1986 year of birth according to the Eastern calendar. Tiger

In the mythology of China, where did it come from Eastern horoscope, The tiger symbolizes military valor and courage. When the year of the Tiger begins, Chinese astrologers advise to prepare for the fight.

The interests of people should be on the side of justice, only then will luck come to them. People born in the Year of the Tiger have these traits throughout their lives: they are brave, active and must stand for justice. Then their patron, Tiger, will help them live a happy life. Years corresponding to the year of the Tiger in the Eastern horoscope: 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022.

The nature of people born in the year of the Tiger

The Tiger People have a large supply vitality... They live actively, they care about everything. They are able to become leaders, leaders, uncompromising fighters against evil. True, the Tiger also has dark side: capriciousness, impulsivity and cruelty. If the Tiger relies only on strength and forgets about the growth of mental qualities, then he can become a tyrant. Fortunately, most of these people have an innate nobility and a dislike for bad things. Proud and courageous Tigers do not reflect, do not look back, are ready to go for new achievements, and this life-affirming position of theirs attracts people to them. As soon as the Tiger plans something, he soon acquires a mass of like-minded people and supporters. Sometimes it is hard for them next to the Tiger, he is too energetic and does not forgive other people for their weaknesses. The big drawback of the Tiger is the inability to forgive weaknesses. He demands from those around him noble and honest behavior, and if his supporters admire the Tiger's principles of principle, then people who are indifferent to him are perplexed: but by what, in general, right does he demand something from them? The tiger does not remain indifferent to attempts to put him in his place and a war breaks out. If the Tiger learns to distinguish something truly important for him from affairs that are extraneous to him, then he will achieve much more in life.

People born in the Year of the Tiger: compatibility in love

Tiger beckon thrill and strong feelings. Tiger in love is passionate. He achieves who he liked, at any cost, is ready to fight obstacles, indifference and ignorance. He puts all his strength into love. However, as soon as the relationship goes into a calm channel, the Tiger begins to get bored. Therefore, even a loving Tiger does not abandon intrigues on the side, and the risk of exposure only spurs him on. He needs not the experiences that the affair gives, but those that will be in a pair if the partner becomes aware of his "adventures": quarrels, jealousy, reconciliation, passion, the need to win a partner again - this attracts the Tiger as a kind of drug. Usually a pair of Tigers is made up of two types of people. Some are those who admire him and are ready to love disinterestedly, enduring possessive inclinations and betrayal. Oddly enough, the Tiger does not get tired of the constant admiration of a partner. He is noble and will not leave a partner, even if the relationship began to seem insipid to him. Such couples can be happy if the Tiger's partner does not get tired of his betrayal and does not leave. The second type of people suitable for the Tiger are people of equal strength, brave, active, not inclined to obey. Relationships with them are reminiscent of a war. The tiger likes it.

And (the first type), and (the second type).

People born in the Year of the Tiger: compatibility in friendship

The Tigers have more admiring followers than their peers. Why it happens? After all, the Tigers are sincere, brave and incapable of meanness. Unfortunately, they are uncompromising and demanding of friends. Therefore, only people equal to them in strength will become their friend, and the imperious charisma of the Tiger does not work on them and they are in no hurry to become his friends. In order for the Tiger to be lucky in friendship, he needs to learn indulgence. The bar that the Tiger sets for people is not for everyone. But on the other hand, those who meet the high requirements of the Tiger find in him a reliable, active, optimistic and courageous friend. Especially good friendship is obtained when people are united by a common goal, common cause, work, business, political or social tasks. Such friendship is also never cloudless, but it lasts for a long time, despite disagreements and periods of cooling. Tiger's best friends are Tiger, and.

People born in the Year of the Tiger: compatibility at work

Tiger's courage and leadership qualities make him an excellent leader, politician and businessman. He is not afraid of difficulties, goes ahead, is ready for war and competition, knows how to make allies. Risk and excitement are integral features of the Tiger in business life. He achieves great heights in any business. He lacks cunning and caution, and he neglects the advice of shrewd and cunning people. Therefore, it is better for the Tiger to avoid work in which diplomacy is more important than pressure and strength.

