The benefits and harms of fermented milk products for women. Fermented milk products in children's nutrition

One of the most important conditions for a healthy lifestyle is proper nutrition. A healthy diet includes a wide variety of foods. They all contain certain vitamins and minerals that our body needs. This is meat, and poultry, and fruits, and vegetables, and dairy products. Both the benefits and harms of all of the above are now and then questioned by nutritionists. This is especially true for dairy products. It would seem that this is a product that we have been consuming since birth. However, with age, it becomes not so useful for our body. Let's understand its properties and find out who should give up dairy and fermented milk products.

Composition and properties

First of all, it is worth analyzing the properties that dairy products have.

  • They are high in protein and fat. Proteins contain amino acids, without which the existence of the human body is impossible. At the same time, the proteins contained in milk are absorbed better than those found in meat.
  • Milk fat is essential for the formation of our immune system. He is also responsible for the synthesis of hormones. Saturated fat contains cholesterol, which is needed for the intestines and liver to function.
  • Also, dairy products contain salts of iodine, iron, phosphorus, potassium and calcium. The latter are especially important - they are necessary for the growth and strengthening of bones.

Separately, it should be said about the benefits and dangers of fermented milk products. They differ from ordinary milk, have a different composition and properties.

  • These products are distinguished by the fact that they are very quickly absorbed. So, kefir is digested about three times faster than regular milk.
  • Lactic acid in their composition inhibits the spread of pathogenic bacteria. Typically, the pathogenic flora lives in large numbers in the intestines, but when an acidic environment is created, many of its representatives die.
  • They contain a greater amount of trace elements. And the concentration of various acids necessary for our body in fermented milk products is eleven times higher than in milk.


The positive effect of consuming dairy products is obvious.

  • The calcium they contain strengthens bones, hair and nails. This is important for both children and the elderly, whose bones are becoming increasingly fragile.
  • This is a good product for those looking to lose weight. Milk is quite nutritious and does not make you feel hungry.
  • It is a prophylactic agent, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

The use of fermented milk products is to normalize digestion - everyone knows how useful kefir is for constipation and poisoning. For the same reason, fermented milk products are suitable for those who are losing weight.


But not everything is so simple with milk products. They can also be harmful.

  • Not all of the calcium contained in milk remains in the human body. Due to the substances contained in the composition of the products, which are oxidizing agents, part of the calcium is spent on their neutralization. In rare cases, calcium can also be used, which was already in our body.
  • Once in our body, lactose is split into glucose and galactose. And if the first is absorbed and becomes a source of energy, then the second is not excreted, but accumulates in the joints. This can lead to arthritis and cellulite.
  • Milk can be dangerous if sourced from infected cows. If you have a negative attitude towards products from a supermarket with a long shelf life and purchase natural milk, then try to find out all the details about the conditions of keeping cows.


Who needs to drink milk and consume dairy products?

  • For children - to form the skeleton and prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • To old people. They need milk to prevent bone diseases, to preserve their teeth.
  • Athletes. Protein in foods is essential for building and strengthening muscles.

Fermented milk products will be useful for people suffering from constipation and flatulence (it is caused by the spread of harmful bacteria in the body, and kefir and yoghurts help to stop this), as well as those who are losing weight: these products are very nutritious and satisfying.


Milk should not be consumed in the following cases.

  • If you have an intolerance to this product. It is caused by the inability of the body to produce enzymes that are necessary for the digestion of milk and milk products.
  • With exacerbation of chronic intestinal diseases.
  • Before the operation.
  • In some cases, with liver problems, which will be discussed in more detail below.
  • For kidney problems. Stones are a serious contraindication.

It is better to refuse kefir and yoghurts for the following categories of persons.

  • Small children - they are not yet able to digest these foods.
  • People suffering from gastritis with high acidity: kefir will only aggravate the situation.
  • Suffering from hepatitis.

For women

According to recent studies, milk is beneficial for women as it reduces the risk of uterine fibroids and ovarian cancer. For prevention, you must drink at least two glasses of the product a day.

The micronutrients in milk affect the body's ability to produce collagen. This element is essential for maintaining youthfulness of the skin and helps to fight the appearance of wrinkles.

The benefits of fermented milk products are also:

  • the calcium contained in them is absorbed better than that included in the composition of milk, therefore, thanks to kefir, nails and hair are strengthened;
  • they remove toxins from the body.

For men

Milk is especially beneficial for men who play sports. Thanks to this product, the muscle building process will go much faster. Dairy products can be called natural analogues of protein shakes.

Some experts believe that dairy products have a positive effect on potency.

However, with excessive consumption of milk, there is a risk of developing cancer. This is caused by a large amount of estrogen - with its help they achieve year-round milk production from cows.

It is healthier for men to consume baked milk.

For kids

It is important to know that milk can only be given to children after the age of five. It is worth starting with small portions to make sure that the child's body is exactly ready for this.

