How to disassemble the water unit of the Beretta gas water heater. Beretta geyser does not light

Let's say right away that repairing a gas water heater, like any other gas equipment, is a matter exclusively for professionals. But, although repairing speakers with your own hands is not allowed, knowledge is not superfluous. The ability to determine on your own what exactly has broken down, how this breakdown threatens, and what the repair can be will not interfere with anyone. What are the breakdowns gas water heaters are, and what "symptoms" are they accompanied by?

How the gas water heater works

To begin with, before getting acquainted with the basics of troubleshooting, it is not out of place to find out how the gas water heater is arranged, the repair will largely depend on the device. We will not delve into the intricacies of the device of many speaker models, we will limit ourselves only to acquaintance with the general principles.

Centralized hot water supply appeared relatively recently by historical standards. The issue of heating water at home was solved different ways, but the most common among us was a storage solid fuel heater - the so-called titanium. Titanium was fired with coal, less often with wood or fuel oil. The water in the boiler had to be warmed up in advance. So taking a bath had to spend at least an hour. Of course, using such a device was very inconvenient. The problem of fast heating of water was solved in gas water heaters.

The work of the column is accompanied by claps

Possible reasons are as follows:

      • The gas pressure is too high, the burner ignites too actively, as a result of which the flame breaks out.
      • The gas pressure is too weak, air gets inside the burner, which is accompanied by a microexplosion.

The burner needs cleaning and adjustment. In principle, nothing complicated, but you do not need to take on this work with your own hands, the repair of the gas water heater should be carried out by a specialist.

Low water temperature

Insufficient water heating may be due to low power columns. Do not turn on the hot tap in the bathtub, sink and kitchen at the same time, or buy a more powerful unit.

Another possible reason the burner may be clogged, as evidenced by yellow flame. Call a gasman, a specialist will solve this problem in an hour.

When you turn on the column, you smell gas

This is already serious and threatens with the most dire consequences. Turn off the column immediately, turn off the gas supply tap, provide constant ventilation in the room, call emergency service(104) and wait for the arrival of the brigade.

In conclusion, once again I would like to remind you of safety. Do not try to disassemble, clean or repair gas equipment on one's own. This is a job for qualified professionals only.

How to repair the Beretta gas water heater if it does not burn and does not heat up? In this article, we have collected the main causes of breakdowns, gave advice on how to eliminate them.

The Beretta company has been manufacturing heating equipment for 60 years. Flow-through heaters are an economical way to obtain hot water, but with long-term operation, the equipment fails.

Do-it-yourself basic faults and repairs

Let's consider the main problems of the "Beretta" boiler, as well as ways to eliminate them without contacting service center.

Ignition problems

When the water heater is running, the igniter should be on continuously. If you stop holding the throttle control knob and the pilot does not ignite, this indicates a problem with the automation. The first thing to do is to shut off the water and gas supply.

A burner flame occurs when the pilot heats up the thermocouple. If it goes out, the protection system is triggered - the column is turned off. Otherwise, there is a risk of hitting carbon monoxide into the room. A similar problem can be provoked by such fuse parts:

  • Thermocouple.
  • Overheating sensor.
  • Solenoid valve.

The protection is triggered when the equipment is rarely serviced. See if it's time to clean your igniter: blockages are common in dusty and damp environments. Which indicates the need for cleaning:

  • The burner ignites with a strong pop.
  • The flame is not blue, but red-tipped.
  • The burner goes out constantly.

How to clean:

  • Shut off the gas supply, remove the column cover.
  • You will see the igniter, it may be clogged with soot.
  • Unscrew the tube of the draft sensor and gas supply.
  • Remove and clean the nozzle.
  • Rinse under running water tee, other details.
  • Assemble the igniter in reverse order.

Additionally, you can check the solenoid valve, but this requires a multimeter.

Thermocouple faults

A thermocouple is an alloy of two types of metal, which serves to protect equipment from damage. The part opens and closes the gas supply to the burner. When a thermocouple heats up, its plates expand, producing an EMF (electromotive force). This force is sufficient to open the electromagnetic gas valve... When the heating stops, the product cools down, the feed is cut off.