Spiritual development

1986 - the year of what animal according to the horoscope? 1986 characteristic by eastern calendar

March 24, 2014

The horoscope according to the Chinese calendar in other countries has gained popularity relatively recently, when compared with the duration of its existence. According to some sources, it was invented around 2600 BC, according to others - in 800 BC. NS.

Basic information

There are several types of cycle - 10-year, 12-year and 60-year. It was the twelve-year-old version that received distribution. Most likely, this is due to the artistic beauty, because each year is characterized by a certain type of animal. This article will focus on the Year of the Tiger.

Since earlier many were not interested in this calendar, they did not receive any information. So 2010, 1998, 1986, what animal year? As you have already guessed - a tiger.

If you were born in 1986, 1974, 1962 or 1950, the following description is worth reading. Maybe you recognize your own traits.

Tiger character

The tiger, as befits this type of animal, has a strong character, energy and courage. It is these qualities that enable him to fight hardships and injustice. This is one of the wisest signs of the zodiac, who often comes up with brilliant ideas. But, unfortunately, the Tiger is also an addicted person. For this reason, many ideas never come to an end, as he easily switches to other things. Such a person is rather impulsive and emotional, which is why he often challenges the whole world and the surrounding reality, but later he regrets many actions.

We consider further 1986, what kind of animal he personifies and what qualities are inherent in people of this sign. As stated above, the Tiger is a strong personality with a pronounced charisma. He seems to attract good luck to himself, but he does not always use the opportunity to improve his life. In addition, the Tiger has pride, and even in difficult situation will not ask for help, complain about life and difficulties. In general, he prefers to overcome all the hardships on his own. We can say that the Tiger can become a great person and achieve lofty goals if he slightly reduces ambitions and uses his talents and capabilities. There is another option - negative qualities in the form of aggression and impulsivity will block everything positive sides, ruining many plans. All of this applies to those born in 1986. We have already mentioned which animal it means.

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In order to impress, the Tiger uses all his eloquence and charm. Of course, people are attracted to such behavior, but everything can be easily destroyed by being too blunt in statements. It is for this reason that there is a high likelihood of ruining relationships with many people. But it is impossible to influence the Tiger, and if you try to "press" on him, you will get a backlash, even if the truth is on your side. For this reason, Tiger often has conflicts with the company's management. But if he himself takes leadership position, then many problems are solved. So, even a young employee, who was born in 1986 in the year of the Tiger, is able to put things in order in any enterprise, forcing subordinates to listen to themselves and carry out assignments.

As it is already clear, the Tiger is hardworking. His passion can set an example for others. For the sake of the cause, he is ready to sacrifice his interests, but this is possible only if the work really suits him. At the same time, this sign has no desire to make money. more money, since he is more attracted by new projects, prospects, and his own development. All in all, this is the ideal employee who is passionate about his job.

Personal relationships

This information is most interesting for those who were born in the 1986 year of the Tiger. In this area, an emotional and spiritual connection with a loved one is important for him. Moreover, the Tiger always strives to develop and improve relationships. But this does not prevent you from being carried away by someone else. For this reason, adultery in marriage is possible, although the Tiger himself does not believe that he did wrong. He believes that he is just looking for new experiences. If your companion was born in 1986 (we already know what animal he means), then remember that he needs brightness in his personal life. Most of all, he does not accept boredom and routine.

Distinctive qualities

So, 1986 is the year of which animal according to the Eastern calendar, we have already learned. Children born at that time are distinguished by determination and courage. They do not know caution and prudence, but they act quickly enough, but sometimes recklessly. At the same time, good intuition allows them to act correctly, although they will not always be able to explain the logic of their actions.

One more hallmark can be called a dislike for advice and any moral teachings. Even if this help is needed, it is better to postpone it, as there is a high probability that instead of gratitude, you will receive anger.