Attempting to teach babies to cow's milk at an earlier age can lead to allergies, dehydration and diabetes.

A child who has reached the required age will benefit from milk, as it:

  • necessary for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • has a positive effect on the formation of the nervous system;
  • is a reliable remedy for insomnia;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • helps to cure a sore throat - children often catch colds, and many cough medicines are still contraindicated for them. In this case, warm milk helps out, which must be mixed with a tablespoon of honey. This drink tastes good, which is also important for children.

With pancreatitis

There are many dietary restrictions for patients with pancreatitis. However, they do not apply to kefir. On the contrary, this fermented milk product is useful and recommended for consumption, but taking into account some important points.

  • It can be consumed ten days after an exacerbation. Kefir will be a great dinner that will not overload the digestive system. Moreover, it is quite satisfying.
  • When the disease recedes, the product can be drunk at any time of the day. It is also used as a fruit salad dressing. But you cannot exceed the established rate - one glass of drink per day.

With diabetes

The benefits and harms of dairy products are generally a controversial topic. But this is especially true of the use of milk by diabetics. Previously, everyone agreed that this drink is good for diabetics. You just need to know about some restrictions.

  • Do not drink fresh milk. Because of it, the level of glucose in the blood rises.
  • You can only drink low-fat or skim milk.
  • There is also a quantitative limitation - no more than two glasses a day.
  • Special care must be taken when consuming yoghurts. Check their composition carefully. They usually contain a lot of added sugar.

Polzateevo magazine advises diabetics to give preference to goat's milk, as it lacks glucose and galactose.

For the liver

Milk is very good for the liver. It contains phospholipids that strengthen the cell walls of the organ. But with liver diseases, the use of milk is an individual question. For some people, it helps relieve the condition. Some people are allergic.

But kefir and yogurt prevent fatty liver. It is this that causes cirrhosis and even cancer.

During exacerbations of liver disease, you can (with the permission of the doctor) try the kefir diet - consume five glasses of the product a day. This helps to restore the functioning of the organ.

How to use

A healthy adult should consume no more than two glasses of milk a day. The same applies to kefir. In exceptional cases, the amount can be increased - if kefir is used for medicinal purposes.

Children should not drink more than one glass of milk a day. Fermented milk products are contraindicated for them.


Dairy products have always been considered an essential part of a healthy person's diet. However, studies conducted in recent years have questioned their usefulness.

Milk, kefir and yogurt have many health benefits. But in some cases, they also bring harm. Listen to your body and consume these foods within acceptable limits. This will help avoid unpleasant consequences.

Fermented milk products are an important part of the growing toddler's diet. However, in recent years, recommendations for the introduction of these products into a child's diet have been greatly revised. The fact is that the negative effect on the child's body of early introduction (up to 8 months) into the diet of kefir and other fermented milk drinks, cottage cheese and whole milk has been proven.

These food products are unadapted, that is, their protein, fat and carbohydrate components, as well as the amount of salts and vitamins, do not fully meet the needs of the crumbs, such as breast milk or an adapted formula. Therefore, in the baby's diet, such foods should appear when the digestive tract and enzyme systems, as well as the kidneys, are ready to receive an increased amount of protein, salts and organic acids. This period is from 8-9 months of age. Until this time, the introduction of fermented milk products is not recommended. Moreover, it is sometimes recommended to postpone the introduction of cottage cheese for a period of 9-12 months. Then these products will fully demonstrate their useful qualities.

Usually, kefir or biolact (a sweet fermented milk mixture based on special ferments) appears first in a baby's diet at about 8-9 months, up to a year it is not recommended to exceed the volume of kefir in 200 ml. Then you can introduce the crumbs to cottage cheese, at about 9 months, however, cottage cheese is rich in protein, and its excess is harmful to the kid's kidneys, therefore, a portion of cottage cheese starts from 30 g by the year, gradually increasing it to 50-60 g. After a year, it is permissible to eat a day no more than 70-100 g of cottage cheese.

You can get acquainted with natural yogurt without additives at the age of 9-10 months, its volume, like kefir, is 200 ml.

Usually curds are offered for afternoon tea or for dinner, it is better not to give them in the morning or afternoon, but yogurt can be eaten in the morning, afternoon or afternoon tea, it is recommended to give kefir at night. If you give your child a fermented milk drink with sugar, you need to rinse your mouth after taking it.

What is the combination of fermented milk products for children, what kind of food is absolutely forbidden to give fermented milk products?
Fermented milk products go well with fruit purees and whole fruits. Usually they can be combined in one meal - this increases the nutritional value and absorption of both types of foods. You can also combine them with cereal and vegetable complementary foods - cereals, cereal side dishes, vegetable and cereal soups. A good afternoon snack is a fermented milk drink with a bun or biscuits. It's a combination of carbohydrates, protein and plenty of fluids - it makes you feel full and low in calories.

