Why do pigeons dream in an apartment. Dreamed of a multi-colored dove

A dove in a dream is considered a good sign. The owners of such dreams can soon expect positive changes in their lives. But this is far from the only explanation for the appearance of a noble bird in night visions. The dream book will tell you more about what pigeons dream about.

A dove in a dream is considered a good sign.

The meaning of the dream in which the pigeon dreamed is rather ambiguous. Depending on many details, it can be as follows:

  • white - there will be good news soon;
  • a couple in love feeds the birds on the street - love will be mutual, mutual understanding reigns between lovers;
  • in a cage - someone close to you needs help;
  • feed - a wedding can be expected in the very near future;
  • dead - a difficult period in life, many problems;
  • to hunt them - the dreamer is capable of committing a very cruel, unworthy act;
  • entangled in networks - gossip is spread behind the dreamer's back;
  • the flock flies into the distance - parting and long separation from a loved one;
  • to hear cooing is a fateful acquaintance;
  • hover overhead - all problems will soon be resolved;
  • arrive from afar - you can expect news from distant relatives;
  • the wounded man - making a profit;
  • a couple of pigeons knocking on the window - guests will soon appear on the doorstep;
  • chicks in the nest - the family will soon be replenished;
  • dove with chicks - a happy, prosperous family life.

In Miller's dream book it is said that seeing pigeons in a dream and hearing them cooing is a good sign. Such a vision promises a happy family life, peace and harmony will reign.

Dove in a dream book (video)

Seeing a dove in a dream on your arms or shoulder

A dream in which I was lucky enough to hold a dove in my hands indicates that everything will be fine in her personal life, she will be happy. The bird in this case is a symbol of care and tenderness, indicates a person's desire to keep his beloved next to him.

A feathered friend lying calmly in his arms indicates that personal life and work activity will become successful. Whatever the dreamer undertakes, everything will work out right away. If the bird is trying to take off from the hands, then it is worth preparing for changes in life. It may well be worth changing jobs.

A dream in which I was lucky enough to hold a dove in my hands indicates that everything will be fine in my personal life.

If the pigeon sat on the shoulder, then soon you can expect an acquaintance. This person will become a devoted friend who can be initiated into even the most intimate secrets.

What is the dream of a dove that flew into an apartment, house, room, window

Of particular importance are dreams in which a pigeon flies into the room. The most common are the following:

  • flew into an open window - a visit from close and dear people;
  • feel anxiety at the sight of a bird flying through the window - soon disturbing news about loved ones will be received;
  • flew into the house - changes are coming in life;
  • flew into the apartment and then flew out - the changes will not affect the dreamer's family and himself;
  • rejoice that he flew in - you can expect a pleasant gift;
  • flies in through the door - receiving news;
  • circles over the ceiling in the room - an influential person will come to visit;
  • several flew into the apartment at once - many events will happen that will change life for the better;
  • sitting on the windowsill - a new relationship, but they will be fleeting.

Of particular importance are dreams in which a pigeon flies into the room.

Seeing a wounded pigeon in a dream

A wounded bird seen in a dream is a harbinger of a break in relations. At the same time, only one of the partners will perceive this painfully. In addition, such a dream may indicate that the dreamer is too careless about life.

To see in a dream the suffering that a sick pigeon experiences is accounted for by those who real life expect disappointment. Perhaps the sleeper feels guilty for some actions committed in relation to loved ones. There comes a moment in life when you should rethink your attitude to everything that happens around you, reconsider all priorities.

Why dream of a flock of pigeons

Such a dream most often portends wealth and well-being.... If we take into account all the details of what he saw, then the meaning may be slightly different:

  • to be with them in the dovecote - the financial situation will soon improve significantly;
  • to release to freedom - to remind loved ones and friends of yourself;
  • lure them - very good news can be expected soon;
  • fly - all desires will soon come true, and hopes will come true, you just have to be patient;
  • fly over the roof of the house - well-being and prosperity in the family. It is possible that a replenishment is expected soon;
  • walk the earth - a significant joyful event and troubles in connection with this. Perhaps a move to a new location or a wedding is expected.

Such a dream most often portends wealth and well-being.

Why dream of a dove knocking on the window

Not a single dream book gives exact value this dream. Some say that a bird knocking on a window is a harbinger of news from loved ones. Other de sources claim that such a dream promises a quick wedding and a long, happy family life.

It is also important to remember what color the bird knocking on the window was. If the plumage was white, but you can safely expect the arrival of guests. Black is considered a harbinger of disease and bad news. Health problems can arise both for the dreamer himself and for members of his family.

The dream in which you had to feed the birds sitting on the window has a favorable meaning. Life will be prosperous, the family will be happy, material problems simply will not arise. During this period, you can safely start a new business, it will certainly be successful.

Not a single dream book gives the exact meaning of this dream.

Catch a pigeon in a dream

Dreams in which you have to catch pigeons symbolize the path to achieving the goal. If such an attempt is unsuccessful, then many obstacles will arise in life. But you should not despair at the same time, you need to look for all the loopholes so that all the same the business will be crowned with success. If it was possible to catch a pigeon, then soon true love will appear in life.

In the event that you are lucky enough not only to catch, but also to keep the pigeon, then in real life you can expect some important acquisition. It can be both valuable things and necessary knowledge. Also, such a dream portends career growth and maximum success in labor activity.

Holding a pigeon in your hands is a good sign. The owners of such dreams can be expected not only to be promoted, but also to gain family happiness. It is possible that a wedding will take place soon, large profits will be made and life will change dramatically.

Why do pigeons dream (video)

Dove is a positive symbol. Few are happy to see him in a dream. Such a dream promises only positive changes in life. It can be good news from afar, and the creation strong family, and success in work. Only in rare cases the interpretation is negative, but even in this case, a person is able to take the situation into his own hands and change his life for the better.

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Dreams are signs that the subconscious sends us. If you learn to interpret them correctly, you can prevent various unfavorable situations in life. Auspicious dreams bring joy, announcing the upcoming positive changes. There are many such images. They are associated with our associations. Why dream: a dove flew into the apartment? The answer to this question will be considered below.


There are many interpretations of what a pigeon dreams of. A feathered guest flew into the apartment? Many are beginning to look for an answer to this question. It is important to understand what associations people have when they hear about a pigeon. This will help to interpret the dream correctly.

The dove has been a symbol of purity since ancient times. This is reconciliation with others and with oneself. This bird was taught by people many centuries ago. Her main feature is the fact that she is returning home. Therefore, they were used to send mail over long distances.

