.

Do the exercise every day for ten minutes until you feel that you can use it to treat a person.

How to perform Gyoshi-Ho:

  • Allow your eyes to relax and unfocus as if you are looking through the area. For several minutes, direct your gaze to the area in need of treatment. Remember that it is not necessary to “actively look”, but to let the image enter your eyes.
  • Imagine that the Reiki energy is transferred along with your gaze. Allow the energy to flow freely for several minutes.
  • You can also project Reiki symbols onto the area to be healed.

Eye treatment is effective in situations where for some reason it is undesirable to touch the body, for example, in cases of damage to the skin, tissue or bones.

6. Kokyu-Ho technique or Breathing Therapy

If you feel heat in your chest, mouth or nose during a Reiki session, this may mean that energy needs to be transferred through the breath in that area. This method is used for those places where increased energy exposure is required, for example, in places chronic diseases. This technique is also useful, like eye treatment, in situations where for some reason touching the body is undesirable.

How to perform Kokyu-Ho:

  1. Inhale deeply through your nose and draw the air into the tanden. Hold it there for a few seconds and draw the Cho-Ku-Rei power symbol on the upper palate with your tongue.

    What a tanden is and how to find it is described in detail in the article in the description of the Joshin Kokyu-Ho technique.

  2. Exhale gently onto the area being treated. It is also useful to mentally imagine the Cho-Ku-Rei symbol as you exhale. As you exhale, your arms can be lowered freely along your body, or you can place your palms around the area into which you will exhale.
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 several more times, following your intuition.

In the Japanese Reiki tradition "Reiki Ryoho Gakkai" there are no required positions for the laying on of hands. This has deep roots going back to the psychology of the Japanese. For Western Reiki, corresponding hand positions have been developed, of which there are usually 12-15, called basic ones. I bring to your attention a complex developed by the German Reiki master Iris Haaf.

Hands are folded into a boat and placed on the face (1st position), then the hands are transferred to the temples (2nd position), ears (3rd position), back of the head (4th position), throat (5th position), above the chest (6th position), under chest (7th position), one hand above the navel, the other below the navel (8th position), groin (9th position), knees (10th position), t-position on the chest (11th position).

Drawings by artist Pavel Gerasimenko.

Original hand positions by Mikao Usui

1. ZENTO-BU - the upper part of the forehead along the hairline.
2. SOKUTO-BU - simultaneous impact on both sides of the head.
3. KOTO-BU - upper part of the back of the head.
4. ENZUI-BU - upper part of the neck, base of the skull.
5. TOTE-BU - upper part of the head.
Any healing process in Reiki begins with hand positions on the head. Mikao Usui attached great importance to this and most often treated people by performing only head treatment positions. The five positions described above should be treated for half an hour. Then come the positions necessary to help a specific person. More detailed conversation this will be discussed below.
During the treatment of the first position, you can add Nentatsu Ho (mental positive affirmation).


Initially, the teachings of Reiki did not contain explanations regarding the positions of the hands during treatment. People who practiced spiritual and energy practices, completely trusted their hands during healing sessions. Mikao Usui himself treated people, most often only performing positions on the patient's head. However, having set ourselves the task of conveying sacred knowledge to as many people as possible, he faced certain difficulties. People far from such practices could not immediately determine where they should put their hands to transfer the healing energy of Reiki. Therefore, for beginners, Mikao Usui developed a system of laying on hands during healing sessions, which were included in his reference book on hand positions for the treatment of specific diseases (“Ryoho Shishin”).
The technique of laying on hands is the same for everyone. It is necessary to ensure that both the patient and the healer are comfortable. According to classical Japanese canons, the healer sits to the left of the patient, always facing him. Hands are applied easily and freely, without additional pressure, they seem to rest on the human body. The Reiki energy emitted from the healer's palm centers is naturally absorbed by the patient's body. In some cases (impact on vertebrae, certain points, etc.) only fingers, most often the index and middle ones, are used to transfer energy. Hand movements of the human body are made strictly from top to bottom, helping energy flow freely through the channels and meridians. There are early writings by Mikao Usui in which he refers to examples from Chinese medicine. The main direction of treatment for Mikao Usui was the gallbladder meridian.
Traditional Japanese Reiki (the lineage of David King, a student of Tatsumi who graduated from the school of Chujiro Hayashi), for example, teaches seven basic hand positions located along important points of many meridians, which allows energy to flow smoothly throughout the body.
First position: treatment of eyes and facial sinuses. The meridians of the gallbladder, bladder and stomach originate in the eye area. Each of them runs throughout the body to the very feet. The points of the meridians of the large intestine, small intestine, three parts of the body, and the internal passage of the liver meridian are also suitable for this area.
Second position: treatment of temples. In this area, parts of the meridians of the gallbladder, three aunts of the torso, stomach and small intestine are covered with the palms.
Third position: back of the head. At the back of the head, where the meridians of the gallbladder, bladder and posterior median meridian pass, tension is relieved from a person, and he, as a rule, falls asleep peacefully.
Fourth position: shoulders. The shoulder area contains mainly Yang energy, passing to and from the head. Here the meridians of the gallbladder, bladder, small intestine, colon, stomach and three parts of the body are affected.
Fifth position: on the collarbones. Many Yin meridians pass through this area. Here the meridians of the gallbladder, stomach, colon, the internal passage of the meridians of the lungs, three parts of the body, small intestine and spleen are affected. The kidney meridian ends here.
Sixth position: bottom ribs. Working on the area of ​​the liver and stomach, we work with the exit of the liver meridian, which originates on the right leg. Here on the right is the gallbladder meridian. On the left are the meridians of the kidneys, stomach, spleen - pancreas, the internal passage of the meridian of the lungs and large intestine.
Seventh position: kidneys. By working on the kidney area and sacrum on the back, we work with the meridian of the gallbladder and bladder.
These hand positions are quite enough for a healing session, for harmonization internal energy, establishing balance between all body systems and activating all vital processes. It is also permissible to carry out these actions with the patient sitting on a chair.
However, when learning, the student in any case carefully “listens” to his hands. They can tell you a lot - first of all, about whether you should stay in a certain place or whether it’s time to move on. Having acquired the sensitivity of the hands and complete trust in them, the Reiki healer no longer strictly follows the prescribed scheme for conducting the session. He only performs hand positions when treating the head and then trusts his hands. Reiki is an intuitive system, so neither Mikao Usui, nor Chujiro Hayashi, nor other students of Usui taught specific hand positions for a general Reiki session. This practice became widespread only in the West.
In order to learn to scan and determine the imbalance of energy in the body, there are Usui Reiki Ryoho techniques such as Reiji and Byosen, mastery of which determines a person’s readiness to move to the next level of training.


At Chujiro Hayashi's clinic, eight beds were staffed by two healers. For these purposes, a special style of pair work was developed. In Japan, this method is still used in schools focused on the teachings of Chujiro Hayashi.

1. Healer A: 3 and 6 chakras; Healer B: 2nd and 3rd chakras
2. A: crown of the head; B: heels
3. A: whiskey; B: upper arch of the foot
4. A: throat; B: toes
5. A: shoulders; B: front part of the lower leg
6. A: shoulder joints; B: knees
7. A: clavicles and thymus; B: hips
8. A: stomach and liver; B: side surface pelvis and hips

9. A: back of the head, Atlas; B: heels
10- A: neck; B: midfoot
11. A: shoulders; B: ankles
12. A: shoulder joints; B: calves
13. A: elbows; B: back of knees
14. A: shoulder blades from the shoulders; B: back of thighs
15. A: bottom of the shoulder blades; B: lateral surface of the pelvis and thigh

A and B place their hands on the sacrum area.

When performing Reiki treatments on people, three areas of the body are targeted for healing: the head, the front of the body, and the back of the body. In each area, four to five positions are defined, which are called “Main Positions” for treatment. Reiki healing is performed through these positions in order, from top to bottom.

Front of the face:

Make sure your hands are not touching your eyes (this is often uncomfortable for the client). If your hands tend to get clammy, place a cloth or napkin over your eyes.
Treatment assistance: 6th chakra Third eye. Face, frontal sinuses, ear, nose and throat, hormonal imbalances and all kinds of lymphatic diseases.
Relaxing the eyes leads to relaxation of the whole body. Helps with colds. Improves concentration and balance. Reduces stress. Promotes the growth of spirituality, sharpens intuition.