You should not combine fermented milk products with watery vegetables - fresh tomatoes and cucumbers in one meal, they can weaken. Due to the large amount of protein, cottage cheese is not recommended to be combined with the intake of meat or fish dishes, an excess of proteins from both types of products can cause kidney failure.

What% of fat should be in fermented milk baby food? How to track the quality of fermented milk products, shelf life?
Usually, 2.5% kefir is used in the diet of children, but yoghurts can be of different fat content - it all depends on their qualities - there are drinking yoghurts, they are less fatty and more watery, there are viscous yoghurts, they are prepared by preliminary condensation, and after that, fermentation of milk ...

In addition, it is important what kind of yoghurt it is - they are divided into dairy, creamy and creamy-milk, and accordingly the fat content is also separated by them - milk yoghurts have a fat content of up to 4.5%, dividing into low-fat ones. dietary - 0.1%, bold from 1.5 to 2.5%, and classic - from 2.5 to 4.5%. Milk-creamy yoghurts have a fat content of 4 to 7%, and creamy 10% or more. in the diet of children under one year old, only milk yoghurts of medium and classic fat content are applicable. after a year, all yoghurts are acceptable, fat-free feed.

For baby food, only "live" products, enriched with microorganisms, and having a short shelf life are applicable - on average, kefir and fermented milk drinks are stored from 5-7 to 10-14 days if they have a special packaging (tetrapak). Curd is usually stored in plastic containers or cups.

Strictly observe the expiration dates, the integrity of the packaging and pay attention to the appearance. Bloated, tight, or damaged packaging indicates poor quality of the product. And even with the integrity of the package, if you feel an unpleasant or excessively pungent smell, the color of the product confuses you - it is better not to give such cottage cheese or kefir to the child. All fermented milk products can be stored only in the depths of the refrigerator or in a separate shelf, where the temperature is constantly maintained no higher than 2-6 degrees Celsius. Do not store baby curds or kefir in the refrigerator door!

Which children are strictly forbidden to give fermented milk products?
The range of contraindications for taking fermented milk drinks is small - severe kidney disease, early age up to 7-8 months. With metabolic diseases and impaired kidney function, you should not eat a lot of cottage cheese, so as not to cause an increased load of protein. In addition, caution should be exercised in violation of phosphorus and calcium metabolism. Caution should be exercised in allergy sufferers - if an allergy to cow's milk protein is detected, cream falls under the ban. cheese and cottage cheese. Fermented milk products - kefir, yogurt and biolact usually contain partially split proteins, therefore, they are less allergens.

What nutritional problems can you solve with fermented milk products?
Fermented milk products are a whole pharmacy in the refrigerator. The spectrum of useful action depends on the microorganisms in the composition - the main effects:
- One-day kefir weakens the stool, since there is still very little lactic acid in it, two-three days. by increasing the percentage of acidity - strengthens. on this property is based the therapeutic effect of constipation or diarrhea.
- fermented milk products activate peristalsis, stimulate appetite, increase the activity of liver and pancreatic enzymes.

They have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora, naturally normalizing it, and therefore eliminating discomfort in the digestive tract, flatulence (intestinal gases),
- due to all of the above, they stimulate intestinal immunity, and therefore the entire immune system as a whole, allowing less pain.
- these products help fight rickets and anemia. improving the absorption of calcium, vitamin D and iron in the intestine.
- in addition, they contain many vitamins and biologically active substances in their composition, which normalizes all types of child's metabolism, fights hypovitaminosis, hypotrophy, allergies.
- help to quickly remove drugs from the body, are indicated in the treatment with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and other drugs.

Often the manufacturer indicates the content of probiotics and prebiotics in the diet. Are they in baby food and what "function" do they perform?
The indication on the packaging “contains pro- and prebiotics” is an advertising move that allows you to distinguish your products from all others and make them more expensive. The fact is that any fermented milk drink itself contains both those and others initially. Probiotics are substances. allowing the microflora to grow and multiply, in the intestine, fiber and carbohydrates are engaged in this, in general nothing is required from the outside. Fermented milk products contain all the components necessary to support the life of beneficial microbes without their additional enrichment. Beneficial microorganisms are called prebiotics - usually they are bifidobacteria or lactobacilli. So - biokefir, bifilin or acidolact can be safely positioned as enriched with probiotics. and it will be pure truth!

Fermented milk mixtures: their variety. Are there any mixtures with additives, with what additives?
fermented milk mixtures are divided into two large groups - adapted and non-adapted. The first group is adapted milk formulas for feeding young children, which contain microflora and some components. But these are precisely mixtures for feeding from an early age with some digestive problems - constipation, malnutrition, low weight. These include - NAN 1 fermented milk infant formula Nestle, Semper Bifidus 1 infant formula, Nutrilak KM fermented milk formula Nutritek, Agusha's fermented milk adapted mixture, Acidophilic baby. They replace 1-2 feedings with the usual mixture.