For self repair you will need spare parts. Keep in mind that different models(eg "Idrabagno 11") they may differ.

  • The thermocouple is located next to the igniter. Secured with a nut.
  • Loosen the fastening of the bar that holds the part.
  • Now unscrew the thermocouple nut counterclockwise.
  • Unscrew the contact screw. He is with back side adjusting knob.
  • Disconnect the wiring.
  • Install a new item.

Breakage of the solenoid valve

The valve is a coil with a rod and a spring; it serves as a protection against gas ingress into the room. There is a seal around the coil to better cover all slots. In the normal state, the valve is closed when the equipment is turned off. When the circuit starts up and the membrane is triggered, the control module sends a signal to the valve to open - gas enters the burner.

Replacing the part is easy, just unscrew the four fastening screws with a screwdriver.

Thermal fuse problems

It works when the column overheats. Try to lower the room temperature by opening windows. To check the fuse, you need to close its contacts with each other. If the column turns on, it means that it is overheating. If not, the part is replaced.

Clogged and leaky heat exchanger

If the equipment is bad or does not heat the water at all, you need to clean the radiator. The head can also be reduced because plaque constricts the passages in the coil tubes.

For cleaning you need:

  • Remove the cover of the product.
  • Drain the radiator.
  • Remove the mounting bolts.
  • Immediately clean the assembly of dust with a brush. For descaling, use citric acid and hydrochloric acid.
  • Run the hydrochloric acid solution through the coil with a pump or watering can.
  • Dilute citric acid in water, pour inside.
  • After 30 minutes, rinse everything with water.

Leakage occurs due to corrosion. Manufacturers are trying to reduce the cost of production by adding impurities to the copper for the radiator. The walls become thin, they warm up unevenly. As a result, burnouts appear. An abundance of green spots on the surface indicates an imminent leak.

The accident can be eliminated by soldering. To do this, use gas burner(for thick-walled radiators) or a soldering iron. You will also need solder and flux.

Can be used cold welding or a tin patch. If nothing can be done to help, the heat exchanger is replaced.

When choosing a replacement part, make sure that the new radiator is not welded or repaired.

No spark when turned on

What was the reason:

  • Membrane problems. As we already wrote, the membrane triggers the gas supply valve. To do this, it must be whole and elastic. If it is deformed and torn, the burner will go out or will not light up at all. Replace the rubber part with a silicone one, it will last longer.
  • In technology with electronic ignition. The power supply is located at the bottom of the case. Open the cover and replace the batteries.
  • Insufficient pressure cold water... Turn the adjustment knob to the right and down.
  • Longer hold down the piezo ignition button. Check his contacts: maybe they moved away.
  • The ignition electrode has shifted and is on great distance from the wick. Adjust the position.
  • Check if the gas cock is open. If not, then open it.
  • No cravings. Test your guess by holding a lighted match to the window. If the flame burns steadily, contact your local utility company to clean the chimney.

it typical malfunctions gas water heaters "Beretta". Other troubles occur depending on the situation. Take good care of your appliances to avoid these kinds of problems.

If your gas water heater does not work and you want to make repairs yourself, I hope my article will help you.

So, your gas water heater has broken down at your home. Let's decide what type it belongs to and start diagnostics. Gas water heaters are automatic and semi-automatic. Let's look at the troubleshooting process for both.

Repair of a gas water heater Semiautomatic device

A semi-automatic gas column is a column where the burner lights up from a burning igniter (wick)... If you have just such a column at home, then we will analyze how to look for trouble and make repairs with your own hands.

One of the most common malfunctions - the gas column wick often goes out or does not light up

Let's start our inspection with the wick. If the flame is small, the color is yellow, then most likely the igniter is clogged. We disassemble and inspect the igniter jet itself, the igniter tube going to the gas block, the air holes on the igniter.

Columns in which gas is supplied to the igniter through copper pipes (Ariston, Beretta of the old model, Neva, etc.), often "suffer" from the fact that copper tube oxidized from the inside by gas. Oxides can clog both the tube and the jet. It is necessary to remove the tube carefully, because often they become thinner so that they break. I clean the tubes with very thin steel wire and blow through.