From weaknesses can be called ignoring other people's opinions, non-recognition of authorities and distrust of cautious people. Also, Tigers do not know how to stop in time, which often causes a lot of trouble. At this point, they don't think about the consequences.

Tiger woman

Women born in 1986 (according to the Eastern calendar - Tigresses) have some striking character traits. They strive for self-reliance and independence. These women never stand aside and do not lead a quiet lifestyle. For this reason, before marriage, they often get involved in various adventures, and not all of them end in an easy prank.

Tiger women will have deep feelings for their partner, but more often it is affection than love.

Tiger man

Men are fully consistent with the nature of this animal, especially if they were born in 1986. Which Tiger was then chosen as a symbol? This was the year of the Fire Tiger. That is, all the qualities have been strengthened several times. Already hot-tempered and harsh, they became more stubborn and stubborn. In addition, risk has become a kind of fun for them, without which they are bored.

From the outside, such a person gives the impression of an impulsive and even scandalous person, but if you get to know him better, it turns out that he is quite emotional and sensitive.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

So, 1986 - what animal year, we have already considered. Now it's worth finding out compatibility with the signs of the zodiac.

Tiger-Aries. These individuals react to external stimuli with a double reaction. At the same time, he makes decisions so quickly, and sometimes changes them, that others do not have time to react to them.

Tiger-Taurus. Unlike previous compatibility, this person is more balanced, but too receptive. In some cases, even overly scrupulous, but in work this is an advantage.

Tiger-Cancer. This Tiger is probably the laziest and slowest. He prefers passive relaxation rather than active entertainment.

Tiger-Lion. This combination gives pride, nobility and the desire to get everything from life. People of this sign are endowed with a rich creative potential.

Tiger-Virgo. In this case, a person is distinguished by practicality and a realistic perception of life. This is the most reliable sign of the zodiac, because he knows how to achieve a goal and what needs to be done for this.

Tiger-Libra. Most of all, this Tiger looks like a pet. For those around him, he will not only be a pleasant companion, but also a reliable companion in business affairs.

Tiger-Scorpio. A rather dangerous combination, especially considering the fact that Scorpio is already compound sign Zodiac. Realizing their plans, these people can forget about friendship and good relationships.

Tiger-Sagittarius. One of the most successful combinations... These Tigers can achieve a lot, although at first glance they give the impression of timid and shy people.

Tiger-Capricorn. Discretion is the hallmark of this compatibility. Calmness and careful assessment of the situation helps to avoid many mistakes and difficulties.

Tiger-Aquarius. This person will always find a reasonable solution, but due to overconfidence, he has problems with other people.

Tiger-Pisces. The qualities of such a Tiger change, like the weather. His weakness lies in laziness, although assertiveness is also manifested if desired.


We found out not only that 1986 is the year of which animal according to the horoscope, but also indicated compatibility with the signs of the zodiac. We can note the fact that this is not Full description, because every person is influenced not only by the year and month, but even by the name and surname. Many qualities are weakened or strengthened depending on what time of day he was born. In addition, we indicated 1986 - the year of which tiger. As it was said, the fire element only strengthened the emotional traits of character, making the Tigers even more hot-tempered, risky and proud personalities.

People who were born in 1986 were under the auspices of the red fire Tiger according to the eastern calendar. Men and women of this sign are under the influence of a powerful element - fire. And this could not but affect the character of such individuals.

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A distinctive quality of Tigers from other surroundings is unshakable self-confidence and the ability to involve people in planned events. These are leaders by nature, absolutely always bringing the matter to the end. They don't wait for luck or someone else's help. First of all, Tigers rely solely on their own strength.

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    Characteristics of the sign

    The fire sign has a strong influence on a person born in 1986. Such a person is very active, courageous and not afraid to make difficult decisions. He is straightforward, but speaking the truth, he is able to offend the feelings of others. A feature of a personality under the influence of the Tiger is courage and determination. These people consider caution to be unnecessary, therefore they act swiftly, although sometimes it is rash.