Most fermented milk products are partially or non-adapted mixtures and are used in the same way as kefir, from 8-9 months. These are Bifilin and Bifilin M with bifidobacteria, Biokefir, Bifikefir, Bifidok, Acidolact, Biolact, Narine.
Usually, in addition to beneficial microflora, no additional components and additives are added to such products.

Yoghurts and drinking yoghurts: they are eaten with various additives (berries) and fructose. Could the child be allergic to these additives (for example, if yogurt with strawberries, and the child is allergic to it)?
Artificial additives, colors, flavors and preservatives are prohibited by the standards in the diet of young children. Therefore, all supplements to yoghurts for children under three years old are natural. Naturally, if the baby is allergic, additives are dangerous for him, and if he has had rashes, for example, on strawberries, strawberry yogurt is also prohibited. And the ideal is to use yogurt without additives, in combination with freshly made puree from fruits or berries familiar to the baby. All fermented milk products with fruit fillings are recommended to be given to the baby from a year.

Sweeteners (glucose, fructose or regular sugar) in fermented milk products for children can also cause allergic reactions - therefore, preference should be given to natural products without sugar.

Baby curds, can you replace them with low-fat curd and add "sweet" additives there? Why?
No. Adult curd is made from regular dairy products and is not suitable for children. Firstly, the protein component in it is too coarse for gentle digestion of the crumbs, this will load both the intestines and the kidneys, which excrete excess protein. Secondly. the preparation of cottage cheese may not meet microbiological safety standards and it may contain harmful microbes. Especially if it is sold in markets where it is stored for a long time without a refrigerator.

Much is prepared at home with kefir and yoghurts. Can it be given to babies under 1 year old?
Modern kitchen devices (yogurt makers, steamers or multicooker) allow you to prepare kefir or yogurt for your child at home. For this, a starter culture is required - this is usually ready-made yogurt or kefir from the dairy kitchen or dry starter cultures from a pharmacy. You cannot use the leaven given by a friend or grandmother, they may contain dangerous microbes instead of useful ones.
Such products must be cooked at one time, not stored and when preparing them, take precautions to thoroughly wash and sterilize the dishes and containers. They give homemade meals to babies from 10-12 months.

At what age can a child over 1 year old be given "adult" fermented milk products (kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt). In addition to the above products, the store also has such fermented milk products as ayran, tan, koumiss, yogurt. Can they be given to children after 1 year old?
All adult drinks are made from regular milk, so they are not suitable for young children (up to three years old) and are not balanced for the needs of the child. If the label “recommended from ... months” or “for young children” does not appear on the package, this automatically translates them into the category of “adult” products, there may be stabilizers and preservatives. artificial additives and these products are permissible in the diet from three children.

More articles on "Baby food and complementary foods":

Fermented milk products are easily absorbed by the human body and are part of numerous diets. Regular consumption of kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream, fermented baked milk, and other products of this category is an ideal way to get the necessary vitamins and minerals, which are so important for our health, without prejudice to the figure. We invite you to find out about the properties of the main fermented milk products, how and in what quantity they should be consumed, and in what situations this should not be done.

Calorie table

For those who keep a diet and count the number of calories in foods, we have simplified this task with the help of the table of calories for milk and fermented milk products. Now let's look at each of them separately.


Kefir activates the work of internal organs and is quickly digested by the stomach, therefore it occupies one of the first places in the list of dietary food products. It is worth considering the fact that kefir is a "live" fermented milk product, therefore it changes its properties during the permissible storage period. This means that fresh kefir has a slightly laxative effect, and on the third day after production it is still suitable for consumption, but changes its properties to the opposite, that is, it acquires a "fixing effect" for the gastrointestinal tract. If you drink pure kefir, then purchase the product as fresh as possible. Three-day kefir is more suitable for baking.

Beneficial features:

  • Restorative effect. With normal tolerance of the product, kefir will strengthen your immune system and contribute to the early recovery of strength after an illness or nervous stress;
  • Normalization of the digestive tract. Kefir improves digestion and helps to normalize metabolism;
  • Purification. Regular use of kefir helps to remove toxins and toxins from the body, improves the condition of the skin, prolonging its youth and cleansing it of acne and acne;
  • Weight loss. Kefir is included in the menu of the most effective diets and methods of losing weight with the help, as it speeds up the process of breaking down fats and metabolism.


  • Individual intolerance;
  • Increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • Bowel disorder.

