How to make a road out of paper. Route (track), do it yourself

Useful advice

Some parents love not only to buy various toys for their children, but also make interesting toys with their own hands.

Very often, a toy made with your own hands, easier and more interesting factory. In addition, such toys are safer, as they are usually made from paper, cardboard and wood, which is much safer than plastic.

Here are the most interesting of them:

Homemade toys (photo)

Smart board with keys, telephone, locks, wheels, key rings and letters on magnets.

Many know that children can play with any thing that interested them. It can be beads or a smartphone - everything you can learn.

One master for all hands created this wooden truck for his children.

See also:Soft toys do it yourself

But the board is in the shape of a ship where you can find a calculator, locks, lace and much more.

One parent decided to improve the gaming house of his child, decoring the wall with switches, door handles and threads.

See also: Children's drawings that have turned into real soft toys

Toys do it yourself at home

Children enjoy building the railway, so parents made for their Chad here is such a colorful railway with toy cars and trains.

From the cardboard you can make almost anything. And if you add adhesive tape and stomers or paints to the cardboard (gouache or acrylic paint), you can create houses, car parking, tunnels and palaces.

Cardboard toys do it yourself

A lot of cars have accumulated, and parents decided to make it an excellent convenient parking lot from cardboard and acrylic paints.

Puppet house made on the basis of a popular video game super mario.

It all starts with the top of the design, where the princess is surrounded by clouds from the wool.

Then you can choose one of two directions on the pipes: into the world of mushrooms or at the very bottom to the main villain.

Toys do it yourself (photo)

Designer for balls

Parents painted spray-paint necessary details (pipes and attachments), and then attached them to the fence so that small balls and beads could be allowed.

Homemade toys for children

Experiments with liquids and sand

Parents attached several tubes to perforated fibreboard, and the top end of each tube were attached around the funnel, so that the liquid could be easily pouring or pouring the sand, which will go down on the tubes.

To better see the water, current through transparent tubes, you can pour it into several tanks and add food dye. So for each pipe there will be water of a certain color.

Toys do it yourself from girlfriend

Labyrinth of cardon

To make such a toy you need:

Cardboard box

Scissors or stationery knife

Set of chopsticks for baby needlework (can be replaced with cardboard)

Paint or stickers (to decorate a labyrinth)

Hot glue (with gun glue)

Medium or large diameter coin or plastic bottle


1. Take a suitable box and, if necessary, cut one side so that you can build a labyrinth inside it.

2. Prepare a set of sticks for baby needlework or simply cut the cardboard on the stripes. As the labyrinth is created, you will cut these strips with scissors.

3. Before starting the construction of a labyrinth, it is better to draw it with a simple pencil, and then glipulate a strip from cardboard or wooden sticks to the drawn lines.

4. Start gluing with hot glue cardboard strips or sticks to the drawn lines, trimming them where necessary.

5. To make a "trap" circle a pencil coin and make a cup with a stationery knife to make a ball, a bead or a ball. Cut traps so that the bead or ball can pass by them.

If you want a bead to fall to the floor, bend (and push the boxes when necessary) Boxes, and insert it inside another box (see image).

How to make a toy do it yourself

Parking for toy machines made of boxes and cardboard bushings from toilet paper

You will need:

Box or box

Toilet paper bushings

PVA glue or hot glue


Acrylic paints (optional).

You need to glue the cardboard sleeves inside the box.

If necessary, cut each sleeve half and then stick carefully.

From above you can make a helicopter platform.

Decorate the crawl how you like more. You can use acrylic paints and stickers.

How to make a toy with your own hands (video)

Many girls play no less than boys. If your little motorist has already exhausted ideas how to play cars, offer him one of the options that we collected in this article. And maybe not one: all the ideas, how to play cars with a child, are perfectly combined.

Games do it yourself: garage parking for machines

In addition, this is an excellent idea for the game, such a parking will help solve the eternal problem with cars, which then and the matter constantly come across feet. To make this game with the machine with your own hands is easier than simple.