On the sides of the face:
Palms are located on the sides of the head next to the temples

Treatment assistance: stress, fatigue, headache, problems related to the pituitary gland, immune defense, hormone imbalance, nerves. Mental and emotional problems, concentration, etc.
The Reiki energy received by the patient in this position harmonizes both hemispheres of the brain and improves memory. Eliminates headaches. Reduces stress. Expands consciousness. Improves intuition.

The palms are located on the sides of the head next to the ears.

Treatment assistance: ear, nose and throat, colds, balance, hearing problems.
The ears have many acupuncture points, and activating these points with the help of Reiki energy relieves many problems.
The Reiki energy received by the patient in this position calms, creates a feeling of comfort, and affects the entire body. Particularly useful for ear pain and in relieving cold and flu symptoms.

Back of the head:
Hands under your head - so that your head lies as if “in a bowl” from your hands

Treatment assistance: stress, anxiety, headaches, colds, problems of the brain, neck and back, spine, cerebellum.
The Reiki energy received by the patient in this position improves speech abilities, visual vision and color sensitivity. Normalizes weight. Reduces nervous tension. Improves creativity. Frees you from fears. Improves insight and broadens horizons.

Hold your hands so that they form a “tent” over your throat. Don't touch it rlu, yes how unpleasant this will be for most people.

Treatment assistance: 5 Chakra Throat, thyroid, parathyroid, thymus glands. Anxiety and disability, problems with communication and the ability to express oneself.
The Reiki energy received by the patient in this position improves blood and lymph circulation, the condition of the throat, thyroid and parathyroid glands, blood pressure, and metabolism. Brings confidence, peace, stability, pleasure and happiness. Improves creativity, self-expression and communication skills. Use it also for metabolic disorders and to normalize weight.

Upper chest.
Keep your hands above your collarbones and sternum.

Treatment assistance: lung area, thymus gland, throat, asthma, allergies.

Chest area.
Keep your arms above and below your chest

Treatment assistance: 4 Chakras. Heart, thymus, lungs, asthma, allergies, circulation problems, immune system, emotional problems etc.
The Reiki energy received by the patient in this position improves and strengthens the immune system (thymus gland). Normalizes blood pressure in the heart and blood vessels, stimulates lymph circulation. Heals the lungs. Brings confidence and restores mental balance, reduces stress, improves perception. Increases the ability to love and enjoy life.

Lower chest or upper abdomen.
Keep your hands close to your solar plexus

Treatment assistance: 3 Chakra. Solar plexus, lungs, pancreas, liver, spleen, gallbladder, digestive problems, stress, anxiety, nervousness, control, etc.
The Reiki energy received by the patient in this position improves healing of the liver, stomach, gallbladder, spleen, and digestive system; the feeling of fear decreases. Treatment in this position relieves anxiety, fears and stress. Relaxation, calm, harmony, tuning in to energy higher dimensions.

Abdomen area.
Keep your hands in the middle of your stomach, just above or fashionably at navel level.

Treatment assistance: 2 Chakra. Digestive organs, liver, spleen, kidneys, adrenal glands. Depression, emptiness, problems with feeling happy.
The Reiki energy received by the patient in this position improves healing of the liver, pancreas, gallbladder, spleen, and colon. Stress reactions are reduced. The patient gets rid of anxiety and feelings of dissatisfaction and becomes more self-confident.

Hands on pubic bones. Your hands should form an angle so that they are slightly touched the groin. Do not touch an intimate area if you are working with a patient and not with yourself!!!

Treatment assistance: 1st and 2nd Chakras. Reproductive systems, testes, ovaries, kidneys, adrenal glands, urinary and sexual problems. Physical and emotional fatigue.
The Reiki energy received by the patient in this position improves healing of the large and small intestines, bladder, and genitals. The abdominal organs, intestines, bladder and urethra respond well to treatment in this position. Use it in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system, digestive system, and back pain.


Neck, shoulders.
Hands on the neck.

Treatment assistance: neck and shoulders. Stress, headache.
Reiki energy received by the patient m in this position improves treatment of the back of the neck, cervical vertebrae and shoulder muscles. Wellness in this area helps relieve muscle tension in the shoulders, eliminate back and neck pain, relax, release blocked emotions and relieve tension due to a sense of responsibility.

Upper back.
Hands on shoulder blades.

Treatment assistance: heart and lung area, protective instincts, ability to express feelings, depression.
The Reiki energy received by the patient in this position improves and normalizes the functioning of the thymus gland, heart, and lungs. I heal diseases associated with disorders in the thoracic spine, spinal column and nervous system. Tension is reduced.

Lumbar spine.
Hands approximately in the middle of the back above the kidneys.

Treatment assistance: stress, allergies, relationship problems. The area of ​​the heart and lungs, kidneys, adrenal glands, diaphragm.
This position heals the kidneys, adrenal glands, and lumbar spine, relieves nervous tension, eliminates back pain, and increases self-esteem and self-confidence.

Lower spine, tailbone.
Hands on the lower back, below the waist.

Treatment assistance: 1 Chakra, pelvic area, reproductive system, digestive system, etc. Relationships and emotional problems.
In this position, the genital organs, digestive system, sciatic nerve, bones of the lower body - at the bottom of the spine, in the area of ​​the coccyx and pubic bone - are healed. Used for disorders of the nervous system.

Additional position for equalizing energy.
One hand on the neck, the other hand on the tailbone.

Energy alignment. Chakras 1-5. Balancing and removing blocks. Consolidation of the received energy.

Popliteal cavities.
One hand just above the knee, the other hand under the knee. Treat each knee separately.

Treatment assistance: Knee damage. Headache, congestion in the neck. Energy blockage in the lower body.
This position is good for treating all parts of the knee joint. You can also place your hands on the front and sides of your knee.

Ankles and ankles.
Keep your hands in the position that is most comfortable for you. Treat each leg separately.

Treatment assistance: Energy blockage, problems with the neck and throat, thyroid and lymph nodes. Problems in the pelvic area.

Soles of feet.
One hand above the foot, the other hand on the sole. Treat every leg separately.

Treatment assistance: The legs contain reflex zones for all organs in the body. All organs and chakras will be covered.

You can also place your hands on both feet at once or on the heels or closer to the toes.

Treatment assistance: In these positions, the acupuncture points of the foot are stimulated. This position is also used to improve the patient’s connection with the energy of the Earth.

Self-session technique:
Before the session, invoke Reiki by saying silently or out loud (whichever is more convenient for you) the word “Reiki” (you can do it several times). You can also turn to the Highest with a request to help you, But, after calling reiki, for example:

    I ask the Supreme teachers, supreme beings and all higher powers to help me fully and faithfully accept a reiki session
    I ask my Higher Self to allow me to fully and faithfully accept (perform) a reiki session

At the end of the session, thank Reiki and the Supreme Ones. If you do not feel Reiki right away, then try not to direct your thoughts to trying to feel or imagine how it should feel for you, but just continue to observe - the energy works in any case, regardless of the sensations and their presence. All sensations are just physical responses that are individual for everyone and may be absent altogether. Once again, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that Reiki energy does not depend on sensations and is in no way tied to them.

The session starts from the head and moves towards the feet, first from the front of the body, and then continues from the head to the feet from the back. Hold each position until the energy sensations that appear stop, usually about five minutes (although everything is individual, and regardless of the sensations, you should not overexert yourself, five minutes for a position is more than enough, otherwise, trust yourself).

We work with the front side of the body:

1 . Place your hands gently over your eyes, cupping them slightly without pressing (see Figure 1).
2 . Place your hands on either side of your face with your thumbs under your ears and your palms covering your cheeks. As an additional or alternative (optional) position, the hands can also be placed so that the palms cover the temples, the thumbs are over the ears, and the middle fingers are lightly touching on the top of the head (see Fig. 2).
3 . Place your hands on the back of your head, cupping the occipital edge (see Figure 3).
4 . Place your hands on your throat, as if clasping it on both sides, but without pressing. If, when you put your hands on your throat, a panic reaction appears (it is less likely when working with yourself), place your hands on your collarbones (see Fig. 4).
5 . Place your hands on the breast bone, or even on the chest if healing is needed there (see Fig. 5).
6 . This position is in the solar plexus area. Place your arms in opposite directions with your fingers on your lower ribs. Anatomically yours right hand is located over your liver and gallbladder, and the left one is over your pancreas, spleen and stomach (see Fig. 6).
7 . Move to the middle of the abdomen at the level of the lower back (see Fig. 7). Then even lower, covering the pelvic bones.
8 . Place your hands on the center of your lower abdomen, one above the other, just above your pubic bone. If you want, you can grab the genital area (see Fig. 8).

