Is it possible to cut tulips immediately after flowering. Secrets of good care for tulips after flowering

The bright riot of colors of spring tulips always pleases and creates a holiday in the souls of people, settles warmth. Only one has to admire their beauty for a short time due to the short flowering period.

April and May flew by quickly, the tulips faded, what to do next with them: leave until the next season in the ground in the garden or dig out the bulbs, how to save them until the next planting, what to plant in the vacant place to maintain the design personal plot? We will talk about all this on this page of our website.

Bulbous flowers develop according to a certain cycle:

In connection with such a life cycle of tulips, the care of the gardener should be directed to the full ripening of the bulbs, increasing the immunity of the plant. When the flowers are completely withered, the peduncle, dry petals, seeds are removed and the plant is watered for another 2 weeks. If not carried out, then the seed box is not allowed to form and is cut off, since it will draw food from the bulb onto itself.

It is important to know. You can not cut the leaves of lilies bulbous plants right after they bloom. Above-ground green mass promotes the growth of the bulb. When cutting tulips for a bouquet, leave 2-3-4 leaves at the bottom.

Yellow leaves are pressed to the surface of the soil with wooden pins or other means so that they do not spoil the view of the flower bed, and marks are left to indicate their location. root system bulbous extracts water in the surface layer, so the earth must be moistened to a depth of 3-40 cm. At the very end of flowering, using complex fertilizers with potassium and phosphorus in the composition: Aquarin, Mortar, Crystallin - 30-40 g / 10 l / m². Fertilizers will help form the scales that replace the bulbs and grow the children. Means with the presence of chlorine and nitrogen are not used.

To be an onion dug up or not to be

Among experienced gardeners, there is no longer any dispute about whether it is necessary to dig up tulips every year, since everyone agrees: yes! And from dry land. The weather during work should be warm and sunny, the leaves should be yellow, and the stem at the top should be soft enough that it can be bent and not broken.

But still, tulips of simple varieties can easily grow in one place for up to 7 years, but species varieties do not, they do not feel well in the same soil: they degenerate, become smaller, lose their varietal characteristics, and reproduce poorly. Another thing is when they are planted in the fall, and at the beginning of the summer they are dug up annually or at least after 1-2 years.

The time when you can dig up tulips after flowering in open ground, for each region will be different: the first days of June - for warm areas, at the end of June - for cold ones. Bulbs in July-August should be heated in the open air at a temperature of 23-25°C.

The question is often asked about whether it is possible to dig up tulips in August. In hot summers and warm autumns in the steppe and subtropical zones, this procedure is carried out at the end of July and August for late varieties bulbous, if it is stipulated in the lunar calendars. You just need to remember that you can lose the babies, because they are separated from the main uterine bulb, which will also be difficult to find.

Leaving the bulbs in the ground for a long time increases the risk of infection. They freeze or rot in too wet soil, the roots become a breeding ground for infectious diseases. But even with premature digging, the development of the bulb is disturbed, as is its division.

How to dig bulbs

The formed roots and brown spots on the scales, as well as the softening of the leaves and ends of the stems, will tell you about the readiness of the bulb for digging: they will easily wrap around your finger. Carry out excavation:

  • on warm and sunny days to allow the bulbs to dry out;
  • in wet weather, they are washed with water, treated with potassium permanganate (5%) and dried together with the roots;
  • to avoid injury to the roots, the shovel is deeply lowered into the ground;
  • select and dispose of those bulbs that are diseased or have not germinated;
  • in turn.

Drying of dug out bulbs lasts 7-10 days at a temperature of 25-30°C, humidity - 50%. Next, they should be cleaned of earth, obsolete roots and scales and sorted for storage.

Storage of planting material

Storage of tulip bulbs after digging lasts 2-2.5 months at a room temperature of 23-25 ​​° C, another 1-1.5 months at a temperature of 15-18 ° heat and humidity 70-80%, then - at 10-12 ° heat and humidity of 60-70%, up to the moment of landing in the ground. Wherein integumentary scales should not dry out and be in high humidity, i.e. above the specified rate. To ensure breathing, the bulbs are distributed in one or two layers.