It will take a wooden box and a tube of dense cardboard. You can use the tube from the food film, cardboard rolls from under paper towels and so on.

Cut the cardboard tube on the same segments on the width of the drawer side, and glue them with each other, filling the box. As a "rear wall" of the garage, you can use a sheet of cardboard.

Stick up the finished parking, if necessary - paint and hang a sign.,

How to play cars with a child: a real route right in the children's

Bored is boring just to carry cars on the carpet? Make new games with it with your own machines with him: for example, this is the track. It looks like real, and can sit right in the nursery on the floor.

Print the templates of intersections, turns and straight tracks, connect them into a complex route similar to the intersection of urban highways, and you can arrange a race. Download road templates can be here.

To play cars with a child it was more interesting, finish the way on the houses of the houses from the designer. Or use cardboard boxes to arrange two-level roads.

Another option of the route for games with machines - stickers "Eco-track". This is a whole roll of "roads" based on adhesive tape. The adhesive properties of such a road allow it to consolidate it and on the smooth floor, and on the furniture, but after removing the tape there are no dirty traces. Complete to the track there are road marking and road signs, so during such a game with machines, you can unobtrusively teach a child in the city.

Buy stickers "Eco-track" can be.

Idea how to play cars with baby: racing track for machines

On the inclined plane, the machines start together, but they will not come to the finish at the same time. The winner will be the most technically advanced car! Make such a game with machines with your own hands is easier than simple: only cardboard boxes and some spatial thinking are needed.

If a child, in addition to passion for cars, loves the designer Lego. Guides for machines, start and finish marks can be collected from it. Game with your own hands it turns out even more interesting.

Idea how to play cars for boys: racing platform

This design looks more complicated by the previous ones, but the manufacture is also simple. And launch the cars on inclined gutters unusual and fun. See yourself.

How to play cars with a child: Games do it yourself, video

You can make such a game with a pair of pizza boxes.

Olga Pavlova

Children love to move road on the pedestrian crossing. Kids carefully follow the traffic lights. And to teach them traffic rules I made layout Crossroads with machines, houses and traffic lights. And there is a moving with a train and a barrier. Guys play with great interest with layout and already know wellhow and where you need to go road.

In order to make layout We need a board, self-adhesive paper gray, velvet paper green, brown paper, white paper tape, scissors, glue, simple pencil, line.

Self-adhesive gray paper gluke the board.

A simple pencil make the intersection of the intersection, cut out rectangles from green velvet paper and glue around the edges of the board. Then white paper scotch and make borders and markup expensive.

With the help of White Scotch, I make zebra and sleepers. From brown paper I cut out two stripes and sticking rails.

Then I make a house. To do this, we need boxes, colored paper, glue, scissors, pencil.

Paper of different color glue boxes. It turned out bright, multicolored houses.

Also from colored paper I cut the squares and stick the windows and doors on the houses.

We put the houses and cars on layout, Spray spray with a screwdriver to the board - turned out to be a barrier, we put the train on the iron road.

The barrier can close road like machinesAnd the train.

You can make a bus stop.

Mock is ready.

Thanks for attention!

Publications on the topic:

"Layout of the monument to partisans of the Bryansk region." Master Class. Crafts with your own hands. Joint activity of children and educators. Material:.

For some time, several small machines from kinder surprise eggs accumulated at home. And I decided to make a desktop.

Abstract Classes according to the rules of the road traffic "Alphabet of the Road, or a Journey to the Sunny City" The purpose of the lesson: to continue to acquaint with the rules of the road, to learn practically apply them in various situations. Develop thinking.

It is very important from early childhood to lay in children the basics of safe behavior, in our case it is on the road. Such work should be carried out.

One of the most important factors for the development of the child-gaming environment. With a dull, gray, unattractive object or its absence.

I bring to your attention the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking a layout for games with small didactic toys "Animals". It is necessary for its manufacture.