Additional positions for full development :
9 . Place your hands on your knees.
10 . Then move to the front of your ankles.
11 . Place each hand on the corresponding foot, or both hands on one foot and then the other.

Now move to the back.

Working on the back of the body:

1 . If you wish, you can place your hands on the parietal chakra or even repeat two positions (see Fig. 2 and 3).
2 . Place your hands on the back of your neck or on the large muscles in your back between your neck and shoulders (see Figure 9).
3 . Place your hands below the shoulder blades, at the level of the Anahata chakra (see Fig. 10).
4 . Then move lower to the middle of the back, this position covers the Manipura chakra (see Fig. 11).
5 . Put your hands on bottom part back, on the sacrum (see Fig. 12).

Additional items:
6 . Place your hands on the back of your knees.
7 . Place your hands on the backs of the ice cubes.
8 . Place your hands on the soles of both feet.

These are the basic positions for both self-treatment and for treating other people (for more information, see post #2 of this topic). But this does not mean that you must do all 20 and in that order. Always listen to yourself, if something tells you to skip a position, swap them - do it, don’t be afraid. You can do no wrong. For the first time, do several full sessions, study these positions, then you will understand what, how and where you need it. In addition, you can use the location of the chakras as positions for healing.




Hand positions for Reiki healing

In addition to intuitive treatment, Reiki also uses a certain sequence of hand positions during a full treatment session.

Firstly, it is convenient for students of the first stage of Reiki, who do not yet have a very good feel for where to put their hands and how long to hold.

Secondly, in the case when you need to conduct a general healing session and fill your entire body with Reiki energy.

When performing Reiki sessions on people, there are three areas of the body for healing: the head, the front of the body, and the back of the body. In each area, four to five positions are identified, which are called “Basic Treatment Positions.” Reiki healing is performed on these positions in order, from the head to the feet.

(Naturally, there are many more positions. In fact, any place on the human body can be called a “position” for healing).



Strengthens the functions of the 6th chakra with purpose best direction energies in the internal and external energy system, which in turn coordinates the harmonious interaction of all cells, organs, and functions of the body systems, as well as the coordination of a person’s lifestyle with his life plans and the constructive, harmonious interaction of various aspects of the personality. Better functioning of the stomach meridian, which passes through the eyes, promotes more effective solution problems, the ability to find and implement in practice increases creative solutions at all levels. Resistance to stress increases and, indirectly, self-image improves.


Balances the two hemispheres of the brain, so feelings and intellect begin to work together. This improves self-healing, learning ability, and a holistic approach to life. It becomes easier to relax and your ability to concentrate improves. The flexibility of ideas and the ability of our consciousness to allow different points of view and ways of perception and to treat them tolerantly are regulated. Developing a more holistic approach to the situation.


The body's ability to absorb Reiki increases. The position provides the opportunity to receive Reiki for the balance organs and individual parts of the brain - the zone that controls human behavior in stressful situations according to fixed behavior patterns. Promotes relaxation and improves perceptual abilities.


It becomes easier to free yourself from blocked energies and harmonize your habits. The neck serves as a link between intellect and emotions. These two poles must meet to ensure vitality, the ability to evolve, and holistic healing. Greater relaxation is achieved, which helps relieve stress, and needs are better formulated. Treatment of the 5th chakra helps to release subtle energies. Another important function is associated with the entire speech apparatus, artistic and aesthetic abilities, balance, with the individual expression of the divine spark in depth human being.


Impact on the medulla oblongata, normalization of many subconscious functions of the body. At the base of the skull, Reiki promotes the smooth flow of information between the 6th chakra and the rest of the energy system. This position treats the area responsible for regulating body temperature. There is a strong relaxation.


By stimulating liver function, Reiki can help release blocked energies, as well as improve detoxification, digestion, waste removal, overall stress resistance and overall vitality. A well-functioning liver provides the body with strength and the mind with confidence and motivation to take action. The physical basis for liver dysfunction is often depression and depressed mood. Heals different kinds headaches associated with fears, feelings of powerlessness and helplessness, as well as with practical thinking.


On a physical level, the spleen is responsible for removing mucus from the body; that's why she plays important role in the treatment of cancer. Associated with thinking, doubt, weighing and lack of charisma in a blocked state. Unites analysis and synthesis, connects the 3rd chakra with its tasks - digestion, strength, analysis, setting boundaries, self-defense, ego function and fears. In addition, it includes the 4th chakra with its tasks of social environment and grouping.
This position has a harmonizing effect on the ability to maintain relationships.

STOMACH (above and below the navel)

Reiki for the abdominal area, including the Haar (the center of balance of the human being and connection with certain sources of spiritual energy) and the 3rd chakra, strengthens the functions of the ego in the body, as well as its ability to set limits and the ability to assimilate in all senses. In addition, it supports relaxation, a sense of focus, inner peace, the ability to cope with emotional stress and overall vitality. People can have problems if they are not able to open up appropriately and set boundaries in a constructive, harmonious way.


The heart has the ability to receive and create resonance, to say “yes”, to open up to groups and the ability to fully devote itself to tasks and other people. The function of establishing boundaries that do not allow qualitatively or quantitatively harmful influences ensures necessary basis for a person's interest in other people. After establishing boundaries, a person opens up and stays with other human beings on a social and mental level, which is a preparation for physically oriented activities.
Among other things, the position treats the thymus gland, which is energy level directs the liver's forces to the body. The thymus gland is important for maintaining youth, vitality, physical and mental freshness. If the heart is healthy, then the thymus gland is healthy. Reiki in this position benefits the 4th chakra with its themes of love, acceptance, family, synthesis and social responsibility.
The lungs are the organ of final exchange with the outside world. They create the individual's attitude towards the natural process of giving and taking, as well as the child's ability to perceive the love of his parents, especially his mother.


This area is most important for developing vitality and joy in life, as well as creativity and a deep sense of connection with other beings on a physical level. This position also includes the greatest creative abilities of the human being: the ability to reproduce offspring with all the systems of energetic and material functions associated with it. In addition, the engine of the human being is located in the 2nd chakra, which allows us to achieve our greatest achievements - and enjoy them. This engine is the joy of living, playing and creating, the joy of meeting other people. Unlike the will (which requires self-discipline from us, its task is to force us to overcome our natural inertia in order to ensure our survival and advancement through meaningful actions), pleasure and joy make it possible for our body to achieve amazing relaxation, long-lasting and very effective.
Therefore, the pelvic area is associated with enormous energies that make it possible to perform actions, survive and experience deep connection with other people. Guilt resides in the colon. And it is to some extent connected with the lungs and is very important for the functioning of the lymphatic system and the protection of the body. The organs involved in the digestive process digest not only material substances, but also information, feelings and associated energies.


Taking responsibility for other people and their “feeding” only makes sense when it is done cheerfully, with pleasure and in harmony with our own developed abilities to maintain relationships, when it suits our own nature.
Nutrition and responsibility are themes of the secondary chakras, associated with the energy channels of the spine between the shoulder blades and shoulders.
Responsibility can have different meanings: on the one hand, it makes long-term relationships possible, especially in tense conditions. On the other hand, responsibility is the key to such qualities as the desire for leadership, healing, and teaching. There are two main problems here:
- we do not want to take on too much responsibility due to feelings of inferiority developed in childhood;
- we want to take on more responsibility and achieve as much as possible because of the belief that this is the only way we can earn the love and attention of other people.
If you want to be loved as the person you are, then you must look for those who will not prioritize what you have achieved, who want to share your joy and pleasure.
The position improves the connection between the head and body. Next to the 7th cervical vertebra there is a kind of energy pumping station. This point provides strength to the upper back, head, shoulders, throat and arms.


In this position, Reiki stimulates the flow of all senses through the bladder and kidney meridians. Reiki is received by the lungs (acceptance - release) and the heart, which provide a steady flow of forces and information tuned to the external and internal rhythms of life.
An important effect of this position is to stimulate the body's defenses. The position is recommended in cases where a person experiences excessive rigidity - when you hug him, it seems to you that you are hugging a tree trunk, or in case of lethargy and coldness.