Very often you have to deal with clogged pipes on Bosch and Junkers dispensers. The principle is slightly different there. The tube goes after the jet, gas is fed into it and air is sucked in, thereby forming a mixture.

Just disgustingly implemented the wick on the Beretta new designs. (Late releases of Indrobanio, Aqua) There the wick clogs very often, with periodicity, I would say. Similar unsuccessful igniters are found on the columns of the Neva company. The gas pipe goes from the block to the hexagon, it has two holes for air intake. These two holes are permanently clogged. Note if the flame is yellow. Such a wick will also easily smudge the floor of the radiator little by little.

Columns of the old model (Old Beretta, Electrolux, Vaylant and AEG) can boast of a stable working fit.

After checking and cleaning the wick, notice how it flames through the thermocouple. The flame should blow steadily onto the thermocouple of the gas column. We also inspect the thermocouple, if necessary, clean it from carbon deposits. The carbon deposit on the thermocouple is a heat insulator. The thermocouple warms up worse and produces EMF. Thermocouples rarely break. Usually these are Neva gas water heaters and Junkers gas water heaters that have been working for a very long time.

If everything has been checked, but the wick immediately goes out when the gas block button is released, look for the cause in faulty sensors or their oxidized contacts. The sensors can be checked by excluding them from work by shorting the wires. If without them the wick is ignited good - reason in them.

The next malfunction that we encounter when repairing semiautomatic gas water heaters at home is when the wick is working, the main burner of the gas water heater does not light up. There are several reasons:

1. Torn, deformed membrane in the water block

2. Really very low pressure of water supplied to the column

3. The coil or water block is clogged (usually there is a lot of noise in the column, and after the column weak pressure water compared to the pressure of cold)

4. Broken plate pushing the stem

5. Jammed stem of water or gas block

These are the main malfunctions of semiautomatic gas water heaters. Also, the column may not heat well. This is usually also due to the water block or due to the fact that the heat exchanger must be cleaned of soot.

Gas water heater repair machine.

An automatic gas column is a column where the gas on the burner is somehow carried out without a wick, from the ignition electrodes. The designs of the machines are different. Most often, there are speakers made in China or with automatic equipment from China. When repairing your gas water heater at home, you may encounter the following malfunctions:

1. The column seems to be bursting with ignition electrodes, but it does not go further, the gas on the burner does not ignite. Most often, the reason is trivial - put fresh good batteries from the manufacturer and everything will go away. Usually, electrodes crackle, and clicks solenoid valve no. The valve does not have enough voltage to open.

2. The column lights up and then goes out. Here you need to look at the ionization electrode. Usually, gas columns have 3 electrodes (two ignition and one ionization), but there are also two, as on the Neva columns (one ignition electrode and one ionization electrode). The electrode that does not spark is the ionization electrode. He is responsible for the fact that the column "understands" that the gas is ignited, and not just goes into the atmosphere. If the electrode does not give a signal that the column is lit, then it goes out. So it is programmed. Most often, it is enough to simply clean the electrode from carbon deposits and oxides to a shine and adjust so that it burns in a flame. I put it somewhere 1-1.5 cm from the burner surface. So it warms up better.

3. The column lights up, works for a while (2 minutes) and goes out. Here, the first step is to check the draft in the chimney. If the draft is good, then remove the housing and inspect the heat exchanger. If it burns out, then the column heats up the traction sensor and it extinguishes it. Such a column needs to be seriously repaired, it may be more expedient to buy a new one, because the heat exchanger costs up to 80 percent of the cost of a new gas column.

4. The column doesn't work at all. Again, first of all, look at batteries, battery compartment. Next, we check the microswitch. This is a consumable. It often fails. The reason may be both a breakdown of it itself, and the fact that water from the stem of the water block gets on it (drip gland). In the first case, we simply change the microswitch, in the second we will also have to repair the water block, because water will spoil the newly installed part ... How to repair the water block, change the microswitch, I described in this article

Very rarely, I have met with a breakdown of the automation unit (brains). More often than not, there was just someone picking something and helping them die.