In every wooden box place the bulbs by variety and size. With a kidney diameter of more than 4 cm, they are referred to the first grade, with a diameter of 3 cm to 3.8 cm - to the second grade, with a diameter of 2.0-2.8 cm - to the third. The fluctuation in the size of varieties can be ± 1-2 cm. Planting material is periodically inspected for decay or disease. After storage in the autumn, the bulbs are planted to continue the plant's development cycle and produce bright spring flowers in the flower beds.

Baskets and containers for tulips

It is now popular to plant bulbs in special perforated containers or baskets so that they do not spread in the ground. Baskets are easy to remove from flower beds, and bulbs can be removed from the ground without much damage. After that, the baskets are dug a little somewhere in the garden and the bulbs are left in the soil for ripening. The cells of the containers or baskets should be small so that the children do not grow through them. If baskets are not at hand, then plastic bottles with a capacity of 5 liters will come in handy. Their neck is cut off, and holes are made in the bottom, the bottom is sprinkled with sand and earth. To make it easier to remove such homemade containers from the ground, handles are attached to them on the side.

The onions stored in the boxes are again transplanted into the soil in another area from the end of September to October 10, after soaking them again in a solution of weak potassium permanganate. Saplings are watered and fed with ashes and ammonium nitrate. When cold weather sets in, humus or peat mulch is laid out to keep warm during the winter and additional food spring.

After a long cold winter I want to add a little bright to my life, rich colors. How to care for tulips after flowering, so that they annually delight with their abundance of colors? We need a comprehensive and competent approach. This is practically the first garden flower, so you need to take care of it in the fall. Care for tulips after flowering is necessary in order to get a good one next year. planting material.

There is one incredible legend about the yellow tulip. Once upon a time, a long time ago, gods in the middle yellow tulip hide happiness. They promised that it would go to the one who managed to reveal yellow flower. Many tried to do this in order to take happiness for themselves, but nothing worked out for them. One day I ran up to a flower a little boy. He took a yellow tulip bud in his palms and, rejoicing at the flower, laughed loudly and effusively. And then a miracle happened, the flower opened, obeying the magic of children's sincere laughter.

For many people, the tulip is a symbol of spring and the holiday. I want these incredible flowers to delight with their beauty every spring. Like other plants, the tulip requires good and proper care.

Many gardeners believe that this unpretentious flower, which does not require special attention. Therefore, they are cared for only during the flowering period. This is an erroneous opinion. How to care for tulips after flowering can be divided into several processes.

Need for love and care

After the tulips have fulfilled their decorative function, the entire peduncle should be removed. Then for another 2 weeks they continue to be fed and watered. Fertilizers, which are based on potassium and phosphorus, are perfect as a feed.

You can cut the plant only after all the leaves on the stem have turned yellow. It is not recommended to cut tulips immediately after flowering, as the bulbs will stop developing. When digging bulbs, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. 1 Dig better in sunny weather. This will allow them to dry faster.
  2. 2 If it so happened that tulip bulbs were dug out in wet weather, it is imperative to follow their drying.
  3. 3 When digging, drive the shovel into the ground as deep as possible.
  4. 4 After the bulbs are removed, it is necessary to carefully review all the material and remove diseased specimens.
  5. 5 Tulips are the first to be dug early varieties.

Some flower growers believe that it will be enough to extract a plant from the ground once every 2 years. To please the gardener in the spring blooming carpet from tulips, you need to dig out annually. So, you can provide young bulbs good conditions to form flower buds.

If left in the ground, it will be susceptible to various infections that will adversely affect the formation of a full-fledged bulb, and in the worst case, the planting material may die. We must not forget that high-quality and healthy planting material is a guarantee that next spring magnificent tulips will bloom again in the garden or in the flower bed.

How to collect and prepare planting material? This issue needs to be given Special attention. The most common mistake all novice gardeners make is leaving tulips in the ground for the entire summer period. This is done only with certain varieties of red flowers. All the rest must be dug up annually, otherwise the flowers will shrink each time.