The kidneys serve as carriers of relationships and inherited forces, blood purifiers, and energy providers for many areas of the back, arms, and legs. They control the WATER element in the body. Strengthening the Water element in the body is an important prerequisite for energetic detoxification and removal of waste materials through the legs and feet into the earth.
The position is associated with the adrenal glands, and they are governed by the 1st chakra, which is important for recovery and the ability to deal constructively with stress. The kidneys are responsible for cold hands, and the adrenal glands are responsible for cold feet. Both are associated with fears. Cold hands speak of fears associated with physical and emotional contact with other people. Cold feet - about what this person generally afraid to cope with life alone and independently, as an adult.
There is also a connection between sexuality and the kidneys: the kidneys suffer from a discrepancy between sexual desires and their satisfaction.
The position on the kidneys is especially important for acute cases of paralysis problems created by fright and shock of all kinds. This position will be of invaluable help to people who act paralyzed, longing for the past that stands in the way of the present, or who find it difficult to open up to closer relationships.


Now Reiki will receive 1 chakra - the body's most powerful source of energy. This ensures that the vital forces do not stagnate in the lower part of the body, but have a revitalizing effect on the entire body.
This position heals the sacrum with its energy pumping station and stimulates the 1st chakra (survival, fight and flight, structure, vitality, blood and bones).


Through the joints of the legs, the body receives fresh forces from the earth and gets rid of unnecessary ones.
The tasks of the knee chakras are teaching and learning. There is a connection between the knee chakras and the 3rd chakra, so all problems associated with feelings of inferiority, excessive pride, arrogance, and unjustified optimism are treated here.


The ankle joints are reflex zones for the abdominal and pelvic areas. In addition, there are secondary chakras responsible for a person’s ability to flexibly create conditions for their own survival, as well as ensure their livelihood, their own safety and well-being under unusual or rapidly changing circumstances. They also support our ability to self-preserve.


In this position, all energy channels are activated. The position is suitable for grounding, balancing the energy flow in the body, harmonizing and strengthening the aura. It can also be used to create a strong Yang charge in the Yin area, which balances the flow of energies. Here are the reflex zones of the head and throat, solar plexus points, and the kidney meridian.


This section presents basic and additional hand positions when healing both yourself and another person.

When performing Reiki treatment on people, three areas of the body are targeted for healing: the head, the front of the body, and the back of the body. In each area, four to five positions are defined, which are called “Main Positions” for treatment. Reiki healing is performed on these positions in order, from top to bottom. Of course, there are many more positions for healing on the body and we will consider them.


Front of the face: Treatment in this position relieves pain in the eyes, nose, teeth and chin. Relaxing the eyes leads to relaxation of the whole body. Helps with colds. Improves concentration and balance. Reduces stress. Promotes the growth of spirituality, sharpens intuition.

On the sides of the face: The energy received by the patient in this position harmonizes both hemispheres of the brain and improves memory. Eliminates headaches. Reduces stress. Expands consciousness. Improves intuition.

Reiki received in the position of hands located on both sides of the head (temples, ears) , calms, creates a feeling of comfort, and affects the entire body. Particularly useful for ear pain and in relieving cold and flu symptoms.

Back of the head: Lower part of the brain, spine, cerebellum. Treatment in this position improves speech abilities, visual vision and color sensitivity. Normalizes weight. Reduces nervous tension. Improves creativity. Frees you from fears. Improves insight and broadens horizons.

Throat: Reiki in this position improves blood and lymph circulation, the condition of the throat, thyroid and parathyroid glands, blood pressure, and metabolism. Brings confidence, peace, stability, pleasure and happiness. Improves creativity, self-expression and communication skills. Use it also for metabolic disorders and to normalize weight.


When healing the front of the body, send energy from the top of the thymus gland (the center of the immune system) to the bladder and genitals through all the abdominal organs to create harmony.

Upper chest. Treatment in this position strengthens the immune system (thymus gland). Normalizes blood pressure in the heart and blood vessels, stimulates lymph circulation. Heals the lungs. Brings confidence and restores mental balance, reduces stress, improves perception. Increases the ability to love and enjoy life.

Upper abdomen. In this position, the liver, stomach, gallbladder, spleen, and digestive system are healed; the feeling of fear decreases. Treatment in this position relieves anxiety, fears and stress. Relaxation, calm, harmony, tuning into higher dimensional energies.
Abdomen area. In this position, the liver, pancreas, gall bladder, spleen, and colon are healed. Stress reactions are reduced. The patient gets rid of anxiety and feelings of dissatisfaction and becomes more self-confident.
Underbelly. Large intestine, small intestine, bladder, genitals. The abdominal organs, intestines, bladder and urethra respond well to treatment in this position. Use it in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system, digestive system, and back pain.


Shoulders, shoulder blades. This position is good for treating the back of the neck, cervical vertebrae and shoulder muscles. Wellness in this area helps relieve muscle tension in the shoulders, eliminate back and neck pain, relax, release blocked emotions and relieve tension due to a sense of responsibility.

Upper back. In this position, the functioning of the thymus gland, heart, and lungs is normalized. Diseases associated with disorders in the thoracic spine, spinal column and nervous system are healed. Tension is reduced.
Lumbar spine. This position heals the kidneys, adrenal glands, and lumbar spine, relieves nervous tension, eliminates back pain, and increases self-esteem and self-confidence.
Lower spine, tailbone. In this position, the genital organs, digestive system, sciatic nerve, bones of the lower body - at the bottom of the spine, in the area of ​​the coccyx and pubic bone - are healed. Used for disorders of the nervous system.


As we have already said, a position on the body can be any place on the body, any organ. If you have enough time, then going through the main positions, you can additionally dwell on the diseased organ. For example, you can place both hands on the liver, spleen, stomach, etc. It is better to treat paired organs at the same time, since if one becomes ill, the second one takes on the load.

Let us give an example of several additional positions.


Popliteal cavities. This position is good for treating all parts of the knee joint. You can also place your hands on the front and sides of your knee.

Soles of feet. Hands can be placed on the heels and closer to the toes. In these positions, the acupuncture points of the foot are stimulated. This position is also used to improve the patient’s connection with the energy of the Earth.

Upper part of the head. Traumatic brain injuries respond well to treatment in this position. Use it to treat blood vessels in the head, for headaches, stress, and lack of coordination of movements.
Cervical vertebrae. Place one hand on the lower part of the neck and the other on the upper cervical vertebrae. Use for pain and injuries of the neck, cervical vertebrae, pain in the bones, and heart.

Forehead - belly. The impact in this area calms the patient and increases his ability to concentrate and mental activity.
Buttock - heel (or sacrum - heel). This position relieves pain from pinched sciatic nerve well. Work the entire leg - from the buttock to the heel.


Basic treatment of main body parts

GENETSU-HO: technique for reducing body temperature - forehead along the hairline, temples and top of the head, back of the head, back of the neck, throat, crown, stomach and intestines. In this case, the main work is done on the head.

BYOGEN TIRE: treatment of the cause of the disease - forehead along the hairline, temples and top of the head, back of the head, back of the neck, throat, crown, stomach and intestines. In this case, the main work is done on the head.

HEAD AREA: forehead along the hairline, temples and top of the head, back of the head, back of the neck, throat, crown, stomach and intestines.

EYES: eyes, points between the nose and eye, between the eyes and temples, area of ​​cervical vertebrae 1 - 3.

NOSE: nasal bone, wings of the nose, between the eyebrows, back of the neck, throat, area of ​​cervical vertebrae 1 - 3.

EARS: auditory canal, front to back of the ear, first cervical vertebra.

MOUTH: when treating the mouth, the lips are not touched, but the index and middle fingers are used.

THROAT: Adam's apple, back of neck, throat.

LUNGS: lung area, area between the shoulder blades, thoracic vertebrae from the second to the sixth.

HEART: heart area, cervical vertebrae 5 - 7, thoracic vertebrae 1 - 5.

LIVER: liver area, thoracic vertebrae 8 - 10 especially on the right.

STOMACH: stomach area, thoracic vertebrae 4, 6 - 10.

INTESTINES: upper and lateral parts of the colon, small intestine area (around the navel), thoracic vertebrae 6 - 10, lumbar vertebrae 2 - 5, buttocks.