Sour cream

Unlike kefir, sour cream is more nutritious, but at the same time more nutritious fermented milk product. Sour cream contains vitamins A, B2, B12, E, PP, C, H, as well as trace elements necessary for human health, such as potassium, magnesium, chlorine, phosphorus, calcium, iron, copper, manganese, iodine, zinc, fluorine, and many others. It is important to take into account that all this composition and useful properties of the product are related only to natural sour cream. Among store-bought dairy products, you can find a sour cream product that has an unnaturally long shelf life for sour cream, and of course, does not contain even half of those substances that are present in real sour cream.

Beneficial features:

  • Removal of cholesterol from the body. Regular consumption of this fermented milk product is the best prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • Acceleration of the digestion process. A small amount of sour cream added to the first or ready-made side dish contributes to the speedy assimilation of food;
  • Improved mood. Sour cream is a powerful natural antidepressant, and in addition, it contributes to the rapid recovery of strength after hard physical labor or nervous stress;
  • Restoring hormonal balance. Of all fermented milk products, it is sour cream that is considered the most effective remedy in this regard. Regular consumption of sour cream has a beneficial effect on the reproductive functions of the body, prolongs youth for women, protecting them from early menopause, and improves potency in men.


  • Gastritis and stomach ulcers during an exacerbation;
  • Obesity;
  • Individual intolerance.


Trusting convincing advertising, many girls and women include store-bought yoghurts not only in their daily diet, but also in diets that include this fermented milk product on the menu. Few people think that the beneficial properties attributed to yogurt are related only to a natural product without various flavors, flavors, stabilizers, preservatives, etc.

When choosing store-bought yogurt, pay attention to its shelf life. In any case, you will not find natural yogurt on supermarket shelves, but at least you can purchase a fermented milk product that is as close to it as possible.

Beneficial features:

  • Easy digestibility;
  • Normalization of the digestive tract.


  • Hazardous additives used by the manufacturer to extend shelf life;
  • Unnatural flavors that can cause allergies.
Advice: If you like the taste of yoghurt and consume it regularly, switch to a less harmful combination of fruits, berries and syrups with sour cream or fermented baked milk. Alternatively, you can diversify your diet with homemade milkshakes. See the best drink recipes.


Ryazhenka is a natural fermented milk product made from baked milk or sourdough cream, in the manufacture of which no artificial ingredients are used. Fermented baked milk contains vitamins of group B, PP and C, potassium, iron, magnesium, sodium, and organic acids necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Beneficial features:

  • Improved appetite. It is good to drink fermented baked milk for people, and especially for small children, with decreased appetite;
  • Weight loss. Fermented baked milk promotes the speedy digestion of heavy and fatty foods, as it activates the digestive tract;
  • Replenishment of calcium deficiency. Calcium deficiency can be expressed not only in the fragility of bones, which you are unlikely to know about if your life is not connected with sports. This problem of modern society is most often expressed in brittle nails, skin and hair problems, and of course, in frequent visits to the dentist. Drink fermented baked milk regularly and enrich your body with calcium - it's not only not difficult, but also pleasant!


Fermented baked milk itself cannot be dangerous to health, unless you have an individual intolerance to this fermented milk product. When choosing store ryazhenka, always pay attention to the shelf life - the shorter it is, the more natural the composition of the product. Store fermented baked milk in the refrigerator no more than a day after opening the package. Do not combine fermented baked milk with protein-rich foods such as meat, eggs, fish, etc.

Cottage cheese

The percentage of fat content of the cottage cheese is not an indicator of quality, however, the cottage cheese with a reduced fat content is still absorbed faster and easier. Observe the daily intake of cottage cheese - it should not exceed 100-150 grams per day.

Beneficial features:

  • High calcium content. Cottage cheese is recommended to be consumed by all people with normal tolerance of this fermented milk product, and it is especially necessary for pregnant women. During the period of active formation of the bones of the unborn child, the woman's body gives up most of the calcium to the fetus, as a result of which many of them suffer from brittle nails, hair loss and dermatological problems;
  • Prevention of various diseases. Cottage cheese is especially useful for people during the recovery period after illnesses, and helps to increase immunity. Regular use of this fermented milk product is the best prevention of cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, disorders of the nervous system and gastrointestinal diseases.


  • Regular consumption of fatty cottage cheese in large quantities leads to an increase in cholesterol levels;
  • People with kidney problems should eat cottage cheese in moderation and not too often, due to the high protein content of the product;
  • Low-fat and granular cottage cheese is not recommended for people with gastrointestinal disorders;
  • With urolithiasis and various diseases of the gallbladder, it is better to refuse to eat cottage cheese.

Milk of a cow or other domesticated animals is an excellent food component from which many different products are prepared - fermented milk drinks, cottage cheese, cheeses, butter and much more. Milk is delicious and beneficial to the body by providing easily digestible protein, calcium and phosphorus, as well as milk fat, which is beneficial for cell walls and blood vessels.