The mother bulb, in the process of separating the children, sinks lower into the ground, thereby pushing up the young specimens. An undigged tulip will help the babies bloom next year, and the mother bulb will go lower into the soil.

There are no exact dates when you can dig up tulips. This can be defined as follows: if the dried tulip stem easily wraps around the finger, then the tulips can be dug up. It is impossible to allow complete drying of the ground part of the plant. If you miss this moment, it will be problematic to dig an onion with children. When ripe, the children move away from the mother bulb, and when they are dug out, they can be damaged with a shovel or not noticed and left in the soil.

Growing tulips and caring for them is a rather troublesome business. After the planting material is removed, you need to provide it with proper storage. dug up and washed running water bulbs before drying for preventive purposes are disinfected with a solution of karbofos.

Bulbs must be dried. To do this, they are spread in a thin layer in a room that is well ventilated. The air temperature must be maintained in the range of 25-30ºС.

If the process of digging the bulbs took place in hot summer weather, rinsing can be omitted. At this time, lumps of dry earth and roots are removed from dried tulips. It is also recommended to treat the bulbs with a solution of potassium permanganate before sending them to storage.

Before leaving them for the winter, the plants must be sorted, placed in boxes made of boards or cardboard boxes. Spread no more than 2 layers. If there is a need to save planting material until spring, then for these purposes it is better to select bulbs 3-4 cm in size. So you can be sure that tulips will give a large flower next year.

Bulbs selected for storage are spread in a container. It will be nice if the bottom is made of mesh material. This will ensure better air access to the stored bulbs. Sometimes gardeners scatter them in small batches into bags of fabric or nylon tights which are then suspended.

To ensure greater preservation of the bulbs, they can be sprinkled with dry sawdust. If the batch is small, wrap each onion in a newspaper.

If one rots, the newspaper prevents the others from getting infected. It makes sense to periodically review the stored material and reject rotting bulbs. It is also necessary to be sure that in the room that was taken away for storage, there is no access to rodents. For mice, a tulip bulb is a delicacy, they are able to destroy most of the planting material.

autumn period

If the gardener does not plan to store them, but prefers to plant them in the fall, he will be interested in the following recommendations for planting tulips in open ground. It is necessary to break flower beds for tulips in areas where there are no large depressions. These flowers do not like wind and prefer to grow in well-lit areas. Tulips are planted not only in flower beds, they look great as a garden flower.

The landing site is chosen dry. Stagnation of water at the roots can cause plant disease, and also lead to rotting of the bulbs. To provide tulips with more favorable conditions for growth, drainage is made from broken bricks or sand.

For normal growth, they need to be planted at a distance of about 15 cm from each other. To form a beautiful flower garden, the following technique is used: large bulbs are planted in the center of the hole, and small ones on the sides. Before disembarking, it is necessary to carefully review all the material. Bulbs with various flaws, cracks or cuts are removed. Only 100% quality material is planted.

Despite the fact that tulips can be found in almost every garden with the advent of spring, not everyone knows how to care for tulips, from the appearance of the first tender shoots to the moment when all the flowers fade and the stems wither.

Caring for tulips from planting until the first buds appear

Tulips are fairly hardy and unpretentious perennials, however, mistakes in caring for them throughout the growing season may well lead to problems such as rotting bulbs, an abundance of blind (non-blooming) buds, as well as curvature of thin stems, creating the impression that as if they were in the field.

Tulips are quite resistant and undemanding perennials.

The first thing you need to take care of in order to significantly increase the chances of getting healthy tulips with flawless flowers: choose a suitable sunny place for planting tulips with loose, fertile soil and. If you do not pay attention to the sorting of planting material, the selection of the highest quality bulbs and their pre-planting processing, in the future you are unlikely to be able to avoid the defeat of tulips by diseases, which means that the hassle will noticeably increase.

Video about caring for tulips in spring

It will depend on what bulbs you plant in the flower beds. appearance, flower sizes and the health of the tulips themselves. Therefore, choose large bulbs without the slightest sign of rot, strong and smooth.