    According to chinese zodiac, this is one of the wisest signs. He is often visited by interesting and impressive ideas. But the Tiger is an addicted person. He too often switches from one idea to another without completing the task. His emotionality and impulsiveness make him challenge the whole world. Later, such a person often regrets his actions.

    In interpersonal relationships, Tigers are honest. These people prefer not to keep anything secret, and they demand the same from their environment. Therefore, they hate liars. At the first opportunity that appears, this sign will try to express everything that he thinks about a person, if the latter has shown his stupidity and ignorance.

    Fire Tigers almost never listen to other people's opinions. A person born under such a sign is an authority for himself. For this reason, he is not interested in the advice of others, which the Tiger takes with hostility. Such a person will learn solely from his own mistakes. And the pride, which tigers have in abundance, does not allow asking for help even in a very difficult situation.

    People born in 1986 are extremely emotional personalities. They are endowed with excellent intuition, which allows them to understand and predict well. further development events. This is often very helpful in many aspects of life.


    • Lucky numbers: 1, 3, 4.
    • Unlucky numbers: 6, 7, 8.
    • Happy colors: orange, blue, gray.
    • Unlucky color: Brown.
    • Suitable flowers: yellow lily and cineraria.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Tiger Men

    The characteristics of a man born in the year of the fire tiger correspond to the character of this animal. They are rebellious and harsh, their tenacity borders on stubbornness. The tiger cannot live without risk, the lack of which makes him despair.

    The charm that nature itself endowed the Tiger man with becomes the main reason thanks to which fans are constantly hovering around him. It is difficult for girls to pass by such an instance. From the outside, this man seems hot-tempered and scandalous, but having got to know him better, the ladies fully enjoy their partner's sensuality.

    In family life, such a person considers himself to be the main one, and his opinion is the only true and not subject to discussion. Another partner of the Tiger should not be expected, because otherwise she will have a painful disappointment.

    Tiger women

    The lady under the auspices of this animal is independent and strives for independence. She will never be left out, a quiet measured life is not for such a person.

    The Tigress woman is unable to constantly sit in one place. Her greatest desire is the desire to travel and conquer new things. For this reason, the second half needs to understand that the role of the keeper of home comfort is not for her.

    More often than not, a woman born in 1986 feels affection for her partner rather than love. But if such a girl manages to meet on life path a man who will become her ideal and whose opinion she can reckon with, then the Tigress will be happy family life.

    Work and career

    Trying to make a good impression on people, such personalities use their charm and eloquence. It really attracts many, but the straightforwardness of a fire sign can ruin a working relationship. The tiger is hardworking and will become a role model for his environment. This is a good employee, passionate about his career.

    Thanks to the undeniable leadership qualities of the sign, such people are able to achieve great success in the professional field. They are ready to lead and assist in the promotion of employees who deserve it. Going towards their goal, the Tigers can sacrifice a lot. But, what is important, they are more attracted not by the financial side of work, but by the opportunity to develop and improve their skills.

    Due to their character, the Tigers find it extremely difficult to play the role of a subordinate. Such individuals are unable to keep their opinions to themselves, which is why they often have disagreements with their superiors on certain work issues. As a result, this often leads to conflicts.

    Such a person is impulsive and prone to adventures. In most cases, these character traits interfere more than help you achieve your goal. Due to frequent switching from one idea to another, the Tiger loses a lot of time and energy. Perhaps, having learned to control oneself in this, the fire sign will achieve much greater success. The positions in which such a person can realize himself are almost always leading. It could be teaching, the police, or military sphere.

    Love and family

    When choosing a partner, men and women under the auspices of this animal, Special attention give emotional and spiritual contact with a person. They are convinced that in order to build a strong relationship, they must be carefully worked on. What Tigers often do.

    It is important for the other half of the fire sign to understand that the Tiger always seeks to dominate. It is almost impossible to turn him into a cute and gentle kitten. Therefore, in many respects, the success of the relationship depends on the wisdom of the partner, who will realize where to give in to the Tiger and remain silent. The Fire Sign is a successful earner, but it spends even faster. Therefore, the financial side of the relationship suffers greatly from his inability to save.