To correctly decipher a dream, you need to remember the details of the dream. It is also important to pay attention to your emotions at the sight of a pigeon. Every detail will help to correctly understand the symbol seen. Perhaps it was a lone pigeon on the cornice outside the window, or a feathered pigeon that got into the house. A person can hold a bird in his hands or release it into the sky. In each case, the interpretation will be different.

Feather color

The color of the feathers is important for understanding the seen image. Our perception of the bird depends on it. If in a dream White dove flew into the apartment, this is good news. This is especially good for a woman. Perhaps a child will soon appear. However, a similar sign can speak of others. good news.

A black dove can portend different events. Some dream books interpret this image as a harbinger of an unpleasant event. However, this is not always the case. It is important to remember your feelings in a dream. If the appearance of such a bird scared a person, he expects some unpleasant event. It might just be his fears. You need to be internally prepared for any situation. An ordinary average pigeon can portend news at work, with neighbors.

Flew into the room

There are several options for decoding such an image, which the dream book talks about. A pigeon flew through the window into the apartment? It means that soon some guests will come to the house. These are respected people whom the owners are happy to see.

Some people interpret this image differently. Most often these are superstitious people who believe in the omen that a bird in the house is in trouble. What to believe, a person decides on his own. For such people, such a dream can mean bad news. Especially if the dreamer experiences fear, strong anxiety at the sight of a bird. Most often, this is news about someone from the family.

Aesop's dream book interprets this image as a sign of changes in the future. It is important to remember how the bird and the dreamer himself behaved. If the pigeon was calm, the change will not be disturbing. They will not cause discomfort. If the bird behaved aggressively, and the dreamer tried to drive it out, changes will bring troubles, worries.

Several different interpretations

There are several other interpretations that the dream book talks about. The bird flew into the apartment and flew out of the window after flying? This is a good omen. This, most likely, speaks of some changes that still will not cause trouble for the dreamer. He will witness some action, but no more.

If the pigeon flew away on its own, this speaks of some news. For example, it could be a wedding invitation. Such events will not in any way affect the life of a person or his family members. But it is still worth waiting for some news.

If, at the sight of a bird, a person felt joy, this indicates a receipt of some kind of gift. A dream can also portend pleasant events or news. Perhaps it will be some kind of pleasant surprise. In any case, the dreamer will rejoice new information.

Dead bird

There are many interpretations of what pigeons dream about in a dream. However, many people react to this type of dream in different ways. Some may be intimidated if they have seen dream of the dead pigeon. This may indicate the need to change your lifestyle. Perhaps the person has taken on too much. He may not have the strength to complete what he started. Therefore, you need to get enough rest and properly distribute the load.

If a person killed a pigeon that flew towards him, this indicates that in real life he will cope with all the changes in life. If the bird was black, this could be a sign of recovery. If the pigeon is killed by someone else, others will help to cope with the situation that has arisen.

If a pigeon dies in the dreamer's arms, this indicates the onset of the disease. You need to be careful, do not overexert yourself. It is recommended to take a vacation and go on vacation. You can just spend the weekend with friends and family. This will restore strength.

To feed birds

It is necessary to take into account other details, trying to understand why the pigeon is dreaming. A feathered one flew into the apartment and asks for food? This speaks of the inner desire of a person to start new life... Don't be afraid of change. They are essential. If a person sees how he feeds a pigeon from his hand, this is an auspicious sign. All difficulties were left behind. A new period has begun, which will bring joy.

Also, feeding the bird from the hand means that there is a person nearby who will support the dreamer in joy and sorrow.

A person can dream about how he feeds pigeons with his relatives or friends. This speaks of reconciliation. Resentments, misunderstandings were left behind. Relationships with these people are improving.

Flock of pigeons

If a person sees a flock of pigeons, the dream is interpreted differently. Aesop's dream book gives a decoding of such a plot. Why If there are a lot of them, this may indicate difficulties in your personal life. Perhaps the person is confused about their feelings and emotions. You have to be honest with yourself.

Also, when such a plot appears in a dream, you need to monitor your words. Even if the situation aroused anger in the dreamer, he must control himself. Otherwise, careless words will disrupt your relationship with your loved one. It could end up breaking up.

If a lot of pigeons are circling over the house, this indicates happiness. Peace and prosperity reign in the house. This is a definite defense against all troubles. It is also considered a favorable sign if pigeons are circling over relatives or the dreamer himself. This suggests that the person and his family are respected in society.

Two doves

If two pigeons flew into the apartment, this is a harbinger of an imminent wedding or engagement. This is a celebration in which two people participate. If two doves are sitting on the window, soon a loved one will send some good news. It can also be an unexpected surprise.

If pigeons fight through the window, the news will be unexpected. It can even confuse the dreamer. Most often, this speaks of news in his personal life.

Some dream books interpret this image differently. If two pigeons fight through the window, this may portend some kind of news from relatives. Such news will be joyful. At the same time, good news can be unexpected, catch a person by surprise. But this is a good change.

Miller's dream book

If you hear the cooing of pigeons in a dream, Miller's dream book interprets this as news of replenishment in the family. Why does a dove dream of a woman who is not married? This is a sign that she will soon marry successfully. The union will be strong and harmonious.

A pigeon that has flown in, which sat next to a person, speaks of good luck in business. If the dreamer hunts a bird, he follows his goal no matter what, "goes over the head." If a girl had such a dream, it speaks of her desire to marry a rich man. This is a marriage of convenience.

If a bird pecked a person, this may indicate a spat with good friend... This is disappointment in a loved one. It is recommended that you keep your opinion to yourself. At this time, you should refrain from harsh statements. And not only about a person attractive to the dreamer, but, in general, about people.

Women's dream book

Girls love to decipher every dream. A pigeon flew into a woman's window? This may portend news from a distant friend. Perhaps the girl has not communicated with this person for many years.

If a pigeon coos, this is a sign of a happy family life... If a girl is not married, she will soon become a bride. The union will be successful. For a married woman, such a dream speaks of happiness in the family.

If in a dream a woman caught a dove with her hands, this indicates her tough character. She is too strict, maybe even unfair to others. If the girl caught the pigeon for a long time, but still caught it, this means that she will be able to achieve what she wants. However, her goals are low, unworthy. You need to think carefully, but is it necessary to achieve such a goal?

Velesov dream book

In this interpretation, a pigeon is considered an auspicious sign if it has flown into the house. This speaks of a successful marriage. There will be children in the house, and the married couple will live in harmony. However, another dream may also be dreamed. A dove in hand portends trouble due to its own evil thoughts and anger. This is a bad deed that you will have to answer for.

If a person just catches a pigeon in the room, this portends profit. If the girl dreamed that this bird flew into her house, then soon they would come to woo her. The wedding will be fast and the marriage will be happy.