We did this work with my daughter in her group. They had a project dedicated to April 12. We thought for a long time what work we do is that.

13 steep ways to make a track, track, parking, slides, car wash, garage, the road for children with your own hands. All this can be made from ordinary materials that have almost everyone at home. Let's consider these creations.

1. The highway from the foam (cardboard) for children's machines with their own hands.

The route for machines that can be done with children and for children. Quickly, clean, easy and economical. All we need is:

  • white foam, if not, then you can use a large cardboard, pre-painted it;
  • decorative scotch;
  • scissors;
  • wooden cubes, if not, you can use any building blocks that you have at home;
  • brushes.

Wooden cubes stain with acrylic paint. Colors can be any, we have pastel tones of yellow, carrot, blue. We are placing the track with a simple pencil, then you get it with decorative scotch. That's all, the route is ready. You can play at home, on the street. Easy to store, because It is flat, you can hide it under the bed or for a wardrobe.

2. Car wash for machines from a cardboard box with your own hands.

Cool idea for summer time. With such a car wash, you can play on the street, in the country, since there really can wash children's cars. Children just adore to play with water. And here you can spray the machines from the spray gun.

For the manufacture of children's toys, we will need:

  • cardboard box;
  • cellophane to wake the walls and floor of the car wash;
  • felt;
  • wooden bushings, and two bushings from the toilet paper;
  • scissors, hot glue.

We start working with the fact that the carton is cut off the roof, one sidewall, and from the opposite side we do something like the door. Next, proceed to painting. It is necessary to cross all the outer walls and the bottom of the box, so we will protect it from moisture.

After the box dry glue to the inside of the cellophane. You probably guessed that it would save the moisture box and it will last longer.
We cut the felt and glue it to the wooden bushings (you can and to the sticks), to the bushes from under the toilet paper. Krepim is all to our car wash. With such children can play for hours.

3. Children's road with their own hands.

Very simple road from a cardboard box. All you need is time, desire and creativity. And if seriously, then cardboard, pencil scissors, paints, brush.

Cut from the box with trees, houses, and after all this is painting. Children with pleasure paint everything, and at the same time we stimulate the development of creativity and small motors from our karapusov.

4. Racing trail for children's machines.

The racing route to descend at once four cars. It is easy to make it with your own hands, and she will like it to be very much, because four cars can be moved at once. Both boys and girls will be able to figure out what machine drives faster.

For the manufacture of the route we need:

  • cardboard box;
  • hot glue;
  • paint, brushes.

Just raise the cardboard and cars are rapidly rushing down. This is a great toy for the house when the street is bad. Especially like children older children, because they love speed and movement.

Below is a hill from a wooden board, more durable, large. Without dad can not do. Start with the material and call dad.

Detailed instructions with lots of photos in.

Children's fun for creative children and parents. Everything is very simple, but insanely interesting. With this entertainment, it is desirable to take water-based paints to make it easier to wash the clothes puzzled.

5. Parking for children's machines with their own hands from the boxes under shoes.

Simple parking (garage), which is made of shoe boxes, sleeves from under toilet paper and cardboard.

6. Large multi-level parking with a city from cardboard.

Above such a structure will need to get a little. The work is painstaking, but what a wonderful city for machines is obtained. There are also highways, and slides, multi-level parking. In short, super!

Another interesting version of Cardboard crafts is a garage parking. These are such houses for machines can be made by themselves, and also play them with them. For those who decide to make such parking - a link to the site describing and photographs.

Other parking and cardboard garages do it yourself, ideas for inspiration.

7. Wooden parking for children's machines do it yourself.

Steep parking for small children's machines. It is made of wood, due to which he will last long. The safety of the child is also thought out - there are no sharp corners in it, they are all beveled. Those who decide to make such a parking instruction and description see.

8. Road for machines with your own hands.

This is perhaps the easiest way to manufacture a children's track for small machines. We need only special tape and scissors. If you wish, you can add plastic figures of traffic lights, houses, trees, in general, what you have at home.