Tender shoots of tulips appear from under the snow from about the twentieth of March to mid-April, depending on weather conditions and on the characteristics of the variety. In the event that you mulched the planting of bulbs for the winter, it is recommended to remove the mulch after the snow melts - this way the earth warms up faster and the tulips begin to bloom earlier.

The appearance will depend on which bulbs you plant in the flower beds.

What is required from the gardener after the germination of tulips:

  • At the stage of germination of tulip sprouts, they should be carefully examined in order to immediately determine which bulbs did not germinate, which plants showed signs of disease. The revealed “marriage” must be dug up and immediately destroyed, otherwise the diseases can pass to the rest of the tulips.
  • Around the small tulip sprouts that have appeared, the ground is gently loosened, increasing the access of the necessary oxygen to the roots and helping to reduce the evaporation of moisture from the ground. In general, caring for tulips in the garden involves regular loosening of the soil throughout the growing season, and especially after watering and rains.
  • Before flowering, tulips should be watered fairly moderately, but the soil should never dry out.
  • The first feeding is carried out, as soon as the sprouts appear from the ground. During this period, tulips especially need nitrogen for rapid growth and leaf formation. For top dressing, you can use nitroammophos or crystallin with the addition of trace elements in tablets.
  • The following top dressing is not mandatory, but from the introduction of a complex mineral fertilizer when unfolding the second or third leaf, tulips will do more good than harm.

The first feeding is carried out, as soon as the sprouts appear from the ground

  • During budding, tulips absorb nutrients from the soil most efficiently and are in dire need of potassium and phosphorus for the normal formation of a peduncle with buds. Top dressing at this time should contain more phosphorus with potassium and less nitrogen.
  • When the buds begin to bloom, you can again feed the tulips with a complete mineral fertilizer.

Top dressing must be carried out very carefully so as not to damage the roots or burn the leaves, so it is best to combine it with watering or on a rainy day. The first top dressing should not be scattered over the snow, as it comes off unevenly. It is more expedient to apply top dressing in the form of solutions.

Basic actions during the flowering of tulips

When the buds, one by one, begin to open, and appear in the flowerbed gorgeous flowers Tulips require special care. They need to be watered abundantly, spending 10 liters of water per square meter so that moisture penetrates to the roots, and the water should not be cold. When watering and fertilizing in sunny weather, moisture should not get on the leaves, and even more so on the flowers, in order to avoid burns.

During the abundant flowering of tulips, it is necessary to apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, the proportion of nitrogen should be minimal, or you can completely do without it. Microelements such as boron, zinc, manganese will be useful - they have a beneficial effect on the condition of tulips as a whole and on the development of bulbs.

During the abundant flowering of tulips, it is necessary to apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers

During the flowering of tulips, experienced flower growers carry out cultivar cleaning (transplanting impurities of other varieties to maintain the purity of a certain variety) and phytocleaning (removing diseased plants from plantings). blooming tulips need regular inspection so that plants infected with diseases can be immediately destroyed. Particularly dangerous is the viral disease of variegated tulips.

It is incurable and is transmitted with plant sap when cut, so garden tools must be disinfected with alcohol or potassium permanganate. During the budding and flowering of tulips, it is easiest to identify.

Do not forget to loosen the soil between the tulips after each watering to prevent the formation of a crust on the soil and at the same time destroy weeds, which are highly undesirable for tulips.

Tulips have faded - what to do next?

Unfortunately, the flowering of tulips does not last long, and after a few days the magnificent flowers begin to fade, reducing the aesthetic appeal of the flower bed. Tulips bloom the fastest in hot, dry weather. However, even if all the flowers have already faded, also continue to water the plantings for another two weeks, because at this time the bulbs are actively forming underground - thanks to regular watering, they accumulate nutrients better.

So that yellowing tulips do not spoil your garden with their dull appearance, plant the bulbs in special baskets or containers - then the flowering plants can be dug up along with the containers and removed from the flower bed to another place for the bulbs to ripen.