If a person drives pigeons out of the house and sees them fly away, this indicates missed opportunities. It can also speak of separation from a loved one. This is a symbol of loss. To kill a pigeon is a big quarrel with a loved one, serious disagreements in the family.

Dream interpretation Hasse and esoteric interpretation

The dream book of the medium Hasse also gives certain interpretations of such a dream. If the pigeon sits on the roof, the news will be joyful. Feeding the birds is a good thing. The man did the right thing. In the future, he will be rewarded for such an act.

A dead dove foreshadows the loss of a friend. A bird flying through the window brings joy. If the doves kiss, the partner will show tenderness and care. The relationship will be gentle and enjoyable. If a person holds a roast pigeon in his hands, which is intended for eating, turbulent times await in the future. There may be serious financial difficulties.

The esoteric dream book also considers this image from its own point of view. It says that a white dove means that a person's hopes will come true. If there are many birds, the news will be good. Black pigeons in this dream book are interpreted as serious trials in life. A person must go through a difficult period, after which everything in life will work out again.

In any case, if in a dream a person experienced fear, negative emotions, you need to prepare for trials in the future. Events can be disturbing. However, a person must withstand all tests with honor. The dark period will soon be over. In most cases, pigeons symbolize joy and family happiness.

Other transcripts

There are other interpretations of such a dream. Dream Interpretation Grishina says that such a dream for lovers means mutual understanding. Even if people are now separated, the other half remains faithful in body and soul. If a person is busy with work, a pigeon may mean getting the desired position.

If you dreamed of a lonely dove on the cornice outside the window, this may indicate the impossibility of this moment get what you want. We need to wait for the situation to change for the better. The pigeon can sit quietly on the window. This speaks of prosperity and harmony in family life.

A bird in a cage indicates the constraint of the dreamer's actions. He is not sure about his soul mate. Sometimes this becomes a sign that the person who is nearby is deeply unhappy. Better to let him go so as not to ruin him.

Catching pigeons, according to Vanga's dream book, means an increase in your income. This is especially true for people who are in business. If the dream was seen by a young guy, he will be able to win the heart of his beloved. For a woman, this is a symbol of imminent marriage.

If a pigeon sat on its shoulder, this indicates the appearance of a friend in the life. If the bird sits on its head, it portends peace and tranquility, harmony with oneself.

You can choose the correct interpretation by considering what the pigeon is dreaming of. A feathered guest flew into the apartment or was caught with his hands ... Each image is unique. It should be interpreted on the basis of the details of the dream, as well as the sensations and emotions of a person at the sight of a pigeon.

In order to correctly decipher the dream of a pigeon, you need to wake up and remember all the details of the dream. It is also important what emotions you experienced while in the kingdom of Morpheus.

The meaning of a dream about pigeons according to different dream books

Night dreams about pigeons are interpreted in each dream book in its own way:

  1. American. Peace and liberation from the heavy burden of problems.
  2. English. Fortune will smile at you.
  3. Vangi. The dream symbolizes inner purity. Because of your kindness and responsiveness, people are drawn to you.
  4. Oriental. Peace and quiet in the house, the birth of children.
  5. Female. To an early marriage.
  6. Winters. Communication with an influential person who will lend a helping hand or give good advice.
  7. Italian. Something will surprise you a lot.
  8. Small Velesov. Good luck in business and good events.
  9. Miller. Peace in the family and the joy of having children.
  10. Russian. To meet an unpleasant person.
  11. Russian folk. The dream symbolizes love and trust in the family.
  12. Family. Your home is a full bowl.
  13. Modern. A joyful event will happen in life.
  14. Freud. You will start to be friends with a special person of the opposite sex. This person will show extremely friendly feelings. You will not mind going to another level in the relationship.
  15. Tsvetkova. The state of health will deteriorate.

Do you know that to see an abandoned dovecote in a dream is a sign that you are unable to solve the problems that have piled up on your own? You need to ask your friends for help.

To dream of a dove's nest with a clutch of eggs - to clarify the relationship with a partner. You demand a lot from each other, often quarrel over trifles

Interpretation of sleep depending on the sex of the dreamer

  1. A dream about a dove promises a girl a marriage proposal. Such information is given in a modern dream book. According to the esotericist Tsvetkov, happy marriage. By Ukrainian dream book, the dove in the dream symbolizes the groom.
  2. According to the Islamic dream book, a woman who sees a dove in her night dreams is a pious and devout nature. Gustave Miller believes that night vision promises the dreamer a happy family life.
  3. A pregnant pigeon seen in the kingdom of Morpheus portends a fun event. It can be a party with the best friends or a gift from a loved one. By gypsy dream book, a dream promises an acquaintance with an interesting person.
  4. For a man, a dream about a dove predicts good news. According to the white magician Longo, the dream marks a meeting with a friend whom you have not seen for a long time.
  5. For family people, a dream about pigeons prophesies receiving joy and pleasure. By modern dream book, you can earn a considerable amount.
  6. If a child dreamed of a bird, then he will win in an argument or competition.

Interesting to know! Letting birds out of the dovecote is a sign that any obstacles will be surmountable.

If you dreamed of a couple of pigeons building a nest, then it's time to discuss plans for the future with your loved one.

Bird size and number: large, small (chick), one, two or a whole flock

  1. If in the night dreams there was a dove big size then wait for the arrival of the long-awaited guests. You will have a great time and you will remember this meeting for many years.
  2. If the bird in the dream was an adult, but small in size, then wait for good news. According to the family dream book, relatives will come to visit you.
  3. Did you see a pigeon chick in a dream? So, expect financial well-being. Can offer new job or pay a premium. Night vision promises a big win for gamblers.
  4. One dove in the kingdom of Morpheus is a good omen. Dreams will definitely come true in the near future.
  5. Seeing a couple of pigeons in a dream is a good sign. The person you have loved for a long time will reciprocate.
  6. If you dreamed of a dove in the company of chicks, then the long-awaited peace and quiet will come in the house. The second half and children will delight with a good attitude.
  7. To see a flock of pigeons in a dream is a bad omen. According to the gypsy dream book, you will lose trust and love in a relationship. According to Gustave Miller, you will quarrel with an old friend and say too much to each other. After a while, you will make peace, but an unpleasant aftertaste will remain in your soul.

Interesting fact! For those in love, a dream in which pigeons coo and kiss promises happiness and harmony in relationships.

To see in a night vision a couple of pigeons soaring in the sky is a good sign. Relationship with a loved one is developing in the best way.

