Muscles of the quadriceps. Quadriceps: the best exercises for the muscles of the anterior thigh

Did your legs feel a little too full compared to your upper body? Does the look of Demi Moore's perfect buttocks and legs in the film "Striptease" continue to haunt even in a dream? So, it's time to take up the legs closely. More precisely, squatting, because, as one of the outstanding athletes said: “Squats are a gift from God.”

Of course, there are difficulties in working out, but all of them are completely solvable even at home, the main thing is attentive and thorough work on yourself without an ounce of laziness and hack-work. Any effect on the muscles, and especially a deep “pumping” of the quadriceps of the thigh, implies following the rules for performing exercises and the recommendations of the trainer (or other competent source).

Some of the anatomy of the thigh

The quadriceps, or quadriceps muscle, is one of the largest muscles in the human body, and it consists of four bundles (why, in fact, it is named so). This:

  • rectus muscle- the longest of the entire group, sits on top of the rest and gives the thigh a beautiful rounded appearance, notable for the fact that it is not attached to the femur
  • Lateral- forms the hip from the side, helps to extend the knee
  • medial wide- creates an inner part, especially effective roundness at the knee
  • Intermediate wide- lies between the lateral and medial, partially hiding under them

The quadriceps muscle is responsible for maintaining the body in a stable vertical position, flexes the leg at the hip joint and is involved in bending the knee, also being the antagonist muscle of the biceps femoris. The quadriceps of the thighs, together with the gluteal muscles, is the pride of any girl involved in sports.

Combined action gives the best result

To achieve the maximum effect, you should think about proper nutrition, and if there is a goal to increase muscle volume, then get hooked on food rich in protein, while not forgetting to take enough fiber for proper bowel function. Beauty is good, but health is always more important!

Don't ignore the warm up!

For a qualitative impact on the quadriceps of the thighs, a good cardio warm-up of the whole body is very important: the muscles will be more obedient, manageable and work out deeper, which, in turn, will pay off with a beautiful shape and powerful functionality.

To warm up the muscles, you can use a treadmill, a jump rope, or ordinary aerobic movements to your taste: the main thing is that the body warms up well and a light sweat comes out. But do not overwork yourself - after all, this is only the beginning, and the main forces will still come in handy.

A set of exercises with weight for muscle growth

The most powerful ways to influence the quadriceps of the thigh in girls are very simple - these are the well-known basic exercises: squats, lunges and various leg presses.

The barbell squat is a versatile method for both hips and glutes, so it's foolish to ignore it. The legs are placed in a comfortable position: wider or narrower than the shoulder line, but at the same time the feet are parallel. An important aspect: the spine must be constantly straight, and the knees do not go forward beyond the stop line. The squat is performed at a slow pace, the hips should be lowered parallel to the floor (it should not be lower, otherwise the knees will be overloaded) and exhale when straightening the legs. At the same time, if the feet are already shoulder-length, the lateral muscle works more, and if it is wider, then the medial one. The bar is located on the shoulders, it is also possible to work in a power rack.

When performing leg extension on the simulator, you should remember: girls should not get carried away with excessive weight so that their knees do not suffer. Be sure to make sure that when the leg is extended, the knee does not protrude beyond the foot, but the leg should be fully extended. Tightly fix the pelvis, back of the thigh and back, isolating the work of the quadriceps muscle. You can also use options with a turn of socks in and out. Similar muscle work occurs with the leg press in the prone position.

Performing lunges (forward, backward and frontal), in all cases, it is important to monitor the position of the knees (they should not go beyond the line of the foot) and the spine (do not bend the back in an arc, head straight). With a frontal lunge, the step is taken diagonally to the side with a slight tilt of the body forward. When lunging forward - backward, the knee bend angle in both legs should be 90 degrees.

Each exercise for the quadriceps of the thigh is repeated at least 25-30 times in each approach, in total sets - 3-4. Pumping up the quadriceps of the thigh is a fairly simple matter, this muscle is easily affected, especially with the use of weights.

Drying Options

To reduce the volume of the hips, the classic is always perfect! Countless options for lunges, squats and jumps have proven themselves for a long time - it remains to choose acceptable ones and start acting. Sprinting and stair running are also good (provided you have healthy knees).


