Signs about gray doves. Why does the dove sit on the windowsill

Our ancestors paid increased attention to the issue of various signs, superstitions and beliefs. They believed that certain phenomena occurring in our world, sometimes even insignificant ones, can have a strong impact on human life. In particular, a sign was quite popular when a dove sat on a window sill outside the window. We will consider it in detail in this material.

Let's understand it step by step. If the bird is already sitting on your windowsill, then this portends you to receive some kind of news, but not necessarily bad news. Many people believe that this belief predicts negative events (such as death, destruction, loss, disappointment, and the same plan). But in reality this is by no means the case, so do not rush to worry.

Although there are a number of superstitions that say that pigeons are able to anticipate trouble. And if this feathered comrade settled next to your window, you don’t need to prepare for misfortune - it will simply protect your home from various troubles. But if he leaves you, then you will already need to be alert and carefully monitor the events taking place in your life. This is a kind of signal from above that cannot be ignored.

How is the behavior of a pigeon outside the window interpreted

  • If the feathered one simply sits on the windowsill, then this most likely portends good news relating to work or family life.
  • If a bird holds some kind of twig or leaf in its beak, then this will indicate the imminent addition of your family or good financial profit.
  • Sometimes pigeons begin to “dance” directly on the windowsill - this behavior of birds predicts the imminent arrival of guests in your house. At the same time, how big the company will be will depend on the number of birds outside the window.
  • It happens that in the winter season, birds simply fly to the windowsill in order to warm themselves, without carrying any sacred news with them. Be that as it may, we do not advise you to ignore this situation, because pigeons are able to perfectly feel negative energy and they never fly to bad house. Give him some bread crumbs, thereby saving the feathered one from starvation.

If there are a couple of pigeons on the windowsill

Considering the signs, when the pigeons sat on the windowsill, it is worth paying attention to their number. So, if you watch a sweet couple of cooing doves outside the window, this portends an imminent wedding. Pigeons are family birds, so take a closer look at their behavior.

  • If the birds sit quietly side by side, this portends a peaceful and happy married life.
  • They constantly fight, flap their wings and shout loudly - their life will be unfavorable - it is likely that the marriage will soon fall apart.

Therefore, take a closer look at their mutual behavior.

Why is the dove knocking on the window

Our ancestors came up with an explanation for this phenomenon. Biologists know that chicks that have recently left their mother's nest and are learning the basics of flight do not yet know how to control the trajectory of their flight. Therefore, they may simply not cope with “control” and inadvertently crash into your window.

In addition, the quality of flight is affected by the presence of electromagnetic radiation from various devices. Do not immediately raise a panic about this. But if the bird beats against the glass, and then falls dead, then this portends trouble or even death. close relative.

The bird may also fly to the windowsill and begin to knock on the window with its beak. This is also not a very good phenomenon - it predicts the receipt of bad news that can ruin your plans. Do not let the bird into the home, so as not to increase the degree of problems.

Negative signs about pigeons

Many people are firmly convinced that the arrival of a dove marks the death of a close relative or a person living in the house.

It is considered a rather bad sign if the dove first hit the glass, and then was able to get into your house, even despite the closed window. In this case, you need to be as careful as possible! Thus, the feathered one indicates to you a possible danger or trouble. Do not ignore such signs of fate and if you have any disturbing situations, pay special attention to them.

Also, until the bird was in your home, this means that the news was never delivered. In fact, you have nothing to fear until you let him into the house.

The belief was very popular that when a dove flies past the window of a seriously ill person, this portends his imminent death.

Pigeons are God's creatures

Since ancient times, pigeons have been considered divine birds, which are revered and carefully protected. By killing a feathered one, a person takes on a huge sin. Everyone knows this, even small children.

It is also believed that the souls of our ancestors fly to earth in the guise of these birds. Therefore, people who kill pigeons will be doomed to long-term disasters and face many problems, or they may even lose their lives.

Harbingers of weather changes

It is known that pigeons are able to feel nature very well with all its phenomena. So, if on a hot sunny day a dove flies to your windowsill and sits in the shade, this will portend precipitation in the very near future. The feathered weather forecaster will help you precisely control the appearance of rain, because it foreshadows it in just a couple of hours.

In ancient times, our distant, distant ancestors did not worry about the sign when a dove sits on a windowsill (to be more precise, then there were no window sills in principle). This always indicated the appearance of certain news, but what plan - here it was already necessary to think carefully.

Be that as it may, negative thoughts always have a huge role in our lives and can really attract misfortune, so try to think as positively as possible and try to see the positive in everything, and not vice versa.