BLADDER: bladder area, lumbar vertebrae 4 - 5.

UTERUS: area of ​​the uterus, appendages on both sides, thoracic vertebrae 9 - 12, lumbar vertebrae 1 - 5, sacrum and coccyx.

KIDNEYS: kidney area, thoracic vertebrae 11 - 12.

HANSHIN CHIRYO: technique for treating half of the body - muscles, tendons of the back of the neck, shoulders, spine, both sides of the spine, hips, buttocks.

TANDEN CHIRYO: detoxification technique - one hand on Tanden, the other on the back opposite it.

GEDOKU-HO: Hold your hands in the TANDEN CHIRO position for 13 minutes, imagining how all toxins are eliminated from the body.

Functional disorders of the nervous system

NEURASTENIA: head area, eyes, heart, stomach and intestines, genitals, Byogen Chiryo, Hanshin Chiryo.

HYSTERIA: head areas, eyes, heart, stomach and intestines, genitals, Byogen Chiryo, Hanshin Chiryo.

CEREBRAL ANEMIA: head region, stomach and intestines, heart.

BRAIN HEMORRHAGE: head area, mainly affected side, stomach and intestines, heart, kidneys, paralyzed side.

MENINGITIS: head area, stomach and intestines, heart.

ENCEPHALITIS: head area, stomach and intestines, heart.

HEADACHES: head area, especially temples. Usui recommended holding your hands until the pain went away.

INSOMNIA: head area, especially the back of the head.

Dizziness: head area, especially forehead.

EPILEPSY: head area, stomach and intestines.

CHOREA: head area, heart, affected areas on the body, palms, soles, Hanshin Chiryo.

BASED'S DISEASE: head area, eyes, thyroid gland, heart, genitals, Hanshin Chiryo.

NEURALGIA: head area, stomach and affected areas of the body.

PARALYSIS: head area, stomach and intestines (to regulate the movement of the intestines), affected areas of the body.

Hiccups: diaphragm, forehead, cervical vertebrae 3 - 5.

LARINGITIS: forehead, temples, especially on the left, throat area

STUTTERING: forehead, temples, especially on the left, throat area.

RINGING IN THE EARS: ears, head area.

SHOULDER-CANDY SYNDROME: head area, elbows and thumbs.

Functional respiratory disorders

BRONCHITIS: bronchi, trachea, windpipe.

TRACHEITIS: bronchi, trachea, windpipe.

COUGH: throat, chest area, affected areas of the body.

ASTHMA: head area, chest area, under the sternum, throat, nose, heart.

Recipe for asthma: Grind 50 grams of fresh horseradish and mix it with lemon juice, squeezed from three lemons, as well as 500 grams of organic honey. Take one tablespoon before and after each meal for at least six weeks. Store the mixture in the refrigerator).

TUBERCULOSIS: head area, affected parts of the lungs, stomach and intestines, heart, Tanden.

PLEURITIS: head area, affected areas of the body, stomach and intestines, Tanden.

PNEUMONIA: head area, throat, affected areas, Tanden.

Bronchial bleeding (HEMOPTYSIS): Lungs, affected areas of the body.

NOSELEEDS: Nasal bone, wings of the nose.

EMPHYSEMA (purulent pleurisy): Nasal bone, wings of the nose, middle of the forehead, middle of the upper lip.

Functional disorders of the digestive system

DISEASES OF THE ESOPHAGUS: esophagus, under the sternum, stomach, intestines.

PAIN IN THE STOMACH: head area, under the sternum, stomach and intestines.

GASTRITIS: head area, under the sternum, stomach and intestines.

STOMACH CANCER: head area, under the sternum, stomach and intestines.

STOMACH ULCER: head area, under the sternum and intestines.

ENTERITIS: stomach and intestines.

INTESTINAL ULCERS: stomach and intestines.

DIARRHEA: stomach and intestines.

CONSTIPATION: stomach and intestines.

APPENDICITIS: the affected area, especially to the right of the navel, head area, stomach and intestines.

HAEMMOROIDS: area of ​​the anus.

PERITONITIS: head area, affected body area, Tanden.

DROPS: head area, abdominal area

HEPATITIS: head area, stomach and intestines, liver, heart.

GALLBLADDER STONES: liver, especially the affected area, stomach and intestines.

INGUINAL HERNIA: affected area of ​​the body, abdominal region (genitals).

Functional disorders of the cardiovascular system

MYOCARDIAL INFLAMMATION: head region, heart, liver, kidneys, bladder.


EDEMA, DROPS: heart, liver, kidneys, bladder.

ARTERIOSCLEROSIS: head region, heart, kidneys, stomach and intestines, Tanden.


ANGINA: head area, heart, stomach, intestines, affected area of ​​the body.

Functional metabolic and blood disorders

ANEMIA: Byogen Chiryo, head, heart, kidneys, stomach and intestines, Hanshin Chiryo.

PURPURA: head area, heart, kidneys, stomach and intestines, rash, Tanden

Scurvy: head area, lung area, heart, kidneys, stomach and intestines, Hanshin Chiryo, Tanden

DIABETES: head area, heart, liver, pancreas, stomach and intestines, kidneys, bladder (Hanshin Chiryo, rub the spine from bottom to top).

OBESITY: heart, kidneys, stomach and intestines, Hanshin Chiryo.

GOUT: heart, kidneys, bladder, stomach and intestines, Tanden, affected area of ​​the body.

HEAT STROKE: head area, heart, chest, stomach and intestines, kidneys, Tanden.

Functional disorders of the genitourinary system

JADE: kidneys, heart, bladder, stomach and intestines.

PYELITIS: kidneys, bladder, Tanden.

KIDNEY STONES: kidneys, stomach, intestines, bladder, painful areas of the body.

UREMIA: head area, eyes, stomach, intestines, heart, kidneys, bladder, Tanden.

CYSTITIS: kidneys, bladder.

BLADDER STONES: kidneys, bladder, area of ​​pain.

ANURESIS: head area (especially the upper part), bladder, kidneys.

DIFFICULTY URINATION: kidneys, bladder, ureter.

Surgical wounds and functional skin disorders

WOUNDS: affected areas of the body.

CURVATIONS, BLEEDING, BRUISES: affected areas of the body

INFLAMMATION OF LYMPH NODES: affected areas of the body, Tanden.

BONE FRACTURES: affected areas of the body.

SPINARIES: affected areas of the body.

DISLOCATIONS: affected areas of the body.

MYOSITIS: affected areas of the body, Tanden.

OSTITIS: affected areas of the body, Tanden.

ARTHRITIS: affected areas of the body, Tanden.

RHEUMATISM: head area, pain area, stomach, intestines.

SCOLIOSIS: affected areas of the body.

Dizziness, fainting: heart, head area.

HURTICA: stomach, intestines, tanden, affected areas of the body.

SKIN RASHE: Tanden, affected area of ​​the body.

Baldness: head area, stomach, intestines, affected areas, Tanden.

LEPROSY: head area, stomach, intestines, Tanden, affected areas of the body, Hanshin Chiryo.

Childhood diseases

CRYING AT NIGHT: head area, stomach, intestines.

MEASLES: head area, stomach, intestines, heart, affected areas of the body.

RUBELLA: head area, stomach, intestines, heart, affected areas of the body.

WHOOPING COUGH: head area, stomach, intestines, heart, lungs, throat, under the sternum.

POLIOMYELITIS: head area, stomach, intestines, spine, affected areas of the body.

TONSILITIS: affected areas of the body.

Genecological diseases

DISEASES OF THE UTERUS: area of ​​the uterus.

PREGNANCY: uterine area.

BIRTH: sacrum, abdomen

MORNING NAUSEA DURING PREGNANCY: head area, uterus, stomach, intestines, under the sternum.


Infectious diseases

TYPHUS: head area, heart, stomach, intestines, pancreas, Tanden.

PARATYPHUS: head region, heart, stomach, intestines, pancreas, Tanden.

DYSENTERY: head area, heart, stomach, intestines, Tanden.

DIARRHEA: head area, heart, stomach, intestines, Tanden.

DIPTHERITIS: head area, throat, heart, chest, stomach, intestines, kidneys, Tanden.

CHOLERA: head area, stomach, intestines, heart, Tanden.

SCARLATINA: head area, mouth, throat, heart, stomach, intestines, kidneys, Tanden, affected areas of the body.