    Such people are not the best way refer to treason. But the partner should take into account that Tigers love variety and vivid impressions. Therefore, if, while in a long-term relationship, the Tiger gets bored, he will strive for something or someone new.

    Keeping this sign interested can sometimes be very difficult. Its representatives often marry early.

    Characteristics of the astrological horoscope

    Depending on the zodiac sign under which a person was born, personality characteristic the fire tiger is undergoing some changes. Sometimes it even benefits him, since the influence of the zodiac can smooth out negative sides Chinese horoscope.

    Zodiac signRed Fire Tiger traits
    AriesThis combination of horoscopes endows a person with a double reaction to external stimuli. Aries-Tiger, under the influence of the fire element, makes decisions extremely rapidly and just as quickly changes them, which is why the people around them simply do not have time to adjust
    TaurusThe influence of these signs contributes to the formation of a more balanced personality. Nevertheless, Taurus-Tiger is very impressionable and receptive. Such a person is scrupulous in his work, but often this becomes his advantage.
    TwinsThese natures are quite contradictory. They are artistic and understand what emotions people experience. Gemini-Tiger knows how to achieve what was conceived, doing it quickly and efficiently. As a business partner, such a sign can be useful, but it lacks reliability.
    CancerSuch men and women prefer more calm and passive rest to active entertainment. It is likely that Cancer, born in the year of the fire animal, is the laziest and slowest of the Tigers.
    a lionThis is a very powerful combination of signs, which results in strong personalities. Their distinguishing feature is pride and nobility. Leo-Tiger has a high creative potential and will definitely strive to get maximum pleasure from life.
    VirgoA person who finds himself under the auspices of these signs gives the impression of a reliable companion and partner. Its key feature is a sober outlook on life and practicality. Virgo-Tiger knows what she wants to achieve, and confidently goes to her goal.
    scalesPeople of this type know how to win someone else's trust. And they fully justify it. Libra-Tiger is a pleasant companion, those around him are comfortable in his company. You can safely choose such a person as a business partner, because it will be difficult to find a more reliable companion
    ScorpionA very difficult combination of signs. Everything negative traits the fire tiger is enhanced by the pressure of the complex character of Scorpio. In pursuit of their dreams, such individuals are not afraid to lose friendship and established relationships.
    SagittariusOn those around, Sagittarius-Tiger gives the impression of a timid and slightly insecure person. But this is far from reality, because in fact the fire sign is capable of achieving a lot. Considered one of best options combinations of horoscopes
    CapricornThe prudence of Capricorn has a very positive effect on the character of the red tiger. He manages to avoid many mistakes in his personal life and in the professional field thanks to a careful analysis of what is happening and natural calmness
    AquariusA person who combines Tiger and Aquarius is endowed with excessive self-confidence. Because of this, he may have misunderstandings with others. But he is able to find a reasonable solution to most of the problems in his life.
    FishesThe mood and habits of such a nature are changeable, like the weather itself. Weak side Pisces-Tiger can be called laziness. But if necessary, this person is able to show enviable persistence.

    Compatibility horoscope

    The compatibility horoscope will allow you to understand how Tigers are compatible with representatives of other signs.