Why dream of a white, black, pink, gray, red or multi-colored pigeon

  1. Bird white- a symbol of innocence and purity. For a woman, a dream can predict pregnancy, and a young lady - a wedding.
  2. The black dove, according to Maria Fedorovskaya, is a messenger of death. V dream book XXI century it is written that despair and depression await you.
  3. If the plumage of the bird from the dream was pink, then cherished desire will come true. A vision may also indicate a romantic date.
  4. A gray dove in the kingdom of Morpheus is a sign of health problems. According to Grishina's dream book, you will find yourself in difficult situation and you will be powerless to change anything... You will clearly feel hopelessness, lose faith in yourself.
  5. A red bird in night dreams is an extraordinary symbol. On the one hand, the dream foreshadows a whirlwind romance, in which declarations of love will be replaced by loud scandals and a showdown on the basis of jealousy; on the other, receiving good news from relatives.
  6. A dream with the participation of a multi-colored pigeon marks a fun event to which you will be unexpectedly invited (or else you will get there by accident). You will have a great time and be able to make new influential acquaintances.

Interesting fact! If in a dream you turned out to be the owner of a dovecote, then your wishes will soon come true.

According to the gypsy dream book, letting go of a pigeon in night dreams means liberation from the burden of problems and the beginning of a new stage in life

Actions in a dream: what does it mean to see a pigeon from the side, see how a bird flew through a window, catch, feed with bread, etc.

See in a dream pigeons on the roof of your own house - to receive good news.

If in a dream a bird made a nest on the balcony, then changes will come in life. The main thing is to accept them with joy.

Other dreams: dreamed of a wounded or killed bird with a broken wing

Did you see a wounded bird in a dream? Some of your relatives will need your help. According to Miller's dream book, a black streak will come in life.

If the bird's wing was broken, because of which it could not fly away, then you will find yourself in an unpleasant story and will not be able to change anything. We'll have to come to terms and accept everything as it is. If a pigeon from night dreams had problems with its paw, it limped and moved with difficulty, then to achieve what you want you will have to work wonderfully.

A sick bird seen in the kingdom of Morpheus promises serious trouble. It can be a quarrel with an influential person, illness, intrigues of enemies.

A dream in which a cat was hunting pigeons warns that intrigues are lurking behind their backs.

The dream in which you saw a shot pigeon predicts a sudden death loved one.

A dead dove in night vision predicts loneliness and separation from a loved one. According to Vanga's dream book, misfortunes await you.

Dreams about pigeons promise us different events. This can be a marriage proposal, the birth of a child or the death of a loved one. It is important to believe in the best, and then your dreams will definitely come true.

The article on the topic: "a dream book a pigeon flew into the room" - provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Why is the dove dreaming? For the correct interpretation of the dream in which the dove was seen, however, as for all other dreams, it is very important immediately after waking up, to remember everything before the smallest details... WITH special attention you need to relate to how the dream ended. Also, a person's mood after sleep, his state of health is of great importance. The main meaning of dreams in which people see pigeons is peace, spiritual balance. But for an accurate interpretation, you need to use a dream book.

Feather color

The delicate white plumage seen in a dream symbolizes innocence and purity. If a woman had such a dream, then very soon she can become a mother. And for a maiden of marriageable age, such a dream is a sign that she is about to get married.

The fortuneteller Grishina explains that a dove with black feathers can bring troubles and misfortunes.

The bird flew through the window

What is the dream of a dove that flew through the window into the house? On the one hand, this is the news that guests will be arriving soon. This visit will be joyful and enjoyable. On the other hand, the same dream may be an unkind omen. If you experienced anxious feelings during sleep, then in reality you will learn unpleasant information about your family members.

Aesop interprets such a dream as a change in the dreamer's near future. If the pigeon behaved calmly, then the upcoming innovations will not bring discomfort and problems to the person. But if the bird is ruffled or tried to peck at others, then it will be difficult and troublesome to adapt to new life circumstances.

A dream in which a pigeon, having flown into the room, circled and flew out the window, also hints at a change. But whatever happens around, in the dreamer's house everything will go on as usual, in a familiar rhythm that does not violate traditions and foundations.

Do you remember how happy you were when you saw a dove flying towards you in a dream? In this case, expect a pleasant surprise or gift.

Dead bird

A dreamed dead dove should make you think about your own health. According to the modern dream book, such a plot is interpreted as the need to make changes to the regime, to the diet. It's time to resolutely give up bad habits!

Dreams in which you have to kill a pigeon are also associated with health. If the dreamer takes the life of a bird with black plumage, then he will certainly recover, even if the disease is neglected and serious. Watching someone from your acquaintances kill a pigeon means that close people will help a person in difficult moments of his life, and everything will end well.

Why can a dying bird dream? This is a bad sign. It may happen that you are progressing, but so far without obvious symptoms, serious illness... In order not to start the disease, first, make an appointment with your doctor. Second, consider if you are working too hard. Working tirelessly, you deprive yourself of many joys in life. Stop: you won’t earn all the money! ”Aesop believed that a dreaming sick bird that was about to fold its wings forever portends a deterioration in the dreamer's health. But if the dove recovers, then everything will go well for the sleeping person. He will not get sick, all troubles and conflicts will remain aloof from him and his family.

Feed the pigeons

Feed the birds in a dream, by the end of a difficult period. The black bar will be left behind. Especially if the bird pecks crumbs from the palm. This indicates that next to the person who was watching the dream, there is a soul mate, devoted and sincere, ready to share with him both victories and defeats. The dream in which you feed the birds with relatives is almost also interpreted. You will make peace with them, or avoid disagreements and disputes.

Flock of birds

The interpretation of the dream, into which a whole flock of doves "flew", according to Aesop, speaks of how easy it is to destroy close relationships. To avoid this, you need to control your behavior, be delicate. You can't give vent to emotions. In a fit of anger, it is easy to say too much and undeservedly insult a dear person.

But to notice in a dream a flock of pigeons circling over the roof is excellent. Dream Interpretation of the Seasons deciphers this event as an omen of prosperity, reliability. It was great to admire two doves during a dream - in reality it was time to prepare for a wedding celebration. And if a couple of birds coo at the window, you can expect news from relatives or pleasant surprises. Bad news portends doves, anxiously beating out the window. But if the birds only tap their beaks on the glass, then according to the modern dream book, such a dream promises good messages from loved ones.

Interpretations of famous predictors

If in a dream you hear birds cooing, then according to Miller's predictions, expect replenishment in the family. The baby who will be born will delight the parents and add harmony to their relationship. unmarried girl? This means that she can think about a wedding dress - very soon she will marry a great guy.

To notice in a dream a dove that sank not far from you means that luck and luck in all endeavors are also close now in reality. Don't miss your bird of happiness! What can a pigeon hunt in a dream predict? Miller attributes this to the presence of exceptional business qualities. However, a dreamer who has a similar gift needs to think: does his end always justify the means? Doesn't he sacrifice too much for the sake of her achievement?