Children's track, even a whole city. Detailed description you can see
Here, the children's road from Scotch was glued to the cardboard, so that it can be moved around the house and even take it to the street.
And here they were glued as a catch in the form of a road straight to the floor.

And here we went even further by sticking the tape directly to the sofa and the carpet. Interestingly, many parents will agree to this. But both children are fun and convenient. If you do not have a special scotch with an image of an asphalt road, you can use the color scotch tape or conventional tape. Optionally, you can put markup on it.

9. Road for machines on an old wooden table.

If you have an unnecessary or old wooden table, then you can turn it into the track for children's machines. Make the table with paper scotch in front of the color. After painting, rain full drying. The road for children is ready.

Gorka, parking, refueling on a wooden table with your own hands.

A large and wonderful table with game zones. How to make such a toy for kids see

Such an option of the road for children's machines is convenient because it can be drawing as you like and how much. To do this, you need a piece of chalk and your or child fantasy. To make such a gaming table for machines, you need a tabletop of the old table to cover a special paint for class boards, on which it will be possible to draw chalk. That's all the table for children's cars ready!

10. Growthor in the form of a racing route.

For small lovers, parents can make it a bright header in the form of a racing route. The growth of the child is celebrating the machine that is attached on the principle of velcro. You can make any width, with the number of bands equal to the number of children. The photo shows that in the family two children. If you are interested in ROSTER, then a full description of its manufacture can be viewed

11. Road for children's machines on the wall.

The road for machines can be made straight on the wall in the nursery. Thus, we get an interesting design and game space for a child. The road itself can be made magnetic or felt, and to machines, respectively, to attach magnets or velcro.

12. Machine mat do it yourself from fabric.

Mat road from felt with surprise. He has a garage for three cars, this is a pocket at the bottom. It is wonderful that such a rug can be folded and it will not take much space. It can be done any size with any appliqués - mountains, trees, houses, hospitals, towers, skyscrapers, roads, slides, parking lots, various marking and all possible road signs. Ideas and instructions with lots of photos See on this site

13. Children's street route for small machines.

In the manufacture of such children's tracks for machines you will need cement. In the ground, we pull out a shallow trench, fill it with cement, dye black paint, decorate the entire platform. This is the perfect version of the playground for private houses and cottages.

Here are some more options for game zones for boys on the street from a girlfriend.

Children's town on the sand with an expensive for cars.

In conclusion, I want to offer the most cheerful and funny way of a children's road for small machines. Children will not be bored, but dad or mom will receive a wonderful massage and a relax portion.

Thank you for reading our article to the end! Merry and happy day to you and your children!

How many things can be done with a child from an ordinary cardboard box! A simple cardboard box can turn into a boat, a rocket, an airplane, a gas stove, a crib for toys. And with the help of the boxes, you can build a whole cardboard city, with roads, houses and trees from cones and plasticine. The baby is at hand, the material with which he can "exert", which will want! The child is played by fantasy. And it is difficult to assume that it will turn out. For a visual example, take a cardboard box from the vacuum cleaner and see what can be built out of it.

2. Capacity for throwing balls and small toys.
3. Musical instrument as a drum, if the sharpened pencil sharply stabbles in it, the sound is coming out - cotton, which fascinates with sound.
4. On the box you can first pour with pencils and markers, then paint paint.
5. If you cut the windows, make the doors and build turrets, you will get a lock for toys.
6. With the help of a stapler, scissors and child fantasy from the same box, you can build a knight armor. Cut from a sheet of cardboard crown, paint it and decorate the application from glossy prospectuses. The size of the crown fit the baby's head and connect with a stapler. From another sheet to make a shield and sword. The armor of the young warrior is ready. From the remains of the box, you can cut masks and targets for throwing a spear.
7. When the box is already uninteresting in the above, it can be cut into stripes, connect them with the help of a rope, it will turn out a snake if the other end of the rope will appear around the belt, then the dragon's tail will come out, which when taking the journey and noisily beats through the walls and doorways .
8. Corrugated packaging paper overlook remarkable volumetric applications. First you need a pencil to apply a drawing on a sheet of colored paper or cardboard, and then along the lines paste the strips of corrugated paper.
9. It's nice just to break the cardboard on the pieces. It adores the kids. Older children cut out of bed packaging, chairs, gliding lockers for dolls.