To prevent yellowing tulips from spoiling your garden with their dull look, plant the bulbs in special baskets or containers.

Tulip care after flowering is based on the following rules:

  • if you plan to propagate the variety you like and grow large healthy bulbs for this, cut the flower heads on the fourth to eighth day after blooming (when the flowers are ready to crumble), then the bulbs will begin to grow heavily;
  • all fallen petals must be removed immediately, otherwise they will accumulate in the axils of the leaves and rot;
  • it is impossible to cut the stems of faded tulips until they turn yellow at all, otherwise the bulbs will stop developing;
  • you can find out if the bulbs are ripe by digging up one of them - formed roots and brown spots on the scales indicate that the bulb is ready;
  • dig the bulbs carefully, digging the shovel deep so as not to inadvertently injure the roots, try to do this on a sunny day to be able to dry the dug out bulbs on the street.

The harvested bulbs are sorted, processed and sent for storage. First, future planting material is stored at a temperature of +20 degrees, and from the second half of August - at +17 degrees.

Video about caring for tulips after flowering

In the fall, having chosen, the bulbs are planted on prepared beds and watered abundantly. Caring for tulips in autumn is also about preparing plants for winter. To do this, in mid-October, the planted bulbs are fed with ammonium nitrate, the bed is mulched with a small layer of peat and covered with the onset of cold weather.

Not all gardeners agree that tulip bulbs need to be replanted annually, but thanks to transplantation, the flowers remain large, beautiful, and they are less susceptible to disease.

After the end of the flowering period, tulip care does not end. The process of bulb formation and accumulation of nutrients at this time is just beginning and will continue for several more weeks. Therefore, it is impossible to immediately get rid of the remaining foliage and dig up tulip bulbs. To obtain high-quality seed material, it is important to water faded plants in a timely manner and apply top dressing.

Necessary actions after flowering

Caring for tulips does not stop even after their flowering is completed. Otherwise, the flower bulb will stop its development. For correct formation bulbs care for tulips after flowering is as follows:

  • To get large bulbs of the variety you like, tulip heads are cut off a week after blooming, before the flowers begin to crumble. This will allow the bulbs to intensively build up mass.
  • Watering does not stop until the plant is pruned.
  • Fallen petals are immediately removed so that they do not accumulate in the axils of the leaves and do not rot.
  • Leaves are not pruned until they turn yellow completely so that the development of the bulb does not stop.
  • To control ripening, they dig one bulb and look at it for the presence of formed roots and brown spots on the scales.
  • In order not to injure the roots when digging the bulbs, the shovel is driven to a sufficient depth.

When watering tulips, the soil must be moistened to a depth of at least 40 cm. The root system of the plant is unable to get moisture in the deep layers of the soil, so watering must be deep.


After flowering is complete, only those plants that have completely withered and turned yellow can be cut. In most cases, after the completion of nutrition, the flower independently discards the peduncle, leaves and arrow. But some varieties require additional pruning during cultivation.

For accumulation nutrients and ensuring the correct formation of the bulbs are responsible for the peduncle and foliage of the plant. After the end of flowering in these organs of the flower, the necessary chemical processes. Therefore, premature cutting of the remaining above-ground part of the tulip can cause the death of the bulb.

Pruning can be carried out no earlier than a month after the end of flowering. Since the development of each flower is strictly individual, the accumulation of nutrients and the ripening time of the bulbs will also be different. Therefore, massive pruning of foliage is not performed.


To obtain high-quality seed material, it is necessary that the soil be enriched with such beneficial substances like potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. With their deficiency, the development of the flower slows down: the stems grow thin, the flower forms small buds and an insufficient number of new bulbs. Therefore, tulips need regular feeding.

Since flower buds form throughout the summer, top dressing should be done not only during the growing season, but also after flowering is completed. For this, they introduce potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, after diluting them in a bucket of water for irrigation. The concentration should be 2 tbsp. l. to a bucket of water.

How to dig and save bulbs?