Another reason why the column will not ignite is the failure of the membrane of the water block or breakdown, clogging of the block itself or pipes, we discussed above in the section on repairing geysers semiautomatic. I see no point in repeating myself. The principle is the same - change the membrane. Look for a blockage.

After the described diagnostics and identifying the cause, before repairing the column at home on your own, I advise you to buy parts that you tend to consider broken in order to make a replacement promptly.

If you have hands and desire, you can disassemble and repair the gas water heater yourself at home. If you are not sure that you will fix it yourself or you will not find spare parts for the gas water heater, then you can contact me.

Everyone knows about the service life of Beretta gas water heaters in our country. This is one of the most popular brands from Italy, whose products have become in demand all over the world. When buying such equipment, you should think not only about it technical qualities, but also about who will carry out maintenance and adjustment of the device. If you need a quick and quality repair gas water heater Beretta, ask our field workshop for help.

Adjustment of Beretta devices of any type

Manufacturers have made sure that during the entire warranty period, users do not need to repair Beretta gas water heaters. But over the years, the internal mechanism wears out and requires cleaning, adjustment, replacement of some parts. The work of returning the equipment to its former performance will be undertaken by the masters of our field workshop "Remrada". Our specialists work from home, completely relieving customers of the need to transport products to a service center for the repair of Beretta gas water heaters. There are other privileges of cooperation with us.

  1. Use of quality new replacement parts.
  2. Repair of Beretta gas water heaters is carried out on the day of contacting the workshop. Within a few hours, the specialist will arrive at the specified address.
  3. An employee of our company will carry out repairs at any time convenient for you, since we work around the clock, seven days a week.
  4. We give a long-term guarantee (up to 12 months) for the repair of Beretta gas water heaters by our craftsmen.
  5. We eliminate breakdowns of any complexity - from gearbox repair to mechanism cleaning.
  6. Repair of Beretta gas water heaters is carried out by experienced specialists (work experience of at least 7 years).

Help from the professionals of the company "Remrada"

If you need an urgent repair Beretta Idrabagno, Beretta Aqua repair or any other model, contact our field workshop specialists. This can be done online or by phone at any convenient time. Our managers will answer all questions regarding the repair and maintenance of equipment, and will announce the preliminary cost of services.

Our gas water heater repairmen carry out the entire package of work regarding Beretta gas water heaters, such models as:

  • BERETTA Aqua 11; Aqua 14
  • BERETTA Aqua 11i; Aqua 14i

Is your BERETTA gas water heater broken?

Italian geysers Beretta (Beretta) have long been known in Russia and are quite popular with those who used this technique. Beretta loudspeakers of the Idrobagno and Aqua series are produced in several power and ignition options, including the Beretta loudspeakers with closed chamber combustion. Beretta gas water heaters are reliable structural elements, stable operation when the pressure of water or gas drops. Long-term use of a water heater from this company shows a number of malfunctions: device failure due to clogging of the igniter, which affects the inclusion of the column and shutdown during operation; there is no spark after opening the water tap. All of these signs indicate wear on the control unit.

The main malfunctions of the BERETTA gas columns (Beretta) may be as follows:
1. the igniter does not light (when the button is released, it goes out, in case of piezo ignition);
2. when you turn it on, a servant occurs; the main burner does not light up(in case of piezo ignition);
3 ... while the column is running the main and pilot burners are turned off;
4 ... the column is not typing desired hot water temperature;
5. lack of spark, when opening a hot water tap;
6. the column turns off after ignition in 1-2 seconds;
7. there is a spark, but does not light up (in the case of electronic ignition);

will perform high-quality home repairs of your Beretta speaker at a convenient time for you! Departure of the master in a short time in Moscow and the Moscow region. We make repairs only with original spare parts. We have the most affordable prices. A specialist of our company will help you solve all the problems associated with the BERETTA gas water heater. Our employees undergo annual training and have the appropriate certificates, are annually re-certified for admission to gas hazardous work.