Stretching should not be neglected after each session - this will avoid the “clogging” of muscles and tendons. Why is this needed? If this is not done, then blood circulation and lymph flow are disturbed in the densified tissues, which will lead to swelling and slagging. Edema in the quadriceps of the thigh in girls is highly undesirable - blood stasis can be transmitted to the pelvic organs and provoke disruption of the genitourinary system.

To stretch this muscle, there are a few simple exercises:

  • Standing on one leg, bend the second at the knee, pointing the heel to the buttock and slightly tucking the pelvis under you.
  • Standing on one knee, rest your hand on the floor or chair, and bend the other leg with the heel to the buttock, while trying to lower the pelvis lower and not slouch. The angle of the knee in front should not go beyond the toe.
  • Kneeling, lower the pelvis between the heels to the floor, trying not to spread the hips to the sides. Carefully place your elbows on the floor behind the pelvis, if possible - lie with your shoulder blades on the floor, firmly pressing the line of the knees to the floor and pushing the pubic bone to the navel.

Girls who are just starting to work with their bodies naively believe that the more often the classes, the faster the goal will be achieved. This is an erroneous assertion with no basis.

The quadriceps of the thighs are large enough muscles, so you don’t need to get carried away with frequent workouts - one per week is enough, but high-quality and powerful, otherwise the fibers will not be able to fully recover, which means they will not give the desired result. If there is no fatigue in the muscles, you are not working out in training.

All muscle fibers are divided into fast and slow, which is important to consider when shaping the relief, so it is imperative to add cardio loads to strength methods, just do not combine them into one workout (do not confuse a full-fledged lesson and warm-up).

Thus, you will have two thigh workouts per week: for example, Monday - cardio, and Thursday or Friday - strength.

Be feminine!

Unfortunately, in the pursuit of forms, some women are so addicted that, in a fit of fanaticism, they pump over the body, making it masculine. This is especially pronounced in overly muscular arms, trapezius muscle and heavy quadriceps thighs.

Such women in dresses look very unattractive and rude, and thin straps only enhance the impression. Therefore, the training process must be approached adequately and moderately so as not to turn into a mountain of muscles. After all, what is beautiful for a man is not always appropriate for a woman. Her true beauty is in her smooth curves. But just do not confuse the softness and jelly-like loose state of the bodies of some opponents of sports. Extremes in working with the body have not done honor to anyone.

The thigh muscles are the largest muscles in the human body. The overall physical form of the athlete, his weight, strength indicators in various movements, and metabolic rate depend on their strength and mass. The influence of well-developed thigh muscles on the health of the genitourinary system, hip and knee joints is also undeniable. Therefore, it makes sense to thoroughly understand the structure and functions of the thigh muscles. This will give you a deeper understanding of the essence of the exercises performed in the gym.

quadriceps muscle (quadriceps femoris)

As the name implies, the muscle consists of four parts (bundles), and it is also called the quadriceps. Many people may be missing one of the muscles (anatomical variation).

The main function of all parts of the quadriceps muscle is to extend the leg at the knee and flex the hip (bringing the hip closer to the stomach).

Lateral broad muscle of the thigh (m. Vastus lateralis)

The largest of all thigh muscles. A flat unipennate muscle, on which the roundness of the lateral part of the thigh depends.

It is located on the lateral surface of the thigh and goes to the front of the thigh in the knee area. The upper end is attached to the femur in the region of the hip joint. Lower - to the patella and tibia (lower leg).
From above it is covered with a wide fascia of the thigh (a long flat tendon on the side of the thigh, connecting the muscles of the pelvis and lower leg).

The main function of the vastus lateralis muscle is:

unbends the lower leg (extends the leg at the knee)

Quadriceps femoris is involved in exercises such as running, jumping, squats, lunges, and in general in all movements in which the leg extends at the knee.

Medial broad muscle of the thigh (m. Vastus medialis)

A thick, flat muscle located on the inside of the thigh, extending over the front of the thigh near the knee. This muscle forms a rounded ridge on the inside of the knee, especially noticeable when you are sitting.

With its upper end, the muscle is attached along the entire length (on the inside) of the femur, and with its lower end it forms a supporting ligament of the patella.