In order to create a house, you can use a large-format cardboard sheet, a cardboard box or a box of pizza. So, we will need:

1. Carton or cardboard box
2. Glue PVA
4. Pencil
5. Scissors or knife for paper.
6. Any available materials for decoracing the house. Felt marks, pencils, paints, sequins, stickers, pieces of colored paper, scraps of newspapers and napkins (while mom will cut a house, the baby can rush slices of napkins or cut pieces), in general, everything that only exists in the farm.

Hang by hand, observing the main proportions, sketch of our house. The shape of the house can be any - square or rectangular, depending on ideas and fantasy. For grandparents, my son and grandfather and my son made a square house. A couple of such houses we did for other small toys of the Son. But a long narrow house with many windows and drawn balconies is suitable for a large residential array.

The main work on creating a fabulous kingdom of cardboard is still necessary to make a mom - to demarcine cardboard, cut down the contour, make doors and windows and bend the workpiece along the bend lines. But on, the child can smear the necessary parts of the house with glue and help the mother copp the walls with the help of Stepler (it is especially good to fasten the dense cardboard sheets, for example, from pizza boxes). That's all, the house is ready, it remains to paint the walls, glue the roof to the roof and populate small inhabitants.

As a road, you can use the finished road from cardboard puzzles or training soft puzzles with letters. You can also draw a landscape with roads and paths on the Watman sheet. Houses can be placed around the railway and ride to friends by train. Trees are easy to create out of cones. And you can cut the trees from the paper and with a piece of tape, skewers and a piece of plasticine to give them stability. To create a pasture near the house, we and my son used a set of small pets.

Such puzzles are perfect for the "cardboard town"!

Large outdoor Puzzle "Road", Orchard, ART. 286,

Puzzle giant "Farm" DJECO, art. 07160,

Eco-wide outdoor puzzle "animal habitats" with animal figures, Hape, art. 702884,

Puzzle giant "Road" Djeco, ART. 07161,

Animals from Schleich firm perfectly fit into urban and rural environment!

More options for houses that can be done for children!

Cute looks curtains)) In such a house, you can relax and prepare a treat for your toys!

Home Sweet Home))

Cafe for cute Mademoisellek!

Fortress for knights!

Castle for lovely princess.

What can be done except for houses? Yes, all that your heart! Miracle-sorter for kids.

You can invent your own cartoons about shark and show them in your own TV))

Cheerful typewriter.

Castle and gas station.

Miracle Rollerdrome for your favorite machine.

Family mailbox.

Bed for pupa.

Farrow. By the way, a good idea, decorate so the yard for children's birthday!

Bridge with a steam room.

Tree house.

Personal car.

So you can make the heroes of your favorite fairy tales!

A little interesting from the life of fondant people!

Chris Gilmur was born in Stockport, the United Kingdom, in 1973, but now gives Udine and ITALY himself his home. Using only cardboard and glue, Chris creates incredible sculptures without any additional frameworks from wood or metal. All you see is 100% cardboard. The material that Gilmur has chosen for its sculptures is easy to get, it is cheap and easy. Hydo Barraselli so talks about the works of the Gilmura: "The works of the Hilmur not only exactly reflect objects in full size, they are not rough and not similar to the usual repetition of something like models or scenery. They are like real objects to which we have ever touched: a printing machine, a car, a bike or stroller.