When a bird pecks at you in a dream, then get ready to lose a friend in reality. Your relationship will deteriorate noticeably. And all because you will experience deep disappointment in this person. This can be avoided if you remember that the word is not a sparrow. Try not to speak harshly and critically about absent persons in the presence of your acquaintances.

According to Freud, a dreaming dove symbolizes your secret desire to have a closer intimate relationship with a certain person. But don't waste your time because he (or she) treats you like a friend without even thinking about romance. All your attempts to change the nature of the relationship are doomed to failure, and moreover, there is a risk of losing a friend. However, if you do not force events, then everything is very possible in the future ...

A rare trust and understanding is what symbolizes a dream in which you calmly hold a dove in your palms. The fortuneteller Grishina believes that if in reality a dreamer is separated from his beloved person, then such a dream is proof of his loyalty. He is waiting for you and loves you.

In other cases, such a plot precedes the long-awaited appointment to a new position with an increase in salary. The interpretation of the dream that a pigeon has flown into your house and behaves peacefully, simple and clear, exactly the same situation will develop in your family. Everything will be all right.

A bird languishing in a cage can be dreamed of by a person who actually feels constrained hand and foot by some obligations. Most likely, this is a marriage bond that has turned into shackles. You need to think: is it worth torturing yourself or your half with such a relationship? Isn't it wiser to talk frankly and part with friends? At least, such advice is given by a universal dream book. The predictor Vanga explained that catching a bird in a dream means for a business person the implementation of all his business projects with excellent profit. And for a young man, the same dream promises success in courting a girl he likes. She will reciprocate.

The lady who had such a dream got a chance to build a serious relationship with the man who interested her. This is a sign - fate will send an amazing companion who will become the one who had a dream, an invaluable teacher, a friend, dedicated to all the secrets.

If in a dream the bird sat on its head, then the dreamer will be fine.

Dove in a dream: what will it bring in real life?

A dove is not just a bird. It is a symbol found in heraldry, religion and art. Dove of peace, doves as a symbol of lovers - in general, this bird familiar to everyone is mentioned everywhere. But what if she appeared to you in a dream? On this page you will find out what a dove in a dream can mean according to the interpretations of the most famous dream books the world.

Different meanings of vision

According to this psychologist, a pigeon is a good sign. He will bring you happiness to the family, young girls can dream about the wedding... If you saw a bird flying in the sky, you will receive news from a friend who is very far away.

In general, this dream book considers a pigeon the personification of the purity of the soul, inner harmony with oneself and the world... But nevertheless, this book of dreams warns: it is imperative to remember all the details of the dream - its meaning may depend on this.

Had a dream about a pigeon, try to remember what color the feathers of the bird were. White - it is a symbol of purification, purity and completely bright and sincere feelings... Most often, the white dove foreshadows the dreamer finding happy and sincere love. For girls and women, such a dream prophesies a special event, namely, an early opportunity to become a happy mother.

The black bird is considered a negative sign. Such a dream promises a person problems, troubles and troubles.

If you dreamed of a couple of pigeons, then the dream portends a quick wedding to the dreamer... She will be solemn, joyful and out of love. Two doves are sitting on your windowsill - soon you will receive pleasant news, a letter or even a surprise from your half.

If the dove sat on the dreamer's hand, this is a completely clear message from above - his connection with a loved one is incredibly strong and full of trust, understanding and sincerity... Are you not around now? Such a vision clearly says that your love is true to you both in body and soul.

The dove sits in your house - a symbol of your prosperity, peace and love... Your financial situation will be in perfect order, and comfort, love and happiness will reign in your family.

A dove locked in a cage - a symbol of the dreamer's internal problems... Having seen such a dream, look into your soul. Perhaps you are too timid and clumsy in your relationship with your partner. Sometimes such a dream tells you that your partner is unhappy with you. Maybe you should understand it and let it go?

Trying to catch a pigeon - such a dream is considered a very good sign... It portends the dreamer an increase in income and the making of profitable deals. It is especially good if the bird has been safely caught. If such a dream is dreamed young man, soon the girl to whom he is not indifferent will reciprocate. If a woman sees such a dream, in the near future she will have a relationship and further marriage with her beloved man.

Doctor Freud considered the dove a symbol of the dreamer's warm and sincere relationship with his soul mate... However, in this case, a purely platonic relationship is not enough for you, and you wish intimate connection... Your soul mate, on the other hand, is in no hurry to enter into intimacy.

In this case, this book of dreams gives clear advice - if you do not want this relationship to end, just be patient... Everything has its time.

Bird on the shoulder - your dear person will be seriously ill... The dove is on your table - the disease awaits you yourself. Sat on the branch of a tree - you stayed too long in the city, you should relax in nature. It is also worth remembering when the dream about the dove was revealed to you: on Tuesday night - the business in which you have invested so much effort will fail; on Wednesday - you can easily overcome all the troubles and get rid of all the problems.

The famous author of ancient fables devoted many pages of his dream book to the theme of dreams about pigeons. In general, Aesop considered the dove a symbol of peace, trust, understanding and love.... Still, it's worth remembering the details. Dove and little pigeons - very soon harmony and understanding will reign in your family. A pigeon carries something in its paws or beak - in the near future you will receive pleasant news from a friend whom you have not seen for a very long time.

The pigeon drinks water - a good change awaits you. All problems will be solved by themselves, so do not feel sorry for yourself and see yourself as the most unhappy person in the world. The dove tried to drink water, but drowned in it - you will recklessly take on too difficult a task, and in the end you will be defeated.

Dovecote in your house - in reality you are unhappy with your financial situation. Tying a letter to a pigeon to send it as a postman - a harbinger of good news, which will simultaneously delight and surprise the dreamer. Being in the dovecote yourself is an omen of tremendous luck for the dreamer, and in the material sense. Perhaps this one will be a rich inheritance or big win in a casino or lottery.

In this ancient Slavic dream book, the interpretation of the dream about pigeons depends on the details. Dove at home - good luck, health, fast wedding, the appearance of children (for spouses)... A flock of pigeons on the street - good news. The dove pecked you - to losses. Catching a bird - making good guests / getting great wealth... Catching a pigeon tightly is marriage with a loved one.

The bird will break free and fly away - separation and death of loved ones... Take pigeons from the nest - soon you will have guests. To kill a bird - you will have a strong quarrel with your friend.

If he flew into the apartment

Dreams in which a bird flies into your house or knocks on your window, best books dreams are interpreted quite definitely. A dove that has flown through an open window - soon respected and loved people will come to your house. You will be truly delighted with such guests.