The main function of the vastus medial muscle of the thigh is:

Extends the lower leg (extension of the leg at the knee)

M. vastus medialis is involved in such exercises as running, jumping, squats, lunges, and in general in all movements in which the leg is extended at the knee.

Intermediate wide muscle of the thigh (m. vastus intermedius)

This is a flat lamellar muscle located between the lateral and medial wide muscles of the thigh. Hidden under their edges and covered from above by the rectus femoris muscle (see below).

The upper end of the muscle is attached to the femur in the region of the hip joint, and the lower end is involved in the formation of the patellar ligament.

The main function of the vastus intermedius muscle of the thigh:

Extends the lower leg (extends the leg at the knee)

M. vastus intermedius is involved in such exercises as running, jumping, squats, lunges, and in general in all movements in which the leg is extended at the knee.

Rectus femoris (m. rectus femoris)

Long spindle-shaped muscle, located on the front of the thigh above all the other muscles of the quadriceps. With its upper end, the muscle is attached to the pelvic bone (the lower anterior iliac spine above the acetabulum), and the lower end is involved in the formation of the knee ligament.
This muscle is remarkable in that it is not attached to the femur. It is clearly visible on the front surface of the thigh, determining its roundness.

The main functions of the rectus femoris:

Hip flexion (pulling the hip towards the abdomen)

Leg extension (knee extension)

M. rectus femoris is involved in such movements as running, jumping, maintaining the balance of the body, squatting, pulling the legs to the body. Actively works in conjunction with the abdominal muscles when performing exercises for its development. It is an integral part.

Tailor muscle (m. sartorius)

This is a narrow ribbon-like muscle up to 50 cm long. It runs diagonally from the outer part of the hip joint to the inner part of the knee joint. The muscle is located on top of other muscles of the front of the thigh and is clearly visible with a reduced content of subcutaneous fat.

The upper end of the muscle is attached to the bones of the pelvis (superior anterior iliac spine of the ilium), and the lower end to the tibia (lower leg). Curiously, this muscle is not involved in leg extension at the knee, although it belongs to the quadriceps.

The main functions of the sartorius muscle:

Hip flexion (pulling the hip towards the body)

Abduction and rotation of the hip outward

M. Sartorius is involved in such movements as running, walking, bending the legs at the knees, pulling the hips to the body, and rotating the hips. Therefore, performing exercises in which the weight is overcome by bending the leg at the knee, as well as bending the hip (pulling it towards the body), you develop this muscle as well.

Together, these muscles are called the biceps femoris. These muscles determine the shape of the back of the thigh, its roundness. They also partly affect the filling of the space between the hips.

Biceps femoris (m. biceps femoris)

A long, fusiform muscle that runs along the entire back of the thigh. It consists, as the name implies, of two heads: long and short. The long head is attached with its upper end to the ischial tuberosity of the pelvic bone, and with its lower end to the tibia (shin). The short one is attached to the posterior surface of the femur with its upper part, and to the tibia with its lower part.

The main functions of the biceps femoris:

Leg flexion (knee flexion)

Hip extension (pulling the hip back or straightening the torso from a bent position)

Keeping the balance of the body

M. biceps femoris is actively involved in leg flexion, in all movements in which the hip needs to be pulled back, in body extensions from a tilted position.

Lack of flexibility and strength of the biceps femoris is often the cause of back pain, poor posture, and problems with the knee joints.

Semitendinosus muscle (m. semitendinosus)

A long flat muscle tapering downwards, lying medially (closer to the middle of the body) in relation to the biceps femoris muscle. The upper part of the muscle is attached to the ischial tuberosity of the pelvic bone. Lower - to the tibia (lower leg).

The main functions of the semitendinosus muscle:

Leg flexion (knee flexion)

M. semitendinosus is actively involved in leg flexion, in all movements in which the hip is required to be retracted, in extension of the body from a tilted position.

Semimembranous muscle (m. semimembranosus)

A long flat muscle located in the posterior-inner part of the thigh. The upper end is attached to the ischial tuberosity of the pelvic bone. The lower end - to various parts of the tibia and fascia of the muscles of the lower leg.

The main functions of the semimembranosus muscle:

Hip extension (bringing it back or extending the body from a tilted position)

Leg flexion (knee flexion)

M. semimembranosus is actively involved in leg flexion, in all movements in which the hip needs to be retracted, and in body extensions from a tilted position.