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Signs about pigeons help us to unravel the behavior of these birds, to understand what it brings us. In most cases, beliefs say that doves promise happiness. For many nations, these are divine birds that bring messages from heaven. Their feather is considered a talisman. Even if the feathered crap, folk omens about pigeons they will say that a person is lucky. There are also negative signs that warn of danger. You can read about all this in this article.

Dove flies through the window

We can see pigeons every day, on the street of our city. But you are absolutely not bothered by these birds as long as they do not invade the house. That's when all the well-known signs and superstitions about the dove are remembered. What does it mean if this feathered one flew into the house or a dove flew onto the balcony? Here are some signs about domestic pigeons and explanations:

  • The dove flew into the house through the window. If it is white, wait for the guests to arrive. They will be pleasant, bring you a lot of joy. A white one arrives fortunately. If the dove is black, beware, this is not good. Perhaps bad news awaits you. Colored bird - for news or a letter.
  • The birds flew up to the window, but do not sit down, so the news is not too important
  • Flew into the kitchen in the apartment through the window - you will have a long and happy family life.
  • If the pigeon entered the kitchen through the door, as if to his home, wait for replenishment.
  • The dove sat on the windowsill outside the window and is watching you carefully. Most likely, she warns of trouble. Pay close attention to everything you do in the house.
  • A white dove flew to the windowsill - for an unmarried girl, this is a signal of an imminent wedding.
  • A dove flew to the window with a twig in its beak - it means it brought happiness and good luck. Such a sign is considered especially good on the Annunciation and in Palm Sunday. These days, the holy spirit itself descends to earth in the form of a dove.
  • The bird beats its head against the glass good omen. You are waiting for failures and misfortunes. If the dove fell dead after that, then the family is in for a real misfortune or someone's death.
  • The dove hit the window and flew away, wanted to go through and next to it was glass - the troubles would be serious, but solvable.
  • The dove flew onto the windowsill and knocks on the window - a good sign, expect news soon. If before that someone died in the house, then his soul flies to communicate with loved ones. When the bird is calm, there is nothing to fear, if at the same time the dove beats its wings, knocks persistently, the deceased relative warns of misfortune.
  • He sat on the windowsill of the room where the patient lies, he will get worse or he will die altogether. If he also knocks on the window, then things are really bad.

As you can see, if a dove flew into the house, the omen can be both good and bad. It is important to read the message correctly. Attention to detail can also prevent trouble. The sign of a dove on the windowsill will help to recognize secret signals in time, both successful and not very good.

Pigeon on the balcony

Birds can fly not only through the window or into the room, but sit on the windowsill. Often in a city apartment they visit the balcony. What does it mean, what are the folk signs about pigeons when he flew onto the balcony? Here are some explanations:

  • The dove flew to the balcony and immediately flew away. If he is white, then you will soon receive good news or meet an old friend, but very a short time. If the dove is brown, the news will be neutral, and the meeting will be fleeting. Black bird - to trouble or illness, but not too severe.
  • It flies to the balcony or to the window all the time, trying to fly into the room - a warning about a serious illness or death.
  • A pair of doves settled on the balcony and made a nest for the girl - great happiness awaits you, all sorrows will bypass the house.
  • If you saw kissing white doves that settled on the balcony - this is for the wedding.
  • A couple calmly incubates eggs and does not fly away - you have peace and harmony in the family.
  • The birds are cooing, they are sitting anxious, something is wrong in your house, you may have quarreled or are offended by someone.
  • When the birds that made the nest suddenly fly away and do not return, be on your guard. The energy in the house has changed, you have broken the harmony, departure may mean approaching problems.
  • If the birds made a nest, laid eggs, but did not hatch chicks, then the house is in danger. To prevent it, you need to carefully take the nest into the garden and ask the doves for forgiveness, perhaps you offended them with something. It is also good to read a short prayer.
  • A lonely and sick dove nailed to you, knocked on the window - try to answer the knock and cure it, do not leave it on the threshold, and then the signs about alien pigeons will be good. If this succeeds, then luck will not leave a person for three whole years. When he dies, bury him so that trouble does not come to the house.

When pigeons live on your balcony, they must be reckoned with. Try not to scare the birds with your fuss and noise. Even if the dove pooped on the windowsill, do not be angry with him. You need to wash everything carefully and say in your mind or hearing about the birds good word. You can add food to the pigeons from time to time, then luck will definitely never leave your house.