If at the same time you experienced anxiety in a dream, such a vision may have and bad valuereceiving disturbing news that will be related to your family.

Sometimes a dream of such content prophesies to the dreamer a change in life. Much in this case depends on the details:

  • The dove in the house behaved meekly- the changes will be good, and will not bring discomfort.
  • The bird was restless and aggressive- they will unsettle you and bring a lot of troubles and problems.
  • A pigeon flew into your home, but then flew back- changes are destined to happen, but they will in no way affect either the dreamer or his loved ones.
  • The dove flies into the room, and at the same time you experience joy and triumph- soon you will receive a pleasant surprise or gift.

A dove knocking on your window is an exceptionally good sign - he portends you to receive joyful and pleasant news associated with your loved ones and friends.

Feed the bird, hold it in your hands

Feeding pigeons in a dream is an important message from above, which should be understood as a harbinger of entering a new stage in life. The black streak will soon end, and the streak of luck and happiness will come. It is especially good if the dreamer did it from his hand - this is a symbol of the fact that there is a person in his life who will always be with him in sorrow and in joy.

To feed the birds with loved ones - a message that all quarrels between you will forever be left behind... Holding a dove in your hands is a very good sign, which means the following: absolute mutual understanding and love have developed between the dreamer and his loved ones (especially the second half). If you are not together now, a dream about a dove in your hands says: do not worry, your love is so true to you that you cannot even imagine.

Why dream of a wounded, sick, dead person?

A wounded dove seen in a dream is interpreted quite definitely - your close friend or loved one does not have enough communication with you. You should pay more attention to them, otherwise friendships and relationships may end forever.

Sick bird symbolizes the dreamer's disregard for own health ... If in the near future a person does not change his lifestyle, he will soon have to spend a lot on his own treatment.

Dead dove - having seen such a dream, remember what the bird was:

  • With light plumage- illness and the collapse of bright hopes for the future await you.
  • With the darkgood health and happiness, your problems will come to an end.

Pigeon droppings

Excrement is generally considered a very good sign of wealth. Pigeon droppings are no exception. If you had such a dream, rejoice - you will have a good monetary profit, as well as honor and respect.

Especially good if pigeon feces were on your head - this indicates that all the benefits will literally fall on your head.

As you can understand, the appearance of a dove in a dream almost always has a good meaning. Of course, this is not without exceptions: in order to accurately understand the meaning of the vision revealed to you, coordinate it with the best dream books in the world, and luck will be on your side.

House of dreams

what does every dream mean

Why dream of a dove that flew into a house

Dream Interpretation flew Dove

Why is the Dove flying in a dream from a dream book in a dream?

A dream about a pigeon flying through the window foreshadows the appearance of distinguished guests in the house. Perhaps distant relatives, whom you will be glad to see, will visit you.

You will be able to have a good time, learn a lot of interesting news. Such a pastime will benefit you, you can relax and unwind.

Where did the dove flew in a dream?

Dreaming of a dove flying through the window

A pigeon flew through the window in a dream - you have to find out disturbing news concerning one of the family members. Do not exaggerate, in fact, everything is not as bad as it seems.

What is the dream of a dove that flew into an apartment

What is the dream of a dove that flew into an apartment? A dream portends news from afar. Chances are, get news from a longtime friend. It will also soon be possible to solve annoying problems.

I dreamed that a dove flew into the house

I dreamed of how a pigeon flew into the house - life will undergo serious changes. It is important to pay attention to the details of the dream. The dove was calm - the coming changes will not be abrupt. If he was aggressive, then life will bring surprises.

Dream interpretation Pigeons

Why do pigeons dream in a dream from a dream book?

Doves in a dream symbolize peace and harmony in family relationships, the joy of having children. This is a sign of chastity, innocence, the manifestation of mutual feelings. Prits flying in the sky indicate the absence of misunderstandings in life.

Dove chicks foreshadow peace, peace, the establishment of harmony in the family. Dovecote promises the emergence of multiple problems. If it is abandoned, you are unable to cope with difficulties due to ignorance of the true state of affairs.

What color did you dream about? What pigeon did you dream about? Where were the pigeons in your dream? How many pigeons did you dream about? What did the dove do in a dream? What did you do with the dove in your dream?

What color did you dream about?

Seeing a gray dove in a dream

Dreamed gray dove- in reality you are sorely lacking rest. Constant stress can affect your health, so this issue must be taken seriously. It is worth diversifying your daily routine and spending more time on your well-being.

Dreamed of a multi-colored dove

The dream interpretation considers a multi-colored dove as a positive dream for a woman. Meet a new friend worthy to take the place of the chosen one in the future.

What pigeon did you dream about?

Sick pigeon dreaming

A sick pigeon is interpreted by Felomena's dream book as a bad sign. If the bird has recovered, you will be able to cope with the family quarrels and troubles that have arisen. Full mutual understanding and harmony will be established in the family.

Seeing a big dove in a dream

A big dove is dreaming - there are serious events to go through that can unsettle you for a long time. Some of them will be so unusual as to cause confusion.

I dreamed of a cooing dove

A dream about a cooing pigeon symbolizes a manifestation of loyalty and devotion towards a partner. A dove cooing on the window portends a quick meeting with an old friend.

A frozen dove is dreaming

Seeing a frozen dove in a dream - to the appearance of a new acquaintance. The upcoming meeting will have a positive impact on your life. It is possible that you will meet your love.

Where were the pigeons in your dream?

Dove dreaming in an apartment

The dream interpretation considers a pigeon in an apartment as an auspicious sign, especially if it flew through it and flew out unhindered. This plot means that the upcoming changes will not affect either the dreamer or his loved ones.

Dreamed of a dove in the house

The dove in the house dreams of family and material well-being, prosperity. Neither at work nor at home there will be a tense atmosphere and conflicts. Harmony will reign in relationships with others.

Seeing a dove in a cage in a dream

The dream of a pigeon in a cage symbolizes the stiffness, insecurity experienced by the sleeping person in the company of his soul mate. A dream may indicate that the person next to you is unhappy. Let her go, otherwise you will just ruin her.

Dreaming of a dove on the shoulder

A dove sits on a shoulder in a dream - to the appearance of a person who can become not only a friend, but also a close-hearted companion who can be entrusted with any secret. His devotion will be immeasurable.

How many pigeons did you dream about?

I dreamed of a flock of pigeons

A flock of pigeons is dreaming - meet old friends. The dream is a symbol of financial well-being, manifested in the receipt of a monetary reward, a raise in salary, or an unexpected inheritance.

What did the dove do in a dream?

Dove knocked on the window in a dream

The dream interpretation considers the knocking of a dove on the window as a letter or news from a distant friend. Whatever he says, the news from him will be a pleasant surprise for you.