Muscles of the inner thigh

These muscles are generally referred to as adductors. Their main function is to bring the femur inward.

Thin muscle (m. gracilis)

A long ribbon-like muscle located on top of all other muscles on the inside of the thigh. Its upper part is attached to the pubic bone, and the lower part to the tibia (lower leg).

The main functions of the thin muscle:

Leg flexion (bends the leg at the knee)

Turning the leg inward

M. gracilis is actively involved in all leg movements: running, walking, squatting, maintaining body balance.

Comb muscle (m. pectineus)

A flat muscle attached with its upper end to the pubic bone, and its lower end to the inner part of the middle of the femur.

The main functions of the comb muscle:

Hip adduction (pulls it in)

Hip flexion (pulls the hip towards the body)

M. pectineus is actively involved in all leg movements: running, walking, squatting, maintaining body balance.

Long adductor muscle (m. adductor longus)

Flat thick muscle. It is attached with the upper end to the pubic bone, and the lower end to the inner part of the middle of the femur.

The main functions of the long adductor muscle:

Hip adduction (pulls it in)

Outward rotation of the hip

M. adductor longus is actively involved in all leg movements: running, walking, squatting, maintaining body balance.

Short adductor muscle (m. adductor brevis)

Flat, expanding downward muscle. It is attached with the upper end to the outer surface of the body and the pubic bone. Lower (wide end) - to the inside of the femur.

The main functions of the short adductor muscle:

Hip adduction (pulls it in)

Hip flexion (pulls the hip to the body, moving it forward)

M. adductor brevis is actively involved in all leg movements: running, walking, squatting, maintaining body balance.

Large adductor muscle (m. adductor magnus)

The largest of the adductor muscles, which determines the degree of filling of the space between the thighs with its volume. The picture shows a rear view.

Its upper end is attached to the ischial tuberosity of the pelvis and the pubic bone. The lower (very widened end) is attached to the inner part of the femur almost along its entire length.

The main functions of the large adductor muscle:

Hip adduction (pulls it in)

Rotates the hip outward

The internal bundles are involved in hip extension (retracting it back and extending the body from a tilt position)

M. adductor magnus is actively involved in all leg movements: running, walking, squatting, maintaining body balance.

Muscles of the outer thigh

Tensioner of the wide fascia of the thigh (m. tensor fascia latae)

In general, this is the only muscle, with the exception of the muscles of the buttocks, that is involved in hip abduction.

This is a flat elongated muscle, tapering downwards. The upper end is attached to the anterior iliac spine, and the lower end of this muscle passes into the wide fascia of the thigh - a long tendon that stretches to the lower leg. Being well developed, it gives a pleasant roundness to the lateral surfaces in the pelvic region.

The main functions of the tensor of the wide fascia of the thigh:

Stretching the broad fascia of the thigh (which is necessary for the normal operation of the legs when walking and running)

Strengthening the knee joint by stretching the fascia lata

hip flexion

M. tensor fascia latae is actively involved in walking, running, and exercising on one leg.

Well, in the end, it's worth mentioning. that the muscles of the thighs and the muscles of the buttocks are interconnected anatomically and according to their functions. A person is characterized by such movements in which these muscles work in conjunction: walking, running, squatting, tilting. As a rule, exercises for the development of the legs perfectly develop the buttocks.

The quadriceps is the largest muscle group in the entire human body. It includes four heads: straight, medial, lateral and middle. Usually they work all together, and when you need to pump up your legs, tighten the hip line, they do exercises for the entire quadriceps.

Many novice athletes, especially men, when they come to the gym, focus on the upper body and the cubes on the stomach, forgetting that for a harmonious figure you also need to pump the quadriceps of the thigh. Girls also do the buttocks, although in the second case the muscles of the legs are also involved, you need to remember about separate isolating movements on this part of the body.

So, we figured out what quadriceps is, now let's look at where it is and how to pump it at home. This muscle group is located on the front of the leg, straight and slightly to the side of the kneecap. Its main function is to extend the leg at the knee, as well as bending the leg, lifting the hips to the chest, and maintaining balance while tilting the pelvis forward.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which muscle of all four heads is more important, and which one needs more repetitions. You need to download everything at once. It depends on the appearance of this muscle how the leg will look from the side and front.