Pigeons on the street

You can often see a dove on the street. Many people don't even pay attention to them. But the behavior of yard birds can also say a lot. Let's talk about this. Here are some signs about pigeons on the street:

  • You saw pigeons that took off and disappeared from your eyes in sunny weather - expect rain and bad weather.
  • Pigeons are nowhere to be seen, even though the sun is shining? So it will rain tomorrow.
  • Birds swim happily in a puddle after a rain - it will be sunny tomorrow.
  • Seeing a pair of doves making a nest is a pleasant chore.
  • They say that at the moment when the birds are making a nest, you can make any wish, it will surely come true.
  • The dove walks around the yard, does not fly away and coos - they gossip about you.
  • A feathered flyer touched a person with a wing - warns of illness.
  • Flew over your head and touched your hair - it means you have received a blessing
  • Flew in front of my face - soon to find a solution difficult problem which was actually obvious.
  • Suddenly flew out and almost knocked down - it is worth waiting for surprises, but it is not clear what kind, pleasant or not very.
  • Cooing on a branch in the yard, from time to time flies up to the window - he wants to get to know you, but does not dare, a good person.
  • The dove pecked at your shoulder or hand - reconsider your relationships with loved ones, friends and colleagues at work. Perhaps someone speaks badly of you or is offended.
  • Birds fight among themselves - difficult showdowns await you. If they fight near the house, then there will be a quarrel in the family.
  • A dead dove fell to your feet - you will become seriously ill or injured.
  • A dead dove lies on the road - it’s better to turn aside so that trouble will also bypass you.

As you can see, folk signs about wild pigeons can tell a lot. Therefore, do not ignore the birds when you walk. Take a closer look at their behavior, habits. Perhaps it will say a lot about you, your problems, victories and defeats. A bird can not only portend events, but also change their course.

Pigeon droppings

There are a lot of signs and superstitions about pigeons. To believe or not to believe in them is a personal matter for everyone. Some beliefs are associated with the habits of birds, others with their arrivals in our house. But there are also rather strange ones that explain why a bird shits on a person.

Nobody wants to be screwed over by someone. But pigeon droppings bring happiness to people. I even know the story of how students went to the attic before exams to get a “happy mark” and pass the session well. Surprisingly, it helped. So, dove sign and litter, how are they related? Here are some examples:

  • Deep shit on your head - a good sign, you are lucky in business.
  • Marked clothes, flying by - to a new thing
  • I pooped on my shoulder or arm - it means that soon you will find creative success or you will simply finish your homework, which you have been working on for a long time.
  • He sat down and shat on the car - a person will have money.
  • Smeared in pigeon shit - expect a pleasant surprise or an expensive gift.
  • The dove not only spoiled, but also ran into you - you will be able to catch incredible luck.

Surprisingly, all signs about pigeons and litter are positive. Perhaps our ancestors wanted to brighten up an unpleasant situation in this way? Check it out for yourself, according to my observations, everything converges. In any case, the muck must be thoroughly washed off, and even better, everything should be disinfected after that. After all, birds, in addition to good luck or bad luck, can also carry diseases.

  • The feathered one flew into the windshield to his death - be careful on the road, you can get into an accident.
  • The dove crashed, hit, but did not crash - it means the situation will be emergency, but in the end everything will work out.
  • Crushing a dove in a car - calling trouble on yourself and the whole family.
  • To kill a bird on a roof means never to rise from filth and poverty to wealth and success.
  • Bound pigeons fell into the hands and they were killed - a tangle of problems will not let go until the end of life.
  • A dove crashed nearby and was finished off - the curse will fall not only on you, but on all offspring.
  • Throwing pebbles at a dove means daring luck from yourself.
  • To put snares on pigeons - call for a prison.

The killing of birds can be justified only in the case when a person is threatened with death from starvation. But in this case, you should also ask for forgiveness for your sin. When the danger has passed, you need to feed the birds all the time. That they have forgiven you can be understood by the fact that they began to fly up to the window, sit on the windowsill. Even better, they sit on a ledge or balcony and make a nest there.

Customs and superstitions in different countries may be different. Some peoples raise domestic pigeons for meat and eat it with pleasure. And the eggs of these birds in some places are considered a real delicacy. Who knows what kind of aura they have after that? If a person looks into the future, he will try to disturb the harmony less, listen to ancient wisdom. So don't eat pigeons, no matter who tries to get you to do it.

There is another sign - when a person saved a bird, many sins will be forgiven him. In addition, such a dove will bring a lot of good, good luck and happiness in its beak. So do not ignore sick birds that got into the entrance or nailed to the window. Perhaps this is your chance to change your destiny. If the dove and the sign about him are happy, then all wishes will come true.