Tulip bulbs must be dug up every year without leaving them in the ground for the winter. This will improve the quality seed and prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Bulbs should be dug up after pruning the plant in late June or early July. At the same time, early varieties of tulips are first dug up and only then later ones.

So that the bulbs dry out faster, they are removed in sunny, dry weather. After digging, the resulting material is carefully examined. Well developed bulbs should have healthy roots and brown scales. Damaged and sick should be thrown out immediately. Then the selected specimens are dipped for several minutes in a 5% solution of potassium permanganate and dried.

Before planting in open ground for storage, the bulbs are transferred to boxes with a mesh bottom so that air circulates better. Seed material is placed in two layers. Prepared boxes are placed in a dark, dry place with good ventilation. The air temperature in the first month in this room should be from +23 to +25 degrees. In the second month, the temperature is lowered to +20 degrees, and before landing on a flower bed, it should be +17 degrees.

When storing the bulbs, sudden changes in temperature should not be allowed, this can lead to the appearance of "blind" buds.

How to plant tulips?

The optimal time for planting tulips begins in autumn in mid-September. Then the plant will have time to take root and in the spring in March it will start to grow. But it is better to be guided by weather conditions. The air temperature at this time should be from +5 to +7 degrees. In the northern regions, this period may shift to the beginning of September, and in the south, tulips are planted only in early October.

Before planting, the seed is peeled and inspected to find possible foci of the disease. Damaged copies are thrown away. If expensive varieties of tulips turn out to be sick, then the damaged areas are carefully cut out with a sharp knife, capturing a small piece of healthy tissue along with the diseased tissue. Then the cut places are dried for 20 minutes and treated with a fungicide. When planting, such bulbs are planted separately from healthy ones.

The prepared material for sowing is once again treated with a 5% solution of potassium permanganate and planted in a well-lit and draft-protected place in the country or in the garden. The site must be different from the former habitat of tulips. For planting large bulbs, furrows are made 15 cm deep, for children, the depth of the furrow should be 6 cm. A distance of 30 cm is observed between adjacent rows of tulips. Add to each furrow wood ash and sand, which will make the soil lighter. After that, the soil is watered so that it better envelops the seed. The bulbs are laid in a furrow, keeping a distance of 10 to 15 cm between them, depending on the size of the specimen. Planted plants need to be watered again so that they take root better.

It is necessary to complete the process of planting tulips in such a time that the plants have time to take root before the onset of frost. Otherwise, they may die from the cold. With the onset of cold weather, the planting site of tulips must be covered with a layer of humus or peat.

Tulips during flowering are very beautiful, but this period does not last long. Literally after a few days, the flowers begin to fade and look no longer so attractive. Not all flower growers know how to care for tulips after flowering, and make annoying mistakes when trying to immediately cut or dig up the bulbs.

What to do after tulips bloom

Caring for tulips after flowering is quite simple. The main rule is that the flowers cannot be cut or dug up immediately. For several weeks, it is recommended to water and feed the plant well. This feature is due to the fact that when the flower fades, tulip bulbs continue to accumulate nutrients for about three weeks. Premature digging deprives them of this opportunity, so next year the flowering of tulips may be less plentiful.

After the final withering, the peduncle is carefully removed. This will allow the plant not to waste energy on the need for seed ripening. It is impossible to cut the leaves immediately, because when they are removed immediately after flowering, the development of the bulbs lags behind. It is necessary to provide tulips with sufficient watering and fertilizing with fertilizers.

Many gardeners at this time have a desire to clean yellow leaves, but you shouldn't do that. Experienced gardeners recommend simply pressing them to the ground or planting them with tulips perennials to give during this period aesthetic appearance flowerbed. You can decorate the flower garden during this period by first planting daffodils or phloxes with tulips.

Within a few weeks, tulip leaves will wither. naturally and they can be cut. In order not to lose the place for planting flowers after the leaves have dried, it is recommended that you first make guide notes by which you can easily find it.