How and where to practice?

We note right away: if you are no longer a beginner in sports, and want to know how to pump up quadriceps and hamstrings as quickly as possible, go to the gym. The gym has the equipment that is usually not at home: special platforms, squat machines, and of course, barbells. For active muscle growth, you need strength exercises with a small number of repetitions, but all the way. Muscles burn and grow.

But women usually have a different task, and they need not to form a bulging muscle that looks beautiful on male athletes, but to find a way how not to swing their legs, and at the same time tighten their hips, make them elastic and slender. And in this regard, exercises at home are perfect.

For training at home, you only need dumbbells, but in extreme cases you can do without them, using, for example, 1.5-liter water bottles. If you are far from sports at all, and have never done leg training before, you probably won’t even need dumbbells for the first 1-2 months, do it with your own weight, the muscles will still work and strengthen.

We make a complex of movements

Monotony is boring not only for you, but also for your muscles. Experts recommend changing the complex every two months, choosing other effective exercises so that the load alternates at least a little. This will help to work out the muscles more efficiently.

So, we offer you the best options that you can use in various modifications, choosing how to reduce or how to increase quadriceps.

In each case, it is important to do the maximum number of repetitions until you start to feel a burning sensation in the muscles. Relax a bit and move on to the next exercise. You should do it twice a week so that your legs have time to rest.

Plan to devote about an hour to training, and be sure to warm up, stretch your joints, especially if you work out with weights. Any load on the knees harms the joints, so control your zeal, especially at first. Increase the weight gradually.


It is most effective to do them with dumbbells. Hands down. back and forth so that the thigh is parallel to the floor, change legs. It is advisable to do 15-20 repetitions. Lunges to the side are also good, in this case we hold the dumbbell in the same hand where we do the lunge. If space allows, you can move not in place, but as if stepping forward or backward.


The best exercise for the quadriceps thigh. And they are good because you can do them in different variations, depending on which part of the leg you need to work out more. If the legs are shoulder-width apart, the quadriceps swings evenly, wider than the shoulders - the inner part of the muscle works, narrower than the shoulders - the lateral head of the quadriceps tenses. Plan your workout on your own as you like by choosing:

  • The simplest. Feet shoulder-width apart, narrower or wider, squat to an angle of 90 degrees.
  • asymmetrical. One leg is shoulder-width apart slightly in front of the other.
  • Side. Legs wider than shoulders, squat to the side, transferring weight to one leg.
  • with springs. Ordinary squats, but at the bottom point 3 times with a springy pelvis, then we get up.
  • jumping out. Rising, we jump up, straightening our legs, then we squat from the jump.

A regular squat can be made more effective by placing your heels on a small stand, 2-3 centimeters. So the gluteal muscles are less tense, and more load goes to the quadriceps. If you're working out with dumbbells, try holding them against your chest as this will increase the load as well.


To do this, you will need a step platform, a stand, some kind of elevation. A sturdy box, a low stool, or something similar. The left leg is bent at the knee and stands on a raised platform. Right straight and on the floor. Performing the movement, we unbend the left leg with force, and raise the right leg to it. It turns out that with one foot you stand on a support, the second is next to it, but does not rest, it hangs in the air. Lower the right leg back to the floor and repeat. There are two variations aimed at the outer part and at the entire quadriceps muscle as a whole:

  • Sideways to the stand;
  • Facing the stand.

Do the exercise for quadriceps intensively, but gently to maintain balance. It may be more comfortable to lean against the wall, but do not help yourself with your hands. The rise should be precisely due to the effort of the leg.

By the way, walking up the stairs can be an analogue of lifting. Take a backpack, put at least 10 kilograms of something in it (dumbbells, bottled water) and walk up and down the stairs several times (the number of passes depends on the height of the house, see according to your strength).


In order for the muscles to be beautiful, especially for girls, it is important to do after each workout. In addition, it will help reduce the pain of krepatura. Here are a few options to choose from. It is important to feel how the muscle stretches.

  • on the side. Lie on your left side, hand under your head. With your right hand, pull the right leg bent at the knee with springy movements so that it touches the buttocks. Fix for 10-15 seconds. Repeat with the other leg.
  • standing. Stand up straight, knees together. Hand pull the leg to the buttocks. If it is difficult to keep balance, grasp the support with your other hand.
  • In a backward lunge. Lunge back, place your back foot on your knee. Pull it with your hand to the buttocks.