FLU: head area, heart, lungs, stomach, intestines, Tanden, Hanshin Chiryo, pain area.

MININGITIS: head area, back of the neck, eyes, heart, stomach, intestines, kidneys, bladder, spine (especially cervical vertebrae), Tanden, fixed areas of the body.

MALARIA: head area, heart, stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas, Tanden.

TETANUS: head area, heart area, stomach, intestines, Tanden, affected areas of the body.

Erysipelas: head area, heart area, stomach, intestines, Tanden, affected areas of the body.

Detailed Guide

on conducting a self-healing and Reiki healing session through the laying on of hands
A detailed guide to self-healing and Reiki healing through the laying on of hands

When you get reiki attunement I, you begin to apply this energy. Information on hand positions for self-healing, direct healing of other people and pets, and for group healing teams. When you start doing the treatment, all the miracle will begin to appear Reiki. Every healer has their own stories. Real magic Reiki In action.

First of all, the healer needs to know how to hold his hands. IN Reiki Both hands are always used, palms down. Fingers are straightened and folded together. They are placed in positions Reiki and lay down gently, absolutely relaxed and without pressure.

Hand position when holding Reiki

Visualization" href="/text/category/vizualizatciya/" rel="bookmark">visualization or he wants to talk about what is happening to him, the healer needs to be completely present.

Supersensory knowledge acquired during sessions Reiki, may turn out to be important - they can only be obtained in silence.

About the Reiki session

When carrying out treatment and self-medication, notice the thoughts that arise when your hands are on your body; they can provide important information.

Trained as Reiki I, often perform healing positions very quickly, in a minute or less. They all sense the standard cycle of energy and know when to move on.

Due to the fact that for a full session Reiki It takes a lot of time, at least an hour, and often even more, it is important to think about where and how to do them for yourself and for others. If you only place your hands on the area of ​​pain or one position, it is not as effective as when full treatment. Self-medication sessions are very good to do before bedtime or after ablution.

Self-medication works very well when you sit relaxed in a chair, perhaps watching TV or listening to music.

When conducting Reiki for others, it is important that both the recipient and the healer are very comfortable. The recipient needs to lie still, first on his back and then on his stomach, for at least an hour. Place a pillow under his knees if he has back problems, and under his lower back or head if necessary. If you are working on the floor, place a mat or blanket under the person and yourself, and the healer may find it more comfortable to sit on a cushion. The healer spends a lot of time in each position, and sometimes spends several positions before physically moving to another position. It’s not good when you have to stop a session or move around because your leg is numb or has a cramp. The massage table is most convenient in all respects; I use my desk with office chair on wheels. When a healer performs a session on the floor or on a bed, he needs to learn to relax his body and find the most comfortable position.

And the one Who receives Reiki, is in hospital or very ill, it must be difficult to turn over. In this case, perform positions only on the front side of the body. Some positions may be difficult to reach, and again, if you can't reach them, skip them.

Try to spend a full Reiki session, but if this is not possible, do what you can, either place your hands only on the area of ​​pain, or it is best to do the session with the recipient lying down, or with the recipient sitting on a chair. When conducting a session in a public place, you can place your hands only on your shoulders and allow the energy to flow. Any Reiki is better than none. Most treatment sessions are conducted in silence, at least during head positions. The recipient may begin to release emotions that do not need to be stopped or distracted from. During this time, focus on the recipient. Some people fall asleep or leave their body after treatment sessions and should not be awakened abruptly. A session that is conducted in the communication of people usually interferes with strong releasing work. If supersensible information comes to the recipient of treatment, empathize with him.

Recipients like it when during the event Reiki sounds light music. Use softly played classical or New Age music.

The empty light will be dim; pick up the phone or turn it off, close the door so that no one is distracted. Self-medicate also when you are not disturbed or distracted. You are just as deserving of time and space to heal as anyone else. Since the first position Reiki - on your eyes, wash your hands before starting treatment. Focus, calm your mind and begin.

In session Reiki loose clothing is most comfortable for both the healer and the recipient; both of them remain clothed. Some healers like to take off their shoes if the floor is carpeted and the room is warm.

The person undergoing treatment removes his shoes and glasses, if he wears them, usually leaving his contact lenses on. Remove a heavy belt if the person is wearing one. At Reiki There is no need to remove jewelry, but some healers do this for the convenience of the recipient or their own. Have a blanket in case the recipient gets cold. If you put crystals under a massage table, make sure they are clean.

Reiki can be used, and very effectively, in conjunction with the application of gemstones and crystals. First of all, and very important, the stones must be thoroughly cleaned before and after treatment.

Additionally, purified crystals or gemstones can be charged by holding them in your hands. With the recipient lying on their back, place the stones on their chakras and then begin the session Reiki. Information on stone placement can be found in many books. The stones are placed so that the colors of the stones correspond to the colors of the chakras (I place orange stones only on the stomach chakra), use your intuition. When used in a session Reiki gemstones, the likelihood that the recipient will experience a release of emotion is greatly increased, and these are very intense sessions.

Hand positions Reiki are also located mainly above the chakras. After three head positions, this makes them easy to remember. Chakras are located on the etheric energy double of the physical body at some distance from the level of the physical body. These are energy converters that transmit Ki from Earth and Sky into the body of an animal or a person. People's chakras are located along a vertical line in the center of the body, front and back. Full session Reiki, covers all chakras and all organs of the body. In pets, the energy is arranged more like a triangle, with only some chakras located along the center line of the spine. Although for carrying out Reiki It is not so important to know the location of the chakras; it is easier to describe positions using it. The chakra system used in the West was developed in India, which again is related with Reiki. But it is important to note that many cultures have developed similar systems. In addition, in an energetic sense, it is important to know why the hands are on a certain area of ​​the body. Each chakra regulates the organs in its environment. I will only describe these centers very briefly as there are many excellent books on the chakra system. Healing Reiki starts from the head and moves down, so I will describe the chakras starting from the head and ending with the feet. Three positions Reiki on the head cover the centers of the “crown” and the third eye.”

"Crown" located on the top of the head, slightly behind the highest point of the skull. It is physically connected to the styloid gland. It is a person's connection to spirituality and the "Goddess", "Source", and is usually represented by the color purple or white. The Crown is the place of spiritual Guide perception and channeling.

Next - "Forehead" or "Third Eye" , located in the middle and above the physical eyes. It is associated with the pituitary gland, the chakra of supersensible perception and understanding of the Unity of the Universe. The color of the “Forehead” is indigo, the blue-black color of the night sky. It is a symbol of strength for a woman and represents the creation of personal realities. In physical treatment, the “Crown” and “Forehead” are the brain, eyes and central nervous system. The chakra is located at the base of the neck and is associated with the thyroid and parathyroid glands. Its color is blue, and it is intended for communication, both physical and supersensible. IN in a world where opening up is risky, the throat centers of most people require treatment. This level is where emotions are expressed and where telepathic abilities are located. Treatment issues include everything related to the diagnosis - sore throat, fear of speaking, problems with the thyroid gland.

Below is "Heart" , behind the breastbone or sternum, physically connected to the heart organ or thymus gland.

Two colors are most often used to indicate the heart center; the main one is green and the other one is pink. Emotions come from the heart, as do unconditional love and love for others, "Heartache", "broken heart" and physical heart disease are characteristic of modern man- most of us need heart and emotional healing.

Below the center of the Heart between the lower rows of ribs is "Solar plexus" ; his color sunny yellow. This is a center of power for men, through which the energy passing through the body is absorbed. In this center the pancreas physically corresponds. It also corresponds to issues of power and balance. Among the diseases of the “Solar Plexus” are digestive problems.

Seven main chakras

Chakra development: Hara line 2

Forehead or third eye, Solar plexus, sacrum, Root.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/101/images/image003_85.jpg" width="207" height="580 src=">

The crown chakra is depicted here above the head. This is how I perceive these centers. Other people may perceive different colors or give the centers different names. The term "Hara Line" was coined by Barbara - Brennan. Along this line there are several other centers that are part of the ancient Qigong system, but apparently open spontaneously for the first time in many people. I am increasingly aware of their presence during sessions. The Hara line is more important for Rethki II And III, but I will describe the “new” centers now, although their use is not yet entirely clear to me.

Among these is the red and gold chakra at the base of the skull, which appears to be associated with manifestation and is called the "Causal Body".