Tulips: care after flowering

Tulips are bulbous species and do not require particularly careful care, but they have special requirements for watering. The irrigation rate is 10-40 liters per square meter, but it directly depends on the weather. The drier the weather, the more abundant watering should be..

Top dressing of tulips after flowering should be carried out without fail. This procedure will allow the flower bulbs to pick up maximum amount nutrients. The choice of fertilizers must be approached with caution, as top dressing of tulips with fertilizer complexes with nitrogen and chlorine is unacceptable.

Beneficial for the storage of bulbs affects the use as top dressing potassium and phosphorus. Such a complex is applied in the amount of 30-40 grams per square meter of soil. It is enough to fertilize the plant once.

Crystallin and aquarin are considered good top dressing. The composition of top dressing contains phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen. On the market for garden preparations today you can purchase various brands, the composition of which may vary slightly. These products do not contain chlorine, so they are considered completely safe for tulips. Their use allows: to provide onions with a sufficient amount of nutrients. As a result of introducing a complex composition into the soil, a significant increase in high-quality planting material can be obtained.

Why you need to dig

Digging up tulips is a must. You can not leave the bulbs in the ground, because when this rule is not respected, then degeneration of the plant occurs and flower stalks become very small. Many novice flower growers face this situation, when a few years after planting expensive varieties of tulips, instead of double, fringed, multi-colored flowers, you can see weak flowers with small inflorescences. In exceptional cases, flowers simply do not sprout, and there is no time to blooming flower bed an empty space appears.

To explain this situation, it is enough to know about the characteristics of bulbous plants. Over time, many small baby bulbs form around the parent head. Over time, they grow, which leads to the drowning of the mother's head down. Weak onions are not able to give a full-fledged luxuriantly flowering plant.

The most persistent are considered red varieties of tulips, which can support abundant flowering for several years.

Tulips have faded: what to do next

After the leaves of the plant have completely withered, you can start digging up the flowers. Digging of bulbs is recommended from the end of June to the second decade of July. Digging can be done with a shovel or with a bayonet shovel. To avoid the possibility of damage to the heads, it is recommended to focus on the remains of dry stems. It is preliminary recommended to assess the readiness of planting material for this procedure. To do this, one onion is dug up and its visual inspection is carried out. healthy tulip bulb dense, smooth and slightly shiny. You can start digging up flowers if the following signs are present:

  • bulbs have good roots;
  • brown spots are visible on the scales;
  • the ends of the stem are easily wound around the finger.

Most varieties of tulips are recommended to be dug annually. Disease-resistant varieties can be dug up once every 2 years. It is best to remove the bulbs from the soil on a sunny day, as this will allow you to get dry, clean bulbs. When digging, the following rules should be observed:

  • deepen the shovel carefully, otherwise the roots may be damaged;
  • digging begins with early varieties;
  • defective bulbs are to be discarded.

Prepare before work carton boxes and make inscriptions which of the varieties or colors of tulips are in it. In the future, such simple actions will help to avoid confusion with planting varieties and errors in color combinations.

After digging, all planting material is washed under running water and dried thoroughly. Recommended to do pickling onions with 5% manganese solution. If the planting material will have high humidity, then in the future during storage it will rot and crack.

For good drying, it is enough to keep the heads in a dry room for 14 days at a temperature of 22-25 C 0. During this period, the formation of a bud and a flower stem occurs. If at this time the temperature is low, then such formation does not occur and the next year the bulb may not bloom.

Care and storage rules after digging

After the drying stage is completed, you can start sorting the planting material. Each bulb is descaled. Children are separated from each adult bulb and placed in a separate container. At the same time, the diseased, defective material is culled and the bulbs are sorted by size.

All planting material is folded into boxes, which are stored in a dry, dark room. It is recommended to use a container with a mesh bottom. Laying out the onions should be done no more than two layers. The first 4 weeks the bulbs are stored at a temperature of 23-25 ​​C 0 . Gradually the temperature is reduced to 17 C 0 .

Proper care for tulips and compliance with the rules of storage will allow the bulbs to rest and next year you can expect abundant flowering from them.