Milk has many beneficial properties: it reduces blood pressure , due to special amino acids, soothes the nerves and gives a healthy sleep, milk can help with heartburn and improve skin condition. However, this wonderful product is not useful for everyone; many people cannot drink milk or do not eat almost all dairy products.

Contraindications and restrictions

Milk is a complex food product, it contains protein, fats and carbohydrates, in addition, milk contains a lot of salts and vitamins ... Like any product, milk can cause intolerance in its natural form or in the form of its processed products.

Usually milk intolerance is expressed in two forms - in the form of lactase deficiency (a deficiency of an enzyme for the assimilation of milk) and in the form of an allergy to the protein of cow (or goat, sheep and other types) milk. These forms of milk intolerance usually occur during childhood, although many adults also have this problem.

In addition, sometimes a restriction in the consumption of whole milk or dairy products is required due to digestive diseases, metabolic disorders, kidney or urinary system diseases with the formation of a special kind of stones and sand.

In addition, many of the dairy products are quite fatty - cottage cheese, butter, many varieties cheese and fermented baked milk. These dairy products are limited for obesity and weight loss, for diseases of the liver or gallbladder.

Also, milk should be limited to people after 50 years, a special substance has been found in milk that contributes to the accumulation of harmful lipids in the body, provoking the development or progression of atherosclerosis.

How is lactase deficiency manifested?

This condition is quite unpleasant, although not dangerous for the body. The sugar contained in milk (lactose), when it enters the body, undergoes enzymatic degradation by a special enzyme, lactase.

If this lactase is not enough, sugar enters the large intestine, where intestinal microbes “feast on” it. The result is carbon dioxide, water and lactic acid. They inflate the bowel loops, cause irritation and pain, and water causes fecal liquefaction and diarrhea.

An enzyme deficiency can be congenital (occurs in no more than 1% of the population), and congenital lactase deficiency is most common among the Negroid population.

In the majority of Europeans and Russia, lactase deficiency occurs with age, as a result of a progressive decrease in milk consumption and atrophy of intestinal cells that secrete this enzyme. This can occur after intestinal infections, poor nutrition and chronic diseases.

In addition, complete and partial lactase deficiency is isolated, with complete enzyme lactase there is no at all, and dairy products with lactose are completely prohibited. With partial activity of the enzyme, its amount is small, but the intestines can handle small portions of lactose.

Such people do not tolerate whole milk and those products in which lactose has not been broken down or has undergone incomplete fermentation - cheeses, butter, cream, yogurt, daily kefir or biolact.

There is a myth that all Japanese and other Asians are lactase intolerant and do not drink milk. Yes, in fact, lactase deficiency is inherited in genes, along with belonging to some Asian peoples. They have a fairly large number of the population intolerant of animal milk.

Can soy milk be substituted for milk? For such situations and for the development of lactase deficiency after intestinal infections, soy milk can be replaced. It does not contain lactose, and proteins are practically equal in nutritional value. However, many people do not like the taste of soy milk, although the negative effects of its intake have not been noted.

Milk allergy

Along with lactase deficiency, allergy - the second "most popular" problem with milk consumption. This problem has become especially urgent in recent years among children in connection with the spread of artificial feeding, especially with animal milk and poorly adapted formulas. Although in adults, allergies are quite relevant.

In an organism initially sensitive to various allergens, a foreign protein, especially milk protein, can cause a state of sensitization (increased sensitivity of the organism). Milk albumin are very small proteins that, when they enter the intestines, can enter the bloodstream without being broken down, and the body always considers foreign proteins as a potential hazard, especially in allergy sufferers.

Who is not allowed dairy products?

As a result, in response to the ingestion of milk protein, a chain of allergy reactions is triggered - asthma attacks, skin itching, a rash with blisters, sneezing, cough or runny nose ... At the same time, an allergy is also possible to those products in which the protein is not fermented (not split) - cheese, cream, condensed milk, baked milk.

Who is kefir contraindicated for?

In kefir (especially two-day and older) proteins are partially fermented and there is practically no lactose, therefore, it practically does not cause allergies and lactase deficiency. However, there are a number of restrictions for the consumption of kefir.

Even a healthy person should not drink more than 400 ml of kefir per day. Its larger volume sharply increases the acidity in the intestinal lumen and increases the permeability of the vascular walls for erythrocytes. This causes microscopic bleeding.

With the systematic consumption of large volumes of kefir, this threatens to turn into anemia. In addition, a large amount of kefir acidifies the blood and puts a heavy load on the kidneys - think about this before you go on a kefir diet. It is forbidden for phosphate kidney stones.

In addition, kefir is highly acidic - it irritates the digestive tract and is prohibited in acute gastritis and enteritis. It is also worth remembering about the properties of kefir to affect the stool - only daily kefir weakens, so fresh kefir is impossible with diarrhea. But two-, three-day kefir and long-term storage kefir fixes the chair and is contraindicated with constipation .