Between the “Throat” and the “Heart” there is another center - sea green - I call it the “Thymus” chakra. It plays a role in immunity and protection against pollution and chemicals. The new center in the diaphragm area is lime green. It is designed to clear old emotions and toxins on all levels. The last of these is the “Hara” itself, located between the “Root” and “Belly” chakras, which is sometimes called the “Sacral Center”. In Qigong it is called Dantian, in Japan and China it is considered the center of human energy and strength - or the "Primordial Qi." Its Western equivalent is the solar plexus (although the color of "Hara" is not yellow, but gold), but "Hara" or Dantian, This is far from being limited to this.

According to Maiteku Chia, the "Dantian" is the location in the body of the "Original Qi", innate life force energy. It combines with "Heavenly" Qi"(from the Universe) and "Earthly Qi"(from the planet) - “Transnersonal points” and “Earth Chakras” - creating three forces that support and nourish all living things. Barbara Brennan defines the Tan Tien, or Haru, as the place of "the will to live in physical body" She describes the "Hara Line" as the line of intention and purpose for this incarnation. IN Reiki II there is additional information about the "Hara Line". Ki system, (or Qi human) is very complex, and as people develop it becomes even more complex. But for positions Reiki hands It is quite enough for me to know the seven main chakras.

Reiki self-healing session

Reiki I brings the greatest benefit in self-healing. There are many healing methods, but not all are designed to help themselves, but this is where it begins Reiki.

When self-medicating, also notice the thoughts that arise when your hands are on your body; they can provide important information.

Hand positions for self-medication serve as the basis for all other positions Reiki. Despite the clear description, always let your intuition win. If during treatment something tells you to put your hands in a place not designated as a position Reiki, do it. The same thing, if something tells you to skip a position, skip it, or do it in a different order of priority. It is advisable to fully study these positions, use them until they are fully mastered, and then allow your Guides and intuition to modify them if necessary. There's no wrong way to do it Reiki. U Teachers have different opinions about these positions, but each of them is right. Place your hands and the energy will go where it is needed. Keep them in position until the flow of energy changes and something prompts you to move to the next place. If you cannot carry out the position and it is inconvenient to reach some of them with your hands, move on to the next one. If you can't bend your arms and body enough to lift your back, only work on the front side. Do not cross your arms or legs when laying hands. The basic instruction is to place your hands where the pain is felt. If possible, perform a full treatment session, This best, but if not, do what you can. The illustrations show hand positions for self-medication and are numbered to make them easier to identify. The treatment always starts from the head and goes towards the feet from the front, and continues from the head to the feet from the back. The first three positions are performed on the head. In the first position, gently place your hands on your face, slightly cupping them (but not pressing). Hold this position until the energy sensations that appear stop, about five minutes is enough. This first position balances the right side of the brain and is wonderful for headaches and eye problems. In addition, it covers the “Forehead” or “third eye” chakra. (position 2) place your hands on both sides of your face. The thumbs are just under the ears, and the palms cover the forehead. Again, wait for the energy cycle to complete. This way of placing your hands is wonderfully calming.

Hand Positions (3-Behind) Place your hands on the back of your head, covering the occipital edge. Thus, the Crown and Third Eye chakras are covered from the back. Again, each position lasts about five minutes. Go to the Throat chakra (4-4a). If you have a panic reaction when you put your hands on your throat—while working with yourself—place your hands lower on your collarbones instead.


Front side - head positions

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6. On the lower ribs under the breasts. 7. On the middle part of the abdomen. 8.Lower abdominal area.

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9. Hands centered with the suprapubic bone. 9a. Option.

Self-Healing - Front - Knees, Ankles and Feet

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18. Downsides both knees (see figure 10, but do the position from the opposite side).

19. Back of both ankles (see Figure 11, but do the position from the back).

19a. Hold the back of the knee and ankle of one leg at the same time. Repeat with the other leg.

20. Soles of both feet.

Location of the main organs of the body - front view

Epithelial body



Transverse colon

Ascending colon



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When conducting Reiki For other people, almost always place your hands lower rather than directly on the center of the Throat. (This chakra is still located in the Y-shaped notch of the collarbone.) The fifth position (5-5a) on the “Heart” is performed only when working with oneself. Place your hands on your breastbone, or even on your chest if treatment is needed there.

The next position is “Solar Plexus” (6). Place your hands in opposite directions, with your fingers on your lower ribs, just under your breasts. Anatomically, your right hand is over your liver and gallbladder, and your right hand is over your pancreas, spleen, and stomach. In this position, you can hear some kind of internal rumbling. Again, each position takes about five minutes to complete the energy cycle, so relax and let the process happen. Then, continuing to hold your hands like this, move to the middle of the abdomen at the level of the lower back or slightly above (7), then move lower again, covering the pelvic bones. The energy from this position reaches the intestines and the Belly chakra.

In the last two positions on the torso, the hands are placed side by side on the center of the lower abdomen, one above the other, just above the pubic bone (9-9a). When self-healing, you can, if you wish, cover the genital area. This position is the “Root” chakra, it covers the uterus, ovaries, bladder and vagina in women, bladder and ovaries in men.

Then move on to your knees, ankles and feet. They do not belong to the positions of the “Traditional” Reiki", but extremely important, especially the feet. They serve to balance and ground the energies of the higher centers, reconnect with the Earth, and unify and move healing energy through the body. When treating knees and ankles (10, 10a, 11, 11a - first place your hands on both knees, then do the same on both ankles. You may have to reach with your hands to find convenient way treat your ankles. Another option is not to place your hands on the knee and ankle of the right (or left) leg, but to move to the knee and ankle of the other leg. Finally, work on your feet, placing your hands on the soles of your feet where the chakras are. Place each hand on the corresponding foot (12) or both hands on one foot and then move to the other (12a). Again, hold your hands as long as the sensation lasts.

Then move to the back. There is only one position for the head here (13). Place one hand on the “Crown” of the head and the other on the back of the head (“Causal Body”). Another option is to place both hands on the “Crown” (13a). Then place your hands on the back of your neck or on the muscles in your back between your neck and shoulders (14). Many of these muscles remain tense. These muscles are the back side of the Throat chakra and are not as sensitive as the front side of the Throat Center.

Now turn your arms, reach up to the position below the shoulder blades (15), grasping the back side of the “Heart”. The arms are directed towards each other, as in positions on the front side of the torso. Then move lower to the middle of the back, continuing to hold your hands like this (16), and move this position even lower (17). These positions cover the Solar Plexus and Belly chakras. Another option, or additional position, for the Root chakra is on the lower back (17a), with the arms pointing down. Repeat the positions of the knees and ankles (18-19 or 19a), but this time place your hands not on the front side, but on the back. At the end, repeat the position of the soles of both feet (20). This is a complete self-healing session Reiki; positions quickly become familiar. When finished, drink a large glass. clean water and get some rest. You may feel unusual for a few minutes to an hour. Pay attention to the emotions and thoughts that arose during the session.

Positions when treating other people

Front - The healer stands or sits behind the person being treated

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1. Cupped hands are gently placed over the eyes. 2. On the cheeks. 3. Hands under your head. The healer raises his head. 4. Hands lie gently on the collarbone - just below the throat.

Front - The healer is positioned to the side of the person being treated

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5. Between the breasts is an optional position. 5a. Fifth position option.

6. On the lower ribs under the chest. 7. Under the belt.

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Front - Healer moves down, opposite the feet of the soles of both legs 12a-12b. Variant of the twelfth position. The sole of one foot, then the sole of the other.

Back side - The healer returns to the head, position on the head - one hand on the occipital edge, the other on the Crown (crown). The head of the person receiving treatment is turned to one side ( Self-healing 13).

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18. On the tailbone - optional position. 19. The opposite sides of both knees.

20. Back of both ankles.

20a. At the same time hold from the back

21. Soles of both feet. Side knee and ankle of one leg. Do this on both legs.

Alternative hand placement

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An alternative hand position for the torso and back. Place your hands not with your fingers one to the other's wrist, but side by side. It replaces hand positions 6, 7, 8 and 9 front and 15, 16, 17 and 18.

Reiki healing session

Ask the person receiving the session not to speak, at least during head positions, and if he continues, ask him to remain silent.

The second position (2) is on the cheeks, the little fingers are located next to the ears. The first position covered the Third Eye, and the second reaches both the Crown chakra and the Third Eye. The person undergoing treatment most often calms down and can fall asleep.