Our ancestors were sure that any bird would not just sit on the windowsill, and they explained its stay there from a magical point of view.

In the article:

If the dove sat on the windowsill outside the window - a sign

There are a large number of beliefs that are associated with birds, in particular with pigeons. Our ancestors believed that the arrival of this feathered friend had sacred meaning. They treated with caution, were afraid if.

On the one hand, a dove on the windowsill is accompanied by positive changes in life, on the other hand, it can portend bad events.

Common interpretations about birds on the window:

  • The sign says that a lone dove brings good news. In the near future, you will be told very good news that will change your life for the better.
  • If the family has unmarried girl or a guy, then a bird with a white feather is an important sign of an imminent wedding for them.
  • Notice if the bird is holding something in its beak. A twig or other object means profit.
  • into the glass or looks inside - there will be a meeting with relatives or friends whom you have not seen for a long time.
  • A bad sign is the restless behavior of the bird. If she worries, makes noise, it’s hard to drive her away - she brought bad news or warns someone close about the illness.

Sparrow sat on the window - a sign

There are no negative beliefs associated with this kind and harmless bird, and modern shamans are sure that it does not portend trouble. In addition, sparrows, like pigeons, are frequent guests of the window sills of cities, the reasons for their appearance are very easy to explain without signs.

In some regions, it is believed that the sparrow promises big trouble, but this is not so. This feathered one can only bring good news. Most often, the appearance of a sparrow means a pleasant telephone conversation, a long-awaited letter. Perhaps an old friend will visit you.

bad omens

In contrast to good beliefs, there are always negative ones. Therefore, some feathered friends are harbingers of bad events.

  • Crow sat on the windowsill - sadness will come to the house.
  • It's not always good to see cuckoo, our ancestors believed that she was a messenger of fire, tears, troubles.
  • Magpie also never been a welcome guest in the house. This chatty bird is a symbol of lies, gossip and rumors. Therefore, if she sat on your window, try not to reveal your soul to anyone in the near future.
  • Nightingale or Martin bring well-being, wealth, joy to the house, and maybe replenishment of the family.
  • Often, the appearance of a bird can indicate sudden financial costs. Perhaps the appliances in the house will break down, the clothes will tear, and you will have to buy a new one or repair the old one.
  • Thrush is a harbinger of bad news and sometimes even warns of a severe illness of one of the close relatives.

Whether to believe signs about birds

During the time you need to pay attention to the behavior of feathered friends. Quite often they stop at your window to rest or ask for food, so it is far from always worth attributing magical background to their appearance.

If a bird looks outside, it does not call for trouble or any changes in your life. Warn about important event a feathered friend wants in the case when he looks into the room, at the person, and persistently tries to get through.

If you still believe in the negative power of belief, try to neutralize it. For example, give the bird crumbs with these words:

Come for food, don't come for soul.

Often a feathered friend symbolizes a messenger from the other world. Therefore, if he persistently tries to penetrate your territory, go to church. Remember the deceased loved ones, tell them that you remember them, honor them, do not forget about them.

The appearance of a bird is not always associated with problems or negativity. Therefore, do not take the negative meaning of signs as an axiom. Set yourself up for the best and remember that only you attract positive or negative energy into your life.

In contact with

Each corner of our planet has an individual history associated with birds. Pigeons cooed - a sign that brings a certain goodness and stability. What other interesting news can birds bring and what they warn about.

Folk signs if the pigeons cooed

This marvelous bird has long been considered a symbol of goodness and peace; it is not able to bring anything bad. Most motorists, taking care of appearance machines, negatively relate to the attention from the winged. Turning to the superstitions associated with them, most modern atheists will change their attitude towards peace-loving kids.

Pigeons quarreled, what's going on this phenomenon? God's messenger is sensitive to any change in the atmosphere. Before going outside, pay attention to the behavior of birds, if they hide under the roofs of houses in clear weather, rain is approaching. If the pigeons are cooing or walking under the windows, you can safely lay out raincoats from the bag. And if they appeared at a wedding, the family will be strong and happy.

Sign - pigeons coo on the windowsill

Grandmothers to this day believe that if a feathered one sat on the windowsill, expect good news. Although many people say that a bird sitting in front of a window knocks on the window, calling death on a loved one, you should not believe this, on the contrary, the bird predicts the approach of happiness. Pigeons cooed - be good weather and happy moments on this day. It's time to receive surprises from loved ones. Follow the bird, if there is grass or a twig in the beak, financial profit is approaching.