When will the effect be?

Quadriceps swing pretty fast. This is a strong muscle, and it is already involved in normal activities - walking, running, squatting, climbing stairs. For strengthening, 10-12 sessions are usually enough, after which the result is visible: the legs are tightened, they become more slender.

If you want more effect - increase the weight of the load and the number of repetitions.

Put in the effort and your legs will look amazing!

The legs are a very important part of our body, as they perform many functions in our life. That is why they need to pay special attention. And if you are into bodybuilding, then big and sculpted legs are especially important for you. So let's figure it out how to build legs: quadriceps and hamstrings?

Before you begin to disassemble the leg workout (key recommendations) Let's take a quick look at the anatomy. We need information on anatomy so that we can swing our large and embossed legs as correctly as possible, with a minimum risk of injury and a maximum progressive effect.

So, in essence, the legs are the largest muscles in our body and they are divided into four large parts:

  • Quadriceps
  • hamstrings
  • Buttocks
  • calf

In order to gain attractive, harmoniously developed legs, it is necessary to train all four parts. Moreover, the load should be distributed evenly.

In this article, we will not affect the calf muscles. (we'll talk about them another time) and gluteal (I've talked about them before). We will analyze only quadriceps and hamstrings.

Quadriceps- the quadriceps muscle, which occupies the front of the leg. Its main function is to extend the leg at the knee. The quadriceps is made up of four parts. (direct, medial, lateral and intermediate), each of which has its own beginning, but at the end point all parts pass into a common tendon.

  • straight part - this is the longest part, which is located on the front surface of the quadriceps
  • medial part - a wide part that covers the anteromedial surface of the lower half of the quadriceps
  • lateral part - a wide part that covers almost the entire anterolateral surface of the quadriceps
  • intermediate part - a wide part, which is located between the medial and lateral part, directly under the rectus quadriceps muscle

Biceps femoris- the biceps muscle, which occupies the back of the leg. Its main function is to bend the leg at the knee. The hamstring is made up of two parts. (long and short).

We briefly talked about anatomy, now let's look at the best exercises in order to understand how to build legs (quads and hamstrings) quickly and effectively.


  • Gakk - squats
  • Leg press in the simulator
  • Leg extension sitting in the simulator
  • Lunges


  • Deadlift on straight legs
  • hyperextension

Based on these exercises, you can already draw up a training program.

Basic rules in leg training:

  • Correct technique (it is very important to follow the correct technique in all exercises so as not to damage the joints)
  • Even load on front and rear (to make the legs look beautiful, you need to evenly load both the quadriceps and the biceps of the thighs)
  • Rep range: 12 – 15, maybe 18 (legs love and respond better to lots of repetitive training). But there is one BUT, multi-repetition is not suitable for everyone (most but not all), there are people who are best suited for a rep range of 6 - 10 (need to experiment)
  • Maximum range of motion (you need to stretch and contract your muscles as much as possible, only then you will get real progress)
  • Load progression (a prerequisite in training any muscle group)

How to build legs - Training programs:

Scheme No. 1:

This scheme is designed for those people who are engaged in the gym for 9 - 12 weeks. (so to speak, a scheme for beginners).

Barbell Squats 1*20/4*15

Deadlift on straight legs 1*20/4*15

Scheme No. 2:

The second scheme is suitable for those people who have already been training for more than 6 months. Also, at the end of the workout, you can add one exercise for the calf muscles (optional).

Barbell Squats 1*20/1*15/3*12

3*12 – 15

Deadlift on straight legs 1*20/1*15/3*12

Lying leg curl in the simulator 3*12 – 15

Scheme No. 3:

The third scheme is designed for people with good training experience. For beginners, this scheme is contraindicated, since you can easily get overtraining. Also, at the end of the workout, you can add two exercises for the calf muscles (optional).

Barbell Squats 1*20/1*15/1*10/4*6

Leg press in the simulator 3*12 – 15

Leg extension sitting in the simulator 4*12 – 15

Deadlift on straight legs 1*20/1*15/2*10/3*6

Lying leg curl in the simulator 5*12 – 15