To perform the next position (3), the healer lifts the recipient's head (the recipient usually helps) and places his hands under the head. Bend both arms under the convexity of the back of your head. This place is located where your hands are more comfortable to cover the Crown, Third Eye and Causal Body chakras.

The following positions treat the skull, brain, eyes, ears and central nervous system.

Reach your hands to the Throat chakra. So many people panic when hands are placed on their throats, which is why I never place hands on their throats. It is better to place your hands below your throat on your collarbones. You can also hold your hands like a dome over your throat without touching it, but for the healer this is an uncomfortable tension. Many of today's healers died at the stake in past lives - we were usually strangled before the flames reached us, and this is where this tension came from. Extend your arms further or move to either side for the Heart position (5-5a). Never place your hands on the breasts of a woman with whom you are not intimate unless you both agree to do so. (You can do this if the woman has cysts or lumps on her breasts.) But generally place your hands above your breasts, or between them if there is enough room, or skip this position altogether. You must continue or wait until the energy cycle gains strength - this is a period of up to five minutes - and then move your hands to the next position. Now you need to be not behind the patient, but to the side.

The solar plexus (6) is located just below the breasts and covers the digestive organs (liver, gallbladder, pancreas). Positions on the torso you have options on how to place your arms. Place them in the same way as for self-medication, but directed inward. To do this, place them in a horizontal line, the fingers of one hand almost touching the wrist; sometimes it is more comfortable to place your hands side by side; the fingers are almost touching). To find positions for this treatment, imagine that the recipient's torso is divided into four parts and place your clasped hands on each quarter. Above the top right side, top left, bottom right and left. Finally, place both hands on the center of the bottom (Start on either side; in Reiki it doesn't matter which one.) If you want, do this option on the back too. The illustrations and my descriptions show the first method, but on page eightie there is an illustration of the second method. Both of them are correct - the only question is which is more convenient for the healer.

Continuing with the torso, the seventh position (7) is located just below the belt, and covers the Belly chakra, and the next hand position is directly under the previous one (8), above the pubic bone on the pelvic area. Place your hands either horizontally or side by side. Then place both hands on the center of the lower abdomen (9), just above the pubic bone (center of the Root). Hands are placed on the body, one higher than the other. These positions cover all abdominal organs, digestive, excretory and reproductive systems. Look at the drawings of the body organs; some knowledge of anatomy is useful and necessary for healers Reiki, although medical terminology is not at all necessary.

The positions of the knees, ankles and feet are even more important when working with someone else than when healing yourself. The last half hour or longer person, undergoing treatment, lay quietly (if he did not have a release of emotions). It may turn out that he is sleeping or simply “somewhere not here,” outside the body. Now the positions of the hands on the legs and feet begin to bring him back to Earth.

To perform these positions, the healer needs to move again. When performing torso positions, the healer stood or sat to the side of the recipient. There is no need to move from one side to the other. You simply reach across your body to the opposite side. Now go even lower so you can reach your feet. Go through the front of both knees (10) and the front of both ankles (11). Another variation is to place one hand on the knee and the other on the ankle of the same leg (11a) - I prefer this method. Complete the positions, waiting for the energetic sensations to subside as usual. Finish the treatment with the soles of your feet (12). Work on the feet one at a time (2a-2b) or both at once; if you are going to continue the treatment session working on the back of the body, you can skip the foot positions for the rest of the session if you wish. Now ask the person to roll over and move to the head again.

With the recipient's head turned to the side, optionally perform one head position for the back side (13). One hand is placed on the Crown, and the other on the back of the head in the area of ​​the occipital edge. When the sensations change, move to the next position (back of the neck (14)). I have not met anyone who is too sensitive to the position of the Throat from the back. Another option is to place your hands on your trapezius muscles, the large muscles where your shoulders connect to your neck.

Stand on your side again and move three positions down your back. (15,16, 17). The hands can be placed with the fingers of one to the wrist of the other or side by side, as on the front side of the torso. These positions cover the heart, solar plexus and belly chakras. In addition, they reach the kidneys and are wonderful for tension, stress and back problems. If the person has a very long back or severe pain in the lower back, do another position even lower, where the buttocks begin. A variation on the way to do this is with the arms facing each other (18).

Then move on to the legs and feet, and this time it is extremely important to carry out these positions. They help the recipient to ground himself - he has not been here for a long time. Move lower to the feet and swipe positions Reiki on the back of both knees (19) and the back of the ankles (20). It is preferable to do this by placing one hand on the side of the knee and the other on the back of the ankle, the same (20a). Wait for the energy, then repeat on the other side. It is advisable to work with both legs. The last treatment position is the soles of the feet (21). Regardless of whether you are working from the front or back of the body, still place your hands on the soles of your feet, where the chakras are located. You will feel energy flowing through your feet and this may last for several minutes. This position brings the treatment session together and ends it. The person undergoing the treatment will not be grounded when they stand up at the end of the session, but they will be in working order - without the foot positions they will feel too relaxed for a while. The best way At the end of the treatment session, do the following. Hold one or both hands approximately 6 inches above the recipient's body, palms facing down. Gently move your hands at this height, making long swings from the recipient's feet. First, move your hands several times to your torso, then from your torso to your shins and from your shins to your feet. Stroking at fast execution, helps to ground a person and quickly awaken him. He will love this feeling.

Tell the person undergoing the session that you are finished and ask them to lie quietly until they are ready to move. No need to get up. When he is ready, show him how to roll onto his side and use his arms to lift himself up, because starting at the neck can be harmful to the neck and back. When he sits down, warn him not to move too fast, just sit for a while, and give him a glass of clean water. He may feel dizzy and strange for up to half an hour and be in a relaxed and altered state for up to three days. This feeling is pleasant and joyful.

Features treatment Reiki children pets

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When self-medicating, notice the thoughts that arise when your hands are on your body; they can provide important information. When conducting Reiki with With cats, dogs or small children, the treatment session is not the same as with adults. Most animals and children do not have the patience to remain still for as long as it takes for a full session Reiki. In addition, they are able to perceive energy much more easily and quickly than adults. One position can take as little as thirty seconds. When a pet is feeling well, it may have no energy at all - it will simply walk away. When. the animal is sick, it usually accepts it. A pet close to death will often reject this energy. Pets may deviate from it for other reasons. A session with babies often puts them to sleep and is usually enjoyed by them at any time. To transmit Reiki in such cases, place your hands on the body of the child or pet where needed, or on the area of ​​pain. Hold your hands and Reiki will go where this energy is needed. A very small animal, such as a lizard or a bird, can be held in your hands with your palms. When an animal is in pain for sure, it will let you know and become very restless or needs more, it will return after leaving for a few minutes, and may return many more times. Repeat this session as much as the animal requests.

When working with children, your hands will tell you when a position or treatment is complete, or the child himself may let you know by becoming restless. Your teen may ask you to finish treatment.

Cats are especially sensitive to energy Reiki, but they have a special relationship with her. The cats think they invented it and want to keep it. They may not be particularly happy about sharing it with a human.

But if they need treatment, they accept it and perhaps criticize the technique. They can be excellent healers themselves, and are usually very helpful in any session. Reiki, unless the person undergoing treatment likes cats.

Dogs are more reserved; energy Reiki amuses them. Be careful with a pet that becomes an addict Reiki, or grab a massage table for yourself; it can become very annoying.

The situation is similar with children. Your hands can cover several positions on the child's body at once. Like animals, children absorb energy unusually quickly and show when they've had enough. When they report this, move your hands or end the treatment.

For babies and toddlers, energy Reiki really like. But Small child, walking freely around the room where his mother is undergoing or conducting treatment can be very distracting. A child, when his mother is being treated, tries to climb onto the massage table and join the session. It's better for him to stay in separate room until it's their turn.


After a treatment session, some people begin the process of physical detoxification-cleansing. .

It's quite safe, but for beginners Reiki you need to know about this. This does not occur after every treatment session, perhaps every sixth initial treatment session. Additionally, the person may want to do some emotional processing over the next few days or week. Tell him to allow the images to appear, to see them and to let them pass without resisting them. Most people feel wonderful after a session Reiki and continue to feel better and better. Many of the positive treatment changes Reiki persist for a long time, although long-standing problems are rarely solved in one session. After Reiki The healer feels great too.