Folk omens about birds doves

Pigeons are often compared to human souls who carry various messages. Some mystical actions are accompanied by the presence of birds. Many witches use winged babies in sacrifices. Signs about pigeons living in the courtyard of their own house speak of abundance, a couple of birds - about a happy family life. What representatives of the feathered world will tell:

  • if the pigeons are not visible on a clear day, it will be raining;
  • before a big storm, a bird hides under the roof;
  • dove on the porch - bad weather aside;
  • in anticipation of clear weather, birds walk around the yard;
  • pigeons cooed - the weather will please you with warmth.
  • birds hide under the roof - be a strong wind.
  • a sign of a dove on the window cooing - to the arrival of guests.
  • dreamed of pigeons that fly away - plans for the future need to be reconsidered.

The dove sat on the windowsill - what is it for?

When a feathered friend settles near the window, nothing bad is foreshadowed. brings good news about the approach of wealth and prosperity. As long as the bird is near the house, you can not be afraid of fires and misfortune. In the Bible, the dove is noted as a harbinger of good news, so you should not offend and drive away the birds, there is a risk of bringing trouble to the family. Based on observations, it is known that birds to bad people don't fly. The pigeons cooed, which means that God's grace descended on the family, one should not miss the chance to improve life.

Sign - a dove hit the window

This behavior of the feathered indicates that good news is expected. In order not to receive bad news, you can not get hung up on the appearance of a bird outside the window. As you know, you should not be programmed for the negative. The dove hit the window and flew away - a good omen. It is advisable to open the window and let the changes into life. If the guest was white, you can’t get into a scandal with loved ones, there is a risk of serious discord in relations.

Sign - a dove flew out the window

Scary birds very rarely fly into houses, constantly closed windows further reduce their occurrence. However, when this happened, unexpected guests approaching with important news. White birds portend pleasant change in life, but the black guest promises problems at work. Why does a dove fly to the window, what to expect from such a visit? If the bird sits on the windowsill for a long time and looks into the apartment with interest, loving person mentally wants to be near. If the pigeons cooed, the omen brings good and good luck - the main thing is not to be afraid of anything.

There are many signs associated with pigeons. What does it mean if a dove knocks on the window and why this sign. For many centuries, pigeons have become a part of city life, having left their native rocks. The amazing ability of these birds to navigate, the ability to communicate, affection for people and places have allowed people to use birds to convey important messages.

Pigeon mail long time was considered the most reliable, although it was available only to the wealthiest people. The bird easily overcomes significant distances by air, it is not worried about the lack of roads, blockages, enemy posts and ambushes of robbers on the roads. If you remember biblical history, Noah sent a dove to search for land, which for the third time brought an olive twig in the key.

Bad omens about pigeons and how to avoid bad values

If the dove does not knock with its beak, but it beats into the glass, from the flight, again and again, this may mean illness, death, or other bad news. You can reduce the bad value of the omen if you immediately take a whole package of millet or other cereals that pigeons love and scatter it outside the house, behind the fence, in the park. Do not scatter millet on the playground. If the birds quickly flock for a treat, the trouble was averted.

A dove that managed to fly into the house - a friend will need your protection. Feed and release the bird.

Signs about pigeons in dreams

  • The dove plays an important role in dreams. Not always a dove can knock on the window, even if changes, discoveries, news are planned in your destiny. In this case, a dove or a dove will simply dream of you. In a dream, pigeons often report newborns, and the upcoming visit of friends. The more elegant and beautiful the dove, the better, more pleasant and unexpected the news. The pigeon's nest is hard to see in reality. But in a dream, it means an amazing opportunity for good luck. A wounded dove in a dream - they will turn to you for help that needs to be provided. The sign says in this case that refusal can have a very bad effect on your well-being.
  • Catching and eating pigeons is not a very good omen, it means deceit, betrayal of those who trusted you. At one time, pigeons fried and stewed in cream were present at the tables of aristocrats, emphasizing the contempt of the nobility for the mob. If in a dream you kill pigeons - a bad omen, it means that you are taking out your anger at home. But there are pigeons in a dream - to the good rich life, except when they are served in blood sauce.


Signs about pigeons have been collected for more than one century. Oddly enough, these birds do not even know how to sit on branches - their paws are adapted for rocks, flat surfaces. In cities, they are completely dependent on the person and his help. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of feeding the birds in the park - this sign brings good luck. If a dove knocks on the window, reward him with something tasty for the good news. Maybe a bun. Pigeons have been living next to humans for so long that they have learned to digest bread.