    Partner signFire Tiger Compatibility
    BullThe success of the relationship between the Ox and the Red Tiger is almost unattainable. Both partners do not know how to give in, which only intensifies the conflict. At the same time, each of the parties tries to dominate the relationship. It is undesirable for such a couple to try to create a common business.
    TigerThe union of two fire cats is a dangerous idea. Both the man and the woman of this sign strive for a leading role in marriage. But sometimes such a married couple is able to achieve certain results, because both people are noble by nature. If at least one of them proves to be a reasonable and patient partner, controversial issues can be successfully resolved.
    Rabbit (Cat)People under the influence of these signs have a lot in common. Both natures seek profit and value a sense of freedom. They both enjoy travel, followed by quiet home evenings by the fireplace. For such an alliance to have a chance to exist, the Rabbit will have to choose a supporting role. The Tiger will want to be the main earner in the family
    The DragonThe characters of the Tiger and the Dragon are similar in many ways. Both signs are charged with endless energy, they are brave and adventurous. Living together such people are fascinating, but somewhat unstable. The Dragon's refusal to obey his partner can cause quarrels, but sincerity and the desire to be together will allow them to come to a compromise.
    SnakeDue to the differences in temperament, it will be difficult for such a duo to achieve mutual understanding. The Tiger is mobile and energetic, while the Snake is used to adhering to its calm pace. She does not like to be rushed, and does not tolerate other people's advice. This couple rarely gets along. But they can become great business partners.
    HorseHorse and Tiger are capable of a lot together. But only on condition that the Tiger does not pay attention to the selfishness inherent in the Horse by nature. For a lasting marriage, there must be sincere feelings on both sides.
    SheepThe sheep always strives for a strong nature that can protect it. Therefore, the Tiger is perfect for this role. This pair will complement each other in an amazing way. The chance of a happy union is very high.
    A monkeyThe adorable fire Tiger cannot leave the Monkey indifferent. But she used to like several people at the same time and scoff at the weaknesses of others. Such behavior is inappropriate next to a proud Tiger, he feels uncomfortable. A couple will achieve success and mutual understanding only with sufficient endurance on both sides.
    RoosterAt the initial stage, this duo is doing very well. But the sensitive Tiger does not always find an explanation for the actions of the Rooster. Over time, the latter's bragging begins to cause only irritation. The tiger allows himself to start criticizing his partner, after which the relationship deteriorates significantly. The happy union will not last long
    DogAlthough both signs try to take a leadership position, they manage to find mutual language... These are two idealists who, having chosen a common goal, begin to fight together for it. The only enemy of such a couple is everyday life.
    Pig (Boar)A strong bond can develop between the Pig and the Tiger. They know how to love, the sexual temperaments of partners coincide. The tiger will teach his soul mate to defend better. Trust and tolerance will be the foundation of such a union.
    RatFor this couple to be happy, both partners need to work on themselves. The tiger should learn to yield in arguments, and the Rat would not hurt to stop being cunning. Only in this case there will be an opportunity for a long and strong relationship.

    In some respects, it is better to opt for friendship than a shared future. After all, not every partner will find the strength to come to terms with the nature of the fire sign.

Astrological predictions can help you more accurately find out about your hidden potential and your capabilities. People who were born in 1986 are under the sign of the Fire Tiger. Women and men, born in 1986, under this zodiac sign, have leadership skills, they do not expect a miracle and do everything themselves, as they say, here and now. They have self-confidence and absolute leadership qualities, they easily start a new business and are able to complete it, as well as attract other people to this business.

An interesting fact is that, according to the Slavic horoscope, unlike the eastern one, people born in 1986 have something to do with such an animal as the Coiled Hedgehog. There is a judgment that these women and men are similar in character to Hedgehogs, since in society they are considered "prickly", and also behave very active and noisy. Based on the Slavic calendar, people who were born in 1986 are very meticulous and attentive to every little thing. They are true friends and lovers, especially women, are practically not inclined to cheat on their half. Also the Slavic calendar shows that they love home comfort, warmth.

Characteristics of the sign

In work Fire Tigers achieve great success and are able to lead other people, help them achieve success. When they are subordinate, they often have disagreements with the people who lead them, and this, naturally, leads to quarrels.

The main features of the Fire Tiger

"Fire Animals" are active and independent, as well as very courageous, not afraid to accept difficult decisions. In any action, people of this constellation are always ready to help and lead other people. People born in the Year of the Fire Tiger have some character traits:

  1. Leadership inclinations.
  2. Good nature.
  3. Loyalty.
  4. Inflated self-esteem.
  5. Homeliness.

According to the eastern calendar, it is clear that those born in 1986 are not easy, they are straightforward, they tell the truth that sometimes they can offend other people, they go to the end. This year's animal knows how to take risks and win on it, can choose quite extreme professions, and also has a nobility and a decent mind.