I dreamed that a pigeon was biting

Dreaming that a pigeon bites is a bad sign. Break up with a friend or big buddy. The dove has pecked you - you will be disappointed in someone you believed in and on whom you pinned your hopes.

Dreams that the dove sat on its head

A dream in which a dove sat on its head is a symbol of harmony and peace of mind... Before you is a peaceful and carefree period of life that will last long enough.

Dove shit in a dream

Dove shit in a dream - you should pull yourself together and fight absent-mindedness, otherwise there will be more and more problems in life. It is carelessness that is the cause of current failures.

What did you do with the dove in your dream?

Catch a pigeon in a dream

Catching a pigeon in a dream means being too harsh towards others. We caught a pigeon for a long time and still managed to do it - think before deciding on something, perhaps your actions can damage your authority.

How are other dream books interpreted?

Dream interpretation dove flew

Why does the dream dove flew in a dream

The dream interpretation interprets a dream in which a dove flew into your window as a harbinger of joyful events, success in business and fun with your family.

For a young woman, such a dream usually precedes a meeting with a loved one who will propose to her. And for a lonely man, such a dream is a hint of the secret feelings of a familiar girl.

In any case, after such a dream, you should look around you and understand how important you are to loved ones.

In rare cases, dead birds may dream, flying as if alive. After such dreams, try not to face enemies and ill-wishers - your life is in serious danger.

The dove flew home

Dream interpretation Dove flew home dreamed why the dove flew home in a dream? To select the interpretation of the dream, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation of dreams with a letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Dove flew home by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Dove

Dream interpretation - Dove

Dream interpretation - Dove

Dream interpretation - Dove

Dream interpretation - Dove

Dream interpretation - Dove

The dove is a symbol of peace, love and trust. People associate the best with this bird: hopes for peace and harmony, good news and, of course, love, because it is no coincidence that lovers of all countries understand without words what the two doves sitting next to each other mean. For a long time, people taught and used pigeons as postmen, and therefore even now, having seen a pigeon near our window, we ask him about the news he brought.

Dream interpretation - Pigeons

a pigeon is a beloved woman. Whoever sees in a dream that he has caught many pigeons will receive financial assistance from noble people. Whoever sees a dove in his house or in the yard, and if the one who saw him is single, then he will marry a beautiful, loving and friendly girl. The dove is also good news for someone who is in trouble or has a missing relative. And whoever sees that he has thrown a dove will have property and female children from his wife. Whoever sees that he is feeding the pigeon will instruct and teach the woman phrases and speech. The cooing of a dove is a type of an educated, devout, and godly woman. If in a dream the pigeon flew away and did not return, then this is to divorce or death of the wife. Catching one dove in a dream is a sign of great love and quick marriage.

Dream interpretation - Dove

Dream interpretation - Dove

Seeing him in a dream is a sign of prosperity, a happy marriage and getting a lot of money.

Dream interpretation - Dove

Doves flew through the window

Dream interpretation Pigeons flew through the window dreamed why in a dream Doves flew through the window? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Doves flew through the window by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Window

To look out the window - peace, peace, a safe situation.

Dream interpretation - Dove

A dove in a dream symbolizes receiving good news, peace, bliss of pleasure, wealth and success in business. For lovers, such a dream predicts fidelity. If your lover is going on a long trip, then after such a dream you must believe that he will return to you, and his trip will be profitable. Married dream about pigeons predicts the loyalty of the spouses. For businessmen, a dream about pigeons promises an increase in fortune. Seeing him flying in a dream is a sign of receiving good news of success. Seeing a dove in the sky is a sign of consolation in love. Cooing pigeons in a dream promise happiness to lovers and a happy marriage for married people. Hand-feeding pigeons in a dream is a sign of great changes in life, recognition and honor. Sometimes such a dream indicates a great attachment to you of some person. If in a dream you are trying to close a pigeon in a closet or cupboard, and it falls out of there, then your hopes for a happy marriage with your lover will not come true. A mother's dream about a dove predicts receiving news from her beloved child. Catching pigeons in a dream is a loss; to kill - to separation or death of a close friend. Pigeons flying over your house, sitting by a window or on a roof, portend receiving news from loved ones. To see two kissing doves in a dream is a sign of your lover's devotion, reciprocity, affection. Seeing a turtle dove in a dream is a sign of tender affection for men and good news for women.

Dream interpretation - Window

In the subconscious of a person, a window is associated with the exit or the beginning of something. In some cases, a window appears in a dream as a last chance or hope. The birth and death of a person are associated with this symbol. Folk omen says that a bird beating through the window carries with it the death of the owner of the house.

Dream interpretation - Dove

To dream of pigeons flying around the apartment is to family joys. Doves on the roof - good news, in the sky - you will be happy. To see a dove with a dove is for a wedding, to see them kissing is to be kindly. To feed the pigeons is to do a good deed. Letting pigeons out of your hands means separation. Catching pigeons is to survive the loss.

Dream interpretation - Windows

See in a dream closed windows- achieve your goal in a roundabout way and not always in honest ways. Opened windows indicate that you will soon receive an invitation to the house where you have long wanted to go. An open window in the window foreshadows an unexpected danger that cannot be avoided.

Dream interpretation - Dove

Seeing a dove on your window is good news from afar. If you dreamed of a pair of gently cooing pigeons, the dream portends a happy marriage and an addition to the family. A lot of pigeons flocked to one place - friends will help you out in any life situation. Cooing pigeons - you will find support in the face of a person who is very close to you; flying pigeons - long-awaited news that will strengthen your hopes. Seeing a pigeon with chicks is a quick addition to your family.

Dream interpretation - Window

The window is usually seen as a harbinger of the end of bright hopes. No matter how your wonderful enterprise collapses! At the very least, be prepared for the fact that your endeavors will not bear the expected results.

Dream interpretation - Dove

To see flying pigeons - you have to communicate with an influential person, promising you new connections and acquaintances.

Dream interpretation - Dove

Doves are something associated with a woman and love / kisses, joy, someone's loyalty.

Dream interpretation - Window

Looking out the window in a dream is peace, peace.

Dove flew into the house

Dream interpretation - Dove

Seeing pigeons in a dream and hearing their cooing means peace in the family and the joy of childbirth. For a girl, such a dream promises a quick and joyful marriage.

Dream interpretation - Pigeons

Happiness and good luck await the one who dreamed of pigeons. This dream promises respect and love of friends, peace and prosperity in the house. You will find great happiness in love. But if in a dream you heard the crying of a turtle dove, trouble will not keep itself waiting long. This dream foreshadows the death of a friend. A shot pigeon can also mean someone's premature death. For a lover, a dream about a dove bestows passionate mutual love, marriage with the chosen one and happiness with her for many years. If in a dream you admire doves high in the sky, wait for important news that will change a lot for the better in your life.