Australian artist Daniel Egdag (Daniel Agdag) is working on its large-scale art project called "Sets for a Film I" LL NEVER MAKE ". From ordinary cardboard, which is used for the manufacture of boxes, it will make amazing sculptures of buildings, strange devices and mechanisms, As if prepares scenery for sci-fi films. The genius Daniel Egoaga was multifaceted, and manifests itself not only in sculpture and painting. The artist is also a director of short animated films, where it often involves scenery, similar to what they entered a series of cardboard sculptures. That is why she And wears the name "A selection for films that I will never do." What is not surprising, because those sculptures that the artist creates from packaging cardboard, simultaneously resemble the steampunk, science fiction novels and adventure films in the spirit of science of the beginning of the last century.

Surely, many remember how in children's magazines, and later - in special issues of magazines for girls printed paper or cardboard pupae with paper outfits for them. All this followed from the page, and then buy a wardrobe for dolls in kiosks with newspapers and magazines, or draw fashionable outfits yourself. Italian artist Christian Tagliavini (Christian Tagliavini) from this age has long grown, but the passion for paper outfits remained. True, now he dresses in them the living people, and is called all this art project Dame Di Cartone. In the wardrobe models of this art project, do not find outfits for club parties or beach sundresses, tracksuits or cocktail dresses. Here are retro-style models, for which the Renaissance Epoch costumes created from cardboard. This is no longer just a game, Christian Tagliavini says. This is a costume ball, theatrical representation in which he is an orchestra man uniting the author, director-director, photographer, and, of course, the artist in costumes.

Looking at the paperwork of the Dutch artist Ingrid Siliakus, children's impressions are unwittingly pop up - delight and feeling of a real miracle, when the usual view of the book, you see the volumetric cities that deployed in front of you, vintage locks and whole fabulous episodes with a lot of parts that can not only be Consider, but also touch. In addition to abstract patterned sculptures in the spirit of Escher Engravings, Ingrid Siliakus creates real architectural objects - the outlines of the New York skyscrapers, London buildings and even modern sports complexes are clearly guessed in its paper installations. However, according to the artist's most recognition, the architectural heritage of the Great Spaniard Antonio Gaudí and the famous Dutch hendrik Berlage is inspired.

Photographer Andy Rudak created buildings layouts that are located in London, New York, Mumbai, Paris and Tokyo. The series is called "cardboard cities".

Wonderful toy shop offers beautifully decorate creations from cardboard drawings, seals and stickers! For this, it is perfect:

Set of stencils DJECO.

Set of "farm" stamps Art. 08809, "Princess" art. 08810, "Knights" art. 08811, "Elf" art. 08813 DJECO.

9 stamps included in the set will help you create a fun world with just one touch! It remains only to paint all the elements at your discretion, and everything is ready!

In the set: 9 stamps, 1 stamped pillow, album for drawings.

Gouache paint solid, 36 colors. ART.08873.

Watercolor pencils, 12 pcs. Djeco, art. 08824.

Soft watercolor pencils, 12 colors.

An ordinary pencil drawing is easily turning into a beautiful watercolor! Just a little mock with water and spend the drawing along the contours, slightly "blurring" them.

Gouache 12 color,

Gouache of amazing quality! Lies smoothly, clean beautiful colors.

- Classic flowers aRT.08807

Feltolsters gouache (6 pcs) art.08876.

Draw a gouache! Very nice and neat!

Finger paints Djeco, art. 08878.

A set of magnificent first paints, with their help the baby will create his first masterpieces!
Paints are absolutely safe! Perfectly wash off from the child, clothes and all at home)) just water

Bilateral markers, 8 pcs. ART.08875.

Lightweight! Without detergents, just with water or wet napkin!

Included: 8 markers (16 colors).

Finger paints 6 colors DJECO, art. 08860,

Paints are non-toxic, specially designed for drawing with hands. Easily washed away with just water.

Included: 6 Tubes of Colors of Classic Colors 75 ml, Rug palette for the convenience of drawing (so that the kids do not mix all the paints in the banks)))

That's all! These unique things can be done with children and for children from ordinary cardboard! There was Nastya!


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