And kefir is very relaxing, you should not drink it before important events - you may feel sleepy and lethargic, it is useful at night after a hard day.

Why are other fermented milk products harmful?

There are health and nutritional restrictions on other dairy products.

So, fermented baked milk, sour cream and cream due to the increased fat content should not be consumed by people who are overweight and when losing weight. Cheese should not be consumed by people with ulcers and gastritis, especially if they are spicy and salty, moldy cheeses are prohibited from allergy sufferers, cheese fondue is completely harmful even for a healthy person.

There are also restrictions in the use of cottage cheese - unleavened cottage cheese must be consumed with care by allergy sufferers, and any types of cottage cheese should be strongly limited in case of kidney diseases.

There are practically no contraindications for yoghurt , with accuracy it must be consumed only by people with severe lactase deficiency, although they are well absorbed in a small amount. Just remember - the most useful yoghurt is natural, without additives, since various additives themselves can be allergenic or harmful.

Do you like milk and dairy products?


What are fermented milk products?

Questions about what fermented milk products are, the benefits and harms to human health, as well as whether they have any medicinal properties, are of great interest to those who care about their health and are interested in traditional methods of treatment. And this interest is understandable.

Products obtained from milk as a result of lactic acid fermentation (sometimes involving alcoholic fermentation) are called sour milk.

There are products obtained as a result of lactic acid fermentation only (1st group) - fermented baked milk, yogurt of various types, acidophilic milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, and products obtained with mixed lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation (2nd group) - kefir, kumis, etc. Products of the 1st group have a rather dense, homogeneous clot and a fermented milk taste due to the accumulation of lactic acid. Products of the 2nd group have a refreshing fermented milk, slightly nibbling taste due to the presence of ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide, and a delicate clot permeated with the smallest bubbles of carbon dioxide. The curd of these products breaks easily when shaken, giving the products a homogeneous liquid consistency, which is why they are often called drinks.

In the production of lactic acid products, various types of lactic acid bacteria and yeast are used: lactic acid streptococci, Bulgarian bacillus, acidophilus bacillus, aroma bacteria, milk yeast.

The benefits of fermented milk products:

The positive effect of fermented milk products on the state of the human body has been known for a very long time. Due to the presence of lactic acid in them, these products are able to inhibit the development of putrefactive microorganisms in the intestines and normalize the digestion process. Their pleasant taste stimulates the secretion of gastric juice.

Some of the lactic acid bacteria (acidophilus bacillus, for example), as well as milk yeast, produce antimicrobial substances. Fermented milk products will be useful in the treatment and prevention of the development of atherosclerosis, hypertension.

The digestibility of fermented milk products is higher than the digestibility of milk, since they affect the secretory activity of the stomach and intestines, as a result of which the glands of the digestive tract more intensively secrete enzymes that accelerate the digestion of food. The dietary properties of fermented milk products are explained by the beneficial effect on the human body of microorganisms and substances formed during the fermentation of milk (lactic acid, alcohol, carbon dioxide, antibiotics and vitamins).

Any fermented milk product, as well as milk, will provide the body with calcium and protein, which is important for the health of the heart, blood vessels, nervous system and bones. Moreover, the calcium in such a product is perfectly combined with other useful elements, which contributes to its absorption.

However, the main benefit of fermented milk products is bifidobacteria, which protect the body from the penetration of toxins and microbes into it, help digest carbohydrates, and participate in the synthesis of substances useful for the body.

If you eat fermented milk products every day, then after a couple of weeks you can provide the intestines with comfortable work, since all putrefactive processes will stop in it and even the activity of the kidneys and liver will normalize. Therefore, such products are indicated for dysbiosis, colitis, constipation and even for poisoning. The pleasant taste of fermented milk products stimulates the secretion of gastric juice. Some of the lactic acid bacteria (acidophilus bacillus, for example), as well as milk yeast, produce antimicrobial substances. Fermented milk products will be useful in the treatment and prevention of the development of atherosclerosis, hypertension.

All fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, varenets, yogurt, acidophilic milk, koumiss, tea, yogurt) improve appetite, have a laxative effect, and also remove radionuclides, heavy metal salts, toxins and toxins.
Their types:

Sour milk:

Depending on the peculiarities of the technology and the composition of the bacterial starter cultures, several types of yogurt are produced: Mechnikovskaya, acidophilic, ordinary, southern, Ukrainian, fermented baked milk, varenets, etc. Curdled milk is obtained as a result of natural fermentation with lactic acid streptococci or in combination with lactic acid sticks (Bulgarian), acidophilus ...

To prepare curdled milk, milk is pasteurized, homogenized, cooled to the fermentation temperature (37-45 ° C), bacterial starter is added, and further production is carried out according to the general scheme of the technological process using a thermostatic method. When producing curdled milk with fillers - various flavoring and aromatic additives (sugar, vanilla, fruit juices), it is advisable to add sugar to milk before pasteurization, and aromatic substances - before fermentation.