Dream interpretation - Dove

The dove is a symbol of peace, tranquility and family well-being. Seeing pigeons in a dream or hearing them cooing promises joy and happiness. For a girl, such a dream portends a happy marriage.

Dream interpretation - Dove

The dove is a symbol of peace in the family and the joy of childbirth. If a girl sees a dove in a dream and hears its cooing, a happy marriage awaits her. Seeing flying pigeons in a dream - to a successful solution to your problem or to news from distant friends. A dead dove in a dream portends misfortune.

Dream interpretation - Blue color

Auspicious sign, foreshadowing good luck in all matters. Today is a good day for any undertakings.

Dream interpretation - Dove

Seeing pigeons in a dream and hearing them cooing means peace in the family and the joy of childbirth. For a girl, such a dream promises a quick and joyful marriage.

Dream interpretation - Dove

This is a sign of home comfort and family happiness.

Dream interpretation - Blue light or color

A symbol of protection from evil, warning against wrong actions.

Dream interpretation - Dove

It is also a symbol of the soul.

Dream interpretation - Dove

Wild dove - fidelity in love, family happiness.

Dove flew

Dream interpretation - Seven blue moons

Changes are ripe in the dreamer's family. The old ideal image of a man is losing ground under the pressure of a new image. The dreamer is preparing to look for a new ideal of a man, so that it does not mean for her (most likely “the end of the world”). Before it's too late, you should pay attention to family problems and solve them together with your husband. After all, women also have a midlife crisis. Best regards, Desdichado PS: Vivid dreams indicate the seriousness of the problems that concern the dreamer.

Dream interpretation - Sitting in a boat on the blue sea

Your desire for perfect harmony and maintaining a delicate balance in everything is so strong that you are afraid of too vivid emotions, avoid conflicts and disagreements. Sociability and friendliness brings you closer to the most by different people You enjoy bringing them together, understanding and caring. You know how to give everyone a sense of calmness, peace of mind and instill value in his personality, despite the fact that you yourself all the time suffer from indecision and dissatisfaction.

Dream interpretation - Balcony loggia of blue color

A dream that irresponsibility is possible in your behavior, shifting your affairs to others, slipping into the world of your dreams, a complete refusal to accept reality;

Dream interpretation - White dove

Sleep can mean different things, the context is important here (those events in real life and your state at the time of sleep, more precisely before going to bed). It can mean some kind of news, and in particular from your subconscious mind. That it is worth thinking about your purpose in life. Also, a pigeon can dream if it wants to return / go home (home means not only the place where you were born and your parents live, but also the place where you relax with your soul). Judging by the fact that in the dream you were still in the house and sat on the bed. This is just what ( home comfort, peace and tranquility, reminiscent of or creates a feeling of your home), which you are unconsciously striving for at the moment. Good luck!

Dream interpretation - Crows, pigeons

The dream reflects your recent impressions, reflections on pairing, marriage, love. It seems to you that the basis of marriage is a kind of interdependence between people, their lack of freedom. Moreover, crows are a reflection of a later age, maturity, wisdom, pigeons are something more romantic, youthful, early. But the essence is there, and there is the same - "engagement", interdependence. It scares you a little, trying on yourself

Dream interpretation - Crows, pigeons

To acquire Strength (crows) and peace, harmony (doves), you need to show humility and understanding (number 2). Obedience in your understanding scares you. But if you rush into battle recklessly, then what kind of understanding can we talk about? Good luck.

Dream interpretation - Taz with a huge fish and a dove

It seems that soon you will receive the news about the pregnancy of one of your blood relatives or yourself.

Dream interpretation - dead pigeons

Hello! Doves are a symbol of the Holy Spirit! It's a sign! I hope you understand what this means. The duck is a symbol of your second chakra - Svadhisthana. Sexual desires, sensual everyday emotions, innate vital energy. Don't waste your innate vital energy for sexual games. It is limited. The Lord God YHWE tells us in the 10 Commandments: “Do not commit adultery”. Find the one who will become your betrothed, if you, of course, think this is right. For every person is given free will. Not only in the flesh. And desire-thoughts also consume this energy. And you have been given more, you served the Highest in this dream! You, in your way, are an extraordinary person, but at the same time, a simple woman, experienced in her life. Think for yourself, decide for yourself, but do not do the stupid things of boredom and depression. You're a winner! Save Khristos!

In your everyday life, ordinary situations, perhaps you will see something beautiful, unusual, which will change your life towards harmony. (Maybe just the attitude will change to something, but life will change) I think so.

Dream Interpretation - Many birds, mostly black pigeons. Shoot with a gun

Black pigeons - sadness in the heart .. Shooting - as attempts to get rid of this sadness

Why do pigeons dream?

Oleg Shishkin

If in a dream a pigeon flew into the house, then such a dream may portend serious changes in your life. In a dream also important elements interpretations are the actions of the dove - for example, if the dove behaved rather calmly in a dream, then this may indicate a moderate nature of future changes. So, if a pigeon in a dream showed aggressive behavior, then such a dream predicts lightning-fast changes for you.

Ninel Ulrich

To see pigeons in your home is a family joy.

Constantine t

For a girl, such a dream promises a quick and joyful marriage.

A dove in a dream symbolizes receiving good news, peace, bliss of pleasure, wealth and success in business.

For lovers, such a dream predicts fidelity. If your lover is going on a long trip, then after such a dream you must believe that he will return to you, and his trip will be profitable.

For married couples, the dream of pigeons predicts the loyalty of the spouses.

For businessmen, a dream about pigeons promises an increase in fortune.

Seeing him flying in a dream is a sign of receiving good news of success.

Seeing a dove in the sky is a sign of consolation in love.

Cooing pigeons in a dream promise happiness to lovers and a happy marriage for married people.

Hand-feeding pigeons in a dream is a sign of great changes in life, recognition and honor. Sometimes such a dream indicates a great attachment to you of some person.

If in a dream you are trying to close a dove in a closet or cupboard, and it falls out of there, then your hopes of a happy marriage with your lover will not come true.

A mother's dream about a dove predicts receiving news from her beloved child.

Catching pigeons in a dream is a loss; to kill - to separation or death of a close friend.

Doves flying over your house, sitting by a window or on a roof, portend receiving news from loved ones.

To see two kissing doves in a dream is a sign of your lover's devotion, reciprocity, affection.

Seeing a turtle dove in a dream is a sign of tender affection for men and good news for women.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family dream book