Ryazhenka (Ukrainian curdled milk) is prepared from milk with a fat content of 4.2.5 and 1%, as well as 2.5- and 1% fat content and with vitamin C. 3 h) and fermented at 40-45 ° C with a ferment consisting of cultures of thermophilic lactic acid streptococcus. Ryazhenka has a fermented milk taste with a pronounced taste of pasteurization, a delicate, but moderately dense clot, without gas bubbles. The color of the fermented baked milk is creamy with a brownish tint.


Yogurt is a special type of curdled milk, one of the most widespread dietary fermented milk drinks in Europe and America. The homeland of yoghurt is the countries of the Balkan Peninsula. In terms of microflora, organoleptic properties, yoghurt made from whole milk is not much different from Mechnikovskaya or southern yogurt. As a rule, yoghurt is a fermented milk drink made from whole milk pasteurized at 80-95 ° C with an exposure time of 5 to 30 minutes at a fermentation temperature of 40-45 ° C. Cultures of thermophilic lactic acid streptococcus and Bulgarian bacillus taken in a ratio (1: 1) are used as a starter culture for the production of yoghurt.

Yoghurt has a clean, sour milk taste and smell, with the addition of sugar - a sweet taste, fruit yoghurt has a characteristic taste and aroma of the added syrup. The consistency of the drink is homogeneous, without fat sedimentation, slightly viscous.


Varenets is made from sterilized or baked milk with a fat content of 2.5%. Cultures of thermophilic lactic acid streptococcus and Bulgarian bacillus are used as a starter culture. Microbiological processes in the production of varenets are similar to their course in the production of fermented baked milk. Varenets in properties is close to fermented baked milk, but the acidity is felt somewhat sharper, since its fat content is lower than that of fermented baked milk.

I must say that it is quite possible to make such wonderful and healthy dairy products on your own. Do not forget only that you should not try to cook curdled milk by "samokvass" - that is, letting the milk sour yourself. Buy pasteurized milk and ferment by adding some factory product to it.


Kefir is not prepared with the help of lactic acid bacteria - for this purpose there are special "kefir" fungi that can produce alcohol as a by-product. Kefir can be of different degrees of fat content: 3.2% - fat, 2.5% - medium fat, 1% - low-fat kefir. It also differs in terms of readiness. One-day kefir is the weakest (the content of lactic acid and alcohol is low), two-day kefir is "stronger" and three-day kefir is the strongest. In the latter, the content of lactic acid and alcohol is quite significant. However, you can not be afraid to get drunk from it - this is impossible. On the contrary, kefir helps to eliminate alcohol intoxication. Kefir is much more effective than curdled milk in its antibacterial properties.


Kumis - rich in vitamins; unlike other fermented milk products, its alcohol content is quite high. For a very long time, this drink was considered almost the only remedy that could help patients with tuberculosis. The process of its production is quite simple: 20% whey and 3% sugar are added to fresh skim milk. The resulting mixture is first pasteurized, then it is fermented with yeast and a culture of acidophilus bacillus at the same time. The strength of weak koumiss is 1% alcohol, medium - already 2%, strong is comparable in alcohol content to beer.


Shubat is a product obtained from camel milk. Thicker and fatter than kumis, shubat can be stored for a long time without losing its medicinal properties for a long time. It contains milk sugar, lactic acid, carbon dioxide, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and natural antibiotics. The alcohol content is quite high, as in kumis.

Matsoni, matsun:

Matsoni, matsun - analogue of kefir, widespread not in the Caucasus. It is made from skimmed or diluted cow, goat, sheep or buffalo milk.
Matsoni serves as the basis for the "Tan" drink. It is distinguished by a unique combination of microorganisms, highly biochemically active; has a positive effect on the state of the digestive tract, on metabolic processes in the body, on the health of the cardiovascular system. It promotes weight loss, normalizes cholesterol levels, and is one of the best home remedies for alcohol intoxication (hangover).

As you can see, the methods by which different fermented milk products are produced are very different. However, they are all very beneficial to human health. Nutritionists believe that everyone should consume them. So choose which one you like best!

Harm of fermented milk products:

Of course, fermented milk products also have contraindications. So, for example, they are not shown to people with high acidity of gastric juice; they are completely contraindicated for people suffering from peptic ulcer and pancreatitis. It is not advised to use fermented milk products for diarrhea and bloating.

You should also not overdo it with the amount - excessive use of them threatens calcium metabolism disorders, an increase in the body's slagging and a decrease in immunity. Cottage cheese and cheese are advised to be consumed 2-3 times a week. Moreover, it would be best to combine them with vegetables - carrots, beets, tomatoes, herbs, and so on. The optimal one-time amount is considered to be 100-150 g of cottage cheese or up to 100 g of cheese.